Didactic game "Train of geometric shapes. Didactic game "Mathematical miracle train Train of geometric shapes

Somka Natalia
Didactic game "Train of geometric shapes"

Didactic game

"Train of Geometric Shapes"

is aimed at the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children 3-4 years old.


learn to correlate geometric shapes in shape, find identical shapes, consolidate knowledge of colors, form the ability to put cubes in a certain order according to the scheme.


didactic game consists of six cubes of different (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue) colors. On each cube "trailer" a geometric figure is pasted, at the bottom of each cube a strip with blue and green "wheels" is pasted. The first cube is designed in the form of a locomotive. "Trailers" are interconnected with Velcro. If you place the cubes incorrectly, they will not connect. The game set comes with 12 geometric shapes (6 pairs) and a diagram.

Stroke and

games: From these cubes, the child is invited to make a train and place two identical geometric shapes in each of the trailers. The child can make a train of cubes, using the proposed scheme or focusing on the stripes at the bottom of the cubes. Small toys can be used to maintain interest in the game. For example, organize the game "Help the Elephant transport geometric shapes."

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Multifunctional game for learning color, shape, number of objects, learning addition and subtraction within 10.

To make it I needed:

1. color cardboard

2. glue stick

3. white cardboard

4. simple pencil

5. scissors

6. ruler

7. dense file

8. self-adhesive paper

Step 1:

We cut out geometric shapes from colored cardboard so that each type of figure is of the same color: oval-10 pieces; square-10 pieces; circle-10 pieces; rectangle-10 pieces; triangle-10 pieces.

Step 2:

We make trailers for a miracle engine. To do this, cut out 5 blanks from brown cardboard. We bend along the lines, bending the edges inward.

We duplicate the front wall of the trailer from a dense file, gluing it to the brown blank with transparent tape on the sides and bottom. Leave the top part unattached. Got a double pocket.

So we make 5 wagons.

Step 3:

From self-adhesive paper cut out the details of the locomotive. My locomotive of geometric shapes.

Step 4:

We glue two sheets of white cardboard. On the one hand, we assemble the locomotive, glue it. Then, one by one, we glue the trailers so that they are voluminous - in the form of a double pocket. Cut out wheels from black cardboard and glue them on. The steam locomotive is ready.

Step 5:

Let's start making cards. To do this, we cut squares from white paper a little smaller than a transparent pocket. There should be 10 such cards for each type of figure. On each card we write numbers from 1 to 10 and next to it the corresponding number of figures. We cut out 13 more cards, write mathematical signs on them - plus, minus and equal and numbers from 1 to 10.

For younger children, we insert a card with a task into each trailer in a transparent pocket, and the kids must find the appropriate number of given figures and insert them into a cardboard pocket.

For older children, you can make examples of addition and subtraction within 10.

Good luck to everyone and creative success!

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There are many fun ways to fill the time, but geometric shapes appliqué will be one of the most entertaining hobbies, because it allows you to create real masterpieces of art. After, it will be possible to decorate the interior of the home, creating a special atmosphere for relaxing or doing household chores.

The application of colored paper has gained great popularity in preschool and school educational institutions. It allows you to develop the skills of the child in a complex, improving his basic abilities:

  • motility;
  • thinking;
  • fantasy;
  • dexterity;
  • accuracy and others.

Application types

Depending on the type of projects or paper crafts created, this hobby can be divided into 2 varieties:

What can be done from geometric shapes from colored paper?

There is no single standard, as well as programs for teaching children to make various applications from colored paper, because each person's fantasy is very different.

The main task is to develop all the basic skills in them. In most cases, the teacher independently decides which pictures the children will make or gives them the opportunity to choose what they want to do. This is how not only motor skills develop, but also thinking, as the child chooses the character he likes.

Simple compositions

First, simple flat figures are mastered. For example, as a great option for boys, there will be an applique train. It can be made up of several regular geometric figures that the teacher or the child himself will cut out, depending on age.

Children begin to confidently hold scissors in their hands only by the age of 5-6, and cut out complex irregularly shaped figures in the first grade. In fact, it all depends on the development of the child, his activity and abilities. That's why the steam locomotive will be a great start.

It will require:

  • 3 rectangles of different colors and sizes. 1 will become a platform, 1 - the driver's cab, 1 - a water tank;
  • the semicircle will be the front of the tank;
  • an inverted isosceles triangle can become an exhaust pipe;
  • a pair of circles - wheels;
  • a long rectangle - a rod for an eccentric connection of the wheels.

The child learns from the presented materials to fold the image on a sheet of paper, evenly spread the glue and evenly combine the parts together. Fine motor skills of hands, thinking, fantasy develop, if you invite him to make a train without an example.

Another fairly simple version of a paper masterpiece is a bird applique. She will need one large circle for the body, a couple of semicircles for the wings, a few small triangles for the legs and beak.

You can create pictures of various animals from geometric shapes, allowing the child to think for himself who he can make.

Volumetric application of colored paper quilling

After developing the skills to create flat compositions, they proceed to voluminous applications from colored paper. Such crafts will be more difficult to master, therefore they are used in teaching for older children. For example, in the 4th group of kindergarten or 1st grade. Children with good abilities can be identified in a circle.

At the first stages, it is better to master volumetric compositions easier. For example, an applique house with cutout patterns is a good option. The wall can be flat, but the windows, roof and exhaust pipe can be protruding.

The method of giving volume is different. Paper parts can be bent, or glued on an additional leg to a background of the same size, creating a 3D effect with a shadow.

Butterfly application is one of the simple options that many children can master, even when making a composition in volume.

To do this, you can cut 2 identical parts. Glue one completely, and bend the second in half and glue in the center. This is how you get the wings. The head is formed from a circle, and the body from a strip.

Volumetric compositions from simple figures

For younger children, you can suggest making an application from circles of colored paper. Of these, in the presence of imagination, both flat compositions on a white sheet and voluminous ones are made.

With circles, abstract thinking will develop well if you invite the child to complete an arbitrary picture.

When children's fantasy is already somewhat developed, they move on to more complex tasks. For example, a mosaic application is a good option for further development of skills.

Give the pupil a set of clippings of different or the same shape so that he can come up with a composition on his own. If there are enough colors, quite colorful pictures can turn out.

Cutting templates

If you don’t know where to start the development of a child, then use a ready-made bunny template for appliqué or other animals.

There are many interesting kits with which you can comprehensively develop skills in children. In any case, all applications contribute to the formation of such qualities as:

  • figurative and spatial thinking;
  • perseverance;
  • exposure;
  • fantasy;
  • hand dexterity and motor skills;
  • accuracy.

As you reach a new level, tasks for creating compositions can become more difficult.

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