How to craft boots in Minecraft. Making safety shoes in Minecraft. Protective characteristics of leather boots

Many avid Minecraft players have repeatedly asked questions regarding the creation of any items of clothing for the character. Most often, users tried to find out how to make boots in Minecraft. After reading the article, no one will have any more questions about creating this type of armor.

What is Minecraft?

"Minecraft" is a 3D sandbox game with simulator and survival elements. In it, the user will have to monitor health and hunger indicators, and also try not to get trapped in a world inhabited by various deadly creatures, in order to ultimately explore the entire randomly generated map, create many different items and build something unusual. To search for components in a dangerous world, the player needs good protection and speed. This is where the question arises of how to make boots of speed in Minecraft.

Types of boots

There are several types. Some are worn simply for beauty. The latter are designed to provide protection, but they greatly slow down movement. Still others allow the player to move at double speed. The ideal combination in this situation would be to use chest armor, a helmet for protection, boot for speeding up in Minecraft. Then the character’s speed will not change, while he will be reliably protected from damage.

Boot making process

Without using additional mods, you won’t be able to create boots of speed, and you won’t be able to easily find them. They cannot be obtained in the underworld or knocked out from any mob. That is why many users are puzzled by the question of how to make boots in Minecraft. In fact, there is one method consisting of several actions.

First of all, the player needs to create the simplest boots. They can be either intended for simple wearing or providing some kind of protection for the character. For the first type of boots, you will need to find and kill several cows to get the leather. You need four skins to create. For the second boots you will have to create a pickaxe and go down into the mine to find iron or any other ore.

After creating boots from the collected materials, you need to go almost to the very bottom of the map underground and get four obsidians, two diamonds and a book there. The latter can be found in chests on the surface. It is noteworthy that obsidian can only be broken with a diamond pickaxe, and diamonds can only be obtained with an iron one.

If you have all the necessary materials, put them on the workbench and create a table for enchantment. Now you need to make several bookshelves and install them around the witch's table. To create one block you need six boards and three books. For the table to work well, it is recommended to install ten blocks of bookshelves.

The next step is to open the table, put the previously created boots in it, and select a speed improvement. However, this is not so easy to do, because the names of the improvements are written in an incomprehensible language. At this stage, most users decide to turn to the Internet to find out how to make boots in Minecraft.

Unclear language is not a big problem. The player just needs to find and download an add-on on the Internet that automatically translates the text written in the enchantment into Russian. You need to put the add-on in the game folder and try again to put the shoes on the enchanting table. All that remains is to find an improvement that gives speed and select it. Now no user will ever have the question of how to make boots in Minecraft and continue the game with a new modern device.

Mancraft is a multifaceted game, so you can not only create in it, but you can also, and sometimes even need to, fight. Well, you can’t go into battle naked, so in this post I’ll tell you about all types of armor, and also how to create it.

At all armor in minecraft divided into 4 types:

  • Cuirass
  • Leggings
  • Boots

And they are again divided according to the type of material they are made from. In general, armor in Minecraft reduces damage received, but does not absorb it completely.

Leather armor in MikeCraft

The lightest and cheapest, but quite decent at the initial stage of the game. First about strength leather armor:

  • The helmet will break after 55 points of damage
  • The cuirass will break after 80 points of damage
  • Leggings will break after 75 points of damage
  • Boots will break after 65 points of damage

You can see crafting recipes on the left. It is logical that leather armor requires leather. Lots of leather. To obtain a certain type of armor, you need to arrange the item in a special way.

Iron armor in MineCraft.

In order to do iron armor you need to find iron ingots and arrange them in a certain order, as in the picture on the left. And the characteristics of iron armor:

  • The iron helmet will break after 165 points of damage
  • The iron cuirass will break after 240 points of damage
  • Iron Leggings will break after 225 points of damage
  • Iron boots will break after 195 points of damage

Gold armor in Minecraft.

Golden armor It is created by analogy with leather, only instead of pieces of leather you need to craft it from gold ingots. Without characteristics you can’t go anywhere:

  • The golden helmet will break after 77 points of damage
  • The golden cuirass will break after 112 points of damage
  • Golden Leggings will break after 105 points of damage
  • Golden boots will break after 91 points of damage

Diamond armor in MineCraft.

This is perhaps the strongest armor that can be made without much effort in finding ingredients. The crafting recipe is again in the picture. According to tradition, characteristics diamond armor:

  • Diamond helmet will break after 363 points of damage
  • Diamond cuirass will break after 528 points of damage
  • Diamond Leggings will break after 495 points of damage
  • Diamond boots will break after 429 points of damage

As you can see, this best armor in MineCraft.

Fire armor in Minecraft.

Here it will be more difficult, since craft chain mail armor possible only after hacking the inventory. This armor has a transparent texture. Fire armor has the same characteristics as iron armor, and the only difference is in the image.

Descriptions of the following 2 types of armor are available in the industrial craft mod.

Nano armor in Minecraft

This armor is required for crafting Quantum Armor (described below). For crafting nano armor required:

  • Energy Crystal
  • Carbon fiber sheet
  • Glass

I won't describe it too much creation of nano-armor, just look at the recipe in the picture below.

And now I want to talk about a very rare armor - quantum.

Quantum armor in MineCraft.

Quantum armor unique in its properties, or rather abilities. She can satisfy hunger, absorb all damage, remove poison and much more. But to create it you must first have nano-armor.

So, on the left are the recipes for all parts of quantum armor. Now I'll explain what each element does.

Quantum helmet

It allows you to avoid suffocating under water, removes poison from the body, and also prevents you from dying of hunger. In addition to nano-armor, it is necessary to add multicrystal, iridium, improved electrical circuitry, strengthened glass

Quantum chestplate

The Quantum Chestplate can absorb all damage, although the entire set of Quantum Armor is required. To craft, you need to add iridium, a super-strong alloy and a multicrystal.

Quantum Leggings

Quantifier greaves are capable of increasing movement speed by 300-400%, not only in water, but also under water. To the nano leggings you need to add multicrystal, iridium, machine block and.

Quantum Boots

They can increase the player's jump by 10 times, and also absorb damage from falling from a height of 20 blocks. For the recipe, in addition to nanoboots, you will need iridium, a multicrystal and rubber boots.

Since Minecraft is a fairly multifaceted game, players need to not only craft and create, but also fight periodically. It’s unlikely that anyone would think of going into battle naked without any protection, so it will be useful to learn everything about the types of armor that exist in the game, as well as how to create it.

MineCraft offers 4 types of armor:

  • Boots
  • Cuirass
  • Leggings

In turn, these types of armor are divided according to the types of materials from which they are made. Armor in MineCraft does not completely absorb damage received, but only reduces it.

Leather armor

This type of armor is the cheapest and lightest. He is good at the initial stage. If we talk about its strength, then it should be taken into account that:

The helmet will withstand 55 points of damage
The cuirass will become unusable after 80 units
Leggings will be useless after 75 units
Boots – after 65 units

Leather armor will require a lot of leather, which is logical, but to create a certain type of armor, the item must be positioned in a special way.

Iron armor

To create iron armor, you first need to find iron ingots, and then arrange them as shown in the picture. Iron armor is stronger than leather, but it also has its own resource:

The iron helmet can withstand 165 damage
Iron cuirass – 240
Iron Leggings – 225
Iron boots - 195

Golden armor

Creating gold armor is similar to creating leather armor, with the difference that you need to craft it not from pieces of leather, but from gold ingots. As for the characteristics, for gold armor they are as follows:

The golden helmet will fail after taking 77 damage.
Cuirass – after 112
Golden Leggings – after 105
And the boots - after 91

Diamond armor

This type of armor is the strongest and most reliable. Finding the ingredients to create it will not require much effort. The crafting recipe can be found in the picture. The characteristics of diamond armor in Minecraft are as follows:

The diamond helmet can withstand 363 points of damage before breaking
Diamond cuirass will withstand 528 damage
Diamond Leggings – 495
Boots – 429

These characteristics confirm that diamond armor is the most durable in Minecraft.

Fire armor

Creating this type of armor will not be easy. To craft chain mail armor, you must first hack your inventory. The texture of the armor is transparent.

In terms of its characteristics, fire armor is similar to iron armor, and the difference between them lies only in the image.

The mod has two more types of armor:

Nano armor in MineCraft

To craft quantum armor, which will be discussed below, you need nano-armor. In turn, to create nano-armor the player will need:

Energy Crystal
Carbon fiber sheet

And now about such a rather rare type of armor as quantum.

Quantum armor

This type of armor is unique in its properties and abilities. With its help you can satisfy hunger, remove poison, absorb all damage and much more. But without nano-armor, you won’t be able to create it.
Now let's take a look at its elements.

Quantum helmet

This element of armor will prevent you from suffocating under water, will remove poison from your body and will not allow you to die of hunger. To create it, you need to supplement the nano-armor with a multicrystal, iridium, an improved electrical circuit and reinforced glass.

Quantum Chestplate

The breastplate is capable of absorbing all damage, but this will require a full set of quantum armor. When crafting, you need to add multicrystal, super-strong alloy and iridium.

Quantum Leggings

With the help of leggings, you can increase your movement speed by 300-400%, both on land and under water. To create quantum leggings, you need to add a multicrystal, light dust, a machine block and iridium to the nano leggings.

Quantum Boots

These boots increase the player's jump by 10 times, and also absorb damage after falling from a height of twenty blocks. Quantum boots will become if you add multicrystal, rubber boots and iridium to nano-boots.

Adding only 1 point of defense or half an armor icon, boots are nevertheless an important element of a player's armor in Minecraft (the exception is diamond boots: 3 units or 1.5 armor icons).

Crafting boots made of leather, iron, gold or diamonds is identical. You need to take four units of material (listed above) for crafting and place them in the middle and bottom cells of the right and left columns.

Also on servers, using the /give command, administrators can give a fire block to the player so that he can use it to craft chain mail.

Just like other armor, boots can be enchanted for explosion resistance (IV), fire resistance (IV), projectile resistance (IV), defense (IV) and spikes (III). The maximum enchantment values ​​are indicated in parentheses. But there are two more types of special enchantments for boots - lightness (IV) and deep step (III).

The first option is often used on servers, when when constructing large buildings there is a risk of falling from a height. Such enchantments will protect against damage during a free fall from a height of up to 64 blocks. The second version of the boot enchantment was introduced in version 1.8 and makes it possible to move in the water at greater speed when swimming.

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