Now comes the fun part.
after rationalism - science took off, the caravel automatically opened up almost the entire map, and since there was no one to fight with on my own continent, and a war began to brew on the other, I upgraded the longswordsmen to infantry (3 pieces) and the horse to cavalry, bought a battleship, upgraded the caravel into a destroyer and sailed into the unknown...
yes, there are 3 civs on another continent. each had a third of its territory somewhere. Well, before sailing, I signed up for 2 war games with a delay of 10 turns, and by the time I “arrived” both were in full swing, and the destroyer was upgraded to +1 range while sinking the frigates that came to rob me for free.
on another continent, the freshly built city closest to me was fenced off by mountains, without a land route, and that’s where I started. took it out quite easily. but out of 3 civs there were only 2 left on the continent, they extinguished one together, and continued to fight among themselves. by this time he had opened aviation and upgraded the infantry to motorized infantry. bought a fighter and drove it to this city. put it to research - to stealth bombers.
further - he landed and after shelling he took the city on the main part of the mainland.
troops at the computer: riflemen/infantry/anti-tank guns/artillery/destroyers, the tactics are as follows: 1 civilian for me, its artillery is right next to it, we hit the suitable infantry with ships and planes, the artillery with motorized infantry and immediately run away. to forests/hills. We don’t place motorized infantry in cities (I lost one like that - along with the city...) when they stop attacking, we move the ships to the next city and hammer on it.
if artillery appears in the city, then we move the ships so that it can only be reached when leaving the city, and as soon as it comes out, we take it out.
then the ships were so upgraded, not only +1 to the radius but also logistics, they became straight monsters, they would come running - they would freak out and run away. however, the motorized infantry acted in the same way. In general, he slowly captured about 5 cities and the capital, and then made peace. at this point the stealth was opened and 1 piece of bomber was purchased
and the troops have been driven against their recent ally. the tactics are the same. science - I set it to open to robots, but there were not enough 2 techs to reach the robots.
In general, he fought with small forces. on average took out 1 (max 2) squad per turn.
the computers did not reconcile until my victory...

In general, the tactics of war are as follows:
1 take your time
2 don't rely on chance
3 do not fight infantry - infantry, artillery - ships, etc.
4 fight: ships-infantry, aviation-infantry, aviation-artillery, aviation + ships-ships.
5 take out the units first.
6 if, when approaching a city of 2-4 squads, the computer buys something shooting + something like walls, then we retreat “like we’re going to another city”, in 50% of cases something shooting immediately crawls out.... and in this case you need to have a horse or motorized infantry with logistics to kill and escape.
7 The most important thing: we don’t wait for them to attack us, but we gather our troops ourselves and then suddenly attack.

Well, something like this, if you have questions, ask