Tips and tactics in the game "Castle Clash". Tips and tactics in the game "Castle Clash" Battle of Castles which towers are better to place

Aug 12, 2016 Game guides

The game Castle Clash, or “Battle of Castles,” is called that for a reason. Yes, recruiting an army of heroes and storming other people's castles is endlessly fun - but how can you make your castle both effective and impregnable? This guide will help you make your fortress shockproof and useful!

First bricks

Building in Castle Clash is very simple: you just click on the “Shop” button, select the available (and desired) building, choose a place for it and it is built. The construction process takes one builder, of which you initially have two. He leaves, of course, not forever, and returns after construction is completed. It is impossible to build or improve more buildings at the same time than there are builders. The number of builders is displayed at the top right of the screen - and each additional builder will cost you 500 gems. Each construction or improvement takes time - and the time consumed increases greatly with the level of construction. The first two levels of any building can be achieved instantly and completely free of charge - everything that is built or improved in less than 5 minutes (or less than 5 minutes left until the end of the process) can be instantly improved using the button with the image of a gem. Anything that takes longer to build can be built instantly only by spending gems. In case you would not like to invest real money in gems, II do not advisespend gems on construction. They will be much more useful to you for purchasing a builder or heroes.

The first and central building in your fortress will be the Town Hall. The Town Hall itself does not perform any special useful functions - but each new level of the Town Hall allows you to build more buildings and defensive structures, so get ready for the fact that one of your builders will always be busy improving the Town Hall. There can only be one Town Hall in each fortress - and why might additional Town Halls be needed?

Next in economic importance would be the Gold Mines and Mana Mills. The main resources in the game are gold and mana. Almost all buildings (except those related to gold mining) in the game are purchased and upgraded for gold, and troops are purchased for mana. Gold is also used to purchase spells and train troops. Get ready to mine a lot of gold, it will be very useful to you! But it is impossible to obtain an infinite amount of resources - they need to be stored somewhere. To do this, the game uses Gold Vaults and Mana Vaults. Get ready to upgrade them quite often, because each upgrade will increase the limit of gold produced. If a new stage of improvement of any expensive building (for example, the Town Hall) costs more gold than can fit in your warehouses, then it’s high time for you to improve your storage facilities. Given the game's strong emphasis on the gold resource, it would be right to focus primarily on improving gold storage - you will most likely always have an abundance of mana when more and more gold is needed.

Pay attention to the Training Center. In it, as the name suggests, you will train your troops - just train, and not hire. Roughly speaking, in this building you will upgrade your troops and discover new types of them. Training CenterAlwaysmust work. If you don’t have enough gold reserves to improve some troops, train others. Improving troops does not require the participation of Builders, so leaving the Center without work is an unaffordable luxury! I advise you to first of all focus on improving the Mages - by leveling them up to level 5, you can hire Griffins, who can fly and have excellent characteristics.

You can hire troops in Army Camps. Each Army Camp has a limited number of places - starting from 24. Units take up varying amounts of space - regular soldiers consume one unit, mages and archers consume two, and ancients and griffins consume three. Roughly speaking, the more powerful and efficient the unit, the more space it will take up. You can increase the amount of space in the Camp by improving it. All units that you hire in the camp will stand near it and, in the event of an attack on your city, will attack the enemy within the radius of the camp (determined by the level of the camp).

Another serious security measure for your city will be Hero Camps. Hero camps have only one purpose - heroes hired at the Altar of Heroes become attached to them. A hero assigned to a camp will attack enemies within a certain radius of the camp and will be able to participate in raids.

Watchtowers will provide additional protection for your city. They fire arrows at enemies from afar and deal minor passive damage. It is better to place towers close to army camps and hero camps - let them inflict additional damage on enemies while your troops fight and attract fire. After reaching level 10, towers can be upgraded and turned into cannons, magic crystals or powerful shooting bastions.

Besides towers and troops, walls are an excellent defense against attack. Try to build as many walls as possible! Surround your city with walls and place ranged troops and towers behind them so that enemies who cannot get over your wall die before they enter your fortress. Remember that walls can be improved! Also, if you don’t want to improve them one by one, you can select the entire row and improve it entirely. In order not to improve the corner walls many times and not spend a lot of gold on the corners, you can move the corners in advance, improve them separately, then improve the row and move the corners back. When you can build enough walls, start surrounding the city with a second row of wallsthrough the cagefrom the first. You can hide Bombs in the space between the walls. Bombs can be “anti-personnel” - they kill enemy troops - and “anti-heroic” - they kill enemy heroes. Of course, hiding bombs between walls is not the only strategy. Considering that bombs will be available to you earlier than the required number of walls to completely surround your city, you can safely scatter them between already constructed buildings. However, I advise you to hide them near camps and the Town Hall - enemies who are busy fighting or destroying the Town Hall (a building with a lot of health) can die from an additional bomb explosion and make life easier for you and your troops. After reaching the 16th level of the Town Hall, you will also have access to the Hero's Totem - a special trap, the power and parameters of which depend on the hero tied to it.

Another important building that you will often improve is the Hall of Exhibits. This is your library of spells, in which you can discover new magic and buy already known ones. As you level up this building, you will be able to equip more spells at once and unlock a lot of powerful magic. Each spell can also be improved, making it more effective and powerful. This building will not help you in defending the city - but it will play an important role in your raids.

The “Warehouse” building has only one value - it holds all your game items and allows you to buy new ones. You should build it right away - this will allow you to receive daily rewards, which will greatly help in the game.

The other two buildings, the Arena and the Guild Hall, focus on the social aspect of the game. In them you can take part in battles between heroes and join a guild (or create your own). While the Guild Hall serves no other purpose, the Arena also earns you additional badges of honor (50 per hour), so it makes sense to build it as soon as possible to effectively level up your heroes.

The remaining buildings in the game are decorative in nature. If you play for pure functionality, they are unlikely to interest you. For all lovers of beauty, there will be a lot of beautiful statues, various decorations and even a New Year tree!

Infrastructure Mastery

In order for the city to better withstand attacks (and therefore be more effective in, for example, the “Coming of Monsters” mode), your buildings must be located in a certain way. There is no ideal layout here, but I will try to give some general tips on how to organize a city.

  1. Make sure that the Town Hall is surrounded on one side by walls, and on the other by defensive towers and camps of troops or heroes. The Town Hall is a fairly powerful structure in terms of hit points, and enemy units will likely spend quite a lot of time destroying it. While they are unsuccessfully destroying the Town Hall, your troops will be able to move in from the flank and deal a serious blow to the enemy army. It would also be a good idea to surround the Town Hall with bombs!
  2. Surround the entire city with walls. Or even double walls. With bombs between the walls. And place archers and towers at the walls. Don't let the enemy approach the city. At all.
  3. This is not an ideal tactic at all, but you can try to play on your opponent's greed. Place your resource bases separately from the main city and if the enemy sends his troops to them, then his army will automatically move to the city. Your benefit is that the troops will attack you not in a heap, but gradually - and it will be easier for you to repel the attack. However, you will still lose some resources.
  4. Do not allow empty space between buildings! The enemy will be able to land right in the center of your city if you place buildings far apart from each other. However, you can use this to your advantage - create empty spaceintentionallyand surround it with heroes, towers and an army. Some players may fall into a trap and lose their entire army in one attack.
  5. Once you've built walls around the city, don't stop! Divide your city into a “grid” of walls and the enemy will have to stop in each such “cell” of the network of walls. Is it worth talking about how useful defensive towers and ranged troops will be at such a moment?
  6. Try to act chaotically and throw all the buildings into one pile at random. Create a lot of troops, equip everything with walls and towers, scatter bombs in the “alleys”. Hide hero camps between large structures. This tactic is designed for inattentive opponents who will lose sight of your important heroes or powerful defensive towers, and, accordingly, will come under an unexpected attack.
  7. Take a look at the base development tactics of the top players - in the list of the best players, select several from the top ten and click on the “View” button. It is possible that you can borrow their solutions and successfully defend your city!


You learned about buildings in Castle Clash and received tips on how to place them correctly on the battlefield. In the end, I would also like to say that despite all the cunning defensive tactics and cunning of opponents, there is absolutely no need to be afraid of the destruction of your city. All you will lose is a quarter of your resources, and then you will receive a shield from attacks for a certain time, depending on the extent of destruction of the city after the last invasion. You will not lose any buildings, armies, or heroes. But you will probably have to go on several raids and recover all the lost resources!

I hope you found the information in this Castle Clash guide useful and will come in handy on your epic adventures!

The Castle Clash watchtower is the main defensive structure. At least the guard towers can shoot. Although I personally am sure that the fences themselves also play a significant role, since a pumped-up fence will delay non-flying units for a long time, while they can be attacked by Heroes, Towers, and the units themselves.

The appearance of the towers depending on the level

Upgrading Castle Clash towers

The Castle Clash Watchtowers initially fire periodically with green arrows. When you pump them up to level 10, you can change the purpose of the tower and put Heroes there. Upon reaching level 10, 3 types of special towers become available in which Castle Clash Heroes are located: Shooting Tower, Magic Tower, Cannon Tower.

Each of the towers has its own specifics:

1) The shooting tower fires quickly at single targets.
2) The magic tower fires at several targets simultaneously.
3) The Cannon Tower deals damage to all enemies with its cannon within its range.

Questions from visitors:

1) At what level of the castle is the fourth tower of heroes available?

The fourth tower of Castle Battle can be obtained at level 13. But before you get this fourth tower, you will have to spend a lot of gold. By the way, the transition from level 12 to 13 costs 740,000 and lasts 6 days.

A typical mobile strategy game where you need to create your army, attack enemy bases and defend yours. The power of your troops and heroes is a key factor in victory and survival in general. Especially for you, we have prepared several tips and tactics that will help you achieve success in the Battle of Castles!

Fast Level Up

Do you have a hero who is very behind in levels and needs as much experience as possible? The technique we are going to tell you about only works if you have a legendary hero. Vlad Dracula. Thanks to his ability " Bloody Banquet", he can easily handle the J wave in " The Coming of Monsters" As a result, all the experience will go to the heroes who are waiting in the garrison, so if you need to level up very quickly without extra costs, then place the desired character there.

We understand perfectly well that Vlad Dracula is a rather expensive hero, so if you don’t have him, then God of Thunder would be a good alternative. His skill Storm» deals incredible area damage and puts all enemies into a coma for 1.5 seconds.

To upgrade one character (but it's best to do this with legendary ones), just leave him at the base, hide all the other heroes, go to " The Coming of Monsters" and select a wave, and then constantly press the " Pass" This will give a large amount of experience to one character, but note that the experience does not go to heroes who are in the garrison!

Using orders correctly

An order is a currency that is used for exchange in a warehouse. Every day 12 random in-game items will be available to receive. These can be resources, runes, passes, heroes, and so on. Be prepared to buy useful or important items as quickly as possible, even if you don't need them right now. Otherwise, you may not see them in stock for a long time. If you have already acquired a decent supply of orders or are just about to, then here are some tips for the best investments:

  • Purchasing a card that gives an additional character slot in the Altar. Grab it as quickly as possible and you won’t go wrong, as your collection of heroes is constantly growing, and there is less and less space.
  • The Talent Refresh Card will allow you to re-assign a talent to your hero. Instead of spending 300 gems, use it. If luck is on your side, then a good result will not be long in coming, but if today is not your day, then you may even get the same skill as before.
  • Crystals (aka fragments) of heroes play a key role in obtaining and improving the hero, and are also necessary for the development of the guild. This resource is always needed in large quantities, so feel free to exchange orders for medium and large sets with fragments.
  • Dungeons have always been a good source of hero crystals. It is for this reason that orders can be given for dungeon upgrade cards, rather than spending gems on this matter. Quest Upgrade Cards will also be a good spend due to the nice rewards from the quest board.

Beginner's Guide

If you are new to Castle Battle, you may have a lot of questions. If you have no idea what needs to be updated first, then this section is a must read.

  • Always update Town Hall Firstly. Don't miss out on this upgrade, especially if you have the gold to spend on it! The updated Town Hall opens up both new defensive structures and the possibility of improving existing ones. Immediately after this you can begin modernization Warehouse, as this will allow you to accumulate and save more resources for the next improvements, which will certainly cost you a lot of money. To somehow soften the blow to your wallet, start building and improving Mills of Manna And Gold mines that will generate constant income.
  • Also, don't keep huge reserves of gold and mana in the Vault. Sooner or later, your wealth will lead to lovers of profit. It's better to constantly invest resources in your castle. This will make it much harder for other players to get to you, and if they do, they will end up spending a lot more than they receive.
  • Among the combat units, try to improve first as quickly as possible Fire mages up to the fifth level, since after that they will open to you Griffins. This unit can fly, which means enemy units that fight in hand-to-hand combat and cannon towers are not able to attack it. At the beginning of the game, Griffins will be quite enough in almost any situation. If you are not satisfied with this tactic, you can first update Okhotnikov to access Centaurs, which are also effective in the early stages. In addition, this strategy will help you deal with a player who relies on flying units.
  • Update as quickly as possible Hall of Exhibits up to sixth level to have two spells. Of the spells we recommend improving Ares's Fury. This will give all your units an additional percentage of attack points. After this you can improve Rain of arrows to increase damage.
  • Choose a place to build Hero Bases so that your heroes have bonuses to their attributes while defending. Improve Army camps to increase the number of your troops and reduce the time for recruitment. It's best to only work on this when you have extra builders and resources.

In Castle Battle, heroes play a really important role and have varying degrees of rarity. Rare heroes are very difficult to find, but that is why they are the most powerful fighters in the game, Regular the characters are the most common, and Elite- a kind of golden mean. Here are some tips for recruiting heroes:

  • Hiring with gems gives a low chance of getting a legendary or at least an elite hero. This method is the simplest, but quite expensive, so for those who do not like to spend real money, it will be difficult to open heroes in this way.
  • Hiring for hero crystals will allow the player to select a specific character. A legendary fighter will cost you several thousand crystals or more, an Elite one for a few hundred, and a Normal one for only a couple of dozen. The best option for those who do not want to spend real money.
  • Usage badges of honor gives one random hero. True, there is a high probability of getting Slime, but in a good scenario, an ordinary character will fall out, less likely that an elite fighter and almost zero that a legendary one. A less expensive method that is suitable for lucky people and lovers of excitement.
  • Sometimes the Warehouse offers heroes in exchange for orders. This method will give you a random character of the selected rarity (special cards are used for this). In terms of profitability, this method comes right after “purchasing with crystals,” especially if you are good at knocking out orders.
  • Daily reward for the first day gives the very first legendary hero - Druid.

During Expeditions you can use several heroes at the same time (even repeated ones) to cope with many opponents, and then receive orders and badges of honor. The more power points you have, the greater your reward, but the enemies also become stronger. Some users deliberately keep the number of power points at a low level in order to be sure to defeat easy opponents and complete everything 10 levels. If you liked this strategy, then you need to update only the buildings that are important for the “Coming of Monsters” mode (town hall, towers, hero base, resource storage). Also, sacrifice unused heroes, as they also provide a bonus to strength.

The best investment for gems

At the beginning of the game you will be given a large number of gems, and as you complete various challenges and tasks you will receive even more. The easiest way to spend these purple stones is to try your luck and hire a hero. You can go ahead and spend the gems on something more worthwhile, like saving up and buying a new builder. The more builders, the faster your development, since by default you only have two of them.

Try to always check the store for pickup methods. free gems. Basically it comes down to watching ads and testing applications. If you decide to purchase this currency for real money, then read all the promotions to make a profitable purchase.

Be careful! Avoid apps and websites that offer you the opportunity to hack or cheat your currency in Castle Battle. Otherwise, you are putting your data at risk!

Secrets and attack tactics

Unlike other games, where troops disappear in any battle situation, in Castle Battle your units are returning to base if they survived the battle. It is for this reason that you must send your entire army during the attack. In addition, before leaving the game, check that there are warriors inside your army camps who can protect the base from enemies.

Units concentrated in one point look great in the early stages of the game. Centaurs or griffins will cope perfectly with any threats. However, players with higher strength scores have good defenses and know how to deal with such tactics, so you must adapt to the situation very quickly. Mix up tough units, e.g. Mecha people or Wild ogres with ranged units of the same level.

The same advice applies to heroes. Make sure you have tanks, high attack characters, and good support. Some skills, for example, like the Duke of Pumpkin, improve both ordinary warriors and other heroes.

Proper placement is essential to winning. Use first 30 seconds to choose a good place to deploy your army. Avoid military camps and hero bases unless you are confident that your forces can handle the wars and heroes that are within. If the enemy is strong, then you can place your units further away to try to destroy the structures first. You can also try attacking from both sides at the same time to cause the most damage.

Pay attention to the structure of your opponent's base. Some players build their bases in such a way that your attacking units advance to less important structures. To avoid this, you need to send several powerful troops and clear the way for the main army, and then go inside. If you are in doubt, you can retreat at any time so as not to waste units and resources in a useless attack.