How many missions are there in Call of Duty: WWII. Guide and secrets of Call of Duty: WW2 - Which division to choose? Mission IX: Bulge Operation

On November 3, 2017, the new Call of Duty: World War II was released. This time the game will immerse you in the history of the 20th century, in the era of World War II, where you will participate in battles in France, Belgium and, of course, Germany.

In the shooter you can collect souvenirs. In each of the 11 missions you have to find 3 souvenirs, that is, a total of 33 throughout the gameplay. For your patience and attentiveness, you will receive the "Pieces of History" achievement.

Mission I: D-Day

The task is “Climbing the Cliff”.

First the find will be a knife. It’s not difficult to find it, just move along the trenches all the way and turn right. The item will be highlighted with a golden circle.

Second a souvenir - a compass - can be found during the mission "Clear the bunkers". After you exit the third bunker, go left to the door that was previously closed. Take your loot with your suitcase.

To find third souvenir, in the “Destroy the Artillery” task, head to the haystacks, go into the shed from which the soldier is peeking out, look to the right and take the “pie” from the shelf.

Mission II: Operation Cobra

Fourth souvenir - a lighter, to replenish your piggy bank, turn right and move towards the two boys standing near the barrels. On one of them, near a mug with a bottle, you will find your light.

Fifth The find is a watch. They are on the table in the small wooden house on the left where the light is on.

Sixth souvenir, go into the very right passage, where a fire is burning at the entrance. There will be a dead Nazi lying in the corner. Pull off the gas mask from him and continue on your way.

Mission III: Citadel

The task is “Take the Church.”

To find seventh trinket, start moving towards the tall head, go into the doorway, continue moving straight, go up the stairs to the 2nd floor, then to the destroyed walls where the picture hangs.

Eighth part of the collection must be obtained during the quest “Cleanse the Church”. Move straight, going around the fallen table, and before reaching the fire, turn right, go down into the depression and find a sparkle on the right.

Ninth souvenir - canister.

The task is "Defend the city square."

Immediately after assigning a target, we go straight, shooting back from enemies, and select the desired item on the right. By the way, it is not highlighted like the others.

Mission IV: USO

The task is "Stop the train."

Go to the house where there are lanterns hanging on the wall outside, turn right, head towards the fireplace and go straight, then the door will be open on the left, move towards the car, attack the enemies and right behind them there will be a trash can waiting tenth souvenir.

Eleventh find: we pass past the fire into the house with the doors open, go straight all the way and take the collar on the left side of the table.

Twelfth part of your collection: we pass under the wreckage of a burning train, there is shooting, but we go straight to the boxes, where the drawing will lie.

Mission V: Liberation

Tell the password to access control, move straight until you see a red patterned carpet and a circle on the floor, turn off. The first door on the right is the toilet, that’s where we need to go, as long as we can stand it! In the very last booth you will find thirteenth souvenir.

To find fourteenth reward for your collecting activity, go to the room where the golden Bird of the Reich hangs above the door, then straight ahead, shoot back and turn right, go up the stairs to the 2nd floor and find a bottle of liquor right in the office.

Fifteenth souvenir: so, we are on the street, walking straight, making our way through the fences. There will be a medal on the table next to your aunt.

Mission VI: Collateral Damage

The task is "Get to the hotel."

We are near the statue of a horse with a rider, we head straight, turn right, our ally will be near the burning car, we continue moving past the flaming shop windows, and on the left we find a piano sixteenth object - a sheet of paper.

Seventeenth find: there is a fork near the fireplace, go into the right opening, then straight all the way, jump to the very top and again straight ahead, to a huge hole in the floor, jump onto a small ledge on the right and pick up a collectible on the corner of the fireplace.

Pearson tells you to break through the wall, after you do this, inside we turn right, under the counter we find eighteenth part of the collection.

Mission VII: Death Factory

The task is to eliminate the mortar team.

Move straight, turn near the truck, immediately behind it we pick up a pistol on the boxes - nineteenth souvenir.

Twentieth collectible item: you need to find your squad. We pass under a burning truck, then to the right past a dead parachutist who got tangled in the branches, we go under a fallen tree, then there is a fire on the left, you need to go straight up a small rise and straight again until you meet man’s “best friend.” On the left in the fallen fighter there will be what we need.

To become the owner twenty-first souvenir, you need to complete the task - “Eliminate the sniper”. We open the heavy metal door. We go up the stairs, clear the area of ​​enemies, go back to the stairs, there will be a small platform on the left, by jumping onto it (this will not be so easy), you will replenish the collection.

Mission VIII: Hill 493

Twenty-second find: run after the squad to the mountain, but before reaching the very top, a dead soldier will lie near the stump, and next to him - a sheet of paper.

Twenty-third souvenir: moving through the trenches, reach the gun, Pearson will be sitting on the right, and to the right of him is the desired collectible item.

Twenty-four The collection is located behind a heavy metal door, go straight, without turning anywhere, after leaving the trenches, run towards the fire, there will be a recess above the wall in which you will find a wallet.

Mission IX: Bulge Operation

The task is “Deliver ammunition.”

Twenty fifth collectible item: move towards the three allies sitting next to you, there will be a camera on the wall immediately behind them.

Twenty-sixth part of the collection: go on the mission "Carry the box of ammunition." When you get to the desired location, there will be a soldier sitting on the right, who will immediately stand up when you approach. The book will remain in that place.

Twenty seventh The souvenir can be found as follows: when there are 60 meters left before the task “Go to the radio station”, turn right, to the left there is a small tent with a brown-green canopy and there is a box in which there is a medal.

Mission X: Ambush

Twenty-eighth item from the collection: there will be a hangar ahead, but we need to go to the right, we go into the open pipe on the left, climb up and head to the room in front with a Nazi plane, go to the next room or immediately enter it from the street. There will be a table with a lamp from which we will take the magazine.

Number twenty nine: Along the chain-link fence, next to the car and barrels, there is a reddish building with a light on. We go to the beds, there will be a flask on the table on the right in the aisle.

Thirtieth souvenir: immediately after receiving it, go out the door where the darts hang, go right-right-left-straight-left and go into the red door. There will be a medal immediately to the right.

Mission XI: Rhine

Thirty-one part of the collection: we head to the right tower, go up the stairs to the third floor. Next to the dying Nazi is what we need.

Thirty second The item is located in the left tower on the second floor on the table. We pick it up and go to the last souvenir.

Thirty third the item from the collection is located in the same tower on the top floor, we kill the enemies and enjoy the last piece of the puzzle, which lies on the nightstand. You are awesome!

After watching the introductory video, you will find yourself in a boat with your comrades. Very soon the first operation will begin, which will unfold on the French coastline. When the boat stops, run out and talk to the lieutenant in the shelter, after that your task is to break through to the indicated marker, to do this, run from one shelter to another, move chaotically so that you don’t get shot.

Having reached the indicated location, place the explosives on the Bangalore. To do this, move the pointer over the circle and click the button shown. After the explosion, go into the bunker. Run into the trenches on the left side, after killing several enemies you can take first aid kits.

Note: The health bar does not regenerate automatically, like in other modern shooters. To replenish your health, you need to use first aid kits, which you can find or ask from your squad’s medic.

Souvenir- here you can find the first souvenir, to do this, at the end of the trench, turn right to the machine gun pillbox, which is shelling the beach, inside you will find a souvenir. (1 of 3 on this task)

Having dealt with the opponents, go up the road that leads to other bunkers. Here your task is to clear the bunkers from the enemy. Try to shoot enemies from a distance and only then approach and go inside the bunker, otherwise you may get surrounded. There won't be any problems with the first bunker, stick to cover and deal with the guards.

Feat- On the way to the second bunker, you can notice how a German soldier is trying to kill your comrade in hand-to-hand combat. Kill an enemy to get your first feat. (1 of 2 on this mission).

On the approach to the second point, be careful, there are enemy machine guns at the exit. Throw a smoke grenade to get past them. Then make your way to the third bunker, there a flamethrower will attack you, by killing him you can take his weapon.

Souvenir- don’t rush to run to the fourth pillbox, first go left and down (where you came from). The door that was previously closed will be open, and inside you can take a second souvenir. (2 out of 3 on this task).

Feat- on the way to the fourth indoor bunker you need to save your friend from the enemy again. Like last time, just kill the enemy, so you will get a feat (2 out of 2 on this task).

Now you just have to get to the last fifth bunker, where a German soldier will attack you. At this moment, the QTE mode is activated, where you need to press the buttons that are shown on your screen. Once the fight is over, check Zussman, then turn around and kill the enemy with the pistol. After this, your task will be to save Zussman; he must be dragged to the nearest first aid station. Drag your friend through the side hole of the bunker. On the street you will need to shoot back from enemy soldiers, try to shoot in the head. Having reached the specified location, your task will change to another. Now you need uniWhat to do with the enemy artillery that is shelling the beach. Head towards the indicated marker, finding two houses ( majority opponents sit on the right). Clear them of enemies, and then strengthen your position on the first floor (lots of cover) or on the second, where there is a machine gun and you can fire at the advancing soldiers.

Souvenir- pay attention to where the German soldiers appear from (to your right, the machine gun cannot be deployed there), in this direction there will be a souvenir on the table. (3 out of 3 on this task).

All you have to do is hold out until your allies arrive. After destroying the enemy artillery, return to the first aid station to complete the operation.

Operation Cobra

Your goal: take Marigny, France, in order to open a direct route to Paris.

Souvenir- as soon as the task begins, pay attention to two soldiers who are standing near the barrels. There you can find a souvenir (1 of 3 on this task).

After jumping on the tank you will move towards Marigny. German bombers will appear and destroy a couple of tanks. There are several firearms nearby that will need to be destroyed, as well as one anti-aircraft gun that will destroy enemy aircraft. Regroup at the indicated location, and then clear the barn that the Germans captured. To the right of the barn there is a path that you should follow to the next marker, hiding in the covers. There is a window next to the wall, which is an excellent place to destroy enemies. On the road to the left there will be less cover, but the Germans are also in a more vulnerable position. In any case, once you're done with them, go upstairs. Behind the barn there is a field with haystacks. It is from here that the Germans will try to counterattack you - shoot them all, using the hay as cover. Move forward, go through the forest line, where some opponents will try to stop you.

Feat- when you see that the enemy soldier is surrendering, go up to him and take aim, when the scale is full you will accept his task and earn a feat (1 of 3 on this task).

Souvenir- walking along the path that leads to the anti-aircraft gun, nearby you will find a hut with a souvenir inside (2 of 3).

After destroying the bombers, you will have to make your way to the German heavy artillery, which is trying to destroy the Allied tanks. Follow Pearson along the road and go to the viewpoint. Stop to replenish your ammunition, and then jump down and clear all the trenches, where there are two firing positions with anti-tank infantry. Take the sniper rifle at the right point and shoot at the red fuel cans (this will be when you enter the building and go up). Or just shoot at every enemy in the three trenches. When all three positions are cleared, the tanks will begin to move forward. Hide behind one of the tanks and follow, using it as cover from machine gun points. Don't forget that you can throw enemy grenades aside. Once your tanks reach a certain point, they will be able to destroy the Nazi machine gun positions, allowing you to move on to the next area.

Souvenir- after destroying the guns, go to the far right and go down. Here you can find a soldier's gas mask; this will be the last souvenir on this mission.

Feat- after taking the gas mask, look to the left - your ally is in danger there, save him by killing the enemy (2 of 3).

Your tanks will be stopped by the next PAKs, so you will have to clear the nearby barn and find a good position for the sniper (on the second floor). Approach the barn on the right and destroy all the enemies surrounding it - or go to the barn on the left. There is a machine gun emplacement in the second barn, so be careful. To the right of the machine gun point is a red canister - shoot it to kill the machine gunner with an explosion. From the barn, deal with three PAKs by shooting at the canisters or at each enemy separately with a sniper rifle. Don't forget that by holding left Shift you can hold your breath.

Feat- after destroying the PAKs, cross the enemy trenches, there you will meet Pierce. When faced with enemies who are trying to surrender, spare them to get feat (3 of 3).

After regrouping with Pearson, you will find that Charlie Squad is surrounded by the Germans. You will be placed in a jeep - you need to go as quickly as possible in order to save them. The marker at the bottom of the screen with a scale is not a timer. The bar shows the likelihood of you encountering "Charlie" based on how fast you are driving. Crashing into obstacles will slow you down. After a few seconds of driving, Daniels will hand over the steering wheel to Zussman, and you will have to shoot opponents in enemy cars with a machine gun. Once in the village, kill the Nazis until you finally kill them.


Your task is to capture the church, and then climb the bell tower to cover your allies from above. There you will also find a sniper rifle with optics. Move through the Marigny, using smoke grenades frequently to call in mortar fire whenever possible.

Souvenir- having dealt with the enemies, not far from the beginning of the task, on the second floor near the stairs on the right there is a small medallion hanging in front of the picture of the convex wall, take it to get your first souvenir on this task (1 of 3).

Feat- when enemy reinforcements appear, hold out until the all-terrain vehicles appear. At this moment, provide first aid to your squad comrade (1 of 1).

After destroying the Germans on all-terrain vehicles, move to the indicated location and stand behind the machine gun. The fascists who will appear on the left side of the screen will try to counterattack you. The machine gun does a ton of damage, and is well shielded enough to protect you. But if you're having trouble identifying opponents, ask Pearson to identify the targets.

As soon as you enter the church, you will see a box with ammunition that you need to use to replenish it. When you do this, a machine gunner will open fire on you from the second floor, and several other opponents will appear on the first tier. Go to the right side of the church and methodically move towards the visible targets, killing one by one. Open the door to the church courtyard after reloading your weapon.

Souvenir- after dealing with the enemies in the church, go to the right side of the building, here near the explosion pit there is a small niche where there is a souvenir (2 of 3).

Some of your allies will leave the church to destroy the anti-aircraft guns, while you and a couple of other soldiers will have to climb the bell tower and cover those who went outside. Climb up the indicated stairs, and then get to the tower and pick up the sniper rifle. In front of the sandbags, kill four or five Germans. Next, enemies will appear on the left side of the square, and you try to be the first to kill the one with the flamethrower. After that, three snipers in green camouflage will be on the second and first floors of the building opposite. A little later, three all-terrain vehicles will arrive along with artillerymen. Kill the last ones, and then take care of the rest. Zussman will make his way down the street to the anti-aircraft gun. Enemies will appear on the second floor of the building on the right - shoot them all. As soon as the anti-aircraft gun is destroyed, the Germans will fire at your position. Some allies will die, and once you are knocked down, perform simple QTE actions to dodge the falling bell. Going down the stairs, you will be trapped by a beam that has fallen on your foot. This will begin another QTE scene. When you remove the beam from your feet, follow down and leave the church before the bell falls. After a successful escape, you will need to hold your position while killing the Germans counterattacking across the square.

Souvenir- hide in the shelter on the right, there you will find a large object with which you can interact (near the sandbags). This is the last souvenir on this task (3 of 3) and the last souvenir on the location.

The Germans will run along both the left and right flanks. Listen to Pearson and Stiles to find out which side has more enemies. There are weapons and first aid kits scattered around the location. Don't forget that sometimes picking up a new weapon is much faster than reloading the one you have in your hands.

In this mission you will have to fight on a fortified train and chase it, all in order to stop it. One of the features of this task is that it can be completed in two simple ways: secretly and with a frontal attack. Move towards the marked target; if you are detected, a report will begin before the train - you need to hurry to catch it. To act covertly, you must take your time and move slowly from one target to another. After the cutscene, sneak up from behind and kill the sniper by pressing the Q key. A truck with an officer will appear - he will be marked as the main target - shoot him, and your allies will deal with the other two enemies. Follow Crowley through the window into the building, where a German will appear from the corridor on the left. Kill him secretly and don’t even think about shooting at the two fascists outside the window - you don’t need them.

Souvenir- near the window, in the room on the left side there is another German. Don't worry - one of your allies will finish him off. Once you're on the other side of the house, turn left to find three Nazis talking. Kill them quickly so that no one alerts the others. Then look into the basket where the first souvenir lies. (1 of 3)

Go to the area below, where there will be several routes that can take you through the spacious field in front of the house. It is best to move along the left edge. When you are at the camp, you will notice a jeep driving here. There is no need to rush - wait until all the enemies have passed by, into the courtyard of the house, after which you will only have to kill two enemies - one near the truck, and the other against the wall in front. Wait until the two Germans go their separate ways. You can even use firearms - they are very powerful and quiet (with a silencer). Once you get through the hole in the wall on the left, you will find yourself in the second area with a fire in the center. Kill the German outside, in front of you - those inside will not notice you. Then kill the enemy inside the house. By that time, another enemy may approach and examine the body of his partner lying on the street. Kill him, and then deal with the one standing on the other side of the fire.

Souvenir- upon entering the house, there will be a souvenir right in the room, it lies on the piano in the form of a necklace. (2 of 3).

Go inside, as soon as you find yourself in the next area, you will be automatically detected by enemies, which will interrupt the secret passage of the task and turn it into a real train chase. First, you will need to clear the entire yard of enemies before the countdown ends, signaling that the train has left. There will be a lot of enemies on the street. Throw a grenade, which will destroy some of them. Next, dogs will run and immediately attack you - shoot the animals. You need to go to the building across the street, the post office, from where you can catch the train. Collect ammunition and first aid kits from your allies and try to kill the Germans as quickly as possible.

Feat- moving forward you can find a wounded soldier lying on the road near the passage to the yard. You need to drag him to a safe place to get the feat. (1 of 1)

A star icon with a circular, emptying scale shows whether you have time to catch up with the train. Several Germans will try to attack you from where you came, so be careful. When the opportunity arises, always take ammo from Stiles. After killing the enemies in the courtyard, go inside the post office.

When you clear it too, open the door to see a train shooting at you. The train will leave, and you will have to jump into the jeep and catch up with it. Next, drive along the road you see, trying not to crash into anything. Zussman will take over control, and you will have to kill opponents with a machine gun. The main thing is to pay attention to those Germans who climb onto the roof - most of them will have RPGs.

Souvenir - the last souvenir can be found after the train crash. As you move through the rubble you will encounter an enemy, after defeating him, look at the crates on the right. There you will find a radio - the last souvenir on this mission. (3 out of 3).

When the train wreck stopped,Reunite with your squads to begin a new mission.


Collateral Damage

Here you have to liberate Paris and play as two characters. First you will take on the role of the French spy K amil Denis, Rousey. The task of which is to meet with the general undercover and start sabotage. When you start the task, you will be given the opportunity to study the documents; you need to remember them well. To get into the protected area, approach the guard and show him your documents. When asked why you are here, select " Personal documents" You need a man named Fisher, who is wearing a gray officer's uniform. He works under the name Oberst and is your spy. There are many documents scattered throughout the hotel for you to study. There are quite a few people you can talk to to get more information.

From here you can take different routes. If you want to quickly get directly to the spy, then rewind the information below. Follow through the lobby and you'll see a room on the left - enter it and make your way to the room at the back. You will see an officer studying the map.

Ask him for Fischer to find out that he is in the filing. After leaving the room and returning to the corridor, go left. You will see an officer in a black uniform close the door and begin to walk down the corridor. You can either follow him to his destination, stun him, or pick the lock. Either way, you won't get caught.

Souvenir- around the corner here is a bathroom that you can enter. Search everything here and take the first souvenir. (1 of 3)

Going downstairs, you will see a soldier beating a woman - this happens in a side room. You can go in there and kill this soldier, or leave the girl alone - this is not a feat. Chat with the German soldier near the men playing cards - ask if he is Fischer. He will tell you that Fischer went up to the second floor. Also in the basement you can find a cell with a prisoner and a guard sleeping next to him - pick the lock on the cell. There are two staircases in the basement. Find the far one and go up to the second floor to meet Fischer. Your contact will be at the table. You can ask if he is a Fisher, or you can immediately give the passphrase. He will take you to a side room and explain that you showed up early. You need to meet him later so that he can hand over the explosives. He will send you through Heinrich's office. Follow the existing marker straight to Commandant Heinrich's office, going up to the third floor. Enter the room and try to open the window - this will lead to the appearance of an officer who will immediately begin interrogation. You will speak English to him. When he asks his first question, select the Spiegel option (it was he, judging by the documents, who sent you here). The Commandant will identify Rousey, begin to confuse him, and then pounce - complete simple QTE actions to grab the goblet and finish off the enemy. As soon as you kill him, get out through the window and head to the war room, where Fisher is waiting for you. As soon as you meet him again, pick up the suitcase from the floor - unfortunately, he will be caught. Quickly go downstairs to meet Crowley. You will be stopped by a guard who will ask a question and ask you to show your suitcase so that you do not answer; he will suspect you, but your partner will help you. Next you will go to a courtyard, which is well guarded by soldiers. Here you can secretly place explosives on the gate or, choosing a convenient position, shoot your opponents, the choice is yours, but the first option is still better. And on the right side of the yard, in one of the buildings, you will find Fisher being interrogated, get into the house and save him, in the future he can help you.

After placing explosives on the server gate, you need to mine the opposite gate.

Souvenir- when you place explosives on the northern gate, open the door on the opposite side of the passage. Further there may be opponents if you acted secretly, but if not the path will be clear. Go upstairs, and go to the room at the top of the stairs, there you will find a souvenir on the luggage near the couch. (2 of 3)

By placing explosives on the second gate, you will take control of Daniels, whose task, together with his squad, is to break through the area and enter the fortress. Make your way through enemies without straying far from your squad.

Feat- When you find yourself on the bridge, you will find a wounded man there, save him to get feat (1 of 2).

Souvenir- At the end of the bridge you will come under heavy fire from a machine gun point, hide in cover and look around. There will be a tarp and empty bottles nearby, on the right side you will find the last souvenir for this task. (3 out of 3).

Walk along the bridge, periodically hiding in shelters. At the end of the bridge on the second floor of the corner building, diagonally from you, there will be a machine gun point and several enemies, one of which has a grenade launcher. Use cover, pay attention to tarps and empty bottles. On the right side of the table is the third and final souvenir of the level.

Feat- having dealt with the armored personnel carrier that appeared. Regroup with your comrades and fight your way through the house, armed with a shotgun. After killing everyone on the first floor, go to the second, there some of the enemies will want to surrender - accept their surrender to get the feat.

As a result, you will fortify yourself in one of the buildings, with a machine gun. Your task is to stop the advance of the Germans who are trying to regain their positions. When your position is undermined, run outside and continue the battle. Take a grenade launcher and destroy enemy equipment, so you will end the battle.

Factory of death

The Allies have turned the tide of the battle and now your rear will capture the German city of Aachen. After the cutscene, hide in cover and shoot back, then gradually move forward. When you approach the marker and take the phone, you will take control of the tank. Your task is to deliver a tank platoon to the square to help your allies. In this part of the task you will control a tank and fire at enemies from it. This may seem easy at first, but don't forget about the enemies with grenade launchers. Always eliminate dangerous opponents first (they are highlighted and are usually hidden in houses). Sooner or later, you will encounter an enemy tank - the Panzer. First of all, take it back - the enemy has impenetrable armor in front, so you will have to maneuver among the ruins and attack only at the rear of the tank. Having destroyed it, move further until you encounter a “Tiger”, and another “Panzer” will press you from behind. The first one doesn't pose much of a threat (it just has more health than the Panzer), so focus on destroying one tank and then move on to the other. Having dealt with the enemy tanks, you only have to overcome a small obstacle in the form of an enemy platoon. And behind them there will be a square.

Having done this, try to climb the hill, but a German Tiger will burst out of the building on the right. In addition, another Panzer will appear at the location behind you. Turn left and go around the Tiger in the same way as you did with the Panzer. Focus on destroying one of the two tanks, and then deal with the second. You need to shoot exclusively at the side or back. In terms of armor and firepower, these tanks are stronger than yours, but the American one has an advantage in speed.

After finishing the battle in the square, follow to the German fortress - the marker indicates.

Souvenir- after the ambush with the machine gunner, take the document from the piano. (1 of 3).

Feat- After the second machine gun attack, before you enter the building with the squad, help your comrade. (1 of 3)

Many fans of 3D shooters have already become hooked on the recently released continuation of the popular franchise called “Call of Duty: WWII.” Pleasant graphics, an exciting plot, a lot of game battles and a colorful atmosphere of the Second World War contribute to the high ratings of the game among many users. However, some players may get stuck during a solo playthrough of Call of Duty: WWII, not knowing how to complete a particular level. In this article I will talk about the walkthrough of the game “Call of Duty: WWII”, focusing on the initial levels of the game.

Considering the passage of the game “Call of Duty WWII”

Level 1. "Day of D-Day"

You begin Call of Duty: WWII in the role of Private Daniels, who will take part in Operation Overlord, associated with the Allied landings in Normandy on June 6, 1944.

The gameplay begins with an infantry landing on the Normandy coast. Your boat is fired upon, you fall over the edge of the boat and fall into the water. Get up and run forward, picking up a “Bangalore” along the way (an extended demolition charge for creating passages in obstacles). Then follow the fence, guided by the white arrow-pointer on the screen. When we reach the desired point, we blow up the Bangalore, thereby clearing the way for our infantry, and we run on.

Allied landings on the Normandy coast in “Call of Duty: WWII”

The next goal is to climb the rocks. Run to the dugout, then go through the trenches, killing the Germans you encounter.

Get to the desired point, where you will receive an order from Turner, together with Zussman, to clear the bunkers ahead (it will be necessary to clear 5 bunkers). Throw a grenade into the first bunker, killing the Germans there, then move forward, killing all the enemies along the way.

Get to the second bunker, throw a smoke grenade there, go inside and clear the area of ​​the enemy. Move on, not forgetting to ask the medic for first aid kits in time to restore your health.

After clearing four bunkers, we receive an order from Pearson to clear the last bunker with Zussman, after which it will be necessary to gather at the top of the cliff.

We open the door to the last bunker and go inside. Upon entering one of the rooms of the bunker, a German suddenly attacks us, and we engage him in hand-to-hand combat (press “F” to fight him off). The German hits Zussman with a knife, then you need to quickly get into the center of the circle with your mouse and press “F” to prevent the German from hitting us with a knife. Then you need to use your mouse again to get into the center of the circle, after which you turn the mouse wheel down - you take the helmet and hit the German on the head with it.

After killing another German, you receive a new goal - to save Zussman, delivering him to the collection point for the wounded, located 45 meters from you. Pull Zussman with you, killing Germans with a pistol. After you drag Zussman to the medical station, leave your friend there.

After this, you get a new goal for the Call of Duty: WWII game - to destroy the artillery (the GPF gun located near the farmhouse).

Go there with Turner and his squad. Along the way, you get a new goal - to lie down and defend the position. After a successful defense, you will need to go to the top of the farmhouse, where the machine gun is located. You make your way there, then use a machine gun, with which you destroy the advancing fascists. After a successful outcome, you will see tanks supporting you, the Germans will retreat. Go down and destroy the gun standing below by approaching it and holding down the “F” button.

After destroying the gun, you will have a new goal - “Reunite with the platoon.” We go forward and communicate with Zussman. The first level is completed.

Level 2. “Operation Cobra”

The operation began on July 25, 1944, its goal was to break through from Normandy to capture Morigny, gain control of the roads, and subsequently reach Paris.

We approach the tank, press “F” and sit on it. Along the way, the convoy is fired upon by enemy planes. We jump off the tank, after which we get the goal of approaching Turner, and then going to the anti-aircraft gun and shooting down the enemy “things” (that’s what the German Junkers Ju-87 planes were called). Go forward and destroy the machine gunners on the second floor of the house; during the battle you can get ammunition from Turner (approach him and press “N”). At the top we select a machine gun, use it to fire at the enemy and put him to flight. We make our way to the anti-aircraft gun, sit behind it by pressing “F”, and destroy enemy aircraft in Call of Duty: WWII.

Then we receive the task with Pires and Zussman to suppress the enemy “packs” - the German anti-tank artillery (the goal is to “take an advantageous position”). Upon finding enemy artillery, you receive the task of destroying the German artillerymen. Run forward and destroy the Germans. After clearing the area, your tanks will move on.

Then you get the next task - to approach one of the allied tanks and break forward under its cover. Hiding behind the tank, attack enemy positions and destroy the defending enemies.

After this, you will need to take a position at the top for sniping. Fight your way to the house, throw a grenade inside, and enter the house, destroying the enemies. After you get to the top, you will need to take a sniper rifle and destroy three artillery crews (shoot the ammunition near the "Packs", after which the "Packs" will explode).

Then join the tanks and start clearing the trenches. After the cleanup is completed, we go to Turner, where we receive an order to help Charlie Company. We get into the jeeps and go to meet Charlie's company. During the road, you will need to sit behind a machine gun and fire at enemy vehicles, as well as destroy the fascists encountered along the way. By killing all the Germans along the way, you will free Charlie's company and complete this level.

Level 3. You need to complete the “Citadel”

The operation begins on July 26, 1944, and consists of capturing the church (an enemy fortified point). Use a flare grenade with green smoke to indicate a target for mortar fire. Push forward, but be careful, as you will regularly be attacked from the left flank during Call of Duty: WWII. Drag the wounded man to cover, then defend the area from the advancing Nazis. Get to the armored personnel carrier, get inside, sit behind the machine gun, and kill the attacking enemies.

Then approach Pearson, from whom you will receive the task of clearing the church. Open the door to the church and destroy the enemies on the first and second floors. Then open the next doors, after which you will get the goal to climb the bell tower. Climb to the top of the church and defend Zussman, killing the advancing enemies with a sniper rifle (infantry, infantry on armored personnel carriers, snipers from the roofs). After destroying all targets, you will be ordered to leave the church. Run faster, along the way you will again have to work with the mouse and keyboard buttons to avoid the debris falling on you.

After you leave the church you will be given the goal of defending the town square. Destroy advancing enemies while throwing a smoke grenade with red smoke to indicate the target. Once you see an air strike from your aircraft, the level in Call of Duty will be completed.


In this material I described the passage of the basic levels of the game “Call of Duty: WWII”. The gameplay of the game is quite simple and does not pose too difficult tasks for the player, so with a little practice you can complete the entire game. Completing the initial difficulty levels will take you about 5 hours, so show desire and patience, and you will succeed. Good luck.

In contact with

Over the past nine years, Call of Duty has played out all sorts of fictional military conflicts of the present and future, took players on a tour of the ruins of Washington DC and the Martian plains, and now, after space shootouts, laser guns, jetpacks, exoskeletons and killer robots, the writers' imagination seems to have dried up. But it doesn’t matter, no one has canceled prequels and remakes yet, so welcome to the Normandy coast, recruits. Do everything as in training and you will stay alive.

Call of Duty: WWII

Genre FPS
Platforms PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One
Developers Sledgehammer Games, Raven Software
Publisher Activision

Our scenery is old, our characters are new. In Call of Duty: WWII - fighters of the 1st US Army Infantry Division will begin their difficult journey with an assault on the eastern part of Omaha Beach, take Marigny and Aachen, liberate Paris, fight the Germans in the Hürtgen Forest and in the Ardennes, and finally capture the Ludendorff Bridge - the last surviving bridge over the Rhine.

Call of Duty: WWII is a classic war drama about brotherhood, the seven-hour campaign is binge-watched, but the merit here is more due to the developers than the writers. From a technical point of view, the game looks great, this is perhaps the first Call of Duty in many years that does not look like something from the past. And WWII plays great, especially at high difficulty levels. In most missions, the player literally has to overcome, there are always more Nazis, the whistling of bullets and incessant explosions force you to press your belly into wet sand, road mud or snow-covered stones, first trying to survive, and only then figure out where to run and what to do.

In the trenches, the Krauts burn Private Daniels with flamethrowers, crush him under the tracks of tanks, annoyingly accurate sniper fire makes you think twice before leaning out of a convenient cover, and machine-gun bursts often send you to the loading screen. Health itself is not restored, you have to look for first aid kits, which only adds adrenaline. Comrades are dying and being wounded nearby; some, by the way, can be saved by being dragged to a safe place in time. And this is where the first troubles begin.

Once you stop, think, and interrupt the frantic race, you notice the flaws in the game design. Enemies remain deadly as long as you attack from the right direction; as soon as you behave unpredictably, the AI ​​becomes confused, gets lost in the area and finds itself defenseless for some time. Wounded comrades need to be dragged to a pre-designated place - behind this stone the fighter will come to his senses and continue the attack, but for some reason he will die behind the next one. The enemy always behaves the same way, moves exclusively along given routes, and in stealth missions he is also unforgivably deaf and blind. The missions also cannot boast of variety in their passage; WWII is a classic spectacular rail shooting gallery. If you love this gaming formula, then you will be satisfied with the campaign - in this Call of Duty remains true to itself, and why give up what the series can do better than anyone else on the market? Except that the plot this time let us down a little, after the crazy, wildly twisted cranberry of recent years, we have a simple story of four friends caught in the millstone of the largest military conflict in history. And, what’s most offensive, the game doesn’t really try to use the bright personalities of the characters - for the first four hours we see just soldiers carrying out orders, which is their only motivation to move forward.

Another striking thing is the puzzling caution with which Call of Duty: WWII approaches the theme of Nazism, which is especially noticeable against the backdrop of the recent Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus. If in the latter the Third Reich was shown as an empire of absolute evil, which, in principle, corresponds to reality, then in WWII the German soldiers are just guys who differ from “ours” in the color of their uniform. Inhuman cruelty is, of course, mentioned, but remains increasingly behind the scenes. There isn't even an antagonist as such in the game. SS Policefuehrer Heinrich could pass for him, but he appears in one episode with only one dialogue. Having demonstrated such impersonal, sterile Nazism in a game about World War II, the scriptwriters of Call of Duty: WWII admitted their own weak character. Although first of all, questions should be asked to Sledgehammer co-founder Glen Schofield, who stated that the developers, when creating the game, adhered to the ideas of the myth of the “pure Wehrmacht.” In multiplayer, according to Schofield, players do not play as Nazis, but as “German soldiers simply doing their duty.” In France and England, yeah. I don’t know about you, but I’m looking forward to seeing if Sledgehammer will make a Call of Duty about, say, Syria, to see how ordinary Iraqi ISIS soldiers will carry out their duty.

WWII multiplayer looks a little strange compared to the latest games in the series. We are already accustomed to vertical battles, homing mines, double jumps and running along walls, but here, for obvious reasons, all this is absent. The dynamics, due to the weapons used, suffered somewhat, however, you quickly get used to it. The scheme, by and large, remains the same - there are divisions, they are also character classes, there are sets of weapons, boosters, leveling up the character, followed by the discovery of new types of weapons, and leveling up the weapons themselves. Shootouts are linear, now, instead of turning your head in all directions, waiting for the enemy to appear out of thin air right above your head, you have to worry more about covering your back and making sure that the enemy does not run out from around the corner.

All sniper nests and windows from which a machine-gun burst can fly are memorized literally in 3-5 matches, and as a result, test shots through the wall often result in an extra frag. Running is not encouraged here, so those who like to cut the enemy with a knife while sprinting will be disappointed. There aren't any sniper maps either, which is disappointing. Automatic weapons rule the show here - boring, hackneyed, but they work. However, if you want to harass your opponents, you can arm yourself with a Lee-Enfield for shooting across half the map and a pump-action shotgun with incendiary cartridges for close combat. The combination is not the most effective, but it is effective and burns the enemy both literally and figuratively. Shooting is generally adequate, but the ballistics of sniper rifles requires getting used to, since there is no bullet reduction - at first you automatically correct for the distance and miss.

All game modes are standard for the series, with the exception of two - CTF with a rugby twist (the flag ball needs to be brought to a point on the enemy’s base, while you can pass passes) and the “War” mode, for which Raven Software was responsible, which became a real pearl of WWII . War is a kind of analogue of “Assault” from Battlefield, in which teams take turns completing several different objectives, moving forward along the map. For example, on Omaha Beach, you first need to land on the shore, blow up two enemy bunkers, then destroy the communication stations at the German base and, having made your way deep into it, blow up the anti-aircraft guns. At the same time, unlike the same Battlefield, here it is impossible to get stuck in firefights for half an hour, the time to complete each goal is strictly limited, and, as a result, each task is completed in some 5-7 minutes or the round is considered lost and the sides change in some places.

The headquarters, which serves as a social hub in the game, allows you to access daily and weekly tasks, practice shooting and using killstreak rewards, fight one-on-one with another player, play old arcade machines and, of course, open a couple of loot boxes. The rewards from the latter, contrary to expectations, do not particularly affect the gameplay, but the need for hopeless grinding in order to obtain cosmetic items does not bring much joy either. We miss the good old days, when getting that coveted carbine skin meant you had to show some skill instead of reaching for a credit card.

Call of Duty has been the king of futuristic multiplayer shooters lately, and we had concerns about how the change in setting would affect the game's multiplayer. Yes, the changes that have occurred - “boots on the ground”, weapons without frills and DOTA-like, looped, multi-line maps, may not be to the taste of many, but in fact the multiplayer turned out to be excellent, with a lower entry threshold, and the rate Now it’s not just about spinal shooting, which hasn’t happened to the series for a very long time, and the “War” mode is an excellent incentive to buy a season pass.

There is also a zombie mode that is mandatory for Call of Duty. I have to warn you right away that for me the last worthy cooperative about shooting zombies was Left 4 Dead 2, so I didn’t appreciate Nazi Zombies, just like all the previous iterations of this mode in games in the series, but I’m sure that fans will like it, at least it looks and plays better than before. This time, the star cast (Katheryn Winnick, Elodie Yung, David Tennant and Ving Rhames) will be thrown into the Bavarian village of Mittelburg in search of a missing scientist and works of art stolen by the Nazis. Of course, underneath the village there is a mad scientist's laboratory, and its streets are infested with the undead. A group of four players will have to kill zombies, buy weapons and ammo, and solve puzzles as they gradually move deeper into Mittelburg. The puzzles are not that difficult, but they are not obvious, and without a normal level navigation system it is unlikely that you will be able to cope with them the first time. As a result, in a group with inexperienced players, the adventures of the four heroes turn into a complete nightmare - they have to run blindly through the levels and pull all the levers in a row, while simultaneously fighting off waves of the undead. The pleasure, to be honest, is below average. Experienced players clearly know where to go first, what to do and what weapon to buy. It’s easier with them, but also more boring.

Pros: Spectacular campaign, War mode, multiplayer doesn’t look like just another self-copy

Minuses: Not everyone will like the rail shooting range in a single-player game; support for the myth of the “pure Wehrmacht” is puzzling

Conclusion: Call of Duty: WWII gives us everything we are used to getting from this multimillion-dollar blockbuster - epicness, entertainment, good multiplayer, and this time without the cranberries

Don't know which division in multiplayer mode Call of Duty: WW2 choose? Our new walkthrough guide Call of Duty: WWII will tell you a few secrets that will help you choose a division to suit your fighting style.

One of the important questions at the very beginning of the game Call of Duty: WWII, when you first go into multiplayer mode it will become - “Which division is best to choose?” And before you choose a division that suits your fighting style very poorly, we have prepared for you this guide on the multiplayer mode of Call of Duty: WWII, in which we will tell you about all the combat divisions that are available in the game so that you can choose the appropriate one . And in the future, do not waste tokens to choose a new division.

Divisions in Call of Duty: WW2 are types of classes that offer an advantage to players who use a specific type of weapon. For example, if you like to use rifles in your battles, then it is best to choose infantry or if SMG is more your speed.

Each division unlocks specific buffs, based on each playstyle and weapon, that can be active once the match begins. But if you use a division correctly to level it up, you'll soon get powerful new weapons for each division.

We recommend experimenting with each division when you have the opportunity. But in the initial stages of a multiplayer game in Call of Duty: WW2, you are better off choosing one of the available ones until you have tokens to select another division or squad.


The de facto marksman unit, the infantry, will launch its members with a screw bayonet for every rifle in the game. With its help, a melee attack looks very effective, since you only need to make one hit, since in other classes a melee attack is always two hits. Unless of course you stab your enemies in the back. As you level up this division, you will receive an additional primary weapon slot, additional ammo magazines, and shorter ADS time. If you love using rifles, this division is for you.


Those who regularly use SMGs in Call of Duty know full well that joys move quickly and will not catch enemy players; Sledgehammer games understand this too. Selecting the Airborne Division will launch all of your SMGs with a suppressor that can be applied or removed at will. You'll lose some top damage, but you won't show up on the minimap when you shoot while it's attached to your weapon. As you increase the level of this division, you will be able to be faster and faster to cope and overcome obstacles.


Have you ever dreamed of becoming a one-man army? Take the entire match into your own hands with a machine gun? Like any great hero of the 80s? We have good news! There is a special squad/division for you. As you level up, you will become more resistant to gunfire and explosions, not to mention immune to explosions around you. You'll also receive an LMG Bipod for any LMG you choose, allowing you to refill your magazine almost anywhere. This division is truly for the Commando who lives within us.

Mountain division

Silent, invisible and deadly at undisputed ranges, the Mountain Division is where snipers are at their best. As you make your way through this division, you will gain invisibility to UAVs, making you undetectable to Scorestreaks and unheard of by your enemy's ears. Additionally, you'll be able to temporarily catch your breath with any sniper rifle that will be stable until you fire. If your heart belongs to sniper rifles, then this division belongs to you.

Expeditionary Division

The best up close players will tell you that having a good melee weapon is not enough. You need to act very quickly to win. Luckily, Call of Duty: WWII has an Expeditionary Division that understands this, and has created a group that specializes in using grenades as a means of distracting your enemy while you deal with them or escape.

Each shotgun you use while in this division will have incendiary rounds that cause enemies to fire on contact. It's not a huge damage increase, but it adds enough to turn the tide of battle in your favor.

As you level up your division, you'll increase the amount of tactical and lethal equipment you have, gain the ability to throw that equipment faster, further and while running, and finally gain the ability to replenish your equipment from enemies you kill.