Dixit. Dixit board game Dixit game rules

Dixit is an association board game where participants will enjoy original illustrations full of meaning and get to know their friends and relatives from a new perspective. The mechanics and rules of the game are elementary, explained in a couple of minutes, so it has long been loved by children even of school age from 8 years old and adults. The parties last from 30 minutes, but the players will not notice how time flies for exciting entertainment.

Difficulty level: light

Number of players: 2-6

Develops skills: Vmindfulness, mindfulness

What's included?

  • cards with images - 84 pcs.;
  • playing field;
  • tokens for voting - 36 pcs;
  • multi-colored chips - 6 pcs.

What is Dixit?

Kingdom "Dixit" - unique surrealistic and metaphorical illustrations with multifaceted associations, high-quality design, simple rules. The game will bring a lot of pleasure, fun and new emotions, help you get to know a friend or family member better, have an unusual time.

Target in the game

Of course, to determine the card that was made by the narrator among the cards of the other players. A participant in the Dixit game needs to earn as many points as possible in order to qualify for the title of winner. To do this, you need to correctly guess the guessed associations and come up with your own for one of the cards in your hand, so that at least one player makes a mistake with the choice.

original pictures

The board game "Dixit" (dixit) captivates by the fact that in the set all the cards are unique and drawn by a French artist Marie Cardua. The illustrations are filled with meaning - expanse for imagination and fantasy. In each new set, the cards are filled with fresh ideas.

How to play associations?

This is an entertaining process from which it is impossible to break away. The most difficult thing is for the narrator, before whom the task is to come up with an association that is not vague and so obvious. And then everything depends on the other participants in the Dixit game, their fantasies and imaginations. So that the life of the Leader does not seem like honey, he will not receive points for a primitive and too deep association, unless, of course, one of the players chooses his illustration in the vote.


Throughout the game, each player earns points at the time of telling or guessing.

  • when the participants correctly pointed to the Presenter's illustration, they earn 2 points each, and the narrator receives nothing;
  • if, on the contrary, no one guessed the storyteller's card in Dixit, then everyone will receive 2 points, and the storyteller's rabbit will not move anywhere;
  • in other cases, both the narrator and the players who guessed the image will receive 3 points each;
  • if the player managed to confuse the opponent when he chose his card instead of the correct one, then he will receive an additional point for each pointer.

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Who will like

  • Dixit is ideal for families;
  • children and adults to develop creative and communication skills;
  • for fun gatherings with friends and parties;
  • as a gift for creative people, they will appreciate the ambiguous meaning of the illustrations;
  • for collectors of desktops, who are most interested in the quality of design.

Rules of the game

The main rule that should not be neglected is that you must not show illustrations from your hand to anyone! This will not decorate the conduct of the party, and it will not be interesting to guess. Then what's the point? Use only logic and imagination, and everything will work out!

It is also important that the association is not obvious and not close only to the narrator. If the Leader's card is not guessed or, on the contrary, everyone chooses it, he will not earn points, this is not in his interests.

You should not say where his card is, so as not to spoil the outcome of the game.

In Dixit, the rules of the game also include another option for the game, where the narrator will sing a song or imitate a piece of music related to the image on the card, as well as demonstrate pantomime skills to hint at the card.

The more participants, the more interesting the game and the more points the opponents and the Host will earn.

After each passing turn, the players take turns drawing one card into their hand, after which the next storyteller is appointed. This continues until the deck with illustrations is empty.

Beginning of the game

Participants distribute among themselves rabbits - chips that move during the game, set them on the "0" cell. Next, one of the Dixit players carefully shuffles the deck with illustrations and distributes 6 cards to each. The remaining cards are stacked face down.

  • If there are 4 people in the game, then each takes 4 tokens with numbers from 1 to 4;
  • If 5 people participate, then each takes 5 tokens with numbers from 1 to 5;
  • If there are 6 players, then each player takes 6 tokens from 1 to 6.

Game progress


In each new move, a participant in the Dixit game is appointed as the Host (narrator) in turn. Of the 6 cards in his hand, he chooses one, after which he comes up with a suitable association and says it out loud. It can be a word, a phrase, or even a sound.

The first Leader should be chosen as follows: the player, who was the first to make an association on one of the cards, speaks about it aloud, and the countdown will start from him.

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Choosing a Card for the Storyteller

After the others have heard the Leader's association, they look for a suitable picture among the cards in their hands. Players give the chosen card to the storyteller so that no one sees the contents on the back. The facilitator carefully shuffles the illustrations along with his card, then places them face up in front of the participants in a random order. Numbering usually starts from left to right.

Story Card Search: Voting

The most interesting stage in the game is determining which of the cards belongs to the Leader. The participants secretly vote for the card, which fits the narrator's association. They place their color token face down in front of them. After everyone except the Host has made their choice, the tokens are turned over and placed on the illustration of the corresponding number. Of course, in Dixit you cannot vote for your card, and the Host does not vote at all.

End of turn

Players get cards with images from the deck up to 6 pieces in their hands. The narrator is the participant who sits to the left of the previous one.


The number of points that the Host will receive for the conceived illustration depends on the narrator's own imagination. The association in the game "Dixit" should not be too obvious and even more personal, then his rabbit is unlikely to be able to move around the playing field, earning victory points.

  • In the event that all the participants guessed the image of the narrator or none of them guessed it, the Host is not awarded points, while the rest will receive 2 points each.
  • In other scenarios, the Leader and the players who guessed his card are awarded 3 points each.
  • All players, with the exception of the storyteller, earn 1 point for each participant who places their own voting token for their illustration.

game over

The end of the game in Dixit is the moment when the last card is taken from the pile. The winner in the game is the participant whose rabbit has moved the farthest along the playing field, which serves as an indicator of points.

The three-player game has slightly different rules.

If, with the standard modification, the players are dealt 6 illustrations each, playing three of them, they receive 7 cards in their hands. When the time comes to hand over to the narrator in Dixit so that he mixes them together with his own, the players do not hand over 1 card, but 2. When scoring, when only 1 participant guessed the image of the Lead, then both he and the narrator earn 4 points instead of 3.

Video review

Other sets

  • » - 84 new images that will become fresh sources of inspiration and flight of fancy. The cards have the same back, so they are easy to mix with other sets to diversify the parties.
  • « Dixit 3: Travel» - fresh, original illustrations and a lot of inspiration. An additional set is not enough, you also need any basic set, which implies the presence of a playing field.
  • To create an additional set "" a new artist was chosen with his own views and worldview. It was Clement Lefevre, and he definitely did his job!
  • The creation of the "" set was entrusted to the artist Franck Dion, who realized a fantasy world in his illustrations and shared it with millions of people - entertainment fans.
  • ” is an original add-on, illustrated by Marina Coudray. The images are filled with tenderness, airiness and lightness - this is the feature of the new pictures.
  • « Dixit 8: Harmony” – another 84 original cards, the images of which are made by the new artist Paul Echeguayen. The design of the back of the cards is identical to the previous versions, they are easy to combine with any set. For full-fledged games, you will need the basic equipment from the original game or the Odyssey version.
  • « Dixit. Odyssey"- this is no longer an add-on, but a full version of the game. Voting in it is carried out using special tablets, and 12 people can play it. Isn't it great?

Hello my dear readers! With you Ksenia, mother of two children.

Today's review is about the board game Dixit. I will briefly refer to it below.



Dixit is I. on associations. It is known in many countries and even received 15 international awards (Game of the Year awards in Germany, France, USA, Canada, Italy and other countries).

Unusual maps were drawn by the French artist Marie Cardois.


I. is sold in a large colorful box (20 * 20 cm) made of very dense high-quality cardboard.

I. is suitable for children from 8 years old, as well as for fun evenings with family and friends.

Its duration is about 30 minutes, the number of players is from 3 to 6.

Under the lid we see the playing field, rabbit figurines (chips), tokens and cards.

This I. has 84 cards. Here are just a few of them. Stuns the imagination :)

Multi-colored rabbit chips are solidly made of wood, smooth and pleasant to the touch, the paint has not peeled off them for 5 years.

Along with the chips, players are also given tokens of the corresponding color.

Rules available in almost any language except Russian :).

I will give the rules in English.

How to play?

Players choose one rabbit and tokens of the same color (their number is equal to the number of players).

Let's say there are only 3 players. Rabbits are placed on the Start of the playing field. I chose a blue rabbit for myself, and the other players - yellow and white.

Players face down are dealt 6 cards each (in the photo below, 5 fit).

Let's say I'm the first driver (narrator) who makes an association with any of my cards.

The association can be expressed in a word, a phrase, an excerpt from a song, a gesture, facial expressions.

Pictured below are my cards.

I come up with an association with a card depicting toys in a store - "Sadness" and pronounce this word aloud.

The rest of the players look for a card that matches this association in their hand.

The chosen cards are then dealt face down to the storyteller. He mixes them with his

And lays it open on the table, declaring their numbering (for example, from left to right from 1 to 3).

Important: during the opening of cards, everyone needs to keep their emotions under control so that other players do not guess where whose card is :).

Then all the players (except the storyteller, of course) vote in an attempt to find the storyteller's card. To do this, tokens are placed in the middle of the table in a closed position.

On this layout, we see that the player with the yellow rabbit guessed my card, and with the white one, he made a mistake (voted for the card of the player with the yellow rabbit).

Now we count the points for this round.

  1. If all players guessed the driver's card, then they get 2 points each, and the driver gets zero, because. too simple an association associated with this card was made.
  1. If none of the players guessed the card of the driver, then they again get 2 points each, and the narrator - nothing, since it turned out to be too difficult a riddle.
  1. In other cases, the driver gets 3 points for each player who voted for him (if there are more than 3 players), and the other players get 3 points for guessing the narrator's association. Players also receive one point for each player who voted for their card.

The more players, the more interesting it is to play and the more points you can earn in one round for both the storyteller and the rest of the participants.

After scoring, the rabbits move around the field in accordance with the number of points scored in this round.

After each round, players draw a sixth card from the deck.

The game ends when there are no cards left in hand.

The last narrator has the hardest time, because The rest don't have a choice anymore.

Where to buy such a wonderful game?

I bought it from this store.

There are good cumulative discounts here (I already have 15%) and not at all expensive delivery, which is now a rarity among online stores.

Also here you can find the continuation and additions of Dixit.

Yes, this I. is a little expensive, but it is worth it, because it leaves behind simply unforgettable impressions!

After the end of I., we discuss it for a long time and share our emotions with each other :).

By the way, an analogue of this I. came out in Russia - Imaginarium, the price tag for it is 2 times less.

Thank you for your attention!

Leave comments, advise more interesting games, we love to play with children and in the company!


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Helped us to adapt to kindergarten quickly and painlessly.


Good afternoon.

Imaginarium-Dixit-Imaginarium-Dixit is essentially the same for a person who has not come across their stories. But if you go through a bunch of games, a bunch of games with people of completely different values, perceptions, ages, you understand that the differences are still big, and not even in the rules, but in the cards themselves, or rather, their elaboration.
1) For a person engaged in some kind of art, the “walking style” will immediately catch your eye: there is one author in Dixit, and completely different authors in the Imaginarium (both in subject matter, technique, and in the quality of the drawing). Partly this walking style hurts the eye. And even some laymen did not particularly like it. And if after the game Dixiet brought not only some kind of emotional influx, but also aesthetic pleasure, then in the Imaginarium it’s already “not that”. And after the purchase, I immediately want to put 1/5 of the cards aside. In contrast to Dixit, there is no such desire: all the cards are as one.
2) "Turns for fantasy". There are rumors about Dixit 1, 2 (unfortunately, I didn’t appreciate Odyssey) that psychologists partly worked on the cards. I don’t know if it’s true or not, but even before that I noticed that it is in these parts on the maps that there are a lot of details that are precisely “turns of development for fantasy”. The layman will draw more associations from one card, and the dreamer with great pleasure will build many different semantic and interesting associations that will greatly diversify the game and will be enough for many games. Such details can also be called "activators": you are not just looking for visual synonyms in your head, but you are already inventing something and developing an already proposed image. But in Dixit 3, 4 it is no longer so. In the 3rd Dixit, mostly straight pictures, in the 4th they changed the artist again (and for the better) and the drawings became much more complicated with many colorful abstractions, but unfortunately they still did not acquire these "turns of development". And so an analogue of the same problem: "Imaginarium".
3) "Repeating elements". In the first parts of Dixit, there are a lot of any interconnected elements. Perhaps the artist has a finite fantasy and she just brought the forum to create a lot of creative pictures, but here it played into the hands. When laying out cards, it very often happened that many cards fit under one association at once, and people began to analyze the "leader" and his manner of riddles and values, or still cling to some details, or simply bet on their map... And already here another ethical activation turned out, which served as an excellent round for different behavior patterns in people. And as a result: a variety of gameplay, a lot of emotions, conversations, etc. In Dixit 3.4 + Imaginarium, this is still less.
4) "Theme". Here, after all, any taste preferences that a person has formed over the years and in a certain environment play more. BUT Dixit's cards are "not for children", they are universal. It is easier to put an adult in them who has been painting pictures all his life (and will get a lot of pleasure not only from the game, but also from the colorful pictures themselves), but it is also easy to put some 40-year-old builder who has never encountered with "dreamers" and it will also be fun for him to come up with associations. After all, everyone will find something of their own in them, they play very well on images familiar to everyone, regardless of what is written above about tastes. "Imaginarium" is more like a kind of "breath of time", the cards partly show the values ​​of the modern generation (and anti-values), and unfortunately not everyone is close to them.

Thank you for your attention!

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For many years, Dixit has taken first place in the tops of card games. It can be played by people of all ages, from a five-year-old baby to any age.

Tested on people of various tastes and preferences - the game has the simplicity of the rules. Each person can understand it within two minutes, although in principle there is nothing to understand - you just need to select associations and nothing more. You just need to understand the scoring system.

How to play?

Despite the fact that the rules of the Dixit game are simple, they still exist:

  1. All players are entitled to six cards. Everyone examines their cards without putting them on display.
  2. In turn, each of the participants puts any of their cards face down and names their associations in relation to the image on it.
  3. Anything can act as an association, be it a word or a phrase, an excerpt from a movie or a song. You can gesticulate, make sounds, make grimaces and so on. However, you should remember that you will have to repeat your association if one of the participants in the game missed.
  4. The rest of the participants in the game take out of their cards the one that best suits the association presented, and put it on the table.
  5. The player who selected the associations shuffles the cards and arranges them face up.
  6. Then the rest of the participants in the game vote, trying to guess the card of the walking player.

How to count points

There are subtleties in scoring, thanks to which the Dixit game becomes intriguing and interesting.

The participant who leads the game must think through his associations to the smallest detail so that only a part of the players can guess the image on the card. In terms of scoring, it’s bad if everyone guesses the card and even worse if no one guesses. As a result, you should not give too light associations to the card, and you should not be too clever, trying not to be obvious.

Points are calculated as follows:

  • If all participants in the game guessed the card, the leading player (guessing person) does not receive a single point, the other players are awarded two points each.
  • When no player guessed the card, no points are awarded to the leading player, the rest are awarded two points each and one more point is added for the cards of the players who received the vote.
  • If at least one of the players or several guessed the card of the leading player, then both the one who guessed and those who guessed the card receive three points each and one more point if they voted for the player's card.

In order to earn points for themselves, the male part of the team can use a trick: the Wolfram association is issued for a card with a light bulb, and naturally it is difficult for women to guess the card, and they chose it at random, while men, as a rule, guess.

How can you diversify the game?

To bring a fresh note to the rules of the Dixit game, you can try playing with thematic cards. And then the boundary of associations narrows to a given topic.


  • Proverbs and sayings will be a great topic for discussion.
  • Music lovers can devote their leisure time to songs.
  • Film fans use their favorite films, phrases from them, heroes.
  • Cartoons are perfect for children, and adults will help to plunge into the bright memories of childhood.
  • Literature lovers will appreciate such a topic as books.
  • The Soviet Union shines with a warm light in the hearts of many Russians who caught this time, so you can use this theme especially for them and indulge in nostalgia
  • And, in the end, you can do without words at all - only gestures.

For an inexperienced player, the Dixit themed game may seem somewhat complicated, but as soon as you start, everyone with excitement and ingenuity will be able to pick up the right associations to describe the card.

I would never have thought that such a large game with strange mind-blowing pictures and figurines of rabbits jumping around the field has such simple rules that there is not even much to write about. But I'll still try.


I'll start right away with my admiration for the skill of the author.

You sit (at least three of us, maximum six), looking at pictures, doing meditative activities - looking deep into yourself, looking for associations: easier for children, more difficult for adults, rearranging rabbits. Beauty!

No, well, can you imagine that five different people associate all these pictures with the word “Holiday”?

And this is the girl with blue hair.

And we also wonder in life why people cannot understand each other. Everyone has their own associations 🙂

Beginning of the game

Before the start of the game, each player receives 6 cards, they must be kept and not shown to anyone. Each player chooses his own rabbit and everyone together puts them on the green grass scoring field to “zero”.

Then each player takes voting tokens according to the color of his rabbit:

- if there are 4 players, then you need to take 4 tokens (numbered from 1 to 4),
- if there are 5 players, then 5 tokens each (from 1 to 5),
- if 6 players, then 6 tokens (from 1 to 6),
- the three-player game has its own modification, more on that later.

A player is chosen by an arbitrary method, who is called the leader and must set the association.
He looks at his cards, thinks for a long time, chooses one of his cards and names the association that he has with this card. And the card (without showing it to anyone) puts it face down on the table.

Suppose he made a card with a snail and hills and his association “Strugatsky” (meaning the work “Snail on the slope”). You can set the association in any available way. Name a word, a sentence, quote, sing, tell a rhyme, mumble ... As you wish, just make sure that other players do not beat you.

So, the association is made. The rest of the players look at their cards and each player chooses that one! a card that he associates with what the host said, that is, with the Strugatskys. Whoever has nothing associated can simply choose any card from the bulldozer.

Everyone puts the selected cards on the leader's card. The facilitator mixes them thoroughly (so that no one sees the pictures!) And lays them out on the table in a row with the drawings up. He takes his tokens and numbers the cards.
Players look at the open row and try to guess the card that the leader has thought of. Having made their choice, they choose from their tokens the number that corresponds, as they think, to the hidden card. And they put the token aside with the number down (so that no one sees the number!) To let other players know that the choice has been made. When everything is decided, the players lay out their tokens under the cards. So they vote for some card.

Summing up

The fact is that the creators of the game do not encourage too obvious and too vague associations. Therefore, the presenter, whose association no one guessed or literally everyone guessed, does not receive a single point! But all the other players, except the leader, move their rabbits forward by two points. That is, in a situation where EVERYONE either guessed or did not guess the given association, then all players win, except for the leader.

In any other situation (even if only one player voted for the leader's card and thus literally saved him from shame), the leader receives three points and those who voted for his card also receive three points. If one of the players voted not for the leader's card, but for the card of another player, then this other player receives one point from each voter. That is, someone recognized his card as suitable for this association.

The played cards are discarded, all players sort their tokens and take one more card from the deck to complete the number of cards to six.

Now the next player in clockwise order becomes the leader. The game ends when the deck runs out. Whose rabbit jumped the farthest across the green field, he won!

Game with a minimum number of players (three)

Board game "Dixit" (Dixit):
Price (February 2013): from 1450 rubles.
Recommended age: from 7 years old
Number of players: 3-6 people.

The three-player game has slightly different rules.

First, each player takes not six, but seven cards. And after the host has set an association and laid out his card, the other players choose not one card for this association, but two. To make it more interesting to play :). And if only one player guessed the leader’s card, then he and the leader need to move the rabbit not by three, but by four.