Shooting game for two against zombies. Zombie games for two Kill zombies for two

Games with zombies are a great way to saturate your life and the life of a friend with adrenaline and switches, because you will always be attacked by living corpses of not only people, but also animals! Therefore, if you are still ready for what is happening, then we suggest that you familiarize yourself with toys in which two players will need to destroy zombies using different types of weapons.
As for the genres in which the main opponents are zombies, there are a huge number of them, but the most common, of course, can be called shooters.

Zombie games for 2 players

the site is a resource where you can find toys with zombies for every taste, there is even entertainment for girls in which two female representatives need to play.
Instructions for those who decide to fight zombies:
-you need to understand that zombies are dead people or animals that have come to life in a strange way, but have not lost the appearance of a corpse;
- if you are bitten by this monster, you will join the ranks of their army;
- a great way to kill zombies is to shoot them in the head, because they die when their brain is damaged;
- if any part of the body of a killed zombie gets on you, then you can also become a zombie, therefore, you should be especially careful;
- Zombies don't kill each other. therefore, in their crowd it is quite possible to find an ordinary person;
- you need to know that zombies have no need for sleep, rest and food, which means that you need to be especially vigilant and not get tired;
- Since monsters can be located in any area and even in water, you need to select the right weapon to kill them and a second player who will help rid the planet of zombies.

What does every player need to know about zombies?

Don't think that zombies are just a fictional character. There is a lot of evidence that they exist in the real world.
1. These monsters originate where Voodoo magic spreads, therefore, it is believed that they came to us from the African continent.
2. In Haiti there is a special article in the criminal code that talks about zombies. Its essence is that for zombification you can be punished as for murder.
3. It is believed that if zombies and vampires started a war, the latter would win, because they can recover from damage, have mobility and can form groups.
4. If you trust films about zombies, then these creatures are inactive, and in winter they can generally be frozen.
5. If we talk about hot weather conditions, then zombies are not able to endure them, which causes them to dry out. This period is considered the best for their destruction.

Let's quickly start playing zombie games for two!

If you are ready to challenge the most terrible and mysterious creatures on the planet, then we advise you to take your faithful friend and choose the most interesting and exciting toy. This is where you can become real heroes who can free humanity from these terrible creatures. Also, you should not ignore the above recommendations, because they will fill players with knowledge about zombies, which will help in exterminating them. There is no need to hesitate, because a lot of the most interesting adventures and adrenaline are waiting for you!

The plot of the exciting game Zombie for two will appeal to all fans of horror, fantasy and fast-paced action films.

Load it if you are sure that you won’t be scared, and then you won’t nervously glance sideways at every dark corner in the apartment. Keep in mind, Zombie games for two are an explosive cocktail of horror, adventure and creepy monsters. Even a couple of minutes of playing Zombie for two will make your heart beat faster. Become a participant in the Zombie game for two if you need a fresh dose of adrenaline. We promise, you will receive it in full, it will last for a long time.

The plot of the game Zombie for two

Imagine that you find yourself in the very center and midst of an apocalypse. Yes, yes, the end of the world could very well look like this. And even though the idea of ​​an attack on Earth by all sorts of bogeymen and monsters is not new, and has been repeatedly brought to life by artists, filmmakers and writers, believe me, the awareness of this fact does not make it any less scary. Moreover, there is a difference, and a significant one: watching the development of events from a soft cinema chair, gnawing on popcorn and washing it down with cola, or rushing across a deserted field with a rifle in hand, realizing that there is no one to save humanity except you. And it doesn’t matter that the field, the rifle, and the monsters are virtual. The developers of the game Zombies for Two did their best and created a complete presence effect for you. We promise that in just a few seconds you will forget that you are playing on a computer, immersing yourself in the bizarre twists and turns of the plot.

Features and Features

The beauty of the Zombie game for two is that you can play alone (you as the people, your PC as the monsters) or together with your best friend. Together, of course, it’s more fun, but alone you won’t be bored. You will have many opponents. These include vampires, zombies, and werewolves. Agree, not a very attractive company. Humanity will only breathe a sigh of relief when you destroy every last one of them. The toy has wonderful graphics and a large field for maneuvers. At your disposal is a whole map with marks on areas captured by vile creatures. The main goal of the game: gradually, competently controlling an army of people, liberate land after land from monsters.

Rules of the game Zombie for two

First, you should carefully study the map and the principle of deployment of enemy forces. Territories captured by vampires, werewolves or zombies are marked with corresponding icons. Then think carefully about which place would be most advantageous for you to launch your attack from. There is a lot of work to be done: twenty-seven territories need to be conquered. For each victory you will receive all the gold of the liberated land. It is necessary to maintain the army in combat-ready condition: to purchase new ammunition, weapons, vehicles and other needs of your soldiers. By the way, the soldiers themselves can also be purchased. Not a bad option, right?

Territories freed from monsters are marked on the map with the image of a person. To make it easier for you to think about your offensive strategy, do not forget to study the information in the upper right corner of the game screen. There you will find characteristics of the piece of land where the battle is currently taking place: what part is occupied by enemies, what weather conditions await you, what nasty things the enemy is preparing. The developers of the game Zombie for Two did their best with this option - it turned out to be a very convenient “trick”.

On the left side of the screen information will appear about how much gold can be obtained as a result of conquering a particular land, and what can be purchased for it in the virtual ammunition store.


Convenient and quite common in this kind of games: arrow keys. To activate strength and morale, use the Z button. If you want to take a break and pause the game, press P.

If there are two players, the second one can use the WASD buttons to control their characters, and the number 2 key to activate the power. Despite the fact that the players will have to use one keyboard at the same time, they will not interfere with each other, since the control buttons are located on sufficient distance. Do not believe? Hurry up, invite a friend over and download the game.

The living dead are not to be trifled with - if you hesitate, they will crush you in mass and your brains will become a delicacy for the walking corpses! Real professionals in battles with the undead do not go alone. Zombie games for two are great entertainment for everyone who loves to destroy evil spirits with friends! Take on hordes of zombies in our free online games for two for boys! They are a pleasure to play thanks to cool graphics and an exciting storyline! Any hordes of zombies are powerless against two brave fighters. Choose a reliable partner, stock up on powerful weapons and free the world from this aggressive biomass.

Zombie Killer

It is not for nothing that among all the games about zombies, those that are designed for two players stand apart. The role of a lone hero has already been tried by every fan of computer entertainment. But there are not so many specialists in joint actions that open up completely new opportunities.

One of the important aspects in any virtual world where you need to destroy the living (and not so living!) force of the enemy is the selection of weapons. When used skillfully, this skill can bring a lot of benefits. Again, in the case when you have to break through to the goal, leaving mountains of corpses on your way alone, everything is much simpler. Choose what you like - a machine gun, a pistol, a sniper rifle or a sharp sword and use it with maximum efficiency - that’s the whole secret of success. In the case when you act together with a partner, a properly selected arsenal can seriously make your life easier.

As you understand, there are no universal weapons, so when you are alone, you have to focus on either close or long-range combat, choose between destructive power and rate of fire. But when a comrade in arms is with you, this problem is solved on its own! Just arm yourself with a sniper rifle and shoot the most dangerous undead on the far lines. Well, if some fast and dexterous small resurrected aggressive creature, like a zombie dog, encroaches on your safety, it will quickly be killed a second time by a machine gun fire fired by your “co-pilot”. Thus, together you become a powerful combat unit that is not afraid of any zombie enemy!

What other interesting weapon combinations are most effective against zombies? Well, for example, a shotgun and a flamethrower! As you know, zombies are able to completely ignore such trifles as the fact that 100% of their surface is engulfed in flames. Even in this not at all pleasant situation, they stubbornly move towards their goal. This is where the trusty shotgun will have its say. The stopping effect of a shot from a modern combat shotgun is enormous, and the chance of depriving a living corpse of any limb when using such a weapon is very high. Thus, an immobilized and ignited zombie will pose absolutely no danger and will calmly burn to the ground somewhere in a corner.

With melee weapons, things are not so simple. Of course, with one swing of a razor-sharp katana or a chainsaw buzzing merrily in anticipation of a bloody massacre, you can shred several carcasses for barbecue at once. However, in order to use such exotic weapons, you need to have remarkable composure and, most importantly, honed skills in working with the tool. One miss and the stinking paws will reach you, leaving no chance of survival. And in the excitement of battle, hitting your partner with a blade is as easy as shelling pears. Therefore, do not chase new sensations - pick up your trusty firearm and smash the undead to smithereens!

Now you and your partner are ready for a real bloodbath, in which the main prize is life! Choose the Zombie game for two and go to abandoned cities affected by a dangerous virus that turns people into walking corpses and fight your way to freedom!

Do you want to have fun and shoot with a friend?? You will both love the game Zombie for Two: Shooting Game!!

They always talked about this, and they will never stop repeating: one in the field is not a warrior! And no matter how many different Rimbauds try to prove the opposite, single heroes still remain exceptions to the rule rather than a common occurrence. After all, fighting alone while playing Zombie for two is both difficult and ineffective! Judge for yourself. You have only one side of your body called “front”, and, in fact, it is on it, on this one side, that your eyes are located. You are far from being, so to speak, a pigeon, and you can’t boast of a view of more than 180 degrees! Therefore, if you are fighting alone against a whole crowd of opponents, it costs them nothing to come at you from the rear and attack there unnoticed, so that you don’t even have time to react. It doesn't matter if 2 players take on the task of destroying enemies!

Yes, you can object here that according to the rules of honor you cannot hit someone in the back. And a decent enemy would never do that! Like, no matter the numerical advantage of the enemy, all the enemies will still line up and attack gradually, maybe even giving you a break.

Well, there’s no harm in dreaming, that’s what I’ll say to that. Maybe in knightly times this was possible... But no one resolves current conflicts according to the rules of chivalry and nobility. Rather than crumble in front of the enemy, it’s better to kill him! This is exactly what your opponents are thinking, and they are probably right.

Rules that work in life, as a rule, are also suitable for computer games, because the creators always strive for realism. So, if you have the opportunity, then it’s also better to fight in the game Zombie for Two: Shooter together with a friend!!


During the game Zombies for Two: Shooter, you two will have to fight hordes of disgusting zombies that are crawling out of every crevice and seem to never end. At the beginning of the game, you choose one of the levels on which you will start the game. The levels differ from each other in their “interior” elements, the location of the walls and partitions that are located on the playing field.

The area on which you can move in the game is quite small, it only slightly goes beyond the boundaries of what you see on the screen at the same time. Walls are both your protection and an obstacle. Protection - because zombies can only pass through holes in these walls (somehow it’s hard to call these empty gaps doors), and therefore you can always know where to expect an attack, and which area you can safely turn your back on and forget about monitoring.

And the obstacle is because your shots don’t penetrate walls either. And even if you see a zombie persistently rustling in your direction, you will have to either jump out to meet him (rather than expose yourself to attack), or wait for him to approach (which is essentially no better).

Zombies are coming in waves. At the end of the wave, if the defense was successful enough, you can get some nice things, for example, a new, more powerful weapon. Don’t forget about the bonuses that are always waiting for you if several of your shots in a row hit the target!!

You choose the character you will play. However, the positive characters in the game Zombies for Two: Shooter differ only in appearance and character, which you can read about on the page with the rules. But how will knowing that Bon, say, likes to cook in his free time help you in battle? No way!

But it’s better to know the enemy by sight. Fortunately, during the game for two Zombies for boys there are only 2 types of opponents: zombies and devils. Zombies are quite fast, there are a lot of them, but they have poor health and die quickly. In addition, a zombie can only attack you when it comes close, so if you shoot all the zombies before they reach you, your hero’s health will not decrease after the attack.

With the devil everything is a little different. Not only is he much more difficult to kill, but he can also shoot himself!!! This means that keeping the devil at a distance is not enough. Something more is needed. You need to have time to kill him before his shots finish you off.

Controls in the game Zombie for two: Shooter

When playing Zombie for 2: Shooter with a friend, you'll only be using one keyboard! You don't need any additional manipulator or any tricks.


Motion Control:

Player 1: Arrow keys

Player 2: WASD keys


Player 2: Space

Changing weapons:

Player 1: Keys. And,

Player 2: Q and E keys

However, even if you want to play alone, Zombie games for two will still not lose their charm!! You just have to get used to the new control keys. It's not that difficult, you just have to remember!


Motion Control:

Arrow keys


Changing weapons:

Number keys 1 to 9

But this rapidly changing field also has its own timeless “classics”. For example, Zombie games for two have remained the most popular and sought-after shooter games in the world for more than 10 years, the primacy of which has not been shaken by anyone - not Spider-Man, not Transformers, not even the last Terminator.

For boys of all countries, ages and skin color, there is no greater thrill than playing frightening but exciting zombie games with your best friend from morning to evening, saving the planet a hundred times a day from an impending corpse-catastrophe. The main features of such entertainment are entertainment and dynamism. But besides them, games about zombies for 2 have something to attract the attention of users.

Features of online shooting games for two

In this section, we have collected action-adventure shooting games that involve two players at the same time, but in general, games about zombies are universal: you can play them either alone or in pairs. The desired mode is selected before the start of the first level and it is no longer possible to change it after, except to start the passage again. However, as statistics of visits and downloads show, Zombie games for two are much more popular than single versions. After all, killing monsters in pairs is much more effective than by yourself: there is someone to cover your rear, give you a couple of extra seconds to reload your rifle, or help you attack the enemy from several sides.

In addition, some quests are simply teeming with difficult-to-pass obstacles, such as deep faults or high walls. The player cannot overcome them on his own, but together, it’s easier than ever. Therefore, before you plunge headlong into any mission, thoroughly study the capabilities of your characters so that in an emergency you can use them to the fullest.

The vast majority of games for two about the struggle of humanity against zombies have the same structure: a large number of exciting missions, arranged in order of increasing difficulty: from simple to complex. A little advice: at each level, don’t be lazy to collect bonuses and use all the opportunities to earn extra points. They make it possible to upgrade the characteristics of your characters: upgrade weapons, increase stamina, stock up on health, etc. Only using all of the above options can you complete the mission to the end.