Evolve stage 2 characters and monsters. Evolve Guide – Monsters and Hunters. How wild animals and buffs work

The Birth of a Monster

The original Evolve was highly anticipated by many. Turtle Rock could claim to be a regular Left 4 Dead clone, in which adventurers fight alien fauna. But the intrigue lies precisely in the fact that the most gigantic and dangerous beast on the planet is controlled by a live player, and not by AI.

At the very moment of its release, Evolve was received almost with a bang, but literally a couple of days later dubious game tactics were revealed (both for hunters and monsters), which called the entire gameplay mechanics into question. By the time Evolve restarted, the simultaneous number of players on the servers had dropped to 80 - this clearly does not suit a competitive game, the life cycle of which was designed for at least 3 years.

Stage No. 2

Now there are 18 - 20 thousand people simultaneously playing in Evolve Stage 2, the game has broken into the top 10 of Steam online. The developers were able to achieve a wow effect by relaunching using a free model. But free to play is not all that evolution is capable of, and that’s good. The changes affected the hunt itself, that is, simply put, the gameplay.

The most important thing is the trapper's new ability called “Satellite Scanning”. By pressing one button, all four hunters' compasses highlight the direction in which the monster went. The cooldown of the ability is only one and a half minutes. Previously (in the original Evolve), if a trapper lost track, it almost certainly meant the monster would evolve to stage 3 somewhere in a secluded corner and the subsequent death of the entire team. Now a small cheat in the form of a companion has made matches much more dynamic.

To make things even more dynamic, the developers have completely eradicated stealth as a concept. Previously, Wraith (Ghost) could become invisible and troll a team of not very experienced hunters with almost impunity. Which, by the way, had their own stealth generator (specifically, the support). In Evolve Stage 2, invisibility was taken away from both sides, since the tactics using it were openly griefer-like, i.e. provoked uncontrollable rage among the players. Turtle Rock said they didn't want toxicity to spread in the community.

Instead of stealth, Wraith was given a temporary copy of it (in fact, X2 damage), and support was given a powerful collective shield booster. As they say, everything is for the front, everything is for victory! And not to sit in the rear and sneak around in complete invisibility behind the enemy’s back.

Game of tag and catch up

But achieving 100% balance in a game with asymmetric multiplayer 4 VS 1 is an almost impossible task, and the developers, of course, failed to complete it completely. Hunters still need to catch up with the alien monster at the 1st stage of evolution, and the monster needs to hide in the corners and eat fauna up to the 3rd, invincible stage.

Then everything depends on the professionalism of the players of both teams. If your trapper lacks instincts, your team will be treated to a “most exciting” running simulator for 10 minutes of real time, followed by an inglorious wipe in 50 seconds.

Now imagine that you are that same professional playing as a monster. Your most important guarantee of success is to run away for just 10 minutes, after which you can tear apart the hunters quite quickly and painlessly. But 10 minutes of regular running, during which absolutely nothing happens? Dubious entertainment. In some other multiplayer games, two matches filled with action and adrenaline can take place during the same time.

And one more important point: let’s take Battlefield, CoD, CS:GO - whatever. Look at the teams - 6 vs 6, 8 vs 8, 32 vs 32. In general, complete symmetry. And when there are several noobs and several pros on each side, the matches become more or less balanced. And Evolve (including Stage 2) simply allows punctures due to its mechanics.

A classic sad case - a noob monster. The poor fellow is caught in the dome in the first minute, when he hasn’t even had time to really eat, and is beaten mercilessly within another minute. And all this despite the fact that Evolve is not particularly efficient in terms of the lobby. A leisurely selection of players, then each of them chooses classes and perks (including a monster), then loading. This can take up to 5 minutes - remember, for the sake of a 2-minute match. We have already talked about the pro-monster who leads us by the nose for a long time and tediously and tears everyone up in the end like a hot water bottle. It is not yet clear which of these “entertainments” is worse.

The strongest survives

Just don’t think that 2K and Turtle Rock have rolled out the same barrel of ointment for you, giving you gold-plated spoons instead of copper ones and asking you to take a bite. It’s more like this: the best honey and tar were mixed in a 50/50 ratio, and you eat at your own peril and risk.

Well, metaphors and allegories be damned, what we mean is this: when the stars align just right, Evolve truly shines. Balanced, intense matches with an unknown outcome - this is definitely worth trying the game for (especially for free). When a monster at the 3rd stage of evolution, already trapped in the dome several times, still blows up the reactor, despite the fact that he and the last hunter have the last hit point... these are indescribable sensations that are better to experience once yourself than try to understand in theory. After such a match, even if you were on the technically losing team of hunters, there will be no burning of the 5th point: only positive things.

We guarantee: this kind of thrill cannot be found anywhere else. Not in L4D2, not in Borderlands, not in Dead Island - in general, not in any classic co-op game. One simple fact that the giant boss is controlled not by AI, but by a living opponent, changes everything radically. For those who lived in a post-nuclear bunker (that is, know nothing about the original Evole), it is worth noting that the game has very soulful characters, and on both sides of the barricades. Well, where else will you see a redneck with a flamethrower, an engineer with a kilometer-long beard, a fragile medical girl and a trapper a la “Crocodile Dundee”, driving the Lovecraftian octopus-like Kraken into a trap? That's the same thing.

A trap worse than the dome

Participating in a match gives you anywhere from 80 to, say, 300-plus silver coins (depending on win/loss and dozens of other factors). Daily challenges and daily login will bring a little more - such enticing tricks are familiar from Hearthstone, Killzone and many other games. Unlocking a character costs from 5500 to 8500 coins (depending on the toughness of the hunter/monster), unlocking and upgrading perks costs from 1500 to 4500 each. In general, an honest and persistent Korean grind, and without the opportunity to spend real money.

But in literally a month, if not less, an in-game store for real money will be launched. No, but what did you think - that 2K restarted Evolve out of pure humanism!? At best, it will be a kind of Oriflame, that is, only cosmetics: skins for guns, hunters and monsters. Well, in the worst case, it will be possible to purchase the beasts and adventurers themselves.

The first iteration of Evolve was bent not only because of the crooked balance: the community literally went crazy when they realized the fact that all the worthwhile hunters and monsters were only in expensive DLC. The second stage of the game's evolution faces a very similar syndrome. Imagine that you, honestly, like a true Korean worker, have been grinding for the third hunter and the second monster for more than a dozen hours. And then the damned donator comes, buying everything and everyone at once, and instantly breaks even that dubious balance that Turtle Rock has created with great difficulty over the past year and a half.

Overall, Evolve Stage 2 is one of those rare cases where we will give 2 ratings at once and hope that the higher one will be valid.

+ Unique sensations not available in L4D2, Borderlands, Dead Island, etc.

+ Very colorful characters and monsters

+ Original game mechanics 4 VS 1

- WARNING! Free to play can turn into Pay 2 win

- Unbalanced matches: 10 minutes of running and shameful death in a minute

- Instability of free servers

One of the most unique online games hit the shelves (both physical and virtual) this week - Evolve has finally reached gamers around the world. While the parameters of the game modes may change slightly, the basic idea is that four players must team up to work together to destroy a single human-controlled monster.

Passing through the stages
There are three basic levels that a Monster can reach, and evolving from one to the other is the main way to switch roles with resourceful Hunters. At Stage 1, the Monster should stay away from the rest, feeding on wildlife until it evolves and reaches Stage 2. This is where the Hunters and the Monster become equal, meaning that when the monster reaches Stage 3, it has the upper hand. The goal of any player taking on the role of a Monster should be to reach Stage 3 if possible, and then hunt down and eat these weak Hunters.
How wild animals and buffs work
The wilderness in Evolve provides both Hunters and Monsters with rewards and challenges. It can be deadly to hunters, but killing it can result in a Buff if that particular creature was considered Elite. An example is Armadon, a creature with its own territory, found in the Forest Biome and one that would be difficult for either side to fight. However, if a certain Armadon turned out to be Elite, it could be a risk since it would give Hunters a Damage Resistance Buff.

From a Monster's perspective, devouring wild animals is part of progressing through the three stages, but killing and devouring Elite versions of certain creatures also rewards Buffs. In the case of Armadon, which we mentioned above, this would also be a Damage Resistance Buff. For a complete list of different types of wild animals and possible Buffs, click on the link at the bottom of the page to buy the official strategy guide.

Perks and leveling up
In Evolve, players can reach a maximum of level 40, and with each level up, a new perk can be unlocked. There are not 40 of them in the game, but most are divided into three classes. For example, the Hunter Perk called Movement Speed ​​unlocks at level 11, the second class becomes available at level 24, and the final class at 37. When players unlock the final class, they will be given a 20 percent bonus to movement speed if it is selected. Mix and match different Perks depending on the Biome and team strategy that will be employed.
Types of Monsters and Hunter Classes

In Evolve, Hunters are divided into four classes and each specializes in something that will benefit the team. By working together and adjusting the distribution of these specializations, players can become more effective in the fight against the Monster. The four classes are: Assault, Trapper, Medic and Support.

As for the Monster, there are currently three types to use, and each has its own abilities and recommended game modes in which it can excel. Choose the right Monster for the map and mode, and the Hunters will meet a terrible death. Make a mistake when choosing, and the Hunters will take the initiative and harm the monster.

The currently available Monsters are Goliath, Kraken, and Ghost, and as mentioned above, they each have their own strengths and weaknesses. We'll talk about this in more detail, but for the most comprehensive guide on the internet, use the link below and buy the official strategy guide.

Card Effects and Favor
Card Effects are a game mechanic that can be applied to either Extraction mode or player-set individual matches. We'll focus on Evacuation, which is broken down into five rounds, or better yet, five days. Each day, Hunters or a Monster win or are defeated, and the losing party receives Favor, a slight buff that helps ensure there is always a rivalry going on. However, every time a team wins a round, they receive a Card Effect to support them. For example, by winning one of the rounds (days) on the Fusion Plant map, Hunters could receive a "Cargo Ship" Card Effect that would patrol the skies and track the Monster for Hunters on the ground.

Now that gamers around the world have gotten their claws into Evolve, everyone wants to play as the Monster. We can't blame them. When it comes to a video game that can overwhelm you, we always think it's best to play as the antagonist. Imagine playing as an Alien in Alien: Isolation. And suddenly wandering around the Sevastopol station ceases to be such a terrible thought.
Basic Monster Movement
There are basic movement concepts that monster players should take into account. First of all, there is normal movement, which tends to leave trails that Hunters can follow. And there is Evasion - a game mechanic due to which the monster stops tracking or scaring away the birds in the area. Hunters can use birds as assistants to point out the location of the Monster.

Choosing your movement type is key to surviving the early stages of a match. Monsters in Stage 1 will want to get away from the drop area as quickly as possible. This will leave a mark, but since the two sides are separated by some distance, the player-controlled monster may begin to Slip away, eliminating the possibility of the Hunter following on his heels.

How to track a Hunter
Just as Hunters can track a Monster by looking at prints or other signs of the monster's presence, the latter can use the Smell ability to track Humans as well as other creatures. The different colors will indicate what type of creature or threat the beast perceives. For example, if the Smell ability is turned on and the object turns red, this means that the Monster could be on the trail of a Human or Daisy, Huntress Maggie's loyal, toothy pet, a 400-pound dog-like creature.
Differences between Monsters

Each Monster has its own characteristics and has its own Abilities available for use. Speaking of Health and Armor, Goliath starts with 5 and 10 points respectively, but can reach 11 and 10 by fully evolving into Stage 3. The Kraken, in turn, also starts with 5 Health points, but only 8 Armor points. However, upon reaching ideal Stage 3, this is already 10 Health points and 8 Armor points.

As for Abilities, then, again, each Monster has access to specific ones that others do not have, and they are also tied to the passage of Stages 1, 2 and 3. Anyone who wants to see the full breakdown of all the differences in Abilities, Health and Armor, do not don't forget to look at the official strategy guide linked at the bottom of the page.

Monsters and Wildlife
We briefly mentioned Stages 1, 2, and 3 of Monster Development, but let me explain what they mean and how they affect strategy when facing a tough group of Hunters.

In Stage 1, the Monster is at a disadvantage and must avoid Hunters at all costs. Focus on finding and consuming various types of wild animals and eventually reach Stage 2. At this point, the Monster and Hunters are essentially on equal terms, but why stop when the next stage is possible?

In it, the Monster evolves into a threat that puts the Hunters at a disadvantage. It may sound silly, but at its core it is the concept of Hunters becoming the hunted. This is when the player controlling the Monster tries to push hard and try to win the battle, although a highly skilled group of Hunters will still pose a great challenge.

When and where
As long as the person playing as the Monster manages to remain undetected while pursuing Stage 3, there is a possibility of putting the Hunters in an awkward situation. To do this, you need to hunt down four human opponents, and then try to quietly kill the one who breaks away from the group. Pull this off and you'll only be left with three Hunters, a much more tolerable setup than the four opponents the Monster started with.
How to play as Goliath

As the name suggests, evolution plays a huge role in Evolve, and so it is with Goliath: you need to ensure fast leveling. To do this, you need to look for food in the form of animals wounded by Hunters or by you.

When you see these living creatures, stop and absorb them. When you have enough of them, you will move to the second level, which will increase the strength of your abilities. You will become stronger overall, but don't be content with that.

If you eat a few more creatures, you will move to level three, and this can really determine the outcome of a multiplayer match. Upon reaching the third level, you will gain access to the Hunter base and try to destroy it. Completing this objective will win the match, but you can bet they'll be ready to defend themselves, so keep an eye on your prey and perhaps plan an air strike or throw rocks to get them out of the way.

Get in touch
There are two ways to fight Hunters: strike from a distance or use melee attacks. We'll write more about ranged methods below, but for now let's talk about melee attacks, mainly because they are most effective when it comes to draining someone's energy.

There are two general attacks that require your physical presence that you can use on Hunters. The first is Crushing Jump, and this is a great tactic if you manage to get above your opponents.

Once you figure out where you want to land, perform a Crushing Jump and watch them fly apart on impact.

Second attack - Raid. This is a great tactic with a slight downside. With it, you rush at your opponents and deal a lot of damage. If you miss (which is possible, since they can jump to the side), then you temporarily become open to attack. The best way to get out of this is to immediately jump and reach a higher place so you can come back with a Crushing Jump or raid again.

Continuous movement helps because you take less damage this way. You shouldn't rest peacefully when there are Hunters around.

Rock Throwing and Fire Breathing
Rocks are very good when Hunters are shooting at you from a distance, because you can interrupt their stream of bullets with a good throw and then follow it up with a Crushing Jump. It can take a good second or two to pick up and throw a rock, so try not to do this in close combat. It's best to save this technique for when you're on high ground or when you notice Hunters surrounding you and preparing for a deadly attack to temporarily disable them and try to escape.

As for Fire Breath, this is an effective technique for frying a group of Hunters. Breathing flames in front of you, your character is vulnerable from other sides: hunters can turn around and strike from behind. In this case, get away with a couple of dashes, then break away from other players so you can throw rocks and/or prepare for a Crushing Jump.

How to play as Kraken

We've already looked at one of the best creatures in the Evolve universe, the mighty Goliath, but today we'll take to the skies with a few strategies for the Kraken, an aerial creature capable of dealing massive amounts of damage from a distance.

Here are some tips for those playing as the Kraken.

Swing to survive
Like Goliath, the Kraken is capable of leveling up twice throughout the game. He initially has a good reserve of strength, but it becomes interesting once he reaches the second level. In the third, he poses a real threat to the Hunters because he can attack their base and win the match if the player is smart enough to get there.

The main thing is to find dead animals within a closed level and eat them. This can be a bit of a challenge for the Kraken, as it is slightly slower on the ground than Goliath because it walks on four legs rather than two. Still, try to put a decent distance between yourself and the Hunters before starting the feast. Otherwise, it may take time to soar into the air and take an offensive position.

Remember: eat to live, but first make sure there is space to enjoy the dish. This way you will live a little longer, and at the same time you will become stronger.

Lightning Strikes
One of the Kraken's key abilities is the ability to summon lightning in the form of two attacks - Aftershock and Lightning Strike.

If you're flying, Lightning Strike is a great way to dish out damage without having to touch the ground. Simply locate where your bubble orbs will land on the Hunters and prepare your attack. Then you can send explosions that cause significant damage. If possible, try to wound the Medic first, because he acts as a healer.

If you're stuck on the ground, you can rely on Aftershock. It allows you to create an electrical ripple that surrounds the Kraken for several seconds, striking anyone within range. While a bit limited at first, Aftershock can hit more than one Hunter at a time. With leveling up, it will slightly expand your sphere of influence and make you a force to be reckoned with. Try to stay in the sky if possible, but if you're stuck on the ground, use this ability to push the Hunters back.

The Kraken is capable of not only launching surprise attacks, but also shooting red, pulsating mines from its tentacular throat that can rain down on Hunters. You won't be able to produce much at first, but the number increases as you level up your Kraken.

These are great weapons because they can fly at Hunters and explode, dealing good damage. However, Hunters have a chance to dodge as they make a loud sound before collapsing. The goal is to create an element of surprise by placing them so that the Hunters don't see them coming. Try to build a chain, and even if the enemy moves, he will still be hit.

It may be difficult at first, but you'll soon realize that Banshee Mines produce explosive results.

Whirlwind for surprise
Finally, Whirlwind is another great ground attack for when you can't fly for a while or are getting shot at. With it you can jump on the Hunter and send him into the air, causing good damage. You may be open to additional hits for a second or two, so try to save it for a situation where you can't use Aftershock.

Whirlwind is effective, especially if a single Hunter fires at you while waiting for the others, so try to take advantage of the opportunity to send him flying and then charge him with Lightning Strike or Aftershock. Throwing in a few Min Banshees won't hurt either.

How to play as the Ghost

A super-powered, supernatural monster, the Wraith may very well be the most dangerous creature in Evolve. This is a fast alien whose attacks cause significant damage to hunters.
Grab and grab
One of the Ghost's best techniques is Abduction, which allows you to grab a hunter at a distance through teleportation and return to the original point. In the process, you will defeat the target and deal significant damage to them.

This is a great tactic when you need to split up a team. Sudden capture by hunters can unsettle the group, because they will not be sure of the creature's original position (at first), forcing them to scramble in an attempt to find their missing comrade.

This is a powerful technique, but you will need to make sure that the specific hunter is selected, otherwise it will not work. Chances are you'll want to practice first just to get the hang of it.

Let's make a distorted explosion again
If you don't really want to grab hunters, why not strike with your arrival? With the Warp Blast skill, the Ghost can teleport to a marked location in front of him and instantly create an explosion upon arrival. This is a great move when you want to hit multiple targets at once, although it will backfire if you miss because it will give away your location.

More importantly, Distorted Blast can be enhanced to be more effective, causing a chain of explosions to cause even more damage to hunters within the blast radius. You'll need to successfully complete a few matches at first, but the experience will be worth it.

Get rid of them with bait
Not every attack is offensive. Thanks to the Decoy, you can escape from fire by getting rid of a group of hunters through a distracting maneuver. It allows you to produce a clone that will distract the team for a few seconds while you disappear and slip away so you can recuperate and strike again.

And the bait itself doesn’t just run – it causes damage to both hunters and animals. The only downside is that she can only deal a set amount of damage before she disappears, so use your time wisely and sneak out while you can.

Finally, there is the Supernova, which may very well be the Ghost's best technique. It requires a lot of energy, but not only confuses the hunters pursuing you, but also increases your speed and strength for a certain period of time, allowing you to wreak even more havoc.

When you release a Supernova, you create a huge explosion, larger than the Twisted one. It has superior range and impact, allowing it to hit multiple members of a hunting party at once. As it subsides, the Ghost experiences a temporary increase in strength and speed, making it more difficult to hit and escape from the monster. This only lasts a short period of time, but it can be enough to turn the tide of the fight and win the match.

In addition, the Ghost has an excellent combination of speed and agility, can quickly beat hunters and again blend into the terrain - this is what makes it similar to the ghost. This arguably makes him even more effective than Kraken and Goliath, although we'd pit them against each other in a single match to test it out.

The rebirth of the failure is not slowing down - either a cooperative mode is being added, or new monsters. In general, the developers are doing their best to restrain players and support their project, adding useful content to it to the delight of those who like to while away the evenings.

I think it's worth starting with the recently introduced cooperative mode, which should have been introduced a long time ago. It doesn’t bring anything fundamentally new to the gameplay - now 4 players are fighting against a monster with “artificial” brains. If you have a company of 4 people and are reluctant to look for a fifth, then there is an excellent opportunity to check the results of your work Turtle Rock Studios.

For the above-mentioned cooperative game, two new monsters were added, this time they will let us chase Gorgon And Meteor Goliath.

Gorgon looks quite scary and disgusting, as confirmed by the worms covering her stomach. She specializes in ambushes, luring out her prey, separating them from the herd. Also, this creature can easily confuse hunters and confuse them, because Gorgon does not sit on a specific territory, but moves around the map.

Meteor Goliath - This is a regular improved Goliath. This individual has more armor and improved mobility than his “relatives,” but due to the advantages, recovery takes longer. A word of advice: before using heavy artillery, make sure that your team is at a distance from the monster, otherwise you and your brethren will find yourself in an incomprehensible substance.

The second stage is so far going much better than the first, and this cannot but please both fans and developers! After the transfer