Map of human emotions with decoding. A complete emotional map for psychologists and their clients. What are mind maps

Below is the emotional map that is convenient for the work of a practicing psychologist and is quite simple and understandable to a person who comes to a psychologist in the role of a client. The described map includes 12 emotional spheres. The emotional sphere is a set of emotions that are close to each other in terms of meaning or strategy of interaction with the outside world.

In order to effectively read a map, several assumptions must be made.

By emotion I mean a psycho-physiological phenomenon that defines a situation or our attitude towards it (an indicative label), changes a person’s activity (that is, carries an energy charge) and directs his perception, thinking and actions (motivates).

Within each realm, there are emotions that simply differ in intensity. For example, fear and horror. Or there are emotions that have a different meaning, but a similar attitude towards another person or situation. For example, envy and pride. These emotions have different meanings, but they both reflect your desire to be superior to the people around you (pride = "I am the navel of the earth", envy = "I should have as much as the other person" / "how I am worse").

At the same time, I am aware (and I advise you) that the separation of emotions is a rather conditional thing. After all, emotions can easily coexist with each other, that is, arise simultaneously. For example, a surprise can be both surprise and joy (or disappointment if you don't like it).

Emotions can also be easily combined to create a complex feeling. For example, jealousy combines: anger, fear, guilt and greed. However, in order for you to have a strong emotional foundation, such a separation is essential.

In addition, one has to remember the existence of homonyms (same spelling, but different meaning). Emotions homonyms also exist. So, for example, pity can refer to both the sphere of loneliness (I lack attention) and the sphere of superiority (I will help this unfortunate person). Or, for example, annoyance, which can be in the sphere of loss of meaning (as the quintessence of disappointment), and in the sphere of conscience (when we are talking about self-flagellation).

The location of the emotional spheres on the map is largely determined by the fact that some of the emotional spheres are full or partial antagonists to each other. Although this is a rather conditional assumption. After all, colors are the perfect metaphor for emotions. Yes, White color in many ways opposed to black, and the warm part of the color palette is cold. But, this only works for paired comparisons. In the painting, the same colors are mixed into a unique pattern.

In the list inside the sphere, emotions are arranged in order from less intense (background) to more intense (affects).

At the same time, emotions and feelings are located in the same sphere. Maybe it's not the best the right approach from the point of view of a theoretical model, but very convenient in practice.

Sphere of Satisfaction

Satisfaction - comfort - lightness - carelessness - flight - playfulness - joy - pleasure - radiance - fun - happiness - grace - spiritualization - euphoria - bliss - delight - ecstasy.

Orb of Enthusiasm

Curiosity - Interest - Cheerfulness - Hope - Optimism - Enthusiasm - Confidence - Strength - Determination - Engagement - Excitement - Inspiration - Anticipation - Enthusiasm - Excitement

Orb of Rest

Peace - serenity - security - appeasement - relief.

Sphere of surprise

Confusion - bewilderment - surprise - amazement - a miracle.

Sphere of conscience

Humility - submission - embarrassment - guilt - shame - repentance - annoyance.

Sphere of loneliness

Separation - pity - loneliness - emptiness

Happiness Loss Sphere

Discontent - nostalgia - concern - regret - sadness - longing - depression - unhappiness - suffering - lamentation - emotional pain - grief

Sphere of Loss of Meaning

Inertia - monotony - fatigue - boredom - satiety - boredom - bitterness - indifference - meaninglessness - despondency

Sphere of fear

Anxiety - doubt - distrust - wariness - anxiety - confusion - fright - fear - helplessness - confusion - panic - despair - horror.

Sphere of Antagonism

Coldness - suspicion - irritation - opposition - rejection - anger - hostility - resentment - indignation - gloating - boycott - anger - hatred - rage - rage.

Sphere of Excellence

Separation - condescension - contempt - pity - ignoring - complacency pride - arrogance - hostility - condemnation - defiance - envy - greed - contempt - disgust - poisonousness - insult - humiliation - revenge - jealousy - betrayal

Scope of acceptance

Consent - approval - benevolence - openness - gratitude - sympathy - attraction - respect - passion - affection - unity - tenderness - awe - tenderness - admiration - devotion - faith - love - adoration - reverence

Below is that emotional map, which, IMHO, is convenient for the work of a practicing psychologist and is quite simple and understandable to a person who comes to a psychologist in the role of a client. The described map includes 12 emotional spheres. The emotional sphere is a set of emotions that are close to each other in terms of meaning or strategy of interaction with the outside world.

D In order to effectively read a map, several assumptions must be made.

By emotion I mean a psycho-physiological phenomenon that defines a situation or our attitude towards it (an indicative label), changes a person’s activity (that is, carries an energy charge) and directs his perception, thinking and actions (motivates).

Emotions are found within every realm, just varying in intensity. For example, fear and horror. Or there are emotions that have a different meaning, but a similar attitude towards another person or situation. For example, envy and pride. These emotions have different meanings, but they both reflect your desire to be superior to the people around you (pride = “I am the navel of the earth”, envy = “I should have as much as the other person” / “how I am worse”).

At the same time, I am aware (and I advise you) that the separation of emotions is a rather conditional thing. After all, emotions can easily coexist with each other, that is, arise simultaneously. For example, a surprise can be both surprise and joy (or disappointment if you don't like it).

Emotions can also be easily combined to create a complex feeling. For example, jealousy combines: anger, fear, guilt and greed. However, in order for you to have a strong emotional foundation, such a separation is essential.

In addition, one has to remember the existence of homonyms (same spelling, but different meaning). Emotions homonyms also exist. So, for example, pity can refer to both the sphere of loneliness (I lack attention) and the sphere of superiority (I will help this unfortunate person). Or, for example, annoyance, which can be in the sphere of loss of meaning (as the quintessence of disappointment), and in the sphere of conscience (when it comes to self-flagellation).

The location of the emotional spheres on the map is largely determined by the fact that some of the emotional spheres are full or partial antagonists to each other. Although this is a rather conditional assumption. After all, colors are the perfect metaphor for emotions. Yes, white is in many ways opposed to black, and the warm part of the color palette is opposed to the cold. But, this only works for paired comparisons. In the painting, the same colors are mixed into a unique pattern.

In the list inside the sphere, emotions are arranged in order from less intense (background) to more intense (affects).

At the same time, both emotions and feelings are located in the same sphere. Maybe this is not the most correct approach from the point of view of a theoretical model, but it is very convenient in practice.

Sphere of Satisfaction

Satisfaction - comfort - lightness - carelessness - flight - playfulness - joy - pleasure - radiance - fun - happiness - grace - spiritualization - euphoria - bliss - delight - ecstasy.

Orb of Enthusiasm

Curiosity - Interest - Cheerfulness - Hope - Optimism - Enthusiasm - Confidence - Strength - Determination - Engagement - Excitement - Inspiration - Anticipation - Enthusiasm - Excitement

Orb of Rest

Peace - serenity - security - appeasement - relief.

Sphere of surprise

Confusion - bewilderment - surprise - amazement - a miracle.

Sphere of conscience

Humility - submission - embarrassment - guilt - shame - repentance - annoyance

Sphere of loneliness

Separation - pity - loneliness - emptiness

Happiness Loss Sphere

Dissatisfaction - nostalgia - concern - regret - sadness - longing - depression - unhappiness - suffering - moaning - emotional pain - grief

Sphere of Loss of Meaning

Inertia - monotony - fatigue - boredom - satiety - boredom - bitterness - indifference - meaninglessness - despondency

Sphere of fear

Anxiety - doubt - distrust - wariness - anxiety - confusion - fright - fear - helplessness - confusion - panic - despair - horror.

Sphere of Antagonism

Coldness - suspicion - irritation - opposition - rejection - anger - hostility - resentment - indignation - gloating - boycott - anger - hatred - rage - rage.

Sphere of Excellence

isolation - condescension - contempt - pity - ignoring - complacency pride - arrogance - hostility - condemnation - rebelliousness - envy - greed - contempt - disgust - poisonousness - insult - humiliation - revenge - jealousy - betrayal

Scope of acceptance

Consent - approval - benevolence - openness - gratitude - sympathy - attraction - respect - enthusiasm - affection - unity - tenderness - awe - tenderness - admiration - devotion - faith - love - adoration - reverence.

How much emotion our face can show

The physical sensations of people in different emotional states are the same. It has already been confirmed that racial affiliation and ethnic origins of a person do not affect feelings during the period of emotional experience. Specialists conducted a survey of more than a thousand respondents living in various countries and localities. The respondents spoke about the feelings that arise during periods of various emotional states. According to the results of the experiment, it was found that love causes warmth throughout the body in everyone, and negative emotions, on the contrary, cause wicking, blocks and tensions in a person, and fear and anxiety are felt by squeezing in the chest.

This experiment changed people's opinion about human emotions and confirmed many ancient approaches of a person's attitude towards himself and the world around him. It was concluded that there is an inverse relationship between brain impulses and sensations - it is the human body that gives the signal to the brain on how to recognize the sensations that it has.

Emotions are a complex wave energy structure that, through the receptivity of the human body, suggests ongoing and expected reactions in the auric field to various surrounding events and changes. Only our mind perceives all these responses from each individually and in different ways. There is a conditional division of people into emotional and non-emotional. These sensations and reactions are very different from each other. Usually, emotional people consider themselves not emotional and vice versa. Knowing the mechanics of emotionality and such impact, you can greatly adjust your life in various areas of interaction and make decisions for yourself more correctly. But only a specialist based on your individual energy can tell you all this.

Have you ever wondered what sensations in the body cause different emotions? Where in the body is reflected, for example, anger or love? What does the body feel when you feel hurt? How does the emotion of disgust respond in the body? These questions seemed very interesting to scientists and they conducted a study, the purpose of which was to identify areas of the body that are most active at the time of the occurrence of a particular emotion.

Heat map of emotions

In this case, activity means any bodily sensations: warmth, tingling, itching, and others. Please note that "heat maps of emotions" are built on the subjective feelings of the subjects. Real temperature measurements showed nothing. Which, in general, is not surprising, because emotions arose for a very short time.

About a thousand people took part in the experiment. They were shown various stimuli - mostly videos and pictures, which were supposed to evoke certain emotional sensations and feelings in the subjects. After the demonstration of the stimulus, an increase or decrease in activity in different parts of the body was determined.

As a result of the experiment, maps were obtained showing which parts of the body are most active at the time of experiencing a particular emotion. Subsequently, these maps were called "heat maps of emotions." This name "stuck" most likely because of the visual similarity. In reality, cold colors, like black, blue, cyan, mean the least activity, and warm colors: yellow, orange, red, the most.

Looking at this map of emotions, the first thing that comes to mind is that the phrase “glowing with happiness” is not far from reality! The saying "From love to hate is one step!" also hit the bull's-eye. And depression is really an emptiness in the soul ... In anger, the hands are as active as possible - perhaps because the object of anger really wants to be punched in the eye. Amazing, right? It turns out that subconsciously, without any experiments, people always knew which parts of the body are activated in response to the corresponding emotion. This is exactly the case when our ancestors intuitively knew and, moreover, used this knowledge, and we are only now confirming and reaching all this.

And if you are interested - below is a map of a wave sketch of the manifestation of the energy of emotions, you can compare it with a thermal one.


It is known that any emotion is a complex system of interaction between energy perception and biochemical substances in different organs of the human body. Any emotion is energy, and, according to the law of conservation of energy, it does not disappear anywhere. Therefore, you can suppress the expression of emotion outwardly, but you cannot destroy it inside if it is not correct for yourself and others. Its amplitude, of course, subsides with time, but it remains to live in a certain layer deep in a person, being unmanifested, and does not disappear until it is correctly expressed outside. Below is a general scheme of where and how an unexpressed and incorrect emotion manifests itself in a person.

For example, when a boss proves to subordinates that they are stupid and unsuitable for intellectual work, in the body of the humiliated, due to the message of negative emotions, powerful biochemical changes begin, and with resistance and suppression - even an order of magnitude higher. The brain, assessing the degree of danger, in order to save the offended person as a whole, launches a protective dopamine-energy system. Dopamine is the hormone of joy and comfort, and the depletion of its reserves in the near future means severe depression. Thus, a large amount of adrenaline, the most ancient and simple signal mechanism, is released into the blood, and external "protective" satisfaction occurs, which eventually slowly "devours" the life potential of the humiliated. Usually, the response leads to the need to prove the opposite or do nothing at all - while neither the first nor the second reaction is considered incorrect. The best thing to do in such a situation, and not only at work, is to be neutral, to know yourself and your capabilities and not to react to an artificial reset or irritant, even if modern world this is not easy either.

In various cases, people are extremely active and excited or prostrated, and in another they are very reserved. Moreover, it is in the second group that adrenaline at this moment exceeds the permissible norm by seven times. If such a person does not "blow off steam" or provide assistance in time, then in two or three weeks he will lose his immunity, fall ill with some kind of disease, and even worse, with the accumulation of emotional pressure, you can get a heart attack or peptic ulcer.

It so happened that the right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for negative emotions, and the left - for positive ones - this is according to the number of controlled neurons (in the left-handed person - on the contrary). That is, when a person is in a bad mood, he needs to activate the left hemisphere. To do this, it is better to start some kind of game like chess, you can solve a crossword puzzle, or it is better to flirt. But traditionally, the left half of the brain is activated with the help of banal alcohol.

Interestingly, along with dopamine, alcohol stimulates other left hemisphere centers, in particular the center responsible for talkativeness. So alcoholics live strictly according to the textbook of neurophysiology. By the way, the need to talk can be so great that psychologists have repeatedly noted cases when two drunks speaking different languages ​​spent hours having meaningful conversations for both.

What happens to us when we restrain ourselves, limit the expression of feelings and emotions?

Unbeknownst to us, this leads to:

  • There is a loss of vital energy.
  • Neuroses are formed.
  • Immunity is depleted
  • There is an inner spiritual painful sensation.
  • We don't do what we are supposed to do.
  • We prove the unnecessary.
  • We protest out of place.
  • We suffer and always make excuses.
  • We do not receive enough and do not give ourselves and loved ones love and tenderness, which we simply do not know how to correctly express.
  • We get sick and “swallow insults”, instead of fighting back, learn to say “YES” and “NO”.

Blocked energy "circulates" inside our body in search of an exit. The person continues to experience impulses of unexpressed emotions, but struggles with them. As a result, the body, instead of bringing joy and pleasure, brings pain and suffering, “earns” psychosomatic illnesses.

Emotions, feelings and a derivative of this - the mood of a person, in fact, turn out to be a biochemical reaction of body molecules to an energetic emotional impact. Investigating, it was confirmed that "tenderness" in a person lives in the head, and fear - in the stomach. By the way, hatred can be “eaten” with delicious food, and love can be “warmed up” with a bar of chocolate - but these are all reverse digestive compensations that are not advisable to use - they only cause a hormonal imbalance, which leads to weight gain.

Perhaps this list in this post looks too abbreviated. It does not contain many well-known emotions and feelings: rage, longing, guilt and others. We are now looking at basic emotions. The remaining emotions are "hidden" - as if "hidden" and follow from the basic ones. Under any "hidden" emotion there is always a basic one. The base one is always more authentic and has much more energy than any "hidden" one. Therefore, with all the possible variety of feelings and emotions, it is recommended to always identify the basic emotion at the beginning.

We are afraid to show people our true emotions, andeven admitting it to yourself can be scary...

We approach the mirror. We carefully look at the features that have developed over the years. What emotion do they express? Raised eyebrows? Surprised or scared? Maybe moved? From rage? Are the corners of the mouth turned down? In sadness? Or has a smile been frozen on your lips for years? Do the eyes smile then? Or just lips? Maybe your eyes are wide open? In a fright? Lips turned out? Out of disgust? Or are they drawn in tightly, turning into a thin line? From anger? Cheeks puffed up? Like a child who is about to cry? Or was your face haggard and your muscles tensed? From pain and suffering? Let's take a closer look ... Is this the expression on the face of a person who wants to bare his teeth? And maybe burst into tears? Let's take care of ourselves.

Every person, in order to maintain their emotional health, should make faces at their reflection in the mirror for at least 3 minutes daily!


The described map includes 12 emotional spheres.

Emotion guide

Below is that emotional map, which, IMHO, is convenient for the work of a practicing psychologist and is quite simple and understandable to a person who comes to a psychologist in the role of a client. The described map includes 12 emotional spheres. The emotional sphere is a set of emotions that are close to each other in terms of meaning or strategy of interaction with the outside world.

In order to effectively read a map, several assumptions must be made.

By emotion I mean a psycho-physiological phenomenon that defines a situation or our attitude towards it (an indicative label), changes a person’s activity (that is, carries an energy charge) and directs his perception, thinking and actions (motivates).

Emotions are found within every realm, just varying in intensity. For example, fear and horror. Or there are emotions that have a different meaning, but a similar attitude towards another person or situation. For example, envy and pride. These emotions have different meanings, but they both reflect your desire to be superior to the people around you (pride = “I am the navel of the earth”, envy = “I should have as much as the other person” / “how I am worse”).

At the same time, I am aware (and I advise you) that the separation of emotions is a rather conditional thing. After all, emotions can easily coexist with each other, that is, arise simultaneously. For example, a surprise can be both surprise and joy (or disappointment if you don't like it).

Emotions can also be easily combined to create a complex feeling. For example, jealousy combines: anger, fear, guilt and greed. However, in order for you to have a strong emotional foundation, such a separation is essential.

In addition, one has to remember the existence of homonyms (same spelling, but different meaning). Emotions homonyms also exist. So, for example, pity can refer to both the sphere of loneliness (I lack attention) and the sphere of superiority (I will help this unfortunate person). Or, for example, annoyance, which can be in the sphere of loss of meaning (as the quintessence of disappointment), and in the sphere of conscience (when it comes to self-flagellation).

The location of the emotional spheres on the map is largely determined by the fact that some of the emotional spheres are full or partial antagonists to each other. Although this is a rather conditional assumption. After all, colors are the perfect metaphor for emotions. Yes, white is in many ways opposed to black, and the warm part of the color palette is opposed to the cold. But, this only works for paired comparisons. In the painting, the same colors are mixed into a unique pattern.

In the list inside the sphere, emotions are arranged in order from less intense (background) to more intense (affects).

At the same time, both emotions and feelings are located in the same sphere. Maybe this is not the most correct approach from the point of view of a theoretical model, but it is very convenient in practice.

Sphere of Satisfaction

Satisfaction - comfort - lightness - carelessness - flight - playfulness - joy - pleasure - radiance - fun - happiness - grace - spiritualization - euphoria - bliss - delight - ecstasy.

Orb of Enthusiasm

Curiosity - Interest - Cheerfulness - Hope - Optimism - Enthusiasm - Confidence - Strength - Determination - Engagement - Excitement - Inspiration - Anticipation - Enthusiasm - Excitement

Orb of Rest

Peace - serenity - security - appeasement - relief.

Sphere of surprise

Confusion - bewilderment - surprise - amazement - a miracle.

Sphere of conscience

Humility - submission - embarrassment - guilt - shame - repentance - annoyance.

Sphere of loneliness

Separation - pity - loneliness - emptiness

Happiness Loss Sphere

Discontent - nostalgia - concern - regret - sadness - longing - depression - unhappiness - suffering - moaning - emotional pain - grief

Sphere of Loss of Meaning

Inertia - monotony - fatigue - boredom - satiety - boredom - bitterness - indifference - meaninglessness - despondency

Sphere of fear

Anxiety - doubt - distrust - alertness - anxiety - confusion - fear - fear - helplessness - confusion - panic - despair - horror.

Sphere of Antagonism

Coldness - suspicion - irritation - opposition - rejection - anger - hostility - resentment - indignation - gloating - boycott - anger - hatred - rage - rage.

Sphere of Excellence

isolation - condescension - scorn - pity - ignoring - complacency pride - arrogance - hostility - condemnation - defiance - envy - greed - contempt - disgust - poisonousness - insult - humiliation - revenge - jealousy - betrayal

Scope of acceptance

Consent - approval - benevolence - openness - gratitude - sympathy - attraction - respect - enthusiasm - affection - unity - tenderness - awe - tenderness - admiration - devotion - faith - love - adoration - reverence.published