USSR wot research tree. Soviet branch of tanks in World of Tanks. German development branch of "World of Tanks"

What would the lists of tanks of all nations be without prototype tanks?

We have collected for you all the development trees of each nation in World of Tanks and excluded from them prototype tanks and tank projects that exist only on paper. There are no tanks left in the technology trees that were not embodied in metal. This is what we got.

Chinese development tree

The Chinese tree mainly loses tanks of levels 8-10. It's interesting to note that WZ-120 is simply the production name for the Type-59. It's literally the same car.

Czech development tree

Goodbye Czech tree. Only tanks of levels 2 and 3 remain in it. Known by the Germans as Pz 35 (t) and Pz 38 (t).

French development tree

The French tree has largely disappeared. This nation did not have heavy tanks before or after World War II. The only exception was perhaps the TT B1. Tank destroyers ceased to exist, like most self-propelled guns.

German development tree

The German tree lost a lot of cars, almost the entire 10th level disappeared. It is worth noting that many German tanks are prototypes of later versions of tanks. For example, VK 30.02M and Panther. Or VK 36.01H and Tiger.

American development tree

American tank destroyers and self-propelled guns remained almost untouched, but the TT and tank destroyer branches almost disappeared.

Japanese development tree

Japan lost almost all tanks above level 5. Not too surprising considering Japan was more concerned about its air and naval forces as an island nation.

The USSR lost a whole line of heavy tanks, almost all of its light tanks, another branch of tank destroyers and 3 out of 4 development sub-branches. Almost all premium tanks also disappeared, being prototypes, and the remaining vehicles were participants in the Lend-Lease program.

British development tree

The UK boasts the most comprehensive technology tree in World of Tanks. However, their medium tanks only lose levels 1 and 10. However, the entire branch of tank destroyers lost all their vehicles after level 2. All

Sep 14, 2016 Game guides

Tanks are the center of World of Tanks Blitz. Understanding the differences between tanks and knowing which tanks from which country are best for you is half the battle in the game. In this guide, I will try to describe the Soviet branch of tank development in as much detail as possible, but at the same time I will not go to extremes and will not write out huge tables with numerical data for each tank. The purpose of this guide is to give you an idea of ​​the direction in which you would like to develop your Soviet tanks. Also on our blog you can find a general guide for all nations and in-depth guides for each of them.

If you have already read the general guide to tanks of different nations, then this paragraph will not tell you anything new - but otherwise, or for repetition, you should familiarize yourself with it before we move directly to the tanks.

Soviet tanks can generally be described as fast and powerful. Of course, they have their weaknesses - the sides of their hulls are usually not particularly reliable, and the accuracy of their guns is by no means the highest - but they are compensated by serious advantages in speed, thick frontal armor and a huge caliber of guns. Of course, all tanks are different, but if we describe them in general, we can say that they are all divided into two types - light and fast, which must drive up, shoot, drive away and shoot again while the enemy is turning around, and heavy ones, which are capable of taking one direct blow to the frontal armor and stay alive.

Now let's move on to a more detailed review of USSR tanks.

Light tanks of the USSR

LungsSoviet Union tanks are some of the fastest tanks in the game, allowing them to quickly mark enemies on the map and flank slower tanks of other nations. These tanks are difficult to hit effectively due to their angled armor, but take high damage when hit. The first tank of the Soviet branch is the light MS-1, the fastest and lightest tier 1 tank. He is able to upgrade the turret to the second level and install two second-level guns on it, one of which (23mm caliber) has a high rate of fire, but reduced penetration and aiming speed, and the other (45mm caliber) fires more slowly, but has high penetration and is capable of destroying other light tanks with 3-4 shots. These characteristics make the first tank of the Soviet branch, the MC-1, one of the best tanks for beginners who want to try themselves in the role of a scout and focus on speed of movement. Subsequently, light tanks of the USSR are divided into branches of the second rank BT and T (BT-2 and T-26, respectively), then they reach the third rank with BT-7 and T-46. The BT-7 subsequently makes it possible to develop a light tank of the fourth rank, the A-20, from which the transition is subsequently made to the well-known medium-class tank T-34. The T-46 allows you to move to the middle class earlier, having as its followers the T-28, a fourth-rank middle class tank. As is clear from the text above, after the first light MS-1, USSR tanks developed along two lines. The first line contains BTs - fast tanks that can quickly accelerate and gain high speed, but have weak armor and cause little damage to enemies due to the low level of penetration in the installed guns. The second line, T, is more combat-oriented and has increased maneuverability and maneuverability, coupled with higher-caliber weapons. The downside is the speed is inferior to BT, and the same weak armor. The BT branch takes longer to develop to the middle class, but the first representative of this class on this branch is the famous T-34, which has good damage and speed indicators and, later, its improved version, the T-34-85, capable of fulfilling almost any role in battle . The T branch is capable of producing a medium-class tank already at the fourth rank, but this tank, the T-28, is inferior to many tanks of this rank due to weak armor and large size. This tank will later “evolve” into the KV-1, a powerful armored tank capable of using three completely different weapons for any playing style.

Medium tanks of the USSR

AverageUSSR tanks, according to many, are the best tanks of this class in the game. Why? Primarily due to their diversity and mobility in performing any task on the battlefield. The T-34 and KV-1 indicated above indicate the further development of medium tanks of the USSR up to the T-43 of the seventh rank - the T and KV branches, respectively, represent faster and more armored tanks. The T-43, on the other hand, combines the mobility of the T-branch and the armor of the KV branch, suffering in terms of penetration of its guns. The T-44 and T-54 tanks following it focus on mobility, speed and reduction in size while increasing damage output. From the T-54, the middle-class tanks of the Soviet branch again make a fork and at rank ten can be developed into the Object 140 or T-62A. Object 140 is an experimental tank with enormous speed and maneuverability and the ability to inflict enormous damage on the enemy, but suffers from weak armor and easily destroyed modules. The T-62A is a tank with high accuracy, powerful turret armor and significant speed, whose guns have high penetration rates. Its disadvantages are that its shot has significant recoil, and its hull armor is quite weak.

Heavy tanks of the USSR

Heavy USSR tanks are also divided into two branches - KV and IS. The KV branch extends from the T-28 medium tank and has heavy frontal armor and high-caliber weapons, while the IS branch is characterized by mobility and angular armor, allowing for close combat quickly and decisively. The first tank of the KV branch, the KV-1, is good because its armor is the same in all places - this allows you to make it almost impenetrable, positioning it at an angle of 45 degrees to the enemy. Also, this tank can be equipped with a gun with a 122mm caliber, which will make it a powerful opponent even for the thickest tanks. But its disadvantages are low speed, low maneuverability, low accuracy and low visibility. If your team has fast tank scouts working well, then this will not be a problem - but if there is an enemy not marked on the map next to yours, then it will be much more difficult for you to aim at it. The KV-1 can be further developed into the KV-1S, its lighter and more mobile version, the KV-2, a machine for destroying tanks of any strength, and the “thick” destructive tank T-150. The difference between these three options is very critical - the KV-1S and KV-2 do not have the strongest armor, and the T-150 can stop almost any shots with proper positioning; The KV-1S is faster than the other two models, and the KV-2 is capable of firing 152mm (!) caliber shells. In general, all three of these models are distinguished by high-caliber guns, but at the same time they have a low reload speed when firing from high-caliber guns, and only the T-150 has sufficiently strong armor (while losing maneuverability and speed). The KV-13 tank, “evolving” from the KV-1S tank, is moving to the IS branch - a fairly durable heavy tank with excellent maneuverability and speed. The IS emanating from it is distinguished by the same mobility, but at the same time it is capable of quickly firing powerful 122mm caliber projectiles, which makes it extremely dangerous in close combat. Further models of the IS, IS-3 and IS-8, continue development in this direction - high maneuverability and speed make them the most mobile tanks of their rank, and their powerful weapons penetrate the armor of any opponents. The price is weak armor and low health of the tank. The final development option for this branch is the IS-7 rank ten tank. The IS-7 has high speed and good turret armor, and the gun of this tank is capable of penetrating thick armor. Low accuracy and low speed will not allow this tank to destroy enemies from afar, but it will cope with the task of holding the enemy perfectly. The KV line, meanwhile, is developing along a different path - the KV-3 and KV-4 tanks, following the T-150, have the most powerful armor, but completely sacrifice speed. Their task is to hide allies behind them and divert fire, as they are able to withstand attacks of almost any power if positioned correctly. But you need to understand that the speed and maneuverability of these tanks are very low - you most likely will not be able to escape in case of danger, so the maximum maneuvers available to you when the enemy’s overwhelming force advances is to position your tank at such an angle as to receive less damage. The next tank in this line, ST-I, is distinguished by a powerful turret and good side armor of the hull, as well as high accuracy and caliber of guns. It is faster than previous models, but not so significantly that you can change battle tactics based on speed - rather, you need to understand that such a tank is more designed for medium-range battles due to its shooting accuracy. The final tank of this branch, the IS-4, is the heaviest and slowest tank in the USSR. It can withstand damage from almost any direction and often has projectiles ricocheting off it - but it also moves extremely slowly. The IS-4 is a fortress tank that serves as a shield for any other allied tanks and is capable of inflicting average damage on the enemy.

USSR tank destroyer

The first tank destroyer of the Soviet Union opens at the second rank, immediately after the MS-1 light tank - and this is the AT-1 tank destroyer. It is small and very mobile - and at the same time deals very good damage to enemies at high distances. The main problem is that it itself explodes after one good hit or a couple of not so accurate ones, so even light tanks (and perhaps especially light tanks due to their speed) will be a big problem for the AT-1 at close range. Its descendant, the SU-76, is essentially a stronger copy of the AT-1, but when fully upgraded, significantly exceeds its ancestor in fire rate. The next tank destroyer, the SU-85B, is the perfect “sniper” - its powerful gun and very high mobility guarantee a hit on any enemy, but its almost complete lack of armor makes it extremely vulnerable, especially to explosive shells. Further “evolutions” of the USSR tank destroyer are not particularly different from those indicated - the speed and penetration of shells increases, the level of armor is reduced - right up to the Object 704, which unexpectedly loses speed and guidance accuracy, but acquires powerful armor. The tactics of playing this tank destroyer change significantly - instead of constant maneuvers, you need to choose the most protected position, turn your frontal armor towards the enemy and aim accurately. The next tank destroyer, Object 268, loses its mobility problems, but gains vulnerabilities on the frontal armor - which again makes it a mobile “sniper”, but at the same time able to withstand inaccurate shots from the edges and turrets.


We've covered almost everythingnon-premiumtanks of the Soviet Union. Some models were reviewed in more detail due to their exclusivity and efficiency, others were skipped because they are improved versions of their predecessors. After reading this guide, you can get a complete picture of the features of USSR tanks and decide how (and whether it is worth) developing the development branch of this nation. I hope that this knowledge will help you in battles both on the side of USSR tanks and in the battle against them. Fight like a pro in World of Tanks Blitz!

Hello, fellow tankers! Today we will look at the Soviet branch of tank development (in the game World of Tanks), or rather, I will describe to you all its pros and cons in as much detail as possible from my point of view and, perhaps, help you decide on the choice of nation. This will not be, but a personal opinion, so there is no need to vehemently prove that I “didn’t write the guide based on guides.”

Popularity of USSR tanks in World of Tanks

What tanks can you see most often when entering battle?- Soviet. And why? There are many reasons for this. One of them is that most WoTa players come from the countries of the former USSR and they are eager to play on the tanks of the Second World War that defended their homeland. But they mistakenly believe that Soviet technology is impenetrable and therefore in random we receive many crushing defeats due to the reckless frontal attacks of such comrades. But it is not only ignorant people who play on the Soviets. This technique has a lot of advantages. On the plus side Most equipment is worth noting the armor. Many Soviet tanks have strong frontal armor and turret armor. Also, the slopes of the armor give a greater probability from any side. A striking example of this is the T-34 medium tank. There were many cases when such heavy tanks as the KV-1S ricocheted against the hull, firing at the rear of the T-34ke from the 122 mm D2-5T gun (the armor in the rear was only 40 mm, and the penetration of the gun was 175 mm). And also the technique is famous for its guns, and in particular for one-time damage.

Cons of the Soviets are inaccurate guns (mostly). The guns also have low armor penetration compared to American, French and German vehicles (for example, when comparing the IS, T29 and Tiger, the IS has 30 times less armor penetration than its two “classmates”). A significant disadvantage is the overview of Soviet heavy tanks. They are quite “blind” and on large open maps they take damage without even knowing where they are being shot from.

Speed ​​cannot be considered either a plus or a minus, because... Different branches have different speeds.


Equipment is divided for 5 initial branches WoT development:
  • Fri-Sau
  • Heavily armored light tanks
  • Maneuverable light tanks
  • Medium armored light tanks
  • Self-propelled guns (artillery)


Soviet anti-tank installations are famous for their guns. You can get a lot of fun from breaking through them at any level of battles. On Su-100 the development tree is divided into two branches: to object 268 and to object 263. Path to ob. 268 lies across the pt with guns that have high damage. And playing fri to ob. 263 have maneuverability and are designed for . In general, we can say about them that they are pleasant to play and they can decide the outcome of the battle. The only problem - review.

TB/M/SB light tanks (conventionally designated in my own way)

These tanks are somewhat reminiscent of entry-level French light tanks - this is armor. These tanks (T-60 to T-80) have excellent frontal armor, the T-70 is especially strong, and they also have penetrating rapid-fire cannons. Next comes the T-34 branch (the BT and A-20 branches also come to it). Subsequently, from the T-34-85 you can switch to the KV-13 or T-43, and from the KV-13 you can switch to the IS. Medium tanks of the Soviets are fast-firing, maneuverable and ideal as: “support” for heavy tanks, “warrior” for artillery, “predatory pack”, “jaeger” or defender/invader.
Also for these medium tanks there is a “BT” line, which includes the fast and maneuverable tanks BT-2, BT-7 and A-20. They also have penetrating and rapid-firing cannons, and coupled with their speed, they can decide the outcome of a battle even when it is just beginning.

The T-26 – T-46 line is one of the most popular, because has ramifications for T-50 - T-50-2 and for heavy tanks. By switching to Soviet “fireflies” you will get enormous speed with which you can highlight the enemy to your allies. And the T-50-2 is one of the best and most popular tanks in World of Tanks.

Next comes the T-28 branch, which will carry the first heavy tank - KV-1, the former legendary KV. From it there is a transition to the KV-2 (with a powerful 152 mm gun), T-150 (heavily armored tank) and KV-1S (the most popular Tier 6 tank). From KV-2 you can switch to artillery and T-150. The KV-1s leads to faster but less armored heavy tanks, while the T-150 leads to slower and more armored tanks.

self-propelled guns

Artillery - the gods of war. It’s not for nothing that they were called that, because a skilled artillery commander can crush all enemy tanks and keep all enemies at bay. Self-propelled guns fire along a suspended trajectory from a howitzer aiming mode at long distances. The advantages of Soviet artillery are damage and aiming. Otherwise, they are quite inaccurate (all after the Su-5) and have a low projectile speed. Su-26 and Su-5 are the most accurate artillery in the game and deserve attention.

Bottom line

To summarize, we can say that Soviet tanks are good. They forgive mistakes of inexperienced players, thanks to their armor and one-time damage. They are fun to play and can be used to control direction alone. The biggest disadvantages are only in accuracy and review. Otherwise, they may well be a good competitor to any nation. Soviet tanks definitely need to be downloaded in order to understand “what-and-how” you need to do in the game.

The Soviet development branch presents the equipment of all available classes in World of Tanks. You will have to start pumping up Soviet tanks with the pre-war MS-1.

The USSR research tree presents such legendary tanks as the T-34, KV-1, IS-1, T-54 and self-propelled guns SU-85, SU-100, SU-152, ISU-152.

Top combat vehicles in the Soviet development branch in World of tanks become anti-tank self-propelled guns Object 261 and Object 268; medium tanks - T-62A, Object 430, Object 140; heavy tanks IS-4, IS-7; self-propelled artillery installation object 261.

The Soviet development branch in World of tanks is shown in the following figure. Click on the picture to enlarge

For heavy tanks of the Soviet WoT development branch are characterized by good one-time damage, mediocre accuracy and small downward angles of gun depression, and, as a rule, good all-round armor.

  • Branch with top IS-7 It has good mobility for heavy tanks.
  • In the development branch ending with IS-4 tanks are better armored.

Soviet tank destroyers They delight owners with good one-time damage, while the guns of these combat vehicles are quite slanted.

Majority Soviet medium tanks, have good mobility and a low silhouette.

Soviet tanks boast good armor, moreover, located at rational angles, with guns capable of inflicting high damage in one shot. However, they are not very accurate. USSR tanks rarely lose much to their opponents in terms of performance, but they also rarely take a significant lead.

Soviet tanks are universal soldiers on the WoT battlefield and are suitable for both beginners and more experienced players.

Since the release of the worldoftanks game, there have been a lot of changes in it, which concern such things as gameplay, graphics, tank physics, changes in the battle and hangar interface, the addition of many game modes, etc. However, the main change since the release of the game for each player is the change of combat vehicles and the process of modernizing the tank development branch itself. Those who have been playing World of Tanks since the very beginning have already seen a lot. More than once, combat vehicles were replaced by others, and a complete rebalancing of equipment also took place. And this applies not only to any particular type of equipment, but we are talking about a complete change in the characteristics of each machine. There probably isn't a single car affected that hasn't been modified during this period. So, the main question that interests many players now is the tank development tree in worldoftanks.

At the time of the release of game update, the vehicle development tree consists of eight nations. Each nation will delight players with a wide variety of cars from the first to the tenth level. Vehicles from the following nations are available in the game:

The development branch of the USSR in world of tanks is the most attractive and developed;

The development branch of German tanks that appeared immediately after the USSR;

The American branch of tank development is also considered one of the very first and best;

A little later, a development branch for French technology appears;

Following it proudly are British tanks, which have good performance, but speed often lets them down;

The branch of Chinese tanks is still at the stage of active development;

Well, and the very new tanks of Japan, which not everyone has gotten used to yet, but they are easy enough to remember, because they are all in the same way;

The most recent development branch added a branch of Czechoslovak tanks.

Soviet development branch of World of Tanks.

The technology of this nation is considered the most beloved among players, and all for the simple reason that it was the very first branch in this game and therefore has existed the longest. It has many good and worthy vehicles for the game, which will delight you with their high penetration, acceptable vehicle armor and fast gun reloading. In addition, many players justify their choice by the fact that the technology of the Soviet nation is unique, and it can be played not only using any style of play, but also the level of skills. Each vehicle adapts not only to the battle map, but also adapts to the specific player, which gives more self-confidence and significantly helps during the battle. In this branch there are techniques of all four types, and they are very diverse. In this regard, choosing the right car for yourself from USSR equipment will be as easy as shelling pears. There are many good heavy tanks here, the armor of which will allow you to tank, along with them there are also light tanks. You can ride them like a breeze and just have fun. Medium tanks will not let you down either, as they perfectly combine the characteristics of light tanks with high speed, and have inherited good armor and ricochet angles from heavy vehicles. There are also formidable anti-tank self-propelled artillery units, perfect for players who like to punish other vehicles. This will allow you to achieve not only the highest penetration of guns, but also damage for each shot. For special gourmets to play, there is also artillery, which will allow you to punish all types of tanks without any effort.

German development branch of World of Tanks.

The German development branch will delight you with its high accuracy in the world of tanks game. It is this branch that is considered one of the best branches, in which the machines have increased accuracy compared to the technology of all other nations. Just like in the previous development branch, here you can find many vehicles of various types, from light tanks to artillery. In addition to their accuracy, German tanks also stand out for their high strength. Their armor is very good and the higher the level of the tank, the more noticeable this becomes. It can be very difficult to penetrate an enemy vehicle, especially if you take such heavy tanks as the E-75 and VK4502B. Skillful play on such a technique will make your opponent rage and tremble, because every time he will hear the banal phrase “didn’t hit” or “ricochet”.

American development branch of World of Tanks.

Third in order, but not in terms of quality of tanks, is the American development branch in the world of tanks game. It perfectly combines such qualities as good armor, speed, gun power and damage. Of course, this development branch has its own unique tanks, unlike the others and on which you can focus your attention, but these are only isolated cases. In general, the cars are very good and at each level you can easily identify favorites and say with confidence that this is one of the best cars of its level.

French development branch of World of Tanks.

Unfortunately, this branch of tank development cannot boast of its own armor, since all the tanks of this nation simply do not have it, however, it differs from others in that it was the first in whose arsenal there were drum guns of good accuracy. These guns punished the equipment of other nations for a very long time precisely because of the large number of shells in the drum. It is very difficult to resist a car that comes at you, and it has 6 shells loaded at once instead of one, and in most cases it ends with the player who entered the battle with such a tank being defeated.

British development branch of World of Tanks.

This development branch is practically no different from the others; it has a little of everything from each. Some cars have armor, but no speed, while others have the opposite. The calibers of the guns are not very large, which very often brings unpleasant surprises, which are accompanied by the phrases “the armor is not penetrated” and “ricochet”.

Chinese and Japanese branches of World of Tanks development.

These two branches are still very little developed to judge them, but already now, we can say that Chinese technology is practically analogous to Soviet technology with slightly better performance, although their armor is weaker. As for Japanese tanks, there is no armor or good guns, everything is at a very low level, so there is no reason to like this type of equipment yet.

Czechoslovakian development branch of World of Tanks.

The tanks of this nation appeared with the release of this update, and differ only in much better armor and larger sizes. Due to these characteristics, speed suffered, so the tanks received a low maximum speed.