Corsairs To each his own. Corsairs To each his own Corsairs to each his own leader of the Redskins

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Passage of the quest "Leader of the Redskins" %B0%D1%81%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B6%D0%B8%D1%85 New loading screens and many other interesting mods: http://www.blackmark .bz/forums/index.php?showtopic=2643 Walkthrough pretty interesting game- Corsairs: To each his own. Hope you like it. Subscribe, like and comment!). A little about the game: Corsairs: To each his own! is a game from the Corsairs series of games developed by BlackMark Studio based on the Storm 2.8 engine. The game was released on December 7, 2012. It was originally developed as an unofficial add-on to the game Corsairs: City of Lost Ships, but later the Akella company, which is the official distributor of all games in the series, decided to release it commercially. In technical terms, the game is based on the previous game in the series - Corsairs: City Lost ships”, which drew criticism for the outdated graphics. Main character- Charles de Maur - a French nobleman who came to the Caribbean to find his missing brother. Here he will have to find himself, discover new character traits, face lies, cunning and deceit, find his love, learn the unknown and overcome all obstacles on the way to his goal. Some Savings:

Deal with all the Castilians as soon as possible in order to give the natives the opportunity to leave the coast and go to their native villages. Quite a lot of it is placed in the hold of the sloop for such an operation. Otherwise, there will be decent penalties in all stats. Basic lvl 10 though. I'm not used to starting pirate saga earlier - th rank. Naturally, something is buggy, having sailed to the tartans, the anchor icon arose, but in principle. I just finished messing around with writing the passage, left the forum, started the game - and just in the next planned swim in St. John's I was lucky: this very Kanauri came up. He boarded one schooner, with the help of mines he drowned the second. Already for the 2nd passage, you have to abandon the quest. Including this quest, which I also missed for the first time. On the shore, the titchingitu, which by this time had been supplied with a gun and a powder tester, helped immensely, so that the costs and expenses paid off in full. Seeing you, drowning the tartans of the redskins and trying to escape, they will begin to cover their tracks. But for this you must first stock up on gunpowder. You can help the Redskins by destroying the arrogant exploiters right at the crime scene. A group of Spanish fighters will already be waiting for you, among which there will be arrows. Or about the formidable everyday life of indigenous aborigines. But it turns out I just didn’t enter some towns during the passage. Once your main character reaches. I was on the edge of the earth, on the edge of endless lakes, beyond the horizon and on the tops of the largest mountains. The leader will tell you that the redskins of his tribe were taken by surprise by the Castilians and forced to collect pearls and work in slave conditions for them under the horror of death. Pirates of the Caribbean: Armada of the Damned. The merit for the work done to save will depend on the final battle at sea. As soon as the schooners are destroyed, land on the shore. Paper models - ships. Corsairs: each swash - passing. As soon as all the redskins hide in the selva, you can go out to sea and sell the donated pearls. But I didn't find anyone who wasn't my friend. Because the more tartan survives, the more pearls you get. As for the quest with the Indians: I don’t even know if it will be realistic to work 2 schooners on the sloop. So, in one month you will have to equip the appropriate ship and arrive at the indicated bay. In one of the pre-selected ports of any power or pirate villages, an Indian leader of the Arawak tribe named Kanauri can approach you right on the pier or at the city gates with an exciting offer. Like any other jewelry, it is best to sell pearls to pawnbrokers. Schooners are simply demolished on boarding. During the pearl award ceremony, you will receive so many pearls that it will simply lead to an overload, so after saying goodbye to the kanauri, unload all the pearls to your cabin. I sank two schooners and one Coast Guard ship. Otherwise, the Spaniards will deal with the Indians and wash off.