Baksheesh for a Persian 4. For what and how to pay a tip (baksheesh) in Egypt. Good service for a pleasant stay

baksheesh, swag, bribe, bribery

Alternative descriptions

Reward, pay, bribe

. (obsolete) reward, payment

. "Accelerator" of bureaucratic work

. "accelerator" of the bureaucrat's work

Feminine profiteer

Vereshchagin does not take

Bribe (obsolete)

A bribe is not for Vereshchagin

Bribe the old fashioned way


Gift as a lubricant for the right people

Give on paw

G. reward or retribution, payment, remuneration, retribution; profit, profit, self-interest, prey. Not for profit, but for the truth. Retribution is not good. Every labor is worthy of its reward. Mezdny, related to vengeance. Mezdnik m. mercenary, hired worker, paid worker. in complex words, the bribe changes into the bribe, and is often attached in a bad meaning. bribery, corruption. bribe, bribe, reward; punish and reward according to merit. - giving, action is. The bribe giver, the giver, the payer, the giver, the nat, the rewarder, the payer for the work, according to merit. To bribe, or - to impress, - to borrow, to take gifts, offerings, bribes; be a sales person. our land is bribed, according to custom. -imania, -property cf. collection of gifts, bribery, bribery. bribery, bribery, bribery, pertaining to bribery. Bribery m.-imka w. a corrupt soul, a bribe taker or a taker, who takes bribes, extortions, offerings, creates judgment out of self-interest. Mercy cf. strong disposition to bribery. The greedy, the greedy, the hunter for requisitions

Reward (obsolete)

Reward, pay (obsolete)

Reward, pay (obsolete)

An offensive handout to Vereshchagin

Pay (outdated)

Pay, reward (obsolete)

Bribery of an official

Lube for a corrupt official

What Vereshchagin did not take

What Vereshchagin did not take

What the customs officer Vereshchagin did not take, he was offended for the state

Vereshchagin does not take her

The fact that the customs officer Vereshchagin did not take, he was offended for the state!

. "Accelerator" of bureaucratic work

. "accelerator" of the bureaucrat's work

With Egyptian bartenders and waiters. Tipping in Egypt is the key to better service.

Do you know what tips are called in Egypt? Baksheesh! This word is easy to remember, as it is heard almost everywhere from the attendants in local restaurants and cafes. Sometimes waiters in Egypt show open impudence, so you should not respond to their demands for all visitors in a row.

Baksheesh in Egypt is asked for anything. The easiest way to tip is with coins, for example, 1 pound is enough, or with a paper 5-pound bill. For one hour of work, the standard payment is 2 Egyptian pounds, but you can give more money or not pay at all, baksheesh in Egypt is not established by any documents. Tourists who did not have time to exchange their money for a small Egyptian bill usually leave euros or dollars for tea. Baksheesh in this currency is accepted willingly, but each driver and merchant can set their own rate, which can most likely be much higher than in ordinary exchange offices. The standard price is only indicated on the tour, it is usually indicated in advance in US dollars.

Many travelers think that they will only get a good hotel room if they pay the staff. In principle, this is practiced in Egypt, but this does not mean that if you do not pay, you will be settled in the worst room, if you do not pay baksheesh. At the reception, do not pay anything in advance, first look at the number they give you. A special person (boy) will take you to the room for inspection. If it turns out to be too small, dark, dirty, not corresponding to the one stated in the ticket, then inform the escort about this so that you can change the number.

Discussing staff in the presence of other people is not desirable. After they find a good room for you, give a tip of no more than 10-20 pounds. If none of the rooms offered by the fight suits you, then return to the hotel administrator and negotiate with him personally. You can pay him the same as the guide. And do not give baksheesh until you see the final housing option in person.

In Egyptian restaurants and bars, 10% tips are paid, that is, they take 10% of the bill. The maids who clean your room are given tips every other day or every day for 1-2 pounds. Put the money in a visible place before going on an excursion or on the beach for the maid to take it for herself. If you are in Egypt for a long time and have chosen one cafe or restaurant for yourself, but every other time you pay the waiter a tip of about $ 1, then he will keep your table clean and serve you better. The same can be done in beach bars. At the end of the trip, if you liked the attitude and service of the staff, you can leave 5-20 pounds. Perhaps on your next vacation, the waiter will remember you, and you will be guaranteed a good attitude!

Children who offer their help everywhere in Egypt usually receive 25 Egyptian piastres from tourists - this is the smallest Egyptian coin. It is unlikely to be found in tourist supermarkets, but it "walks" in small shops and shops.

Remember the main thing - a tip is not an obligation! You can't tip arrogant and lazy staff. Just politely refuse the person without being rude. To establish good contact with the staff, money will not always help. It is worthwhile to respectfully address a person, smile, thank you warmly, treat him with a cigarette.

In some hotels and restaurants in Egypt, baksheesh is not welcomed by management, so do not show your gratitude openly. Put the money under a napkin in a restaurant or give it to the waiter with a farewell handshake. To tip the porter, prepare the money in advance, as he usually leaves immediately after the work is done. The cleaner, if he has not received his baksheesh, may come back and ask you if you need anything else, toilet paper there or bath accessories. Such questions are a clear hint at the desire to receive a tip. Of course, you may not give money, but this is uncivilized. Enough and 1 pound, although it will not affect, most likely, the quality of cleaning and service.

Good service for a pleasant stay

In cafes, restaurants in Egypt, pay attention to the cleanliness of ashtrays and tables. If the attendants take away the dirty dishes and change the ashtray in time, then pay 1 pound to the waiter. If you are in Egypt for the first time and go to a restaurant, leave a tip in a baksheesh bowl or in a box. The main thing is that the bartender sees that it was you who paid the tip. This is easier to do if there are few people in the restaurant.

After paying the baksheesh, you should be served better - not to dilute the alcohol, to fulfill your orders out of turn. If it doesn't, just don't leave a tip. When visiting an Egyptian restaurant for the first time, choose your favorite waiter, leave him baksheesh before leaving and say goodbye with a smile. Then, on your next visit, he will quickly find a free table for you, and a mutually beneficial relationship will be established between you.

Always behave respectfully and politely. Do not discuss waiters, bartenders, porters and maids. Many of them understand Russian, while others can simply guess, understand the meaning of the tirade. In the shops and markets of Egypt, it is customary to bargain, but without impudence, only with a good mood, smiles and praise of the goods. If you have looked after some expensive thing, but cannot afford it, then come to the counter or store periodically so that the owner sees that you really need this thing. On the last day of travel, he will offer you to buy it at a significant discount.

Tipping left and right is not a guarantee of good service and attitude. The attendants, who daily communicate with hundreds of visitors, immediately know how to recognize falsehood and feigned courtesy. Big tips will turn you into a "cash cow", from which they will pull money with all their might. Relations with people should be warm, do not throw money down, but do not be greedy so that your vacation goes without incident.

Often in crossword puzzles, books and programs about the East, you can meet the unusual word "bakshish". What it is, not everyone knows. Let's figure it out! After all, new knowledge is only good for everyone.

Origin of the word

This term has Persian roots and comes from the word بخشش, which means "to give". But this definition also has another translation - “forgiveness”, but it is related to modern word"baksheesh" in only one case out of several possible. Which one, we'll soon find out.


And it is with alms that the most common meaning of the word “baksheesh” is connected. What is it in the culture of the peoples of the East? Of course, first of all we are talking about helping those in need.

But when traveling through Central Asia, be prepared for the fact that well-to-do people who have rendered you some service can also apply for alms. For example, a venerable old man who suggested the way to an ancient temple, or a policeman who agreed to take a picture with you as a keepsake. True, in such cases it is not at all about commercialism, but rather a tribute to the old tradition. A couple of coins will suffice for baksheesh.


This is also a fairly common meaning of the word "baksheesh". Corruption flourishes in many countries of the East. Do you want your issue resolved quickly? Prepare baksheesh. True, here you can’t do with voiced coins, you will need crispy banknotes.


Going to a restaurant, do not forget about baksheesh. What is it in the understanding of service personnel who will receive a salary for their work anyway? This is the equivalent of your gratitude for the smile of the waiter, maid, taxi driver. In the West, the word "tip" is more familiar - it is a synonym for eastern baksheesh.

offering to the deity

And what about forgiveness? You realize this on excursions to temples, in which baksheesh is also needed. What it is, you will understand by looking at the altar. People bring offerings to the deities, counting on their mercy. In this case, we are not talking about money at all, but rather about gifts: jewelry, flowers, fruits, sweets. Present baksheesh to a kind oriental deity, and it will surely answer you with forgiveness.