Outdoor games for children of senior preschool and primary school age. Sports games Outdoor games for schoolchildren 15 18

This is a version of the well-known game "Balls", only this time - for a group. Accordingly, you need to prepare inflatable balloons for the competition, which are tied to the leg of each participant during the process. You can tie one, or if you don’t mind, two balls on your ankle. It all depends on whether you can afford so many materials. A signal is given - and all participants begin a fight in which they need to keep their ball intact (or intact), but at the same time burst all others'. The last one left with the whole ball wins. Fun, movement and adrenaline are guaranteed for everyone!

Relay race

This is a competition similar to a relay race: you need to run a certain distance at speed. But you need to run it like this: two players stand back to back, and also hold hands. In such a pair they must run the way there, as well as back. It is forbidden to lift and carry the second partner on your back or fall - in such cases the contestants are eliminated.

Feed an apple

We select several couples from the audience. We blindfold them all and put them opposite each other. Each person is given an apple (make sure they are more or less equal in size). The task is to feed the person standing opposite as quickly as possible.

Remove the hat

A minimum of two and a maximum of two teams of several people can participate in this competition. You need to draw a circle on the ground. We put a hat on the participants’ head and tie their left hand to their body. The task: to take off the second player’s hat and not let him take off his own, and all this within the boundaries of a circle, beyond the boundaries of which you cannot go. For a team, each hat taken off is a point; for a single case, the winner is the one who keeps his headdress.

Look and remember

Prepare a tray on which you place various objects: a pencil, a screwdriver, a watch - whatever comes to mind. Items can be either removed or returned to their place during the competition. A blindfolded person must guess everything that is on the tray.

Cut out letters

The selected people are divided into two teams, which are given: rope, pencils, pins, scissors and several sheets of paper. The presenter gives a signal and two from each team must pull the rope, and the rest need to cut out letters from paper and attach them to the rope so that an interesting and beautiful phrase of at least two words is obtained. The winners are either those who did it first, or those whose phrase turned out to be original.

Several boy-girl couples are invited to participate in the competition. The girl is given clothes with a lot of buttons, and the guy is given mittens. The guys' task is to fasten as many buttons on their partner's clothes as possible.
Whoever fastens the fastest is declared the winner.


The players stand in a line. The first player holds a cucumber behind his back. His task is to quietly pass the cucumber to his neighbor, the neighbor passes it to his neighbor, and so on. The presenter must guess who has the cucumber.
The difficulty of the competition is that you need to have time to bite off the cucumber. If the presenter guesses who has the cucumber, he takes the place of the player, and the player becomes the leader. The game ends when the cucumber is eaten.

Tic-Tac-Toe Championship

Previously, every second schoolchild knew this game, but for some reason today’s students increasingly prefer computer strategy games or shooting games. Therefore, it will be useful to stretch your mind with an interesting and entertaining game of tic-tac-toe. Everything is very simple: 2 opponents, a board and chalk, a simple grid is drawn, if desired, 2 by 2, 3 by 3, and so on. The task of each participant is to place his cross or zero on one line faster than his opponent and cross it out. The winner receives a prize. At the end, you can have a battle of the strongest and find out which of the guys is the coolest in this matter.

Mark on history

The presenter brings out sheets of paper and distributes them to the participants. Each participant must leave their mark on history in half a minute. How he will do this is a matter of his imagination. You can literally leave your mark, you can leave a lip print, you can sign your name, and so on.
After this, the presenter calls two volunteers who will pull out a piece of paper and guess who exactly left this or that mark in history. In this case, volunteers must explain their choice.


Participants are divided into pairs. Girls grab guys by the collars, playing the role of riders. Guys are horses. Girls try to push guys so as to knock them off their feet. The girl who manages to knock her boyfriend down first wins a prize.

Take a gift

A circle is drawn in the center of the hall. Several participants enter the circle. In the center of the circle is a gift. The leader gives various commands to his players. For example, “sit down”, “stand up” and so on. Then he sharply says “take it!” The one who managed to take the gift the fastest won.


Two players stand in a circle, but stand with one foot. The second leg should be bent at the knee and supported with your hand. Players begin to hop on one leg. The task of each of them is to try to push his opponent out of the circle. Whoever succeeds is declared the winner.

Hit the target

The players are divided into two teams and receive the ball from the leader. The task of the players of the first team is to knock out as many members of the other team as possible by hitting them with the ball. The second team has the same goal.
However, if a player catches the ball in his hands, this does not mean that he is knocked out, on the contrary, he gets the privilege of throwing the ball. The team with the most players left at the end of time wins.


The players are divided into two teams. Each team is given a balloon. A gate is installed in the hall. The players start playing football. One is not one ball, but two: each with its own. Whoever scores more goals into the opponent's goal wins.


A group of players stand in a line, holding hands tightly. On the contrary, the same chain is formed. The player of the first team calls the name of the player from the second team. The one whose name is called accelerates and runs straight towards the enemy’s chain, trying to break it. If he fails, then the opposing team takes this player for itself. If the chain does break, that player chooses any player from the opposing team for his team.

These musical fun games can be used at parties and discos for high schools.

Creative tasks

1. Compose a story from lines of songs on the topic: “Russia is my homeland”, “Travel to my native land”, “Forest is a wonderland”, “School time”, etc.

2. “Our words are your music.” To the melody of a famous song, come up with your own words.

3. Compose a medley of famous songs. Sample themes: “Childhood, childhood...”, “Summer in the countryside,” “Fairy-tale state.”

4. Present a clip to the lyrics of the song (your choice or theme).

5. Illustrated song. Match the song to the given pictures.

7. Try marching in formation using a well-known song, for example:

“There was a grasshopper sitting in the gravel”;

"Tired toys are sleeping";

“The little Christmas tree is cold in winter.”


For the game, prepare theme cards and put them in a bag. It is necessary to name the song or the corresponding lines from the song. Thinking time is 30-60 seconds. Sample answer options are provided. It is possible that another team (or player) will offer an answer if a timely response is not forthcoming. The team with the most answers wins.

Topic name

Title of song or line

1. Transport

1. Blue carriage

2. Antoshka

3. Geographical names

3. Chunga-Changa

4. Life is everywhere

4. Grasshopper

5. It’s fun to walk together

6. Events

6. Song of the crocodile Gena

7. Joy

8. Lesson schedule

8. Twice two is four

9. Apple trees in bloom

10. Lily of the valley, lily of the valley

11. Beginning

11. Smile

12. Infancy

12. Top-top

13. Toy

13. I was once strange...

14. A coward doesn't play hockey.

15. Yummy

15. Five hundred popsicles as a gift

16. Radio Siberia

17. Color palette

17. Orange song

18. Profession

18. Hold on to the steering wheel tightly, driver...

19. Seasons

19. What is autumn?

20. They teach at school


Flip cards can be numbered and teams can be asked to name 3-5 numbers. Do not repeat the numbers mentioned. And then, according to the well-known logic of the game, read what is proposed upside down.

1. Melons and watermelons withered,

The rains drowned underground.

2. The night of defeat, it was so close to you.

3. Friends restored someone else’s hut, healed half of her loved ones...

4. Pigs, pigs, wake up the generals.

5. A birch tree was cut down in the field.

6. Crawl, crows, crawl!

7. I offered myself a hundred times.

8. There are so few unmarried girls.

9. A grimace makes a bright night darker.

10. It was never a good subject without a name.

11. There someone stood up in a beam.

12. Over the lake from the shallows,

From the gorges of swamp waters.

13. A man’s grief is not happy with the nasty thing in the distance.

14. Drivers don’t have to crawl gracefully in the snow.

15. The dance prevents me from destroying and dying.

16. Think about the weeks below.

17. Grandfather’s one sad chicken died.

18. The boy laughs: the cube crawled.

1. Apple and pear trees bloomed,

Fogs floated over the river.

2. Victory Day, how far it was from us.

3. Enemies burned my home,

They killed his whole family...

4. Nightingales, nightingales, do not disturb the soldiers.

5. A Christmas tree was born in the forest.

6. Fly, pigeons, fly!

7. You refused me twice

"Don't want!" - you said.

8. There are so many guys who are single.

9. A smile makes a gloomy day brighter.

10. I was once a strange, nameless toy.

11. Someone came down the hill.

12. From behind the island to the core,

Into the expanse of the river wave. ,

13. Women's happiness - if only a sweetheart were nearby.

14. Let pedestrians run clumsily through puddles.

15. The song helps us build and live.

16. Don't think down on seconds.

17. Two cheerful geese lived with grandma.

18. The girl is crying - the ball has flown away.


According to the proposed description, teams or players, filling out their card, mark answers numbered 1, 2, etc. Whoever has the most correct answers wins.

1. A song about a long journey of a little girl wearing a headdress

2. A song about keeping the head of one of the mammals with brown fur

3. A song about animals, thanks to which our planet moves around its axis

4. A song about animals with long ears who work as lawn mowers.

5. A song about four men in feathered hats who are grateful for a lot of things.

6. Song about the tragic death of a small insect

7. A song about the future, which should not be cruel to our contemporaries

8. A song about a tanned girl picking grapes in a neighboring garden

9. Song about the paramount™ of aviation

10. A song about a city where trains don’t go and planes don’t fly.

11. A song about an animal that the whole house hates

12. Song about a lonely swimmer with a pipe

13. A song about using a smile as electricity

14. Song about the country,

where can you meet the firebird

and a golden horse

15. A song about a creature that every mongrel knows

16. Song about misuse of sodium chloride

17. A song about the daily activities of children for 10-11 years

18. Song about a lonely beauty


1. “If for a long, long, long time...”

2. “There is sawdust in my head...”

3. “Somewhere in this world...”.

4. “But we don’t care...”

5. “It’s time, it’s time, let’s rejoice...”

6. “A grasshopper was sitting in the grass...”

7. “The beautiful is far away...”

8. “Dark-skinned woman.”

9. “First of all, airplanes...”

10. “The boy wants to go to Tambov...”.

11. "Black cat."

12. “And I will go into the water...”

13. “A smile will make the day brighter...”

14. “Small Country.”

15. “Now I am Cheburashka...”

16. “Don’t rub salt in my wound...”

17. “What they teach at school.”

18. “There was a birch tree in the field...”


Prepare question cards. In this game, questions focus on attention, observation, and memory. The task of the players or team is to give the exact answer using the lines of the song.

1. What words did the boy “write in the corner” in his drawing?

2. What can you do in a fairy tale?

3. Who is grazing in the meadow far, far away?

4. What were the geese doing in the puddle by the ditch?

5. What happened to the bear when he walked to his den along a country road?

6. Who was the grasshopper's friend?

7. Why did you fall in love with the beetle, the good old man?

8. What's in Winnie the Pooh's head?

9. What are our girls made of?

10. Where does friendship begin?

11. A piece of paper is hanging on the fence, swaying in the wind. What's written on it?

12. Dad can do anything! Swim breaststroke, argue with bass, even chop wood. Why can't daddy do it?

13. What causes a dog to bite?

14. What weapons do the royal guards use to kill the sparrows?

15. Bremen musicians believe that there is nothing better in the world than...?

16. What does a candidate of sciences do when a first-grader is given a problem at school?

17. What happened to the half-educated wizard when he wanted to make a thunderstorm?

18. Once a needle, two needles - what will happen?

19. The fast train is picking up speed. What kind of trailers does he have?

20. If you stomp, drive and run along the path for a long time, where can you come?

21. What song does the cheerful wind sing?

22. What song did the brave captain sing both in trouble and in battle?


1. May there always be sunshine,

May there always be heaven

May there always be a mother

May it always be me.

2. In a fairy tale you can swing on the moon

And ride across the rainbow on a horse.

3. That's right, cows!

4. The geese washed their feet in a puddle near the ditch.

5. Stepped on the fox's tail.

6. He didn’t touch the booger and was friends with the flies.

7. He has a very light soul, a merry fellow.

8. There is sawdust in my head, yes, yes, yes!

9. From flowers and bells, from notebooks and exchanges of glances. From handkerchiefs and balls, from riddles and marmalades.

10. Well, friendship begins with a smile.

11. A dog named Druzhok disappeared.

12. You can’t only be a mother.

13. Only from the life of a dog does a dog become a biter.

14. If a sparrow is close, we are preparing a cannon.

15. Wander around the world with friends.

16. The candidate of sciences even cries over the problem.

17. And he received a goat, a pink goat with a yellow stripe.

18. There will be a Christmas tree.

19. The blue carriage is running and swaying.

20. You can come to Africa.

21. He who is cheerful laughs,

Whoever wants it will achieve it,

Who seeks will always find.

22. Captain, captain, smile,

After all, a smile is the flag of a ship.


Attributes: bright ribbon.

Progress of the game: children stand in a circle, hold their hands behind their backs, and one of the players (if a boy, then brother Ivanushka, if a girl, then sister Alyonushka) walks around the circle with a ribbon in his hands and says:


Red maiden,

I walked across the field,

Dropped the keys

Golden keys

Blue ribbons,

Rings entwined -

Let's go get some water!

With the last words, the player places the ribbon on the shoulder of one of those standing in the circle, he quickly takes the ribbon, and they both quickly run in different directions in the circle. The one who is left without a place becomes the driver.

Special Notes: Players must not cross the circle. When Ivanushka or Alyonushka put down the ribbon, the other players do not turn.

It was burning, it was burning

Purpose of the game: development of motor, communication and creative abilities.

Attributes: several toys of different colors and sizes.

Progress of the game: before the game, the presenter hides toys in various places in the room. The game begins with the presenter saying:

Prela, burned, flew overseas,

And when she arrived, she sat down somewhere.

Who will find it first?

He'll take it for himself!

Children run around the room and look for hidden objects. Once a player finds an item, he brings it to the host and receives a token. You can keep looking. The one who finds the most items wins.

Special notes: you can start looking for toys only after the words have been spoken.

Nimble bunnies

Purpose of the game: development of motor, communication abilities and the ability to work in a team.

Progress of the game: all children are “hares”. They are divided into 2-3 teams of 5 people and line up at the starting line. One “hare” player from each team starts. They jump from the line with both feet. The next “hares” jump from the place where the previous players jumped. They do this on one leg. The next players are again on two, etc. The team that jumps further in the overall score wins.

Special notes: the leader must ensure that each next “hare” jumper stands exactly in the place where the previous player jumped.


Purpose of the game: development of motor, communication and creative abilities.

Progress of the game: from among the players they choose an “owner” and two “buyers”. The rest of the players are the “colors”. Each “paint” comes up with a color for itself and secretly names it to its “owner.” When all the “paints” have chosen a color for themselves and named it to the “owner,” one of the “buyers” comes:

- Knock Knock!

- Who's there?

- The buyer has arrived!

- For what?

—-Get paint!

- For which one?

- For the red one!

If there is no red “paint”, the “owner” says: “Race on one leg along the red carpet, find the red boots, wear them and bring them back!” If there is red “paint”, then it runs away, and the “buyer” catches up with it. If the first “buyer” did not guess the color, he jumps around the players on one leg, and the second “buyer” comes to the “owner”. The winner is the “buyer” who collected more colors and managed to catch up with them.

Special notes: the “owner” becomes the “buyer” who guessed and caught up with more “colors”.

Battle for the flags

Purpose of the game: development of motor skills, dexterity of movements.

Attributes: 2 colored flags.

Progress of the game: players are divided into 2 teams. Each team has a flag, which is placed in a visible place and guarded by one of the players. The remaining team members are divided into “defenders” and “attackers.” The goal of the game is to capture the enemy's flag while keeping your own. During the game, you are allowed to pass the flag to another player and run away with the flag.

Special notes: rough actions should not be allowed in the fight for the flag.

Come on, take it away!

Purpose of the game: development of motor, communication and creative abilities.

Attributes: medium sized ball.

Progress of the game: one team of players is children, the other is “dogs”. The leader throws the ball up, and the children must throw the ball to each other so that it does not fall on the floor. The “dogs” run around and disturb the children. If the “dog” catches the ball, it changes places with the player who dropped it.

Circle relay

Purpose of the game: development of motor, communication abilities and dexterity.

Attributes: 4 batons.

Progress of the game: On the playground, a circle with a diameter of 20 m is drawn, and in it there are 4 more small circles with a diameter of 0.5 m each, in which relay batons are placed. Players are divided into 4 teams, facing outward outside their circle. The captains of all 4 teams stand facing the small circle of their team, in which the relay baton is located. After the presenter’s signal to start the game, the captains take the batons, run around all the players clockwise and pass the batons to the next players. The latter, in turn, run around the circle and pass the sticks to the next, etc. All those who ran around the circle take their place, but facing the center. The winner is the team whose last player, having run around the circle, was the first to put the baton back into his small circle.

Special notes: when repeating the game, the movement goes in the opposite direction.

Agile tightrope walkers

Progress of the game: A straight line 10 m long is drawn on the playground, symbolizing a rope. Players must take turns walking along the line like a tightrope, with their arms out to the sides to maintain balance.

Special notes: those who step off the rope are out of the game.

Delicious competitions

Purpose of the game: development of motor and communication abilities.

Attributes: nuts, apples, pears, peaches, berries (toy or real), rubber ball, stool.

Progress of the game: fruits and berries are laid out on a stool. Players take turns throwing the ball up. Before the ball touches the floor, you must have time to take any fruit from the stool. The one who manages to do this continues the game.

Special notes: if the player did not have time to take the fruit from the stool while the ball was flying, he transfers the right to play to another player.

Lesovik and swans

Purpose of the game: development of motor, communication and creative abilities.

Progress of the game: all players are “swans”. One player is Ivanushka, and the other is the “forester”.

A circle with a diameter of Yum is drawn in the center of the site - this is a forest. In the center of the circle they draw a square - this is the forester’s house. Ivanushka and the “forester” are sitting in the “house”. The “swans” are trying to fly into the house and pick up Ivanushka. The “forester” tries to catch the swans by touching them with his hand. The “Swan” who saved Ivanushka becomes the “forester”.

Special notes: caught “swans” are eliminated from the game. The “forester” cannot leave the forest, he must move around the site.

Ball relay

Attributes: 2 chairs, 2 soccer balls, 2 relay batons.

Progress of the game: A starting line is drawn on the playing court, a circle is drawn in front of each team at a distance of 10 m from it, and a chair is placed at a distance of 15 m from the circle. A soccer ball is placed in each circle. The player, running from the starting line, runs to the ball, guides it with his legs around the chair, leaves the ball in the circle and runs back to the starting line. The team whose players complete the task faster wins.

Special notes: players from both teams pass the baton to the players following them.


Purpose of the game: development of motor, communication and creative abilities.

Progress of the game: all players are divided into 2 groups and lined up facing each other. Players in each line join hands at arm's length. At a signal, those standing in one line address those standing in the other:

White birch, slender birch,

Who do you need?

Players standing in another line call the name of one of the children. This player runs to the opposite line to break the row of “birches”. If he managed to break the chain, he takes one of the players with him. If the “Birches” do not open their hands, he remains on this team.

Special notes: different players should be named so that everyone participates in the game.

Black and white

Purpose of the game: development of motor abilities and reactions.

Attributes: a cardboard disk with one side white and the other black.

Progress of the game: players are divided into 2 teams - “black” and “white”, which stand in ranks facing each other. The presenter throws a cardboard disc. If it falls with the white side up, the “white” team begins to catch the “black” team. Those escaping are trying to slip past the house line drawn at a distance. The team with the most captured opponents wins.

Special notes: you can catch opponents only after the disc has fallen and the leader loudly shouted “White!” or “Black!” You can catch up with those running away only to the house line. Those caught behind this line are not considered losers.


Purpose of the game: development of communication and creative abilities.

Progress of the game: the players sit in a circle, they are Nesmeyans. One of the players chosen by lot slowly pushes the player on his right side with his shoulder. He, in turn, transmits this movement to his neighbor in the circle, and so on until the movement returns to the driver. The point of the game is to make your neighbor laugh or speak. The one who laughs is eliminated from the game.

Special Notes: All losers must recite a funny poem or sing something.

Rescuers and robbers

Purpose of the game: development of motor, communication and creative abilities.

Progress of the game: according to the counting, three drivers are selected - “robbers”. They stand on one side of the court, and all the other players are located not far from them in a row.

On command, the children scatter in different directions around the playground, and the “robber” drivers try to catch them. The caught players join hands and form a circle in the center of the court. The “robbers” continue to catch players until there are three uncaught left, who try to run up to the players standing in the circle and help one of them out. If this is successful, the players give up and run away from the circle. If the remaining players fail to approach the circle for a long time and touch one of the caught players, then they lose. The game starts over, 3 uncaught players become “robbers”.

Special notes: players are not allowed to leave the court. Caught players must not leave the circle until the remaining 3 players rescue them.

Two cities

Purpose of the game: development of motor abilities, dexterity.

Attributes: wooden or plastic cylinders - towns, several bits.

Progress of the game: 2 cities are drawn on the playground, giving them their names.

City figures

The distance between them is determined by agreement. Mark with a line the place from which the players will throw the bat. Towns are set up in every city. Players are divided into 2 teams, equal in strength and dexterity. One team is residents of the first city, the second is from the other. Each team has its own captain. Players of one of the teams knock out towns from the opponents' city. According to the condition, they take turns hitting, first the players of one team, then the other. The goal of the game is to knock out all the town figures from the opponents' city. The figures are put together like this:

1) one cylinder flat next to the other;

2) the cylinders lie with their side surfaces forward;

3) the cylinders lie one after another;

4) “beater” figure;

5) “gate” figure;

6) “lantern” figure;

7) “bottle” figure;

8) flat, one cylinder standing;

9) the cylinders stand in 2 rows;

10) the cylinders lie in 2 rows;

11) figure “elephant”;

12) “train” figure;

13) “nail” figure;

14) “well” figure.

The game ends when all cylinders are knocked out of the city. The team that did not manage to knock out all the towns loses.

Special notes: Each player hits only once. If the first player knocks out the cylinder, then everyone else can move 2 steps forward from the line of impact. If the bat does not roll out of the city when hitting the cylinders, it remains there until it is knocked out by another player of the same team along with the cylinders. At the end of the game, the teams change cities. A cylinder is considered knocked out if it lies outside the line. Each command has 2 bits. The cylinders are placed at or on the front line of the city, at an equal distance from the sides.

Relay race with a magic wand

Purpose of the game: development of motor abilities and dexterity.

Attributes: small relay baton.

Progress of the game: The game begins with one of the players throwing a stick as far as possible, while calling any of the players by name. The named player - the Wizard - runs after the wand, picks it up from the ground and begins to catch up with other players who are moving freely around the court. Each player whom the Wizard touches with his wand becomes his assistant and also begins to catch up with the other players. Having caught one of them, he must hold it until the Wizard runs up with a wand and touches him. From this moment on, the third person caught becomes another assistant to the Wizard. The player who was last touched by the Wizard with his wand wins. When the game is repeated, that player will throw the stick.

Special notes: The Wizard does not have the right to hit players with his wand, but only touch them. Players are not allowed to leave the playing area.

I bring to your attention a selection of several outdoor games for high school students - for students in grades 10-11.

"Kick and head through the net"

Preparation. Two teams of 5-8 people are located on different sides of the net on the volleyball court. Mesh height 180-200 cm.

Contents of the game. At the manager’s whistle, a player from one team kicks the ball (from his hands) through the net into the opponent’s half. The task of the players on whose side the ball is to send it over the net with no more than three kicks or head kicks. If one of the teams makes an error, the game is stopped and the team that made it loses the point or service. The score in the game is kept to 10 points, three games are played.

With a change of serve (after an error by the serving team), players move clockwise on the court, as in volleyball. After each game, players change sides of the court.

The team with the fewest penalty points wins.

Rules of the game: 1. The game is scored according to volleyball rules. 2. It is prohibited for one player to hit the ball twice, touch the ball with his hands, hit the wall (beyond the line limiting the court) or under the net.

"Break through the wall"

Preparation. The site is divided by a center line. A line is drawn on the front sides of the wall at a height of 1.5 m. The space from the floor to the line is the zone of an improvised gate. The players are divided into two teams of 5-8 people. Each, at its own discretion, is located on one half of the site.

Contents of the game. The soccer ball is thrown in the middle between two players. The players can pass the ball on one half of the field among themselves in order to choose a convenient moment to hit the target, which is the lower part of the wall in the opponent’s half. The team without the ball organizes a defense against the zone where the ball is located, puts up a “wall”, and uses individual interceptions. If the attackers manage to direct the ball into the goal area (in an open area - the end line), they receive a point. The opponent begins to play the ball and, in turn, tries to complete the attack. The game lasts 10 minutes, after which the teams change sides of the court.

The team that scores the most points within the set time wins. Playing with two balls is also practiced.

Rules of the game: 1. It is prohibited to cross the center line or hold the ball with your hands. 2. The ball that bounces off the wall in the field of the kicking team (without touching the defenders) is returned to the opponent. 3. For touching the ball with your hand or three inaccurate shots above the goal line, a penalty kick is awarded, which is taken from the center line into a conditional goal defended by one player. 4. The ball can be held with your foot, body, or hit with your head.

"At a ground target"

Preparation. On each side of the volleyball court, two circles with a diameter of 1.5 m are drawn near the attack line. Two teams are located on opposite sides of the net. Players on the same team have a tennis ball in their right (or left) hand.

The team whose players managed to score the most points wins.

Rules of the game: 1. The game begins at the signal of the leader. 2. The player behind the net, placing a block, tries to interfere with the opponent. 3. For hitting any circle, the attacker receives two points, and if he went around the block but missed (the ball landed within the court), - 1 point.


Preparation. Players are positioned on both sides of the net (as in volleyball). The team has 6-8 people.

A player who makes a technical error is sent to the opposite side beyond the captivity line. The team loses serve. The game resumes. The game lasts 10-15 minutes.

The winner is the team that has fewer players in the prisoner zone at the end of the game.

Rules of the game: 1. The game begins at the signal of the leader. 2. During the game, the prisoner (without going into the field) tries to intercept the ball and serve (without interference from the opponent) to his court. The players of his team send the ball back with any blow (out of three). If they successfully complete the attack, the prisoner returns to his partners, and in case of an error, the second player goes beyond the line of captivity. 3. During the game, members of the attacking team can deliberately throw the ball to their partners who are in captivity. 4. The game follows volleyball rules

Elimination Volleyball"

Preparation. Two teams of 6-8 people are located randomly, each on its own half of the volleyball court.

If during the game the team makes a mistake again (the sixth violation in a row), then it loses one more player, etc. When both sides have suffered “losses,” the game continues, but the team that made the next, third, mistake decides (based on tactical considerations) whether to remove its next player from the field or remain in the same lineup, but allow the opposing player to return to the court teams. The game consists of 3-5 games. Each ends when the last player of one of the teams leaves the court.

The team that wins the most games wins. You can limit the games to time (12-15 minutes) and determine the winner in each of them based on the largest number of remaining players.

Rules of the game: 1. Mistakes are recorded according to volleyball rules. 2. After a participant leaves the game, the team that made the mistake serves. 3. Participants return to the game in the order in which they were eliminated (1st eliminated, then 2nd, etc.). 4. Players in teams take turns serving, moving clockwise on the court (as in volleyball).

List of used literature:

  1. Zhukov M.N. Outdoor games: Textbook. for students ped. universities - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2000. - 160 p.