Games developing. Educational games Games for children in the Ukrainian language to play

Many children have little idea of ​​what they can do away from computers and the Internet. The maximum that they are familiar with is snowballs, catching up, sledding. And there are many interesting outdoor games that you can play both in winter and summer. So…


Rules of the game: children are divided into a driver (hlibchik) and other participants, who are divided into pairs and become, holding hands, one after another. The leader is having a dialogue.

Bake-bake the chlibchik, - the chlibchik cries out.
- Will you bake? - ask the children from the last couple in the row.
- Bake!
- Will you run away?
- I'll see!

Then the children from this pair should scatter in different directions in order to dodge the bunny, again join hands and stand in front of the first pair. Khlibchik, on the other hand, must catch one of them and prevent the pair from connecting.

What develops: leg muscles, intelligence, coordination in space.


Rules of the game: the sorcerer extends his hand palm down, the participants hold their index fingers under it. At the expense of “one, two, three,” the sorcerer must grab someone by the finger, and the participants must prevent this and scatter to the sides. The sorcerer must catch up and touch any of the participants. The one who was “grimed” should freeze with his arms spread apart. He is enchanted, other participants who touch him can cast a spell on him, but the sorcerer does not sleep ... A player enchanted three times becomes a sorcerer himself.

What develops: leg muscles, speed, coordination in space.

Round Khreschik

Rules of the game: the game begins with the phrase: “Chur, play the Round Horseman! To stand on the mountain, not to be caught! Children are divided into pairs, standing in front of each other (two extreme and one in the middle).

The task of the children from the "extreme" pairs on the team is to change places, forming new pairs, and the participants in the middle pair must catch someone. As soon as he caught - a partner from the middle pair and the one caught, from the extreme should run to them with all his might. Whoever runs first, forms an extreme pair with his partner, the rest stand in the middle.

What develops: dexterity, reaction speed.


Rules of the game: children choose a driver (heron). The rest of the players become frogs. Starting position: the heron is sleeping (the player leans forward with his hands on his knees), at this time the rest move, imitating the jumping movements of frogs. Suddenly the heron wakes up and, having called out, starts catching frogs. Attention: the heron can only move with long strides on straight legs, without bending the knees, and the frogs hop on their haunches. The one who rises from the frogs to his full height becomes a heron.

What develops: leg muscles.


Rules of the game: the driver becomes his back to the players. Suddenly, he should shout out the name of some color (red, blue, yellow), the players quickly find him on their clothes and hold on to the color so that the driver can see. Those who do not have the named color on their clothes begin to run away. Whoever the driver catches, he becomes him.

What develops: knowledge of colors, leg muscles, reaction speed, coordination in space.

Vovk and goats

Rules of the game: the wolf is leading, the rest are goats. A large circle is drawn with chalk on the asphalt/snow/sand, and around it, at a distance, small circles ("houses"), 1 less in number than the number of players. On the count of “three”, the kids from the big circle run through the houses, the one who did not get the house must run away from the wolf. If the goat runs around the big circle 3 times and is not caught, then the wolf must stop the pursuit. If the wolf caught up with the goat, he becomes the leader.

What develops: speed, coordination of movements, leg muscles.


Rules of the game: Children stand in a circle and hold hands. Inside the circle is the driver. Covering his face with his hands, he slowly moves in a circle, asking:

— Whose gate?

- Whose are these?

— Taras.

— Let me go?

- We won't let go!

After that, the driver, shouting “Bov”, runs at someone, trying to break his closed hands and run out of the circle. If the hands open, then this pair should catch up with the driver. The one who catches up with the driver becomes him himself.

What develops: dexterity, ingenuity, speed of reaction.

The best age for learning is preschool. Children are focused on obtaining any knowledge and actively absorb huge amounts of information. Toddlers want to know so much that it is difficult to explain everything to them at once. And then educational games for children 5-6 years old come to the aid of parents!

Volume of flash-projects for children preschool age extraordinarily large. Here and acquaintance with art, and learning to read, and simple mathematical examples, and logical problems. The list of educational games for children of five or six years old is endless. And that's great! After all, if there are a lot of games, then any child, having entered the IgroUtka portal, will find a suitable and useful activity. What can the creators of flash games offer preschoolers? There is a lot in this age category: Quests - with educational tasks and simple missions; Coloring and drawing - for the creative development of the child; Tasks - logical, mathematical, linguistic; Memory - to increase memory resources.

As well as games without a specific category, but with a strong educational content. Each project is distinguished by a colorful and positive design, which evokes only the best emotions in the child and, of course, contributes to the process of intellectual and creative development.

Educational games for free - play online. Here you can play without registration the most interesting and best educational games online for children. From an early age, it is very important for a child to develop comprehensively. Training of memory, perception, imagination, the formation of concepts are very important even in the first years. Educational games help to form a reflection of the surrounding world and perform logical operations on various images, train thinking and creativity. Of course, the thematic focus of games should differ depending on the age of the child. There are various educational games for a child of three years old, educational games for children of 5 years old and other ages, and, of course, they will differ from each other. However, the development of children does not always proceed in the same way - someone develops faster, someone slower. Sometimes children of 4 years old can successfully play educational games for 6 year olds or vice versa. It is important to understand what kind of educational entertainment the child is ready for. Educational games for free, collected on our website, are original and interesting, they carry a task that the child will be happy to solve. Children train sensory perception, get acquainted with shape, space, size and color. Many educational games online even prepare children for school by teaching the basics of mathematics or a foreign language. If children are imbued with an imaginary situation and can easily understand those realizing it game actions, then the game is suitable for them and fulfills its useful properties in the development of the child.

Since ancient times, educational games have been created that brought up such qualities in children as: attention, perseverance, logic, order of thinking. Today, everything is much simpler - there are educational games online. With them, the child will learn a lot of useful things: counting, alphabet, arithmetic. When preparing a child for school, you can use games for the development of babies 3-4-5-6-7 years old as an auxiliary preparation. After all, it is not only interesting, but also educational. Here, there is a special approach to children in teaching subjects from the school curriculum.
Since you have looked at our site, you are a caring and loving parent. On our site you can play for free with your child in online games s: different, including developing ones. It is by playing that the child learns, gets acquainted with the world. This is a kind of bridge from the children's world to the adult world. More often the game has a plot character, the game often defines specific roles for the players, copying the roles of adults. business games let the world know sport games increase the level of self-esteem, role-playing - raise the level of intelligence. Since games are based on the perception of different rules, the child is placed in a situation where he must learn to observe certain rules of adulthood. The game, by definition, is a winning way to achieve the development of the child's creative potential voluntarily, without the use of coercion methods, so educational games are good for children of different ages.
Educational games for children perfectly develop fine motor skills (the development of speech depends on this). They have a beneficial effect on memory, the child becomes more assiduous and calm, his attention and memory improve.
Available on our website educational games online teach the baby to think logically, develop his reaction, accuracy. Playing with us, you will watch your child grow and develop. We offer only safe games with proven content. Without aggression, vulgarity, stupidity. You can safely entrust your baby to us, because all the games are professionally made. The set of online games presented by us is large:

  • games with logical tasks, incl. based on the laws of physics, mechanics.
  • role-playing games by profession
  • games for speed of reaction, developing motor skills and coordination of movements
  • memory games.

We tried to make it easy to play, our games can be played immediately without downloading them. Online games will help expand your child's vocabulary, push the boundaries of horizons and prepare your child for school: "Find all the letters", "Collect a school bag", "Learn the English alphabet", "Make a word", "Learn mathematics". Developing games help constant development, at first glance even very simple ones: “Gingerbread Man in the Maze”, “Help the Animals”, “Complete the Picture”, “New Year's Differences” offer to look for objects, correspondences, paired objects, what distinguishes them from similar ones. them. These educational games have become classics in the world of online games. More than one generation has learned to write and count, distinguish sounds, determine sound information, understand the names and shapes of objects.
The section of educational games is constantly updated, growing along with its fans. Play and learn with passion!