Learns tricks with a penny. Simple children's tricks with coins. What does the coin trick look like?

Some people believe that magic tricks are real magic. However, such miracles only happen in fairy tales and science fiction films. In real life, all the tricks performed by a person appear thanks to his intelligence, ingenuity, constant training and sleight of hand.

The coin trick is most popular among fans of home arts. It can be learned not only by masters of “miracles,” but also by ordinary amateurs. It is enough to unravel the secret of such tricks, rehearse them - and you can surprise your friends with your abilities.

How to perform tricks

Even if the spectator does not believe in magic, the magician must convince him that miracles exist. Before we talk about how to learn magic tricks with a coin, paper, scarf and other props, we will tell you a few rules.

  • A magician must always be confident in himself.
  • You should start with the basics, learn simple tricks and gradually move on to more complex ones.
  • The audience needs to be involved. To enhance the effect, you can use the help of a friend.
  • You need to prepare distracting details in advance. This could be a classic “magic” box.
  • The magician must remember that the viewer wants to experience a feeling of delight and surprise.
  • A good artist never reveals the secret of his tricks.

Money inside a glass

Before using a coin and a glass, you need to prepare glue, a transparent glass, a coin and a small scarf (50 x 50 cm).

The coin should be glued to the bottom of the glass and water should be poured into it.

Focus. Show the audience that you have a glass filled to the top with water. Prove that it does not contain unnecessary objects by showing it from different angles. Say that in a few minutes a coin will appear in the container. With these words, cover the container with a scarf, say the “magic” words and invite one of the spectators to look inside. Let a person look at the glass from above, and he will see that a metal banknote has appeared at its bottom. If the viewer is amazed, the trick was a success.

Secret. The trick with a coin and a glass is one of the simplest tricks of visual deception. Guests need to show a vessel filled with water only from the side. In this case, the person does not see what is at his bottom. The banknote is clearly visible when the glass is empty. When it is filled with water, the coin in it is visible only from above.

Surprise inside a lemon

The magician must prepare several lemons, a knife and a small coin.

Focus. Lemons are on a plate. The artist proves that these are ordinary fruits. He asks the viewer to choose any lemon, after which he takes a knife, cuts the indicated fruit and discovers a metal currency note inside it.

Secret. The trick with the coin and lemons has one little trick. It consists of a knife, to the blade of which a banknote is glued in advance using a thin layer of plasticine (closer to the handle). While slicing a lemon, the performer pushes the coin off the knife with his thumb. The magician firmly grips the blade with the halves of the fruit, trying to pull the knife out. This way the coin ends up inside the lemon.

Disappearing money

The coin behind the ear trick is a classic trick. Its implementation does not require additional distracting details.

Focus. The performer tells the audience that he can make money disappear. With these words, he takes out a coin, shows it to the audience, and then begins to rub it on his right elbow. Two times he fails, and on the third time the banknote disappears without a trace, after which the magician takes it out from behind his ear.

Secret. A trick with a coin that disappears and then appears in an unusual place is a method of visual deception.

The artist must take the coin in his right hand and, in front of the audience, transfer it to his left. The elbow of your right hand must be placed on the table and your chin resting in your palm.

The performer begins to rub the coin on his right elbow, but suddenly (deliberately) drops it. He picks up the money with his right hand, puts it in his left and starts rubbing again. And again the coin falls on the table.

The magician once again lifts it with his right hand and pretends to transfer it to his left. But the coin remains in the right palm. Next, the artist rubs the imaginary banknote on his right elbow. After a few seconds, he demonstrates that the coin has disappeared from his left hand. And then he quickly pulls it out from behind his ear with his right hand.

The magician puts the thumb of his left hand vertically up and places a coin on its tip; with his right hand he begins to make clicks around the coin. after one of them the coin disappears...

The secret of the trick: If you touch a coin with your middle finger while clicking, it will fly into the sleeve of your right hand. After a short training, the focus will be achieved 100% of the time. It is advisable to show 1-2 spectators, who should be exactly opposite the magician - then they will not be able to see how the coin disappears.

Coin with a Vanishing Side

Maybe many people know how this trick is performed, but still. So, borrow a coin from someone. Place it at the base of your thumb. Then tell the audience that you can make the back of a coin disappear and leave only one side. The audience is perplexed! And you calmly proceed: ask the audience, who have already come to their senses, which side of the coin you should make disappear.

The secret of the trick: Let's say that you were offered to leave the "heads" and make the "tails" disappear. Then place the coin as stated above, with the “eagle” side up. Now quickly bend your thumb at the base into your palm. As a result, the coin will slide off the base and will be in the air for a moment. It is at this moment that you turn your hand palm down. At this time, the coin is still in flight above your hand. Bring your other hand under the coin to later catch the coin. Now the coin is (still in the air) between your hands! And “slam” it between your palms. It will seem to the audience that the coin and your palm have turned over, but in fact only your palm has turned over, and the coin remains on heads. Show the audience the coin. This is where they get stunned.

A coin with two identical sides?!! Only YOU can do this!!!

Sticky coin

The magician asks absolutely any spectator for a coin, accepts it and places it in his palm. Then he turns his hand over and... a miracle happens: the coin stuck to his palm!

The secret of the trick: First you wet your hands, then the spectator gives you a coin and you press the coin on your wet hand. A vacuum forms there, you turn your hand over, and the coin remains on your hand!

The magic secret is to make money out of water

Turning coffee into coins

David Blaine turned a cup of coffee into a cup full of coins on his TV show. It turns out that this is very easy to repeat!

Secret trick: You will need a cardboard coffee cup, preferably with a pattern. Using a modeling knife or scissors, carefully cut off the bottom of the cup. Insert the upper part into the lower part with a slight screwing motion. Fill the cup three-quarters full with coins.

Tamp down the coins (you need to shake them a little in the cup) and pour in a little cold coffee so that it covers the coins. Coffee works best because it is dark enough to hide the coins. Now we have a regular cup of coffee that we can show off to the audience.

Holding the cup by the top, slightly pull out the bottom. Then shake. The coffee will spill down and the coins will appear. This trick can be done with any cardboard cup from the machine. Do not use hot coffee!

And the coin is intact!

The secret of the trick: Take two corks and poke five holes into them in this way: four holes around and a fifth in the middle.

Take five knitting needles and one coin (the coin should be five or ten kopecks). Place a coin in one cork and cover it with the other cork. Start piercing the knitting needles in a circle. When you pierce the last knitting needle in a circle, the coin becomes an edge. And the middle can be easily pierced. When you remove the spokes and the top plug, the coin will have no holes.


Coin tricks can be performed anywhere. This trick can be performed among friends or for a very small audience.

Take a fifteen-kopeck coin out of your pocket and place it on the back of the outstretched fingers of your right hand. The audience's attention naturally focuses on this coin - they are interested in finding out what will happen to it. And then, in front of the audience, the coin crawled along the hand, as if it were a living creature.

When the coin approaches the edge of your thumb, place your left hand towards this hand, holding it in the same position, and the coin obediently passes to your left hand, continuing its movement. The audience is at a loss - how could you make the coin move along your hand?

The secret and props of this trick are incredibly simple. The props consist of a fifteen-kopeck coin and a nylon thread 25-30 cm long (the thread can be pulled from a nylon stocking that has become unusable).

Nylon thread is extremely thin and completely invisible on the human body. You use this quality of nylon thread.

The secret of the trick lies in this thread. You attach one end of the thread to the left side of the jacket lapel just below the middle.

Then you take a tiny piece of plasticine and roll it into a tiny ball. This ball is attached to the second, free end of the nylon thread. The end of the thread with the ball should be at the level of the jacket loop, where the lapel ends.

Now you can start demonstrating the trick. With your right hand you take a coin out of your pocket, and with your left you feel for the ball at the end of the thread. The moment you are about to place the coin on your hand, quickly and carefully stick this ball to the coin. Then place the coin on the back of the outstretched fingers of your right hand so that the ball is at the bottom, under the coin.

Thus, the coin appears attached to a thread invisible to the viewer.

Having placed the coin on your hand, you carefully begin to move this hand forward, and the coin attached to the thread remains in place. This gives the viewer the impression that the coin is moving. As soon as the coin is on the edge of your thumb, place the edges of the fingers of your left hand towards your right hand, carefully moving the moving coin onto it. Alternately transfer the coin to one hand or the other.

While the coin is moving along one hand, you hold the other over it, pretending that this hand has a magical effect. In reality, the function of the free hand is to hide from the audience the thread that can be seen against the background of the jacket.

To prevent the audience from suspecting that the coin is secret, you can repeat this trick by taking the coin from one of the spectators. After demonstrating the trick, you will give it to the audience for inspection, quietly peeling the coin from the plasticine with a thread.

Five plus five is not always ten

Tell the audience a few words about the accuracy of arithmetic and add that in illusionism it has become subject to errors. Ask the audience:

- What is five plus five?
They will answer:
- Ten.

- Okay, tell the audience, we’ll check it now. Take 10 coins and a pouch from the table. Submit all this for inspection. Ask two spectators to help you. Give one 10 coins and the other a pouch. Taking a small tray from the table, ask to put five coins on it, counting one at a time. The spectator puts it down and counts out loud. Ask another spectator to open the pouch. Ask:

— How many coins are on the tray?
- Five.

Pour them into a pouch:

- Okay, five.
Ask to tighten the pouch and hold it by the laces.
— How many coins are in the pouch? Five? Great! Place the remaining five coins on my tray. Count. The spectator counts the coins out loud and places them. Offer to open the pouch and pour the remaining five coins into it from the tray. The pouch closes.

- You put in five, then another five coins. Five plus five. How much will?
- Ten.
- Ten? Let's check it now.
Holding the tray with both hands, ask the spectator to take one coin out of the pouch and, counting out loud, place them on the tray. The spectator counts, but there are not 10 coins, but 18.

- You see what magic arithmetic is. It turns out that five plus five is not ten, but eighteen.

The secret of the trick is in the tray, which has a double bottom and is painted with oil paints: the design is chosen so as to well mask the holes for the coins to come out.

Between the real and false bottoms, sides are soldered a little higher than the thickness of the coin and a little wider so that the coins can easily enter and move along this path. There is a hole on each side of the tray through which coins are “charged” into the tray. When demonstrating, the tray should be held by the short sides so that spectators do not discover the hole.

You need to pour coins from the tray with a sharp movement so that the coins from the entrance spill into the pouch at the same time as the coins on the tray.

Glass goblet with lid

This contraption consists of a fairly large glass goblet and a painted tin lid, shaped like the lid of a coffee pot, but of such size that it can hold two coins in a standing position.

They are placed side by side in a flat tube, wide enough to contain them, attached in a slightly inclined position to the top of the lid and divided into two parts by a tin partition.

A fixed metal ring is attached to the lower end of the tube, which closes with a spring and moves back if you press the button on the lid.

If you press it lightly, only one coin will be released, but if you press it harder, the second coin will also fall out. The lid mechanism is hidden by a flat bottom made of tin, with an oblong hole just wide enough to admit coins.

You take care not to show the cup and lid until you have taken possession of the two coins you borrowed for the trick. When you go to get the cup and lid, you prepare the latter by putting in the borrowed coins.

You do this by holding the lid upside down, pressing the button and moving the movable ring away: the coins drop inside. When you stop pressing the button, the movable ring returns to its normal position.

Then you expose the cup and lid and place them on the table. Holding the cup upside down to show that it is empty, you cover it with a lid, as if to prevent anything secretly being thrown into it, and, for still greater security, you throw a handkerchief used for this purpose over the whole thing. .

You now announce that, in spite of all the difficulties to which you have been subjected, you will pass both coins through the handkerchief and through the metal lid in the cup.

Taking in your right hand one of the substitute coins that remained in plain sight and which the spectators mistook for real ones, you pretend to transfer it using the first technique to your left hand, and, quietly pressing the button with the above-mentioned hand, force one of the coins fall from the lid, while simultaneously opening your hand to show that the coin has disappeared from it.

The audience hears but does not see the coin fall. For the second coin, it's better to introduce an element of variety, and so you might suggest ditching the scarf so everyone can see what's going on with the coin.

For further variety, you can use your wand as a guide. Taking the replacement coin in your left hand, you pretend that you are transferring it in the fourth move to your right hand.

Then, taking the wand in your left hand, you hold it perpendicularly, so that its lower end rests on the button of the lid. Holding it between the thumb and second fingers of your right hand, you quickly move them down, while at the same time pressing the button with the rod, then the second coin will fall into the goblet, which will be heard.

By removing the lid and leaving it on the table, you show the cup and allow the spectators to take the coins from it themselves and make sure.

It is very good to have a second lid, exactly the same in appearance, but simple, without any mechanism. Then you can have both the cup and the lid examined before the trick begins.

Returning to your table and turning your back to the audience, you have every opportunity to replace the simple lid with a mechanical one, dropping the first one into one of your secret pockets.

In this article you will be taught tricks with a coin. Learning directly depends on your patience. You need to practice until everything becomes automatic. This is the most important rule for performing these tricks, and tricks in general.

Trick with glass and coin

You need the following items: a 50x50 cm scarf, a coin and a glass.

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Show the viewer a glass filled with water. Glue a coin to its bottom in advance. But it won’t be visible if you show the glass from the side. Hold the glass in your hand, then cover it with a handkerchief, after a while remove the handkerchief and finally invite the viewer to look into the glass from above. He will see that a coin has somehow appeared in the glass.

The Secret of Focus

Glue the coin to the bottom of the glass in advance. When it is empty, it can be seen through the walls. However, when you fill it with water, the coin will not be visible unless viewed from the side. It can only be seen from above.

Talking bottle and coin trick

You need: an assistant, a 30x30 cm scarf and a coin.

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Place a coin on the table, cover it with a scarf and ask the audience to come up and make sure that the coin is under the scarf. When this happens, take the handkerchief, transfer it from your right to your left hand and show that the coin has disappeared. Say that it is now in the viewer's pocket. Go to him and take it out.

The Secret of Focus

You need a partner-assistant. He must be among the spectators. While they come up to see that the coin is under the scarf, your partner should come last and quietly take it away.

Trick with handkerchief and coin

You will need: an elastic band, a 30x30 scarf and a coin.

How to make a magic scarf

To do this, you need to sew 2 identical scarves, and sew a coin into the center of them. The coin should be inside the scarves.

Ask the audience for a handful of coins and choose one. Take a handkerchief out of your pocket, spread it out and place the coin you chose in the center. The scarf should be turned over so that the coin remains under it. Take out the elastic ring from your pocket, put it on the scarf and squeeze it under the coin. Ask the viewer to place his palm, and stretching the scarf at the corners, make sure that the elastic band comes off the coin. However, the viewer's palm will be empty - the coin did not fall into it. You need to pretend that you are taking it, for example, from a closet or from a table, where it somehow miraculously ended up.

The Secret of Focus

When you take a coin from the spectator during a trick and turn the handkerchief over, it should fall imperceptibly into your hand. There will be a coin sewn into the scarf, and put an elastic ring on it. And you must hold the spectator’s coin in your fingers during the trick and after the demonstration.

Video lessons

Hello again!

Sergey Kulikov, aka Sailor, is in touch with you again!

Surely, many of you often search on the Internet for something like “simple tricks with coins and their secrets.” So today I will share with you one very simple, but at the same time very cool and unusual trick with a coin.

Today I would like to tell you about one incredibly easy trick. It is so light that it breaks the whole idea of ​​coin magic. After all, coin magic is many times more complicated than tricks with cards! Even if you are not a magician, you can still easily learn it in just five minutes!

If you can compare it with card tricks, then it would have a self-working effect, that is, it would be done on its own.

It can also be perfectly compared to many tricks from my favorite Ed Marlowe. After all, his tricks are simple, but at the same time they are incredibly effective.

So, this trick is exactly the same.

It consists of the following: we show the viewer a coin that we have held between the fingers of our right hand. We put it in our left hand and... unexpectedly for the viewer, we take it out from under our left palm!

I assure you that the secret of this trick will leave you pleasantly surprised and bewildered at the same time :)

Demonstration and training

This trick is simply ideal for beginners who have not yet mastered various techniques with coins, but already want to surprise their first viewers!

Or if you perform tricks with some other props, for example with cards, but want to diversify your performance a little. If you don’t have the desire or the ability to plunge headlong into a new direction, then this trick is perfect for you too.

And it is quite possible that you are not a magician at all, but want to surprise your friends or relatives with a trick. Then why not learn it? :)

In general, this is a great trick for those who don’t want to bother too much with complex techniques, but want to surprise the viewer right away!

Let's talk more about coin tricks!

In general, the world of coin magic is huge and very interesting. There are many techniques in coin magic that are many times more complex than in the world of card tricks.

That is why the performances of coin manipulators seem like real magic, which can deceive not only the audience, but also other magicians.

Here, just like in card magic, there are various magical effects, that is, not only the disappearance and appearance of a coin.

For example, it is not uncommon to see a magician break a coin in half and then restore it with one spit!

Another striking effect is the “changes” of coins. Yes Yes. Fans of card tricks probably know what I mean! This is when a magician takes one coin in his hand, and a second later turns it into another! Looks amazing!

Another good friend of mine showed me a trick where he first vaporizes a coin in his hand, and after a few seconds begins to pull out the same coin from the skin of his hand! This trick is perfect for your Halloween performance. I advise you to take a closer look at it!

But if you want to really immerse yourself in this interesting and huge world, then I advise you to study the following material.

Books for beginners:

  • J.B. Bobo – “New Modern Coin Magic”
  • Richard Kaufman – “David Roth’s Expert Coin Magic”
  • Richard Kaufman – “CoinMagic”

DVD for beginners:

  • David Roth – “Expert Coin Magic vol. 1-3"
  • Michael Ammar – “Complete Introduction to Coin Magic”
  • David Stone – “Coin Magic vol. 1-2"

Please pay special attention to the works of David Roth. This is the strongest coin trick performer! The real Dai Vernon in the world of coin magic!

He can also be compared to Edward Marlowe, because there is not a single routine where his techniques and ideas are not used!

And for fans of card tricks, I can recommend a selection of cheating tricks!

That's all I have for today! I hope you now know some simple coin tricks and their secrets!

Sergey Kulikov, aka Sailor, was in touch with you!

Hello again!

Sergey Kulikov, aka Sailor, is in touch with you again!

I think that based on the title of our article today, you guessed that it will be devoted to several tricks with a coin. And that these tricks are really simple, and any beginner can do them!

Despite the fact that it is necessary to train very carefully before performing absolutely any trick, these same tricks do not require such rigorous preparation. You just need to know the secret and rehearse it in front of the mirror for about five minutes.

So let's move on to our tricks!

Trick number one!

If you try to describe it verbally, it will look something like this. We show the viewer a coin that we hold with the fingers of our left hand. Next, take this coin into your right hand.

After a few seconds we show the viewer that this coin has disappeared!

But absolutely all tricks with coins are subject to the rule of “prestige”, which states that if something has disappeared from somewhere, then it must appear somewhere!

And this coin will appear in a very unexpected place! We'll blow her nose! Yes Yes! It will appear right from our nose!

Demonstration and training

The technique with which this trick is done is called the “French drop”, or “French drop”.

This is one of the most useful and important techniques in coin magic in general, which allows for the easiest and wildly natural and plausible ways to pick up a coin in the “finger palm”, that is, palming the coin with your fingers.

In general, I advise everyone who wants to practice magic at a more or less good level to first learn this technique and this trick.

By the way, I'll give you a little hint. It is not necessary to exactly blow the coin. You can, for example, manifest it from the viewer's pocket or from any other place. It's a matter of your imagination. The author of the trick showed it from the nose because it breaks the viewer’s template a little, and he definitely doesn’t expect this.

Trick number two!

This trick is classic, but very few people know about it, for reasons unknown to me. This trick requires virtually no practice or preparation. It is enough to find out the secret, and at that very moment you will be able to surprise your viewers.

That's why this trick is perfect for those who don't want to practice magic seriously, but just want to learn a couple of cool tricks just in case. For example, surprise friends or your family and friends.

It can be described something like this: we show the viewer a coin in our right hand. We take the coin with our left hand and... a second later we open our left palm and we see that the coin is gone!

And she appears under our palm! This is a very quick and visual trick that is also simple. That is why it is ideal for all beginners and simply interested amateurs.

Demonstration and training

Focus number three!

But this trick is not exactly for beginners. He will need to be trained for a day or two.

After all, he will teach you one of the most important components when performing any trick - angle control.

Yes, this trick is foreshortening. But don't be afraid of this. On the contrary, we should strive for difficulties, because they increase our experience!

The trick looks something like this: show the coin in your right hand, take it with your left hand. We open our left hand and... the coin has disappeared! It is not in any of our hands! But we can easily manifest it in a few seconds!

Demonstration and training

So, dear friends, these are the three wonderful tricks with a coin and how to learn them.

I highly recommend that you learn all three and combine them into one great routine. It will be possible to show a kind of amateur performance for a couple of minutes.

And I recommend this trick to all lovers of card magic " Triumph"from the legendary Dai Vernon!

That's all I have for today! These are the video tricks we had today with a coin for beginners!

Sergey Kulikov was in touch with you.