Edible planet. Edible Planet Games Forever Edible Planet Game 5

So, according to the game's story, you're transported to a laboratory where a mad scientist can't get the idea of ​​creating dirt-eating bacteria out of his head. Just imagine how much cleaner this world would be. The professor diligently mixes the various components in test tubes, and with a loud exclamation of "Eureka!" he signals that he has finally succeeded in achieving the desired result in Tastyplanet. Before you start mass-producing a cleaning agent, you will need to conduct testing, which is what you will have to do during the passage.

Let's start experimenting

In order to study the behavior of bacteria in a polluted environment, you will need to arm yourself with a microscope. Taking control of the hero, you find yourself in the amazing reality of the edible planet. Millions of micro creatures live here, but you will quickly recognize your pet, because it has huge eyes and a smiling face.

Initially, you have to play with maximum caution, because the tiny size does not allow you to fight back when danger approaches. However, this situation can soon be corrected if you actively absorb the grains of garbage that are scattered around. Some gameplay features are similar to iOS applications. Take even the fact that eating dots contributes to mass gain.

At the initial levels of the games, the edible planet can be completely focused on increasing the volume, since there will be no foreign objects yet, and you are tasked with eating more specks in the shortest possible time. If you manage to cope with the mission, then a new location for research on the planet of time opens up, only there are already predators here, such as sharks, and even dinosaurs meet a little later.

Principles of transformation

The full version of entertainment offers you to go through all the stages of evolution, for this you have to hunt not only for dots, but also for microbes that are smaller than you. In this case, the character acquires some visible characteristics consumed creature. For example, if you devour a yellowish insect, then the hue of the glutton also changes to yellowish.

Having achieved success in the game, a brilliant scientist reappears on the horizon, who decides to improve his creations. Now the microbin can fight human diseases, so you move from an edible planet into the human body and devour the pests floating in the blood.

Download entertaining game you can use almost all modern gadgets that work on android, and of course on a computer. Some users don't like to overcome a long way improvements, so they prefer to use the release with cheats. Numerous keys make it possible to activate endless money and lives, so it remains only to learn how to use all the benefits.

Edible planet games are great fun for users, so don't hesitate to start the gameplay. Moreover, there is a built-in mode for two participants, where you have great fun with a friend.

Games edible planet they invite you to surrender to the power of boundless hunger and destroy everything around with pleasure. To do this, you have to become a small, insatiable bacterium that needs to eat, eat, eat in order to grow. But only what is smaller than it in size!

You should start with microscopic dust particles that fly around and are destroyed by a bacterium when they approach its ever-hungry mouth. Then the system of the human body will be next in line, and here you will already have to face those who are also very hungry. From them you need to escape, the rest to devour.

When a bacterium exceeds the size of a standard human, a whole edible planet awaits it! Birds, animals, plants, domestic animals, mountains, rivers… That the planet also ended? It's sad, but it doesn't matter. A hungry bacterium of enormous size can eat the entire universe. To do this, she goes out into the expanses of space and again finds what she can profit from.

So step by step, piece by piece, with growth to galactic dimensions and passes amazing game about the ever-hungry bacteria. The plot is simple and very attractive. The task is simple: eat everything around until you are eaten, and reach the size of the solar system, or at least ordinary planets.

Games Edible Planet attract attention from the very first minutes. Be prepared for the fact that in this world you can and should eat absolutely everything that is smaller or the same size as the main culprit, that is, the character. These entertainments consist of a whole series where a small bacterium will grow and absorb everything in its path, and the further it goes, the more interesting the adventure will be. Of course, you can absorb anything that fits in size, but there are objects and characters that can also do harm, so it's best to avoid such cases.

In these entertainments, the plot develops in such a way that the main character will need to eat everything in certain locations. With each new centimeter in the body and with each level, new opportunities will begin to appear that will allow you to eat larger objects, including people, tables, trees, etc.

born in the lab

Of course, playing Edible Planet games is a lot of fun, gamers are waiting for different interesting quests and tasks, adventures and, of course, many things that will be very tasty for the hero. In the first part of the entertainment, the guys will have to control one microscopic bacterium that appeared in a test tube. Scientists were at a loss, this impressed them very much, because the bacterium was insanely hungry and never sated.

Her gluttony made itself felt very quickly, namely when the bacterium began to absorb small crumbs. So far, it does not look very dangerous, but this creature was not enough, in addition, it is also growing. Now crumbs are not enough for the bacterium, it wants more and switches to other objects. Eating everything that is smaller or its size, it always increased and the scientists were seriously worried, because it all took a matter of minutes. By controlling this character, you can eat anything, but it is important to avoid dangerous creatures that are larger than the hero.

Delicious Planet Forever

New part of the series Tasty Planet Forever" made itself felt almost instantly. It is no coincidence that entertainment has become so popular and in demand. Now gamers can control not the same character as in previous versions, but to become, for example, a cat that ended up in France and ate almost everything in this country. As soon as all levels are completed, other animals will open. Each of them lives in a different part of the planet and will act in their own location, this has its own uniqueness, because you can always not only complete tasks, gaining a certain number of points, but also experiment.

The first character, a ginger cat, who was designed as a cleaning robot, got a job from a chef to clean everything up. Naturally, the cat began his task and approached him very responsibly. First, he ate all the crumbs and cockroaches, then rats, when he grew up, he began to swallow bottles and knives, and when he was already half a meter high, he switched to chairs and waiters. And so the iron friend developed until it became very large and swallowed the whole city. As soon as all levels are completed, the next character will open - an octopus. He already has a completely different story, thus the game becomes very exciting. In Tasty Planet Forever, you can open eight different animals, among which there will also be a shark, a bee, a rat and the like. But the authors did not stop there and decided to add more additional characters to the entertainment, which act as a bonus. Among them there are such as: a metal cat, an eel, an elephant, a baby, a chicken, a black hole, and so on. So every part of Edible Planet will be a lot of fun!

Sometimes scientists with their experiments reach the point where completely unexpected substances or matter are obtained. But it is more terrible if the result of the experiments is a strange creature, striving to devour everything that it notices in the area. With such an insatiable eccentric, the edible planet games will introduce you. Once, an enterprising genius went so far in his genetic research that he created a unique bacterium. The microorganism had no analogues, but no one knew that the biological crumb would devour all nearby objects in the laboratory, including test tubes, tanks with chemical liquids, equipment, and so on.

As soon as the figure in the white coat realized all the abilities of his creation, he immediately decided to suspend the edible planet program, but the little glutton was already unstoppable. And a total disaster began with the fact that the professor decided to feed the eye that seemed to him pretty. At first, he gave the eccentric a candy, but the kid was not satisfied with the yummy and got smarter to swallow any objects in the office, gradually continuing to grow.

Want to know what happened next with the outlandish creature? Then join the exciting story on the computer and take control of the greedy little one. To do this, you need to download the game you like from the exciting series and try to digest all earthly goods. Although, you can connect to the wanderings of a fantastic representative of the fauna without downloading by launching the application from a browser.

Learning to dominate the food chain

Immediately after the start of the game, the edible planet will be given under the leadership of a single-celled organism, which must be well stuffed not only with food, but also with pebbles, glass, metal gizmos and other rubbish. The passage is to ensure that an amazing life form with an unbridled appetite does not remain hungry. First, it is recommended to pay attention to not too dimensional gizmos that fall on gaming locations, otherwise the ward may choke. But as soon as the parameters of the prankster increase in volume, you can switch to larger specimens, slowly getting close to cars and even entire houses.

Directing the movement of the character in the tasty blue entertainment is quite easy. So, in episodes on android, his movements are controlled by a sensor, and in fun for stationary PCs, he is replaced by arrows. Choose the appropriate version on the torrent resource or find a convenient option for edible planet fun through any search engine. True, there are no games in Russian yet, but even without translation, all options are intuitive, and the plot, supplemented by small videos, will explain all the nuances of the flash adventure.

Which is better: watching animations or directly participating in adventures

Of course, any child will like a colorful cartoon with dynamically unfolding events. But it is much more interesting for younger users to play for their favorite heroes on their own, overcoming risky obstacles with them. Moreover, the vicissitudes are also educational in nature, which is especially important for boys and future ladies in their upcoming school education.

The edible planet games also carry an educational component. For example, an unusual pet can use a time machine and be transported to Ancient Egypt. And while the young fidgets will roam the maps of the historical country, they will discover a lot of useful facts. Of course, before there were tasty blue arcades, there were other simulators that were similar in content. But only games of this genre are distinguished by a logical narrative and missions that are interesting for all age categories.

Yum Yum: Edible Planet Games

The Edible Planet games presented to your attention may seem like a repetition of similar toys from different developers. However, this is only an initial impression, and it is worth getting to know the plot closer, as you understand - this is a completely new approach.

First of all, it all starts with a screensaver, where the backstory is told in the form of comic book drawings. You find yourself in the laboratory of a scientist who is doing something in his test tubes. Here he cries out: "Eureka!". He seems to have invented a new formula for cleaning agent, main feature which are unique bacteria. They really like dirt and are ready to absorb it in incredible quantities, leaving the surface perfectly clean. Any discovery must be tested, and this is what you have to do when playing Edible Planet games.

First laboratory tests

After placing bacteria in a contaminated environment, arm yourself with a microscope and see what happens. Before you is a microscopic living world in which it is easy to recognize our bacterium. She looks pleased, and looks at the surrounding area with curiosity, readable in her huge eyes.

At the beginning, she is too small, and anyone who is even slightly larger can offend her easily. But this will soon change if you start to absorb the grains of garbage that are scattered around. It soon becomes clear how the bacterium recovers, expands, rounds out just before our eyes. Apparently, a diet of trash crumbs is good for her.

To eat as much as possible, you must act quickly. Direct it to where there are especially many crumbs. After the expiration of the time allotted for the level, points are counted, and then you can go to explore the territory further. Each time you find yourself at a new training ground, you see that there is more food. In addition to the usual harmless garbage, other living microorganisms have appeared, and they are clearly interested in you. Some are the same size as you, but some are big and small. It is not difficult to guess that now the menu will become more diverse, but there is a threat to your safety.

Those microbes that are smaller will become food for the voracious bacteria. By absorbing them, she changes color, becoming similar in color to her victim. Here it is gray, but after absorbing several yellow rivals, it becomes the same itself.

At some point, the professor decides to improve the formula by allowing the bacteria to cure human diseases. And so, during the next stage of the game Edible Planet, she swims in the blood, absorbing red blood cells in order to grow a little. When this happened, she opened the hunt for microorganisms that cause ailments. However, live microorganisms are very aggressive, and if you run into something that is larger than you, you can become dinner yourself. The bacterium will grow and develop throughout the game until it grows so much that it can eat complex living forms. And one day, her size will turn her into a monster capable of swallowing an entire planet.

  • Eat anything smaller than you
  • Don't get in the way of big organisms
  • Act fast to gain weight and earn more points

Impressions of the game Edible Planet

The process of playing Edible Planet is quickly addictive. There is no need to swing for a long time, because events unfold rapidly. The levels are not tightened, and after a few minutes of quick action, you can watch the calculation of the result. By tearing off Edible Planet games, you get a tool that magically lifts your spirits and leaves a pleasant aftertaste.