My lands withdrawal of money. How to earn real money in "My Lands. Withdrawing money in My Lands

My Lands– free game project, however, gaming services are available to you, for which you need a gaming currency - Black Pearl.

CJ is a special game resource, because it can be withdrawn from the game to a personal WebMoney wallet. Thus, virtual money turns into real money. You can only withdraw them only if you are subscribed to a premium account.

Also, for this resource, you can purchase premium services, with which you provide yourself with significant bonuses: increased production, instant completion of construction, increased science speed, automatic exploration of the kingdom, a queue of buildings and science, and so on.

What is a promo period in My Lands

You, as a new player, are given a promo period, at the end of which you must decide whether you want to be able to withdraw money from the game or not. Access to this feature is available on each of the servers, subject to a constant subscription payment.

Subscription payments can be monthly or once every three, six and twelve months. For subscribers, there is also a bonus in the form of an improved interface with additional features.

In addition to withdrawing money, you can pay for a subscription and other services from the account of the extracted CJ.

Important: Subscribing players have the option to switch to free game without withdrawing money. Switching from a free model to a subscription model for output real money impossible.

How to withdraw money from the game My Lands

My Lands is the first online strategy, which allows you not only to enjoy the game, but also to withdraw money from the game into real currency.

To do this, you need to take several steps.
1st: Black Pearl conversion inside game currency ML$ (commission 5%).
2nd: transfer from the game account to WebMoney. (The term for crediting money is up to 3 days.)

You can view the payment status in the "Current transactions" tab.

In the online game My Lands, there are various ways earnings, as a game currency of black pearls.

The players who came to the world of My Lands strive to earn money in the game as quickly and as much as possible, in connection with this I will tell you several ways to earn money. So, the methods are both simple (which do not require a lot of time spent in the game), and more complex (which require knowledge Online Games My Lands).

While browsing the game's encyclopedia and forum, the first thing new players will learn is that you can earn black pearls by robbing runes and capturing the Salt Lake, or by buying black pearls at the auction. But these methods require good and strong or a large amount of gold to buy black pearls at the auction (by the way, in order to be able to buy it at the auction, you need to reach 10,000,000 points in the overall rating). It takes time to create a powerful army, you also need to perfectly understand the features of the battle and have enough gold. In this regard, we can say that it is not so easy.

There are easier ways to make money in the My Lands game, this is selling the coordinates of various ruins, "Salt Lakes" and. And for this you will need research corps, you will also need a premium account that allows you to automatically send researchers to the outskirts of the kingdom, you will also simply need to subscribe to a service such as increasing the speed of movement of researchers. In the future, if desired, it will be possible to hire a "strategist" with a specialization in strategist. All this will contribute to the rapid and successful finding of ruins, mines and "Salt Lakes".

The most valuable of them are the "Salt Lake", these are such external possessions that bring the most valuable resource in the game My Lands it is a black pearl. And so every player wants to get himself this possession. To capture the "Salt Lake", to recapture it from the opponent, a very strong army is required, as well as the help of allies of friends. Since TOP players participate in the struggle for the "Salt Lake". In this regard, at the beginning of the game, it is best to sell the coordinates of finding the "Salt Lake" to such TOP players. In total, a couple of dozen "Salt Lakes" can be on the server at the same time. Like all external possessions, the Salt Lakes also has a lifespan, somewhere around 15 days.

Next are the ruins, when robbing which you can get black pearls, resources, and sometimes various ones (which are necessary to improve artifacts and buildings). The ruins come in different levels from 1 to 7, and depending on the level are guarded by different armies of monsters and in which you can find a varied amount of resources and black pearls. And the most valuable is the ruin of the 7th level and the so-called "archiruina". In order to rob them, you also need a strong army and it’s hard to overpower them alone. Therefore, it would be better to sell the coordinates of finding such ruins to TOP players.

And lastly, there are mines. These are also external possessions, which differ in level (there are levels from 1 to 5) and in the type of resource extracted (gold, iron and stone). And the life of this property is already 120 - 160 days, but there is still the possibility of extending the life of the mine. Valuable mines are iron and gold, the higher the level and life of the mine, the better. By analogy with the ruins and the Salt Lake, the coordinates of the mines can also be sold.

Prices for the coordinates of the "Salt Lake", ruins and mines on different services are different.

Black Pearl (CH)- a special resource, it can be used to buy game amenities and improvements (using ancient magic).

How to get Black Pearl:
- take possession of the Salt Lake or the Grail. The central buildings of these holdings mine ChZh.
- Black pearls can be robbed from monsters that live in the Ruins.
- Black pearls can be bought for the gold resource at the auction, which is located in the Market building.

CHJ cannot be robbed from players, it is tied to the player's account on the server and is not tied to a specific possession.

You can give Black Pearl to another player using the service "Give Black Pearl".

For Black Pearl you can buy:

* Automatic dispatch of explorers. How to set auto-studies
* Quick view of explored fields through the general map
* The population does not leave the building when the ruler is absent for a long time (Except for the Faction War server)
* Population does not mutiny when the ruler is absent for a long time (Except for the Faction War server)
* Account is not deleted when the ruler is absent for a long time
* Science study queue. How to set the science queue
* The queue for the construction and improvement of buildings. How to set a building queue
* More mail emoticons
* 100 messages in the archive
* 100 players in the contact list

You can also give other players animated gifts. Good or bad - your choice. Click on the player's city in the kingdom and select the menu item " Give a gift".

How to buy Global Services: Click on the "Chest" button in the lower left panel. On the "Global Services" tab, select the service you want to receive and click "Order". Some services are valid for a certain period indicated in the window. You can extend the service at any time.
Also, some of the above services can be bought directly in the dialogue window of the corresponding building. For example, the service "Production of mills in all possessions" - in the window of the Mill building.

How to buy Local Services: Click on the "Chest" button in the lower left panel. On the "Local Services" tab, select the property for which you want to receive the service, select the service you want to receive using the "Order" button. Some Local Services are valid for a specific period, as shown in the window. They can be extended at any time.
Also, some of the above services can be bought directly in the dialogue window of the corresponding building. For example, the service "Close the gate in 30 minutes" - in the window for closing the gate.

my land, in recent times this game is gaining more and more popularity. This popularity is also due to the large-scale advertising campaign. This advertisement is mainly aimed at promoting a very convenient and. You play, develop, enjoy the game, and also earn money.

In this article I want to consider this type of income, as well as to figure out whether it is possible to earn anything here. Let's look at it from the employer's point of view, so to speak.

To do this, we will answer the following questions:

Purpose of creating jobs (games)
What makes up the profit of the employer and, consequently, the salary of employees.
Motivation for .
A real example of the experience of earning money on this game. My

1. Purpose of creating jobs (games)

The project of this game pursues only one single goal of generating income. The organizers of the game, created it, invested money in advertising and it is natural that they want to make a profit from their investment.

2. What makes up the employer's profit?

This does not produce any goods or services for which the consumer would pay money, and thus make a profit. The only service that an employer produces is providing its employees with the opportunity to spend a piece of their life with interest.

Also, it's not free. For this opportunity, you need to pay in advance, so to speak, buy a subscription for a month, half a year, a year, which will allow you to later, if you are lucky, cash out the game currency (black pearls) into real (dollars).

When you enter the game, you are given a trial period to decide how you plan to play, on a paid basis or just for the sake of the game itself. In addition, after acquiring a paid account, for the successful and rapid development of the character, you need to make more investments in the game, thanks to these investments, opportunities become available to you that will greatly facilitate your game, make it more convenient and safe.

Conclusion: The profit of the employer, as well as the salary of the employee (player) is made up of the investments of the employees (players) themselves.

3. Motivation to pay salaries in the game My Land

What kind of employer wants to pay anyone or anything? But if we talk about an ordinary business or an enterprise where labor relations are fixed by an employment contract, and are also protected by the state, the employer simply has no choice, he is obliged to share part of the profit, otherwise no one will work for him and there will be unnecessary problems with the law.

In this case, as regards My Lands games no one guarantees you payments at all, you only have hope for honesty and faith in advertising. Neither the law nor the state will help you in case of fraud to return your investment.

4. My review of the game My Land

And now, as I promised, I will share, not speculation and assumptions, but the real experience of playing My Lands in order to make money.

One day my brother comes and says that he found one that allows you to withdraw money. They say I read reviews, there are people who already withdraw money regularly. That he did his research, everything counted everything is real. He also invited me to participate.

I won’t say that I turned out to be smarter and therefore refused, I refused, because I already had my own experience of playing online games, when you spend a decent chunk of your life on nothing at all. Therefore, I simply did not want to get involved in a dubious enterprise. AT general game started.

To be sure, my brother purchased a paid account for half a year and started playing enthusiastically. I will also say that my brother is generally an expert in this type of strategy, he quickly figured out the principles of the game and chose the most optimal way of development. Literally in 2 months, he achieved such results that other players achieve in half a year, and after another 2 months of playing, he overtook those who have been playing for a year already in terms of the level of development and power of the troops.

Such results were achieved thanks to the acquisition for money additional features, a lot of time devoted to the game and the strategic talents of his brother. It even got to the point that he, at the expense of his troops, pumped the level of players from his clan, he built troops that were built very quickly, an ally came and destroyed them, thus earning points, and this was repeated several times.

In the beginning, everything went great, he invested in the game, pumping opportunities and science at an accelerated pace, as well as protecting his cities. And when he developed, he no longer needed to invest money, he extracted the amount of black pearls necessary for development, already from the mines.

In principle, it would be possible to slowly start withdrawing money, but this would affect the pace of development, so he decided to first develop to the level of a monster that would terrorize everyone around, and only then start withdrawing funds.

But then, slowly, strange things began to happen. At the beginning of the weekly level of production of "black pearls"; fell sharply to the daily norm, that is, what he used to extract in a day, he began to extract with difficulty in a week. And for everyone else, everything was at the same level, it was only he who had such changes. To which he wrote an angry letter to the administration, in which he expressed his indignation at the current state of affairs.

In the letter, he wrote that he was not going to withdraw funds yet, but this state of affairs puts him in a disadvantageous position in front of the players of free accounts, it turns out that he purchased an account for money, and the administration creates obstacles to development. After this letter, the level of production recovered to the previous level, hence the conclusion that the administration really created such a vacuum in order not to allow too much production and, therefore, to withdraw.

At first, he thought that the conflict was settled and continued to develop the character. He spoke enthusiastically about his plans. He planned to develop science to the maximum and develop all his cities to the maximum and place them on the map in such a way that he could reach any point on the map with his troops, in general, scatter cities all over the map. With such a strategic location of cities, he became completely invulnerable, because now he could reach any enemy, wherever his cities and troops were.

In general, his plans for Barbarossa were not destined to come true. As I understand it, the administration of the game took note of him and carefully observed the speed and level of his development, and when he became a threat, they began to create obstacles for him and this was expressed again in the level of extraction of the ChJ, and a lot depends on the ChJ in this game, and if the extraction his small player gets into a vulnerable position, not to mention not being able to withdraw it and turning it into real money.

He wrote another letter, to which there was no response and there were no changes in the game either. Then he realized that this was not just an accident, it was the company's policy, why companies need such monsters, which, moreover, no longer need to purchase CJ for money, but also reach the level of decent earnings.

In general, the brother in his hearts wrote another letter, which contained a three-story word combination and a figurative representation of what he thinks about them and their relatives. And stopped playing My Land, as the hope for income was reduced to zero. In general, in this game was invested about $ 100 and half a year of life.

Conclusion about the game My Land

I won’t say that it’s impossible to make money here at all, I think that some 5-10 dollars is possible, after half a year of playing, but making money on good level, at least $ 100 a month, no one will allow you. Yes, and it would not be logical, the goal of the game is not to enrich everyone, but to enrich a narrow group of people, that is, the organizers.

And why should they share a hundred dollars with you every month, despite the fact that they will no longer see profits from you, because you have reached a level of production where you no longer need to purchase CJ for money. Isn't it easier for you to just survive from the game, giving place to other fools, investing in the development of them, administrators, a bright future.

Therefore, I do not recommend considering this type of income seriously, as the one on which you will live. You can spend a piece of your life on game in My Land, for the enjoyment of the game itself is your right. But as a source of your prosperity, I recommend choosing a more reliable method.

My Lands is one of the most unique online strategy games on the internet. Firstly, it is browser-based and does not require installation. additional files on computer. This makes it available, for example, at work. And therefore, you can spend more time developing your account. Secondly, this is How to withdraw money from My Lands - a separate topic for a detailed discussion.

How to get access to withdraw money

First of all, it must be said that the game has two versions: free and paid. Withdrawal of money is available only in paid, if you constantly pay for a subscription. Premium account costs about $10 per month. By the way, you can pay for it with a special currency obtained during the game. If you want to make money on the game, after the promo period is over, be sure to select a paid account. How to withdraw money from My Lands? To do this, you first need to declare yourself in the game with numerous victories and gained authority.

The process of playing in My Lands

The main goal of the strategy is to extract the local currency - black pearls (CHP). 4 races are fighting for it. To get a valuable resource, you need to spend a lot of time, strategic ingenuity and diligence. CHJ is available when plundering the Ruins from the first to the seventh level, capturing the salt lakes and after winning the auction. For all this, you need to build an impressive city, create a terrifying army and find loyal allies in My Lands. You need to get 2000 pearls and exchange them for dollars in your WebMoney wallet.

How to turn black pearls into real money

Let's analyze in detail how to withdraw money from My Lands. After accumulating the desired 2000 black pearls, you can safely go to the server page, click on the button with the image of a pearl and go to the "Withdraw black pearls from the server" tab. This operation will turn pearls into another game currency - ML$ (ML-bucks). It is needed so that a player who has several accounts on different servers could pool accumulated capital. Let's consider further how to withdraw money from My Lands. Press the "Financial account" button, select "Withdraw funds" and enter the amount and number of your WMZ wallet in the window that opens. The exchange is made at the rate of 100 CJ ​​= 1 $. A 5% fee is deducted from the withdrawn amount. Thus, after a while, $19 will be credited to your WebMoney account. Agree, this is a considerable income from getting pleasure! At the same time, the game is actually capable of capturing attention, with many new fans joining it every day. You can test all its features in practice, starting with just a few mouse clicks.