Where can you catch pokemon. Where is the best place to catch Pokemon? The rarest Pokemon in the game

In this guide, we'll take a look at how to catch pokemon in pokemon go( to catch) , where to fishpokemon go and the secrets of successful fishing.

Capturing Pokémon is the main goal. After all, the motto of the series was "Collect them all." On the way you will meet, basically, the most common animals, but sometimes, very interesting specimens come across. All the tricks and easy ways to catch pokemonpokemon go We will tell further, but we will start from the very start of the game.

How to catch your first Pokemon in Pokemon Go

Let's start by answering the question how to catch starter pokemonpokemon go. When you start the game, the professor offers you a choice of three pocket monsters: Chermander, Squirtle and Bulbosaurus. I confess that I did not immediately figure out how to catch them, but in the end I understood. So a very unusual activity for most gamers, because VR games are only gaining popularity, we will tell you everything in detail. First, you must have GPS turned on and it is better to be outdoors and not in a building in order to get a clear signal. Next, a real-time map of the current area will load on your screen, after which just poke on the pokemon you like and start throwing a pokeball at it (read how to throw it correctly).

Now you know how to catch starter pokemonpokemon go, but there is one secret related to the start of the game and a secret animal (namely Pikachu) that you can get at this point. Read about this secret.

pokemon go where to catch pokemon

After we figured it outhow to catch your first pokemon in pokemon go , let's analyze where to fish them. Contrary to logic, pocket monsters don't hide in
forests and hinterlands, but live in the very center of the city and places of increased concentration of people.
The best places to catch it are a cluster of Pokéstops andjims. Usually there are a lot of them in parks, city centers, significant points and other interesting objects.The larger the city, the more such places.

What Pokemon Can You Catch in Pokemon Go? ? Absolutely anyone! There are 250 species in total. this moment and they are not limited to this. The only difference is that you will come across, basically, the most common ones, such as Drouzy, Ratata and many others, and the rare ones will not respawn so often and not in all places.

How to Catch Legendary Pokémon pokemon go

Now let's find out what are the best pokemon to catchpokemon go. Not all rare animals will necessarily be super strong, some of them will be just nice to have in the collection, but there are really worthy specimens. The best way to catch unique Pokémon is to go to the most popular Pokémon farming location in town (usually the one with the most Pokéstops) or the place where you often encounter animals. You need to use the pocket monster lure module on the PokéStop and at the same time use the scent to lure. I guarantee that your catch at the same time, in the next half hour, will be simply colossal. If luck smiles at you, then the legendary species will also come across, and if not, then do not despair and keep trying.

Now you know how to catch pokemon in pokemon go (catch) and what pokemon can you catch, and most importantly where. I hope the article was useful to you!

Read about the rest of the secrets of pumping.

Have a nice game!

Pokemon GO can be safely called one of the best apps for mobile phones last decade. After all, this game has conquered more than one million people around the world. Now you won’t surprise anyone with the search for Pokemon, and even in a small town you can see a person leading a “hunt” for virtual monsters. In that small review We will tell you where is the best place to catch Pokemon.

How do pocket monsters appear?

Before you figure out where it is better to catch Pokemon, you need to understand the principle of the appearance of a particular pet. At first glance, it seems that the creatures appear in one place or another randomly, and their location is determined randomly. Of course, there is a share of "lucky chance" here, but the appearance algorithm embedded in the game program makes it possible to determine the most likely habitats of creatures. The main difference between the places where it is better to look for Pokémon is their crowdedness: museums, tourist places, attractions and supermarkets.

In addition, in order to find a rare pet, a number of conditions must be met, for example, there must be a river near a possible spawn location, and it can only be found at night.

Top best hunting arenas

The leader of the list of places where it is best to catch Pokemon is the small South Korean city of Sokcho, located near Seoul. According to the confessions of the players, here you can catch up to thirty monsters in just half an hour. In addition, rare creatures such as Pikachu and Farfetch are most often found in this town.

The second place in the list of tourist places where it is best to catch Pokemon rightfully belongs to New York. Virtual monsters can be found in the Empire State Building, at the Statue of Liberty, and in Central Park.

The metropolis of Tokyo closes the top three. It is best to catch Pokemon here in the squares and in any other crowded places, which abound in this city. In addition, this metropolis, which is the birthplace of virtual monsters, can give you a meeting with the rarest Ditto.

Notable cities

The next great city to catch Pokémon is Rome. After all, in this huge museum you can always find a large concentration of tourists, and, accordingly, monsters, because they "love" to live in crowded places. Another city that, according to tourists, is teeming with Pokémon is San Francisco.

In addition to the above, the top ten cities in the world for finding creatures are Oakland, Honolulu, London, Vienna and the German town of Wolfsburg. Also very popular with tourists involved in catching Pokemon are the Opera House in Sydney, Leleid Lake and the German city of Hamburg.

Finding Pokémon in Russia

With the advent of the crisis, few of us can afford to go to distant lands to capture this or that rare creature. But do not be upset, because in our open spaces you can significantly replenish your collection of pocket monsters. To date, many tour operators offer special trips to the habitats of the creatures of the game "Pokemon Go". Where is the best place to catch Pokemon within our country? Read more about this.

St. Petersburg

The northern capital is rightfully considered one of the best cities for finding pocket monsters, because the number of museums and tourist places here really rolls over. If you do not know where it is better to catch Pokemon in St. Petersburg, then you should first of all go to Nevsky Prospekt. In addition, to search for creatures, it would be useful to visit Palace Square, Victory Park, the Forestry Academy, Matveevsky Garden and all stations.


The capital of Russia is, of course, one of the best places to find Pokemon. However, most of them randomly appear on the map in the most unexpected places. Most individuals are not tied to any area, but still we will indicate the coordinates where it is better to catch Pokemon. First of all, you should go to the Pushkin Museum, especially since the management of this historical landmark has officially allowed you to look for pocket monsters here. In addition, it is allowed to catch Pokemon in the Moscow Zoo, provided that visitors do not disturb the peace of the animals. The Metropolitan authorities also do not mind searching for pets, but only in the passenger area and not during rush hour. The best fishing stations were Vystavochnaya and Vorobyovy Gory. In addition, it will be useful to visit the Central Department Store, the Central Park of Culture and VDNKh.


One of the best cities in Russia to find Pokemon is Yekaterinburg. Here you can find monsters not only on the streets and in museums, but also in financial institutions and large stores. The fact is that entrepreneurs have long understood that catching Pokemon attracts visitors to their habitats, so special terminals were installed in many of these buildings that attract creatures, as well as poke-stops. To search, visit the Passage and Greenwich shopping centers, as well as Sberbank branches and the Alibi restaurant.

For fishing, it is best to go to Samara, to the park named after the 60th anniversary of Soviet Power. In the city of Ufa, there is a great chance to find rare creatures near the fountain, located near the City Council. Central ones can also please you with a meeting with an unusual pet. In addition, it would be useful to visit Pushkin Street, the Opera House and the Museum of Local Lore. So it’s not at all necessary to go to distant lands in search of a rare creature, because our cities may well help you fill out your Pokedex.

So, you have downloaded and installed the Pokemon GO app. When you first start the game will prompt you to select a gender and appearance. After that, a map will open for you. it real map the area you are in:

The guy or girl in the bottom center is your current location. Around you, in addition to the map of the area, various objects will be located - mainly poke-stops (places where you can take consumables and get a small amount of experience) and arenas (you can fight other players' Pokemon in them).

If you have just started playing, then on the map you will see a Pokemon - this means that there is a Pokemon next to you and you can catch it. The first time you log in, the game will automatically add three Pokémon near you.

Important: if you do not catch Pokemon right away, but walk 400-600 meters, then you will find Pikachu.

If there are no Pokemon nearby, then you need to find them. Nearby Pokémon are displayed at the bottom right. If you click there, a separate window will open, where all the Pokémon around will be shown. The number of legs under each of them is the distance to it. The fewer of them, the closer the Pokemon. Distance can be defined like this:

No paws - the pokemon is near you, click on it on the map to go to the capture window;
1 paw - the pokemon is within a radius of 50 meters;
2 paws - the pokemon is within a radius of 100 meters;
3 paws - the pokemon is within 150 meters or further

Accordingly, if during the movement the number of paws decreases, you are approaching the Pokemon. If it increases, move away (rotate 180 degrees). If the number of legs first decreased, and then began to increase, then you passed him somewhere - go back to the place where the number of legs was minimal, and then turn left or right (at 90 degrees) - if the number of legs increases, then , you turned the wrong way - turn around and go back.

There is another way - just walk around your area, and when there is one paw under any of the Pokemon - start walking in circles from this place (well, as far as the area allows) - soon you will definitely find a Pokemon.

Remember that there are obstacles on the street, cyclists and cars ride. Other people are walking. Be carefull!

Catching Pokemon

Click on a Pokemon on the map and you will enter the "Catch Pokemon" mode:

Here you will see the Pokémon up close. It will be displayed on the real terrain - on grass, asphalt, or other surface. Moreover, a shadow will even be visible from it. However, the technology cannot be called ideal and there are some “bugs” - for example, if there is a fence or a grate between you and a Pokemon, then the Pokemon will be “on top” of it, although, logically, it should be behind it.

By clicking on the image of the camera (or picture) at the bottom right, you can take a photo and brag to your friends about which Pokemon you found, and where.

To catch a Pokemon, you need to click on the Pokeball, then, without releasing your finger, slide into the Pokemon and release. A pokeball will be thrown at the pokemon, and if you did everything right, the pokemon will be caught.

Important: at the moment you press the circle on the Pokemon, it will begin to decrease - the highest probability of catching a Pokemon is when the circle is of the minimum size. Therefore, after pressing the pokeball, do not immediately move your finger up, but wait a bit until the circle decreases.

However, even after the Pokémon is in the Pokéball, it still has a chance to escape. You will see how the pokeball "shakes" several times - this pokemon is trying to get out. After a few seconds, one of the following will happen:

1. Caught. A message will appear about the items and experience received, after which you will open a Pokémon window with its characteristics - congratulations, you caught the Pokémon!
2. Got out. The Pokémon will reappear in the same place - this means that the Pokémon got out. Try to catch again.
3. Got out and ran away. The Pokémon will reappear in the same place, after which it disappears, leaving behind a small smoke - this means that the Pokémon has escaped. Look for another.

Note: The color of the circle around the Pokémon indicates how difficult it will be to catch:
Green - easy to catch
Yellow - medium difficulty
Orange - difficult
Red is very difficult.

When you catch a Pokémon, you get 100 experience, and an additional 500 experience if you catch this type of Pokémon for the first time.

I decided to merge all the points that I know myself. I think you yourself know what to do with all this.
I'll start with the tightest.

SpoilerTarget"> Spoiler: New York Central Park

40.781695, -73.966492
One can say perfect point, almost all Pokémon are found there, but at the same time everything is overflowing with useless Pinseers.

SpoilerTarget"> Spoiler: Sydney Opera House

33.8590635805737, 151.2131743133068
A good place in terms of density of pokemon, almost like Central Park only without garbage. Lots of water pokemon.

SpoilerTarget"> Spoiler: Tokyo, Japan

35.701695, 139.771198
A VERY good point EXACTLY for the farm exp. Pokéstop density is HUGE, but there are few strong Pokémon. This point is only for farming experience, so far the most the best option in this plan.

SpoilerTarget"> Spoiler: Tokyo, Japan

34.70430269315191, 135.5077850818634
Pikachu is the dream of your life? Then this park is for you.

SpoilerTarget"> Spoiler: Lilydale Lake, Melbourne

37.7651298, 145.3509665
Lots of Dratini to farm Dragonites.

SpoilerTarget"> Spoiler: Hamburg, Germany

53.5530600326993, 9.923685193061829
I can’t say anything for sure, but rare Pokémon are often found here, like Porygons, Vaporeons, Aerodactels, etc.

I’ll also add a couple more points for farming individual Pokemon:
-37.7633869612057, 145.35428166389465 Aerodactel(spawn from 30 min. to 6 hours)
-33.859431, 151.229435 Electrobuzz
37.80198532630738, -122.41267204284668 squirtle
40.75696123684052, -73.98322105407715Magnemite

P.s. You probably already know this, but I’ll say it again, when moving a long distance, there is a high chance of getting a soft ban for ~ 2 hours, so that you don’t have to log into the game for 6-12 hours before moving.

Good luck in catching Pokemon!