Russian part debut. Variants of chess games are Russian, Spanish, Scottish and Italian. Scottish Party – correspondence Edinburgh – London

Good day to you, dear friend!

Shouldn't we, Russians, study this debut, taking into account the national and cultural connotations of the name? What Russian doesn’t like driving fast and doesn’t know what a Russian chess game is?) And if you don’t know yet, it’s time to read this article.

Moreover, the history and modern practice of chess have long “brought” the Russian game to the vastness of the world chess ocean, and have made chess players in all corners of the globe fans of the latter.

What is the Russian party?

The Russian game is one of the open openings, starting with the moves 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nf6

The peculiarity is that Black does not defend the e5 pawn with the move 2...Nc6, but counterattacks the white e4 pawn with the move 2...Nf6. Black is not against exchanging central pawns in order to simplify the position and determine the pawn structure in the center.

This opening system was called “Russian” in honor of the Russian master Petrov and has a second name - “Petrov’s Defense”.

The Russian game has a reputation as a very reliable opening, suitable for chess players who prefer a positional style of play.

The Russian game has long been firmly included in the opening repertoire of leading modern chess players: Vladimir Kramnik, Boris Gelfand, Wesley So, Anish Giri. The Russian party was regularly used by Anatoly Karpov.

In its ideology, the Russian game is the antipode of such opening formations as, for example, the dragon variation. In the "dragon" there is an asymmetrical double-edged game on a collision course, in the "Russian" - in most variants there is a more or less calm game, with a symmetrical arrangement of combat forces.

Main options

A) 3.d4 N:e4

Less common is 3... ed after 4.e5 Ke4 5.Q:d4 d5 6.ed K:d6 7.Kc3 is better for White.

White postpones the idea of ​​capturing the e5 pawn in favor of opening lines to develop pieces and seize the initiative.

In response to 3... Nxe4 White has two main options: and 4.Cd3

With this move, White's pawn on e5 does not so much constrain Black as it can become an object of attack. Black has every chance of getting a full game.

For example:


4…. d5 5. K:е5

With, White has the same problems as with a similar capture a move earlier.

It's going to a draw.

B) 3.K:e5 d6

Bad 3...K:e4 - look at the typical mistakes section.

3.K:e5 is a more popular continuation than 3.d4


Korhen's Gambit.

Further possible:

Black has a clear advantage.

If Black plays correctly, Korchen's gambit is parried and White does not receive compensation for the piece.

However, in practice, the game can take place in a very interesting, double-edged struggle. Example: the game Short – Shirov, included in the section of example games


Paulsen's attack. The move is original, but is considered harmless for Black.

For example:

With an advantage for Black.

However, the effect of surprise has not been canceled. To confirm this thesis, the following game:

Carlsen – Kramnik Nice 2008 ½:½

Carlsen survived, but it cost him a lot of work.


4….K:e4 5.d4

This option is more common than others.

The position can be assessed as equality. The extra bishop will have to be given away for two passed pawns.

Common mistakes and pitfalls

The Russian game is a reliable opening. However, there is room for children's mistakes even here.

A typical mistake for beginners and for children– capturing with a knight on e4 in response to 2.K:e5

Black loses his queen.

This can of course be avoided:

It’s already better here, but the assessment of the move 2...K:e4 as bad does not change

And here White does not see a typical tactical strike based on Legal’s checkmate.

A spectacular ending, uncharacteristic of the relatively calm Russian game.

Pros and cons of the Russian party

In my opinion, the obvious advantages of the Russian party are:

  1. Your chances of getting into a bad position are not as great as in many other openings. And this is already a lot, especially for a chess player who is not yet particularly experienced in opening tricks.
  2. In the relatively calm waters of the Russian game, impulsive chess players for whites they begin to “muddy the waters.” And not always justified. This is where you can catch him in a counter game.

Among the shortcomings of the Russian party, I would include relatively limited opportunities for seizing the initiative. If your opponent is a strong chess player and is not inclined to play, as they say, “for himself,” it will not be easy to beat him.

Approximate games

Nepomnyashchy –Bu, Sochi 2009 ½:½

Leko – Kramnik, Bussago 2004 0:1

Short-Shirov, Dubai 2002 0:1

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Chess is exactly the game that combines science, art and sport. One of the main components of a successful game is its competent start. The outcome of the entire game depends on the player’s first steps, on his ability to mobilize all his strength at the very start. In this article we invite you to consider several of the most popular openings in chess.

In fact, the opening itself is already a whole chess science. There are many types of opening, it has specific goals and criteria: You need to ensure the safety of the king, counteract the opponent, control the situation on the board, and also develop a strategy for the next and final stage of the game.

Italian chess game - a quiet start

The Italian game is one of the oldest chess openings. The name can be translated as “quiet beginning.” This beginning has three main paths of development. Each of them is based on the fact that White strengthens the center with pawns. But over time, a successful strategy was found for the black pieces, which made it possible to successfully resist.

Start moves:

1. e2-e4 e7-e5
2. Kg1-f3 Kb8-c6
3. Cf1-c4 Cf8-c5.

Main directions of game development:

1) There is no activity in the center, white pieces are trying to strengthen the center. 4. d2-d3 d7-d65. Kb1-c3 Kg8-f66. 0-0 0-0. A reliable continuation, although it does not pose impossible tasks for the opponent.

2) The center is captured by White. 4. c2-c3 Kg8-f6! Black is moving Kf6 attack the pawn e4.5. d2-d4 e5:d46. c3:d4 Cc5-b4+ The bishop leaves the field after the attack without wasting time. 7. Cc1-d2 Cb4:d2+ 8. Kb1:d2 d7-d5! Black managed to eliminate White's advantage in the center and equalize his chances.

3) The third option is a gambit. As we see, after the move 4. c2-c3, with competent play for black, the opponent does not have time to strengthen the position in the center. In the 19th century, it was invented to sacrifice a pawn 4. b2-b4. 4. b2-b4 Cc5:b4 Many chess gurus believe that the best way to continue the game is to accept the sacrifice. If Black rejects it, then White will have not only a pawn, but also the initiative. 5. c2-c3 accepting the sacrifice allowed White to capture the center in the gained time.

Spanish part – debut of Ruy Lopez

One of the most common is the Spanish party. It is believed to have been invented by Rui Lopez, one of the first masters of modern chess. The abundance of complex and varied schemes is the key feature of the Spanish party. Such outstanding chess players as W. Steinz, K. Janisch, S. Furman, A. Karpov, G. Kasparov and many others analyzed and contributed to the development of the theory of this opening.

First moves:

1. e2-e4 e7-e5
2. Kg1-f3 Kb8-c6
3. Cf1-b5

The development of events provides for a large number of systems without main moves, as well as rare systems.

Scottish Party – correspondence Edinburgh – London

In modern tournament practice you can often find the Scottish game. Garry Kasparov used this game twice in the tournament against Anatoly Karpov. This opening gained fame in the correspondence game of 1824. Although it should be noted that the first mention of this opening was a century earlier. The main line of the strategy is the early movement of pieces to the center and a lively fight there.

Start moves:

1. e2-e4 e7-e5
2. Kg1-f3 Kb8-c6
3. d2-d4.

Blacks have equal opportunities in the development of events. Main options:

3. …e5:d4- with other continuations, White retains the initiative.

4. Kf3:d4- main continuation.

4. …Qd8-h4- Steinitz system

4. …Kc6:d4. 5. Qd1:d4 d7-d6 6. Cf1-d3- Ghulam Kassim variant

4. …Cf8-b4+

4. …Bf8-c5

4. …Kg8-f6- Schmidt's version

5. Kd4:c6 b7:c6

6. e4-e5- Mises Variation

6. Kb1-d2- Tartakower's variant

4. Bf1-c4- Scottish Gambit.

4. c2-c3- Goering Gambit.

4. Bf1:b5- Relfson Gambit

3. …Nc6:d4- Lolly Option

4. Kf3:е5 Nd4-e6 5. Cf1-c4 c7-c6 6. 0-0 Kg8-f6 7. Ke5:f7- Cochran's variant

Russian Party - defense of Petrov

The parade of popular chess openings ends with the Russian game, which is deservedly included in the repertoire of leading chess professionals of our time. The essence of this opening is that the e4 pawn goes to an immediate counterattack. In most cases, superiority can be maintained until the end of the game. However, it is worth noting that recently many interesting solutions have been found for black pieces, which can complicate the game.

Starts with the moves:

1. e2- e4 e7- e5

2. Kg1- f3 Kg8- f6.

Then there are two main options for White:

3.d2-d4(Steinitz system)

3…e5:d4 4. e4-e5TOf6-e4 5.Fd1:d4 d7-d5 6. e5:d6 Ke4:d6


3. Kf3:e5- main option: 3…d7-d6 4. Ke5-f3 (4.Ke5:f7?!- Cochran Gambit) 4…Kf6:e4.

There are many legendary games and tournaments that have been studied for decades and become the basis for analysis and development of theories, attacks and counterattacks.

Interesting games of world chess champions

For example, May 11, 1997 is a very important date in the history of chess, a turning point. It was on this day, for the first time in the world, that one of the strongest chess players on the planet lost to a computer. Garry Kasparov lost this match to the DeepBlue machine with a score of 3.5:2.5. The opening “Defense of Caro-Kann” was chosen, but on this day luck was not on the man’s side.

And in 1851, a game took place in London that went down in history as the “Immortal Party.” It was unanimously recognized as the highest example of “romantic” chess. Adolf Andersen and Lionel Kieseritzky fought in this game, the game was started by the King's Gambit. Gambit play is one of the distinctive features of the Italian school.

There is an interesting historical fact, the main character of which is Napoleon. Everyone knows that he was an excellent tactician. In history, he is credited with three games of chess. The last one, according to historians, he played on the island of St. Helena in 1818, while in exile. His opponent was General Bertrand. Napoleon chose the Scottish game as his opening. Black managed to gain a material advantage over his opponent a couple of times during the game. But, having thought through all the moves in advance, Napoleon won a beautiful and logical victory. It is possible that this was his best chess game.

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