Development branch of the USSR in world of tanks. The development tree of the USSR in world of tanks will soon change, and other innovations are coming. To study the technology of the USSR times, it is best for a beginner to start with medium tanks

What would the lists of tanks of all nations be without prototype tanks?

We have collected for you all the development trees of each nation in World of Tanks and excluded from them prototype tanks and tank projects that exist only on paper. There are no tanks left in the technology trees that were not embodied in metal. This is what we got.

Chinese development tree

The Chinese tree mainly loses tanks of levels 8-10. It's interesting to note that WZ-120 is simply the production name for the Type-59. It's literally the same car.

Czech development tree

Goodbye Czech tree. Only tanks of levels 2 and 3 remain in it. Known by the Germans as Pz 35 (t) and Pz 38 (t).

French development tree

The French tree has largely disappeared. This nation did not have heavy tanks before or after World War II. The only exception was perhaps the TT B1. Tank destroyers ceased to exist, like most self-propelled guns.

German development tree

The German tree lost a lot of cars, almost the entire 10th level disappeared. It is worth noting that many German tanks are prototypes of later versions of tanks. For example, VK 30.02M and Panther. Or VK 36.01H and Tiger.

American development tree

American tank destroyers and self-propelled guns remained almost untouched, but the TT and tank destroyer branches almost disappeared.

Japanese development tree

Japan lost almost all tanks above level 5. Not too surprising considering Japan was more concerned about its air and naval forces as an island nation.

The USSR lost a whole line of heavy tanks, almost all of its light tanks, another branch of tank destroyers and 3 out of 4 development sub-branches. Almost all premium tanks also disappeared, being prototypes, and the remaining vehicles were participants in the Lend-Lease program.

British development tree

The UK boasts the most comprehensive technology tree in World of Tanks. However, their medium tanks only lose levels 1 and 10. However, the entire branch of tank destroyers lost all their vehicles after level 2. All

This branch includes a wide variety of vehicles - 70 tanks, which are a lot of fun to play

If we compare this branch with all other representatives of World of Tanks, we can definitely note that this technique is the most balanced, it is easy to control, and among the variety you can find a unit that suits your needs and preferences.

Each of the representatives of the Soviet branch has approximately average performance. This technique is quite smooth in all respects and in all respects. Therefore, the Soviet branch of tanks in World of Tanks has not accumulated any distinct disadvantages; each of its representatives is unique and is completely devoted to the tasks assigned to it, so tanking with such equipment is a pleasure. But where to start?

To study the technology of the Soviet era, it is best for a beginner to start with medium tanks

But, if you are not afraid of making a mistake, then it is better to try each of the directions and choose the most comfortable one for yourself. For players who are just getting acquainted with the world of tanks, they need something dynamic and maneuverable; the middle line of tanks has it all.

This will help you get the first positive emotions from the game, feel the excitement, and get involved in the battle. Having reached Object 430, you can safely move on to heavy tanks, and then to light tanks and artillery.

Sniper equipment is the most difficult to play with; it takes a long time to level up and requires certain skills that a beginner does not yet have. As you play, you will be able to understand what you like best and which branch you would like to stay on.

In terms of leveling up, this is the longest branch, which sometimes frightens you with its variety of choices.

However, during the game it becomes clear that the equipment is easy to swing, the game is fun and each of the units is unique and interesting in its own way. When taking your first steps in World of Tanks, you should not doubt your choice, but immediately start with Soviet equipment.

With its help, you can quickly understand the essence of the game, gain experience, earn good statistics, and reveal the subtleties and features of the gameplay. In this harsh world, USSR technology allows you to lay a high-quality foundation for further play and victory in difficult battles.

On April 13, another batch of developer responses was published on the Status Report website. This time there were answers about Italian tanks and their development tree in World of Tanks as a whole. We have translated all the material from English for you so that you can read them and create your own impression about this nation. Make yourself comfortable, because there are a lot of answers. The consultant on the Italian nation, Vollketten, answered the questions.

Q. Is the Italian tree next?

A. Let's hope so. It is high time

Q. Are there any ideas for a heavy tank branch? If not, what levels are TTs recruited to?

A. There are heavy tanks that fit the heavy class, similar to the low-level NbFz, but to add them to the game you will have to add the German Tiger (of which Italy received one variant for a short period until September 1943 in Armistica). M60A1, which OTO Melara is building under license, and Kpz 70, for which Italy took some part in the development. I suppose it's possible, but unlikely. I actually don't like how the heavy tank line looks at high levels, so the TT line will only be halfway there to keep things reasonable. The absence of a TT branch does not disqualify a nation from having a tree in the game, but their presence will not be superfluous.

Q. Will there be a new branch of self-propelled guns?

A. Despite the fact that Italy is capable of having a full-fledged artillery branch, it is unlikely that VG will add new self-propelled guns based on the current dynamics of the game, and recently there was even a comment that if the new artillery mechanics do not work, they will have to be removed from the game. Simply put, Italy can have an artillery branch if necessary, and if VG does introduce this class, then the branch can be reworked for other roles in the game.

Q. I know that Italian tanks are practically copied from other nations, except for some Fiat carropesante (HT). I'm only interested in medium tanks (Panther, Patton, Leopard) at lvl 7-10. But here’s the question: what national feature will be inherent in Italian tanks? (for example, I know that OTO Melara developed a Leopard prototype with an automatic loader)

A. The backbone of Italy's tank forces in World War II were the L6 reconnaissance aircraft and the M13 and Semovente series of medium tanks based on them. None of these tanks fit the description of being copies of tanks from other countries. You could say that the CV.3 came from Carden-Loyd, and the Ansaldo 12t was actually a British design.

Q. Will the crown of the TT line be Il Duce super heavy?

A. Super tank IlDuce is a complete fantasy and has no place in the game.

Q. Will the P43 be a medium or heavy tank?

A. Technically, the P43 is a heavy tank (P=Pesante=heavy). The tank was used for attack, but by the time it was built, it was comparable to the medium tanks of other nations, so for gaming purposes the choice is to make it a TT, but at a lower level, so that the armor makes it feel like a full-fledged heavy tank. My opinion is to keep it's class and heavy feel, but as a tank that will be useful for gaming purposes.

Q. What other interesting tanks did they have?

A. The most interesting is Semovente, based on medium tanks. I think the P43 Bis will be the most interesting tank for most players.

Q. Do you have an idea to make national equipment in the form of pasta or pizza?

Q. The premium food will be LotsaSpaghetti

Q. How about canned sardines and red wine?

A. In World War II, the rations of the Italian army included Amministrazione Militare, which literally translated as “dead donkey.” The Germans knew their canned rations as ArmerMussolini, which meant "poor Mussolini", and probably indicates the relatively terrible nature of the canned product.

Other military preservatives included sardines, tuna, tomatoes and even cheese, while the main products were bread and dry pasta. In northern Africa, the Allies also recorded large shipments of fruit. Obviously Italy is famous for its coffee and chocolate, but there's already German chocolate and French coffee in the game, so the Italians need something different. You can simply have an “additional combat ration”, as this was implemented by the USSR (Dop ration) and the Chinese (improved ration). I would recommend "bread and tuna" or "tomato and cheese", or your own version, instead of the stereotypical Italian products.

"Mozzarella and tomatoes"

"Tuna Sandwich"

Q. What are the general features of the Italian tank tree?

A. I remember a comment from WG, which said that they are not trying to give this or that nation features, although previously the developers still tried to give each nation some special feature (USSR - armor, Germany - accuracy, France - drum, etc.). It is difficult to say what the character of the Italian nation will be. I was thinking about a tree that has good stealth, since all the tanks are generally short, and a rate of fire. The disadvantage will most likely be weak armor. Even TTs will not have high booking rates.

Q. Will there be new Italian themed maps?

O. Maps? I have no idea about maps, but it would be a nice addition. Something historical, with Gothic elements or cross-country with Sicily would be excellent.

Q. Will they have unique game mechanics, like the Swedes have the same air suspension? For example, a temporary increase in speed, quick detour, increased stealth, better ground resistance, so that there is at least some difference from the German and American branches.

A. The mechanics are clever, but they don't need anything new or special like siege mode. If WG fixes the mechanics of HESH shells, then Italy will gain an advantage, since most guns use this type of shell.

Q. Do you still agree that the 9th level is the OTO / Melara M47 Patton II, and the 10th OTO Leopard / Centauro with a loading drum? Or do you agree with Spidergrenadier, who puts them in reverse order?

A. As for the OTO Centauro ("self-loading Leopard"), it is an excellent option for the CT10 level, except that it will be the same or a better variant of the German Leopard. The other tank is actually a designed Lion tank, which is essentially the predecessor to the OF-40. It is still very dangerous, but does not have a shell autoloader, and the welded turret is significantly different from the Leopard's cast turret. It was manufactured in May 1974. Converted M.47 and OTO Melara with elements of M60 tanks and a 105mm cannon are best suited for tier 9 in my opinion, and if it did there would be a ton of engines and other modules for it. Even for level 8, but without a 105 mm cannon, the tank is suitable.

OTO Melara Lion

Q. What will be the standard tank emblem?

A. The emblem is a white cross. The flag for the tree should be a modern, tricolor Italian flag, not the WWII era version or the RSI version, which has hundreds of historical insignia, logos and inscriptions.

Q. Is LT10 Italy in your plans?

A. As far as I know, to reach level 10, you will need to enter some paper models from the late 1970s, which do not correspond to the official WoT time frame.

Q. The console version confirmed the development of a prefabricated tree that will include those countries that cannot form historical trees or branches on their own. This will likely include Italian tanks. Do you expect this to be the direction WG PC takes for "small" countries, and would you be happy if Italian tanks were represented in this way?

A. I personally hate the idea of ​​a prefabricated tree for a variety of reasons. I've never played the console version, but I know there are some differences from playing on PC. I would be very unhappy if Italy was presented in this way.

Q. Could we see wheeled vehicles?

A. Yes, Italy is very well endowed with wheeled vehicles and has many designs that can be included if necessary. There are even a couple of interesting armored vehicles.

Breda 52

Q. Will we see lightweight crazy wedges as a separate branch?

A. I'm not ashamed to say that I love the CV3. I know they are small and slow (except for the Rossini version). I know they (Rossini version) are lightly armored, but very fast, very maneuverable and very small indeed. Historically, this was a major breakthrough in tank design, so it makes absolutely zero sense not to include them in the game. Hopefully don't see a boring and rather ugly Fiat 3000 in Tier 1, even if it's a simple and lazy placement. CV3, capable of carrying a 20mm gun (including an automatic version), a 20mm cannon, or a short 37mm cannon.

Q. Will there be one branch from levels 1 to 10, or will there be several branches that merge into one tank?

A. No, I do not support this. It would make sense for WG to release a premium medium tank first, followed by the main tree.

Q. Have you found a suitable option for the 8th level, something truly original, and not a copy of the “Panther”?

A. I think it's fair to say that Level 8 has proven to be a headache for Italy. This is the most important level in the game and it's not perfect, had to use an Italian license created by Panther to fill the gap. Italy did receive licenses to produce panthers and PzIII and IV tanks in Italy, but no tanks were ultimately produced.

Q. When will we see the Italian Tree?

A. We'll see when WG gets to him. Now they are busy with other things, but they told me that they consider WoT as a long-term project, and therefore they are in no hurry to introduce nations.

Q. Will there be a Tier 1 Fiat 2000 instead of a Fiat 3000 Renault clone? Or they could be a two-tier nation, with the Fiat 2000 going up on the heavy tray and the Fiat 3000 going up the light to the center line.

A. I hope not. Not because I like the Fiat 3000, but because the Fiat 2000 can be played as big, ugly, but heavy nonetheless.

Q. Where, in your opinion, does the CarroArmato L6/40 belong, if at all, in the game? Do you think the CV-33 CC will make it into WoT?

A. It would be strange to miss any of these vehicles since they formed such an important part of the Italian tank forces during World War II. A CV.33 CC with a 20mm cannon will look great despite the lack of a turret, fast, low and tiny it will be a tough target. L.6/40 is obviously larger and will not only have a 20mm Breda with a turret, but can also possibly cope with a short 37mm. Both tanks are ideal for low level


CV.33 CC

Q. What exactly will a level 10 tank be like? Will it be an OF-40 (if it's not considered too modern) or some other archival project?

A. The OF-40 is too new for the WG time slot, the earlier "Lion" is much closer and different from the German Leopard. In my opinion, Lion is best at level 10, even though it's from 1970. It had at least reached the prototype stage, while the Leopard autoloader was just a paper version.

Q. Will Semovente 90/53 be a tank tank or self-propelled gun? (I've read that it was used for both roles) It would be interesting to see the Semovente 90/53 played as a tank destroyer with artillery capabilities, balanced so that it could only carry 6 rounds. What do you think about it?

O. The 90/53 is a tank destroyer that can also be used for indirect fire. Semovente M42, etc. would be PT. We have a full line of self-propelled guns which, most likely, will not exist, so there should be no problems with the tank branch.

Semovente 90/53

Q. Will there be a Polish tank tree?

A. I hope so. I'm not Polish, but they have interesting tanks. I don't know enough about Polish tanks, and I don't know if they can have their own tree or not. Even if they can only get one thread, I'd like to see it.

Q. I'm looking forward to the Italian line. The M15/42 looks pretty good.

A. It was a very respectable tank. It was outclassed by the time it entered service.

Q. Is Ariana’s artillery mount more suitable as a self-propelled gun or tank destroyer?

A. There is a prototype of Ariana and its final form, which is slightly different. They are ideal as self-propelled guns. If there is no self-propelled gun at all, then I personally don’t know whether such a lightly armored unit with a 155 mm gun can be a high-level tank tank. The OTO "Automatic" system with a loading drum can find its role in the game, being used on PTs, for example on the SP-70. This is a self-propelled gun project from the 70s, built on the basis of the Leopard tank, which is perfect for the role of the PT-10.


Q. Will we see German tanks in the Italian tree? For example, premium Pz4 or Panther?

A. Italy received a dozen Panzer IVs, a dozen Stugs and one Tiger tank operated by Italian forces. Production contracts were exchanged and Panzer III, Panzer IV and Panther were also discussed. German tanks are very popular and a premium German tank for Italy would be a very nice addition, especially since they will be able to use some of their own modules and modifications, which can distinguish them from the German variants.

Q. Is the Fiat 2000 heavy tank suitable for level 1? It would be original to start leveling up with a heavy tank. And it will be better than the Italian FT version.

A. At the moment there are no plans to introduce the TT as a Tier 1 tank, and I don’t think that this will happen. WG doesn't seem particularly interested in low levels, despite the unique look of the Fiat 2000. The turret gun is decent for it, but its mobility is terrible. A later version with a 37mm gun in each corner would be phenomenally fun if WG ever expressed support for multi-turrets. I hate Fiat 3000.

It's basically just another FT clone and doesn't offer anything interesting for the first level. And the 47mm gun on it is too good for the first level, one way or another, it will need a nerf to make it balanced. The Fiat 3000 as a first tier is lazy and boring and not even necessary since there are other options instead. The only historical value for this was obviously the production and maintenance of them, but this really came to nothing, the design was a dead end and the choice followed a British design instead of a French one.

Fiat 3000

Fiat 2000

Q. Is the design and concept of the P.75 sufficient to be a tier 2 and 3 heavy tank?

A. The P.75 "a" "b" and "c" concepts are large and slow and noticeably different, but they are too well armed to be balanced for tier 2. Ansaldo 9t/12t is better suited for TT2 along with Fiat 2000 which will most likely be premium, because it is significant for the TT branch, and also leads to a bunch of early P.75s.

Ansaldo 9t

P.75 Prototype

Q. The Italian M26 Pershing cannot have the experimental equipment that the M26 USA has, noting the gun, since Italian equipment was not used on the M26. Taking this into account, does the Italian Pershing M26 have a chance to be at tier 7?

A. The M26 Pershing in Italian service did have a few minor modifications, such as the front hull was reshaped and the hatch was "sealed". An upgrade to the 90 mm Cockerill gun was planned, but this was a short-term solution for Italy and largely ended up with only turret reinforcements being carried out.

Q. Wargaming confirms that the tank branch should be up to level 10? In particular, heavy tanks and anti-tank vehicles.

A. Tiers 9 and 10 are actually the most lucrative for WG as people spend gold to convert experience to get these machines. This is one of the reasons why artillery was extended to level 10 and the same thing happened with light tanks. The TT branch, if it appears, will be the most controversial.

Q. I would like to know what the PT branch will be? What will their characteristics be and what is their priority for introduction into the game?

A. The main feature of Italy's PTs will be stealth, they are small and low, and none have armor. As a fan of the CV.3 light tank, I would like to see a CV.2 with a 20mm Solothurn as the first tank in the AT line, as well as a CV.3 with a 47mm gun. This is followed by a 75mm unit based on L.6 (M.6). Small, light, with good weapons. Little armor, but a lot of firepower.

Q. Will we see OF-40 at tier 11 of the Italian tree?

A: Too new and too advanced, even the Mk.I.

Q. How long did it take to decide on levels 7, 8 and 9 for the Italian tree?

A. Tier 7 can be satisfied with the P.43 bis, and Tier 9 with the OtoMelara M47 version, this is the one that has the 105mm cannon and M60 components. Level 8 took a very long time to solve. There was an option to include the Italian Panther, but with special modifications to the modules. I don't approve of this because it is not historically accurate. The Italian Panther would be suitable at level 7, but since we have a candidate for level 7, it would be best suited as a prem. Level 8 remains a “hole”, but it is significant. As a result, I don't see any other option other than the M47 itself. There are many more engine options besides the best ones for the Tier 9 version and other 90mm guns. The visual differences from the USA M47 are very minor, but the USA tree doesn't have the M47 anyway and they barely used it since they went for export. This may not be the best solution, but it is historical and does not affect anything else.

Since the release of the worldoftanks game, there have been a lot of changes in it, which concern such things as gameplay, graphics, tank physics, changes in the battle and hangar interface, the addition of many game modes, etc. However, the main change since the release of the game for each player is the change of combat vehicles and the process of modernizing the tank development branch itself. Those who have been playing World of Tanks since the very beginning have already seen a lot. More than once, combat vehicles were replaced by others, and a complete rebalancing of equipment also took place. And this applies not only to any particular type of equipment, but we are talking about a complete change in the characteristics of each machine. There probably isn't a single car affected that hasn't been modified during this period. So, the main question that interests many players now is the tank development tree in worldoftanks.

At the time of the release of game update, the vehicle development tree consists of eight nations. Each nation will delight players with a wide variety of cars from the first to the tenth level. Vehicles from the following nations are available in the game:

The development branch of the USSR in world of tanks is the most attractive and developed;

The development branch of German tanks that appeared immediately after the USSR;

The American branch of tank development is also considered one of the very first and best;

A little later, a development branch for French technology appears;

Following it proudly are British tanks, which have good performance, but speed often lets them down;

The branch of Chinese tanks is still at the stage of active development;

Well, and the very new tanks of Japan, which not everyone has gotten used to yet, but they are easy enough to remember, because they are all in the same way;

The most recent development branch added a branch of Czechoslovak tanks.

Soviet development branch of World of Tanks.

The technology of this nation is considered the most beloved among players, and all for the simple reason that it was the very first branch in this game and therefore has existed the longest. It has many good and worthy vehicles for the game, which will delight you with their high penetration, acceptable vehicle armor and fast gun reloading. In addition, many players justify their choice by the fact that the technology of the Soviet nation is unique, and it can be played not only using any style of play, but also the level of skills. Each vehicle not only adapts to the battle map, but also adapts to the specific player, which gives more self-confidence and greatly helps during the battle. In this branch there are techniques of all four types, and they are very diverse. In this regard, choosing the right car for yourself from USSR equipment will be as easy as shelling pears. There are many good heavy tanks here, the armor of which will allow you to tank, along with them there are also light tanks. You can ride them like a breeze and just have fun. Medium tanks will not let you down either, as they perfectly combine the characteristics of light tanks with high speed, and have inherited good armor and ricochet angles from heavy vehicles. There are also formidable anti-tank self-propelled artillery units, perfect for players who like to punish other vehicles. This will allow you to achieve not only the highest penetration of guns, but also damage for each shot. For special gourmets to play, there is also artillery, which will allow you to punish all types of tanks without any effort.

German development branch of World of Tanks.

The German development branch will delight you with its high accuracy in the world of tanks game. It is this branch that is considered one of the best branches, in which the machines have increased accuracy compared to the technology of all other nations. Just like in the previous development branch, here you can find many vehicles of various types, from light tanks to artillery. In addition to their accuracy, German tanks also stand out for their high strength. Their armor is very good and the higher the level of the tank, the more noticeable this becomes. It can be very difficult to penetrate an enemy vehicle, especially if you take such heavy tanks as the E-75 and VK4502B. Skillful play on such a technique will make your opponent rage and tremble, because every time he will hear the banal phrase “didn’t hit” or “ricochet”.

American development branch of World of Tanks.

Third in order, but not in terms of quality of tanks, is the American development branch in the world of tanks game. It perfectly combines such qualities as good armor, speed, gun power and damage. Of course, this development branch has its own unique tanks, unlike the others and on which you can focus your attention, but these are only isolated cases. In general, the cars are very good and at each level you can easily identify favorites and say with confidence that this is one of the best cars of its level.

French development branch of World of Tanks.

Unfortunately, this branch of tank development cannot boast of its own armor, since all the tanks of this nation simply do not have it, however, it differs from others in that it was the first in whose arsenal there were drum guns of good accuracy. These guns punished the equipment of other nations for a very long time precisely due to the large number of shells in the drum. It is very difficult to resist a car that comes at you, and it has 6 shells loaded at once instead of one, and in most cases it ends with the player who entered the battle with such a tank being defeated.

British development branch of World of Tanks.

This development branch is practically no different from the others; it has a little of everything from each. Some cars have armor, but no speed, while others have the opposite. The calibers of the guns are not very large, which very often brings unpleasant surprises, which are accompanied by the phrases “the armor is not penetrated” and “ricochet”.

Chinese and Japanese branches of World of Tanks development.

These two branches are still very little developed to judge them, but already now, we can say that Chinese technology is practically analogous to Soviet technology with slightly better performance, although their armor is weaker. As for Japanese tanks, there is no armor or good guns, everything is at a very low level, so there is no reason to like this type of equipment yet.

Czechoslovakian development branch of World of Tanks.

The tanks of this nation appeared with the release of this update, and differ only in much better armor and larger sizes. Due to these characteristics, speed suffered, so the tanks received a low maximum speed.

A World of Tanks newcomer, upon opening the research section in the hangar for the first time, will get lost in the endless rows of tanks. He will have a reasonable question: “Where to start?” We will answer this question in this article.

What to download?

World of Tanks features about 450 production and experimental vehicles from eight nations. USSR, Germany, USA, France, England, China, Japan, Czechoslovakia. Soon, the collection will be replenished with cars from Sweden and Poland. The time frame of WoT covers the period from the 20s to the end of the 60s of the twentieth century. All equipment is divided into 5 classes: heavy tanks, medium tanks, light tanks, anti-tank self-propelled guns (tank destroyers) and artillery (self-propelled guns). All of them are divided into 10 levels.

They rank combat vehicles by strength, which, with rare exceptions, also corresponds to the time period when a particular vehicle was in service or a project in development. As it is not difficult to guess, the division into classes and levels builds “branches” of development, where the cherry on the cake is the “top” - a level 10 tank. The three first nations that have the most development branches are the USSR and Germany from the release, and the USA a little later. For three of us this is more than 20 tops, the rest are content with fewer branches.

In World of Tanks, each vehicle has its own playstyle. Conventionally, they can be divided into: tanks with armor and “cardboard” tanks without armor; small and “barn”; fast and slow; precise and oblique; rapid-fire and with a large alpha strike (damage per shot). Also, tanks can have traditional reloading and so-called drum loading, thanks to which you can fire several shells in a short time, but pay for it with a long reload.

Tanks with different playstyles place different demands on the player's skill. Thus, slow tanks with armor forgive the mistakes of their tankers, but a fast light tank or a cardboard medium tank painfully punishes for sloppy play. To understand which tanks should not be researched ahead of time, let’s try to divide all the vehicles in the game into appropriate categories by class. Let's start with heavy tanks.

Heavy tanks

If you came to World of Tanks to dominate the battlefield and crush everyone with your steel tracks, then heavy tanks are your choice. They combine strong armor, powerful guns and are capable of pushing through directions, “tanking” damage while less armored STVs come in from the flank and rear. But it's not that simple. There are TTs in WoT that do not fit the description above.

For example, the French AMX 50 100 and AMX 50b give a head start to many fast tanks in terms of dynamics and do not have armor. But they have a cannon with a drum for 6 and 4 shells, respectively. This is the choice of experienced players, they can show impressive results on these machines. Whereas a beginner who opens AMX 50 100 may become disappointed after playing several unsuccessful battles. And the whole point is that in the head of an inexperienced player there is a thought: “Hey, I have a fast tank, I need to go to that hill in the center and take it!” This usually leads to dire consequences.

Another good example of a branch not for beginners is the British top-end TT FV215b. The path to it is long and thorny - from level 5 to 7 you will have to ride almost the same Churchill with different guns and armor. At level 8, a deplorable Caernarvon awaits you compared to your classmates (don’t break your tongue!) with mediocre armor, dynamics and damage of 230 units per shot. And what does a player who opens a level 10 British TT get? And he gets the most comfortable gun among his heavy classmates, good turret armor and a slipper-like layout, which imposes its own difficulties on the game. Add to this the 76 mm NLD and two HUGE tanks immediately behind the armor, which leads to fires two to three times per battle. Then you will understand why beginners don’t like this tank so much. But, experienced players, despite all the disadvantages of the machine, use it in clan battles on the global map and are very happy with it.

The ideal option for mastering the TT class is the Soviet and German branches of the IS-7 and E 100. The IS-7 is a legend of the World of Tanks, the longed-for dream of any tanker. It has an impenetrable turret, good armor, a 130 mm cannon and the famous Soviet “vertukhan” (the ability to hit on the move and without aiming). E 100 is 130 tons of gloomy German genius. Has good armor and damage 750 units. If he is not standing in an open field, he is able to live for a long time and reflect a hail of shells that fly in his direction. On the way to both vehicles, you will have a pleasant game with such iconic tanks as the KV-1, IS, IS-3, T-10, Tiger, Tiger 2 and E 75.

Medium tanks

ST is a universal class in WoT. Favorite class of good players. They can inflict damage, deflect shells, carry out reconnaissance and illumination, carry out raids in the rear, return and disrupt the capture of a base, and some can do everything at once. Prominent representatives are the three twin brothers from the Soviet development tree - T-62A, Object 140 and Object 430. An inexperienced player will not see the difference in the performance characteristics of these vehicles, although there is a difference there. The T-62A has an impenetrable turret and better gun stabilization, while the Ob. 140 is slightly better than UVN (vertical aiming angles) and motion dynamics. About. 430 has higher damage per minute. T-62A should be opened first, then Ob. 140.

German E 50 ausf. M and Chinese 121 are good vehicles with armor and powerful guns. They can be upgraded instead of Soviet tanks, but the E 50 has a difficult branch, and it itself is very large, and self-propelled guns like to shoot at it. The Chinese 121 is good for everyone, except UVN: and you can only shoot at the skies. The gun tilts down only a couple of degrees.

Many will pay attention to the French ST Bat. - Chatillon 25 t. It rightfully bears the title of one of the best CT tanks in the world. Speed, 5-shell drum, universal love. But there is no need to rush, since “batchat” is a very demanding fighting machine in terms of ability to play. Inexperienced players, having opened “batchats”, end battles ingloriously, which often causes a storm of curses from their allies. "Fast Tank Syndrome" in action. The branch before it consists up to level 8 entirely of light tanks, which we will talk about below, which does not contribute to comfortable leveling. In general, we advise you not to take on the French CT until you learn how to play the medium tank class. The situation is similar with the “Czech” TVP T 50/51.

Those undesirable for upgrading primarily include Leopard 1, AMX 30 B, STB-1, M48A1 and Centurion Action X. The first three do not have armor, and the American and British also have impressive sizes. All tanks, except for the M48A1, have complex upgrade paths. It is better to postpone these machines until you have experience playing.

Light tanks

It is rightfully the most difficult tank class in the game. In “sand”, most tanks are light, and therefore play fun and without problems. But, starting from level 5, they have an important role as the eyes of the team. Not all newcomers understand this and merge into a “rush in the center,” depriving their team of “light.” You should start leveling up high-level tanks only when you have played enough battles and gained an understanding of the various game mechanics of World of Tanks.

Tank destroyer

Anti-tank self-propelled guns are snipers in the world of tanks. At high levels, they have the best weapons among other vehicle classes. There are two subtypes of PTsheks: glass cannons and assault self-propelled guns.

Glass cannons are combat vehicles with precise penetrating guns placed on a chassis whose armor only protects them from rain and wind. Typical representatives are the Waffentrager branch with Rhm.-Borsig Waffentrager, aka Borsch, and Grille 15. This type of AT relies on camouflage and its painfully hitting guns.

In addition to powerful guns, assault tanks also have good armor, but they pay for it with slowness and the lack of a turret. Jagdpanzer E 100 and T110E3 can compete with heavy tanks on the front line. But players don’t really like to climb forward on them, preferring to stand in a nearby bush with glass cannons.

In general, any branch of tank destroyers is friendly to beginners. The gameplay is simple and straightforward - stand in the bushes and shoot at the tanks. Apart from, perhaps, Grille 15 due to the lack of armor, there are no particularly difficult branches, so you can level up any of them. Moreover, at low and medium levels there are many nice cars that you will want to leave in the hangar, such as T67, M18 Hellcat, SU-100, ISU-152.


How many copies have been broken around the issue of the need for artillery self-propelled guns in battles. And while Wargaming is thinking about what to do with it on its test servers, we will try to understand whether a beginner needs to start with “art” and which branch to explore first.

If you look impartially, you can understand why the art is so popular among players. It allows you to deal damage with impunity without moving far from the base. With a successful hit, you can kill the enemy in one shot. Doesn't require much tension or concentration. On the other hand, after several nerfs, playing on art became very uncomfortable. Long reload, long aiming, huge spread. The gameplay on self-propelled guns is reminiscent of roulette: you can avoid hitting a standing enemy for the entire battle and then send him to the hangar of an ST or LT, who is rushing at full speed, not focusing on the target at all.

To get acquainted with the class, it would not be superfluous to play a self-propelled gun, but downloading any of the branches to the end is highly not recommended. Firstly, apart from top-end self-propelled guns, walk-through vehicles, with rare exceptions, are very uncomfortable. Secondly, leveling up is slow, you need to earn a lot of experience, but you can’t do it consistently. Thirdly, after level 10 art has been researched, it is very difficult to sit down and learn to play normal tanks.

So where to start?

Which branch to open first depends entirely on the player. Some people, out of a sense of patriotism, start with USSR tanks. Someone, being an ardent Germanphile, opens Maus and E-100. In this article, we provided only general information about development branches, which are difficult to master for beginners and unforgiving of mistakes. Choose your first branch carefully. Perhaps you choose your favorite tank, on which you will bring terror and sow destruction in the enemy’s camp.