Didactic games for teaching the Tatar language. Didactic manual "I'm learning Tatar!" in teaching preschoolers the Tatar language"

Lyudmila Solovyova

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

"Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 397" Novo-Savinovsky district of Kazan.

Age group: older.

Didactic game"LOTTO"

Target: improve the quality of learning, promote better assimilation of program material, master the vocabulary of the Tatar language, consolidate speech material in a playful way, maintain interest in the language.



1. consolidate children’s knowledge about color; consolidate ordinal counting from 1 to 10.

2. Teach the child to compose a developmental dialogue "Nindy?", “Nothing?”

3. Expand children's horizons.


1. Develop attention, speed of response, cultivate honesty.

2. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.


Cultivate friendly relationships.

Progress of the game:The game involves from 2 to 4 people. Children must collect 4 cards by color and number. The host asks “NINDY?” and NOTHING?

The winner is the one who quickly covers his cards and then counts them in Tatar.

Equipment: a set of four colored cards showing numbers, colored "barrels" with numbers, pouch for "barrels",

Rules of the game: cards are distributed according to the number of children, the presenter takes them out of the bag "barrel" with a number, names the color loudly and clearly "barrel" and depicted on "barrel" number. Players cover the number "barrel". The winner is the one who closed first "barrels" all numbers.

Publications on the topic:

“Traffic Inspectors” is a game on traffic rules for children in the preparatory group. Purpose: to consolidate children’s knowledge of how to cross the street; about the appointment.

"Two Trains" Goal: To consolidate knowledge about the sequence of numbers in a number series (up to 10, quantitative and ordinal counting skills up to 10.

“Build a week” Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the days of the week and parts of the day, skills in quantitative and ordinal calculations (up to 7, knowledge about what.

Didactic game for children of the 1st junior group on traffic rules Compiled by Natalya Petrovna Agafonova DS No. 27 "Semitsvetik" Yurga Game "Road Tale" for 1 ml. groups Preliminary work: listening.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 104” Didactic game “House.

I work in the nursery group of a kindergarten. Nowadays there are a lot of manuals and educational games on sale. Since I love to knit, I knitted the dolls.

I bring to your attention the didactic game "Road" on traffic rules in the second junior group. I am a teacher in the kindergarten building "Palermo". For.

In order for the baby to develop well and harmoniously, they need to be constantly engaged. But classes should not be boring and monotonous; it is better to turn them into an interesting game so that the learning process goes unnoticed by the child, but he is not bored.

Any didactic UMK games are, first of all, learning, albeit entertaining. But the child does not know that by luring him into the game, he is also offered to learn something new. For any didactic game, certain rules are very important. The purpose of rules is to make children more organized and consistent. It is important to choose special didactic games on umk in kindergarten, made with your own hands.

There are good didactic games that can teach mathematics to children in the middle group of kindergarten. You can teach children how to count up to 10 in a playful way using a special manual that you can easily make with your own hands. The purpose of the exercise is to improve the counting skills of children aged 5-7 years, teach them to determine the number of objects, develop creative thinking, and teach them basic addition and subtraction.

Together with the children, you will need to cut out giraffes, clouds, hats with numbers, spots for giraffe skins, and also raindrops. You may also need a play mat, one large one, or you can take your own for each player.

You need to place cut-out giraffes on the math playing field, and each giraffe needs to wear a hat with a number. Now you need to place spots on the body of each animal in accordance with the number on the hat. The next pictures that need to be placed on the playing field are clouds. The clouds should also have numbers written on them, and under each number you will need to put as many drops as are written on the cloud. This math game can be practiced both in a group and with individual teaching of children 5-7 years old.

Games should be interesting to children and appropriate for their age. Visual aids are often used in games to explain rules. Team play will be interesting for older children.

Children of older preschool age have the necessary experience to solve other complex logical problems. The didactic game has a specific structure that should be used in teaching preschoolers. The game can be created from suitable material that can be prepared in advance.

Vegetables and fruits

There are great games that can be practiced in a kindergarten group that can easily teach popular vegetables and fruits. You can draw pictures of vegetables and fruits with your own hands, or you can simply print them out on a printer. In any case, using such a playbook in kindergarten will be simple.

You can invite children 5-7 years old to choose vegetables separately and fruits separately. You can ask children to talk about the shape and color of each object. An interesting task could be an exercise in which children will have to select vegetables from which they can cook borscht, and separately put fruits from which they can cook compote.

A good workout can be a game that uses stencils rather than pictures. Draw vegetables and fruits on the leaves, cut them out so that the leaf remains intact, and a vegetable is cut out inside it. We will apply these leaves to colored paper to choose the right color for a particular vegetable or fruit. The purpose of this exercise is to remember the names of flowers, fruits and vegetables, and learn to find matches.

For the development of preschoolers

For the development of preschoolers, special attention should be paid to such a concept as fire safety. You can make manuals with your own hands, such as a model of a fire shield, the purpose of which will be to teach children how each item in the model is used, what fire safety is and how to ensure it.

You can make a layout during classes in the garden with your children. As a fire extinguisher, use a jar of liquid soap, which you paint red. Make a triangular bucket from a piece of cardboard and also paint it with red paint. A box of sand can be made from a tea box, and a fire hose from fabric tape. A hook, a hook and an ax can be cut out of colored cardboard.

With the help of such a guide in the garden, it will be much easier for children aged 5-7 years to learn what fire safety is and how the listed items are used. Fire safety will be a familiar topic for children, and when they go to school, they will be able to independently explain what fire safety is.

Educational games for preschoolers

For speech development

If your goal is to develop dialogical speech in children, stimulate their attention, memory and thinking, then using the simple but interesting “Chamomile” task will suit you; it is quite suitable for simultaneous play by children aged 5-7 years.

You need to place an image of an animal in the center of the table, and give the children pictures depicting different actions. The teacher asks what we are doing with the chosen animal, and the children, holding in their hands pictures made with their own hands in the garden, apply petals to the image of the animal and say what it does, for example, “The bunny is jumping,” “The bunny is eating.”

Games for speech development

Sensory games

A game that perfectly develops motor skills is “Carnations and Rubber Bands.” To play this game with your children, you will need a small wooden board, approximately 50x50 cm, pushpins, and rubber bands.

Everything is very simple, you just need to place the buttons at the same distance from each other, just draw out your wooden shield and place each button in the cross of the lines. Your guide is ready.

Now children can put rubber bands on the buttons, forming a variety of figures and practicing fine motor skills. Visual, color and spatial perception, imagination will also be trained, and knowledge of various types of geometric shapes and lines will be perfectly consolidated.

It is important to use a variety of didactic games in kindergarten, which are necessary for young children. You can come up with exciting games yourself that will help children learn quickly. Every year something new appears, so something unusual and new can be used in teaching children, which will greatly speed up the learning process.

It is necessary to conduct classes with children in which you can use prepared manuals, thanks to which they will quickly memorize new words and numbers. The learning process will require a lot of time and effort from the teacher.

Sensory development

Explanatory note.

The use of didactic games in teaching Russian-speaking children the Tatar language according to Z.M. Zaripova’s teaching materials “Speaking Tatar” improves the quality of learning, promotes better assimilation of program material, makes it possible to assimilate the vocabulary of the Tatar language, consolidate speech material in a playful form, and maintain interest in language.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 19 of Leninogorsk" of the municipal formation "Leninogorsk municipal district" of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Didactic manual: “I’m learning Tatar!”

Subject: Tatar language.

School preparatory group.

Description of the manual: The manual consists of a cardboard box wrapped in material and many zippers, buttons, plastic bottle caps and counting material and under each there is a didactic game. There are 5 educational games in total.

The purpose of the manual: to promote the development of children’s ability to communicate in the Tatar language, to ensure the development of monologue and dialogic speech in children.

1. Didactic game “Give a compliment” - “Compliment ait”.

Objectives: Educational:

1. To promote the activation of words in the Tatar language in children’s speech on the topics: “Toys”, “Colors”

2. Teach the child to compose a developmental dialogue “Bu nәrsә? Nindy?

3. Expand children's horizons.



Cultivate friendly relationships.

Equipment used: a circle divided into 6 equal parts, in which toys are placed in different colors.

Progress of the game: The child names the toys, turns the arrow and gives a compliment.

Speech sample:

Bu nәrsә? (What is this?)

Nindy? (Which one?)

2. Didactic game: “Help mom” - “Әnieңә bulysh”

Goal: to promote the development of children’s ability to communicate in the Tatar language, to ensure the development of monologue and dialogic speech in children.

Objectives: Educational:

1. To promote the activation of words in the Tatar language in children’s speech on the topics: “Clothing”, “Colors”, “Verbs”.

2.Continue to teach how to compose a developmental dialogue “Bu nәrsә? Nindy? Nishli?"

3. Expand children's horizons.


1.Develop visual perception and attention.

2.Develop fine motor skills of the hands.


Cultivate a desire to help mother, the ability to use things correctly.

Equipment used: 2 A4 cardboard strips, wrapped in material and 4 “washing machines” glued; cards with images of clothes.

Progress of the game: Guys, today mom was late at work. And our toys got dirty. Let's wash their clothes.

Speech sample:

Bu nәrsә? (What is this?)

Kulmak (chalbar, T-shirt, sundress) nindi? (Dress (pants, T-shirt, sundress) what?)

Yashel. (Green)

-Әydәgez, yuabyz. (Let's do some laundry)

Nindy mashinada yuabyz? (Which machine will we wash it on?)

I came to the machine. (On a green car).

3. Didactic board game: “Merry Journey.”

Goal: to promote the development of children’s ability to communicate in the Tatar language, to ensure the development of monologue and dialogic speech in children.

Objectives: Educational:

1. To help activate words in the Tatar language in children’s speech on the topics: “Family”, “Colors”, “Toys”, “Animals”, pictograms-tasks “Bass!”, “Utyr!”, “Sicker!”, “Uina” ! , “Yöger!” "Asha!"

2.Continue to teach how to compose a developmental dialogue “Bu nәrsә? By whom?"

3. Expand children's horizons.


1. Equip with methods of mental activity: teach children to analyze an object, develop the ability to compare, generalize, classify, correlate, see patterns, etc.

2.Develop fine motor skills of the hands.


Create a desire to help mom.

Equipment used: chips, board card, dice.

Progress of the game: Guys, today we will go on a fun journey. Now, with the help of a counting rhyme, we will choose the driver. The driver throws the dice and pushes forward to the finish line, naming pictures and doing tasks. Good luck to everyone!

4. Didactic game: “Who pulled out the turnip?” - “Shalkanna who pulled out the tartkan?”

Goal: to promote the development of children’s ability to communicate in the Tatar language, to ensure the development of monologue and dialogic speech in children.

Objectives: Educational:

1. Contribute to the activation of words in the Tatar language in children’s speech

1. Didactic game “My Home”

I teach this game in final classes. With the help of this collage it is convenient to test children's knowledge. You can come up with various questions and tasks. The kids really like it. For example,

A) “Finger game”.

This finger is grandpa

This is grandma's finger

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

This finger is me.

B) D/i “Call me home”

Educator: Call dad home?

Child: Dad, go home, etc.

All tasks are completed in Tatar. Thus, children develop speech and the ability to speak words correctly.

B) On the topic “Products”: “Name it correctly”

Children name the products they see in the picture (apple, bread, milk, tea, pear, banana, grapes).

D) Theme “Toys”: the game “What, which one?”

Educator: What is this?

Child: Doll.

Educator: What doll?

Child: A clean, small doll (in Tatar).

D) Topic “Counting to 5” D/i “How many apples”

Educator: How many apples does the girl have?

Child: One apple.

Educator: How many apples does a hedgehog have?

Child: Two apples, etc.

And also the same game for older people. It's called "Learning by Playing"

A) D/i “Clothing store”

Educator: Give mom a sundress.

Child: Mom, take a sundress (in Tatar).

(Same with the rest of the family).

B) On the theme “Vegetables” game “In the garden”

Akbay planted vegetables in the garden. Guys, look what vegetables he grew?

Children name vegetables in Tatar. And then they count. For example, two cabbages, four potatoes, five carrots, etc.

C) D/i “Who does what?”

Educator: What does mom do?

Children: Mom washes potatoes. etc.

D) On the topic “Furniture” d/i “Choose furniture”

The teacher shows two bears and says that they need to choose the right size furniture.

The big bear gets a big bed, a big chair, a big table, and the little bear gets a small table, a chair and a bed. Children answer in Tatar.

D) D/i “Name it correctly”

Educator: What food products do you see here?

Children's answers in Tatar.

Educator: How many apples?

Children: Four apples.

The name of the products and the invoice are fixed here.

And for the preparatory group “We are already big - the roads lead to school”

A) D/i “Who’s on the hill”

Children name forest animals, domestic animals and poultry.

B) D/i “What’s in the briefcase”

Children take turns naming school supplies in Tatar.

B) Fairy tale “Turnip”

Children tell a fairy tale using pictures.

D) Word game “What are you doing?”

Boy: I jump, I sit on a chair, I play, I run, I eat, etc.

D) On the topic “Colors” d/i “Which balloon will you give?”

Educator: Dasha, which ball do you like?

Dasha: I like the red ball.

Educator: Who will you give the ball to?

Dasha: I will give the ball to Akbay.

E) Dialogue between children “Where are you going?”

Girl: What are you doing?

Boy: I'm running. And what are you doing?

Girl: I'm going to the circus (to a cafe, store, etc.).

2. The next game is called “Who does what?”

From the beginning, children choose a petal.

Educator: What color?

Child: This is red (they call color in the Tatar language), turn it over and make a sentence based on the drawing.

Child: Mom is sitting on a chair.

This game teaches children to name colors correctly, compose sentences in the Tatar language, and enriches children's vocabulary.

3. Didactic game “Help Mom”

The teacher explains that we need to help mom prepare salad and compote. Children must name what is needed for salad and what is needed for compote in Tatar.

I hope you enjoy my games and find them useful, thank you all for your attention!