Games for girls daddy cupcakes. Game papa louis cupcakes. Fun cooking process

Here you can play for free online game- Papa Louie - Cupcakes, the original name is Papa's Burgeria Cup Cakeria. This game has been played 682534 times and rated 4.5 out of 5 by 3097 people voted.

  • Platform: Web browser (PC only)
  • Technology: FLASH. Requires Flash Player to work
  • Ability to play in full screen

How to play?

So it's time to experience "for yourself" what it is like to run your own business. And how successful your small restaurant and snack business will become depends only on your efforts and dexterity. Whether you want to use one of the pre-made skins or work a little and get your own exclusive character, either option is available to you. Appearance and name choose at your discretion. Your cafe is just starting to win its clientele, so you can’t make mistakes, everything must be perfect. Take each order carefully - you have a large assortment of cupcakes. When preparing dessert, look at the entry forms. Carefully pour the dough into numerous molds and send them to a hot oven. Then baking and decorating each cupcake.

The first toys of the series were presented to the public in 2007 and they really liked it. Today, Flipline Studios has an entire website dedicated to Papa Louie's cafe and restaurant games, where he bakes his signature cupcakes, pizzas, delicious burgers, and even ice cream. The number of Louis fans is growing every day, and with it the amount of entertainment on the company's website. Especially for girls and boys who love to cook, we selected from them best games Papa Louie cupcakes, which are, you guessed it, about baking.

sweet business

There are two ways to play cupcakes with Pope Louis on our website: take on all the organizational aspects of opening a pastry shop, or devote attention exclusively to the ritual in the kitchen. In the first case, Papa Louie cupcakes games are suitable for you, in which you will have to take on several roles at once: a waiter in the hall, a cook, a cashier, a cleaner and a manager. There will be a lot of work, but it will be very interesting.

All the secrets of effective time management will be revealed to you at a glance. You will see by your own example how hard it is sometimes for the owners of catering. The main goal of such a game is to sell as many cupcakes as possible, get the maximum tip from customers, and when there is enough money, expand your establishment or open a new one.

The process is complicated by the presence of a ticking timer at each level, inexorably counting down the seconds until it ends. As a rule, you are given a minute to do everything about everything. Another limitation is the amount you need to earn per day. It is indicated before the start of the stage, and if there is no money at the end of it, you have lost.

The second part of the toys about Papa Louie's signature cupcakes invites you to cook them. A luxurious virtual kitchen equipped with the latest technology awaits you. Find all the necessary tools and products in her numerous cabinets, and then start baking. Pay close attention to everything that Louis says and shows you, and try to exactly repeat his every step. If you do everything right, at the end of the game you will be waiting for ruddy mouth-watering cupcakes. The most daring will be able to repeat the trick in a real kitchen, striking their parents and friends on the spot.

Description of the flash game

Frog Treasure

papa lui cake

Papa Louie's restaurant chain is growing every day. This time, an Italian chef decides to open a bakery that produces mouth-watering cupcakes. He was just heading into it when he met you at the traffic light. More precisely, the rear bumper of his car met with your front one. Without a penny in his pocket to make up for the loss, the hero (or heroine) agrees to become a diner worker.
First, you create your character by choosing your gender, skin color, one of the many hairstyles, as well as the shape of the mouth, eyes, and accessories. More customization options will open up as you progress through the game as you earn or buy new trinkets and clothing.
Then the most interesting begins. Cooking a cupcake is a complex process that requires attention, and cooking a cupcake in a cafe also requires speed. All pastries here are sold in pairs, so two products will always be made for one visitor.
After listening carefully to the order, the character will write everything down on the form by which you will navigate. First of all, select a mold of the corresponding color, then fill it with biscuit dough exactly halfway. At first, only vanilla and chocolate dough is available, but over time, other types will open, such as fruit and others.
The next step is directly baking. Throw the molds into the oven and wait for the temperature timer to reach the desired point. In order not to waste time in vain, you can throw in several forms at once or go to the hall and check if you need to take an order from someone.
After the basis for the final product is ready, it should be taken with additives. Spread icing on top in a spiral shape, top with chocolate, cookies, and whatever else your customer wants. When it's done, give the cupcake to the hungry customer and get as much tip as how good the dish came out!

Celebrity chef Louie is opening another cafe! This time, while playing Cupcakes Papa Louie, you are invited to try your hand at making delicious desserts. You will work in an institution that sells excellent cupcakes with various additions. The cafe is incredibly popular among the inhabitants of the small town, and every day they look forward to its opening. You just have to listen carefully to their orders and fulfill them correctly.

Fun cooking process

After launching the Papa Louie cafe game, during which it is proposed to prepare a variety of cupcakes, you will be asked to choose a character for yourself. And then the work will begin, which will require the maximum return of time and effort, because visitors do not miss the opportunity to enjoy the famous cupcakes. You will need to take an order from each client, fixing it on a special order form. Then head to the kitchen to make the dessert exactly as the customer wants. To begin with, you will need to choose the right cupcake batter, then bake them until done, and the final step is to add all sorts of goodies that make the dessert special. In Papa Louie's restaurant game, you'll be able to decorate cupcakes with different creams, sauces, sprinkles and even cherries. The main thing is not to deviate from the order form when cooking in order to accurately reproduce the desired delicacy. Only in this case you will be able to receive money for your efforts. But if the client is dissatisfied, the amount of payment will decrease sharply. If you can’t please him at all, you won’t get anything at all, and you shouldn’t allow such situations. With the money you earn, you can purchase improvements for your establishment to make it even more efficient. It is logical to assume that the more money you earn, the faster you can improve the cafe. You can look into the upgrade store after successfully completing any level, and there are a lot of them in the game about Papa Louie's kitchen and his cupcakes.

More mini-games!

A distinctive feature of this toy is that in addition to the need to complete the main task, there are funny mini-games that allow you to earn extra money and get nice bonuses. They are activated after each completed level, the rules in them are as simple as possible, and you can instantly figure out the process. And if you wish, you can skip this step if you do not want to waste time on additional rounds.