Solving Relic puzzles in Mass Effect: Andromeda. Voeld: Restore the World Mass Effect Andromeda Sudoku

This article will be devoted to the passage of the main plot tasks (priority tasks), you can find the passage of all side quests.

We choose either a quick start, or creating your own hero. You can customize both appearance and choose training (determines initial skills), name, history, appearance of brother / sister. After that we start the game.

Prologue: "Hyperion"

We wake up after a cryo-sleep, talk with Lexi T'Perro, and then, after the emergency, we check how our relative is doing. After that, you can look around and talk to all the NPCs around. When you're done here, exit through the door (the quest marker points to it).

Now we are learning how to use the scanner. You need to find the damaged node of the device. Items of interest to us are highlighted in orange by the scanner. But highlighting alone is not enough, you need to scan the object with the corresponding button. Do this with three nodes, finding the cause of the breakdown, and then switching the force field on the panel on the side. We go further and get into another compartment along the monorail.

After the cut-scene on the bridge, we take a helmet, weapons and exit through the door next to Cora, where another cut-scene awaits us.

On a surface

After the fall, you can scan the local plants, which will give us scientific data points, and then go along the only path at the moment. When there are puddles in front, in which lightning strikes every now and then, we use a jerk to quickly run through a dangerous place.

After the game teaches you how to climb ledges, there will be a small cave on the left, you can find a crevice in it with something that has high energy. Further on this planet it will be possible to find many more similar caves, not marked on the map, but in which you can find something interesting. Next, the game will offer to adapt to the jetpack.

Climbing up, you will find the first meeting with a new hostile race. We kill everyone, save Fisher, optionally inspect the container and scan the body of the alien and move on. Here we have a fork. You can go in any way and find all the members of the team, according to the map here is circular. If we go to the right, we will find Kirkland, he will be shot anyway and, a little further, an alien ship that can be explored.

If we go to the left, then we will stumble upon an ambush of the Ketts, and we will also find alien ruins. They can be viewed upon request. To do this, we go inside, turn on the energy in the far left corner of the room, and then go inside the sealed room. Upon going outside, we are again waiting for a fight with the Ketts. Greer can be found in a small cave, you have to fight the aliens to save him.

As soon as you get closer to the place where you need to jump over the abyss, you will hear Cora, and the tasks regarding the source of flares and finding the rest of the squad will be counted. When you reach the shuttle, help your teammates fight off the Ketts. After that, take a weapon, replenish your ammo and health from special containers. Get ready for the second wave. After defeating the enemies, we watch the cut-scene and go to the father.

We follow him until the moment when he needs to break the door. We place our satellites on the flanks in the highlighted areas and fight off enemies while the decryption process is in progress. After that, we approach the door and watch another video.

Reunion with the Nexus

We follow Cora and Liam to the monorail and use it to go to the Nexus. Arriving at the place, we can go to the far end of the room and talk with the builder. We follow Kandros to the monorail. After the cut-scene, we talk with Director Tann. You can temporarily postpone the passage of the main storyline, if you want, and study the Nexus, take on side missions.

From scratch

Ryder received his first assignment from Director Tann, but before heading to the planet, he needs to speak to SAM on Hyperion. Go down to the monorail and go to the living deck on it. Upon arrival, head to the Atrium, and then to the corridor on the right side, to the SAM module.

SAM will tell you a lot of interesting things, as well as give an additional task related to Alec Ryder and the history of the creation of SAM. After that, you can reassign Rider's abilities. After leaving the room, on the left there will be Alec's cabin, in which you can find a lot of interesting things, as well as complete part of the side quest “Secrets of the Ryder Family”. Having finished, we go on a monorail to the docking compartment.

Here you will be introduced to the ship "Storm", as well as a new companion - the turian Vetra. You can inspect the ship, talk to the crew, party members, and then go using the galaxy map on the bridge to the Pytheas system. We scan the planet Eos, find the landing point and land on the planet.

Having landed on the planet, we go to the marker. The door is locked, so you need to find the codes. We follow the marked area, go into the building and pick up the data block on the table. We return and go through the previously closed doors. We use the console.

We go to the power control station, we talk through the door with Clancy Arquist. We go down and try to turn on the generator - it did not work. We scan the towers, and then climb up the boxes and turn on the power supply. As soon as you turn on both power towers, a kett squad will arrive - be prepared to meet them. We return to Clancy. Once inside, on the console we turn on the power supply for the outpost.

Now we need transportation. We go to the marked area, we find there a large gray container with yellow stripes and scan it. forward station. To call it, you just need to approach the indicated place with the projection of this capsule. Now we need to open the container and pick up our vehicle - "Nomad". We approach the container and use the console on the side to get the transport. We sit in it.

Check for a strange signal. We go to the highlighted area and interact with the alien device. Need a glyph. Behind there are scaffolding, we climb on them, and then the construction of relics. At its very top, we scan the glyph, and then again we try to start the alien device. We get acquainted with our new companion Peebee, and then fight off the relics. Now you need to activate two similar monoliths.

In the one located to the east, it is better to call on the right side. You'll have to clear out the kett base by completing the "kett science center" side quest at the same time. To get inside, you need to turn off four generators: two on the bridges on the sides, one on the roof and one more at the back. Although not necessary, you can meet another future party member inside - Drak. We return to the main task and go to the Relic console. We scan it and find two chains highlighted in yellow. Again the glyphs will be on the tops of the buildings. After scanning both glyphs, use the Relic console.

Western monolith. Despite the fact that the Relics do not show aggression, as soon as you get closer, they will attack. Having eliminated the threat, we scan the console again and find glyphs, although now, in order to climb, you need to use devices near the corresponding buildings so that a structure appears that you can climb. We scan one of the glyphs from this structure, because it is located on the side, not at the top. We go down to the console and solve a puzzle similar to Sudoku: in each row, in each column, and also in each large cell (in this case, 2x2 squares), glyphs should not be repeated. If you decide wrong, you will have to fight the Relics, and then try again. Puzzle solution:

When all the monoliths are activated, you will have to fight the kett. After that - we go to the lake to Peebee. To make a bridge to the island, use the console. We go to the vault. We watch the cut-scene. If you press the appropriate button, you can jump before Peebee.

Once at the bottom, use the console and go through the doors. From there, the path is fairly linear. Along the way, you will encounter Relics that you will need to destroy. There are also many rooms in which you can find all sorts of useful things. Having passed along the corridor with lamps crawling out of the ground, we find ourselves in a room where we need to activate another gravity well. To do this, turn on the two consoles on the sides, and then use the device in the center.

Now we are one level down. First you need to fix the contour. We approach the console, wait until they say that you can start repairing, and then we fix it in the same way as scanning. We go further. We activate the consoles one by one and move between the platforms until you get to the end. Periodically, you will have to fight with the Relics. Pay attention, when you get into this huge room with platforms, there will be a branch on the left. To get there, you need to activate the console on the ledge on the right side. There you can scan the two glyphs on the sides and open the container, solving the puzzle.

We get into a room with a luminous column of energy. We activate the console, watch the cut-scene, and then quickly run away. Watch out for platforms from which fire erupts. When you are almost at the exit, the task "Get the opened object" will appear. You need to search the container in the small room on the left. After that, we run to the exit.

Once outside, follow the marked area to establish an outpost. Arriving at the place, we fight with the kett, accept Drak as a team and establish a settlement using a special device. We'll have to decide whether to build a scientific base or a military one.

When everything is settled, we return to Director Tann at the Nexus, where we get the next task.

Ray of hope

We go to the Onaon system and watch a rather long video. Once on the planet Aya, we follow Paaran Shie and meet with Ephra at the Angarsk headquarters of the Resistance, at the same time we get acquainted with our new party member - Jaal. Now you can freely wander around the city and take a few quests. In order to get back to the Tempest, use the Docking Control terminal.

After a short meeting aboard our ship, we will have to decide what mission to carry out in order to gain trust. There is not much difference - you can complete one of the two, and the second later, after completing the main mission, or you can complete both before continuing the Ray of Hope mission itself. So, we have two missions to choose from:

  • Help scientists Havarl

We leave for the Faroang system on the planet Havarl. It is recommended to take Jaal to the squad for the mission. We follow the destroyed bridge, go into the building and talk with Kiiran Dals. We go to the monolith. Relics will be waiting for us inside, among which there will be a new one - the Nullifier. When he is about to attack, it is better to be in cover. He also puts up a shield - it is useless to shoot at him. Having dealt with them, we go to the marker in the depths of the building, where we find scientists. We scan two glyphs, and then hack the console. Puzzle solution:

We return to Kiiran Dals. After talking with her, we return to the "Storm" and talk on the vidcon in the negotiation room with Ephra.

  • Meeting with the Resistance

Head to the Nol system on the planet Voeld. It's quite cold here, so immediately run along the red beacons to the Resistance base. We talk with Anyik Do Zil, and then with the sentinels.

On the front lines

We call an advanced station nearby, and with the help of it - a nomad. We go on it to Hyara station and there we talk with Skeotom. A new task starts.

rescue scene

We go to the concentration camp indicated on the map. Here, enemies will spawn endlessly until you open all four cells with captured Angara. Freed aliens will help you in battle, but don't relax - there will be more and more Ketts. After opening four cameras, finish off the remaining enemies, and then talk to Niilzh, who will give out "Meeting with the family."

Return to the Tempest and talk to Ephra via the vidcon in the negotiation room.

Having landed on the planet Voeld in the Nol system, we do not hesitate, otherwise we will simply freeze, and follow the red beacons to the Resistance base. A pilot will be standing right behind the bridge - talk to him to go to the Kett base and continue the main task. You can also complete the "Meet the Resistance" mission before doing so, if you haven't done so already.

Once near the Kett base, we go along the shield to the right until we get to the service panel. We break it open and pass into the resulting hole. Several Ghosts will be waiting for you inside. To get into the building, scan the panels blocking the way through the ventilation shaft, and then shoot them with any weapon. After the first fight, talk to Captain Hecht. Rise to the second floor. After the disinfection chamber, we get into the corridor, at both ends of which in the rooms you can learn more about the Kettas. When you're done looking around, go through the central door. We clean the room. If you want, you can examine the room on the right. After that, approach the console on the balcony.

At the end of the cut-scene, go through the door on the right. Having passed a corridor with a transparent wall, we find ourselves in another corridor filled to capacity with enemies. Do not rush, go through it in stages, alternately moving from cover to cover. Watch out for the second floor. We jump into the vent at the very end, shoot the panels blocking the path and go further.

We use the console to remove the blue field, and then we scan all the capsules. Now use the console in the middle of the room and wait until the energy field is removed. After passing along a small corridor, we shoot the panels. We get into a small corridor. In the room on the left, you can find more information about the Ketts. We pass through the central door and watch the video.

We clean the room and talk with Jaal. After the next cutscene, there will be a fight with the Ketts. After dealing with them, go to the elevator. Once at the top, there will be a fight with the boss - the Cardinal. To defeat him, shoot the sphere that flies around him. By destroying it, the protective field around him will disappear for a short time, and he will become vulnerable to your attacks. Do not stand next to him, try to move all the time, especially considering that he calls for more and more reinforcements. It shoots a bunch of energy, but it flies quite slowly, so with a sufficient distance from the Cardinal, you will have time to change cover and get out of the attack.

After defeating the Cardinal, talk to Moshae Sefa. Here you will have a choice of how to proceed:

  • Destroy the complex with Cardinal and the Angara prisoners“Moshae will approve of your choice, but Jaal will not. In the final mission, you will not receive reinforcements from the Resistance.
  • Do not destroy the complex, release the Angara, release the Cardinal- Moshae will be unhappy, Jaal will approve of your choice, and in the final mission you will receive reinforcements from the Resistance.
  • Do not destroy the complex, free the Angara, kill the Cardinal– there will be no cardinal difference with the previous choice: Moshae will be unhappy, Jaal will approve your choice, and in the final mission you will receive reinforcements from the Resistance.

Next, you will need to go along the roof to the evacuation zone. Stay close to Moshae - her shield will reliably protect you from enemy bullets. Once on the desired platform, you will need to shoot back from enemies for a certain time - the timer will be in the upper right corner of the screen. You don't have to be on that platform all the time. The main thing is to survive. It is extremely dangerous to stay in the drop zone, because. there you can easily be bypassed, try to change position and move between shelters all the time. When the shuttle arrives, we run up to it and watch the video.

We talk on the Storm with Moshae, and then fly to Aya. You can wander around the planet, chat with the locals, take quests. When you're ready, use the shuttle to go to the vault. After that, we talk with Ephra at the headquarters of the Resistance and finish this mission.

Hunt for the Archon

We leave for the Govorkam system on the planet Kadara. First you should visit the local bar "Song of Kralla". There at the bar we meet with Reyes Vidal. Next, you will have to talk with Sloane Kelly, the leader of the Les Misérables. Here we will have a fork: to accept Sloan's offer or not:

  • If you agree– Ven Terev will die, but you will get the necessary data. Some dialogues will change in the future.
  • If you refuse- meet with Reyes Vidal and through the back door we get into the prison bypassing the guards. There, we learn the necessary information from Ven Terev and organize an escape. As a result, some dialogue will change in the future, and Ven Terev will remain alive, and later he can be found on Aya, where he will join the Resistance.

Upon returning to the Tempest, Drak will call a meeting, where two more important story missions will appear (to complete them, it is enough to land on the corresponding planets):

  • H-047c: new world
  • Elaaden: the new world

When you're ready, go to the coordinates Van Terev gave you and find the transmitter. Now you can return to the Tempest again and give the device to Gil. Travel to the Tafeno system and board the salarian ark that the Archon's flagship has boarded.

We use the console, then through the littered corridor on the right we get into the room where we find the corpses of the salarians. We scan them, and then use the console next to one of them. Further from the medical terminal we learn about the true state of the pioneer of the salarians - Raeka. We return to the littered corridor and scan the capsules. To revive, use the console nearby.

The next part will take place on a kett ship. Immediately meet with a group of enemies. Having dealt with them, we use the console on the second level. Then we open the door to the salarians on the other console, and we ourselves go in the opposite direction.

In the next room, you can not join the battle and go quietly. To do this, immediately jump to the lower level in the middle of the room, using disguise if possible. After passing this room, we jump to the second level. You can, of course, go through with the fight.

In the next corridor, all the doors will close when you come close to them, except for one - to us there. There will be a huge room without a single enemy. However, not everything is so simple - as soon as you approach the right door, a huge number of enemies will appear, incl. Ascending. Kill everyone and then continue on to the Archon's quarters. Open the door on the console for a detachment of salarians and go further. The desired door will be locked again, and you will have to go through the security system. Say, "We're stepping up security," and the door will open. Follow the hallways, occasionally fighting kett until you reach a cutscene.

After it, open the hatch with the help of the console and jump down. We follow a very linear path. You will only have to face one ghost. Once in the personal chambers of the Archon, we go to the relic of the relics. She will be at the far end of the room. After interacting with her and a short cutscene, you will be attacked by a Behemoth, a modified krogan. A fairly strong opponent, and he must be constantly attacked, otherwise he will begin to restore armor. After leaving the room, you will have to make one more choice:

  • Rescue the krogan scouts- later they will help you in the story, but Raeka will die, and you will have to choose another salarian pioneer. Drac will be grateful.
  • Rescue Pathfinder Raeka- Krogan scouts die, and Raeka will help you in the final mission.

Regardless of what you choose, you will have to fight your way through a long corridor with endless enemies. Don't stand still and keep moving forward. Having reached the marker, we watch the video. We find ourselves on the "Tempest", where we proceed to the next task.

Journey to Meridian

We go to the command center on the Nexus to Tann's office. After talking with your sister, head to the docking bay and talk to the other pioneers in the tech lab. We return to the Storm and install the Ghost Storm technology on the terminal. We assemble a team by vidcon and go to Khi Tasira in the Tsivki system.

After landing, use the console to activate the bridge. Going down the gravity well, you will have to fight both the kett and the relics at the same time. Next will be a fork.

We go to the right, to the scientific sector. The path will be quite linear, so do not get lost. From time to time, you will come across turrets that can be forced to fight on your side with the help of consoles, which will greatly facilitate the battles. Having reached the goal, we use the console. After the cut-scene, you will be attacked by several relics. After dealing with them, we go back the same way. On the way you will come across an Ascendant. Deal with him as usual: shoot his orb to knock down his shield, then attack him himself. Get to the bridge to the other side. Enable it via console.

On this side, you will mainly have to fight with relics. Beware of turrets. Having reached the goal, we use the console. Next, you need to turn on the four consoles in the correct order: the first - the one closest to the right, then the one opposite, the third - diagonally on the opposite side, and the last - the remaining fourth, located opposite the activated third. After that, activate the relic console. We watch the video, and then there will be a battle with relics, among which there will be a destroyer. Try to first shoot him turrets, and then attack him himself. He has only one weak spot - a powerful cannon. He is preparing for this shot for a long time, so there will be time to put enough bullets into him.

We move to the control center. Along the way, you will come across, like relics, incl. another destroyer, so are the kett. Use the gravity well to climb up to the control center. We go upstairs, use the console and watch the cut-scene. Now you have to fight with the kett, led by the Sword of the Archon. After dealing a certain amount of damage to him, he will disappear from visibility, and reinforcements will arrive. Then he will reappear, but with full shields, and so on several times in a row until you kill him.

Meridian: way home

This is the final mission in which you will see the consequences of your decisions. Many side missions can be completed after the main story, but some that affect the ending are best completed in advance. The ending is affected by:

  • Did you destroy the complex in the mission "Ray of Hope". Regardless of whether you killed the Cardinal or not, if you saved the complex, then the Angara will help you in this mission.
  • Who did you save in the mission "Hunting the Archon". If Raeku - she will help you in the final mission, if the krogan scouts - then they, as well as the new pioneer of the salarians.
  • Have you completed the additional task "A split in the ranks". In this case, the kett can be made weaker. Details below.
  • Which arks did you find, and did you find all three salarian pioneers (Rajeka/Hyger on the main story mission "Hunting the Archon", turians (Avitus Rix, if you convinced him to become a pioneer) and asari (Sarissa/Vederia - on the Kora loyalty mission " Limits of Debt).
  • Did you help Jaal with his Flesh and Blood loyalty mission? In this case, his relatives will help you.
  • Whether the faction war was resolved on Kadara (Mission "Noon"). In this case, Sloan Kelly or Reyes Vidal will help you.
  • What outpost did you choose at the very beginning on Eos. If the military, then a detachment from Prodromos will help you in this mission.
  • How the task "Water supply" on Elaaden was solved. If you turned a blind eye to the actions of Annea and left her alone, then she will help in this mission.
  • Where did the ancient AI from Voeld end up. If they gave the hangar, then they will help in this mission, if they left it for themselves, then no.
  • Is Kalinda still alive on the mission of loyalty "Peebee: the mysterious signal of the relics." If so, she will help.
  • Did you arrest Aden or let him go in exchange for information (“Truth or meanness”). If arrested, then Seilen will come to the rescue.

Speak with Suvi aboard the Tempest, then visit any three of the proposed systems and analyze the blobs of corruption. After that, return to Khi Tasira in the Tsivka system. This is the point of no return, so if you want to do something before the end, then you need to do it now.

We pass to the control center, fighting the Relics along the way and activate the console. We watch the cut-scene and go to the exit, after which control passes to your brother / sister. We run to the locker with weapons and pick up the gun. We pass further, periodically you will be attacked by ketts. We have only him and a grenade at our disposal. After reaching the communication center, run to the service entrance, ignoring the enemies, and turn on the quantum mechanical relay.

We return to our GG. We try to open the door several times using the console, and then we run back, climb the gravity well and go outside, where another cut-scene awaits us.

Once on the "Tempest", we go to the bridge. After landing on Meridian, we go straight to the goal, there are no branches here. As soon as you jump off the cliff again, you will be thrown out of the Nomad, and then you will have to move on your own two feet. You'll have to fight the kett right away. After defeating them, you can go to the console, on which you can transfer the codes that Primus gave, which will make the kett weaker.

We go into the building, turn on the console and go down the gravity well. We follow to the control center, the path is quite linear, so do not get lost. There will be many ketts along the way, but if you have completed certain tasks, then many units will come to your aid, which will make the fights much easier. At some point, you will be shown a cut-scene with "Hypereon". In order for Captain Dunn to survive, you need to find all three pioneers. Further one more fight and descent on a gravitational well. We go through the doors that will open especially for us. The local relics will not attack you. Another move with the help of the gravity well and the final run to control the Meridian.

Now we have a long fight ahead of us. First you need to defeat all the ketts, and then we run to the relay, along the way shooting back from the Relics. After arriving at the place, hold the position indicated by the white circle while Sarah hacks the connection, then use the console. It is not necessary to attack the Architect, the main thing is to avoid his attacks. The second repeater - you will have to activate another console so that the platforms rise above the ferrofluid, and then wait until the platforms rise above the abyss, then repeat the procedure as with the first console. After that, as quickly as possible, we run to the third relay and activate it. Watch the final cut-scene and credits.

Epilogue: hosts and guests

After the credits, talk to all the members of the squad and the crew of the Tempest, and then leave the Hyperion.

The world is waiting

Once on the Tempest, connect to the vidcon. Return to Dwelling 7 in the Ericsson system, where another cutscene is waiting for you.

Then most likely you have already met the monoliths of the ancient Relic race, which you will have to hack throughout the game. We've put together some tips on how to make your life a little easier when deciphering alien sudoku.

Each of the planets that you happen to visit has several monoliths (usually three) that no one in the Andromeda galaxy can interact with except our Pathfinder Ryder.

Having solved the riddles of all the monoliths, you open access to the underground storage. In it, you will again have to solve puzzles in order to eventually gain access to the management of all the remaining technologies of the Relics and make the planet more suitable for colonization.

For example, on Eos, control over the vault will allow the world to be cleansed of excess radiation.

What to do with monoliths

Upon arrival on the planet, all available monoliths are immediately marked on the map - you just need to get to them. A number of enemies will meet you on the spot, but the problem here is not with them, but with what awaits you after you clear the territory.

Approach the center console and activate your scanner. You will see lines of force radiating from it, leading in different directions. At the end of each wire behind rocks and hills you will find consoles which in turn will give you special glyphs.

After collecting the glyphs, return to the main console - with them you can start solving an ancient cipher ... which, quite accidentally, is implemented in the form of Sudoku.

Unless the cells are always square and alien glyphs instead of numbers, but the essence is the same - in each column, line and box, the signs should not be repeated. Moreover, there is only one attempt, after you confirm the finished combination, you cannot change your choice.

If the combination is wrong, you will be attacked by Relic robots, and it is better not to mess with them once again.

How to solve Sudoku

Sudoku is an ancient game, and over the centuries of its existence, many ways have accumulated to make your life easier when solving it.

  • Give each glyph a simple name (slippers, jar of jam, L, birdie) to make them easier to navigate
  • Start with the most filled rows and cells
  • Find the most frequently repeated glyph - finding places for the missing pair of "slippers" is easier than randomly putting down symbols

Deciphering Remnant data in Mass Effect: Andromeda is a bit of a puzzle. To solve it, you will have to play an alien version of Sudoku, in which incorrect actions will spawn groups of opponents. Naturally, many players would like to avoid such an outcome of events, so we decided to write this guide.

Solving Remnant puzzles

If you've ever played Sudoku, these puzzles will sound familiar to you. The developers, in fact, simply replaced the numbers with glyphs. In addition, they will be much deadlier than ordinary board games, since any wrong decision you make will lead to a fight with a crowd of enemies.

Here's how it all works: red glyphs appear on the screen. Your task is to fill the empty spaces of the grid with blue glyphs. Each line, column, and highlighted square can only contain one glyph. You need to start from where the glyphs are missing and continue down the path of least resistance. The hardest part is memorizing the glyph shapes so you don't have to double-check your every move later. Once you learn each glyph by heart, solving these puzzles becomes much easier.

However, if you are still having difficulty solving alien puzzles, then you can not do them, but use a special consumable called a key to decrypt the data of the Remnants. Something similar was present in the first part of the series. However, we note in advance that these items will not meet you often, so spend them only on the most difficult tasks.

At first, you will meet puzzles consisting of four columns and the same number of lines, that is, you will need to rearrange only four characters. In the future, this field will increase noticeably, which will complicate the solution of puzzles.

An example of solving the Relic puzzle

So, to complete this puzzle, you first of all should make sure that the characters on the screen will not be repeated in every block, column and row.

The number of characters is equal to the number of blocks, columns and rows, that is, if you have 4 characters at your disposal, then there will be 4 of the above elements.

At the very beginning, you have to replace the questions with the necessary characters. To do this, you should activate the scanner and find the glyphs on the yellow cables. Scan the drawings and they will be on the main console.

The first step is to find a block, row or column that already has 3 glyphs and place the missing character there - this will greatly simplify your work.

After placing a few glyphs, look again at rows, blocks, or columns that have 3 characters. Repeat the process until they are not on the screen at all. Most puzzles can be completed in this way. The screenshot above shows an example.

In some cases, it is worth solving the puzzle from the position of which glyph cannot be placed in a particular box. In the example above, the red glyph in the lower left corner is the main key to completing the puzzle, so it needs to be given special attention. After all, we know that this is the only point in a column or row where a sign can appear. We also know what is in neighboring blocks.

The two lower places on the right side turned out to be empty, however, due to the presence of a glyph on the lower left, we know that there is only one cell in which the same character can appear from below - a little higher, without intersecting with its copy in a row.

Solving puzzles on the planet Eos

Best start

During the main quest "A Better Beginning" you will have to solve the puzzle almost immediately. There are several alien towers that have the right glyphs printed on them. You can first scan them, and only then take them to the console. Below is a screenshot of the solution to this puzzle.

Relic vault on Eos

Additional task "Data Trail"

Additional objective "Ghost of Promise"

Solving puzzles on the planet Havarl

Jigsaw Havarl

Complete the Dying Planet mission to access the monolith and use the above solution.

Assistance to scientists of Havarla

In the quest where Ryder agrees to help Angara, you will be able to use the above solution.

Adrenaline Fusion hidden modifier

Solving puzzles on the planet Voeld

Quest "Peebee: Secret Project"

Peace Restoration

Look for the monolith on the north side and use the above solution.

Look for the monolith on the west side and use the above solution.

The relic code is a grid divided into regions, but functioning as a whole. Consider carefully the symbols in the grid in columns and rows. To solve the riddle, you need to fill in the gaps with symbols, but in such a way that there is no repetition vertically and horizontally in rows and blocks.

The Relic Code resembles Sudoku, but glyphs (characters) are used instead of numbers. And if Sudoku does not require special characters in mathematics, then the Relic code also does not require deep knowledge of the code and other things.

ME Andromeda Relic Code Decryption Rules

Glyphs must be different in strings
Glyphs must be different in columns
Initially scan the area and find the glyphs on the monoliths around, then the terminal will fill with question marks.
Then pay attention to the row or column in which three glyphs will already be filled. Type in a free cell, different from the others, a glyph.

Similarly, look further at the terms and columns and select the missing ones.
Important: if you enter at least one glyph incorrectly, then enemies will appear and you will have to destroy them first, and then take up the puzzle again. Decryption keys can be used to bypass the solution and not waste time on it, but they are very rare in the game. Not all puzzles can be bypassed with a key, and re-entering the key is also not everywhere.

Mass Effect Andromeda Relic Code Decryption

Relic Code planet Eos Monolith, Vault

Code Relics planet Eos

During story mission 2, locate and explore the station on the planet. Then, after mission 3, after the cleansing of radiation, there is another console on the planet.

Relic Code planet Gavarl

During the quest "Help the Scientists" and the code from the Remnants hideout during the quest "The Dying Planet" after the story mission 3.

Relic Code planet Gavarl

A secret puzzle, if after completing the mission "The Dying Planet" and reading the mail, it goes to the cache, which will be marked on the map.

Relic Code planet Voeld

After story mission 2, complete Return to the Tempest. Then go to the planet where there is a Northern Monolith and an Eastern one.

There is the Western Monolith and the Key to the Vault

During Pelessaria "Peebee" B'Sail's "Secret Project" personal mission

Planet Relic Code H-047C

Completion of the quest "From the Dust". You can access it after landing on the planet and visiting the first nearby dome. There is a datapad and this task will appear. After its completion, the next quest will automatically begin, which will lead you to the ruins and the terminal.

Remnant Code planet Elaaden

After arriving on the planet, complete several missions and one way or another, a task will appear to investigate the abandoned Relic ship.

During normal planet exploration, examine any of the three monoliths to access the glyph finder and console. Then there will be a second puzzle inside the vault. The code from the storage can be entered only once, in case of failure - blocking.

Relic Code planet Kadara

During the quest "Catch the Archon" be sure to interrogate Ven Terev. Then explore any of the three Monoliths on the planet and get a task to explore the ruins and the vault of the Relics. Accordingly, first the code on the surface, then in the dungeon.

Relic Code planet Khi Tasira

Story mission 5. During the exploration of the city, you have to explore two towers. Your goal is the South Tower. You will find yourself on the bridge, where you need to jump down and find a secret place under it with a console and a code, which will open a small room with goodies and experience. This code can be entered only once, in case of failure - blocking.

Pick up relic code in Andromeda not such a difficult task, but it is rather tedious and interesting not for every player. In order to solve the code yourself, you need to insert the necessary characters into empty cells in such a way that this character does not repeat either horizontally or vertically, as well as in the selected area. You can see all Mass Effect: Andromeda monoliths with code at the very end of this article.

Deciphering the code on the Planet Eos

You will first encounter this puzzle on the first planet. The character sequence is as follows:

Planet Havarl

While playing the quest Helping the Scientists of Havarl, you will come across the following code, which looks like this:

In addition to this code, on the planet Havarl, when completing the Dying Planet quest, you will stumble upon Vault of Relics, where it is also necessary to solve a mini-problem. To open the passage, you need to activate the consoles in the following sequence: left front, left rear, right front, right rear.

Planet Voeld

On this planet, you will encounter as many as three monoliths.

Planet Kadara

Although there are three monoliths on this planet, you will have to select the relic code for only one.

In addition, you will find a similar system in the vault on the planet Kadara. To get into the vault itself, activate the main console, and then the smaller ones. While exploring, you will come across this code:

Planet Elaaden

On this desert planet, you will have to decipher the code twice - at the monolith and in the vault.