Games rpg barbie under the moon. Game Barbie: Adventure for girls. Heroine of royalty

Fragile, glamorous and naive - this is how adults and children imagine the character of the Barbie doll. But in fact, things are different, because even feminine ladies love adventure. This fact is confirmed by Barbie's rpg games, in which incredible adventures await you.

A vibrant world with friends and foes

The main principle of these applications is to start and reach the end at any cost. Almost all Barbie Adventure games start the same way: you find yourself in some location (most often this is certain room or terrain) and you cannot stand still, because gradually enemies appear on the horizon. But this is only the beginning.

What is included in Barbie Adventure games?

  • intricate labyrinths, in which around every turn you will find a bonus, extra points or evil enemies
  • weapon, both modern in the form of pistols, and older (these can be bows and other interesting items)
  • scary and strange opponents- among them will be cyborgs, robots, monsters, mutants and other unpleasant rivals. But you can handle them, because barbie games are not as difficult as they seem at first glance. The main thing is your focus and focus on winning;
  • simple control- you can use the mouse or keyboard, so create yourself all the necessary conditions. There are no complex combinations in these applications, so management is reduced to a minimum of actions;
  • user-friendly interface- Barbie adventure games differ from other applications in comfortable conditions for passing levels. Despite the complexity of the tasks and the large number of enemies, you can always navigate the location and choose the right path.

Barbie Adventure games confirm that even fragile girls can save the world.

Everyone loves different trips: both girls and dolls. Therefore, this colorful adventure game is sure to please.

Brief background of the game Barbie Action

Fairy lands have their own values. In this, for example, such are toys that even serve as a currency. “The more of them, the better”: this is what the locals say. Toys must be handled as carefully as possible, everything possible must be done so that these cute little things serve faithfully for as long as possible. The inhabitants of fairyland are well aware of this and do just that. And, of course, it is absolutely impossible to lose or break them - this is very important! After all, there is no sadder sight for them than a damaged or broken toy.

From the factory, colorful toys are delivered to shops and homes in all corners of the magical land. For this, a special truck is provided, the driver of which is none other than the famous and incomparable Barbie doll. The factory is working tirelessly to provide the large population of the fabulous country with the best toys. And therefore, Barbie has more than enough work. But she will not refuse an assistant either!

The task of the game Barbie Action

Do you still remember that toys in this country are the main treasure? So, Barbie is entrusted with a very important mission - to bring this priceless cargo to its destination safe and sound. But the roads in fairyland are different, and sometimes actually treacherous. At first, you will enjoy an immaculately flat track, looking at the magnificent beauty along the way. By the way, the game designers did their best - the graphics are really excellent! But don't be too hasty to relax. In the subsequent stages, your task will become much more complicated, because on the way you will have to skillfully overcome different kind obstacles: holes, potholes, potholes. Be ready also for sharp turns, descents and ascents. In order not to lose your toys along the way, follow a few important rules: slow down on a dangerous descent, and better step on the gas on the ascent. The number of points directly depends on how quickly you get to the goal. Therefore, here you will need not only dexterity and caution, but also speed!

Barbie Action Structure

The game takes place in stages, that is, you cannot jump from level to level. There are ten stages in total. Gradually, the number of toys in the back increases, and the road at each new level becomes more and more difficult. If, nevertheless, some kind of toy fell out, it will no longer be possible to pick it up. Therefore, it is extremely important to focus and remain vigilant from the beginning to the end of each new track.

Dear Guys. The game takes a long time to load. So be patient. Everything will be uploaded soon :)

We are all used to the fact that girls do not like adventures, they are prone to a quiet and inconspicuous existence. However, as practice shows, this is just another stereotype. Today, barbie games show us this.

When you start the proposed game, you will surely become shocked to see what you have to do. The essence of the game is that our beautiful Barbie has grown wings and learned to fly. Of course, it is very hard to imagine real life. As you know, in our time, mankind has invented such a huge number of all sorts of complex things, from a microscope to a huge collider, from a car to the international space station "Shuttle". And yet, the only thing that is still too tough for all scientific and technological progress is the ability to design wings that would simply be put on a person so that he could fly. Since Leonardo da Vinci, many brilliant scientists have puzzled over this problem, but have not been able to solve it. And then suddenly a certain Barbie appears, easily soaring in the air, and does it with demonstrative ease. Naturally, if you remember that this is just the plot of a game for girls, then there will be less surprise. But it is not our task to admire, we need to do business.

Walker assumes that who will sit at the computer and go through these levels, there are enough skills and abilities in order to fulfill all the requirements placed on the shoulders of our fragile baby. Let's now go through the tasks a bit. The fact is that you will be forced to collect bonuses that fly everywhere in the air in the form of all kinds of butterflies, insects and other creatures. You will know that your stock has replenished by the numbers that will appear on the screen of your monitor after you encounter them. Note that you will also encounter such unidentified flying objects that seek to harm you, so be very vigilant. Some of the subjects will play the role of a tornado, that is, if you crash into it, you are almost guaranteed to lose control of Barbie, and perhaps even she will fall. But, there are also pleasant surprises. Celestial horses will periodically appear in the sky, which you can saddle and rush on horseback with twice the speed and dashing. Barbie shows us that many girls are very brave, love extreme sports and actually have great endurance and patience. Good luck with this wonderful game!

Do you like fairy tales about princesses and beautiful Barbie? Do you love dynamic and incendiary action games in the style of Mario? Then launch the game Barbie: Adventure for Girls and help the fairy-tale heroine in her adventures. Offers colorful worlds a wonderful forest inhabited by outlandish monsters, and insidious obstacles. Check if you are a smart enough player to complete this route.

Heroine of royalty

Our favorite Barbie is a beautiful princess in this action game. She lives in an amazing fairy-tale country, in which there are many miracles and outlandish phenomena. The princess wears a beautiful pink dress and, as befits a royal, a crown on her luxurious blond head of hair.

By the will of a strict priest, the heroine of the game Barbie: Adventure for Girls has been languishing in a high, high tower for many years. After all, it is so in fairy-tale states that the princess is imprisoned until a brave prince saves her and marries her.

But our girl Barbie was a real daredevil by nature. She decided that it was possible to grow old in anticipation. After all, there was no brave man who could win the duel and woo the princess. And the girl so dreamed of adventure.

Therefore, being an enterprising girl, Barbie decided to take matters into her own hands. She escaped from the tower and went in search of a handsome prince.

Fairy tale worlds of the magic kingdom

Drawing the worlds of the thirtieth kingdom, the creators of the game showed good imagination. It turned out to be a truly colorful, bright and positive game for girls. Throughout the game, Barbie is watched by smiling fat white clouds. Igrodely provided them with cute faces. They fervently swim through the blue azure sky.

Gingerbread motifs are also observed in the game: the hills of the forest look like Easter cupcakes and are equipped with eyes. Under the girl's feet is a green carpet of deep-colored grass. Many outlandish creatures live in the forest: land fish-dragons, Santa Clauses-robbers, fly agarics, etc.

According to the gameplay, the game Barbie: Adventure for Girls is an exact copy of Mario, only a naughty girl acts as a perky Italian. Here you also need to beat money out of brick platforms, eat mushrooms to grow, beware of monsters so as not to be devoured, and roam. Even musical motifs, especially when the girl grows up after eating a mushroom, or when she is bitten by a monster, resemble the sounds from her beloved Mario. But the graphics in the game is much richer and resembles a cartoon.

A Tale of the Adventures of an Enterprising Princess

So, our blond adventurer princess has broken out of her confinement. Now she dreams of seeing the world around her, experiencing a lot of adventures and, if she's lucky, meeting her prince.

At the beginning of the game, a map with a route is drawn to us. Unlike the heroes who found themselves in fairy tales at the crossroads of three paths and had to choose where to go, Barbie is not given such a choice. She has only one path prepared for her and it runs through a dangerous area inhabited by a mass of monsters, monsters and deadly traps.

But the brave Barbie is not afraid of any dangers, so she runs the risk of going through this difficult path and your task in the game is to help her do it.

Control Barbie "Arrows". To shoot, press "Space". At first, you will play a very small heroine. In order for it to grow, you will need to knock out a mushroom from the platform with a question mark and eat it. Monsters can be bypassed by jumping onto the platforms, or risk killing by jumping from above.

Also in the game you need to help Barbie collect more gold coins. After all, a princess who dreams of marriage should take care of her dowry.

In this game, as well as in the Mario adventure game, the brave girl Princess Barbie has to deftly jump over patches of soil over the abyss, risking falling down. With each level more and more monsters, traps and dangers will be added. Obtain in the second level magic flower- and the girl will be able to shoot her enemies.

During her journey, Barbie will be able to "fly" across the sky and plying from side to side with small eyes platforms. She will have to dodge the shelling of Father Frost the robber, brutalized by the summer heat. Be smart and agile so as not to lose, otherwise the princess will cry bitterly.

A cute toy for girls who love adventure and travel no less than dolls.

The background of the game Barbie Adventure

Toys are considered the main value of the fairy-tale country. We can say that they replace banknotes for local residents, being the most accessible and pleasant unit of account. The more toys, the better. And God forbid any of them break, scratch or break. The grief of the owner will be boundless. Therefore, the inhabitants of the fairy-tale country try to take care of their toys, take care of them - they do everything to ensure that they serve them as long as possible.

Adorable Barbie works as a doll truck driver. She is busy transporting toys from the factory that produces them to the magical shops and homes of the inhabitants of a fairy-tale land. The factory works fine, the population in the fairy tale is considerable, so the truck and its driver have enough work. No desire to help a hardworking blonde?

The purpose of the game Barbie Adventure

You need to bring the contents of the body of Barbie's car to its destination without losing anything, without breaking or scattering. At the first level of the game, the track along which the puppet truck will drive is perfectly flat, without sharp descents and ascents. Overcoming it is easy. You can enjoy the movement, admiring the charming views of the fairy-tale country that you happen to pass. The game has excellent graphics, it is clear that the artists-developers did their best. At the second and all subsequent levels, the road will gradually become more difficult. Potholes, potholes, sharp turns, steep climbs and no less dangerous descents will appear. Do you want to get to your destination without loss? Stick to the rule: on sharp descents - slow down, on uphills, on the contrary - add speed. The faster you arrive at the place, the more points you earn. So please try.

The structure of the game Barbie Adventure

The game consists of ten levels of difficulty, each of which is more difficult and more interesting than the previous one. You cannot choose levels arbitrarily, you can only move from one to another in order. With each new stage of toys in the back of the Barbie truck, there will be more and more, but it will be more difficult to bring them safe and sound. If any of them fall out, it is impossible to return and pick it up, so try to be careful from the very beginning of the trip.

The controls in this Barbie action game for girls are very simple and convenient - the direction keys. The arrow pointing up allows you to add speed; down - slow down; "right", "left" - change the direction of movement. We wish you a good time and good luck!