What is a penalty in clash of clans. How not to be banned from cooking. Features of the single player campaign in the game Clash of Clans

Having played Clash Of Clans For quite some time now there have been a number of tricks/secrets that you must know if you want to get ahead quickly and gain an edge over your competitors.

So here are my Top 5 secrets in the game Clash of Clans, I hope they will be useful to you while playing the game.

1) Slowly Improve Retouching, Take Your Time

Wait as long as you can before upgrading to the next Town Hall - Take your time! I strongly recommend upgrading all structures, buildings and troops to the maximum in a given level before moving on to the next one.

This is one of the most important tricks of the game. Going to the next level too quickly will overwhelm you and slow down your progress in the game, as players at your level will be much stronger than you. Slowly improve whatever you want, and then move on. This will also allow you to make your raids more profitable since you won't be punished as often by your opponents.

Especially when you're going to upgrade your retouch from levels 7 to 8 - make sure you're very strong and can stand up to strong players a level higher before going ahead with this move. Retouching from levels 7 to 8 I would say this is a tough transition from the game, and you will greatly regret it if you improve the retouching to improve all the necessary warriors and buildings, and it will seriously bother you,

1) How to farm correctly if you need a lot of resources

Perhaps not a huge secret, but it's worth mentioning. When raiding you eagerly want to go for massive loot, the fastest way to do this is to look for inactive players who are stocked with Gold Mine, Elixir Collector and Dark Elixir Well.

This is evidenced by the fact that they do not have any league designation next to his name. You can also easily guess this by looking at the Elixir Collector, it clearly states how full it is. This will mean an easy run for a huge win! Their Clan Fortress will also most likely be empty. This way you can use cheap wars such as Barbarian, Goblin and Archer.

My record was over 1 million resources in one raid! This is definitely much more profitable.

3) Revenge!

One of the most underrated features in Clash of Clans is the Revenge feature in the Defense Journal. Why revenge? Because you can check the attacker's village at any time and wait for the enemy's resources to replenish before attacking him! You can see how many resources it has in each storage.

You will also be able to check his clan castle and how many troops are in it if you need it.

4) Load Barracks

The next thing is to always load your barracks with the most expensive units in the game before logging out.

Why? Because everything you spend in the barracks can be 100% returned later, the next time you enter the game.

This way you can hide your resources from being stolen by the enemy. The best option is to fill your barracks with Wall Breakers, since they only take up 2nd place and cost 3000 elixir at level 5. With upgraded units you can hide about 900000 elixir there. Therefore, make sure your Military Camps are full before you log out.

You can do the same with the Dark Barracks and hide the Dark Elixir there.

5) Farm Dark Elixir

When you are in the low level range and you want to collect Dark Elixir quickly, then it is not that easy with simple farming. There is one trick to quickly get a lot of Dark Elixir! Here's what you need to do:

1) You must upgrade Lightning Spell to max level

2) You must reach the Gold League minimum to be able to attack people with 1000-2000 cups + a good reserve of Dark Elixir.

3) Find players with more than 1000 Dark Elixir available for mining (you can use the "Revenge" function) and reveal all your Lightning Spells on it and move on to the next one.

4) Carry a good army with you to steal other resources too.

You will be able to collect over 1000 Dark Elixir per hour with this technique. And don't forget to fill your Dark Barracks to keep the Dark Elixir from being stolen!

By applying all these tips, you can quickly and effectively develop in the game Clash of Clans. Good luck everyone!

Hello again everyone! This topic is becoming more and more relevant, so I decided to write an article on it. Don't be lazy, read this article. Perhaps this will save you from mistakes that you might make. As the saying goes: “Forewarned is forearmed.”

Supercell has recently started taking violations of their rules more seriously. Many things that players think are allowed are actually prohibited. In this article, I will tell you about the things that can get you banned. Something may surprise you a little, but we all confirmed that we are familiar with the user agreement, so there is no need to start a showdown with Supercell if you are banned. Ignorance can lead to even bigger problems.

There are several types of bans:

1) a ban prohibiting communication in the global chat (while maintaining the ability to play the game);

2) a ban that prevents you from entering the game.

In turn, the second type of ban can be permanent or temporary.

Now let's look at the main violations that can lead to a ban.

Global chat ban.

If you often communicate in global chat, then perhaps you have already been banned and know what it is. If 7 people report your violation, you will be banned from the global chat. I've seen a lot of bad kids report indiscriminately, so be careful.

In principle, if you lose access to the global chat, you lose practically nothing, because in the global chat it is difficult to meet adequate people with whom you can talk about something.

What should I do if I am banned from chat? After you are banned, I recommend visiting the global chat less often, because if your account is banned from the chat very often, Supercell moderators may pay attention to you. If moderators notice your violation, they may ban your account (not chat) for a while. I have never seen such cases before, but such information is in the user agreement.

Temporary ban prohibiting you from entering the game.

There are different things for which you can be banned, and there are quite a lot of them, so I will not describe everything, but will only tell you about the main prohibitions that are most often violated.

1. Ban for abuse of game features.

Never make “funny” drawings from your base. Wall painting can be a fun activity, but don't forget that this game is played by children and people of different cultures and religions. What one nationality finds funny, another nationality may find offensive and obscene. Respect other people's beliefs and values, and then there will be no problems. If you break this rule, you get a ban for several days to think about your violation.

What should I do if I was banned for this violation? As soon as you can log into the game again, immediately redo your base! Simply changing to inactive mode does not count. Otherwise, you will be banned a second time, but for a week.

2. Ban for violating the rules for writing the clan header.

Many players get banned but cannot find the reason why they were banned. Indeed, you may not be guilty, but on this point you can also fall under the “hot hand” of a ban.

If someone writes something that affects someone's feelings and beliefs in the clan description, then everyone who has the authority to change the information in the clan description will be banned. Supercell cannot track the violator, so all potential violators are punished.

Such an unexpected “surprise” can also be obtained during a clan war. This will prevent many of your players from attacking and will greatly hinder the war.

What to do after a ban on this item? If you are a clan leader, then you need to talk to all co-leaders and find the offender. After this, he must be expelled or demoted in rank in the clan. After the recent update, it has become easier to identify violators, since all actions with the clan are accompanied by notifications in the clan chat.

3. Use of prohibited applications.

Supercell is improving its anti-grayware protection every day, so one day, if you use something prohibited, you may be banned. I can't advise you anything other than stop using third party hacking apps.

4. Purchasing accounts, crystals, etc. from third parties.

There are a lot of sites selling crystals at reduced prices, and some players fall for it. I do not recommend you buy crystals from them. I will tell you about their entire system in the next article, since I have a lot of information about the activities of such dishonest sites, but for now I simply recommend not to fall for the tricks of scammers.

What to do if you suddenly received a permanent ban? There is a small chance that you can negotiate with Supercell about unbanning, but if you write to them, don’t expect a quick response.

A permanent ban can only be obtained for serious violations, therefore, after a permanent ban on one of your accounts, it is prohibited to create a new account. If Supercell finds out that you have been banned once from one of your accounts, then your other accounts will be banned as well.


In conclusion, I want to say that only kindness and love can help you and other people. Can insults in a global chat really bring any pleasure? Is it nice to insult people of other cultures and write obscene language in the description of the clan? All of us Clash of Clans players are united by one thing - our love for the game. So why not share this love with other players? After all, this would make the game process even more enjoyable and exciting!

Thanks for reading! Love and be loved!

A clan war is a battle in which two clans of equal strength take part (duel). This action lasts 48 hours and is divided into two parts: “Preparation Day” and “Battle Day”.

Preparation day (24 hours)

On preparation day, clan players prepare for upcoming battles: they rebuild their base, donate troops to the Clan Fortress, and conduct reconnaissance of enemy bases.

Battle Day (24 hours)

Each clan member can attack twice during the “Day of Battle”. The clan with the most stars wins the war. Any successful attack by the player will bring him a bonus (in the form of gold, elixir and dark elixir), which is indicated when attacking an enemy village. Only players of the clan that won the war receive the full bonus. In case of defeat, the reward will be only 20% of the original amount. A clan war can be started at any time at the discretion of the clan leadership.

Beginning of the war

Only the clan leader or co-leader can start a war. This can be done directly on the war map by clicking on the “Start War” icon, after which the search for an opponent will begin. The search may take some time, but you don't have to wait until it's finished. As soon as an opponent is found, you will receive a notification. During matchmaking, you can cancel the search. However, if a Clan War has already started, you must continue it and cannot cancel it.

Selection of opponents in a clan war

The selection of opponents occurs randomly. It does not take into account the number of trophies (cups) of the clan in general, nor the average level of the Town Hall (TH), nor the position in the league of individual players. The enemy is selected based on the sum of the player's military power, namely: the level of troops, the number and capacity of military camps, the level of barracks, the level of spells. In addition, the defensive power of the players is taken into account: the level of defensive structures, the level of walls. In addition, your opponent will always have the same number of participants as you (10 vs 10, 15 vs 15, 20 vs 20, 25 vs 25...etc). Today, the minimum threshold is sparring in the amount of 10 to 10 people.

Military card

The military map is a strategic battlefield on which your and enemy bases are located. On the left is friendly territory, and on the right is enemy territory. You can scout out any enemy or friendly base.

What happens if I leave the clan during the war?

You can safely leave and re-join the clan without much harm to yourself and the clan. If you leave the clan after making successful attacks, then at the end of the war you will be awarded a bonus (even if you are no longer in the clan). Other players will also see your village on the military map. However, if you leave a clan during a Clan War that has already begun, then you will be subject to a penalty in the form of time until the end of the last Clan War and the inability to participate in a new war.

Why can't some clan members participate in the Clan War?

Newcomers who joined a clan after the start of a war or at the height of hostilities will not be able to take part in the current war. Deserters who left the previous clan during the current hostilities do not take part either - such participants are subject to a fine, the expiration of which can be viewed in the player’s profile.

How to rebuild the base for HF?

In the lower right corner of the war map there is a corresponding button. The design of your main base is in no way dependent on the design of the military base.

How is donation distributed in KV?

Donation distribution in Clan Wars is slightly different from the system in multiplayer mode. Troops can only be donated on the day of preparation. You don't need to sacrifice troops after each defense. The troops remain there until the end of the Clan War and will participate in every defense, even if they are destroyed. .

What will happen if the clan wins the war?

Clan players will receive loot won in battles (gold, elixir, etc.). Also, a victory is included in the clan statistics (this is like a positive authority, because the statistics are seen not only by clan members, but also by any other player).

What happens if the clan loses the war?

In addition to the shame of defeat and spoiled mood, all clan members receive a severe fine on the loot they conquer (20%).

Is a draw possible?

Yes. In this case, both clans will be defeated, and each member of the two clans will be fined (40% of the loot received in battles).

Will the enemy be able to take my resources when attacking in the HF?

No. Therefore, it is not worth hiding warehouses with resources on the Clan War map. Use them wisely - they serve as a good barrier to defensive structures.

Where can I pick up the loot I received in the Clan War?

Your loot will be placed inside the Clan Fortress.

Is it possible to see the history of Clan battles?

Yes. The history of the last 10 Clan Wars has been preserved for some time. In the last two, you can view the military map and replays of battles.

Clan wars in Clash of Clans, clan wars in clash of clans, KV. This will be discussed in this article.
A battle between two clans. The HF is divided into two parts: “Preparation Day” and “Battle Day”.
Clan members can attack twice during the “Day of Battle”. The clan with the most stars wins.
When attacking an enemy, you are provided with a bonus, which is indicated if you spy or simply click on the enemy base. But you can get it after the war. If your clan loses, you will only receive a share of the bonus. The Clan War can be started at any time, even immediately after the end of the War.

During the CT, nothing will happen to your ordinary village! The main village and the village that participates in the HF are in different space-time continuums.
If you are a clan member, then you can get to the war map by clicking on the button (crossed swords) in the lower left corner of the screen.

Let's move on to the war itself

The head or co-leaders can start a Clan War.
Your participation in HF depends on whether you were in the clan and the search for an enemy began. If you joined the clan after the start of the war, you will be an observer.

During a clan war, you can safely leave and rejoin the clan. If you left the clan after your successful attacks, you will receive your bonus upon completion of the HF (even if you are no longer in the clan). But if you left the clan during the Clan War, then you will not be able to participate in a new war until the one in which you participated ends.

To start a Clan War, a clan must have at least 10 members without penalty.
New members of the clan, as well as members who left a clan during the Clan War. You can find out who can take part in the HF by the brown icon (crossed swords) next to the nickname in the list of participants.

How opponents are selected in the Clan War

The enemy is selected based on the strength of the clan members. The number of cups does not matter! And this is influenced by the military power of the players: the level of troops, the level and number of military camps, the level of barracks and the level of spells, as well as the level of walls and defenses.

How are places distributed on the war map?
Among the first are those players who have the greatest power in their defense, and below are the villages of players with a defense of lower power.

Preparation day

At this time, you can rebuild your village, donate troops to the Clan Fortress and scout enemy villages to choose who to attack. During reconnaissance, you can find out if there is anyone in the clan fortress on defense.

You can sacrifice warriors only on the day of preparation. This is done for the entire HF. If you need someone specifically for protection, you can indicate this by clicking on your village on the war map and selecting a request.

Battle Day

It's time to attack. You can do this only twice during the entire war.
On the day of the battle, the game recommends an enemy to you. It is not necessary to use this recommendation. You can attack any enemy if you think that you will break him into three stars.

You will not have a second chance to attack a village you have already attacked. Therefore, before the attack, make sure that the clan’s fortress is filled to capacity, the heroes are not sleeping and the spells are ready.
Your HF attacks will not affect your shield in any way.
The bonus earned on HF can be collected at the Clan Fortress.

Farming in Clash of Clans - what is it? Farming in Clash of Clans is the accumulation of resources (gold and elixirs) by attacking an enemy in order to plunder his village. Simply put, it’s a waste of resources. This term comes from the word "Farm" - which means farm.

“Why a farm and how does it relate to the game clash of clans?” - you ask. The fact is that the term “Farm” is a term of gaming slang and is used in many computer games. Where it is necessary to obtain and accumulate resources for the further development of the game account. As a rule, the accumulation of resources is associated with daily, monotonous, monotonous actions that do not bring much pleasure to the player, but are necessary for development. Players compare such hard and exhausting work to the hellish work of a farmer, using the word farm in the game.

The farming economy in clash of clans comes down to one thing: to spend as little resources as possible on army training and to obtain as many resources as possible in battle.


In clash of clans, players distinguish several types of farming:

  • farming resources in multiplayer game mode;
  • farming on the goblin mission map;
  • farming in clan wars;
  • farm cups to raise the League level.

Farm clash of clans in multiplayer mode

Farming clash of clans in multiplayer mode is carried out by searching for a village with a large supply of resources, then attacking it to plunder it and obtain loot in the form of resources. Troops for farming are selected based on the level of the Town Hall and the level of the League in which you are located. At low levels of the Town Hall, they farm Barbarians, Archers, Giants and Goblins - armies in various combinations. At high levels of the town hall, they farm with various mixes that can reach the dark elixir storage room, using dark barracks characters for this.

A small amount of resources at the initial stage of the game can be farmed by completing a single game (goblin missions). To do this, you need to consistently attack and rob goblin settlements located on the goblin mission map.

Farming in the Clan War in clash of clans

Farming on HF in clash of clans is usually carried out with the permission of the clan leadership, when victory in HF is already obvious and guaranteed. Farming on HF is to win a battle (get at least one star) over an enemy who is significantly stronger than your mirror. For such a victory in HF, more resources are awarded than if you attacked your mirror with three stars. Farming on HF without the permission of the clan leadership often leads to undesirable results and negatively affects the results of HF. For such gross violations of the principles of team play, violators are usually expelled from the clan.

Farming cups in clash of clans

Farming cups in clash of clans is the player’s accumulation of cups for victories. For each victory in multiplayer mode, one star or higher, trophy cups are awarded. Depending on the number of cups collected, you are assigned the corresponding League level for the season. By increasing or decreasing the number of trophy cups, you can influence the search for strong and weak opponents for farming. Having chosen a balanced position in the league for yourself, you can count on good clash of clans farming.

Possible loot per farming attack

I will present to your attention the summary tables, and calculate the size of the loot yourself!
You can get gold and elixir from storages

Gold mines and elixir collectors can produce 50% of the resources available in them. Dark elixir wells can produce 75% of their resources.

Any town hall stores 1000 gold and elixir.

TX level 1-5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Percent 10% 9% 8% 7% 6% 5% 4%

You can get black elixir from the storage

TX level

Available loot

Resources in storage

Max production



2 000


2 500

75, 000

3 000

3 500

Here you need to take into account the system of fines!.

Here is a table showing how the fine affects possible production:


Based on the statistics of visits to this site, I inform you that 45% (almost half) of all players are players under 18 years of age. Taking this indicator into account, you can predict farming in clash of clans. The worst farming indicators are observed during school holidays and weekends. This is due, first of all, to a significant increase in the presence of on-line active players in clash of clans, who, instead of a school desk, “sit on their devices” and quickly reduce the number of abandoned villages filled with resources.

By the same principle, there are daily fluctuations in good and bad farming. They are different on different servers. Exists website , where, by selecting a server from any country, you can view statistical data and forecast the level of farming during the day. The level of farming in clash of clans depends on the number of players who are simultaneously online.


A bot is a special program that performs all actions in the game for a person automatically. Be careful! The company developing the game Clash of Clans has a policy against using third-party software in the game. Tries to identify players using such software and blocks their game accounts without the possibility of recovery.

To use bots, you need to install additional software on your computer - emulators of mobile operating systems, such as Bluestacks or MEmu. Clash of clans bots are used for farming, since, over time, you get tired of farming yourself. Bots were trained to imitate human behavioral factors in the game in order to make them difficult to track. There are paid and free bots. As an example, I will give the names of the most popular bots MyBot (free) and COCTimer (paid). Farming in clash of clans with bots makes it much easier to accumulate gold and elixirs, but you need to use them very carefully.

Good farming for you and good luck in clash of clans!