How to quickly raise your reputation. How to increase reputation in "Avatar"? How to get reputation in "Avatar"? A small overview of the Nightfallen

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Nightfallen is a faction based in Suramar, in the Broken Isles. Unlike other factions, the Nightfallen are initially hostile to the player, so you won't be able to immediately start leveling reputation without completing preparatory tasks.

Revered with the Nightfallen is required for the Broken Isles Diplomat achievement, which in turn is required for Pathfinder of the Broken Isles, Part 1 . Exalted with the Nightfallen counts towards the Friends of the Broken Isles achievement.

A small overview of the Nightfallen:

In this guide, we will tell you about ways to increase reputation and the rewards that you can get from the Nightfallen.

1. How to get reputation with the Nightfallen

1.1. Animosity with the Nightfallen

Before you can interact with the Nightfallen, you must earn their trust. The required quest chain consists of 6 parts, and the achievement Darkened But Not Forgotten is given as a reward.

Quests are issued only at level 110. Once you've maxed out your character, open your Adventure Log and start a quest that takes you from Dalaran to Suramar. There are a ton of other quests in Suramar that have nothing to do with the achievement, so we will describe each part of the chain in detail:

  • Twilight - the first part of the chain, begins with a quest from the adventure log. The first quest is called The Discovery of Khadgar, the last one is The Thirsty for Magic.
  • The food of Shal "Aran begins with Shal" Aran, ends with the Food of Shal "Aran".
  • Chief Telemancer Oculeth starts with Oculeth's Workshop , ends with Reconnaissance... .
  • Arcanist Kel'danath starts with Old Ally, ends with Kel'danath's Legacy.
  • Masquerade begins with Masquerade, ends with First Contact.
  • Dungeon Light starts with Arcane Unity , ends with Valewalker's Burden .

After completing all the tasks and getting the achievement, you will be able to perform world quests for the Dark Ones.

1.2. World Quests

Once you reach level 110, you will be able to complete World Quests. These quests appear on the map for any max-level character and do not need to be accepted in the normal way. Once you arrive at an active quest zone, you can immediately start completing it, just like on additional objectives in Draenor.

In the Broken Isles, World Quests are one of the following:

  • battle with other players;
  • killing the world boss;
  • completing a goal in a dungeon or as part of a group;
  • tracking down and killing rare elite monsters;
  • participation in the battle of pets;
  • fulfillment of the goal associated with one of the available professions;
  • tracking down and killing ordinary elite monsters;
  • accomplishment of single goals.

Thus, you can choose an activity to your liking. Not all quests give reputation points, so choose them wisely. It should also be noted that the complexity of the tasks is different. Some of them can be done alone, some will require a group.

Team up with other players! This will make it easier and faster. With an increase in the level of equipment, it is possible that the need for help will disappear, but for this moment it is simply necessary.

If you are going to build reputation on World Quests, we recommend installing the World Quest Tracker addon or the Broker_WorldQuests plugin for the Data Broker addon. This will make it easier to interact with the World Quest interface (for example, you will be able to know exactly how soon a particular quest will disappear and what kind of reputation you will receive for completing it).

Reputation with the Nightfallen is earned by completing world quests in Suramar. For one task, you can get 50-350 units. reputation, depending on the goal. The necessary tasks are not available at any time.

There are also additional tasks, during which you will have to complete several main tasks in a particular zone. After completing 4 world quests in Suramar, you will receive a quest from the Nightfallen Emissary ( , she is also a quartermaster of the faction). For fulfillment additional task 1500 units are given. reputation.

1.3. Kirin Tor World Quests

For the most part, World Quests in the Broken Isles grant reputation with one of the six main factions. However, some quests are issued by the Kirin Tor. World Quests from the Kirin Tor can spawn at any location.

As a rule, they are a little more difficult than regular World Quests. For example, you may be asked to carry an object to the target, following a certain route. Of course, this is much more interesting than just killing monsters.

Completing a Kirin Tor quest will grant you an upgraded reward. Since reputation with the Kirin Tor was already available in Wrath of the Lich King, you will be able to choose a token that grants reputation with one of the new factions.

When you turn in a Kirin Tor Emissary quest, you can receive:

  • 750 units reputation with the Nightfallen
  • 1500 units reputation with any other Broken Isles faction

1.4. Withered training

Once every few days you will be asked to visit. With its help, you can participate in the scenario - hire withered and send them for valuable resources. The amount of Withered you hire depends on the amount of Ancient Mana (Suramar's currency) you have. To access the script, run the main chain story missions in Suramar. When you get to the Gathering Troops quest, start the scenario. Wither army size depends on the amount of Ancient Mana you are willing to spend. The rates are as follows:

  • 8 Withered - 400 Ancient Mana
  • 10 Withered - 650 Ancient Mana
  • 12 Withered - 900 Ancient Mana
  • 15 Withered - 1300 Ancient Mana
  • 20 Withered - 2000 Ancient Mana

The goal is to kill as many monsters as possible while keeping the withered alive. By killing monsters, you gain points. The higher the score, the more valuable the reward will be.

As the scenario progresses, you will be able to open chests with improvements for the withered (for example, a bonus to health or combat skills). In order to take the loot from the chest with you, you will have to exclude several withered ones from the battle, which will be carried to the starting point.

The scenario ends at the moment when the last withered one dies.

1.4.1. Extraction from the script

As a reward for completing the scenario, you can get not only improvements for the withered, but also other items. The higher the score, the better the loot. You can get:

  • Items that grant reputation with the Nightfallen (max 425 per scenario)
  • equipment items for the character and defenders from;
  • items that give;

1.5. Signs of the Nightfallen

Mark of the Nightfallen grants 250 damage. reputation. They can be found in chests scattered throughout the Broken Isles, and can also be obtained as a reward for completing class hall quests.

1.6. Dungeons

In some Legion dungeons, you can gain reputation with certain factions. Reputation with the Nightfallen is gained by killing bosses in the Quarter of Stars and the Catacombs of Suramar.

1.7. Leveling duration with the Nightfallen

Given that World Quests appear infrequently, it is difficult to give an accurate estimate. Increasing your reputation with the Nightfallen takes 1-2 months on average (assuming you complete all the emerging World Quests).

If the quests are related to other factions or give too little reputation, leveling may take longer. However, it can be accelerated by collecting signs from chests and visiting the above dungeons.

2. Reputation rewards with the Nightfallen

The quartermaster and envoy of the Nightfallen are called. Below is a list of items that can be purchased from her (with an indication of the cost):

Nightrunner's ShoesFriendliness500
Irongrove Refugee BootsFriendliness500
Twilight shoesFriendliness500
Plundered Felsoul SabatonsFriendliness500
Treasure Map: SuramarRespect20
Mana Seeker's GiftRespect100
Telemancer mobile beaconRespect300
Warmaster's GauntletsRespect500
Deathlord's GauntletsRespect500
Gauntlets of the FarseerRespect500
Gauntlets of the Order of the Silver HandRespect500
Gloves of the Grim Harvest CouncilRespect500
Dreamgrove GlovesRespect500
Gloves of the High PriestRespect500
Gloves of the Shattered AbyssRespect500
Gloves of the UncrownedRespect500
Tirisfal GlovesRespect500
Gauntlets of the GrandmasterRespect500

Plays a vital role in building a positive reputation. Do not sit somewhere in the corner following someone's instructions, but go towards new things, take the initiative, start a conversation first. Activity is exactly what will lift you up as a team in the first place.

Be confident and don't be afraid of anything. Fear is the main enemy of your reputation, because it is he who paralyzes you and stops you on the way to great things. You should be afraid to remain in the shadows, but not your own actions.

Start offering instead of asking. In general, forget about requests and such turns of speech as “could you,” “it won’t be difficult for you,” and so on. But your offer should be one that cannot be refused, so think through everything in advance, weighing all the pros and cons.

Responsibility and discipline are the qualities that you need to cultivate in yourself. If you made a promise, you must keep it. You should not have any mistakes regarding punctuality and diligence. If you want to have a high reputation in the team, you must become to some extent an ideal to follow.

Emotional outbursts, tantrums, complaints, resentment and other qualities that are characteristic of children are not allowed. If you raise your voice to people, don't expect their feelings for you to be filled with respect, most likely they will give the impression of you as an unbalanced person.

Be competent in the matters you speak about. Today, all information is very easy to check in a short time, and if one day you say something that is not related to reality, do not expect to be listened to carefully in the future.

Be positive, it should be read from your face - calm and open. Listen, do not interrupt, be respectful to each person, then your mistakes and mistakes will be perceived by people more gently, because you did not pretend to be an inaccessible know-it-all, but communicated on an equal footing, were friendly and attentive. In this case, your reputation will increase and begin to work for you, and your task will be to further maintain it.

Today we will talk about how to increase your reputation in Avataria. In general, the balance of the rating in recent times puzzled many players. After all this feature gives its benefits. Depending on your status, you will get access to new purchases and actions, earn bonuses and other pleasant surprises. True, the question of how to raise the reputation in "Avatar" worries almost everyone who has just started playing this application. Let's try to deal with this difficult question.

What for?

But before that, it is worthwhile to figure out what we have to deal with. And in general, why did they come up with all this rating. Is the game really so boring that there is simply nothing else to do in it?

Not at all. If you think about how to raise your reputation in "Avatar", and also ask why it was invented, then you can understand - this is a kind of limiter. The rating helps to show your behavior in the game, and also, as already mentioned, gives a variety of bonuses to the player. For example, gold. Or the possibility of buying certain things (including clothes).

How to increase reputation in "Avatar"? In the passport you can, by the way, monitor its level. Please note that the rating in the game can not only grow, but also decrease. So, make sure in advance that no one can "break off" your dreams of increasing your reputation. Let's take a closer look at the methods that will help to understand the solution of the question.

What happens

It should be noted right away: at the very beginning of the game, you will not be able to deal with your reputation. The thing is that this feature is available only to players who have reached level 15 and above. Only after reaching this bar, it is worth considering how to get a reputation in the "Avatar".

As already mentioned, this status can not only grow, but also decrease. Of course, no one will block you if your reputation level is too low. On the contrary, you will get the name of some "bad boy" in your passport, you will be able to act like a hooligan, and other characters will be able to quickly understand what kind of person you are.

So, we can say that each player has the opportunity to take the "dark" or "light" side of humanity. True, as already mentioned, this can only be done after level 15 in the toy. But how to increase reputation in the game "Avatar"? And how can you lower it? What are the key points to pay attention to in solving the problem set before us?

We follow the order

Of course, each toy has its own rules of conduct. And if you follow them, then you won't have to think about how to quickly increase your reputation in Avataria. You just need to play and lead a normal "lifestyle", without hooliganism and other violations. Create a character that is calm, sociable and sweet. So you save yourself from unnecessary problems.

That is, to increase your status, you just need to play and be kind. But there are some rules that speed up the process of rating growth. Or, conversely, slow it down. Let's say if you keep order in the chat, then this is a "plus". For such behavior, the rating will increase. Otherwise, it will remain unchanged or decrease.

To add a "plus" to your rating, complain about insults and swearing in the chat. Only this applies to open phrases or expressions. There is no need to send complaints to the "asterisks". They were invented by the administration in order to automatically hide the mat. And no one will pay attention to such complaints. So, if you are thinking about how to increase your reputation in "Avatar", then start monitoring the "purity" of the general chat. Quite a long, but a sure way to increase the rating.

Names and advertisements

The next scenario is also based on complaints. But not for insults and swear words in the chat, but for usernames, as well as advertising messages. In other words, something that violates the rules of the game. Complain, present evidence, and increase your reputation. Nothing complicated or special. After all, this is how you can answer how to increase your reputation in "Avatar". This method often helps to get to the top of the "light" side very quickly. And get all the accompanying bonuses to the "Guardian" rating.

See spam in chat? Sent a complaint. Obscene or promotional username? We stocked up on evidence and filed a corresponding application with the administration of the game. True, note one fact - the rating will not be calculated instantly. Your complaint will have to be considered, and only then reputation points will be awarded. As a rule, this action takes from several minutes to a couple of hours. However, that's not all.

Life in the game

If you're wondering how to get reputation in Avataria, you can just... play. Daily visits to the application and activity in it also add to your rating. With all this, in order for it to rise, you just need to perform good actions and, as already mentioned, create a friendly atmosphere around you. True, this is not the fastest way to increase the rating. But true and honest. Moreover, it does not require any special costs or skills.

Mentoring and helping newcomers are two other things that help build reputation. It is enough to prompt comrades something or help. For these actions, the administration will also give you rating points. See to it that your friend also leads a good and diligent life. After all, mentoring the "bad guys" will lower your reputation.


Many users, thinking about how to increase their reputation in Avataria, resort to using different kind programs and bots. To be honest, this option actually has a place to be. But only as a deception or a divorce of players for money. Firstly, the use of cheats entails a ban in Avataria. Secondly, there are no such applications that would increase the rating in a toy just like that. This, as practice shows, is just crackers. The work of scammers. So avoid this kind of temptation.

But if you do not want to build a pretty character out of yourself, then you just need to break the rules of the game. And with all this, lower your reputation. For a low rating, as already mentioned, you will not be banned. What to do to become a "bad guy"? For example, send false complaints, and often fight, offend other players and cheat them. And then you can achieve the status of some fighter. Now you know how to increase the level of reputation in the "Avatar" or lower it. Choose a "side" and act.


So to speak, a small continuation of my first news, which will help us facilitate our activities as a trader on the forum.

We will conduct our acquaintance at many well-known, popular forum ""

Since in the next topic some users asked me to express myself as detailed as possible, I will write a guide from a number of rules in a concise form, without compromising the meaning

What you should know and what actions you need to refrain from, so that we do not drive a fat minus into a soft point:
1.1 Reputation can be raised in the following ways:
1.2 Make friends with guys who have more than a hundred messages. This is done quite simply. Upon request, we help with various tips, we answer unintentionally, unnecessarily.
1.3 We arrange various freebie contests, for example, with guessing numbers and with a reward in the form of small boxes. Be sure to pick a winner with 100+ posts. We write in the PM, they say you won - the person thanks and, if possible, puts a plus.
1.4 From time to time he enters the PVP-room section, we follow the showdowns and, depending on the circumstances, we take the side of the opposition or vice versa. (No abuse, if the atmosphere heats up we'd better get out.)
1.5 We produce topics with relevant material, some will put a thank you, while others will poke a turnip. (Digging material on the Internet (excluding Runet) is not so difficult)
1.6 We rummage around in various sections of the CR "Black Market" - we look for topics where one of the famous people sells something, be sure to pay attention to whether he puts thanks to those who speak positively about him. If he puts it, then we join the public opinion and praise it in every possible way.
1.7 Do not forget to support not only those people who have over999 messages and reputation, we also help ordinary users, guys with turnips in the red, fresh regs, etc.
1.8 We visit the "arbitrage" section and act according to the example 1.4 .
1.9 We operate in the "Freebie" section, let's say we distribute minted bases, accounts from different games, money for POISON / VM / QIWI (you can easily allocate 150 - 200 rubles for this business) and distribute it to almost 200 users. It is not necessary to get hung up on contests, but since we are talking about a contest, you should not be greedy. minimum objective reward: from 5 rares, dotka key, 2-3 mythicals, 100 rubles and other of this amount.
1.10 We receive thanks, occasionally "bits in turnips" for a positive outcome of transactions in our topic.

2.What to avoid:

2.1 Breeding groundless holivars, insults, provocations, clarifications and other showdowns on this topic.
2.2 Defend your point of view if it is inappropriate (on a bug, people are like wolves, do not forget about it)
2.3 Publicly ask for reputation, thanks, leave a review in your topic. (In addition to the minus, they can put a banana in a turnip for a couple of days)
2.4 You should not be clever, your deep "knowledge" may negatively affect your reputation, both as a person and on the dial.
2.5 In arranged contests, it is not worth openly begging for turnips and thanks, it is better to ask for it in a hidden form, for example: "Improvise on the go", "May the wisest win", "You know what to do, etc."
2.6 Use foul language in chat.
2.7 Violate the rules of the forum (filling posts, fludote and other things)
2.8 In no case, do not be rude and do not be rude to the moderators and scams, even if he is wrong, it is better to file a complaint in the PVP room and overthrow the infection from the pedestal than to get a six-month ticket to bunk beds.

Bonus material:
If you want to fill yourself with a lot of messages, and this is never excessive, then do not forget that messages in chatter, flood topics and other things do not count.
It is best to fill posts without fear of a banana in the "Browser Games" subsections: social networks, other games. in the "Other games" subsections: dota and other.

P.S A good example of how I got +400 to the turnip with just one tip.