Rules of parties in painted poker. Odessa poker: rules and variants of the game. Stage "special games" in the rules of painted poker

Many people from the CIS countries played card games in their childhood: fool, thousand, preference, bridge and many other card games brightened up the evenings, and also helped to have fun in the company. Surely, many of you played in your childhood and painted poker, which is also called children's poker and Odessa poker. This game is a simplified preference, so learning how to play this kind of poker is not difficult at all. In fact, painted poker has little in common with poker as such, however, in the post-Soviet space, poker was not as popular as in the West, and few people knew how to play "real" poker. For this reason, the word "poker" in the name of this card game is present for another reason - the word "poker" was called "joker", and painted poker is played using the joker, which, as a rule, is the seven of spades. But let's take a closer look at the rules of the game of painted poker.

Painted poker rules

Number of participants: 2-6 players.

Deck: 36 cards.

Game type: bribes.

Joker: seven of spades.

Before the start of the game, a paper sheet is prepared on which the number of rounds, the participants in the "order" of tricks and the number of points are recorded. Recording is carried out in different ways, but most often as shown in the picture.

All players deal out cards in turn order, clockwise. In the first round, the dealer deals one card to all players and shows the trump card. Having familiarized themselves with their cards, the players begin to bet on who will take how many tricks or make a pass (the player declares that he will not take a single bet). Tricks are made clockwise, the player who sits to the left of the dealer is the first to announce his trick, so the dealer says his word last. It is noteworthy that the dealer cannot name the number of tricks, which, in total with the tricks of other players, will correspond to the number of cards each player has. That is, if in a game for 3 people 9 cards were dealt, and the players who made the “order” in front of the dealer ordered 8 tricks in total (5 + 3), then the dealer has no right to order 1 trick, since in in this case, the number of tricks ordered will be equal to the total number of cards dealt (i.e. 9 tricks = 9 cards). This situation is unacceptable, since one of the players must go over or underdraw. But let's talk about everything in order.

So, after the players receive their cards, they order tricks. When all players have placed their orders, the actual draw begins. The player to the left of the dealer makes the first move. He puts his card face up on the table, and the other players put their cards in turn. If a player puts a diamond card on the table, then all other players must also put a diamond card, if there is no diamond card, then a trump card, if there is no trump card, then a card of any suit. If none of the players put a trump card, then the player who had the highest card of the declared suit takes the bribe (the seniority of the cards is normal - the ace is the highest card, and the six is ​​the lowest). If any of the players put a trump card or a joker, then he will take the bribe. The player who took the trick will be the next to make a move. And so the game continues until all the cards have been played.

A player who has a joker, usually a seven of spades, can beat any other card with this card, including the ace of trump. In addition, the player who puts the joker on the table with the first card of the horse, then he can place an order. The joker can be ordered "high trump", "low trump", "high card", "low card", and then all players will be required to put a card from their hand in accordance with the order. Also, the joker can be a low card that does not take a trick - at the request of the player who has the joker.

After the draw, the tricks of the players are counted and their number is checked:

  • If the player went over - that is, took more bribes than he ordered, then for each bribe he is awarded 1 point.
  • If the player did not take - that is, he took less tricks than he ordered, then his points are taken away as many tricks as the player did not take (for each shortfall of the 1st trick, 10 points are taken away, if the player did not take more tricks, then 20, 30, 40 are taken away etc. points, according to the size of the shortfall).
  • If the player took as many tricks as he ordered, then 10 points are awarded for each trick (the player ordered 5 tricks and completed his order - he is awarded 50 points).
  • If the player ordered a pass, and really did not take a single trick, then five points are awarded to him.

After the first round, the second round follows, in which players are already dealt 2 cards. This increases the number of cards in each round until the entire deck is dealt.

  • If there are 2 players in the game, then the maximum number of cards dealt to each player is 18.
  • If there are 3 participants in the game, then the maximum number of cards dealt to each player is 12.
  • If there are 4 participants in the game, then the maximum number of cards dealt to each player is 9.
  • If there are 5 participants in the game, then the maximum number of cards dealt to each player is 7.
  • If there are 6 participants in the game, then the maximum number of cards dealt to each player is 6.

The maximum number of cards dealt to players as many times as there are players in the game.

In the last round (in ascending order), where the entire deck is dealt to the players without a remainder, the trump card is assigned to the last card in the deck. That is, the player who is dealt the last card is turned over and the trump card is shown. If the joker falls out with a trump card, then the draw takes place without trump cards.

After all the rounds have been played "in ascending order", the rounds "in descending order" begin. That is, with each round, the number of cards dealt decreases by one, and so on until the players are dealt 1 card each. After that, four special rounds begin. Each of the special rounds takes place as many times as there are participants in the game.

  1. Into the dark All players are dealt the maximum number of cards. The players place their orders before they see the cards. The total amount of tricks can be equal to the number of possible tricks.
  2. Golden game. Players do not place orders for the number of tricks, and each of the players tries to take as many tricks as possible, since each trick is awarded an increased number of points (usually twice).
  3. Miser. Players do not order the number of tricks, while each player tries to take as few tricks as possible, since for each trick the player is penalized (usually -10 points per trick).
  4. Capless. Players order the number of tricks as usual, with the game going without trumps. The Joker works.

After all rounds are completed, the total points of the players are calculated, and the player with the highest number of points is considered the winner.

If you want to remember this glorious game, or learn how to play it, and you can't find opponents, then you have a great opportunity to play painted poker online. You can download painted poker to your phone absolutely free of charge and play online with different opponents.

Strictly speaking, it is impossible to call painted poker one of the varieties of poker - this game is actually a completely unique combination of preference and a thousand. And the name of this game of chance comes from the rules: in painted poker, one of the players in each round paints bribes and the points received by the players.


In many countries there are analogues or predecessors of painted poker. So, for example, in the UK, the old English game Up and down is considered the "ancestor" of painted poker, as well as preference, whose history goes back more than one century. But in fact, painted poker is a purely Russian invention, the peak of popularity of which fell on the era of the Soviet Union. However, this unique kind of poker has not lost its fans over the past decades, and today you can play painted poker in some Russian online casinos and poker rooms.

How to play - game description

Painted poker can be played by two to ten people, but four to six players are considered the optimal number of participants. Before the game, the first player to deal cards is determined - usually by drawing the highest card from the deck. Painted poker uses either a standard 54-card deck with 2 jokers, or a standard 36-card deck (in the latter case, players pre-select a joker from among 36 cards, usually the lowest card). In addition, immediately before the game, one of the players draws a table where orders and points scored for each of the participants in each game will be signed.

After the preparatory stage of the game is over, the distribution begins. Unlike other varieties of poker, in painted poker, just like in a thousand, all cards are dealt at once - but in a certain order. In the first round of distribution, each player receives one card, in the second round - two, and so on, until the very last round of distribution, in which as many cards are dealt as there are players in the game.

After all the cards have been dealt, the rest of the deck is set aside, the top card is turned face down - this is the trump card that will be valid for the entire game. The only exception is when the trump card is the joker (or the card "chosen" by the joker before the start of the game). In such a situation, the game goes without trump cards at all.

The main stage of the game of painted poker is the announcement of bribes. The first number of bribes is chosen by the player sitting to the left of the dealer (handing out the cards to the player). Then, in a circle, the preferred number of bribes is called by all players. The named bribes are necessarily noted in the table. The number of tricks that each player can declare is limited only by the number of cards in hand. And, of course, you can generally refuse to declare bribes - it all depends on the set of cards you have in your hand.

After all the tricks have been announced (just like in poker after all bets have been equalized), the actual game begins. The player who was the first to announce tricks goes first: he puts any card on the table, and the other players either simply discard an unnecessary card from their hand, or beat the opponent's card. According to the rules of the game in painted poker, it is necessary to walk with a card of the same suit as the first one laid out on the table, if there is no such suit in the hand, then with a trump card. And only in the case when there is neither the same suit nor trump cards, the player has the right to discard any card he does not need. The one who won the trick (“beat” the card of the one who moved first) makes the next move. The seniority of cards in painted poker is the same as in other varieties of poker: a deuce is considered the lowest card, an ace is the highest. If the game uses a deck of 36 cards, then the six is ​​naturally considered the lowest card.

The game continues exactly until all the cards have been played. After that, the results are calculated: the number of announced tricks is compared with the number of tricks received and the points of each player for the game are calculated.

Painted poker rules

The rules of painted poker will seem very simple to you if you have played a thousand or preference at least once - like in a thousand, there are rules for “dark”, “golden” horse and so on in painted poker. But the most important rule of painted poker is the rule of jokers.

If you are lucky enough to get a wild card, you automatically have a number of advantages.

  1. Firstly, the owner of the joker can go with this card, declaring a round of "high trumps". In the event of such a move, all opponents are required to throw their highest trump card on the joker. Well, the joker, of course, beats any card, thus, the player who went from the joker automatically takes a bribe, depriving his opponents of trump cards.
  2. Secondly, the player can make a move from the joker "in the highest suit", and the suit is also chosen by the player. In the event of such a move, opponents are required to discard the highest card of the specified suit, if there are none, discard the trump card. The joker also takes the bribe.
  3. Thirdly, the move from the joker can be made “on the lowest card” - this tactic is useful if the player has already received the number of tricks he needs and is not going to take another one. In the case of such a move, one of the opponents takes a bribe, throwing the highest card or a card of the trump suit on the joker.
  4. Fourthly, the joker in painted poker, as in some other varieties of poker, is considered a universal card - it can replace a card of any value and any suit. At the same time, the joker beats any card, including the trump suit.

The dark rule

“Dark” in painted poker is the same as in a thousand: players participating in “dark” announce the number of tricks either before the cards are dealt, or after the deal, but without looking at the cards received.

The rule of "golden" distribution and minuscule

The "golden" deal suggests that the players are not required to announce the exact number of tricks. Each trick of the player is considered winning, while points are awarded in double or triple size for each trick. But the “minus” is the opposite situation, in which it is impossible to take bribes at all - on the contrary, points are deducted from the player for each bribe.

Scoring rule

The winner in each game of painted poker is determined after scoring. The points received depend on the fulfillment of the "order" for bribes:

  • If a player has received exactly the same number of tricks as announced at the beginning of the game, then for each trick he receives 10 points. For example, if 4 tricks are announced and taken, the total number of points at the end of the game will be 40.
  • If the player failed to fulfill his "order" (this situation in painted poker is called "shortage"), then 10 points are deducted for each lost trick. At the same time, bribes received in case of a shortfall are not evaluated in any way. For example, if a player announced 3 tricks, and received only 2, thus losing 1, he loses 10 points.
  • If the player, as a result of the game, received more tricks than he announced (the situation is called "brute force"), then for each trick he receives not 10 points, but 1 point. For example, if 2 tricks were ordered, and the player took 4, then he will receive only 4 points.

The name of this variety came from the requirements of the rules of the game, according to which one of the players is obliged to count the points received by all participants and the collected bribes.

Painted poker is in many ways similar to preference, being a simplified version of it has become more widespread. The peak of fame came in the times of the USSR, when only the lazy did not play painted poker. Multiple events were held from inside courtyards to more prestigious ones. Also, it was this game that accounted for the lion's share of the work of cheaters and entire gambling teams that worked in the resort cities of the Union, as well as with VIP players of that time. The collapse of the USSR led to the fading of interest in the previously popular type of poker, there was even a period of complete oblivion, when it was simply impossible to find partners for the game. In recent years, the game of painted poker is experiencing a new rise in popularity. The reason for this was the active promotion of online technologies and the mass of gambling establishments and poker rooms on the network, seeking to attract customers with new, and in this case, well-forgotten old games.

Painted poker rules

You need to start with the cards used in the game. It can be 36 and 54 card decks. In the first case, one card of the deck (of low rank, 5-7) is assigned as a joker, in the second, there are two jokers in the set. Up to 10 players can play Painted Poker. Before the start of the game, all players make preliminary preparation, which includes a discussion of the following issues:

  • Distribution algorithm;
  • Appointment of the joker;
  • The presence and definition of a trump card;
  • A table is drawn, where the distribution number and the points scored by each participant and the collected bribes are entered.

Painted poker. Distribution

First of all, the first dealer is selected.. All players draw a card from the deck, whose card turns out to be higher - he starts the first distribution.

The first stage of the distribution brings the participants one card each, the next one 2 and so on. The maximum number of cards is dealt multiple times per game. The number of such hands is related to the number of players. After the last maximum hand, one less card is dealt with each subsequent hand.

The deal moves from left to right from the croupier, so the dealer gets the last card.. The undistributed deck is placed on the table, the open top card is the trump card of the distribution. The rules of the game in painted poker provide for the opening of the joker with the top card, then the distribution is played without a trump card.

The end of the distribution opens the stage of ordering bribes. The order is made in the same way as the distribution, the first player to make it will be the one who received the cards. Each player can order as many tricks as there are cards in his hand. If the cards are weak or the game tactics require it, the participant has the right to pass. In the case of a pass, the dealer must order the maximum number of tricks.

The above described situation with a pass makes the game more intriguing and reckless.. After the end of the orders, a direct game of painted poker starts. It obeys some rules:

  • The player to the left of the dealer(he was the first to receive a card and ordered a bribe) reveals one of his cards. Other participants in the game can interrupt it or discard any card in their hands. You need to put a card of the same suit as the one presented. If there is none, a trump card is used. Otherwise, any card is discarded. In the case of discarding cards of the same suit, the process occurs in seniority, that is, the highest card is placed. If there are no suited cards and a trump is placed, it can be minimal, in any case the trump interrupts the trick;
  • In the game of painted poker, prohibit interrupting an open card with a trump card, if there is a suited one. Trumps and high cards are more convenient to hold until their own turn and accurately calculate the number of tricks that are guaranteed and likely to be with the player .;
  • The seniority of cards in painted poker is traditional, low card 2/6, high ace;
  • The player who takes the first trick gets the right to make the next move.;
  • To determine the released cards and build game tactics allowed to view their bribes. At the same time, in the process of discussing a future game, this may be prohibited.

Playing poker with a joker

The game with the joker becomes more intriguing and interesting, since the participant who received the card in his hand has several advantages:

  • Make a move from the joker and demand "At the highest trump card" , which obliges the rest to discard the highest, available trump card or “By the highest hearts”, which means the requirement to discard the highest cards of the heart suit. A lot of game tactics are built on the joker, and distributions with it are noticeably more interesting than otherwise.
  • At any time, you can interrupt the bribe and take it for yourself . In the game of painted poker, the rules do not oblige the player to start the game with a joker, which allows a wide range of potential maneuvers;
  • The player may discard the joker if it is superfluous for him, passing him off as a weak card;
  • You can walk as a joker , as an ordinary card of any value and suit. This tactic allows you to spoil the game for opponents who ordered a lot or, conversely, few tricks. The correspondence of the ordered tricks to the received ones affects the number of points counted at the end of the hand.

In the game of painted poker, the actions with the joker are also discussed before it starts., therefore, in some varieties, the rules for its use can vary significantly.

Special painted poker

This concept is applicable for the period after the main game.. It is distinguished by the greatest tension for players and spectators. Thanks to special games, painted poker online is gaining new peaks in popularity.

Special games include:

  • Dark - blind distribution. The peculiarity is that the players order tricks before the distribution, or after it without raising the cards;
  • Golden - each score is assigned to the overall tabular result;
  • miser - there is no need to order bribes before distribution, and each bribe takes away points from the piggy bank. On the minuscule in the game of painted poker, you need to take the minimum number of bribes, or even do without them at all;
  • Peakless - does not have a trump card;
  • Frontal - A relatively rare but increasingly popular version of the special game. Its peculiarity is that the players, without looking at their cards, show one of their opponents to choose from. This way you get information about part of the distribution of opponents, but not the slightest idea about your own cards. Then bribes are ordered. Such a special game is considered the lot of professionals, since it requires the ability to quickly calculate tricks and the balance of power at the table in order to play the game tactically competently.


The player with the most points per cycle wins the game.. A bribe received in accordance with a completed order brings the player 10 points. A trick received by those who folded on the distribution brings 5 ​​points. When sorting out bribes, 1 point is awarded for each.

Painted poker is one of the most popular home games in Russia and other CIS countries. In fact, this card game is not poker and is more like a preference, but it is under this name that it can be found most often. There are other names: Georgian poker, Odessa poker and even throw poker. But to explain the name "painted" is the easiest way - after all, the main attributes of this game are a sheet of paper or a notebook and a pen, since during the game the names of the players, the stages of the game and the points scored by the players are recorded. But first things first.

How to play painted poker - game rules

To play painted poker, you need a deck of 36 or 52 cards, as well as a sheet of paper and a pen or pencil. When playing with 52 cards, a joker from the deck is used, and if you play with 36 cards, then any card from the deck is assigned as a joker - most often it is a six or five of spades.

Before starting the game, the participant stipulates all the conditions, since different circles can have completely different rules, after which a table is drawn on a sheet of paper with the names of the players, stages, columns for recording the “ordered” number of tricks and points scored for the stage. A leading player is also appointed, who will record all the information on the sheet.

To determine the player who will deal the cards first, all participants draw one card from the deck. The owner of the highest card becomes the first dealer, as well as the owner of the first move, and all other players move after him in a clockwise direction.

At the first stage, players are dealt one card at a time. At the next - two, and thus the number of cards at each stage increases until there are enough cards in the deck to distribute cards to all players. After the stage with the distribution of cards by number has been passed, special rounds begin with special conditions, in which the maximum number of cards is also distributed. After the special rounds are over, the normal rounds continue, but this time the number of cards for each player decreases from round to round.

At the beginning of each hand, a trump card is also shown, after which each player looks at his cards and announces how many tricks he will take. The first to announce tricks is the player who sits clockwise immediately after the dealer, so the dealer is forced to announce his “order” last. At the same time, the number of "ordered" tricks among all players in total should not be the same as the number of cards in the round per person - thus, one of the players will either have a bust or a shortage. The facilitator immediately writes down in the sheet the number of tricks announced by each of the players. Players can also say "pass" which means they won't take a single bet.

Now the distribution begins. The player sitting to the left of the player who dealt the cards goes first - he puts one of his cards on the table. The next player must put a card of the same suit, but if the player does not have such a suit, then he can put a trump card or a joker. In the event that a player has neither a suit nor a trump card, then he puts a card of any other suit. The owner of the highest card of the suit, a trump card or a joker (the joker beats any card - both the ace of the desired suit and the trump card) and takes the bribe. On the next turn, the player who took the previous bet will be the first to put a card.

At the end of the distribution, the number of tricks taken by each player is counted and the players are awarded points only if the player guessed how many tricks he will take - then the player will be awarded 10 points for each trick. If the player did not get bribes - that is, he collected less than he ordered, then 10 points are taken away from him for each bribe not taken. If a player has collected more tricks than ordered, then for each trick he will be awarded 1 point. If the player made a pass and did not collect a single trick, then he is awarded 5 points. Thus, the points of all players are calculated, the duty to distribute punishments is passed to the next player in a clockwise direction and a new distribution begins.

At the end of the game, the total points of all players are calculated, and the winner is the player with the most points.

Joker Benefits

The Joker is the special and most desired card of all players. If a player has received the right of the first move, then he can put a joker card on the table and request higher trumps or higher suits.

  • At the request of the highest trump cards, all players are required to put their highest trump cards on the table.
  • At the request of the higher suits, the players are required to put their highest cards of the declared suit on the table.

In addition, according to the rules of painted poker, the joker card beats a card of any suit, including a trump card. Also, the player can vice versa - throw off the joker, passing it off as the lowest of the possible cards. In any case, the holder of a joker in painted poker has almost unlimited possibilities.

Special Rounds

These are special rounds of the game of painted poker, the turn of which comes after the round with the distribution of the maximum number of cards to the players. There are five types of special rounds in total: dark, gold, minuscule, peakless and frontal (takes place in rare cases - at the request of the players).

  • In the dark - in this case, the players are dealt the maximum number of cards and they, without looking at their cards, order how many tricks they will take at this stage.
  • Gold - In this round, the players do not order the number of tricks they will take. Points are awarded for each trick - 10 points per trick in any case.
  • Mizer - this round is the exact opposite of the previous one. Players also do not order tricks, but they strive to take as few tricks as possible, because points are deducted from them for each trick.
  • Peakless - in general, it differs from the standard round in that there is no trump in it. Players order tricks based on the presence of high cards and a joker.
  • Frontal - this round is similar to a blind game. Players do not see their own card, but they see the cards of opponents and, based on this information, order tricks.

Painted poker is also called Georgian, Odessa, throw, children's, joker, competition for bribes. The main difference of this type of gambling competition is that during the competition one of its participants writes down all the bets and points received.

This game originated during the Soviet Union. The rules of painted poker then had nothing in common with the classic card competition.

Some are sure that the foreign gambling competition "Apendaun" was taken as the basis for the game in question. Although, most likely, painted poker is a simplified version of Preference and Thousands combined together.

In the old days, this game was a great success. She was fond of all segments of the population - from the yard punks to high-ranking gentlemen.

Later, interest in the card competition fell. and for many years no one remembered him. However, today the rules of the game of painted poker are beginning to interest representatives of the gambling business with renewed vigor. Online versions of the gambling competition have appeared.

The rules of painted poker are quite simple to understand. A deck of 36 or 54 cards is required to play.

In the first case, the role of the joker is played by one of the usual elements of the deck. The second case is characterized by their presence in the amount of two pieces. The number of participants in the card competition can vary from 2 to 10 people. The more players, the more exciting and intense the struggle for victory. But it is considered optimal to involve 5-6 poker players.

Before proceeding directly to the game itself, the participants discuss such points as:

  • Sequence of deliveries;
  • Schedule table;
  • The use of the joker;
  • The presence of trump cards, etc.

The rules of the game of painted poker imply the presence of two columns.

One of them indicates the order of the game, and the second is assigned to each of the participants in the card contest. The latter is usually divided by the order and the number of points scored.

The rules of 36-card painted poker assume that the first dealer will be determined by lottery. All players choose one card from the deck. The poker player who gets the highest element becomes the first on the deal. After this duty is performed in turn.

Initially, the number of issued elements of the deck is equal to one and with each circle increases by another card. Having reached the limit figure, the number also begins to gradually decline. The basic segment of the competition ends here, and the special game begins.

The cards are dealt in a circle from left to right. The last element of the deck is taken by the dealer. Next, the trump card of the party is determined. To do this, another card is selected from the deck left on the table. If it turns out to be a joker, this game will not have a trump card.

Next comes the ordering of bribes. The player who is on the left side of the dealer starts this process. Each participant in a gambling competition can order as many bribes as he sees fit. The limit is the number of cards in the hands of the poker player. Also, players have the right to announce a pass.

The next step is the actual game of painted poker. One of the participants in the card competition puts any card on the table. Other players discard one element of the deck of the same suit, trying to kill the first one.

In the absence of a suited card, a trump card can be used. When it is not there, any element of the deck is used.

The rules of the game of painted poker do not allow the use of a trump card if the participant in the gambling competition has a card of the same suit that is thrown by the walker. In this contest, as in others, the lowest element is a deuce or six, and the highest is an ace.

The poker player has the right to view his tricks throughout the game, except for cases when the ban on this was established at the beginning of the game.

A big advantage is the presence of a joker in the hands. The rules of painted poker provide that a player who has this element of the deck can:

  • Collect the highest trump cards from all participants in the competition;
  • Force opponents to fold with the highest elements of the deck of any suit;
  • Discard the joker for the lowest card without receiving a trick.

Also, a participant in a gambling contest who has a joker is able to take any bribe, beating even a trump card with his special card. The following special games are divided into:

The rules of 36-card painted poker imply the victory of the participant in the card competition who scores the most points. Points are calculated according to the standard scheme:

  • One trick - 10 points;
  • In case of enumeration, one trick - only 1 point;
  • Pass - 5 points;
  • Taking fewer tricks than necessary, the player loses 10 points for each.

During special competitions, all points are multiplied by two or three. In addition to the standard painted poker, several of its varieties are known. They are used quite infrequently. We are talking about poker with circular trumps and Georgian.

In the first variant, the trump card changes with each entry in the prescribed order of suits from spades to hearts.

Georgian poker has a lot of differences from the standard game. The number of deck elements distributed will vary depending on the number of participants, which can be from four to six. This type of gambling competition has its own special scoring system. Although the use of the joker completely coincides with the standard card competition.