Cards n 36 are not colored. Maps of the Red Army and the General Staff. Maps can be downloaded as an archive. Order the missing sheets of cards, we will send

1 .You can be detained by the National Police, whose staff, according to the latest estimates, is about 500 people, these are car patrols, mounted patrols, foot patrols, water patrols. All of them can detain you at any point in the protected Chernobyl zone. Work pretty well, catch often

2. Border guards - ChEZ border territory, the presence of documents is required, they can also slow you down at any time with checking documents both in the zone and near the zone.
3 .Vohr, National Guard units, other guards can also detain you and hand over to law enforcement officers.

Catch stalkers in the exclusion zone

What happens after you get caught in Chernobyl?

You will be taken to the district police department in Chernobyl or to the nearest checkpoint to draw up a protocol and seizures of prohibited items, if any.

Caught stalkers

1.Documents will be checked, inspect things. They will seize knives, pistols, some honey. drugs and sent for examination. If these things turn out to be something prohibited (tramadol, hunting knife, firearms), you will be charged with a criminal case under the relevant articles.
2.withdraw video recorders, cameras, telephone. Copy or delete photos, copy the phone's address book. (According to what law has not yet been established)
3.Will conduct dosimetric control the contents of your backpack and personal belongings, if God forbid you find a flashing souvenir from the zone, you will also be prosecuted under Art. Articles 267-1 and 265-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
4. Most likely you will be taken to interrogation to the representative of the SBU as well as to the border guard for interrogation about the purpose of your entry into the ChEZ.
5. Will be discharged protocol and released (in the absence of prohibited items), you will have to pay fine in the amount of 340-710 UAH.

Rules of conduct when detained by the police of the exclusion zone

  • When arrested, a police officer must give his last name, position, special rank and present, at your request, an official certificate, providing an opportunity to familiarize yourself with the information contained in it, without releasing it from your hands in accordance with article 18 of the law of Ukraine about the national police. Be sure to remember, or rather write down the name, surname and rank of the employee so that you can appeal against the actions of the police in case of misconduct on their part (illegal seizure of things, violence, false data in the protocol, etc.)
  • Be calm, balanced and do not be afraid, you have not done anything terrible (if you do not take anything out of the zone), don't pass police officers your documents and personal belongings (phone, dosimeter, camera, camera) before starting to draw up a detention protocol. When making a protocol present your documents.
  • If a police officer wants to search the contents of your backpack and pockets, he must do this in the presence of you and two witnesses in accordance with article 264 Special review and review of speeches(A special look can be carried out relying on those special one stati z glancing and in the presence of two concepts of the same stat.) Do not sign the protocol if the search of your things has not yet been completed or things were not confiscated (again, you can be bred for things, because you have already signed that nothing was confiscated from you)
  • According to article 63 you are not responsible for refusing to give evidence or explanations about yourself, your family members or close relatives, the circle of which is determined by law, that is, you have every right not to report your route, the entry point to the zone where you spent the night, what you did, and so on. If a police officer insists on explanations, refer to article 63! In no case do not tell the details of your route otherwise you will “burn” it and next time they will set up an ambush. Also, do not give the numbers and names of taxi drivers who helped you get to the exclusion zone fence.
  • If they try to detain you near the zone (if you left or are going to enter), in no case be fooled by the persuasion of a police officer to follow him to draw up a protocol allegedly for seeing you in a prohibited area, I assure you, they just want to divorce you and get you " free protocol" to fulfill the norm on the watch. Remember that in order to legal the policeman must have enough grounds and evidence to stop you (a photo or video of you directly in the zone) According to article 32 of the Law of Ukraine on the police (Checking the documents of a citizen) only if:
  • 1) if the person has external signs similar to the external signs of a wanted person or a missing person;
  • 2) if there are sufficient grounds to believe that the person has committed or intends to commit an offense;
  • 3) if the person is in a territory or facility with a special regime or in a place where special police control is exercised;
  • 4) if a person has weapons, ammunition, narcotic drugs and other things, the circulation of which is restricted or prohibited, or for the storage, use or transportation of which a permit is required, if it is impossible to establish such rights in another way;
  • 5) if the person is in the place where the offense was committed or in a traffic accident or other emergency situation;
  • 6) if the external signs of a person or a vehicle or the actions of a person give sufficient grounds to believe that the person is involved in the commission of an offense, the vehicle may be an instrument or object of the offense.
  • Carefully study the following articles in order not to become a victim of arbitrariness on the part of the police if you are caught in Chernobyl, since there were often cases of illegal taking away of things from stalkers, illegal stops and protocols after leaving the zone:

1) Article 18 of the Law of Ukraine on national police - Duties of a police officer

2) Article 63 KU - Refusal of testimony

3) Article 251 KUPAP - Evidence

4) Article 264 KupAP - Special look and look at speeches

5) Article 32. Re-verification of the documents of the individual and Article 34. Superficial re-verification

Video of the interview of the stalker during the arrest

If you have been arrested with drugs, you can be sure of one thing - troubles cannot be avoided, in any case, serious consequences await you. In order to minimize all possible unpleasant consequences and get out of this situation with minimal losses, after the arrest, it is necessary to contact a competent criminal lawyer as soon as possible. In this review, the specialists of the free legal aid portal will answer the most common questions on this topic and tell you what to do if you are detained with drugs.

What are the legal consequences for drug detention?

Possible scenarios in this situation largely depend on the size of the seized drugs. So, if you were detained with weak drugs (hashish, marijuana, etc.) and the amount seized is small, then the punishment may be limited to a fine. If you were caught with a small amount of substances such as heroin, cocaine or methadone, you may be eligible for a suspended sentence.

However, if you are detained with narcotic substances in large quantities, then the most unpleasant consequences are possible. To show what in question, we have collected the most common drugs in one table. Thus, serious troubles begin if you are detained with a large amount of drugs, very serious if you are caught with a particularly large amount.

Drug Significant size Large size Extra large size
Cannabis (marijuana) 6 grams 100g 100 kg
Hashish (cannabis resin) 2 grams 25 grams 10 kg
Heroin (diacetylmorphine) 0.5 grams 2.5 grams 1 kg
Cocaine 0.5 grams 5 grams 1.5 kg
MDMA (d, L-3,4-methylenedioxy-N-alpha-dimethyl-phenyl-ethylamine) 0.6 grams 3 grams 600 grams
Sodium 4-hydroxybutyrate (Butyrate) 10 grams 50 grams 10 kg
Methadone 0.5 grams 2.5 grams 1 kg

Part 1 of Article 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (significant amount) is punishable by a fine in the amount of up to 40,000 rubles or in the amount of the wage or salary or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to 3 months, or by compulsory labor for a term of up to 480 hours, or by corrective labor for a term of up to 2 years, or restriction of liberty for up to 3 years, or imprisonment for the same period.

Part 2 Art. 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (large amount) are punishable by deprivation of liberty for a term of 3 to 10 years with a fine in the amount of up to 500,000 rubles or in the amount of the salary or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to 3 years or without it and with restriction of liberty for a term of up to one year or without.

Part 3 Art. 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (especially large amount) are punishable by deprivation of liberty for a term of 10 to 15 years with a fine in the amount of up to 500,000 rubles or in the amount of the wage or salary or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to three years, or without such and with restriction of liberty for a term of up to 1.5 years or without.

What to say if the police detained with drugs?

Remember one of the most popular phrases from American detective films? “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against you in court." So, this phrase is also relevant in Russian realities. Under Article 51 of the Russian Constitution, you can refuse to testify without your lawyer present. You are required to provide only your data - last name, first name, patronymic and registration address.

How should a body search be carried out upon arrest?

As a rule, personal searches are carried out by police officers immediately after the arrest. You need to remember that such a search should take place in the presence of two witnesses. If drugs are found during the search, they should be placed in their original place and only then witnesses should be invited and seizures should be issued. In the presence of attesting witnesses, do not give any explanations about what was discovered and seized.

What to do if drugs were planted on you during a personal search?

You need to draw the attention of witnesses to this, and also indicate this in the protocol. In this situation, the help of an experienced lawyer is especially important - he will tell you how best to act and help you avoid criminal liability.

At what stage of detention can a lawyer be required?

Nobody canceled the right to defense, so you can demand a lawyer from the moment of your actual detention. If you are not allowed to contact relatives or a lawyer, demand that this violation be recorded in the protocol.

Maps of the headquarters of the German Wehrmacht and the Red Army (Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army) were compiled and printed both in the USSR in the period from 1925 to 1941, and in Germany, in preparation for the war, in the period 1935-41. On maps printed in Germany, the German name is often printed next to the Russian name of a village, river, etc.

These are great tactical wartime maps. It was on such maps that the commanders of formations and units, intelligence, etc., worked, both of the Soviet and German armies.

Some of the maps can be found on the Internet, on German and American sites, some are obtained from other sources. Unfortunately, the cards we have are mostly blank, i. on them not applied defense lines, dugouts, trenches, pillboxes. Only roads (down to the smallest ones), settlements(up to individual houses) and other interesting objects (chapels, churches, mills, crossings). Many objects disappeared in the post-war period and therefore are of interest to search engines. We will select maps for the area you are interested in.

Collection sheet.

Collection sheet.

Maps can be downloaded as an archive. Order the missing sheets of cards, we will send them.

Useful link to determine the letters and numbers of the cards of interest.

If you are interested in maps with a binding for the navigator, please contact us through the section.

Composite map of square N-36 (part A) from separate topographic sheets military map Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army (RKKA). The state of the area for 1923 - 1941 pre-war years.

The card is glued from sheets N-36-1, N-36-2, N-36-3, N-36-4, N-36-5, N-36-6, N-36-13, N-36- 14, N-36-15, N-36-16, N-36-17, N-36-18, N-36-25, N-36-26, N-36-27, N-36-28, N-36-29, N-36-30, N-36-37, N-36-38, N-36-39, N-36-40, N-36-41, N-36-42, N- 36-49, N-36-50, N-36-51, N-36-52, N-36-53, N-36-54, N-36-61, N-36-62, N-36- 63, N-36-64, N-36-65, N-36-66. This collection of sheets covers part of the territories of the current Smolensk, Pskov and Tver regions, as well as part Vitebsk region Belarus. On the map of N-36-A square you can find cities such as: Smolensk, Vitebsk, Orsha, Mstislavl, Pochinok, Yartsevo, Demidov, Velizh and White.

Maps of the Red Army were used in the Great Patriotic War Soviet commanders of formations and units, as well as intelligence for tactical purposes.

When working on online card the binding was used both on the coordinate grid, and the correction of objects on the map over the modern satellite image to minimize artifacts from scanning errors and paper jams.