That new original in the process. Cheat sheet how to come up with a new idea. Pills that reduce sleep time

I once considered myself a person completely incapable of any fiction. Well, fantasy does not plow, and that's it! You should have seen what nonsense I drew at school, when we were given the task of inventing a car of the future in the history of science and technology! :(Once I felt offended by such injustice, and I decided to dig on the Internet in search of a cure. Because in life it is often very necessary to be able to come up with something (the theme of the issue for "Student Spring", a way to earn money, an advertising article, a slogan, yes You never know what.) Yes, and self-esteem suffered from the awareness of such inferiority.
And, imagine, it turns out there is a cure! I don’t remember where I found it, but I made a cheat sheet for myself, which I peek into from time to time, and now, here, I’m sharing it with you.
I have come up with several methods. They work automatically, just apply. I personally tried them all on specific personal and working examples, the result appeared immediately! Just like a hammer, take it and use it, no complications, no requirements for the user. You will like some more, some less, some are suitable for some situations, some for others, there are also universal ones (but I will talk about them in a separate article, a very extensive topic). So, read-choose-use!
Yes, before I start talking, I have to mention one thing.general rule for any methods: when you come up with something, if you don’t have paper and a pen in your hands, you are just wasting your time. Stop pretending to be busy making up something when you're not even trying to write it down, and just keep spitting at the ceiling. Pen and paper is the basis of success in this business!

1. Method of fake faces
come up with something new and original .
To understand what the essence of the method is, look at the well-known picture:
Everyone knows that in this picture you can see either a vase or 2 faces, depending on where to focus. And now we transfer this “depending on what to focus on” to our attempts to come up with an idea. Indeed, often we cannot see something new just because we focus on the old, known to everyone.Procedure here is this:

  1. write down the initial settings,
  2. dispute them,
  3. we find alternative and directly opposite to them (change words in places, give them the opposite meaning, etc.)
Probably not yet very clear, let's look at an example. Let's say we were given the task to come up with a scene for the same "Student Spring". Of course, we held out with this until last day, tomorrow there is already a concert, and we still have no actors, no props, no script. We don’t go to the Internet - it’s useless, especially since all groups from the Internet will download and show the same thing. Well, without panic, sit down and act according to the list:
  1. Initial settings:scene about student life. Student life: study, teachers, session, sports sections, term paper, diploma. In general, we write here all our associations. You can write more, but enough for an example.
  2. Disputing: Does student life consist only of study? How do students live outside the institute? What is there in student life that is interesting and not related to studies? Work, parties, hobbies, home, friends, books, computer games. We also write all associations here.
  3. And now we begin to play with everything that we recorded. We will represent opposite situations and / or simply write down antonyms:
  • study: work, leisure, disco
  • teachers: students, parents, children
  • session: holidays
  • teachers teach - teachers do not teach
  • students study - students mess around
  • teachers-intelligentsia - teachers-workers
  • job: student boss - student boss
  • subordination: student-teacher-rector (change places)

The list can be continued for a long time, but even while writing this down, a bunch of ideas were already swarming in my head. But what if we imagine the situation that the teachers are someone's children? And how do they look at home, in communication with their parents? You can come up with quite a funny scene about this. Or show a skit about what would happen if students and teachers switched places for one day? This, however, is not very original, it has happened more than once in KVN, but the method works. Or the director of some enterprise becomes a student, you can show how, for example, he passes the exam, with the support of his deputies and secretary. But what if we imagine a university in which teachers treat lectures and exams in the same way as, for example, employees of the housing office? Hehe, already the pictures in my head went like a drunken doodle, a teacher lying in the mud fills up the classroom with a canvas knapsack on his shoulder ... And after his departure, the students know even less than before :))) In general, you see, a fantasy played out, just have time to write down. Check it out with your own example and see for yourself.

2. Method of slices and cubes

The method is good for those cases when you need solve a problem or improve something .
The method is as follows: do not grasp the whole problem at once, entirely. Divide it into slices / cubes and take each piece separately. Let me explain with an example. Did I already mention that nonsense that I once drew in school as a car of the future? So, if I knew then about the method of slices and cubes, I would have come up with something better than an incomprehensible iron monster with a mysterious purpose. So, we have a task: to invent a car of the future. Instead of painfully staring at a blank piece of paper, let's do it scientifically: break the problem into pieces. We will send the car into the future in parts. Let's say we divide it into 2 slices: functionality and design. You can come up with a few more slices, who wants to, but two is enough for an example. So far, life has not become easier (although this will be enough for someone), so let's divide the slices into cubes, i.e. Let's write down what specific functions we want to see in the car of the future, and what design elements, in our opinion, it should have. Well, for example, we write:

  • flight (only VAZs will not have this function in the future, no brainer),
  • full automatic (we throw out the driver's seat nafig),
  • a personal means of information and communication (well, there, to tell the weather forecast, to joke with a joke of humor, to tell the boss that you are standing in a traffic jam),
  • refueling from the energy of space (for free),
  • Well artificial intelligence, of course: choose the best route, book a parking space in advance, diagnose yourself and inform you about the necessary preventive maintenance in a timely manner, and all that.
  • in any case, there should be something like wings, a stabilizer and an elevator, unless we decided that our car would fly miracles. Moreover, in general, the case should be very streamlined, that is, slick. Wheels may need to be hidden for the duration of the flight.;
  • since drivers are no longer needed, then the steering wheel with pedals should not stick out of the passenger compartment. Better think about how we will position the passenger: facing the movement or back, or maybe sideways? What if he won't be alone? Would you like to see a movie too? In general, we make a screen out of the windshield, and interior details are not particularly important to us - this is just a school drawing, we are not required to draw all the angles;
  • well, we won’t be able to display the ability of the car to maintain a casual conversation with us during the trip, but for communication you can plug a couple of small satellite antennas somewhere;
  • for the function of refueling from the energy of space on the hood, let's put some thing to receive and convert this very energy. We can with a clear conscience make it in the form of a plate. Or else let's fantasize;
  • drawing artificial intelligence is probably difficult, so now let's think about the color of the car, perhaps airbrushing, and small details of tuning (no one canceled the spoiler in the future;)).

And now we draw what we fantasized. Much easier now, right? I may not be the best autoconstructor in the world, but in this example, I showed how you can deal with the problem in parts, even if at first it seemed completely unbearable (believe me, to draw a car of the future for a 12-year-old girl who is the car of the present- then on the drum - not the easiest task).

Well, now you have in your arsenal as many as 2 ways to come up with a brilliant idea. I only have 11 more to write :)

I wish you all a creative flight, the crew says goodbye to you until next week! ;)

Continued here:Part 2 , Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 (last) 



vb., nsv., use often

Morphology: I invent, you invent, he she it invents, we invent, you invent, they come up with, come up with, come up with, came up with, came up with, came up with, came up with, inventing, invented, inventing, inventing; St. come up with; noun , With. inventing

1. If you invent something, for example, an explanation, a solution, etc., which means, going through all sorts of options for something in your head, you are trying to find the one that you like best, completely satisfies you, helps you get out of some situation.

You constantly come up with some excuses, just to not do business. |


Great plan! I wonder who invented it? | No, this will not help, you need to come up with something else.

2. If you invent a new method, mechanism, etc., so you invent it, create it.

Every year, laboratory staff come up with several new models of small arms. |


Mom, who invented the telephone? | Scientists have come up with a new way to treat cancer.

3. If you invent story, poem, etc., then you compose them.

I love making up stories. |


The writer came up with an interesting plot.

4. If they tell you that you invent something, it means that your interlocutor believes that what you are talking about, thinking, does not correspond to reality, exists only in your imagination.

You always come up with some kind of tragedy. |


There are no wolves here. Don't think! | Thought I was in love with her.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Dmitriev. D.V. Dmitriev. 2003 .

See what "invent" is in other dictionaries:

    See compose... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. invent, invent, compose; to invent, to conceive, to fantasize, to conceive, to conceive, not to eat, to add, ... ... Synonym dictionary

    INVENT, come up with something, invent, invent, seek with the mind, find, discover, thinking, reach with your mind, imagination. Make up a story, make up a story. Cunningly invented: drink tea! Invents, from nothing to do, starts, fancies. ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    IMAGINE, IMAGINE, IMAGINE. incompatibility to come up with. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    IMAGINE, ayu, aesh; this; owls. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    invent- invent - Telecommunication topics, basic concepts Synonyms invent EN devise ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    invent- ▲ think about (what) creation (what), logical, construction analysis to come up with create logical constructions. invented. dream up. fictional. essay (to study #). writer. compose (# fairy tales). compose. invention… … Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

    invent- INVENT1, nesov. (owls. come up with) what. Solve (solve) an issue, a problem, finding unusual ways to solve them; Sin .: invent, invent, invent, compose, fantasize. I don't… … Big dictionary Russian verbs

    Nesov. transition 1. Come to any decision as a result of reflection, reflection, etc. ott. Create something in thoughts, imagination; compose. ott. unfold Invent. 2. To invent something that was not, no. Explanatory Dictionary of Ephraim. T.F.… … Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

    invent- come to wash, ayu, aet ... Russian spelling dictionary

    invent- (I), I come / wash, vaesh, vayut ... Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language


  • Create your universe. How to Make Up Stories, Characters, and Develop the Imagination, Greg McLeod, Miles McLeod, About the book If you've ever dreamed of making an animated film, a graphic novel, a movie, a TV series, or writing a book, it can be hard to know where to start making this… Series: MYTH. Creation Publisher: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber,
  • Book of brilliant ideas. And How to Design Them, Greg McLeod, Miles McLeod, About the Book An interactive book from the BAFTA award-winning McLeod brothers team. With a lot of exercises - from drawing bizarre creatures and coming up with names for new inventions to ... Series: MYTH. Activities for adults Publisher:

People engaged in creative work know that such activity requires new ideas, but it happens that all past insights have already been exhausted, nothing new comes to mind, and for some reason the creative muse is in no hurry to visit us. Fortunately, this situation can be corrected, because who better than creative people to come up with methods to deal with a creative crisis? We offer you their experience and achievements.


The author of the method is Alex Osborne. This method involves group work. During brainstorming, the group proposes different ideas, at the same time, participants in the process try to develop the proposed ideas, analyzing them and identifying the advantages and disadvantages of an idea.

six hats

The author of the method is Edward de Bono. During the creative process, you take turns wearing six hats of different colors. the hat is the analysis of accurate information, such as numbers and facts, the hat is the search for negative points, the hat is the analysis of positive points, the generation of new ideas, and finally, the hat is worn to allow oneself to emotional reactions. the hat is put on when you need to take stock.

mental maps

The author of the method is Tony Buzan. The theoretical basis of the method is the relationship between memory and the creative process, so here the emphasis is on memory. Tony suggests writing the keyword in the center of the sheet, and writing all the associations that arise on the branches that come from the main keyword. Associations also need to be remembered. It is allowed that associations can be fixed in any convenient way, including drawing various pictograms or just drawings. Such a card helps to create new associations, and its image is well remembered.

Focal object method

The author of the method is Charles Whiting. Using this method, we combine features various items in one. For example, we have a candle and New Year. New Year is a holiday, fire is bright, we combine and get sparklers, sparkler powder can be added to candle wax and get a sparkling candle, and so on. You get the gist.

Morphological analysis

Auto method - Fritz Zwicky. The object under study is decomposed into components, among which the most significant characteristics are selected. These characteristics are changed and then put together. As a result, we get a new object. For example, we take any inspiration and concentrate on any object from the surrounding world. We change the geographical characteristics and we already get something that is located in a different place. We change various features further and in time we get a completely new object. In general, you get the point.

Indirect Strategies

The authors of the method are Peter Schmidt and Brian Eno. It uses a deck of cards, which must first be made. Various commands are depicted on the cards, for example, "find a solution around the corner", "release your anger", "look out the window" and so on.

Bus, bed, bath

The basis of the method is the conviction that new ideas not only need to be extracted from the depths of the unconscious, but also to give them the opportunity to break out on their own, that is, not to interfere with their emergence. Ideas usually don't give much consideration to what we're doing, but we may not pay much attention to ideas when we're doing something. You need to make a choice in favor of ideas and start noticing them at the most “inopportune” moments.


We take any incomprehensible inscription or any one and begin to unravel it. In the process of immersion in or inscription, you will begin to have a variety of ideas and associations.

Hello dear readers. In this article, we will share our thoughts on how to create something new, as well as analyze an interesting moment from the anime Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.

Sometimes we face difficulties in life. We feel completely alone because of these difficulties. Perhaps we are not as sociable as everyone else, or we may have some kind of disease. Something that makes us "different" from the rest.

And nowhere, it seems, is there a place where everything would suit us, where we would be accepted. So you can lose heart, thinking that "life just cheated me with something and that's it."

But what if our difference, which seems like a "punishment" is actually gift? What if it's a problem that just we need to decide(which means it is quite normal that we are like this) and is it possible to help others in this? That is, if we have depression, then we need to set ourselves the goal of finding a way out of depression, if we can’t start relationships with the opposite sex, then we need to learn, and then as they say:

Save yourself and thousands around you will be saved.

A similar situation, in my opinion, is shown in the anime "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya", in which the main character (Haruhi) did not like everything, the world seemed boring and monotonous to her. Let's give the dialogue of the main characters:

Haruhi: I thought it would be a little better with clubs in high school, but it's the same as in the compulsory education system - maybe I just got the wrong school... There's a detective investigation club. Kyon (Haruhi's classmate): So how do you like him? Haruhi (disappointed): Ah, funny people. They still haven't investigated a single real case. The members of the circle are ordinary fans of detectives and among them there is not a single detective, they are not even looking for one. Kyon: It's a common thing... Haruhi: I hoped so much for the supernatural study group, but only occult-obsessed psychos gather there - a nightmare, huh? Kyon: What do you say? Haruhi: AAAA! - what a bore! Even if idiots sit in such circles - what to say about the rest? Kyon: Well, there's absolutely nothing to be done - after all, people should be content with what they have and say thank you for having at least this ... As for those who are dissatisfied, it is they who make discoveries - they invent something and contribute in every possible way progress of civilizations. Who loves to travel invents cars and trains. Whoever wants to fly constructs airplanes and spaceships... And all this came to us thanks to a handful of people with a sharp rational mind. In other words, everything that we have we owe to these geniuses, these eternally dissatisfied ...

So, it turns out that Haruhi was interested in something, but she could not find support from others in this, so she remained alone.

But after Kyon’s words, she just decided to open something of her own (her own circle), where she could realize your ideas. Interesting, in my opinion.

It's funny what expression Haruhi had before she created "Team Sos":

rice. one

And what happened after, when she was captured by the idea of ​​​​creating her own circle:

rice. 2