Papa Louis feet. papa louis chicken legs. papa louis chicken legs

Description of the flash game

papa louis chicken legs

Papa Lui kurinie legs

Another fun game from the Papa Louie series. From the very beginning, this toy delights you with thoughtful and highly detailed character customization. When creating their future fast food employee, the player can choose from 9 skin tones, 9 eye shapes, 8 eyebrows, 21 lip shapes, 14 hair colors, 41 hairstyles, 16 stubble and beards, and more. appearance details. However, if you don't want to mess with setting appearance, you can choose one of two ready-made workers - Chuck or Mandy.
The game begins with the backstory of the protagonist getting into Papa Louie's cafe. It turns out that he became the winner of a certain lottery and was given a ticket to Starlight City, where fun adventures were to await you. But it turned out that, in the end, your prize is the position of a chef in a fast food restaurant specializing in chicken legs. But, perhaps, this work is not so boring as it seems at first glance?
You will complete a short training course by completing one trial order. Deep-fry the legs in deep fat to an appetizing crust (but be careful, the crust should not be black!), add the sauces ordered by the guest and serve the whole dish beautifully. If the job goes smoothly, the guest will be pleased and leave you a decent tip. And if not... well, better luck next time.

The chef we have known for a long time never ceases to delight us with the opening of restaurants and writing new delicious recipes. In Papa Louie's Chicken game, you have to prepare food according to the most delicious recipes of the chef. It is in this part of the fun that the restaurateur has prepared many novelties for you, such as, for example, the opportunity to make your own personal unique character.

When creating your favorite and hero, you have a chance to change the appearance, face (eyes, nose), hairstyle, skin tone and hair. There are also a bunch of mini-games awaiting you, which you can participate in after passing the round and getting star map. To win a card, you need to please the customers.

In the game "Papa Louie is chicken", as in the previous ones, for good earnings Need to quickly and efficiently fulfill the order. Fry the thigh in a deep fryer until crispy, pour the sauce into it. It will be easy and interesting to play if you really like it. Management is very easy, just move the mouse over the desired interface.

The plot of the dynamic game Cafe Papa Louie chicken legs is a classic arcade game in which, in order to win, you need to correctly complete a whole chain of sequential, but diverse actions. You can choose the main character (there are two characters: a boy and a girl) or create your own, choosing the characteristics of appearance until you reach the ideal. However, do not get carried away too much, because before you is an exciting game for boys about the best cook of all times and peoples, and not some kind of dress up.

What do we have to do?

Let's skip the backstory about how fate brought the protagonist of the game to Papa Louie's cafe and forced him to cook chicken legs. Let's focus on the essentials. And it consists in the fact that you are standing behind the counter, the cafe door is open, and every minute a new (and very hungry!) visitor looks into it. Your task is to feed the client to satiety and earn so much money by the end of the day that even the worldly-wise Louis gasped. The restaurant's specialties are chicken legs and wings. This is what you will learn to cook. However, experienced chefs know that chicken meat is difficult to spoil. We hope that you will not be the first person in the world to achieve this effortlessly. In general, the secret to success while playing Papa Louie's Cafe Wings is simple: be attentive and act quickly. This is enough to submit orders on time and collect money from satisfied customers. By the way, Papa Louie is closely following your progress, and especially how your revenue is growing.