Russian folk games card index (senior group) on the topic. Children's Russian folk games with a song chorus Outdoor game "Santa Claus"

Tatyana Kandaurova

In February 2013, an open physical education lesson for teachers “Fair of outdoor games” was held. This activity introduced children to Russian traditions and folk games that children played on winter holidays: Christmas, Christmastide, Maslenitsa. The activity was united by one game plot - children on a magic carousel go to the fairground, where they are met by cheerful buffoons who offer to play Russian folk games and compete in strength, speed and dexterity. An interesting moment for the children was the meeting with the lady-madam. She offered sweets and delicious pastries at the fair. At the end of the lesson, each child received an incentive prize and a favorite treat.

Software tasks:

in the game “Santa Claus”, consolidate running in all directions, without bumping into each other, develop speed and speed; improve the skill of throwing at a target, develop accuracy and eye. In the “Lyulka” program, continue to teach running jumps, performing a strong push when pushing off the floor and landing on two legs at the same time, to develop the child’s speed and strength qualities. In the m/n game “At Milanya’s, at the old lady’s...” consolidate the coordination of movement with the words of the text, develop memory and attention. Continue to improve the health of children using BAZ massage. Cultivate mutual assistance and friendly relations.

Benefits and equipment:

hats or costumes of buffoons, a scarf, a Santa Claus cap, small balls or “snowballs” made of cotton wool, a basket, a thin rope or string, cards, a carousel-umbrella with ribbons.

Progress of the lesson:

children enter the gym and stand in a semicircle.

Instructor: In Rus', folk holidays and folk festivities occupied a very important place in people's lives. The most striking of them were the winter holidays: Christmas, Christmastide, Maslenitsa. On these days, fairs were held in the squares. Fairs are colorful festivities. At the Fairs you could pamper yourself with sweets: they baked pancakes with jam, offered gingerbread cookies, sweets, and bagels. People sang songs and danced in circles. Not a single fair was complete without the main characters: buffoons, jesters, an otter with a brown bear, tightrope walkers, and jugglers. The Russian people are proud of their strength and courage and are very fond of various comic competitions: fighting with bags, running with buckets of water, tug of war. In winter - sledding, playing with snowballs. Guys, today I propose to play Russian folk games that adults and children played at the fairground. Stand in a circle in the carousel and grab the edge of the tape with your right hand. To the accompaniment of cheerful music, we go to the winter fair (the song “Fair” performed by V. Leontyev is played) - the children run in a circle in one direction, then, at the signal of the whistle, they turn in the other direction, changing hands with the ribbon.

Sedentary game "Carousel"

After the game, the carousel stops and the buffoons appear.

Instructor: Guys, look who meets us at the fair.

Buffoons: Hello children!

Would you like to play?

Show off your prowess?

Children: Why not play?

We are always happy to play!

1st buffoon: Meet us, children.

We are no more fun in the world!

We are buffoon guys.

We don't like ooh-sighs!

2nd buffoon: We play balalaikas,

We call everyone to the holiday

We won’t grieve with you,

And now we will dance

The children won't be left behind either.

They will have fun with us!

One-two, one-two, the game begins!

Russian folk sedentary game "Blubber"

Children walk to cheerful Russian folk music, scattered on their toes, hands up (on the heels, hands on the belt; on the outside of the foot, hands behind the back, etc.) The music stops, all the children try to stand in pairs (threes, fours). The child left alone goes to the center of the circle. The children say: “One, two, three bunglers!” The game repeats itself.

2nd buffoon: Everyone can play like that,

Can he do this?

Russian folk sedentary game “At Milanya’s, at the old lady’s...” At Milanya's, at the old woman's - - the children walk in a circle, holding hands, and the driver stands. They lived in a small hut - - - - in the center of the circle and comes up with a movement, then Seven sons, seven daughters - - - stops.

With ears like that, they put their palms to their ears.

With such eyes --- they show "glasses" with their hands

With such a long and snub nose, they show the “nose” with their hands

With such a head, hands are connected above the head.

With such a beard --- they show the "beard"

They didn't eat anything - they shook their heads from side to side.

We didn't drink anything.

They looked at her and put their palm to her forehead.

And they did it together like this - the driver shows the movement, and the children guess.

Frost looks out the window and breathes

And he writes patterns on the glass,

And against the frozen window,

Breath of Santa Claus

Decorated in brocade and pearls,

There is a curly birch tree.

Outdoor game "Santa Claus"

Santa Claus is selected by a counting rhyme and stands in the center of the circle. The rest of the players join hands and move in one direction while saying sentences.

Santa Claus, Santa Claus

Overgrew the oak tree and rolled in a cartload of gifts:

The frosts are bitter, the snow is loose,

The winds are windy, the snowstorms are friendly.

The cold has set in. A bridge was paved on the river.

After these words, the children run away, and Santa Claus catches them. Anyone touched is considered frozen and stands motionless. The game stops and the number of those caught is counted. Those who are caught unfreeze themselves, pay themselves off, take “snowballs” and throw them at the target (snow woman, cap, “snow fortresses”). The game repeats itself.

Yes, Grandfather Frost

You brought a lot of fun.

But also for you now.

We have a riddle game.

Riddle: A white wing was scooped up by the wind,

You and I were carried away by the sea. (boat)

Russian folk outdoor game “Boat”

The rope or jump rope is held by the edges, but does not make a full turn in the air, but is only swung above the floor at a height of 10-20 cm. Participants run up one by one and jump over the swinging rope. You can make it more difficult: jump over the rope while jumping on one leg, with a turn, in pairs. The one who makes a mistake replaces one of those holding the rope.

Instructor: At the fair, people bought not only sweets, but also various jewelry, clothes, and household goods.

Massage BAZ “Ay tari, tari, tari...”

Ay, tari, tari, tari - they rub their palms.

I'll buy Masha some amber --- press on each finger.

There will be money left --- "money" is shown.

I'll buy Masha earrings --- pressing on her earlobes.

There will be nickels left - they show “money”

I’ll buy Masha some shoes—they stroke her feet.

There will be “pennies” left --- “money” is shown

I’ll buy Masha spoons --- fist-tapping

There will be half a half left...

I’ll buy some pillows for Masha—they throw up their hands in the air.

The Lady comes out with sweets on a tray:

Jokes, jokes, fun!

I have a sweet treat!

The candies are honey and very candy-like.

Children with coins approach the Lady and buy candy, gingerbread, and bagels.


Bryntsy Indians, balalaika,

Brynn Indians, come play!

Brynn Indians, I don’t want to

The Brynn Indians will join the circle!

Instructor: Our holiday fair is over, it's time to hit the road home. And it will take us to our own kindergarten, a magical carousel.

The melody “Colorful Fairs” sounds, children “sit on the carousel”, holding on to the ribbons.

One, two, caught it!

Three, four, unwind!

Five, six, seven, eight,

Please get off the carousel!

Well done to us guys!

Strong, skillful, friendly and brave!

June 11, 2015 within thematic week "Russia Day" for children of secondary group No. 11 “Pansies” and their parents was held Festival of yard games “Folk games for children and adults.”

Yard games are folk games that are passed down from generation to generation. They are very diverse, interesting, require a lot of movement, resourcefulness, ingenuity, and develop many physical skills and abilities. Such games are not only good for health, but also necessary for developing courage, dexterity, and perseverance in achieving a goal, that is, for developing a person’s character.

The wonderful world of yard games is familiar to every adult firsthand, because everyone used to play, regardless of city, village or company, playing until late, returning home with broken and scratched knees and elbows, to the screams of a dissatisfied mother. With the advent of computers, the Internet and other attributes of modern life, yard games are becoming a thing of the past, but how can they replace live communication and the development that children receive while playing?

Many families have a tradition of going out of town, into the forest, and to ponds on weekends. Such trips can become very educational and useful if they are filled with entertainment, exciting activities, and made as varied as possible for children. With the aim of introducing Russian culture through folk games, as a form of active leisure for children and adults, promoting health, and creating a joyful mood from joint play activities with parents in the summer, the Yard Games Festival was held.

Parents, together with their children and teacher, prepared very carefully for this event, thought out outfits, learned poems for games and did not forget to capture a good mood.

Many different peoples live on the territory of our state, but we are all united by one thing - love for the Motherland, concern for its prosperity, preservation and revival of the cultural traditions of its many representatives. Parents and children remembered the traditions, customs and games of the Russian people and went to the playground, which had to be reached through a painted gate.

On the playground, adults had the opportunity to plunge into their carefree, cheerful, happy childhood and play long-forgotten games, and children learned these games.

In Game "Shuttle" parents and children divided into two teams.

Two rows of players stood opposite each other and held hands. According to the rules of the game, two shuttle players run between these rows towards each other. The rows constantly converge and diverge, singing:

The shuttle is running

The earth is shaking.

Sews - sews,

Sends gifts

and gradually accelerating.

Then the players stood in pairs in a circle and familiarized themselves with the rules of the game. "Blubber" and started the game with great excitement.

When the music played, the front players came out of pairs into the circle and danced to the music, along with Clutzer. The others stood and clapped their hands. When the music stops, those who were dancing must find someone standing freely without a partner and stand behind him. Whoever did not find a match remained in the circle of Clutzer, and they shouted to him in unison:

- One, two, three, you bungler!

When he remains a Clutzer for the second time:

- One, two, three, four, five, Clutzer - you again!

And in the third:

- One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, Clutzer - you are absolutely!

After the game “Clutzer,” parents and children began to play the next game, for which they cheerfully lined up in a column one at a time, held hands and said:

I was already walking along the street, walking along the alley

Found a ball of thread

The thread stretches, will be pulled

The ball is rolling, will roll

Tangle dole, dole, dole

The thread is further, further, further

I took the thread

The thin thread broke.

They began to “wind up” the ball of thread, and then “unwind it”.

Then the kids had great fun taking the adults on the Carousel.

Adults and children looked forward to more and more new games with great interest. When the presenter showed the strap, all the festival participants smiled.

According to the rules of the game "Strap", the driver with the strap goes around the circle. With the last word he puts the belt behind someone’s back. He runs after the driver, trying to catch up and lightly hit him with a strap. The driver is trying to take the place of the one who is running after him.

I hide, I hide the strap

Under the viburnum bush,

And who will sleep through the dawn,

Beat him up.

With what excitement the children ran, trying to catch up with their mothers and grandmothers.

The parents remembered what folk games they themselves played in childhood and invited their children to play "Blind Man's Bluff."

After the games, satisfied and happy children and adults went to tea, where delicious pancakes, bagels, tea with sweets awaited them. The adults were so imbued with the holiday atmosphere that even while drinking tea they wanted to sing Russian folk songs.

Throughout the entire holiday, a friendly atmosphere reigned, everyone was having fun, joking, laughing. At the end of the festival, we can say that the holiday was a great success and we, as the organizers of the event, wanted to expand the boundaries and once again hold a similar event, but with the involvement of residents of the area in which our kindergarten is located.

I would like to express my gratitude to the parents and teacher Marina Mikhailovna Khokhlova for their active participation in the Yard Games Festival.

Physical education instructor

Muhometzyanova Svetlana Afanasyevna

Anna Zaichenkova



Enrich children's knowledge about Russian folk games, counting rhymes, form ideas about traditions, outdoor games, national folklore of the Russian people, consolidate skills in Russian folk games "Blubber", "The Bear and the Hares", "Sun and moon", “Burn, burn clearly!”

To introduce children to folk art and Russian culture, to develop a sense of humor, imagination, and ingenuity.


Develop agility, speed, endurance; the ability to transform, evasiveness in running, the ability to act on a signal;

Develop the ability for self-control, self-esteem when following the rules of the game, the ability to be responsive and friendly in communication;

Practice performing various types of movements through game tasks.

Contribute to the preservation and strengthening of health.


To cultivate interest and love for Russian folk games, respect for each other, a sense of responsibility, and attentive attitude towards others;

To consolidate children's knowledge about the traditions of the people;

Foster patriotism and love for your people;

Induce an emotional expression of joy;

Develop self-control and the ability to follow the rules of the game;

Form friendly relationships

To promote the introduction of physical education into family life.


buffoon costume, bag for the buffoon, small scarf, bear hat, carousel-umbrella with ribbons, canvas parachute, 2 arcs, treats for children.

Educator: Guys, today I propose to play Russian folk games that adults and children played in fairground.

Do you like to play and have fun?

So, you don’t mind taking a ride on our carousel!

Carousel, carousel

Everyone rides all day:

Young ladies, animals,

Matryoshkas and Parsleys.

Stand in a circle in the carousel and grab the edge of the tape with your right hand. Let's go to winter camp with cheerful music fair.

Small game mobility"Carousel"

(Children run in a circle in one direction, then, at the signal of the whistle, turn in the other direction, changing hands with the ribbon).

The children are met by Skomorokh.

Buffoon: Hello children!

I'm the most cheerful person in the world!

Guys, I'm the Buffoon!

I don’t like oohs and sighs!

The sun is rising brightly,

Hurries to fair people.

The gates open,

Come in, gentlemen!

Look, don't yawn,

Don't open your mouths!

Would you like to play?

Show off your prowess?

Now we are going to play a game "Blubber".

One-two, one-two, the game begins!

Russian traditional sedentary game"Blubber"

Children walk to cheerful Russian folk music, scattered, hands on their belts. The music stops, all the children try to get into pairs (threes, fours). The child left alone goes to the center of the circle. Children They say: “One, two, three bunglers - you!” The game repeats itself.

Buffoon: - Although my sum is simple,

In appearance, it seems to be empty.

(The buffoon takes a handkerchief from the bag).

Outdoor game“Burn, burn clearly!”

Come out, honest people, join the round dance!

(Children stand in a circle, the driver stands with a handkerchief in a circle and runs in a circle to the music. When the music stops playing, the driver stops between two children and believes:

“Burn, burn clearly,

So that it doesn't go out.

Look at the sky

Birds are flying

The bells are ringing.

One, two, three – run!”

After these words, the couple runs forward along the edges; whoever grabs the scarf faster stands up with the driver. The one left without a scarf becomes the next leader).

Buffoon: Come on, Sasha, come over,

Put your hand in the bag!

(The child takes out a bear hat from his bag)

Let's continue to play

We're starting a new game.

The game is interesting,

I'll tell you straight - wonderful.

We choose a bear

Game "The Bear and the Hares" begin.

Before you start playing,

All: Beyond the seas, beyond the mountains,

Behind the iron pillars

On the hill there is a tower!

There is a lock on the door.

Go get the key

And unlock the lock!

Outdoor game"The Bear and the Hares"

You need to make a parachute "den", throwing it over chairs or other objects 1 meter high. Child- "bear" sits and dozes in his "den"(under parachute). Children- "hares" jumping around and teasing his:

Brown bear, brown bear,

Why are you so gloomy?

"Bear", getting out of "dens", answers:

I didn’t treat myself to honey,

So I got angry at everyone.

One two three four five -

I'm starting to chase everyone!

On the last word "bear" catches "hares" and takes them to "den".

Buffoon: It was a good game

And now it's time

On fair people bought not only sweets, but also various jewelry, clothes, and household goods.

Massage “Ay tari, tari, tari...”

Ay, tari, tari, tari,

I'll buy Masha some amber.

There will be money left -

I'll buy Masha earrings.

There will be nickels left -

I’ll buy Masha some shoes.

There will be pennies left -

I'll buy spoons for Masha.

There will be half a half left -

I’ll buy pillows for Masha. (rubbing palms)

(press each finger)

(show "money")

(press on earlobes)

(show "money")

(patting legs)

(show "money")

(knocks fists)

(show "money")

(throws hands in the air)

Buffoon: Come on, honest people, join the round dance!

Now we'll play a game "Sun and moon".

One two three four five -

We're going to play.

A magpie flew to us

And she told you to drive.

I'll buy myself a pipe

And I'll walk down the street.

Louder, pipe, doody:

We're playing, you drive.

Outdoor game"Sun and moon"

(Two players are selected who stand opposite each other, take hands and raise them up, forming "gates". The remaining players stand in a chain and pass under the goal. Gate players humming:

The Golden Gate doesn't always let people through.

Saying goodbye for the first time

The second one is prohibited.

And we won’t miss you the third time!

At some point "gates" They descend sharply and catch the player who is underneath them.

The player is taken aside and quietly asked which side he would like to take - "Suns" or "Moons". When he has chosen, the corresponding player is indicated to him and he stands behind "Suns" or "Moons". Then the game continues until all participants in the chain are caught and distributed among teams. "Suns" And "Moons".

Buffoon: It's time for us to part!

Remember me always!

For laughter, for fun

A treat for you all.

(The buffoon distributes food to the children).

Bryntsy Indians, balalaika,

Brynn Indians, come play!

Brynn Indians, I don’t want to

The Brynn Indians will join the circle!

Buffoon: Our holiday is over fair, it's time to hit the road home. And our magic carousel will take you back to kindergarten.

(Children "get on the carousel", holding on to the ribbons)

Educator: One, two, picked it up!

Three, four, unwind!

Five, six, seven, eight,

Please get off the carousel!

Well done to us guys!

Strong, skillful, friendly and brave!

Games that people play [Psychology of human relationships] Bern Eric

3. "Blubber"

3. "Blubber"

Thesis. Typical variants of "Blubber" are as follows.

1U. White spills a cocktail on the hostess's evening dress.

1B. Black feels angry at first, but feels (sometimes very vaguely) that if he shows it, White will win. Therefore, Black pulls himself together and thereby acquires the illusion of his winnings.

2U. White says, "Sorry."

2B. Black whispers or shouts words of forgiveness, strengthening the illusion of his victory.

3U. White continues to damage Black's property. He breaks things, spills drinks and causes all sorts of other troubles. After he manages to burn a cigarette through the tablecloth, tear the lace with a chair leg, and dump the roast on the carpet, White's Child feels the joy of having a great time and being forgiven for all his antics. And Black also feels satisfaction: after all, he showed that he knows how to courageously restrain himself. Thus, both of them benefited from an unpleasant situation, and Black will not necessarily seek to end his acquaintance with White.

As in most games, White, who makes the first move, gets his way no matter what the outcome. If Black shows anger, White feels justified in his angry, indignant response. If Black holds back, White is free to enjoy the opportunities presented to him. But the real reward of this game is not the pleasure of causing destruction, which for White is an additional advantage, but the fact that he receives forgiveness. This leads directly to the antithesis.

Antithesis.“Anti-blunder” consists of not giving the required forgiveness. After White says "I'm sorry," Black doesn't respond, "It's okay," as White expects, but says, "You can embarrass my wife today, break furniture, and tear up carpet, but don't apologize." In this case, Black switches from the role of a forgiving Parent to the role of an objective Adult who accepts full responsibility for inviting White.

White's answer will make clear just how far he is willing to take the game. His reaction can be very unrestrained. Anyone who plays “Anti-Blooper” runs the risk of running into trouble or making an enemy.

Children play "Clutzer" in an incomplete version: they are not sure that they will receive forgiveness, but they enjoy mischief. But as they grow up and get used to living in society, they can use their skills to gain forgiveness - and this is the main goal of the game in the form in which it exists among adults and well-educated people.


Thesis. I can cause trouble and still be forgiven.

Target. Receiving forgiveness.

Roles. Aggressor, Victim.

Dynamics. Anal aggression.

Examples. 1. Children with destructive tendencies. 2. Awkward guest.

Social paradigm. Adult - Adult.

Adult: “Since I am polite, you will have to be polite too.”

Adult: “It’s okay. I forgive you".

Psychological paradigm. Child - Parent.

Child: “You have to forgive what happens by chance.”

Parent: “You're right. I have to show you what good manners are."

Moves. 1. Provocation - indignation. 2. Apology - forgiveness.

Benefits. 1. Internal psychological - pleasure from causing disturbances. 2. External psychological - the opportunity to avoid punishment. 3. Internal social - “Blubber”. 4. External social - “Blubber”. 5. Biological - provocative and affectionate stroking. 6. Existential - I am not to blame for anything.



additional education teacher

MOU DOD TsVR "Istoki"

g.o. Elektrogorsk, Moscow region

Kolyagin Roman Evgenievich –

accompanist-teacher of additional education

MOU DOD TsVR "Istoki"

g.o. Elektrogorsk, Moscow region

year 2012

“Games have long served as a means of self-knowledge; here they showed their best qualities: kindness, nobility, mutual assistance, self-sacrifice for the sake of others. After a hard day of work, adults gladly took part in children’s games, teaching them how to have fun and relax.”

A.A. Taran "Russian folk games and their classification"

Purpose of the master class: transfer of experience in holding folk games to master class participants


Dissemination of teaching work experience

for the promotion of folk games

Improving the professional skills of teachers participating in the master class

Creative communication between members of creative teams

Sample plan for a master class:

1.Introductory part (handouts,

see Attachment)

2. Commentary part (game rules)

3. Demonstration part (playing games)


Folk games for children are works of folk art, original customs and traditions.

What are the benefits of folk games for children? This is not only a distraction from the worries of the day, relaxation and entertainment.

The folk game for children also has additional meaning. It introduces people to the culture and forms affiliation with it. And although in our information, technological age, folk games for children have almost been replaced by computer games, you need to play them with your child. At home, at school, on the playground, in the yard, at holidays, etc.

Folk games for children, for the most part, are collective games. Thanks to them, the child learns to communicate in a team, negotiate, follow general rules, feel like he belongs to a group, and through play, to a people, a nation.

Play with your children! Children will not learn on their own; become their helpers.

The main thing in the game is the feeling of joy.

A game that doesn't bring joy is a bad game!

List of folk games.

1. “A goat walked through the forest” (choreographed round dance)

2. “The drake was catching up with the duck” (Kissing game)

3. “Blubber” (Dance game)

4. “Handkerchief” (Kissing game)

5. "Couple" (Dance game)

:. “The goat walked along the road”

7. “Chizhik” (Dance game)

8.. “Pillar” (Kissing game)

9. “A blizzard is sweeping along the street” (Round dance game)

10. “Kostroma” (Round dance game)

11. “Maroma” (Round dance game)

12. "Lavata"

13. “If life is fun”

14. "At Uncle Abram's"

15. "Boogie Woogie"

17. "Lark"

18. “Aram-shim-shim”

Game "A goat walked through the forest."

(drawn round dance)

The players form a circle with the driver in the center. He chooses a mate from the circle under the words:

A goat walked through the forest, through the forest, through the forest,

Look for a princess, a princess, a princess.

Come on, goat, let's jump, jump, jump,

And we kick our legs, we kick, we kick,

And let's clap our hands, clap our hands, clap our hands,

And we stomp our feet, we stomp, we stomp,

Let's shake our heads, shake them, shake them,

And let's start all over again, over again, over again.

Getting acquainted. The couple separates, and each participant chooses a new couple. The game continues, but there are already two pairs in the circle. And this continues until all the couples stand in a circle.

Game “The drake caught up with the duck”

Participants stand in a circle, choose a “drake” - a guy,

he chooses a “duck” - a girl.

The “duck” remains in the middle of the circle, the “drake” behind the circle. The game begins. Everyone sings a song and walks in a circle. At this time, the “drake” is trying to catch up with the “duck”. She runs away from the “drake” through the open “gates” (raised hands of the participants standing in a circle). His task is to catch the “duck”, her task is to escape. If the “drake” catches the “duck”, he kisses it.

If small children are playing, then instead of kissing, the “drake” and “duck” bow to each other.

The game starts over with new leaders.

The drake was chasing a duck,

The young sulfur was catching up -

Go home, little duck,

Go home, gray one.

You have seven children,

Eighth drake,

And the ninth is herself,

Kiss me once.

Game "Blubber"

Participants stand in a circle in pairs - one behind the other, facing the center. In the center is a man without a partner. Music sounds, the participants standing first in pairs, together with the leader standing in the center, dance. When the music ends, they quickly hide behind the participants standing in a circle. One pair is not enough, he remains in the center. Everyone teases him:

One, two, three - you bungler!

(if you become a bungler again, then they tease you like this:

One, two, three, four, five - you're a bungler again!)

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven - you're a complete bungler!

Game "Handkerchief"

Everyone stands in a general circle. The presenter comes out and throws a handkerchief up. The guys' task is to catch the handkerchief. Whoever caught the handkerchief approaches the girl he likes and invites her - puts the handkerchief on her shoulder. Then, while dancing to the music, the guy must take the handkerchief from the girl without using force, and the girl must also dodge while dancing and not let the handkerchief be taken away.
The music continues until the guy takes the handkerchief. At the end, the girl rewards the guy with a kiss.

Then the girl throws her handkerchief up.

Remember that in dance you demonstrate strength, agility and ease.

Game "Couple"

Participants choose a pair, do with the hands of the gatekeeper.

One couple enters the “gate” to the music, etc. The game continues until the music stops. The couple who did not have time to enter the “gate” performs a ditty.

The game "Walked"dear goat."

The goat was walking along the road,
On the wide road,
I found a hornless goat
Hornless goat.
Come on, goat, let's jump,
Let's jump, let's jump,
And we open the fire,
Let's open the door with you.

One player runs skipping along to the song. In the words: “I found a hornless goat,” he chooses a “goat” for himself, she takes him by the belt, behind his back, and they jump together. Gradually everyone present gets involved in the game.

Game "Chizhik"

The players move in a circle and sing:

Siskin, siskin, siskin,

Little sparrow

- Chizhik, little chizhik, where have you been?

-I washed my paws in the swamp!

The little siskin flew back to show off its paws.

They began to catch a siskin, but the siskin was not caught.

They started putting him in a cage, but the little siskin wouldn’t sit.

-Please!(they choose a little boy)

Chizhik takes turns circling all the girls arm-in-arm

Game "Pillar"

Participants choose a “Pillar” guy. They dance around him, sing a song and dress him up.

I walk around the pillar

I walk around the oak tree.

What will I give the pillar,

What should we reward the young man with?

Young woman: -I’ll give the pillar a wreath!

(handkerchief, beads, skirt, apron...) The song and round dance are repeated each time, the girls take turns dressing up the “column”.

Leading : -What a column we have, like a lady!

Come on, column, dance “Lady” for us, and we will help!

The “column” is dancing, everyone is clapping their hands.

Leading : -Well, column, now we will undress you!

Young woman: -Give me my wreath, good fellow!

Boy: -I won’t give it back without a ransom!

Pelageya buys a wreath,

I won’t give up the wreath without a ransom,

Without the daring of a good fellow,

Without Ilya Fedorovich!

Kiss, kiss the pillar,

Because of the right, the right shoulder!

Young woman : -And the wreath is mine!

-What about kissing? The girl kisses the guy and everyone takes turns buying his handkerchief, beads, apron, skirt...

Game “A Blizzard is Sweeping Along the Street”

Participants walk in a circle and dance what they are singing about.

A snowstorm is blowing along the street,


Oh, burn, burn, burn, talk,

Soon she will sweep all the paths.

Let's harness the horses to the sleigh,

Let's go to the forest to get firewood as soon as possible.


With axes we will strike together in harmony,

Only slivers will fly through the forest.


And we will quietly walk out of the forest,

Let’s start clapping with our hands.


And trample everything with your feet at once,

Well, frost, now you are not scary for us.

Game "Kostroma"

Kostroma, Kostroma,
My Empress.

-Great, Kostroma!
- Great!
-What are you doing?
- I'm spinning threads!
(Children dance in a round dance, and Kostroma shows as if she is spinning)

Kostroma, Kostroma,
My Empress.

Kostromushka has jelly with milk

Pancakes with cottage cheese are also profitable.

Hello, Kostroma!


What are you doing?

- I’m shaking the balls!
(The children dance in a round dance, and Kostroma shows how the balls shake)

Kostroma, Kostroma,
My Empress.

Kostromushka has jelly with milk

Pancakes with cottage cheese are also profitable.
-Great, Kostroma!


What are you doing?

I'm knitting!

(Children dance in a circle, and Kostroma knits)
Kostroma, Kostroma,
My Empress.

Kostromushka has jelly with milk

Pancakes with cottage cheese are also profitable.

Hello, Kostroma!

-What are you doing?
- I’m crying, I pricked my finger...
(Children dance in a circle, and Kostroma cries)
Kostroma, Kostroma,
My Empress.

Kostromushka has jelly with milk

Pancakes with cottage cheese are also profitable.
-Great, Kostroma!


What are you doing?
-Now I’ll catch up with you!
(Everyone runs away, and whoever Kostroma catches up with becomes Kostroma).
Game "Maroma"

Everyone stands in a circle, and Maroma stands in the center and performs the actions according to the text.

Children sing:

My Maroma, Maromushka,

Cheerful head
Maromushka has jelly and pancakes,
The hostess has hot pies.

After singing there is a dialogue with Maroma:

Howdy, Maroma!

- Healthy!
- What are you doing?
- I’m spinning the tow!
- Well, strands.

The game chorus is repeated, and then the dialogue continues, in which only Maroma’s answers change:

I'm spinning...

- I'm kneading the dough...
- I bake pies...
- I’m going to the bathhouse...

At the end of the game Maroma says:

- “I got sick” and then “I died.”

The game ends with a question from the children:

Why are you talking?

- Yes, out of harm, out of habit.

There is no need to be mischievous, join us in a round dance!

Game-dance “Lavata”

In the chorus, children walk in a circle, holding hands and chanting:

We dance together - tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta -
Our cheerful dance is Lavata.

A kind of chorus is the words of the presenter, for example: “My ears are good, but my neighbor’s is better!” In this case, children dance in a circle, holding each other by the ears. Each time the leader gives a new “task”, and the children take each other by the elbows, knees, shoulders, head, etc. For the game to take place, touching should not be rough or painful for partners.

Game "If life is fun."

(two clapping hands).

If you have fun, do it

(two clapping hands).

If life is fun,

we will smile at each other,

If you have fun, do it

(two claps).

In the following verses, instead of claps: two snaps of fingers, two claps on the knees, two stamps of feet, two jumps, we shout the word “good!” And the last verse sounds like this: “If you have fun, do everything!” And after each line you need to repeat in turn all the movements from each verse.

A game "Uncle Abram's".

“Uncle Abram has twelve sons, Uncle Abram has twelve sons. They did not eat, did not drink and were never bored. Right hand."

Everyone walks in a circle, shaking their hands and repeating the same words. Then different parts of the body are added with different movements (left arm, right leg, left leg, right shoulder, left shoulder, head, etc.). All movements are repeated simultaneously.

Game "Boogie-woogie"

Hand your right hand forward, and then back,

And go ahead again and shake her a little

We're dancing boogie-woogie

Turning circles

And we clap our hands like this!

Boogie Woogie

Boogie Woogie

Boogie Woogie

We dance, we sing together, we sing merrily!

The players stand in a circle and join hands. The driver, who stands inside the circle, is blindfolded with a scarf. Everyone walks in a circle, chanting:

So we built a circle,
Let's turn around together suddenly.

(Turn and walk in the opposite direction)

How about we say: “skok-skok-skok”,
Guess whose voice it is?

The words “skok-skok-skok” are said by only one player, indicated by the leader.

The driver's task is to guess from the voice who said these words. If he succeeds, he joins the general circle, and the one whose voice he guessed becomes the driver instead.
Game continues.

Game "Lark"

Children stand in a circle and sing:

A lark sang in the sky,

The bell rang.

Frolic in silence

I hid the song in the grass.

The “lark” (leading child) with a bell moves inside the circle. At the end of the song he stops and places the bell on the floor between the two children. These children turn their backs to each other. Everyone says:

“Whoever finds the song will be happy for a whole year!”

The two run around the circle, moving in opposite directions. Whoever grabs the bell first becomes the Lark. The game repeats itself.

Game "Aram-shim-shim"

The participants of the game, holding hands, walk in a circle, while singing together:




Look at me.

The driver, with his arms extended forward and his eyes closed, is inside the circle and spins in the opposite direction. Whoever he points to is the one who matches the driver.
Standing with the backs of their heads facing each other, the drivers must turn their heads in any direction on the count of “three.” If, as a result, the couple is looking in opposite directions, then they should bow, but if two heads turn in the same direction, then they can hug or kiss. After that, the last one who entered it remains in the center of the circle, and the game continues until it gets boring.