Witcher 3 wild hunt best armor. Addition "Blood and Wine". A guide to finding unique sets of NON-witcher armor and weapons. Blade from Tir Tohair

Date of publication: 06/01/2016 17:01:05

Addition " Blood and Wine"added a large amount of new content to the game. There really is a lot of it. According to the developers, players will spend about 30 hours in the new DLC. If you are a perfectionist and like to complete games one hundred percent, then Blood and Wine will take up even more of your time. Of course, the expansion included many new items. Of particular value to players are traditionally sets of equipment that will not only protect Geralt from various evil spirits, but will also delight players with their appearance. In the new add-on you will be able to equip your character with powerful armor and weapons. Naturally, all this equipment should be obtained first. We will try to explain to you how to do this in this guide. Be prepared for the fact that the search for some sets will require a lot of in-game hours and effort from you, but, as is usually the case, difficult and long adventures end with a good reward.

Where to begin?

As mentioned above, new sets of equipment have appeared in the new addition. Your Geralt needs them to cope with the monsters that inhabit the lands of Toussaint. If you think that you can cope with them without new armor, then we hasten to disappoint you, because the level of enemies in “Blood and Wine” has increased. Of course, if your hero is “pumped up” for this add-on, then most likely you will not have problems with new opponents, at least in the initial stages. The new addition has added another level of equipment, which is called “ Grandmaster" To start your search for Grandmaster Sets, you need to find a blacksmith.

Head to the city of Beauclair, which is the capital of Toussaint. You will find a blacksmith's shop in the southern part of the city, near the sign that points to the Nilfgaardian embassy. On the game map this store is marked with a sword and armor sign. When you find a shop, go inside and talk to its owner, who will tell you that he wants to become a grandmaster. A conversation with him will lead to the beginning of the quest “Master, Master, Master, Master!” Don't forget to ask him about the witchers who came to him earlier. The blacksmith will tell you how to find new kits. Now you need to successfully complete one of the treasure hunts. Once you do this, you will be able to create grandmaster kits.

Griffon School Grandmaster Set

The Griffon School Grandmaster Set is not a completely new set, as it is an update to an existing one. To get the Grandmaster version of the set, you must have items from the Griffon School Master Set at your disposal. In addition, you will, of course, need various ingredients. It is also worth mentioning that your Geralt will only be able to equip the grandmaster set if he is level 40.

First, you should head to Moncran Castle, which you can find if you go northwest of the city. Get ready to meet a lot of robbers who live in this area. You need to get to the destroyed tower. Once in the ruins, turn left and go straight. Near the tower you need to dispel the illusion, and then go down to the lower levels. Now you need to find the crystal on the table. You can do this with the help of your witcher senses. In addition, this ability will help you find the button on the wall.

When you have the crystal, go down even lower, and then use it near the far wall. Now open the portal using the Aard Sign. Naturally, you need to use this portal, behind which the golem will be waiting for you. He will try to kill you, but your abilities should not allow him to carry out his plans. After dealing with the monster, carefully examine the entire room. In it you can find three drawings that will help you craft a silver sword, armor and pants for the grandmaster of the Griffin school.

Of course, this is not a complete set. All you have to do is get a steel sword, gloves and boots. Leave the castle ruins and head south. Your goal is the ruins of Fort Ussar. In this area you will come across a large number of monsters. If you want, then take out your weapon and fight them, but if you do not want to waste your time fighting these creatures, then approach the ruins on the eastern side. Make your way to the stairs and your enemies won't notice you. Under the stairs you will find a chest, and inside there are three remaining blueprints.


Like the master version of this set, the Griffon School Grandmaster Set is a medium armor class. This set is well suited for those players who rely on magic signs. By reaching level 40 and obtaining the Griffon set, you will increase the power of your signs and gain protection from all types of attacks. If your character is wearing at least three items from the set, he will gain the ability to use one of the signs for free in standard mode, after using the sign in standard mode for which energy was spent. If you equip your Geralt with six items from this set at once, he will receive an even stronger bonus. The size of the Yrden trap will be increased by 40%. In addition, while inside the Yrden trap, Geralt will restore energy 5% faster, his sign power will increase by 100%, and damage to him will decrease by 20%.

Kota School Grandmaster Kit

The second set that will be discussed in our review is the Kota school set. The first place you will go will be the house of Bartholomew de Launay. You can find it in the north of Toussaint. When you find this house, you will immediately encounter a problem - the gate will be locked. Don't rush to return home, because you are a witcher! Can any castle stop you?

From the gate, go right and climb inside along the wall. You will come across robbers who will threaten the merchant's life. Your task is to kill the bandits and talk to the merchant. He won't tell you anything useful, so move on. Now find the red building that is to the left of the gate. Go inside and find a portrait of a man. Interact with him so that the drawing of the grandmaster armor of the Kota school appears in your inventory.

Having obtained the first part of the kit, go for two more. This time we'll be looking for boots and pants from this set. Reach the ruins of Gallion Palace. Be prepared to encounter bandits and the boss if you have not previously liberated this area. In any case, you need to find a chest in which two drawings will lie. You can find him near the fire in the camp.

Now let's find the blueprints for the gloves and both swords. By obtaining these three drawings, you will completely assemble the grandmaster kit of the Kota school. Your starting point will be the Gallion Palace, or more precisely its ruins. Move south and find the Stifling Pits cave. You will have to take out your sword again to fight your enemies. This time, their role will be just weeds. In the cave, find a bed that will stand near the corner. In the same place you will find three drawings.


Like the new Griffon school set, the Kota school grandmaster set will require you to be level 40. This set belongs to the light armor class. It will be an excellent choice for those who know how to skillfully handle weapons, perfectly parry and evade enemy blows. By putting the grandmaster set of the Kota school on Geralt, you will maintain excellent speed and receive decent damage. Three pieces from this set will give you a bonus to fast attacks, but only after a successful strong attack. By collecting six items, you will significantly increase the damage from attacks that you will inflict on the enemy from behind. In addition, such attacks will surprise the target.

Bear School Grandmaster Set

Your first goal will be the village of Floviv, which you need to get to. Now find the destroyed building. Its wreckage lies under the roof. Use the Aard Sign to clear the passage of the remains of the structure. Having done this, go down and turn right. You will find a chest with three blueprints inside. They will help you craft a silver sword, armor and gloves from the Bear School.

You can get three other drawings of this set in the cave, which is located near the vineyards. We will again use the village of Floviv mentioned above as our starting point. From the settlement, head north and find this cave.

Inside you will come across a warning. Now use your senses to spot the markers that will lead you to the dead witcher. Search it and take the remaining drawings. Of course, inside the cave you can meet monsters who will not be very happy about your visit. Using the blueprints you can create a steel sword, pants and boots from this kit.


The Grandmaster set of the Bear School is heavy armor. If you decide to use this set, be prepared for the fact that your energy will be restored slowly, however, you will receive a solid bonus to defense, so your enemies will have to work hard to kill you. You will be protected from most types of attacks. In addition, the Bear School kit will help you gain adrenaline points faster. The bonuses of this set are associated with the Quen sign. You will receive the most powerful bonus if you collect six pieces of the Bear School grandmaster set. In this case, the damage from all Quen Sign abilities will increase by 200%.

Wolf School Grandmaster Set

To get the blueprints for the grandmaster set of the Wolf School, you won’t need to travel long, since all parts of this set can be found in one playing area. Go to the camp, which is located near the Gelenser farm. Your task is to find Isabelle Duchamp's diary. When you do this, head to the crypt ruins. To enter the ruins, you will need to remove the barrier. This can be done using a crystal, which you can pick up from the skeleton located not far from the entrance.

When you go inside the crypt, go to the first fork and turn left. Run over the ghost. Once in the room with the beast, break through the far wall with a normal attack. Go into the cave. Now get to the far end. There will again be a wall on your way that can be destroyed using a regular attack or the Aard Sign. After this, turn left. Deal with the enemies that attack you. Under the rubble lie the remains of a witcher. Search them and pick up three blueprints that will allow you to create a silver sword, a steel sword and gloves.

You can find three other drawings of the grandmaster kit of the Wolf School in the same crypt. The drawings are in a bag that lies in one of the rooms.


As with other grandmaster sets, the Wolf School set will have to be crafted from a blacksmith. Don't forget that your character must be at least level 40. Players have always liked Wolf School kits, and it’s worth saying that they deserve it. The Grandmaster version is the best option for those who want to balance their offensive and defensive skills. This kit will help you gain adrenaline points faster and increase resistance to piercing, blunt, cutting, damage from monsters and elements. By equipping Geralt with three pieces from the Wolf School Grandmaster Set, you will be able to apply up to three oils to your sword at the same time. If you become the owner of a full set, you will be able to throw bombs without delay.

Manticore School Grandmaster Set

Unlike all the previous sets that we described in this guide, the grandmaster set of the Manticore school is completely new equipment. If you are a devoted fan of the Witcher adventure series, then you will most likely remember that the same set was present in the original game, which was released almost nine years ago. Another feature that makes the Manticore set stand out is its search. This may not take too long for some players, but you better be prepared for the fact that you will have to put in a lot of effort to become the owner of the coveted set.

First we will try to find the drawing of the sword. First, you should go to the destroyed Bastoy prison. You can find it in the northwest of the capital Toussaint. Now look for a dilapidated tower. Climb onto it and the first drawing of the grandmaster set of the Manticore school will be yours.

You can find a drawing of the armor in a cave located east of Beauclair. In the cave, find a wall with a bunch of paper sheets - one of them is the drawing you need.

Now go in search of blueprints for boots and pants. You need to get to the Quinoa Sanctuary. You can find this building in the northern part of Toussaint. Go inside the sanctuary and get to the wall, which you should hit with the Aard Sign.

A ghost will attack you in the sanctuary. Kill him and find a small chest. Inside, in addition to drawings of boots and pants, you will find the following clue.

Are you tired yet? Then let's find a drawing of a silver sword. Use Beauclair again as a starting point. Get to the cave, which is located in the southwest. Get ready to meet some monsters there. Go straight. When you come across beggars, give them some money.

Soon you will see the ghost of the prophet and a chest, inside of which will be the desired drawing of a silver sword.

Since the level of enemies in the “Blood and Wine” add-on turned out to be considerable, equipment is also needed that will make it possible to effectively fight them. However, you should not immediately rush into your chest and carefully sort through all your previously found things, since in the Toussaint region completely new equipment awaits you - the equipment of the Great Master, or the Grandmaster. In this guide, you will learn not only where you can find all the Grandmaster equipment, but also where the Grandmaster blacksmith is located!

Where can I find a grandmaster blacksmith?

The blacksmith can be found in the shop in the city of Beauclair, near the sign that points towards the Nilfgaardian embassy. You just need to go a little east, after which you will soon notice the icon of armor and a sword on it. As soon as you find it, you can safely talk to the shopkeeper, who will tell the witcher that he dreams of becoming a grandmaster. So you will receive the task: “Master, master, master, master!”

If during the dialogue with the blacksmith you start talking about the missing witchers, then he will tell Geralt about a treasure hunt, during which it will be possible to obtain the grandmaster’s armor. The same applies to the new equipment from the School of Manticore.

After this, you will have to complete the task of finding treasures and return back to the blacksmith. This will give you the ability to create grandmaster equipment, which includes armor and weapons. The price will not be too high and in general there will be five types of grandmaster equipment. All are described below.

Where and how to find all the pieces of the Grandmaster armor of the “Bear School”

Grandmaster Silver Sword of the Bear School, Grandmaster School of the Bear Breastplate, Grandmaster School of the Bear Bracers

Above is a screenshot, and here will be a description. Based on the screenshot and description, you will certainly find parts of the Bear School equipment. So, in the marked place there are the ruins of a red building - search this building from the back side. There will be a large pile of stones near the canopy - use the Aard Sign on these stones. After the stones are knocked down, a passage into the cave will open. The cave will be small, so when you find it, you can find all three blueprints for this armor set.

Grandmaster Steel Sword of the Bear School, Grandmaster Pants of the Bear School, Grandmaster Boots of the Bear School

In the screenshot above you need to find a cave. Inside the cave you will find that the cave has more than one tunnel. No one is stopping you from exploring the cave inside and out, or immediately moving to the above-mentioned place. In any case, the last three drawings will be found.

Where and how to find all the parts of the Grandmaster armor of the “School of the Wolf”

Grandmaster Wolf School Chestplate, Grandmaster Wolf School Boots, Grandmaster Wolf School Pants

This is the latest possible improvement to the “School of the Wolf” armor set, and it’s easy to find, and even easier with the guide. The fact is that absolutely the entire set of armor is located in the same ruins, but which will have to be searched completely and thoroughly. Before you start searching for six pieces of new armor, near the entrance to the ruins (which are shown in the screenshot above), look for a purple ruby. For what? This ruby ​​will be needed in order to remove the barrier of the same color. To find the ruby, activate your Witcher Senses. Using your Witcher Senses, find a wall with a crack and break it using the Aard Sign. As soon as the witcher enters the ruins through the cave, turn left. In the first room there will be a chest on the floor, where you will find the aforementioned first three parts of the “Wolf School” Grandmaster armor set.

Grandmaster Wolf School Bracers, Wolf School Grandmaster Steel Sword, Wolf School Grandmaster Pants

After you've picked up the first three pieces of said new Wolf School armor set, turn around and return to the room you came from. It is necessary to move forward from that place until the slightly damaged collapse. A corpse will also lie in the same place, after searching it you can find the last three pieces of the Grandmaster’s armor of the “School of the Wolf”.

Where and how to find all the pieces of the Grandmaster armor of the “School of the Cat”

Grandmaster Breastplate of the Cat School

In fact, finding the Grandmaster Equipment of the School of the Cat is a little more difficult, because parts of this armor are scattered throughout the map. Anyway. You can find the first part of the kit in the screenshot above. This place will not be the usual ruins, or caves - this is an estate. You can get inside from the right side, after climbing over the boards over the wall. There will most likely be a couple of enemies inside, but nothing too difficult. Go inside the house, whose front door will be painted white. Inside, activate your Witcher Senses and examine the painting of a bearded man in an elegant hat. Behind the painting there will be a hiding place, and in the hiding place is the long-awaited drawing. Let's move on.

Grandmaster Cat School Pants, Grandmaster Cat School Boots

These drawings are located in ruins in the swamp, which are located not far from the estate (see screenshot above). Upon arrival, go up the steps and look around - you need to find a blazing fire made of logs. Near these flaming logs (which resemble a signal fire) is a chest containing the two aforementioned blueprints.

Grandmaster Bracers of the Cat School, Grandmaster Silver Sword of the Cat School, Grandmaster Steel Sword of the Cat School

Above, again, is a screenshot of where these three drawings of the new “School of the Cat” armor are located. As you already understood, these three drawings are located not far from the estate where the drawing of the bib was previously found. Upon arrival, find the cave at the indicated location. The cave will not be so big. Inside, activate your witch's sense, because you need to find something like a bag in one of the small dead ends of the cave (mushrooms will still grow nearby). Inside the bag will be the last three drawings.

Where and how to find all the pieces of the Grandmaster armor of the “Gryphon School”

Grandmaster Steel Sword of the Griffin School, Grandmaster Boots of the Griffin School, Grandmaster Bracers of the Griffin School

The first three drawings can be found in the eastern part of Toussaint, in a fort destroyed almost to its very foundation. It is better to go to the fort through the central road, because if you enter, for example, the fort from the west, you will face the Boss. All three diagrams are in the chest, which in turn is located under the stairs. The staircase, of course, will not look like a staircase at all, so focus on the stone steps that lead higher - if that is more convenient for you. In any case, there is a witcher's sense, so be careful.

Grandmaster Silver Sword of the Griffin School, Grandmaster Breastplate of the Griffin School, Grandmaster Pants of the Griffin School

The last three drawings can be found in the castle next door (northwestern part from the previous location). Now be careful: it is better to enter the castle from the main entrance. Having entered inside, you will have to turn to the left in any case - at this moment you need to clearly go forward, right up to the wall. The wall is actually an illusion, and by dispelling it you can find a secret corridor leading down. Below you will need to find a mini-room with a table and a variety of jars, because there will be a crystal there that you need to take. Immediately after this, go to the center, where on the map there is a passage forward, but the door is not open. There is a lever on the side, so you can find it by activating your witcher's senses. When the secret door (wall) opens, go forward. Search the chest, activate the portal using the Aard Sign and the previously found crystal. Thanks to the portal, you will find yourself on the other side, where you have to defeat the Golem. And immediately after this monster you can go further, where there will be various types of furniture. Now carefully examine everything here, because the last three drawings are located in this very place!

Where and how to find all parts of the Grandmaster armor of the “School of Manticore”

Grandmaster Steel Sword of Manticore School

The screenshot above shows the ruins where you can find the first item from the “School of Manticore” set. The first thing in this search is a steel sword. In these ruins there is one dilapidated tower, from which wooden beams will protrude and on which you can see an iron mesh, reminiscent of broken doors in the old days. So, you can get to the top of this destroyed tower only along the walls. Climb some wall and just walk inside. When you find yourself in the tower, activate your witcher senses and examine the walls, because one of the stones of this wall is a hiding place. Inside the cache you can find a drawing of a sword.

Grandmaster Armor of the Manticore School

The next place is the ruins, which may look like a cave. In any case, look at the screenshot above and go to this exact place. Upon arrival, you need to find a way inside a small hill. Inside, just move to the very end until you reach a dead end. When you find yourself in a round room, examine the walls - on one of the walls there are various kinds of pieces of paper hanging. One of these pieces of paper will be a drawing of the “School of Manticore” armor.

Grandmaster Pants of the Manticore School, Grandmaster Boots of the Manticore School

The next place noted above is the ruins, reminiscent of an ancient library. There will be guards at the entrance, but they won't bother you. The path inside will be completely linear, the only thing worth knowing is that the wall with the crack needs to be broken using the Aard Sign, and inside you will have to fight the shadow. Otherwise, everything is simple: at the very end of this place, carefully examine each box. Soon, therefore, you will find two more drawings.

Grandmaster Silver Sword of Manticore School

This drawing is a little more difficult to find. To begin with, you should know that the search will have to be carried out in the next cave. You can only get inside the cave from the river side. The inside of the cave will be huge. In any case, to start, go forward along the linear path, but when you find yourself at a fork, go left. Now you need to move forward until you come across a blockage, which can only be destroyed with the help of the Aard Sign. Immediately after this, go inside to the very end and near the stranger you can find a blueprint for the silver sword of the “School of Manticore”.

Grandmaster Bracers of the Manticore School

The most easily obtained item from a full set of armor. Go to the place indicated in the screenshot above and jump from the pier into the water. Swim to the very center of this small lake and dive. At the very bottom, activate your witcher's sense and thus you will be able to find the last drawing.

In this article we will talk about the best armor in The Witcher 3:Wild Hunt. Witcher armor in almost all respects, especially additional ones, is superior to everything else that we encounter during the game. As soon as we receive the first witcher set, for example from the Griffin school, we stop paying attention to other armor, and in vain. Two of the strongest sets for attack and defense, partly consisting of so-called “second-rate” armor.

Now let's look at the most interesting sets that are attractive in appearance that you will encounter at certain stages of the passage of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

The very first set that we meet in the gaming world is Temerian armor. You can find it from the merchant in the White Garden, whom we saved from the Griffin. The only limitation is the price and level. The best feature is that it is light armor. Overall, it does not provide any additional bonuses other than resistance. The set is worth a look, but only for its appearance. If you come to a merchant at level 50, then the level of his goods will already be 29.

We meet the second set of armor immediately after the “White Garden” in the castle in Vronitsy with the quartermaster, who stands near the entrance to the Bloody Baron’s house. Nilfgaardian armor just as bad as the Temerian ones. This is a medium type of armor, and medium armor without enhancing signs is useless. To me it looks much worse than the first ones.

The third and last set that we can buy from merchants in the game, we meet on the Skellige Islands at the forge in Kaer Trolde. Heavy armor from Undvik just like the previous ones, they do not have any additional characteristics other than resistance. However, for heavy armor these parameters are important and the fact that you can simply buy them and not look for recipes deserves attention.

The Hearts of Stone expansion gave us four types of new armor. Witcher set of the Snake school, which is very similar to the basic armor from Kaer Morhen. Traditional Ophir clothes: kaftans, kuntushi. Robber Set and Burning Rose Set. None of this armor can be purchased ready-made. For everyone you need to find recipes and then make them.

In order to receive Ophir armor, you need to talk to the merchant. Visit a couple of places, kill a bunch of fanatics from the Order of the Flaming Rose, and only then make copies. They look very unusual, especially after the heavy Skellig ones.

Embroidered Kuntush- you can get it at a wedding or in the house of Olgerd’s wife; its parameters are somewhat inferior to Ophir armor, but it looks amazing.

Find a recipe armor of the Knights of the Burning Rose It’s not easy enough, for example, killing bandits and checking all the chests along the way. The armor, of course, is heavy and has nothing other than resistance bonuses. Unfortunately, this is not a complete set: sword, cuirass and gloves.

All this pales in comparison with the armor - New Moon(relic). We are given it during the quest "Robbery". Medium armor type, has two rare bonuses: increasing the chance and power of critical damage. If you make a witcher a swordsman, then this set becomes the main goal. This is the armor I consider the best in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

In the Blood and Wine expansion, CD Project Red did something very unusual. They took one type of armor and simply began to improve its parameters, depending on the required level. For example, Beauclair Guard armor(master item)

Beauclair Guard armor - (magic item)

armor of the Beauclair Guardsman - (relic)

Having slightly changed the previous version, increasing the required level and all parameters, we get Beauclair Guard armor(magic item). As you progress through the Blood and Wine expansion, you will be able to collect all the necessary parts for this armor.

Beauclair Guard Armor (Master Item)

Beauclair Guard Armor (relic)

Again, by increasing all characteristics and the minimum required level, we already get Beauclair officer's armor(relic)

Beauclair officer's armor(magic item)

Beauclair officer's armor(master item)

Again they give us a boost in parameters and small space changes (relic)

armor of the Beauclair captain of the guard(master item)

armor of the Beauclair captain of the guard(magic item)

Extremely difficult to put together, and its characteristics are comparable to grandmaster sets. All this armor needs to be made, and in order to collect all the recipes for this armor, you will have to check absolutely all the chests. On the other hand, it’s not necessary to look for all this, because we have four alternatives with an appearance like knight’s armor.

tournament armor of the Toussaint knight(magic item)

tournament armor of the Toussaint knight(relic)

For example, armor of the knight Geralt of Rivia, which is given to us during participation in the tournament. It has rather weak characteristics, so it is not the best option.

Armor from Tesham Mutna, or as it is also called, the shell from Tesmah Mutna is excellent armor with a unique ability to absorb HP. They are easy to find, just be careful during the mission with Regis in the castle of the same name.

With the next options it’s more difficult, because you won’t be able to get both at once. If you go to the world of a thousand fairy tales, then you can find Toussaint armor. But if you go to the cave to the Hidden One, you can get armor from Hen Haydt.

Personally, I don't like the appearance of this armor.

In this article we will talk about the best armor in The Witcher 3:Wild Hunt. Witcher armor in almost all respects, especially additional ones, is superior to everything else that we encounter during the game. As soon as we receive the first witcher set, for example from the Griffin school, we stop paying attention to other armor, and in vain. Two of the strongest sets for attack and defense, partly consisting of so-called “second-rate” armor.

Now let's look at the most interesting sets that are attractive in appearance that you will encounter at certain stages of the passage of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

The very first set that we meet in the gaming world is Temerian armor. You can find it from the merchant in the White Garden, whom we saved from the Griffin. The only limitation is the price and level. The best feature is that it is light armor. Overall, it does not provide any additional bonuses other than resistance. The set is worth a look, but only for its appearance. If you come to a merchant at level 50, then the level of his goods will already be 29.

We meet the second set of armor immediately after the “White Garden” in the castle in Vronitsy with the quartermaster, who stands near the entrance to the Bloody Baron’s house. Nilfgaardian armor just as bad as the Temerian ones. This is a medium type of armor, and medium armor without enhancing signs is useless. To me it looks much worse than the first ones.

The third and last set that we can buy from merchants in the game, we meet on the Skellige Islands at the forge in Kaer Trolde. Heavy armor from Undvik just like the previous ones, they do not have any additional characteristics other than resistance. However, for heavy armor these parameters are important and the fact that you can simply buy them and not look for recipes deserves attention.

The Hearts of Stone expansion gave us four types of new armor. Witcher set of the Snake school, which is very similar to the basic armor from Kaer Morhen. Traditional Ophir clothes: kaftans, kuntushi. Robber Set and Burning Rose Set. None of this armor can be purchased ready-made. For everyone you need to find recipes and then make them.

In order to receive Ophir armor, you need to talk to the merchant. Visit a couple of places, kill a bunch of fanatics from the Order of the Flaming Rose, and only then make copies. They look very unusual, especially after the heavy Skellig ones.

Embroidered Kuntush- you can get it at a wedding or in the house of Olgerd’s wife; its parameters are somewhat inferior to Ophir armor, but it looks amazing.

Find a recipe armor of the Knights of the Burning Rose It’s not easy enough, for example, killing bandits and checking all the chests along the way. The armor, of course, is heavy and has nothing other than resistance bonuses. Unfortunately, this is not a complete set: sword, cuirass and gloves.

All this pales in comparison with the armor - New Moon(relic). We are given it during the quest "Robbery". Medium armor type, has two rare bonuses: increasing the chance and power of critical damage. If you make a witcher a swordsman, then this set becomes the main goal. This is the armor I consider the best in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

In the Blood and Wine expansion, CD Project Red did something very unusual. They took one type of armor and simply began to improve its parameters, depending on the required level. For example, Beauclair Guard armor(master item)

Beauclair Guard armor - (magic item)

armor of the Beauclair Guardsman - (relic)

Having slightly changed the previous version, increasing the required level and all parameters, we get Beauclair Guard armor(magic item). As you progress through the Blood and Wine expansion, you will be able to collect all the necessary parts for this armor.

Beauclair Guard Armor (Master Item)

Beauclair Guard Armor (relic)

Again, by increasing all characteristics and the minimum required level, we already get Beauclair officer's armor(relic)

Beauclair officer's armor(magic item)

Beauclair officer's armor(master item)

Again they give us a boost in parameters and small space changes (relic)

armor of the Beauclair captain of the guard(master item)

armor of the Beauclair captain of the guard(magic item)

Extremely difficult to put together, and its characteristics are comparable to grandmaster sets. All this armor needs to be made, and in order to collect all the recipes for this armor, you will have to check absolutely all the chests. On the other hand, it’s not necessary to look for all this, because we have four alternatives with an appearance like knight’s armor.

tournament armor of the Toussaint knight(magic item)

tournament armor of the Toussaint knight(relic)

For example, armor of the knight Geralt of Rivia, which is given to us during participation in the tournament. It has rather weak characteristics, so it is not the best option.

Armor from Tesham Mutna, or as it is also called, the shell from Tesmah Mutna is excellent armor with a unique ability to absorb HP. They are easy to find, just be careful during the mission with Regis in the castle of the same name.

With the next options it’s more difficult, because you won’t be able to get both at once. If you go to the world of a thousand fairy tales, then you can find Toussaint armor. But if you go to the cave to the Hidden One, you can get armor from Hen Haydt.

Personally, I don't like the appearance of this armor.


With the addition “Blood and Wine,” the level of opponents has noticeably increased; in contrast, the developers added new sets of witcher armor and swords to the game - grandmaster (aka great/grandmaster). The characteristics of these kits are described on the pages dedicated to each Witcher School separately. This page also contains a guide to searching and discovering all grandmaster sets (all of them are located in Toussaint).

How to find a Grandmaster blacksmith

First of all, you need to find the blacksmith Lafargue, who is located next to the Nilfgaardian embassy in Beauclair. After talking with him, you will learn about the lost witcher drawings of armor and swords of the highest level. The same blacksmith will tell you about the armor of the Manticore School.

After talking with him, you can start looking for the first drawings. After your return, Lafargue will teach you the craft of forging armor and swords according to grandmaster drawings for a symbolic sum.

════Equipment of the Kota school════

The Cat School equipment is high-class equipment, designed to protect against the elements and increase the damage of blades and the Aard Sign.

Basic equipment can be found in Velen and Novigrad, while master level equipment can be found in Skellige.

Steel swords

Location of steel swords

Cat School Steel Sword
The steel sword lies in Drahim Castle, which is south-southeast of Novigrad. Knock down the door with Aard and go down the stairs. The sword diagram is in the corner of the basement.

Improved Steel Sword of the Cat School
The diagram for the improved steel sword is in a chest in the cave. You need to reach the stairs, go up a little and turn around - the chest will be in front of you.

Silver swords




════Snake school equipment════

The equipment of the School of the Snake was added later than the sets of all other Schools, and therefore has some significant differences in the method of searching for patterns and characteristics. There is only one gradation for each of the elements of “snake” weapons and armor instead of the usual four, but the set is designed for a character as much as level 40. Be careful: if you miss the moment at which you can get any of the elements of the set, you will never get it in the current game.

In the original game there were two drawings for very weak swords of the Snake School of the 2nd level, the new ones are called “Poisoned steel sword of the Snake School” and “Poisoned silver sword of the Snake School” and are not related to the old ones.

Steel sword

Silver sword



════Equipment of the "Wolf" school════

Wolf School equipment was added in the Hearts of Stone add-on. The armor falls into the medium armor category.

The total bonuses cover a wide range of characteristics and make this set very versatile for a wide variety of classes.

═══Gryphon school equipment═══

In the first versions of the game, the equipment of the Griffin School belonged to the “second tier” equipment and was designed for the early stage of the game; Now, later versions of the equipment of all Schools have become adjusted to each other in terms of characteristics, so you can wear the Griffin set throughout the entire game.

The equipment is perfect for magicians, since each element of weapon and armor gives bonuses to the power of the Signs. The list of weapons of the Griffin School does not include a crossbow.

Steel swords

Improved Griffin School Steel Sword
In the southwest of Vronitsa Castle in a bandit camp. Go up the small stairs - the sword diagram will be in the chest.

Griffin School Master Steel Sword
In the village of Boxholm on the main island of Skellige.

Silver swords



═══Bear School Equipment═══

Equipment from the School of the Bear gives the wearer bonuses associated primarily with the accelerated receipt of adrenaline. The armor of this set is of the heavy type.

The entire basic set is located on the island of Skellige, and the guidelines in the description of the article are given mainly in relation to Kaer Trold - the capital of the island conglomerate.

Steel swords

Silver swords