Top 9 board games for companies. Board games for the company Interesting board games for the company

Hello, dear friends!) There is very little time left before beautiful spring holiday March 8. How to congratulate your loved ones so that it is interesting and original? Try to make a gift quest game! Little kids will especially like it, but adults (tested on their own experience) return to childhood when they find themselves in the center of a real adventure!)

Word Quest translated into Russian as Search. In a game of this genre, there are always tasks in which you need to find something - an object, a hint, a message, so that you can move on. The player's task is to use their brains properly, as well as show ingenuity and skills in order to cope with all the tasks and get to the main prize!)

So what do we need for this? I will tell you one of the options for playing the game using the example of a quest that we have prepared for our 4-year-old daughter.

Waking up in the morning, she finds in a prominent place a special postcard to start the quest game, to which is attached a map to search for a hidden surprise gift.

When finished, it might look like this: inspirational photo from the internet):

Therefore, we draw a postcard in advance:

And a card that will lead the baby to her long-awaited gift:

It is better if the map contains from 5 to 10 stops so that the game does not seem too easy or too tiring. We chose 8. At each of the first seven stops, the child discovers clues that will lead him to the desired goal in the 8th step! The map is made very simply: we find on the Internet pictures of what you have in the house, it is better if they are on a transparent or white background. It is very convenient to copy pictures from online stores where you made purchases of goods, where you plan to hide hints. Then reduce the pictures to the desired size and place them in any way convenient for you in a clean document with a pre-prepared frame. After that, draw arrows between them and sign the card. Everything is very easy and can be implemented in the standard Paint editor that is on any computer!)

And now I will dwell on each stage of the search for a gift in more detail.

1st stop

On the map, we see that an arrow leads from a special postcard to a yellow balloon. We ourselves thought so, so somewhere in the apartment (or other room intended for the quest) we hang a yellow balloon, inside which we hide the hint. It might look like this, for example:

In our quest, after finding the ball and guessing the riddle, we get some pre-conceived letter and move on along the map. By the way, you can inflate a lot of balloons and let there be a few yellow ones among them. An ordinary toothpick can serve as a clue extraction tool. Let the child burst the balloons with it and have fun - this will be a great positive charge to start the day!))

2nd stop

The next arrow on the map leads us to "such a thing from which water pours like rain." Where could we see her? Of course in the bathroom! We made the map ourselves and placed the bathroom on the second step so that the child could wash his face after sleep along the way. On the door to the bathroom, you can write in advance: “Wash and then you will find the second clue.” Our second prompt looks like this:

After finding the hint and correctly filling in the circles, we get another letter!

3rd stop

On the map, we see that the arrow leads to oatmeal cookies. Where can we meet them? Of course, in the kitchen, where we prepare in advance a plate with cookies and a note: “Eat me!”. The child has a light bite and under the plate finds another clue, on which we write another letter in advance with milk:

Here, of course, you can’t do without the help of an adult, and let the child watch the magic happening with pleasure!)

5th stop

The next arrow leads us to one of the books that we usually read to our daughter before bed. There we hide the fifth clue with the next letter in the answer:

6th stop

This stop is my daughter's kitchen set. And there is a hint with another letter:

7th stop

The penultimate step, and here Carlson is depicted on the map. The daughter will have to remember where she could see him? In our house there is the only place where Carlson is depicted - this is a rug in front of our daughter's bed. There we hide the last clue:

8th stop

After the daughter guesses the seventh letter, she discovers a letter:

The letter can be hidden in the same place where the 7th clue was - right behind it! Having filled in all the cells, our gifted person receives the most important clue - where his gift lies and implements the 8th step!)

Have you guessed where our surprise gift is hidden?

Summarize: for this version of the game, we prepare a postcard in advance, think of a word and draw a map with as many steps as there are letters in this word plus one step before the gift. Then we prepare and hide clues in the selected places and a gift in the intended place, which is described by a guessable word. It’s better to hide everything the night before the holiday, and then in the morning for the child (or “adult child”) the real adventure will begin!))

Where can I find quest assignments? If you are preparing a game for a child, then hint tasks can be found in any collection logical tasks, riddles or puzzles. Usually children do not really like to solve these puzzles for the development of the mind in ordinary life, but if it is connected with the search for a gift, then they will do everything with great pleasure! If the problem found seems too complicated for you, then on its basis you can come up with a simpler one. If it's too simple, it can be complicated. If it's black and white, you can colorize it. In general, compiling hints is no less exciting creative process than the search itself!)

I hope our publication will be useful to you and diversify your holiday!)

Thank you very much for your attention!)

Peace and blessings to your home!

Sincerely, Marina.)

P.S.: With these ribbons you can drag hints:

Good afternoon friends! Today, my friend Natalia will tell you about how to arrange a quest for her husband on their wedding anniversary.

I thank her for allowing me to tell you about this day, because everything turned out very well. I am sure that every woman, if desired, can prepare such an interesting surprise for her beloved, as Natasha did. Spend an unusual day, surprise, evoke emotions. I think that pleasant memories will definitely remain in the memory of each of the spouses.

I pass the floor to Natalia.

Quest for husband on wedding anniversary. An unusual gift for a loved one

The day of the wedding was approaching - 12 years. It seems like it’s not a round date, but I really wanted a holiday! As the saying goes, if you want a miracle, do it yourself. No sooner said than done. I will arrange a romantic quest for my husband in the places of our student cake and bouquet festivities.

The day fell on a Sunday. It was very convenient, because by that time we had a 2.5-year-old son and he had to be attached to someone else. I agreed with my husband's sister that she would sit with the child and then bring him to the final destination of my quest. It took me a week to think over the details and prepare the material. Still, it should be beautiful and interesting!

I have prepared six messages in the form of romantic letters. Envelopes are easy to make yourself or buy suitable ones. I did it myself.

The first letter fit nicely on the car.

I asked our student friends (by the way, they got married 20 days later than us and were direct witnesses to the development of events that led to our wedding) to film my husband during the quest on video.

Morning 8:00, we get up early even on weekends. Husband doesn't know at all. I sent them with my son for a walk, and I myself got ready and ran out of the house. By 9 o'clock the sister-in-law should arrive, by 10 friends. The day before, I wrote down a message for my husband on the phone that I was inviting him on a trip. As soon as I left the house, I sent him a video on Watsapp. How convenient that now there are such technical possibilities!

I had enough time, but I was afraid to be late and was in a hurry. There was only one "plug": I could not get into the entrance, where we kissed for the first time. On Sunday morning it is difficult to wait for the excitement of residents entering and leaving the entrance. For 10 minutes I toiled in anticipation, even called the intercom in a random apartment, no one answered there. Fortunately, soon a guy came out of the entrance and opened the door for me.

All other letters I posted without incidents.

Just in case, I sent photos to friends so that they could tell my husband if he couldn’t figure something out himself.

Well, in parallel, I filmed my impressions and memories on video.

The final destination of my quest was a room on the 19th floor in the Gorskiy city hotel.

We got married at a time when no one had heard of digital cameras, and the wedding night usually took place in an apartment full of wedding guests. Well, in general, the number is kind of logical 🙂 .

Everything turned out even better than I had planned.

My husband, myself and my friends had a lot of impressions.

We remembered our youth and all the wonderful things that happened there. In the evening, my husband's sister brought us a son, we also walked around the city on foot, spent the night and had breakfast at the hotel. We parted in different directions - my husband went to work, and we went home. But an inexpressible feeling of happiness and joy remained, as if not a day had passed, but an eternity.

Here is a wonderful story about family holiday Natasha told us.

In my opinion, a wedding anniversary quest for a husband is a great way to escape from the gray everyday life, give a romantic mood to yourself and your loved one, plunge into wonderful memories and cheer each other up.

What do you think? Write your impressions about the gift in the comments!

Today is the last day of the New Year's quest for children and we will look for a New Year's gift.

Quest checklist for children to find a New Year's gift

  1. Not far from the Christmas tree, put Santa Claus's hat and a message from the forest animals on the floor.
  2. Put a word or image of a table on the tray and fill it with semolina. Place a cocktail tube next to it. Put a tray with semolina near the Christmas tree.
  3. Put a glass of juice on the table, after pasting the word door on the bottom (from the outside).
  4. Behind the door put the task "path". At the last point, put the task of the Christmas tree and a green felt-tip pen.
  5. Hang a task with a riddle-hint teapot on the Christmas tree.
  6. We put the snowman puzzle at the teapot, and hide the upper part with the hat in a bucket.
  7. In the bucket, together with the top part of the puzzle, add the clock puzzle.
  8. We put 3 boxes at the clock, we paste examples on each. For younger children, you can write numbers
  9. In the largest we put materials for crafts and nearby the image of the Snow Queen herself and the riddle about the closet. If you don’t want to do the craft, you can hide the riddle in the box. We hide the gift in the closet.

Scenario of a children's quest for the new year to find a gift

When the baby wakes up, most likely he will run under the Christmas tree to look for his gifts from Santa Claus. My kids are always like this New Year 🙂 .

I have highlighted all your possible replicas in bold italics. You can ask questions and hints at your discretion.

There is no gift. How strange, I definitely heard that someone came at night. Look, Santa Claus dropped his hat. Oh, and there is a note in the cap.

We ask the child to blow on the semolina through the straw. This task will probably be messy, so put a broom with a scoop next to it in advance . If the baby is unable to inflate the porridge, ask him to rake the cereal with his hands. Under the decoy we find a hint

I'm going to the table

Weird, I don't see any more clues. I wonder where this glass of juice came from? Could this be a hint? Let's try to drink it

When the kid drinks the juice, we find a hint door and go to the nearest one. There we find a new clue. You can compose it yourself, adjusting it to your apartment. For example, I had this:

  1. walk three steps forward;
  2. turn left;
  3. take one step back;
  4. turn 90 degrees;
  5. go up the stairs;
  6. turn right;
  7. walk straight six steps

And the child went to the chest of drawers, where there was another clue.

Look, new job. Here you need to paint over all the letters E. What happened? Correct Christmas tree. Probably another clue on the tree. Let's run faster

We find a riddle on the tree.

Where do we boil water? That's right, in a teapot. Let's go soon

At the teapot we find a snowman puzzle.

Oddly, one piece of the puzzle is missing. Which one do you think? That's right, the snowman doesn't have a hat. And what is a snowman's hat usually made of? Right from the bucket. Now we need to find a bucket.

In the bucket we find a riddle and read it.

Us you need to check all the clocks in the house . The hint must be somewhere nearby. Here she is.

How many times does the clock strike at midnight? Correct 12. Look, you need to solve the examples and find the box with the correct answer.

Look, here are the materials for crafts. Let's make the Snow Queen a crown as a gift. After all, everyone loves when they get gifts.

We do a craft. We did this.

If there is no desire to make crafts, you can put a riddle about the closet in the box.

Look, there is the Snow Queen.

We speak on behalf Snow Queen: « No one has ever given me gifts before. That's why I wanted to take yours. And you are such a kind boy (girl). You made a beautiful crown especially for me. I will never steal anyone's gifts again and will return yours from Santa Claus to you. Just solve the riddle first».