Didactic games on the New Year theme. New Year's games for preschoolers. Didactic game “Match mittens by color”

Elena Loboda
Speech games for the middle group on the topics “Winter”, “New Year”, “Winter fun”, “Dishes”

Winter theme

Dictionary expansion:

Winter, snow, frost, ice, snowflake, snowman, skis, sled, snowflakes, snowdrift

Revenge, blow, fall, roll, slide, sparkle, fly,

Frosty, cold, fierce, light, fluffy, shiny, sparkling.

Call me kindly

Tasks: .

Snow - snowball

Winter - winter

Ice - ice

Sleigh - sleigh

One is many

Snow - a lot of snow

Snowflake - many snowflakes

Snowman - many snowmen

Sleds - lots of sleds

Ice - lots of ice

Count to five

One snowball, two snowballs, ... five snowballs

One piece of ice, two pieces of ice, ... five pieces of ice

One snowflake, two snowflakes, ... five snowflakes

What are the guys doing (based on pictures)

Objectives: develop a verb vocabulary

Tanya sculpts, children sculpt

Tolya plays, children play

Olya is skating, the children are skating

Tell me which one (which one)

What's winter like? frosty, snowy, fierce, cold, warm,

What kind of snow? White, fluffy, dirty, cold, shiny, sparkling

What kind of ice? Transparent, cold

It doesn't happen

Objectives: Expanding the volume of the dictionary, clarifying ideas about the signs of winter

Ice on the river

The grass is turning green

Leaves fall


New Year theme

Dictionary expansion:

Holiday, Christmas tree, Snow Maiden, toy, gift, garland, mask, Santa Claus, year, round dance, parsley, poems, song,

Have fun, dance in circles, meet, receive gifts, tell stories, dress up, break, play, see off, sing,

New Year's, joyful, cheerful, festive, old, elegant, colorful, green, fluffy, Christmas tree

Say it kindly

Christmas tree - Christmas tree

Toy - toy

Song - song

Gift - gift

Mask - mask

One is many

Objectives: to consolidate the ability to form nouns into gender. P

Christmas tree - Christmas trees - many Christmas trees

Toy – toys – many toys

Gift - gifts - many gifts

Mask - masks - many masks

Garland - garlands - many garlands

Verse - poems - many poems

Tell me which one

Objectives: learn to select words signs

What holiday is New Year?

Brilliant, cheerful, bright, interesting, noisy

Theme: Winter fun

Dictionary expansion

: skating rink, sled, skis, sticks, skates, slide, snowman, lump, lump, snowballs

They roll, sculpt, play, throw, throw,

Big, small, round, long, ski, high, snowy,

Slippery, cold, fast,

“Say the word.”

Objectives: learn to form words for the word snow.

In winter, everything around is covered with white fluffy snow. Let's play with the word "snow".

“Quietly, quietly, as in a dream, it falls to the ground. (Snow.)

Silvery fluffs keep sliding from the sky. (Snowflakes.)

Everyone is racing, everyone wants to play. (Snowballs.)

It’s like he’s dressed up in a white down jacket. (Snowman.)

Call me kindly (with a ball)

consolidate skills in the formation of nouns and diminutive forms

Frost - (frost).

Ice - (ice).

Cold - (chill).

Snow - (snowball).

Snowflake - (snowflake).

Christmas tree - (herringbone)

Sledge - (sleigh)

Gorka – (hill)

The fourth one is extra.

(based on pictures)

Objectives: teach children logical thinking, explain their choices

Sled, skates, skis, ball

Snowman, snowballs, slide, pencil

Slide, sled, skates, sand

Say the opposite (from pictures)

Big lump - small lump

Drive fast - walk slowly

Cold snow - hot tea

Tableware theme

Dictionary expansion:

plate, cup, saucer, saucepan, frying pan, kettle, spoon, fork, knife, bottom, wall, handle, lid, dishes, breakfast, lunch, dinner, afternoon snack, kitchen.

red, yellow, green, blue, wider, longer, big, small, round, hot, fragile, dirty, clean...

eat, drink, boil, fry, cook, pour, clean, cut, eat, feed, drink, wash, serve, bring, put, protect, beat, drop, dry, wipe.

Say a lot with the word (from the picture)

Objectives: to consolidate the ability to form nouns into gender. P

Mug – there are a lot of mugs on the shelf

Plate – many plates

Spoon - many spoons

Call me kindly (with a ball)

consolidate skills in the formation of nouns and diminutive forms

cup - cup

spoon - spoon

knife - little knife

plate - plate

saucer - saucer

The fourth one is extra.

(based on pictures)

Objectives: develop logical thinking in children, teach them to explain their choices. Secure the general word TABLEWARE

Say the opposite (from pictures)

Objectives: introduce words with opposite meanings.

The spoon is clean - the spoon is dirty.

A deep plate - a shallow plate.

Big cup - small cup.

The frying pan is heavy - the frying pan is light.

Old knife - new knife.

“Who can come up with more action words?”

Objectives: consolidate action words related to dishes.

Fry, boil, break, wash, pour, pour out, wipe, cover with a lid, cook, bring, set, drink.

Help grandma Fedora

Objectives: develop coherent speech, verb vocabulary

(Dishes need to be washed, cleaned, wiped, put back in place, and handled carefully so that they do not break.)

Count the dishes for the guests.

Objectives: to develop the ability to coordinate numerals with nouns, highlighting endings with voice

One mug, two mugs...five mugs

Making an unforgettable holiday for children is not an easy task. But this article will help you with this. In it we have collected interesting New Year competitions for children. All of them are exclusively thematic and will easily fit into any New Year’s scenario.

Note also that on New Year's Eve, games for children can be team games, pair games, or intended for the whole team. We have divided the types of these games for your convenience.

Children's New Year competitions for two participants

Competition "New Year's bags"

Two children can take part in each round of this New Year's game. The presenter gives them each a bag decorated in New Year's style and invites them to go to the table on which there are two medium-sized cardboard boxes containing small unbreakable Christmas tree decorations, New Year's figurines and other items.

The presenter blindfolds the children and offers to collect as many New Year's items as possible into a bag, observing one condition: participants can take only one item from the box and put it into the bag at a time.

The competition takes place with musical accompaniment. After 30-45 seconds, the music stops, the children are untied and asked to look at the contents of the bags. The winner is the participant who has the most New Year-themed items in the bag.

Competition "Get to the Christmas tree"

There is a prize under the tree. The presenter places two participants at the same distance from him, but from different sides, and invites, on command, to race to the prize on one leg. The fastest one wins and receives a prize.

Competition "Snowflakes"

This competition, like some other New Year's competitions for children presented here, requires preliminary preparation. You need to stretch a thread with New Year's tinsel between the chairs. Paper snowflakes are hung on tinsel. The presenter blindfolds the two participants in the game and gives them small scissors. The players are brought to a stretched string and the command is given to start. The task of each participant is to cut off as many snowflakes as possible within a certain period of time.

It is possible to play without scissors; in this case, the snowflakes should be easily removed from the tinsel.

Competition "Christmas tree with a surprise"

To prepare for this New Year's game, you will need a little more effort and time than in the previous version. You need to make a mock-up of a Christmas tree out of cardboard. Holes are cut in it to imitate Christmas balls. On the reverse side of the layout, a bag is attached under each hole (but you can do without them).

The presenter gives the participants 5 small balls. The player's task is to get them into the cut holes. The one who hits the most times wins. He takes the main prize, which can be hidden for the time being on the branches of the main tree.

Competition "Who's first?"

To play this game for the New Year, prepare two chairs and a couple of sets of winter clothes. A winter jacket with the sleeves turned inside out is hung on each chair. A hat, scarf and gloves are placed on the seat. Two children take part in each round of the game. They take a position not far from the chairs and, at the leader’s command, run towards them. They need to turn back inside and put on a winter jacket, gloves, scarf and hat. The winner is the participant who gets dressed the fastest, sits on a chair and shouts “Happy New Year!”

Competition "New Year's Castle"

The presenter selects several people who want to participate in the competition. They receive a drawing of Santa Claus's New Year's castle, which they have 30 seconds to memorize. After this, the participants are blindfolded and given a set of plastic cups. The players' task is to assemble an exact copy of the castle from the cups. The child who completes the task faster and more accurately wins.

Team games and competitions for the New Year for children

Competition "Where is the Christmas tree?"

The players are divided into two teams. Each chooses its own captain. Then the teams line up in two lines parallel to each other. Team captains receive a set of three flags. Two of the sets feature a forest animal or a character from a fairy tale. And the third one shows a Christmas tree.

At the command of the leader, the team captains begin to pass the flags back down the chain. The Christmas tree flag must be passed last. As soon as the last participant in the chain receives a flag with a painted fir tree, he shouts: “Christmas tree!” and raises his hand up. The team that does it faster than its opponents wins.

Competition "Decorate the Christmas tree"

To play this New Year's game for children, you need two small artificial Christmas trees and a couple of cardboard boxes with unbreakable Christmas tree decorations. Christmas trees are placed at a distance of 2-4 meters from the boxes.

The leader divides the children into two equal teams. Each person approaches their starting line, located at the toy box. At the command of the presenter, the game participants take turns decorating the Christmas tree. Each player can take only one toy at a time. The winner is the team that empties its box of toys and decorates the Christmas tree faster than its opponents.

Competition "Don't miss"

To play you will need two small goals and table tennis balls. The leader divides the children into 2 equal teams. Each player receives one ball. The participants' task is to roll the ball into the goal from a certain distance. Players perform their attempts one by one. The team whose players rolled the most balls wins.

Competition "Magic Scooter"

To play you will need two children's scooters and small artificial Christmas trees. The leader divides the children into two equal teams. Each one is lined up opposite its own row of Christmas trees. At the command of the leader, the first pair of participants on scooters goes around each of the Christmas trees in their row and returns back to pass the baton to the next one. The winner is the team that covers the distance the fastest and knocks down the fewest Christmas trees.

Competition "New Year's Tinsel"

The game requires tinsel and a cheerful melody, for example, “Jingle bells.” The leader divides the children into two equal teams and gives each one a strand of tinsel. The teams line up and, at the command of the leader, the first participant in the team must tie tinsel on the neighbor’s hand. He, in turn, ties the next one. The last members of each team run to the first and tie tinsel to them. The winner is the team that raises its hands with tinsel tied to them faster than its competitors.

Remember that you can easily get hurt on some New Year's tinsel, and try to choose the safest option for the product. Carry out only such children's games for the New Year that you are sure are safe.

Competition "Collect snowballs"

3-4 teams can participate in the game at the same time. You should prepare in advance a lot of small white balloons (these will be snowballs) and large garbage bags. You need to make something like bloomers out of the bags, cutting off the two lower corners enough for your legs to fit through the holes.

Before the start of the competition, it is necessary to select one participant from each team; they will need to crawl into the prepared bags, and the rest, at the command of the leader, will have to fill their bag with balls. The team that puts the most snowballs in its bag wins.

Competition "New Year's bowling"

Decorate skittles or plastic bottles with tinsel - they will act as icicles growing from the ground. The competition can be either team or individual. The task of each player is to knock down as many icicle pins as possible with a snowball from a given distance.

New Year's entertainment for all those present

Competition "What does the Christmas tree like?"

The presenter tells the children that he has been preparing for this holiday for a whole year and learned about everything that the Christmas tree loves. And now he asks the guys to test his knowledge. Children must either confirm (if they agree) his statements by saying “yes”, or deny the leader’s incorrect opinion by saying “no”.

Green needles...

Sweets and gingerbread...

Plates and teapots...

Games and fun...

Boredom and idleness...

Windows and stairs...

Rhymes and songs...

Poppies and mimosas...

Grandfather Frost...

Nuts and cones...

Dresses and pants...

Confetti, crackers...

Pistols, cannons...

Masquerades, balls...

Decorated halls...

Riddles and jokes...

Drums, pipes...

And happy New Year...

New Year competitions for children in the form of simple questions and answers are received with great interest by children of preschool and primary school age. Use them in between dances or outdoor games, giving children the opportunity to rest a little.

The following interesting competitions for children for the New Year will help you relax and have fun at the same time.

Competition "Choosing a Christmas tree"

All children participate, they stand in a circle and join hands, and Grandfather Frost is with them. He explains and shows the audience what types of Christmas trees there are:

  • tall - everyone in the circle, together with Grandfather, rises on their toes and stretches their arms up;
  • low - everyone squats and lowers their hands down;
  • wide - everyone tries to expand the circle as much as possible;
  • narrow – the circle should be narrowed as much as possible.

Then Grandfather begins to walk in a circle and “choose” the Christmas tree. “Oh, so tall!”, “And this one is a bit narrow!” According to the parameters voiced by Grandfather, the children depict the tree that he saw. Frost himself tries to knock them down, demonstrating incorrect movements.

Competition "New Year's Cap"

The players form a circle. Cheerful New Year's music is turned on, and the children begin to pass the New Year's cap around. Periodically the music stops. The participant who happens to have the cap in his hands when the music stops puts it on his head and fulfills the wish of Santa Claus. Grandfather Frost may wish to be sung a song, told a poem, asked a riddle, or danced. Everyone who fulfills his wish receives a sweet prize.

Competition for the best New Year's costume

Young children love to dress up in carnival costumes and portray a variety of characters. Children should be notified in advance about the competition for the best New Year's costume. There may be several nominations, but first everyone will have to “defend” their costume. This will make it possible to evaluate not only the originality of the outfit, but also the artistic abilities of the child, who, having entered the role, can depict the habits, sing a song or read a monologue of his hero.

New Year's entertainment "Lucky number"

Everyone loves pleasant surprises, and children especially. Prepare small gifts in advance (there should be as many as there will be children at the party) and wrap them in multi-colored paper, then number them. Place them in Santa's bag or place them under the Christmas tree.

Cut out small tokens from cardboard according to the number of gifts in the form of New Year's balls or Christmas trees and also number them on the reverse side. Hang tokens in visible places indoors.

When it's time for gifts, invite each child to find one token for themselves. Now Santa Claus knows exactly who to give what gift.

Human memory is designed in such a way that for the rest of our lives we remember only the most vivid and exciting events of our lives. And most of these events for each of us come from childhood. We hope that the children's competitions for the New Year that we have prepared will help you create an original entertainment program that will become another bright and unforgettable event for children's memories.

Competitions for the New Year. Children's holiday.

Senior group. Topic: "New Year". Dates: from 12/11/17 to 12/15/17

Final event application “New Year’s card” 12/28/17

Scheduled for a week

Creating conditions in a subject-development environment

(organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities)

Exhibition of books: Russian folk tales, author's tales about the New Year.Illustrations of the holiday celebration: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, New Year tree, forest animals, Santa Clauses from different countries.Lotto and puzzles with New Year's themes.

Social and communicative development

Communicative activities: Role-playing game “Hairdresser”, “Christmas tree toys store”, “Kindergarten”.

Self-care and basic household work: caring for indoor plants..

Cognitive development

Looking at illustrations with a New Year theme.

Didactic games: “Make a Christmas tree”, “Collect a picture”, “Nature and man”, “What did the artist mix up”, “Find the odd one out”, “I’m going for a walk”.

Designing "New Year's card".

Speech development

Speech development. Sound culture of speech: New Year at the gates. Retelling of the folk tale “Moroz Ivanovich”; reading the fairy tale by G. Skrebitsky “Four Artists. Winter"; reading the fairy tale “Snow Maiden”, “Morozko”, the story by S. Georgiev “I saved Santa Claus”, memorizing the poem by E. Tarasov “New Year”

Artistic and aesthetic development

Fine art activities: drawing “Ornate Christmas tree”, “Fir branch”.

Application “Decoration of a beautiful Christmas tree.”

Musical activity: listening to the musical work “Waltz of Snow Flakes” by muses. P. Tchaikovsky (“The Nutcracker Ballet”)

Physical development

Finger gymnastics: “Snowflakes”.

Gymnastics for the eyes: “Miracles”. Breathing exercises “One snowflake, two snowflakes.”

Physical education minutes: “Winter”.

Interaction with parents (social partners)

Consultation on the topic “New Year and children” –

Date of:




Individual work

(in regime moments)





Conversation on the topic “ What is New Year"

Target: summarize children’s understanding of the topic, develop speech and thinking. Independent play activity – encourage children’s desire to organize play with peers, teach how to arrange a place for play, select attributes, and implement the game plan.

Labor in a corner of nature: wipe the dust from the flowers.

Target: to develop appropriate work skills in children. Foster hard work and encourage the desire to be useful. Encourage children to care about flowers.

Morning exercises (Complex No. 16)

Individual work on speech development with Arseny G., Daniel V., Danei L.

« We are writing a fairy tale about Santa Claus"

Goals: activation of children's imagination, preparation for literary and verbal creativity, use of agreed nouns and verbs, development of attention, memory, development of a positive attitude towards the character.



    1. NGO “Poznanie” “New Year at the Gates”. (p. 200 Galitsyna N.S.)

Target: introduce the customs of New Year celebrations in Russia and other countries. Give an idea of ​​folk tradition.

    2. Drawing “Delicious Christmas tree” (p. 208 Galitsyna N.S.)

    Target: learn to create an image of a decorated Christmas tree in a drawing. consolidate the ability to mix gouache on a palette, creating shades of colors.

    3. Physical education on the street (according to a specialist’s plan)




Walk A


1. Observation: for the birds.

Target: create a desire to take care of wintering birds, pour food into the feeders; expand knowledge about wintering birds

2. Outdoor game " The deer has a big house" . - strengthen the ability to correlate movement with text.

3. Didactic game " Make a Christmas tree" .

Target: help reinforce the concept"upper", "average", "lower".

4. Labor activity: Clearing snow from paths on site.

Target: promote hard work and communication skills.

5. Independent children's play activities




1. Role-playing game : "Salon": plot “Getting your hair done for the holiday” (develop interest in the game, teach polite, tactful behavior during role-playing interaction)

2. Reading a story G. Skrebitsky"Four artists. Winter"- enrich children’s knowledge about winter, analyze figurative expressions found in the text.

Productive activity.



1. Observation: seasonal phenomenon - snowfall: continue to form children's understanding of the properties of snow (white, cold, wet).

2. Outdoor game " The snow is spinning" (learn to correlate actions in accordance with the text)

3.Labor activity : cleaning the area.

Target : to teach to work together, to achieve the task

by common efforts.

Individual work with Dasha A.,

Ksyusha P., Veronica P.

Development of movements.

Target: practice running"snake" , running around objects placed in a row

Date of:




Individual work

Group (subgroup) form of work

(in regime moments)





Conversation with children " How do people in Newcongratulate each other for a year" (give gifts, send greeting cards, parcels, letters, etc.).

Target : improve knowledge about celebration traditions.

Didactic game " Collect the picture.”

Target : develop attention, memory.

Dining duty: setting the table for breakfast.

Goal: to teach children how to properly set the table for breakfast.

Morning exercises (Complex No. 16).

Individual work by FEMP with

Vadim P., Arseniy G., Misha R.

Target:repeat the names of geometric shapes.



    1. NGO “Poznanie” FEMP (p. 50 Kolesnikova E.V.)


    Learn : write the number 8; correctly use and write the signs “+” or “-”; solve a semantic problem

    Meet : with number 8; with the name of the month - December

    2. "Music "(According to the specialist's plan).





1.Observation Continue to improve your skills in determining the presence and direction of wind.

Target : show the simplest connections between natural phenomena and human life.

2. Outdoor games " Jack Frost" .

Target: develop children's physical activity while walking.

3. Role-playing game “Christmas tree toys store.”

Target: improve children’s ability to unite in play,

perform game actions in accordance with the game plan.

Instill in children respect for the work of the seller.

4. Labor activity : snow removal

Target : cultivate diligence, the ability to work together.

5. Independent children's play activities


imitative movements, educational games.



1. Didactic game « Nature and man" .

Target: systematize children's knowledge about what is created by man and what by man. Looking at books, illustrations, pictures on the topic.

2. Reading story by E. Tarasovskaya"New Year" .

Target : develop the ability to listen carefully and answer questions.

Experimentation games, plot-based amateur didactic, board and printed games.

Independent artistic activity,

Independent activity of children in the centers: nature, books, artistic creativity.

Experiments. Buildings for story games.

Productive activity.



    Tree observation.

Target: show the beauty of trees in winter; cultivate a desire to admire the beauty of trees.

    Outdoor game " The snow is spinning"

Target: learn to correlate actions in accordance with the text. . Develop dexterity and attentiveness.

    Labor activity: We bring order to the site - cultivate hard work, accuracy, responsibility.

Individual work with Semyon A., Vadim P., Amir D., Ksyusha P.

Organize a hockey game.

Target: teaching the elements of the game.

Date of:




Joint educational activities of adults and children

Individual work

Group (subgroup) form of work

(in regime moments)





Conversation with children “How to behave at a New Year’s party?”

Target: repeat the rules of behavior in a public place, develop children's speech

Didactic game " Find the odd one out" -develop logical thinking, the ability to classify objects.

Conversation on the topic “Napkins are our helpers”

Purpose: to teach children to use napkins, to show the convenience of their use in various situations.

Morning exercises (Complex No. 16).

Individual work by FEMP with

Veronica P., Sasha H., Katya B.

Target: exercise knowledge of the meanings of today, yesterday, tomorrow.



1. Cognition design “New Year’s card” (p. 104 Lykova I.A.)

    Target: Make you want to create your own greeting cards. Introduce the topic of creating panoramic postcards with three-dimensional elements.

    2. Music (according to specialist’s plan)

3. Application: “Decorating a beautiful Christmas tree” (p. 105 Lykova I.A.)

Target: support the desire to independently combine familiar decorative items of an applicative image







1. Observation "Funny drawings in the snow"- monitoring traces.

Target : improve the ability to think about whose footprints remain in the snow.

2. Outdoor game « Metelitsa" - perform movements according to the content of the game.Strengthen the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text of the game, clearly pronounce words.

3 . Didactic game " I'm going for a walk" .

Target: help remember the sequence of actions when dressing for a walk.

4. Labor activity : construction of snow structures.

Target: encourage children to help adults. Bring up

hard work.

5. Independent play activity.


imitative movements, educational games.



1. Reading a story S. Georgiev. "I saved Santa Claus" - Develop the ability to evaluate one’s own actions and the actions of heroes, cultivate friendliness, and the ability to interact with peers

2. A dramatization game based on the fairy tale “The Hare’s Hut.”

Goal: to teach children using various means of expression:

convey the character of the characters using facial expressions, gestures, and intonation

works. Develop interest in theatrical performances.

Experimentation games, plot-based amateur didactic, board and printed games.

Independence artistic activity.

Creative tasks, duty, keeping the nature calendar.

Independent activity of children in the centers: nature, books, artistic creativity.

Experiments. Buildings for story games.

Productive activity.



1. Observation of d the length of the day

- Mark the shortest day on the calendar – December 22. Discuss with the children that according to the folk calendar this is the day of the solstice.

2. Outdoor game "Snow carousel."

Target: learn to act on the teacher’s signal, gradually speeding up the pace of running in a round dance.

3. Labor activity: Covering tree roots with snow on your property.

Target : develop the ability to work together.

Individual work with Ksyusha P., Lyuba Z., Dima A.

Let's take a long stride...

Target: learn to move in wide and normal steps one after another.

Date of:




Joint educational activities of adults and children

Individual work

Group (subgroup) form of work

(in regime moments)





Listening to a piece of music: “Waltz of Snow Flakes” » Musical fragments from the ballet “The Nutcracker” by P. I. Tchaikovsky: teach children to understand through music the feelings for their mother expressed by the composer. Invite children to name the feelings inspired by listening to music.

Printed board games – encourage children to master the rules of simple board games, develop teamwork skills, learn to discuss ideas, and make decisions together with their peers.

Independent play activity

Working in a corner of nature: caring for indoor plants - introduce children to a new way of keeping plants clean (cleaning leaves with a dry brush), and develop the appropriate skills. Discuss which plant leaves need to be cleaned in this way.

Morning exercises (Complex No. 16).

Individual work on speech development with Dasha A.,

Katya B., Leney P.

Describe your favorite toy

Target: develop vocabulary, learn to compose complex sentences



    1. Speech development. Retelling of the fairy tale “Moroz Ivanovich” (p. 69 Zatulina G.Ya.)

    Target: introduce children to a new fairy tale, teach them to express their opinions about the actions of the heroes. To cultivate interest and love for Russian folk and original fairy tales.

    2. Physical education (According to the specialist's plan)

9.00 – 9.20

9.35 – 10.00



1. Observation of tit

Target: continue to arouse interest in birds, introduce the tit, its habits, habitat, appearance features)

2. Outdoor game " I'll freeze it"

Goals: Exercise children in the correct execution of basic movements when running. Develop attention, dexterity, speed of reaction.

3. Didactic game " Guess by the description"

Target: consolidate knowledge about birds

4. Labor activity: we put things in order on the site.

Target: to develop in children the skills of team work with various

equipment (brooms, brooms, shovels). Foster a work culture


5. Independent children's play activities


imitative movements, educational games.



1. Labor activity : We wash doll bedding.

Target : expand children’s understanding of labor operations, teach how to wash

small items, observing hygiene and safety rules. Form at

children have a responsible attitude towards the assigned task, encourage the desire

to complete a task, the desire to do it well.

2. Reading Russian folk tale « Morozko" .

Target: continue to introduce children to works of oral folk art, teach them to evaluate the actions of heroes, and express their attitude towards them. Conversation on content.

Experimentation games, plot-based amateur didactic, board and printed games.

Independent artistic activity,

Independent activity of children in the centers: nature, books, artistic creativity.

Productive activity.



1. Observation: forrowan

Goals : expand knowledge about rowan;Continue monitoring the mountain ash in winter.

2. Outdoor game "One, two, three - run!”

Target: develop running speed, agility, attention.

3. Labor activity: clearing paths of snow - educate

hard work.

Individual activities With

Artem K., Vadim P., Maxim L., Amir D.

"Pass the ball"

Target: practice running fast, develop agility.

Consultation for parents: "New Year and children"

The New Year is approaching - children's favorite holiday, because the Christmas tree is a holiday of fairy tales, fun games, surprises, funny adventures. In order for it to be exactly like this for a child, to please with its brightness and unusualness, parents need to make an effort.

When preparing for the New Year, parents should involve their children: decide together which friends to invite, how to decorate the Christmas tree, what kind of entertainment to come up with, etc.

Children should be told in advance about the Christmas tree, that it is an evergreen tree, and show it in a picture or photograph.

When preparing for the holiday, children should be allowed to look at Christmas tree decorations; you can cut out snowflakes and lanterns with your child, and hang garlands and light bulbs together. If the child is very small. Then you can decorate the Christmas tree when he falls asleep. The next morning the tree will be a surprise for the baby.

Gifts should also be taken care of in advance. The presentation of a gift can be arranged in a fabulous way. Dad and daughter make shoes out of plasticine and place them under the Christmas tree, and the next morning the child finds real shoes there. You can make a paper cockerel and put it on the window. Explain to the child that the Cockerel will be watching to see if Santa Claus passes by. He will see him and call him loudly. Santa Claus will definitely come by, admire the Christmas tree, homemade toys, check whether the child knows how to neatly fold clothes, put away his things, and leave a gift. In the morning, your baby will be pleased to find a gift and a letter from Santa Claus under the tree. The letter may contain poems to learn, a riddle or a wish.

Dear fathers and mothers!

An interestingly prepared holiday with your family will not only bring joy, but will also help you better understand the child and his interests.

Vivid memories from the holiday are remembered forever. Try to create an atmosphere of an unusual holiday. Draw a Snowman at the entrance to greet guests. Hide a cracker under the tree. Tell her that Santa Claus forgot her. There may be balls in the cracker. Under the tree there is a picture book, coloring book, etc.

You shouldn't sit at the table for a long time. It’s better to play with the guests, sing a song together, dance. Children really like the game “Hot and Cold”. The winner dances or sings a song. You can play the game “Aibolit and the Animals”. Children put on animal hats and choose one as a doctor. The game is based on a dramatization: the bunny is limping, the doctor treats him, the bunny jumps, the hippo roars and holds his stomach, then recovers and jumps merrily, etc.

Children must show creativity and convey the desired intonation. At the end you can dance a funny dance.

Adults can come up with a lot of interesting things for the New Year holiday, you just need to want it and treat everything responsibly. I wish you resourcefulness and patience, and success will come to you!


about fire safety measures when decorating the Christmas tree

New Year and Christmas holidays are a wonderful time for children and adults. Almost every home has a beautiful Christmas tree installed and decorated. In order for these days not to be overshadowed by misfortune, it is necessarypay special attention to compliance with fire safety measures, which are very simple...

Natural Christmas trees tend to dry out when left indoors for a long time and burst into flames with a light spark. Buy your tree as close to New Year's as possible or store it outdoors. When preparing for the holiday, install the “forest beauty” on a stable base and so that the branches do not touch the walls or ceiling and are at a safe distance from electrical appliances and household stoves.

During the celebration, do not light candles or homemade electric garlands on the Christmas tree. The electric garland must be factory-made and undamaged.

Increased caution is also necessary when using sparklers. The stick with the sparkler should be held at arm's length and not brought near clothes, eyes or a natural Christmas tree. Sparklers and firecrackers should only be lit under adult supervision and away from flammable objects.

Dear parents!

Follow these basic fire safety rules and strictly supervise your children's behavior during the winter holidays!

In the event of a fire, call

by phone:01, from mobile:112, 010

Give your children a fun winter holiday.

How to organize a weekend if you are not going anywhere? What can you do to keep your child busy so that he doesn’t get bored and has a fun and interesting holiday?

What do children dream about when thinking about the holidays? About magic, masquerades, ice slides, travel. And that you can finally talk to mom and dad, who are always missing at work. What are parents thinking? About a long sleep, a sofa and a TV or book. And about silence!

Parents, if you lie in front of the TV for all 10 days, the holidays will pass quickly and boringly, and your children will remain disappointed. Here are tips to make the holidays fun for you and your kids.

1. For children, the main thing is that the days be varied. Write a plan: slide, snow, festivities, guests, performances, museums, carnivals and masquerades.

2. Spend as much time as possible outdoors. If possible, visit friends out of town. Walk in the park, in the yard, go to forest parks, take your skates and go to the skating rink, go skiing. Try to spend the entire daylight hours outside. After all, when you go to work, you won’t be able to go for a walk. And children need a party!

3. Do something you have long dreamed of, but never got around to doing. Put on a play at home, go to visit friends who live far away, go to the theater. The main thing is the whole family.

4. Organize a children's party at home. Gather your friends and neighbors, rehearse a performance, dress up in costumes, play a fairy tale, prepare a simple treat on colorful paper plates so you don’t have to wash the dishes.

5. Organize a party in the yard. So you can play and take a walk. Decorate the Christmas tree, play with the stream. Believe me, both children and adults will like it. At the same time, you will get to know your neighbors better.

6. Diversify the downhill skiing - arrange a holiday with competitions: who will go the farthest, who will be the fastest, etc. Jackets can be decorated with Christmas tree rain.

7. Go on a winter hike. To the park or to the forest. Bury surprises and small gifts under the trees. Draw a map or plan. Under the tree, find a letter from Santa Claus, in which he writes: “Unfortunately, I didn’t get to you, my sleigh broke, I had to bury your gift under the tree. Here is a map, you can use it to find your gift.” Let the child look for the right Christmas trees on the map and discover the gifts. Believe me, children will be delighted with such treasure hunts!

8. While walking in the forest, give your child tasks: hang a feeder, pour food into already hanging feeders, sketch all the trees he encounters

9. Go to a museum. A preschooler will be interested in the local history and zoological museum. If your child loves Greek myths, take them to the Greek hall. If you have planned a trip to an art gallery, read the myths and the Bible in advance, because most of the classics wrote precisely on these topics.

10. Have a Christmas Boxing Day. A couple of days before the holiday, organize a “magic workshop” at home. Buy a craft book and craft with your kids! Make stained glass windows, paint pictures on wood, on canvas, cut out figures and glue appliques.

11. Together with your child, organize an action - sort out children's things (you can also take your own), collect good clothes from which the baby has outgrown, good, but not favorite toys, and send all this to needy children in orphanages or social centers. Now such events are organized by many children's stores, cafes and churches. It is very useful for a child to do such a good deed.

12. Don't watch TV non-stop! Mark in advance the programs and films that you like in the program, watch them with your children, and discuss them.

13. Have a “yummy day.” You can, for example, free mom from the kitchen on this day, and prepare simple goodies for dad and the children. And bake cookies together, let the children smear themselves in flour and dough, and make uneven figures. The main thing is to do it yourself!

14. Plan a masquerade party. Sew costumes, design makeup. Both for the children and for yourself!

15. Arrange a Christmas tree at home. Prepare a simple performance or concert, a treat (the same cookies), small gifts for guests, invite friends. It’s good if you agree with your friends and they also organize a Christmas tree. So your families will go to each other’s Christmas trees. It’s great if the holidays are themed - you have a pirate party, your friends have princesses and fairies, and so on

Game "Santa Claus distributes gifts"

What does the child learn:form words using suffixes; agree the noun with the adjective in gender and number.

Equipment: toy Santa Claus; Christmas decorations; two toy trucks (large and small); plot and subject pictures (see Appendix, Fig. 7).

Progress of the game: prepare in advance for the game. Select Christmas tree decorations that are the same in texture and color, differing only in size.

Invite your baby to play. Place two cars in front of him - a large one and a small one. Ask him to name the size of each car.

Ask what you can affectionately call a small car (machinochka, typewriter). Invite your child to put gifts in the car. Large gifts go into a big car, small gifts go into a small car.

Complication is possible by changing the conditions of the task: put large gifts in a small car, and small ones in a large one, etc.

Invite your child to affectionately name the gifts from the small car: doll, candy, ball.

Repeat the game using the pictures.

Game “Collect Christmas toys”

What does the child learn:distinguish primary colors; name them correctly, coordinate the noun with the adjective in gender.

Equipment: plot and subject pictures (see Appendix, Fig. 8).

Progress of the game: prepare for the game in advance. Cut out Christmas tree decorations and place them on the tree in the plot picture.

Invite your child to look at the story picture. Ask: “What are the children doing?” (they remove the toys from the Christmas tree) “Where do they put the Christmas tree decorations?” (in boxes).

Ask your child to name the color of each box (blue box and red box). Make sure that he agrees nouns with adjectives in gender.

Invite your child to help the children put Christmas tree decorations into boxes. Ask him to transfer the toys lying on the Christmas tree to the corresponding drawn boxes. Set the condition: “Red toys must be placed in a box of the same red color.”

Complication is possible by increasing the number of options for completing the task: red toys - in a blue box, blue toys - in a yellow box, in each box - one toy of each color.

When the child completes the task, invite him to tell what toys and what color he “put” in the box.

Game "Long - short"

What does the child learn:distinguish the size of objects; name it correctly (long, short); agree nouns with adjectives in gender and number.

Equipment: plot and subject pictures (see Appendix, Fig. 9).

Progress of the game: show the childstory picture. Invite him to help the Snow Maiden decorate two New Year trees (high and low).

Look together at the object pictures depicting Christmas tree decorations. Ask your child to name them. Invite him to determine the size of each item and name it (long beads - short beads, long chain - short chain, long garland - short garland).

Invite your child to help the Snow Maiden - draw a line with a colored pencil from the long Christmas tree decorations to the tall tree, and from the short Christmas tree decorations to the low tree.

Game "What's in the bag?"

What does the child learn:use nouns with the preposition “in” in speech; correlate the numeral “one” and the adverb “many” with the number of objects.

Equipment: toy hedgehog; beautifully decorated bag with gifts.

Progress of the game: Place the bag with New Year's gifts on the hedgehog's back. Take the toy and “walk” it along the table (or floor). Imitate the small steps of a hedgehog (tap the toy on the table or floor in a fast rhythm). You can accompany the actions by saying onomatopoeia: “Oof-uff-uff.” Read the rhyme:

A prickly hedgehog walked through the forest,

He carried the bag with interest.

Inter-, inter-, interest,

Who got into that bag?

Invite your child to take out all the items in the bag. Ask him to lay them out on the table (or floor) and name each item.

Ask your child to help the hedgehog put new gifts (back) into the bag.

Play a guessing game with your child using the Magic Bag. Place two gift items on the table in front of the child. For example, candy and a bow (for your beloved sister). Ask your baby to close his eyes. At this time, hide one of the items in the bag. Ask your child to open his eyes and look carefully at the remaining object. Invite him to remember and tell him what you hid in the bag.

Give your child the opportunity to check the correctness of his answer: look into the bag, pull out a hidden object from it, name it, say where it was. (In a bag).

You can start the game with two items, gradually increasing the number of toys hidden in the bag to five.

Card index "Games for the New Year's party"
Format: jpeg + png
Size: 64.7 MB
Number of sheets: 24
Author: helenushka
The author of the text is Petrova Kira Alexandrovna.
The card index consists of three sections: games for the New Year's party, New Year's joke games, shouting games and yes-no games. A total of 30 games for different age groups for matinees.
Additionally - a template.

Dramatization games are well organized by children's groups and do not require special conditions - they can be carried out both indoors and on the site.
They not only give children joy and pleasure, but also teach them to be kind, brave, attentive, dexterous, and comprehensively develop and educate them.
Use only for personal purposes, reposting is prohibited!

Format: jpeg + png
Size: 24.2 MB
Number of sheets: 14
Author: helenushka
Author of the text - Zimagulova Tatyana Mikhailovna
Additionally - template
Use only for personal purposes, reposting is prohibited!

Card index "Regular moments"
Format: jpeg
Size: 93.6 MB
Number of sheets: 21
Design: Ptitsaindigo
The card index will help to interest children, to play out routine moments in a group in a fun and relaxed way.
Use only for personal purposes, reposting is prohibited!

Format: png
Size: 28.3 MB
Number of sheets: 13
Author: helenushka
The card index on the surrounding world (middle group) is designed in the form of a card index of observations of natural objects that a child of 3–4 years old can master as part of the autumn season.
Author of the text: Gertsan Yulya Yurievna
Additionally: template and two cover options
Use only for personal purposes, reposting is prohibited!

Card index of experiments on the topic "Space"
Format: png
Size: 11.8 MB
Number of sheets: 14
Author: helenushka
The card file contains 19 experiences + 2 blank templates + a budget version of the card file on a white background
Author of the text: Tetyukova Alina Vladimirovna
Use only for personal purposes, reposting is prohibited!

Format: png
Size: 21.85 MB
Number of sheets: 14
Author: helenushka
The card index contains finger games on lexical topics for children of senior preschool age.
Author of the text: Nastyukhina Elena Gennadievna
Use only for personal purposes, reposting is prohibited!

Card index "Health games"
Format: png
Size: 34.22 MB
Number of sheets: 22
Author: helenushka
Author of the text: Shabunevich Tatyana Nikolaevna
Material taken from the book: Galanov A.S. Health-improving games for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren.
In this catalog you will find games:
1. Games to develop correct posture.
2. Games aimed at overcoming flat feet.
3. Games to overcome diseases of the nose and throat
4..Games aimed at overcoming the consequences of common bronchopulmonary diseases (respiratory allerosis, bronchial asthma, asthmatic bronchitis)
Additionally - a clean template.
Use only for personal purposes, reposting is prohibited!