Statistics of the VK community "Loyalty: Knights and Princesses". Game "Loyalty: Knights and Princesses": location maps with descriptions Where to find white jade in the game fidelity

Neverland - Travel

Attention! The location is not available in the game.

The first of April is the day of smiles, so before your eyes is a circus location. It is located not far from the house; a one-way journey will require 25 fuel.
Be careful and keep your eyes open! The circus performers prepared many surprises and illusions. Be careful what you cut, some objects are not at all what you see. Available until April 13, 2016.

To go to the location we need one of:

Upon arrival in Neverland, you will find the area densely shrouded in fog. As resources are cut down, the fog will clear and you will discover a lot of interesting things.

Main building:

Arriving in Neverland, you will find the circus tent in very poor condition. The robbers did a good job, stealing the wealth of the circus performers throughout the location.

You have to help the circus recover by dispersing the bandits and breaking their treasure. Bales of circus performers will fall out of it, which must be loaded into the airship, brought home and unloaded.
This way you will find the lost supplies that the circus performers need so much. Don't forget to pack them securely in weaving workshop and feel free to take the circus performers’ supplies back to Neverland.

Circus performers- people are grateful, therefore for your help in returning wealth you will be given a gratitude token (click on the circus and the big arrow to exchange supplies for tokens).

Don’t forget to look into the circus, because additional gifts will be given for your own contribution to its restoration, as well as for the general contribution of the social network.

Tokens donated by circus performers can be exchanged for various items in

Location maps in “Loyalty: Knights and Princesses” are very diverse. Their total number is twenty-two, and some of them will be discussed in the article with a description, the main attractions and how to get to them.


In the game "Loyalty: Knights and Princesses", location cards include a variety of points of interest. In the territory called “Battlefield”, the player may encounter the head of a gang of bandits. He is hiding in a lair, which is located in the center on the western side. This will be the main building after the victory, which can be improved after killing the boss. Almost immediately near the entrance on the right side you can free the prisoner, and the captive girl is a few steps diagonally in the forest. To turn the bandit lair back into a huge beautiful estate, you need to bring the “Tron” inside. This item can be found in the upper left corner of the entrance to the area. The development of the building will help in the accumulation of resources, they are also issued for the release of prisoners.

"Magical forest"

If your character has reached level 10, then among all the location cards in “Loyalty: Knights and Princesses” you must first visit the “Magic Forest”. In this area, the main building opens up to the eye immediately after arrival, because it is located not far from the entrance. Also in the vastness of this region you can find lakes and magic gates. For opening the latter, valuable prizes in the form of resources are provided. The main task will be to search for an unknown animal with the body of a horse and a horn on its head. First of all, the player will have to bring the “Magic Rainbow” into working order, then start creating a “Magic Wand” in this area and only then go in search of the secret creature. Among all the cards in the game "Loyalty: Knights and Princesses", this one can be turned into a real settlement that will begin to pay tribute. To do this, you need to clear the bridgehead from the thickets, do excavations and follow the instructions. Adventures and a lot of work are guaranteed for the player here.

"Lava Craters"

Among the location maps of “Loyalty: Knights and Princesses”, the territory of “Lava Craters” is accessible only from level 20. You can fly here by airship for forty units of fuel. The first attraction here will be the stone statue of the Idol. You can get to it if you go left from the entrance at the first turn and go straight to the other end. You can take this decoration for yourself without restoration. To restore the main building in the form of a water tower, it is necessary to build a water supply system through three craters in the corners of the map: two at the bottom and one at the top left. The reference point for the correct solution should be the valves on the ground. If done properly, the craters will become piles of sulfur. From these, you can collect tokens for an ancient machine on your home territory. There are also various treasures scattered throughout the region, but you should be prepared to clash with robbers. They can be killed in normal combat or by spending energy on instant destruction.

"Ancient Temple"

In the game "Loyalty: Knights and Princesses" the "Ancient Temple" card is also available from character level 20. Initially, these lands will be shrouded in fog and will open only as resources are cut down from this region. Then the user will see many interesting things. The location has many buildings that can be restored. This list includes "Stonecutters", "Elder's House" and the main building "Ancient Temple". It is the last of them that needs to be restored in order for treasures to regularly fall into the player’s piggy bank. Access to the “Treasury” will open only after all totems are brought into working order. There are a total of twelve types of gifts that a character can receive. There is also a huge amount of vegetation on the map that needs to be removed. Only after this can geological work be carried out on it, malachite and iron can be mined; for this there are three veins.

"Ghost town"

In the game “Loyalty: Knights and Princesses,” the location maps of all territories are unique in their own way, including “Ghost Town.” You can get there by airship, costing fifty units of fuel. If you complete the quests associated with the location, you can learn the story of an ancient city that suddenly became completely extinct. The main building on the territory is the “Abandoned Bungalow”, which can only be restored with the help of pirate amulets or those made of gold. Not far from the entrance there is a “Dwarven Camp”, where you can hire future workers for yourself. There are seven more similar places with small creatures, and they are located along the contour of the map. There are treasure chests to the west and east in the central area away from the entrance. This location can also be turned into a gnome settlement and collect tribute from it. There are also many other places in the game that you can visit during your travels. Various missions and interesting stories await the player.


"Sir Victor was returning home after a trip to distant lands.
He, of course, did not obtain the Holy Grail, and who, one wonders,
I saw it, this Grail. There was a lot of other booty: several convoys had to be equipped, and Sir Victor carried his most important trophy in a bag tied to the saddle of his faithful horse. A magical artifact is not a sheep sneezing!

From the artifact, Sir Victor's thoughts smoothly flowed to the house. I wonder what's going on there? The manager, although he sends regular reports, is still not the owner, and can view
something important... And even though the castle was completed long ago, and production was established, my soul is restless. What if there is a death of livestock or an attack by robbers? Will they cope without the owner? It’s depressing to drive past the lands of other neighbors: they’re so overgrown with weeds
and are filled with ancient junk, so that neither the castle nor other buildings are visible.

And Sir Victor loved order. When he wasn’t going on long hikes, he personally toured his estates every day, checking to see if everything was in order. And on the way you could visit a lovely marquise...

Eh, when will the capital’s magicians give the go-ahead for marriage? Victor had already obtained an altar in honor of his bride, and glorified her name at tournaments, but there was still no permission. According to rumors reported by royal messengers and visiting minstrels, the magicians owed their consent not only to Victor and his bride, but to many other ladies and knights.

Maybe we can do without the permission of the magicians and do everything without their blessing? What then is the recognition of marriage at court? At the thought
Sir Victor became uncomfortable about the royal disfavor. No, we'll have to wait until the wedding. It’s fortunate that the dear marquise is so... A dozen definitions suitable for his bride flashed through Victor’s head, but he couldn’t decide which one was more suitable. Eh, I’ll have to take sweet singing lessons from the minstrels again!

I recalled a conversation with the marquise on the eve of his departure on a campaign:
“Take care of yourself, my dear knight,” she seriously knitted her eyebrows and
gently touched Victor’s hand with her small tender hand, “and I will wait for you in victory.” And please remember...

Sir Victor pulled on his horse's reins. “What was I supposed to remember? Defeat as many enemies as possible? Defeat the dragon? Bring a gift? And I had to forget about what I should remember..."

He turned his head, examining the moving convoy, the accompanying servants and squire. “No, no one will help, during that conversation we
were alone, in her carriage..."

Sir Victor's ears, hidden under his helmet, turned red at the same time.
out of embarrassment and annoyance. “I have already prepared gifts, enemies
killed every single one of them, the dragon... He didn’t kill him, but he made friends with him,
he promised to visit. Damn Sir Lancelot, because
his tournament blow to the helmet sometimes leaves the most important thing out of his head!”

Sir Victor was tormented by attempts to remember right up to the estate of his beautiful marquise, and only when he saw her rushing towards him on her small horse with a pinkish mane, he remembered those very words: - ... you definitely need to take a first aid kit with you.

Laughing merrily, Sir Victor spurred his horse and rushed forward,
to his marquise..."

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At the end of May, we put out a call to find people willing to write for our community. We have read many of your letters. With joy and pride we begin to publish stories, poems, legends, fairy tales by knights and princesses.

And if you haven’t heard anything about this, then you’ll find details here:

Maybe your story will be next.

#TrueTest of the Pen

In this VKontakte game, everyone has their own role. If you are a knight, you have to fight with rivals for the glory of beautiful ladies. If you are a lady, you will have to look after the estate. If you play this game with friends and loved ones, you will find it much more interesting. “Fidelity” is an exciting social toy on VKontakte, which you won’t get bored playing.

Game plot

After the game starts, you have to choose who you want to be in the game: a brave knight-squire or a beautiful lady-in-waiting. Both of these characters are orphans and were raised by relatives. But exciting adventures await you ahead. You need to uncover the mystery of why your parents died and find your soulmate, with whom you have a long and interesting journey to go together.

Character selection

begins with your adoptive parents waking you up and informing you that it is your sixteenth birthday. Gifts and surprises await you. Don't forget to clean up! After this you will find yourself near the mirror. First, choose the gender of your character. To select a gender, click on the heart-shaped button on the mirror.

The application gives guys the right to choose too. They too can choose from the cheerful knight, the crisp knight and the daring knight. A vigorous knight inherits the spear of his ancestors - the best weapon for novice knights. A clear knight receives an oakshield - the most reliable and strong shield of novice knights. The Bold Knight receives the Bold Armor - the best armor for aspiring knights.

Vocation, idols and fans

The vocation of young girls is to take care of the estate, its plants and inhabitants, and the culinary arts. A lady who has her own knight succeeds in everything. After all, why do we need men at all if they don’t help with housework?

The calling of men is fights and glory and the hardships that accompany the life of a wanderer and a bachelor. And only those men who have earned the favor of the ladies will be well-fed and invincible.

You can play Loyalty alone, the passage of which will seem much more interesting to you, however, if you play with someone in pairs. If you want to receive some privileges, it is not at all necessary to enter into a long-term relationship. To do this, you can get yourself either an idol or a fan.

Knight-worshippers can dedicate victory over the enemy to the lady of their heart. If the knight wins, then the knight and his lady are rewarded with fertilizers, which reduce the growth time of plants, and glory.

The Loyalty application allows knights-worshippers to appear at the estate of their chosen one and break the black stones, as a result of which the knight receives a reward. And the lady will find a chest of jewelry in place of the black stone. A lady can feed her chosen one with various delicious dishes. This gives the knight additional strength, which will be useful to him during the battle. This is a non-standard social game in which you will not be bored!