Dominican migration card. Dominican customs declaration sample. How to fill out a Dominican migration card. Documents for entry to the Dominican Republic Migration card to the Dominican Republic sample filling

The migration card of the Dominican Republic is filled out for all those arriving in the country (except those officially residing in the Dominican Republic), incl. and on children. Officially, this document is called the Dominican Republic Tarjeta internacional de embarque, and you can fill it out on the plane or at the airport in the Dominican Republic before passport control.

Required fields signed not found languages. Before departure, you must fill out a similar card - Departure card Dominican Republic, the fields of which are similar to the fields of the migration card of arrival in the Dominican Republic. Information from the arrival and departure cards is required for the Dominican Republic's Migration Police - the migration control service.

We strongly recommend filling out migration cards during the flight on an airplane, there may not be comfortable opportunities and time for this at the airport! Do not lose that part of the map that the border guard returns! You will need it on departure!

An airport employee may try to impose on you paid assistance in completing a customs declaration. If you have nothing to declare - do not fall for this trick, you do not need to fill out a declaration at all. And do not be offended by the Dominicans, in any country there are petty crooks.

Download the form and sample migration card 2020

You can download the filling samples in 2020 and the forms of the Dominican Republic Tarjeta internacional de embarque migration card on our website in the following options and formats:

  • Download a sample of filling out a migration card
    Dominican Republic (in Russian)

Visa Dominican Republic, Do Russian citizens need a visa for the Dominican Republic?? Such and similar questions are often asked by tourists who wish to visit this country. We answer that tourists who travel for a period of not more than 30 days do not need a visa to the Dominican Republic, but when entering the Dominican Republic, you must fill out the Dominican Migration Card.

Why fill it out on the plane or before departure?

What to do if nothing has been done, and you have already arrived?

This is a form that needs to be filled out. If you have not downloaded the form of the Dominican Migration Card in advance, you can take it upon arrival at the airport of the Dominican Republic, the forms are usually in a pile near the place of passport control. Keep in mind that when leaving the Dominican Republic, you will again be required to complete the migration card, so as mentioned above, you must fill out two copies for each person.

How to fill out a Dominican migration card?

So what does it look like Migration card of the Dominican Republic You can see below by clicking on the following link, the original Migration card of the Dominican Republic.

Where can I download the form and sample?

We hope this article will allow you to speed up the process of passing through passport control in the Dominican Republic, because whoever is warned is armed!

The Dominican Republic is a world famous premium resort. Every year, thousands of tourists fly to the Dominican Republic to rest, so local authorities have introduced visa-free entry to the Republic for many countries, provided that the estimated period of stay in the Dominican Republic does not exceed 30 days.

Rules for entering the Dominican Republic

If it is necessary to stay in this country longer, then the foreign national must apply to the diplomatic mission for a visa to the Dominican Republic.

According to the rules of entry into this state, each foreign citizen is required to fill out a migration card, which provides the right to cross the border and stay in the country for a month.

And also, upon entering the Dominican Republic, each foreign citizen is required to purchase a so-called tourist card, the cost of which is 10 dollars.

External view of the tourist map of the Dominican Republic

Sample Fill

The migration card of the Dominican Republic is most often filled out on the plane in two copies. It is issued by flight attendants. In case of problems with filling in, the flight attendant is obliged to advise the tourist.

When passing customs control, one form is given to the border guards, and the second copy remains with the traveler.

If for some reason the Dominican migration card was not issued on the plane, then it can be taken at the Punta Cana airport.

The application form can be downloaded from our website.

Sample of filling out the migration card of the Dominican Republic

Filling rules

Rules for filling out the form:

  1. Filling is carried out only with a ballpoint pen.
  2. All data is entered in strictly capital block letters.
  3. It is forbidden to correct, cross out in the form.
  4. Selectable data is marked with a check mark.
  5. At the end of the form, the traveler must put his signature. By this he confirms that he entered reliable information in the form.

An example of filling out a card for residents of Russia:

  • Surname -
  • Name -
  • Occupation -
  • Family status. Select and tick. Soltero (a) - unmarried, single; Casado (a) - married.
  • Place of Birth -
  • Date of birth of the Russian citizen. DIA (day) - 10, MES (month) - 08, ANO (year) -1986.
  • Floor. Mark with a checkmark.
  • Citizenship - RUSSIAN.
  • Address of residence in the Russian Federation - LENIN STREET, 18 A.
  • City - ROSTOV-ON-DON.
  • Country - RUSSIA.
  • The postal code is 112867.
  • The address of residence in the Dominican Republic (or the name of the hotel complex) is HOTEL SUNSCAPE DOMINICAN BEACH PUNTA CANA.
  • Departure airport - ROSTOV-ON-DON.
  • The flight number is 675.
  • Arrival airport - PUNTA CANA.
  • The flight number is 345.
  • The purpose of the visit to the territory of the Dominican Republic. Choose one of the presented purposes: conference, business, tourist trip, education, family visit or other. Mark with a checkmark.
  • Duration of stay in the Dominican Republic (days) - 17.
  • Passport number (foreign) - 52 0000 196.
  • Tourist painting.

tourist map

A tourist card is a paper form worth 10 dollars or 10 euros. The card is purchased already on the territory of the Dominican Republic at border control points. But this card can also be bought at the diplomatic mission of this republic in the country of actual residence of a foreign citizen. However, it should be borne in mind that then its cost will be equal to $ 15.

So, a visa to the Dominican Republic is NOT needed for Russians! Hooray! But there are some rules here too.

Upon arrival and departure, such wonderful musicians usually work at the airport, who always cheer you up - you immediately get charged with positive and Caribbean spirit 🙂

To enter the territory of the Dominican Republic, you must have:

  1. passport valid for the duration of the trip
  2. air ticket with a return flight from the Dominican Republic to any state, within 30 days
  3. travel voucher or hotel reservation
  4. migration card (issued at the airport or on the plane, and you fill it out)
  5. tourist card "tarjeta del tourista" (you can buy a tourist card in front of the passport control area, it costs 10 USD or 10 EURO). From 04/19/18, a tourist card was included in the price of air tickets (this information should be on your ticket).

What is a migration card?

A piece of paper that no one even reads. Once I did an experiment and filled it with the words of a song. And what would you think? Nobody even noticed! But I do not advise you to do so. Still, after a 12-hour flight, I want to quickly go to the warm ocean and to the rum, and not fill out the cards a hundred times. And then suddenly you come across a responsible Dominican. It's hard to believe, but what if...

So, before crossing the border at the Dominican airport, you need to fill out a migration card. They are usually handed out by airport employees. Now they began to distribute it already on the plane. The card is filled out for each entrant, including a child.

Visa Dominican Republic, Do Russian citizens need a visa for the Dominican Republic?? Such and similar questions are often asked by tourists who wish to visit this country. We answer that tourists who travel for a period of not more than 30 days do not need a visa to the Dominican Republic, but when entering the Dominican Republic, you must fill out the Dominican Migration Card.

Why fill it out on the plane or before departure?

We recommend you in advance download the form of the Migration card to the Dominican Republic and fill it out in duplicate for each person. Why is this needed, you ask? If you filled out the migration card to Dominica in advance, then upon arrival at the airport, you can immediately go to passport control, which will significantly save your time, because few people know that the airports in the Dominican Republic are quite small and after the arrival of the planes, a long queue is built for passing through passport control, which cannot be passed without a completed Dominican Migration Card.

What to do if nothing has been done, and you have already arrived?

Migration card of the Dominican Republic It's a form that needs to be filled out. If you have not downloaded the form of the Dominican Migration Card in advance, you can take it upon arrival at the airport of the Dominican Republic, the forms are usually in a pile near the place of passport control. Keep in mind that when leaving the Dominican Republic, you will again be required to complete the migration card, so as mentioned above, you must fill out two copies for each person.

How to fill out a Dominican migration card?

It is necessary to fill out the card in English, entering all the necessary data, but we can assure you that there is no need to fill in all the data, but it is desirable to do this and it is desirable to know, because its name will also need to be entered in the form.

So what does it look like Migration card of the Dominican Republic You can see below by clicking on the following link, the original

Traveling to the resorts of the Dominican Republic for up to 30 days does not oblige Russians to apply for a visa. This fact explains the great popularity of this direction in Russia. And even if a month was not enough, no documents are required. A person simply comes to the police station, pays a fee of 60 Dominican pesos (about 85 rubles) and continues to live in the country. In order to cross the border, only a valid foreign passport is required. But already at the entrance to the Dominican Republic, a migration card is issued and a tourist card is purchased.

Buying a tourist card

This document must be purchased before the passport control area. Usually the card is bought in the installed vending machines. You can arrange it in advance, even before departure. To do this, you can contact the travel agency where the tour was purchased, the Consulate of the Dominican Republic, or independently arrange it on the official website of the Department of the Interior.

Online payment is made by credit card. After specifying all the data, the form is printed out and presented at the airport during passport control. The card contains a barcode that must not be smeared or fuzzy or faded when printed. The main thing is that border guards can easily scan it. The document can only be used for one entry into the Dominican Republic each year.

Migration card

The migration card is filled out immediately upon arrival in the country. Although it is often suggested to do this already on board the aircraft in order to speed up the passage of passengers through the border control point. As a rule, flight attendants help Russian tourists fill out the form and avoid mistakes by providing a sample and translating the fields that need to be filled out. The fields are filled in as carefully as possible, in order to avoid misspellings (they are excluded), although many tourists note that the authorities try not to spend a lot of time on their thorough check.

Basic filling rules

According to the rules, the migration card must be filled out:

  • an ordinary ballpoint or capillary pen;
  • block letters;
  • Latin.

The form is filled in by each entrant, including minors. The reliability of the submitted data is confirmed by a personal signature.

The following fields are filled in the migration card for entering the Dominican Republic:

  • surname (apellido);
  • name (nombre);
  • date of birth in day/month/year format (dia/mes/ano)
  • Gender (sexo) is ticked;
  • marital status (estado civil): single/single (solero(-a)) or married/married (casado(-a));
  • place of residence: street and house number (calle y no.), city (ciudad), region (estado), country (pais) and postal code (zona postal);
  • place of arrival in the Dominican Republic (dirección en Rep.Dom.): this indicates the name of the hotel or the exact address of residence;
  • airports of arrival and departure (respectively, Puerto de desembarque and embarque), as well as flight numbers (vuelo No);
  • the purpose of the visit (motivo de Viaje) - in most cases it is tourism (recreo), although there are also options for "business", "study", "visiting friends and relatives" and others;
  • duration of the visit (estadia);
  • passport data (numero de pasaporte).

Below, in the column "Firma", the signature of the person entering the Dominican Republic is put. Knowing the basic rules and the translation of the fields to be filled in, a person does not even need a filling sample.

The migration card of the Dominican Republic confirms the fact of your entry into the country. The form of this document should be distinguished from the visa marked in the passport. The first confirms the physical stay in the country, the second document the right to enter.

What types of migration cards exist in the Dominican Republic

The migration card is designed for all types of entry in a single format.

Download the migration card form

The form of the migration card of the Dominican Republic is as follows:

Where can I get a migration card?

The embassy and consular offices do not make this document publicly available. Filling out is possible only on the form issued at the airport (there is no other way to visit the country).

How to fill out a migration card?

The document is provided in Spanish (some maps are duplicated in Russian or English). You can accurately fill in the fields even with minimal knowledge of the language. The migration card repeats the information specified in your passport. Enter data only in English - local border guards, of course, are not familiar with the Cyrillic transliteration of letters. Just transfer all the required data and additionally answer the following questions:
Departure airport - indicate the city where you arrived from (an additional flight is required - indicate its number after looking at the ticket);
Destination airport - the name of the point where you arrived;
The purpose of the visit is tourism (business trip);
The time you plan to stay in the country.

What to do if the card is lost?

The Migration Service does not charge a penalty for loss. Contact the service located at the airport. They have electronic data about your entry into the country. You will be given an additional form to fill out.

What to do if the card is issued with an error?

Let's try to reassure you right away - the map is a very formal document. No one reads it and checks the data with the passport. If the mistake is made due to inattention, there will be no problems with the border service. All information about your entry and stay is copied from the first page of your passport. There is no penalty for incorrect registration.