Pictures of children playing. Cards "outdoor games" Video: festival of folk games

More than anything else, children love to play. Whatever game they choose, snowballs, balls, cubes, football or building castles in the sandbox, the kids always do it with passion. You can also enjoy watching children's games. In addition, pictures of children playing with their parents on the street can be an excellent tool for the development of speech in children.

How to use the material?

Illustrations of children playing football, a ball, blocks, snowballs on the street, and building castles in the sandbox are based on mini-plots. Each picture is a story that can be expressed verbally. Ask your child to describe the picture and tell what it shows. Images of children playing on the street with their parents are rich in material for indicating actions and for learning verbs. At the same time, in such pictures you can find objects, phenomena, the names of which are expressed by nouns.

Pictures of children playing football, snowballs, balls, cubes, or making Easter eggs in the sandbox can be used in speech development lessons. This is an indispensable material for educators. Offer each child a separate card with a picture and ask him to describe what he saw. Make sure that the child uses the vocabulary as much as possible, various parts of speech: nouns, adjectives, verbs, etc.

Pictures of children playing snowballs, balls, and football on the street can be used to develop memory. To do this, show your child the illustration for a few seconds, then hide it and ask him to tell from memory what was depicted there. Open the picture and together analyze what was named and what was not. Let the child complete the story and reproduce what was not said.

Using the pictures, you can tell a small child about new games that exist for the street. Perhaps the most favorite of them are snowballs. Describe to your child how fun it is to play with snow balls in winter, sculpt a snow woman, etc. Pictures of winter games can tell a lot about the fun of our distant ancestors.

You can make applications from the pictures available on the site: just cut out the illustrations and stick them on the base. This way, the child will be able to independently create the stories he likes from the children’s lives. If there is a school or kindergarten holiday coming up, you can create a collage on a stand or on paper, which will alternate with real photos and represent the children at various moments in their lives.

Pictures of children playing are an excellent opportunity for preschool teachers to attract the attention of new children. Hang them at the entrance to the kindergarten or aesthetic center. And the kids, walking along the corridors, will focus their attention on these pleasant moments of their lives.

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Very often, daily walks with a child become dull and boring.
I offer you several ideas for outdoor games that will help diversify your next walk through a park or square, where there is a lot of asphalt and no playgrounds. All you need is to take with you a box of colorful crayons, a pack of wet wipes and a good mood.

5 outdoor games on the asphalt

1. Outdoor jumping game "Hopscotch"

The idea of ​​a children's game of the most ordinary classics can be changed beyond recognition.
It is not at all necessary to draw a classic table with numbers from 1 to 10.

Draw colorful circles on the asphalt with crayons. Try to place them all together. The number of circles of each color must be equal. Mark the first and last circle - where you need to start and where to go. Now each player chooses his own color and moves only in circles of his own color, there is no room for mistakes.

The rules of children's outdoor games can be varied as you wish:

  • - get into your circles like a pebble;
  • - jump in circles on one leg, on two, alternately;
  • - you can use the dice: how many dots appear, the player needs to jump in so many circles;
  • - you can number the circles like real classics;
  • - draw letters inside and, jumping, form the given words.

While playing, children not only move around, but also remember a couple of new letters or numbers.

Hopscotch can be drawn in the shape of a long snake ribbon, straight or twisted, and run along its contour.

2. Outdoor game - adventure game "Who is faster"

In addition to the classics, you can draw all kinds of labyrinths.

Not necessarily as correct as in the photo. The labyrinth can be drawn in the shape of a circle, triangle, or any shape. This game is good for a group of kids.

Organize a competition and use a stopwatch to determine the winner. Children love to compete.

If your child rides a bike, use the same method.
Write numbers, letters, figures on the asphalt with chalk yourself (or leave it to the children) with chalk. In any order, with any intervals, only larger.

Invite a child riding a bicycle to follow certain numbers, signs, letters, pictures - to wander along a given route.

This is a good activity for developing gross motor skills and improving cycling skills.

Such outdoor games come in handy when there are no children's playgrounds, sandboxes or swings nearby.

3. Outdoor game - “Complete the picture”

Draw some geometric figure on the asphalt, and let the child draw another one to it, and so on, one at a time, so that later a complete picture can be obtained.

Another option - Mark the contours of the drawing on the asphalt with dots, and let the child trace it with a solid line, trying not to tear the chalk from the asphalt. This could be the outline of a house, a star or a boat.

You can draw different geometric shapes and invite your child to complete them so that they turn into something recognizable. For example: what does a circle look like? It looks like an apple - add a twig and a leaf; on the balloon - add a thread; in the sun - add some rays, etc.

With crayons you can outline various objects that are at hand: sandbox molds, the bottom of a bucket, leaves, or, for example, your own hands and feet. From the resulting silhouettes you can make drawings and then paint or shade them.

The most extreme option, possible provided that the asphalt is clean enough, is for the child to lie down on the asphalt and you circle him, or vice versa. Then the resulting image can be colored, clothes drawn, and various objects added to the hands. Despite the fact that adults immediately have criminal associations, children really like such self-portraits.

A more acceptable option is to outline and color the shadow.

An interesting game that develops imagination and creative thinking is described by Gianni Rodari in his book “The Grammar of Fantasy”:

"There is a famous surreal game: drawing in several hands. The first participant in the group depicts something suggestive of an image, makes a sketch that may or may not have any meaning. The second participant in the game, certainly starting from the initial outline, uses it in as an element of another image, with a different meaning. The third one does the same: it does not complement the drawing of the first two, but changes its direction, transforms the idea. The end result most often represents something incomprehensible, since none of the forms is complete, one turns into. the other is a real perpetuum mobile. I saw how children are carried away by this game, grasping its rules on the fly. The first one draws, say, an oval of an eye. The second one, interpreting the oval in his own way, draws chicken legs onto it. And the third one depicts a flower. so on. The final product interests the players less than the game itself, than the struggle that arises when trying to take over someone else’s forms and impose their own, than the surprises and discoveries that happen at every step, in the form of a movement that Umberto Eco would probably call “migration.” content." However, in the end, an image can also contain an entire story. Inadvertently an unusual character appears, a kind of miracle-judo, or a fantastic landscape."

4. Outdoor game - "Building a city"

Of course, you won’t be able to build it, but you’ll be quite capable of drawing it.

For this game you will need white chalk and toy cars. We draw roads and intersections, parking lots and garages, and don’t forget about pedestrian crossings for dolls! In addition to roads, you can draw houses, shops, squares and amusement parks - perhaps this is what an ideal city looks like. You need to drive cars along “city” roads and come up with stories about where you are going, why, who you are meeting, etc. As the game progresses, the necessary details are completed. If there are no machines at hand, pebbles, sticks and other available materials will do.

5. Outdoor jumping game "Rubber Bands"

Another wonderful, but forgotten very active game. Why don't girls play it now? It's our fault. We don’t tell, we don’t show, we just wonder why the girls don’t know how to play it.

If you have a boring, nondescript paved area in your yard, then these ideas are just for you! This could be a wide area near the house or in front of the entrance to it, or a wide path in the yard. There are many such areas in schools and kindergartens. If you want to make your children’s lives even brighter and diversify their play, then this post is for you!

Arm yourself with colorful paint, rollers and brushes and turn boring asphalt into a fun playground! To do this, you just need to come up with, outline and draw a game on the asphalt.

What can you draw:

  • of course, first of all, the classics;
  • twister;
  • chessboard;
  • the playing field of your favorite board game, where the children themselves will be the chips;
  • labyrinths;
  • track for driving cars or bicycles.

Here are some tips before drawing:

  1. Before applying the pattern, the asphalt should be washed with water from a hose.
  2. Come up with a plan on paper. Do this with your children to make the game really interesting for them.
  3. Take special paint for external work. Think about clothes that you don't mind getting dirty. Don't forget to take a tape measure, tape, and chalk with you.
  4. Make a small but noticeable fence around what you painted so that no one can climb into where the paint has not yet dried.

Compiled by: Tatyana Aleksandrovna Guseva, Tatyana...

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The manual presents story-based outdoor games for children of senior preschool age. The proposed card index will help to systematize plot-based outdoor games and effectively and variedly organize the motor activity of children five to seven years old. A card with a plot active game contains a goal, rules, diagram, and color illustration. The game plan will help adults correctly place children when creating a play situation on the playground. Color illustrations can be used for children to look at and compose stories in order to clarify their ideas about the plot being played out. Based on it, you can invite children to explain the rules of the game.
The manual is addressed to teachers of preschool educational institutions, heads of physical education, teachers and students of pedagogical universities and colleges, and can also be useful to parents when organizing joint play activities with children five to seven years old.
Compiled by: Tatyana Aleksandrovna Guseva, Tatyana Olegovna Ivanova.
Fastening: double eurospiral.


WMD 2 drivers are selected (their number can be increased to 4 during the game). The intervals between players are arms outstretched. Games Card No. 1 "" Pass the ball "" Rules 1) you are allowed to sit only with your feet inside the circle. Only the player who has lost the ball can change this position and get involved in the fight for the ball. 2) it is not allowed to use painful and suffocating techniques. 3) If, when passing the ball, he went outside the circle, the one who threw the ball inaccurately goes to drive, and the driver takes his place in the circle. Task: development of agility, strength Equipment: ball Venue: the game is played on the carpet Contents signal Formation Players sit in a circle with their feet in the center.

Games Card No. 2 “Walk quickly, watch - don’t yawn!” WMD Rules 1 driver is selected and stands on one side of the site. On the other side, at a distance of 1530 m, a line is drawn, behind which the rest are located, lined up in a line. The player who has never been caught wins. 1) you can only move forward in steps. Whoever approaches the driver goes beyond the house line. running, 2) In response to the driver’s words “one, two, three”, everyone moves forward from the very place where he stopped the previous time. 3) Anyone who moves and is noticed by the driver must return beyond the starting line, regardless of where he is. Objective: developing endurance, developing speech and memory Venue: 2040 m court Formation The driver stands on one side of the court, with his back to the players.

touching him catches up with them, whoever he catches to the home line becomes the driver, and the game starts again. Task: developing reaction speed Venue: Formation The drivers stand opposite each other at a distance of approximately 1.5 m, conn. hands and raise them up, "gate". The rest of the participants are behind the gate on the other side. forming Contents At the signal from the leader, all players must run through the “gate” for three counts. On the count of “four”, the “gate” is closed (the drivers lower their hands down). Whoever did not have time to run is considered caught and replaces one of the drivers.

Task: to develop attention, foster honesty Venue: any Formation The players stand in one line. The leader stands facing the players. Contents The leader gives commands. Children should perform them only if he first says the word “group” before the command. If he does not pronounce the word “group”, then there is no need to react to the command. The one who made the mistake takes a step forward and continues to play. WMD In conclusion, the most inattentive players are noted who have moved further than others from the starting position. Those players who were the most attentive win and thanks to this, the players of the circle are the leader of the Games. Card No. 4 “Group at attention!” 1) the player who did not follow the command with the preliminary word “group” takes a step forward 2) Player, commands. who tried to perform without the preliminary word “group”, takes a step forward.

Objective: to develop jumping ability, to develop a sense of balance Venue: area with a drawn circle Formation Players line up in two lines around the circle, one opposite the other.

team players Task: developing balance, sense of distance Venue: site with a drawn circle Formation Players line up in two lines around the circle, one opposite the other. Contents One player from each team comes into the circle, squats in front of each other and stretches their arms forward. At the leader’s signal, each pair pushes their palms into the opponent’s palms, thereby causing him to lose his balance. Whoever fell lost. (you can be allowed to make feigning movements - imitating a blow, remove your hands or jump to the side without changing 5. during the fight, your hands must be behind your back, otherwise they lose. The one who lowered the Game. Card No. 6 “Squatting Fight” WMD Rules The players are divided into two teams; a circle is drawn on the ground; teenagers and seniors play; the winner is the player who has won all the matches: 1. The player who started earlier can only be pushed out; 2. The opponent can only be thrown off balance; by hitting palms against palms. If a player unbalances an opponent by pushing him into the body with his palm, then he is considered a loser; 3. a player who loses his balance or is pushed out of the circle is considered a loser.

team players position team players). If there are not many players, they simply play in pairs. In this case, at the end of the competition, the pair goes between the winners. Each time the number of players is halved. They play until one player remains. competition times Objective: developing reaction speed, developing attention Venue: any Formation All players form a circle. Two players stand in the middle of the circle. Those standing in a circle kneel down on one or two knees. They have a volleyball. The drivers turn to face the ball. Contents At the leader’s signal, the players begin to roll the ball on the floor, trying to touch the players’ feet with it. The drivers run from the ball in a circle, jumping up to escape from it. If one of the players manages to hit the driver’s feet with the ball, he takes his place, and the former driver stands in a circle. Games Card No. 7 "Ball on the floor" WMD Those who have never been a driver win. The first drivers are not considered losers; Game for elementary school (7-9 years old). Rules 1. the game starts at the signal; 2. The driver who has greased his feet immediately goes to the place of the one who greased him; 3. you can grease no higher than your knees; 4. The first driver is not considered a loser.

players in the circle driving Task: developing reaction speed and attention Equipment: ball Venue: any Games site. Card No. 8 “Passing balls in columns” Formation The players are divided into several groups - teams, and each of them is lined up in a column one at a time, one parallel to the other. Players in columns stand at an elongated distance. Those in front in columns stand at a ball or other object. hands Contents of the WMD At a signal, the players standing in front pass the ball over their heads to those standing behind them. They pass the ball to those standing behind them in the same way. Each time, the last player in the column, having received the ball, runs to the right of the column towards the leader, then becomes the first in his line. Options: the ball can be passed under your feet, legs spread wide; possible through the sides; can be alternated (passing above the head and under the feet; on the left and right sides); Rules 1. the game begins only upon a signal from the leader; 2. the ball can be passed over the head and not in another way; 3. The one who dropped the ball must pick it up, stand in place and continue playing. for violation every 4.

column. The team of the one who brings the ball before the others gets the winning point. Then, also at the signal, they begin to pass the ball in columns. And they play like this until all participants reach the end of the columns and deliver the ball to the leader. players do not have to run to the leader, immediately become the first in their column and continue to pass the ball in the same way. and penalty points are awarded. Task: developing reaction speed, attention, developing speed Equipment: clubs, racks Venue: site 3040 m Formation The players are divided into 24 equal teams and line up in columns one at a time, one parallel to the other. Contents The playing teams take the names of the animals. Everyone remembers what animal he is portraying. A starting line is drawn in front of the players standing in front. The WMD that earns the number of points wins; Options: Games. Map No. 9 "Animal Relay" team, greater Rules 1. 2. if both players come running at the same time, points are not awarded to either team; if the player does not reach the final point, point

If the room does not allow you to run around any objects, you can have the players run around their column (team) from a certain side. his partner from the other team earns. Team players Team players run around clubs or stands. In front of each column, at a distance of approximately 1020 m, a club or stand is placed. The finish line is drawn at a distance of 2 m from the start. The leader loudly names any animal. The players who took the name of this beast run forward, the object standing in front of them and return back. The first one to return to his team wins a point for him.

The leader names the animals randomly, at his own discretion. Some may be called twice. Each time the players come running take their places in the team. The game is played for 510 minutes, after which points are counted. Objective: education of attention, reaction speed Venue: any Games. Map No. 10 "Calling numbers" Formation Contents WMD Rules The players are divided into 24 equal teams and lined up in columns one at a time, one parallel to the other. Players The leader calls the players by number, alternating them at his discretion. The one who runs to the finish line first each time. If the room allows and there are few players, you can line them up in two lines facing the same direction on one 1. if the players stand in lines, then they can be placed in a high or low position

otherwise the player becomes the driver). one after another, facing the center (the first number is 34 steps from the driver). The leader gives names to all the players: the first in threes is “cones”, the second are “acorns”, the third are “nuts”. places, and the driver strives to take any vacant place. If he succeeds, then the player left without a place becomes the driver.

If the driver says ““acorns””, those standing in the triplets change places second, if ““cones”” standing in the triplets first. When the game is mastered, the driver can call two or even three players in threes, nuts." "" bumps, for example: Those summoned must also change places. Objective: development of dexterity Equipment: volleyball Venue: flat area of ​​the Games. Map No. 12 "Hunters and Ducks" Construction Contents WMD Rules The players are divided into two teams, one of which - At the signal, the "hunters" begin to knock out the "ducks" from the circle. Each Manager can set the game time for throwing the ball at 1. While throwing the ball, it is prohibited to step behind

are built in columns one at a time. In front of each team is placed one gymnastic bench (with the bar facing up). They run along the rail, reach the wall and, touching it with their hand, return back. The second player runs forward when the returner touches his hand.

The one who completes the task stands at the end of the column. which is faster than the baton. finish 2. players are required to run along the 3. bench rail. Penalty points are given for each violation.

Venue: flat area Formation Contents of WMD Teams line up in ranks facing each other on opposite sides of the site in front of the drawn lines and choose a name for themselves (for example, “Spartak” and “Zenith”) for each The game is repeated several times. At the end of the game, they count how many defeated players are on the team's account. Those who were not caught and made more than others are noted. The winner is the team that kills more players in an equal number of runs. The leader invites the Spartak team to join hands and, at his signal, march towards the Zenit team. When the players are at a distance of three to four steps, the teacher blows the whistle, the players of the attacking team turn and quickly run away beyond the boundaries of their house, and the players of the opposing team try to catch up and knock down as many opponents as possible. Those caught are counted and continue to play for their team. Then, at the direction of the leader, the Zenit players advance, and those standing opposite catch them. Rules 1. You can only run away and catch up with a signal. 2. Each team advances the same number of times and catches the enemy only to the line. 3. you can invite players to take different starting positions: the attackers put their hands on each other’s shoulders, hold hands, cross their hands, etc. 4. Those waiting can stand with their backs, sit, or take a low start position.

Task: development of speed qualities Venue: flat area Formation All players are divided into three or five teams and stand in the middle of the hall like the spokes of a wheel, turning their right/left side to the center of the circle. It turns out to be a kind of sun with rays. Each beam - line is a team. The players standing furthest from the center of the circle hold a relay baton (town, tennis ball) in their right hand. Contents At the leader’s signal, those players who have a relay baton in their hands run in a circle (from the outside) past the rest of the “spokes” to their spokes and pass the baton to the player waiting on the edge, after which they stand at the other end of their line ( closer to the center). All players take half a step from the center. The person who receives the baton also runs around the circle and passes it to the third number, etc. When the one who started the game is on the edge and an object is brought to him, he raises it up, announcing the end of the game for his team. The team that finishes the relay race first wins. The relay race can be carried out while dribbling a basketball. Rules 1. While running, it is prohibited to touch standing players, and thereby interfere with players making dashes. Penalty points are awarded for rules. violations 2. Players of opposing teams of the Games. Card No. 17

Objective: development of dexterity, attention Equipment: volleyball Venue: any “Lizard” court Formation Contents Participants are divided into two teams. One team goes into a circle, and the other remains behind the circle with a volleyball. The players in the circle line up in a column led by the captain and take each other by the belt.

Task: development of reaction speed, dexterity Equipment: volleyball Venue: any playground Contents of weapons of mass destruction At the signal from the leader, children try to directly hit the driver with a volleyball ball, from which the driver, running inside the circle, dodges. The game can be played in two or three circles. The player who has spent the longest time in the role of driver wins. Formation Participants form a large circle (stand two or three steps away from each other). A line can be drawn in front of the players' socks. The driver stands out and goes into the middle of the circle.

players of the circle leading the Games. Card No. 18 "Moving Target" Rules 1. during the game, those throwing the ball are not allowed to step over the line with their feet 2. hitting a player after the ball bounces off the ground does not count 3. if the driver managed to catch the ball, he is not eliminated from the game 4. a hit to the head does not count.

Task: developing speed Venue: 50m court Formation The players are divided into two equal teams. Competitions are held in pairs, one player from each team. The players of the next pair stand on the end lines on different sides of the court (20 m from its center line). Contents At the leader's signal "March!" they run towards each other, sticking to the right side, and strive to cross the line as quickly as possible. The first one to do this earns his team a point. Then the next pair starts, and so on. Games Map No. 20 "Who's faster?" WMD Rules The team with the most points wins. 1. You can start from different positions. 2. After running, the player returns to his team.

Games Map No. 21 "Relay race with sticks and jumps" WMD Rules The winner is the team whose players completed the task first without making mistakes. 1. 2. 3. all players are prohibited from letting go of the ends of the stick when it is passed under their feet; they are prohibited from dropping the stick; they are required to jump over the stick. Objective: development of jumping ability, speed qualities Venue: site 2030 m Formation The players are divided into two or three equal teams.

participants will run with a stick. When the starting player is again first in the column and a stick is brought to him, he raises it up. Task: depending on the obstacles (development of agility, jumping ability, balance) Equipment: benches, barriers, gymnastic horse (goat), etc. Venue: sports/gymnastics hall of the Games. Map No. 22 “Relay race on an obstacle course” Formation The group is divided into two teams, which stand in columns one at a time behind a common line. Contents of the WMD For the relay race, benches, barriers, a horse, a goat, etc. are installed. At the signal, the head players of both teams run forward, overcome the obstacle and return back, bypassing these obstacles. Having touched the hand of the next player, he stands at the end of the column. to Rule 1. The game ends when all team members complete the task.

The lead player raises his hand up 2. The team whose players more deftly and clearly overcame all obstacles wins

Task: development of reaction speed, agility, speed Equipment: volleyball Venue: any Formation All players stand in a circle, facing the center. One of the players has the ball, and the driver stands behind him behind the circle. Contents At the signal, you need to quickly pass the ball around the circle. The driver runs in a circle in the same direction where the ball is being passed, and tries to overtake him before the ball hits the player who started the pass. Games Map No. 23 "Overtake the Ball" WMD Rules The game lasts 1015 minutes. 1. the ball must be in the hands of each player 2. if the driver managed to overtake the ball, then a new driver is appointed, and if it fails, the attempt is repeated. That

Objective: development of dexterity, sense of teamwork Equipment: volleyball/basketball Venue: any Games site. Map No. 25 ""Fight for the ball"" Formation Contents of WMD Rules The group is divided into two teams. The team in possession of the ball tries to skillfully maneuver and make ten passes between its players in a row, without giving the ball to the opponent. Game duration 10 15 The team whose players have scored the most points during this time wins. 1. if the ball is intercepted by the opponent, then the accumulated number of passes is canceled and a new pass count is kept 2. if the ball is kicked over the side line by the opponent, the ball is introduced from behind the side line and the pass count continues.

Task: Equipment: volleyball Venue: Formation Players stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other. The driver is behind the circle. One of the players has a volleyball. Contents At a signal, the players pass the ball from one to the other. The driver, running in a circle, tries to touch the ball with his hand. If he succeeds, the driver is replaced by the one who had the ball in his hands. WMD game duration 810 minutes, those who were not driving win. participants, Games. Card No. 26 “Ball for a neighbor” Rules 1. The player changes with the driver if he allows the ball to fall. 2. The driver is prohibited from pushing the rest of the players while running around the circle.

players of the circle driving Task: development of reaction speed Equipment: soccer ball Venue: any Games. Card No. 27 ""Kick ball in a circle"" Formation The players stand in a circle at arm's length. The driver with the ball is in the middle of the circle. Contents The driver kicks the ball and tries to knock it out of the circle. Players standing in a circle hold it with their feet and pass it to each other, preventing the ball from flying out of the circle. WMD The game lasts 1015 minutes Rules 1. The ball is considered to have been thrown out only if it flew no higher than the knees of the players. 2. It is not allowed to hold the ball with your hands

If the driver managed to take the ball and knock it out of the circle, but his place is taken by the player who missed the ball on his right side. Each player tries to protect the gap between himself and his neighbor to the right.

players of the circle driving Task: development of speed-strength qualities, speed of reaction Equipment: volleyballs Venue: volleyball court Formation Contents The players are divided into two equal in number of participating teams, which stand on At the leader's whistle, the teams throw the balls over the net to the OMU side, the game is played in volleyball court instead of a volleyball net at the Games. Card No. 28 ""Two balls over the net"" Rules 1. the ball must not fly under the net 2. the ball must not fall over

teams and line up one against the other at the side lines in the right corner. The starting line is the line. The players in front approach the starting line and receive the ball. The others stand to their side on the sideline. front team players dribbling the ball by hitting the floor throw march!"" ""Attention, the first players run forward, dribbling the ball by hitting the ground (floor), run to the backboards standing on the opposite side, hit the ball against the backboard or throw the ball into the basket, return back, also dribbling the ball on the ground to the middle of the field, from where they throw it to the next player. The next players in the teams move to the starting line (near the baseline) after catching the ball and perform the same task. The game continues until all players complete the assigned task.

line up on one side of the site. Each team is calculated in order. A starting line is drawn in front of the teams. The leader with the ball in his hands stands between the teams. numbers. as far as possible. Players with this number run towards the ball. Whoever touches the ball with his hand first brings the team a point.

After this, the ball is returned to the leader, who throws it again, calling a new number, etc. points, the winner. counts as 2. (by agreement, if two players touch the ball at the same time, each team receives a point. game director team players team players Task: development of speed-strength qualities Venue: stadium, arena Games. Map No. 31 ""Manage to catch up"" Construction Contents of WMD Rules Participants are positioned on the treadmill at the same level. At the signal, all players begin running. The task of each is to prevent up to 20 people from playing.

Formation The group is divided into two equal teams (46 players each), which are randomly located on the basketball court. The captains go to the middle. Contents The leader throws an inflatable ball between the captains, after which it falls to one of the teams. Its players, jumping up and bouncing the ball with their hands, pass it to each other. When the ball touches the basketball backboard, the team gets a point. Once the goal is achieved, the ball is played again in the center of the court between the captains or players, they highlight. which If an inflatable ball, then two or three of the same balls must be kept in stock. They can replace a burst balloon. WMD play the game lasts 10 minutes with changing sides of the court after the first 5 minutes of the game. The team that scores more points wins 1. 2. Rules: During jumping, it is not allowed to push other players away, and also to run with the ball in your hands for the ball is transferred to the other team; for a secondary violation, the player is removed from the court for 1 minute without the right to replace the violation. Task: Inventory : volleyballs or medicine balls, racks or clubs of the Games. Map No. 33 "Running of the Penguins"

Venue: any Formation Teams line up in columns in front of the starting line. Players standing first hold a volleyball or medicine ball between their legs (above the knees). Contents At the signal from the leader, with the ball between their feet, the players must run around the stand (mace, medicine ball) and return back, passing the ball with their hands to the second number of their team. Participants who have completed the dash stand at the end of the column. WMD The team that manages to complete the relay faster and without errors wins. Rules 1. the game begins at the signal of the leader 2. the team players must touch the medicine ball with their feet to the Game stand. Card No. 34 "Race with the ball"

Rules 1. the game begins at the signal of the manager 2. the player who lost the ball must return to his place and continue passing 3. the ball can be passed to a player of his team only in the specified way Task: development of reaction speed, attention Equipment: volleyball / basketball ball Venue: basketball court playground Formation Players line up at the side borders of the playground facing the middle. One team stands on the right, the other on the left of the shield. The distance between players is 34 steps. Players are settled in order.

Games Map No. 35 "Knockout Volleyball" OMU The game consists of 35 games each, ending when the last player of one of the teams leaves the court. The team that wins the most games wins. You can limit the games by time and determine the winner in each of them based on the largest number of remaining players. (1215 minutes) 1. 2. 3. 4. The rules for errors are fixed according to volleyball rules. After a participant leaves the game, the team that made the error serves; the participants return to the game in the order in which the players in the teams dropped out; they serve in turns, moving on the court in clockwise (like in volleyball). Task: Equipment: volleyball Venue: volleyball court Formation Two teams of 68 people, located randomly, each on its own half of the volleyball court. Contents At the leader's signal, the volleyball game begins. When the referee records the third mistake in one of the teams, the player who made it is eliminated. The team that is left in the minority serves the ball to the opponent's side, resuming the game. If during the game the team makes a mistake again (the sixth violation in a row), then it loses one more player, etc. When both sides have suffered "losses", the game continues, but the team that committed the next, third decides (based on an error, tactical considerations) whether to remove its next player from the field or remain in the same composition, but allow the player to return to the court the opposing team.

Games Map No. 36 "Kick and head through the net" WMD The team with the fewest penalty points wins. 1. 2. Rules The game is scored according to volleyball rules: it is prohibited for one player to hit the ball twice, touch the ball with his hands, hit the wall (beyond the line limiting the court) or under the net. Task: Equipment: soccer ball Venue: volleyball court Formation Two teams of 58 people are located on opposite sides of the net on the volleyball court. The height of the net is 180200 cm. team players team players Contents At the manager’s whistle, a player from one team kicks the ball (hand-held) through the net into the opponent’s half.

The task of the players whose side the ball is on is to get it over the net with no more than three kicks or head kicks. If one of the teams makes an error, the game is stopped and the team that made it loses the point or service. The game is counted to 10 points and three games are played. With a change of serve (after an error by the serving team), players move clockwise on the court, as in volleyball. After each game, players change sides of the court.

Task: development of speech, reaction speed Equipment: jump rope Venue: any flat area Formation The players stand in a circle. There is a rope lying on the ground, forming a ring (the ends of the rope are tied). Contents The guys pick it up from the ground and, holding it with their right (or left) hand, walk in a circle with the words: Barely, barely The carousel started spinning, and then WMD The winners are those guys who stay on the “carousel” for several repetitions of the game. . around, And then around and around, All running, running, running. Children move slowly at first, and after the words “run” they run. At the leader’s command “turn”, they quickly take the rope with the other hand and run in the opposite direction: Hush, hush, don’t rush, stop the Carousel. One and two, one and two, The game is over! The movement of the "carousel" gradually slows down and stops with the last words. The players put down the Games. Map No. 38 "Carousel" Rules 1. Marks are made on the rope with a number of three less than the total number of participants. 2. when boarding the carousel, children must grab the mark 3. whoever does not get the mark is eliminated from the game

Task: to develop attention Inventory: Venue: any Formation The players form a semicircle or stand in a line. rope to the ground and run around the site. At the signal, they rush to get back on the “carousel”, i.e. grab the rope with your hand and the game resumes. You can only take a seat on the carousel until (clap). The third person who is late does not skate and is eliminated from the game. "Carousel" of the call Contents of WMD third: The leader shows three movements. First: bends the arms at the elbows, hands at shoulder level; second: raises arms forward at shoulder level;

Task: Inventory: Venue: Formation The players form a circle and are counted in numerical order. The driver stands in the center of the circle. Contents At the command of the leader, the driver loudly calls any two numbers. The numbers called must immediately switch places. Taking advantage of this, the driver tries to get ahead of one of them and take his place. The one left without a seat goes to drive. Games Card No. 40 ""Have time to take a place"" WMD Rules The one who has never been the driver will win 1. the game begins at the signal of the leader 2. the numbers assigned to the participants at the beginning of the game should not change when one or another of them temporarily becomes driving

Task: development of attention Inventory: Venue: any Formation The players form a circle. The leader invites them to raise their right hand, wave it, then lower it. He tells the children that he will name different animals. Moreover, if the named animal has a long tail, children should raise their right hand and wave it, but if there is no tail or it is short, there is no need to raise their hand. WMD content The winner is the one who scored fewer penalty points during the game. The Leader names for example: horse animals, (short), goat (long), cow (long), fox (long), hare (short, sheep (short), tiger (long), cat (long), bear (short), (short), pig, donkey (long), squirrel (long). The leader raises his hand in all cases, a penalty point is awarded to the one. signal from the leader 2. children who make mistakes do not drop out of the game

Task: to develop reaction speed, honesty Equipment: volleyballs Venue: any court Formation The players are divided into 34 teams.

Task: to develop reaction speed Equipment: volleyballs Venue: any Formation The players are divided into several teams of 78 people each and line up behind the common starting line in a column one at a time. In front of each column, facing it at a distance of 56 m, captains stand and receive a volleyball meow. Contents WMD players The team that completes the task faster and whose captain raises the ball wins. At the signal, each captain passes the ball to the first player in his column. Having caught the ball, this player returns it to the captain and crouches. The captain throws the ball to the second, then third and subsequent players. Each of them, returning the ball to the captain, crouches.

Having received the Game. Card No. 43 ""Passed, sit down"" Rules 1. the game begins at the signal of the leader 2. if during the game the player drops the ball, he must pick it up and throw it to the captain, having first stood in his place

two circles. The driver receives a stick and places it on the floor, holding it with his hand. continues to drive. If he does not catch the stick, then he becomes the driver, and the former driver goes into the circle to his place. 3. interfere with each other if one of the players was prevented from running out to the stick and because of this he was unable to grab it until it touched the floor, then the player remains in place, and the driver continues the game. Task: to develop reaction speed Equipment: 12 volleyballs Venue: any court Formation Contents The players stand in a circle at arm's length. The driver takes the ball and goes out with it to the middle of the circle. If there are a lot of players and the driver allows it, throwing the ball, he hits it to any player. He beats it with his hands (as in volleyball) from the driver, players or anyone else, the game continues for the set time, the best players are considered to be those who have never been the driver of the Games. Card No. 45 "Flying Ball" Rules 1. The game begins at the signal of the leader. 2. you cannot hit the ball more than once in a row 3. a ball hit from the circle can

room, then they form two circles and play independently in each. who, in turn, passes the ball to another player in the same way; the goal of the game is to prevent the ball from touching the ground, keeping it in the air for as long as possible. As soon as the ball touches the ground, the player who caused the ball to fall to the ground takes the place of the driver.

high fives and join hands. These are teams. reach the line drawn in front of them ten steps away. Then the teams turn and make jumps in the opposite direction, which can be made more difficult. Having given the task to jump on one leg, and bend the other leg, hold it by the ankle joint. 2. players should not unclasp their hands 3. if the rules are violated, the team is considered a loss. Task: developing a sense of distance. Equipment: Venue: large ground, sports. Games room Map No. 47 "Day and Night"

Formation The players are divided into two teams, which stand in the middle of the court with their backs to each other at a distance of 1.5 m. One team is given the name “day”, the other - “night”. Each team has a house on its own side of the site (at 1012 m). Contents WMD Rules The team that kills more players wins. 1. players are allowed to hit only up to the house line 2. the rest continue to participate in the game 3. during the dash, one participant can hit not only the person standing opposite, but also his neighbors. The teacher suddenly pronounces the name of one of the teams, for example, “Day!” The players of this team quickly run away to their house, and the players of the other team catch up and spot them. The defeated players are counted (their number is recorded) and released to their team. Everyone returns to their original places, and the teacher calls the team again. It is important that there is no strict alternation, then the players do not know which team will be named, and therefore are extremely careful. Before the signal, the leader, in order to divert the attention of the players, can invite them to perform various exercises (changing hand positions, jumping or walking in place, etc.). The game is played several times, after which it is counted how many players in each team are caught in the same number of runs (three or four). Task: develop reaction speed Equipment: Game mats. Card No. 48 "Occupy an empty mat"

Venue: sports. Hall Formation The mats are located a meter from one another in a random order. On every mat except one, there is a player. One of the players does not have his place and stands aside. Contents The task of the player without a checkmate is to occupy an empty checkmate after the signal and the start of the game. The rest of the players interfere with this by performing somersaults from mat to mat. When the driver manages to run onto an empty mat, his place is taken by the player who did not have time to do a somersault and allowed the driver to take the mat. WMD Rules The game lasts several minutes. The most attentive and fastest player who has never been a driver is recognized. 1. the game begins at the signal of the leader, pushing is prohibited 2. Games. Card No. 49 "Musical tag"

Objective: education of honesty, sense of rhythm Equipment: piano Venue: sports. Hall Formation A driver is selected who tries to make fun of the players running around the court. Contents According to the conditions of the game, both the runners and the drivers must obey the musical rhythm and tempo, stretching out or speeding up their steps. The nature of the music changes during the game. If the runner does not obey the rhythm of the music, the leader can change the roles of those playing. WMD Rules The most honest children are noted. And those who have never been insulted. 1. The driver who hit the player not according to the rules continues to drive 2. If the tag touched the player, following the rules, then the new driver is allowed to enter the game. Games Card No. 50

Task: development of speed-strength qualities Equipment: Venue: any Formation The players form a circle. The driver is selected. Contents of WMD The game lasts 58 minutes. The winner is the player who, after this time has not played the role of driver, i.e. takes place first. At the signal, the driver runs in a circle (from the outside), touches one of the players, and then runs in the opposite direction. The one called to the competition rushes to the side. the opposite: Having met, the players greet each other by shaking hands. Continuing to run, they strive to take a free place in the circle. The one who comes running second continues to drive. ""Empty space"" Rules 1. the game begins at the signal of the leader 2. players are prohibited from taking shortcuts through the circle 3. it is necessary to shake hands