When will it be possible to issue an id card. What is an ID on a bank card? What does the card identification number mean?

외국인등록증 (F-4)


  • Within 14 days, you must inform the immigration center about the change of address or passport data.
  • When moving around Korea, the ID card must be carried with you.
Loss and recovery of ID fines

The immigration service may impose a fine of 100,000 to 1,000,000 won, or refusal to extend the stay with subsequent deportation in the following cases:

  • submission of documents for obtaining an ID card, three months after arrival
  • renewal of the ID card after its expiration
  • notice of change of address or passport data after 14 days
  • activities that do not correspond to the status

Frequently asked Questions:

Q: How can I get an ID card?

A: It is necessary to obtain a visa at the Korean Consulate, which allows you to stay in Korea for a long period and after entering the territory of Korea, submit documents to the immigration center at the place of residence (lease agreement). In some cases, obtaining an ID card is possible upon entry under a visa-free regime. To be clarified at the Immigration Information Center

Q: I have an F-4 visa (H-2, D-4, F-1, etc.) What documents are required to apply for an ID card?

A: Each case requires its own package of documents. See Required documents in the section corresponding to your .

Q: What examinations do I need to pass when applying for an ID?

A: In each case, certain tests are required. Look in sections, on visas.

Q: How can I determine which branch I need to apply to?

A: It is necessary to look at the lease agreement (city, district), then select the appropriate branch (addresses of immigration centers")

Q: Is it possible to stay in Korea until the end of the ID card or until the end of the visa in the passport?

A: Stay is allowed until the expiration date of the ID card. The visa allows you to enter the territory of Korea within the specified time.

Q: The visa has expired, but there is a valid ID card. Do I need to reapply for a visa?

A: Entry and exit is possible with a valid ID card. Obtaining a new visa is necessary if the permitted period of stay has ended (for example, H-2), in the case of F-4, it is sufficient to renew every 1-3 years in a timely manner.

Q: While I was in my homeland, the ID card expired, but I have a valid visa. What to do?

A: If entry is possible with a valid visa, then it is necessary to hand over the expired ID card at the immigration control upon entry and resubmit the documents.

Q: I have a fine, will my ID card period be extended?

A: Renewal is possible only after payment of existing penalties. The presence of fines is checked automatically when submitting documents. Depending on the amount of the fine (greater than 2,000,000 won) and the type of fine, you may receive a warning or be denied an extension of stay.

Q: What should I do if I did not renew my ID card in a timely manner?

A: Depending on the status of stay and the duration of the violation, a fine of 100,000 won or refusal to extend the stay with subsequent deportation may be imposed.

Q: Do I need to take a fluorography when renewing my ID card?

A: If there was a departure-arrival for more than 30 days, they may require a re-test for tuberculosis.

Q: How to queue up to visit the immigration center?

A: Instructions for booking a visit to the immigration center

Q: The ID card has been damaged or lost. How can I restore it?

A: It is necessary to visit the immigration center at the place of residence and provide a standard package of documents. In some cases, a fine of 100,000 won may be imposed.

Q: I do not know the language, how can I prepare and submit the necessary documents to receive an ID card?

A: You can contact the relevant organizations dealing with challenging issues.

Identification card, or ID-card(from English Identity Document) - an official identity document, including in electronic systems of different levels and purposes, usually made in the format of a plastic card.

An ID-card usually contains information about the cardholder in text, machine-readable and electronic forms, including his photograph, name, personal number, signature sample, biometric information, recorded on an electronic chip or on a magnetic stripe. Ideally, it will contain the maximum amount of information necessary for control and management, including on a global scale.

In a broad sense, all types of plastic cards containing personalized information are called identification cards. In this sense, they can include driver's licenses, bank cards, electronic passes, etc.

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    ✪ 17. Identification document


Valid ID cards

Identification cards are being introduced in many countries around the world. In some countries, the issuance of official identity cards is mandatory, while in others it may be voluntary. The age at which the card is issued also varies.

  • International Student Identity Card ISIC - a paid card issued since the early 1960s by the International Student Tourism Confederation. Recognized as an identity card in 120 countries. Entitles you to discounts and special offers in the areas of: air travel, bus and rail transport, ferries and car rental, visits to museums and historical monuments, various cultural attractions, bars and restaurants, accommodation in hotels and inns.
  • Russia: in some regions there are local identification cards, for example, "Social card moscovite". In 2012, a Universal electronic card operating throughout the country was created, which allows you to identify a citizen when applying to medical institutions(replaces compulsory medical insurance policy), replaces an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance, allows you to remotely order, pay for and receive public services, allows you to sign electronic documents with an enhanced qualified electronic signature, make payments for goods and services, as well as others Bank operations.
  • Singapore was one of the first in the world in the early 2000s to introduce electronic passports for its residents, combining both an identity card and a universal key for public services on one card. However, so far the project has not been developed in the commercial dimension in the form of a payment instrument.
  • Malaysia - The MyID/MyKID ID card contains an identity application, banking application, driver's license, medical information and transportation applications.
  • European Union - national ID-cards are issued to citizens and residents. The card chip stores information about its owner: full name, gender, national identification number, cryptographic keys and certificates. The reverse side of the ID-card contains three-line machine-readable information, including data on the identification card number and check digit (first line), the expiration date of this document with a check number and a three-letter international code of the country of citizenship (second line), last name and given names cardholder (third line). The cardholder has the right to use the ID-card as an identity card when traveling within the territory of the European Union and for crossing its external borders both for entry and exit from the countries of the European Union, the European Economic Area, including Iceland, Norway and Switzerland.
  • Germany: Geldkarte - allows access to government services, contains an electronic signature.
  • Austria: Bürgerkarte - allows you to sign documents with an electronic signature, identifies the identity of a citizen to receive government services, provides access to pension and hospital insurance databases.
  • Estonia: ID-card - is an identity card, issued to citizens of the country from the age of 15 and foreigners who have received a temporary residence permit. Used to store virtual travel tickets for public transport, where cardholders can order a reminder service by SMS or e-mail about when the ticket expires, or automatically buy the next one using a bank payment order. Contains an electronic signature that allows you to sign documents and comments online. Used for identification in Internet elections. Video on YouTube.
  • Ghana : national ID-card - video on YouTube: national song about ID-card performed in the form karaoke .
  • United States : US Passport - video on YouTube.
  • Latvia: ID-card - includes an electronic signature, is used for electronic voting, is valid as a travel document on the territory of the EU countries and Schengen member states, students can enjoy reduced travel on transport.
  • United Kingdom: Citizencard - an electronic card with a microchip and a pin code, which can be obtained from the age of 12, it allows you to identify, as it contains a date of birth and a photograph.
  • Saudi Arabia: ID-card - for the first time, women in this country will receive identification documents. It is planned that by 2020 the ID-card will become the only identity document.
  • India: AADHAAR - is a 12-digit individual identification number (UID) assigned to all residents of India on a voluntary basis. A card with AADHAAR is used to receive grants from local and state governments, as well as some government services. Citizens are fingerprinted and iris scanned to obtain an AADHAAR identification number. A group of citizens filed a class action lawsuit in which they stated that there are serious concerns about the security system, confidentiality of information and the protection of the interests of citizens.
  • ECOWAS (15 West African countries) - biometric identity cards are being introduced that will be valid on the territory of any member state of the community. Citizens thanks to biometric cards will be able to move freely between the countries of the community.
  • Kazakhstan: An identity card of a citizen of Kazakhstan is a plastic smart card with a photo, surname, first name, patronymic, date and place of birth, IIN and nationality of the holder. Issued to all citizens of Kazakhstan from the age of 16.
  • Kyrgyzstan: The plastic ID-card is an internal passport of a citizen of Kyrgyzstan issued from the age of 16. Since 2018, it is planned to replace these passports with biometric ones.
  • Ukraine: from January 1, 2016, a plastic ID card was introduced as an internal passport, issued from the age of 14. It is planned to replace all domestic paper passports with an ID-card within 5 years.

Driving licenses

Currently, in many countries, a driver's license is produced in the format of an ID card. Driving license issued in Russian Federation since 2011, is a state document issued by representatives of the traffic police to the participant traffic after successfully passing a comprehensive exam. It displays the driver's qualifications and confirms the legality of driving a vehicle on the territory of a particular state. Produced on paper or plastic media, where a photograph is displayed and short information about the owner (full name, place and year of birth, series and number of the certificate), applied in Russian and Latin letters. A barcode is applied to the reverse side of the certificate, which allows you to quickly enter data about the owner into the information system.

Identification card, or ID-card(from English Identity Document) - an official identity document, including in electronic systems of different levels and purposes, usually made in the format of a plastic card.

An ID-card usually contains information about the cardholder in text, machine-readable and electronic forms, including his photograph, name, personal number, signature sample, biometric information, recorded on an electronic chip or on a magnetic stripe. Ideally, it will contain the maximum amount of information necessary for control and management, including on a global scale.

In a broad sense, all types of plastic cards containing personalized information are called identification cards. In this sense, they can include driver's licenses, bank cards, electronic passes, etc.

Current and planned ID cards

Identification cards are being introduced in many countries around the world. In some countries, the issuance of official identity cards is mandatory, while in others it may be voluntary. The age at which the card is issued also varies.

  • ISIC International Student Identity - A paid card issued since the early 1960s by the International Student Tourism Confederation. Recognized as an identity card in 120 countries. Entitles you to discounts and special offers in the areas of: air travel, bus and rail transport, ferries and car rental, visits to museums and historical monuments, various cultural attractions, bars and restaurants, accommodation in hotels and inns.
  • Russia: electronic passports of a Russian citizen will be issued everywhere instead of paper ones from 2023, and in Moscow from July 2020. Replacing an identity card with a "digit" will take place in stages. In some regions, there are local identification cards, for example, "Social card of a Muscovite". In 2012, a Universal Electronic Card, valid throughout the country, was created, which allows you to identify a citizen when applying to medical institutions (replaces the compulsory medical insurance policy), replaces the insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance, allows you to remotely order, pay for and receive public services, allows you to sign electronic documents enhanced with a qualified electronic signature, make payments for goods and services, as well as other banking operations. The issuance and issuance of UEC cards has been discontinued since January 1, 2017.
  • Singapore was one of the first in the world in the early 2000s to introduce electronic passports for its residents, combining both an identity card and a universal key for public services on one card. However, so far the project has not been developed in the commercial dimension in the form of a payment instrument.
  • Malaysia - The MyID/MyKID ID card contains an identity application, banking application, driver's license, medical information and transportation applications.
  • European Union - national ID-cards are issued to citizens and residents. The card chip stores information about its owner: full name, gender, national identification number, cryptographic keys and certificates. The reverse side of the ID-card contains three-line machine-readable information, including data on the identification card number and check digit (first line), the expiration date of this document with a check number and a three-letter international code of the country of citizenship (second line), last name and given names cardholder (third line). The cardholder has the right to use the ID-card as an identity card when traveling within the territory of the European Union and for crossing its external borders both for entry and exit from the countries of the European Union, the European Economic Area, including Iceland, Norway and Switzerland.
  • Germany: Neuer elektronischer Personalausweis (nPA) - allows access to government services, contains an electronic signature.
  • Austria: Bürgerkarte - allows you to sign documents with an electronic signature, identifies the identity of a citizen to receive government services, provides access to pension and hospital insurance databases.
  • Estonia: ID-card - is an identity card, issued to citizens of the country from the age of 15 and foreigners who have received a temporary residence permit. It is used to store virtual travel tickets for public transport, and cardholders can order a reminder service by SMS or e-mail about when the ticket expires. Contains an electronic signature that allows you to sign documents and comments online. Used for identification in Internet elections. Video on YouTube.
  • United Kingdom: Citizencard - an electronic card with a microchip and a pin code, which can be obtained from the age of 12, it allows you to identify, as it contains a date of birth and a photograph.
  • Israel: teudat-zeut - issued to all residents over the age of 16. The presentation of a document is mandatory if requested by a soldier or a policeman, but an Israeli resident has the right to refuse if there is no reason to suspect him of committing offenses.
  • Ghana : national ID-card - video on YouTube: national song about the ID-card, made in the form of karaoke.
  • United States : US Passport - YouTube video. In the United States, a driver's license may be used in a number of cases (such as when buying alcoholic beverages in supermarkets). AT colloquial speech most often they are indicated by the phrase "ID card". Driver's licenses in the United States can be issued without the right to drive a car, for identification purposes only.
  • Latvia: ID-card - includes an electronic signature, is used for electronic voting, is valid as a travel document on the territory of the EU countries and Schengen member states, students can enjoy reduced travel on transport.
  • Saudi Arabia: ID-card - for the first time, women in this country will receive identification documents. It is planned that by 2020 the ID-card will become the only identity document.
  • India: AADHAAR - is a 12-digit individual identification number (UID) assigned to all residents of India on a voluntary basis. A card with AADHAAR is used to receive grants from local and state governments, as well as some government services. Citizens are fingerprinted and iris scanned to obtain an AADHAAR identification number. A group of citizens filed a class action lawsuit in which they stated that there are serious concerns about the security system, confidentiality of information and the protection of the interests of citizens.
  • ECOWAS (15 West African countries) - biometric identity cards are being introduced that will be valid on the territory of any member state of the community. Citizens thanks to biometric cards will be able to move freely between the countries of the community.
  • Kazakhstan: An identity card of a citizen of Kazakhstan is a plastic smart card with a photo, last name, first name, patronymic, date and place of birth, IIN, and nationality of the holder. Issued to all citizens of Kazakhstan from the age of 16.
  • Kyrgyzstan: The plastic ID-card is an internal passport of a citizen of Kyrgyzstan issued from the age of 16. Since mid-2017, new biometric ID cards have been issued. The new passports are distinguished by their color (blue instead of the yellow of the 2004 ID-card) and the presence of a chip with personal data. The standard validity of a passport is 10 years from the date of issue.
  • Ukraine: Since January 1, 2016, a plastic ID card has been introduced as an internal passport, issued from the age of 14. It is planned to replace all domestic paper passports with an ID-card within 5 years.

Driving licenses

Currently, in many countries, a driver's license is produced in the format of an ID card. A driver's license issued in the Russian Federation since 2011 is a state document issued by traffic police representatives to a road user after successfully passing a comprehensive exam. It displays the driver's qualifications and confirms the legality of driving a vehicle on the territory of a particular state. It is produced on paper or plastic media, which displays a photograph and brief information about the owner (full name, place and year of birth, series and number of the certificate), applied in Russian and Latin letters. A barcode is applied to the reverse side of the certificate, which allows you to quickly enter data about the owner into the information system.

Electronic passes

ID-cards can be used as an identity card, an electronic pass, an electronic key to restrict access to any territory.

A project open to public discussion, according to which ID-cards can be introduced instead of a passport for residence and movement within the country. By the end of April, the head of state will be presented with a draft for consideration.

Contrary to popular belief, ID-cards will not replace passports and will not become their replacement. However, they will become a more technological analogue of the second passport (internal), which could appear after the recognition of the National Biometric Passport of a citizen foreign.

Where did they come from?

The idea of ​​using ID-cards is not new. In many countries it has existed for about 50 years. The oldest of these is the ISIC International Student Card, which has been issued since the early 1960s. Such a card is still recognized as an identity card in 120 countries.

In neighboring Kazakhstan, an ID-card is a smart card with a photo, the owner's initials, a taxpayer's TIN, and the owner's nationality. Issued to all citizens of Kazakhstan from the age of 16 for a period of 10 years. The card allows you to enter the territory of Russia, Kyrgyzstan and Azerbaijan instead of using a foreign passport.

An ID-card in the USA is the most unified document and eliminates the need to carry a passport with you. The certificate allows you to move within the country, buy alcohol, issue bank cards, and drive a car.

One of the last countries to introduce an ID-card was Ukraine in January 2016. It is issued to all citizens from the age of 14 to comply with EU standards and will have to replace all internal paper passports in the next 5 years.


Honored Art Worker of Uzbekistan, Professor of the IFJ UzGUWL Tursunali Kuziev on the introduction of ID-cards:

Uzbekistan is rapidly making up for a lot of lost time. Much of what lagged behind, has quite objective reasons. Nevertheless, there is often a purely human factor, when one or another official, waiting for a command or a go-ahead from above, causes the technologies needed by society to lag behind. One of these tools is modern world and are ID-cards.

Back in 1994, while in South Korea, we, the artists of Uzbekistan, who came to this unfamiliar country with the first exhibition, appreciated the convenience of ID-cards. At that time, they facilitated the movement of Korean artists around their country, quickly and without undue stress resolved many issues.

Europe has long been freed from unnecessary troubles with the introduction of ID-cards. It is both an achievement and a tool to many amenities in society. Here there is a moment of guaranteeing the freedom of the individual, after all, this is an indicator of culture and the level of development of society. Everything related to technical convenience is listed by many observers. In a society where ID-cards have a natural circulation, it is also an indicator of culture.

Why is an ID card more convenient than a passport?

In addition to overall features (the ID-card looks like a bank a plastic card and slightly larger than a business card), the card will become a unified document. Result: the ability to use your ID-card as a driver's license, TIN, electronic passes and electronic keys. This will eliminate the need to carry around a pile of documents, photocopies and additional passes every day. The cards also contain a contactless chip that cannot be copied or replaced.

All information about the citizen, which will be in a regular passport, is included in the ID-card. This will simplify the identification procedure if necessary. In addition, if the ID-card is plastic, it is much better protected from mechanical damage and water, without requiring such careful handling.

How will this work in practice?

Another issue lies in the complexity of the transition to the ID-card. Its widespread implementation involves equipping all visa centers, embassies, banks, hospitals and even, probably, RBDD cars (if it replaces a driver's license) with special reading equipment.

In addition, the ID-card must be thought out in such a way as to contain letter information about the registration of the place of residence and marital status. Such a problem was encountered in Ukraine, when it became necessary to carry documents on marital status and registration with an ID-card. On the other hand, information about marital status and place of residence should be embedded in an electronic chip so as not to give out your home address to anyone who will take your card in hand.

Ideally, an ID-card should become one of the most secure documents, which can even contain an EDS (electronic digital signature). It will become a means of remote authentication for signing documents, which further stimulates the development of electronic services.

It is possible that it would be wiser to make the process of transition to ID-cards stage-by-stage, and early stages- completely voluntary. World experience shows that large companies and institutions will be more interested in serving customers with ID-cards, so they will start purchasing equipment for reading them on their own. Even under the condition that the owners of such cards will be able to evaluate the first obvious advantages only 1-3 years after their introduction and receipt.

From November 1, 2016, all Ukrainians began to be transferred to new passports. Now the main internal document is not a usual book, but an ID card with an electronic chip. Applications for the issuance of "old" passports, according to a government decree, have ceased to be accepted (in fact, not quite).

realist answers the most popular questions about obtaining a new passport and replacing an old one.

At what age can you get a passport of a citizen of Ukraine in the form of an ID card?

An internal passport in the form of an ID card can now be obtained from the age of 14.

Where do I need to go to apply for a passport?

To the territorial division of the migration service or to the center for the provision of administrative services at the place of residence.

What documents are needed to obtain an ID card?

- Birth certificate.

— Documents confirming citizenship and proving the identity of the parents or one of them, who had Ukrainian citizenship at the time of birth.

– Passport of a citizen of Ukraine for traveling abroad (for persons permanently residing abroad, upon their return in accordance with the established procedure for residence in Ukraine and for persons who have received Ukrainian citizenship abroad).

— Certificate of registration of homeless persons (for the homeless).

— Certificate of registration of internally displaced persons (for internally displaced persons).

- Identification code.

— Documents confirming additional changeable information that is entered into the ID card:

Information about the place of registration;

Birth certificate of children;

A marriage certificate, a divorce certificate, a court decision on divorce that has entered into legal force, or a document issued by the competent authorities of a foreign state confirms the relevant fact;

Name change certificate.

What to do, if Additional Information, entered in a contactless electronic carrier, has changed?

If the information entered in the electronic chip has changed, you need to contact the territorial division of the migration service.

Do I need any additional documents accompanying the ID card?

Yes, otherwise it would be too good and simple. Separately, additional variable information is issued on a leaflet for those bodies and structures that do not have devices that read information from contactless electronic media. They need to be carried with you not all the time, but only for those bodies that require them.

Are there enough forms for issuing ID cards?

Forms are printed at the polygraph complex "Ukraine" and on this moment, as the migration service assures, there are enough of them for everyone.

How long does it take to produce an ID card?

No more than 20 working days from the date of registration of the application form for its receipt.

Do ID cards have an expiration date?

Yes. Citizens aged 14 to 18 years old ID card is issued for four years. Persons over the age of 18 - 10 years.

How much does it cost to get an ID card?

If you get a passport for the first time - it's free. And reissuing a passport in the form of a card for 20 working days costs 87 UAH, for 10 days - 174 UAH.

Is it possible now to get an old-style passport or is only an ID card issued?

The internal passport of a citizen of Ukraine is tied to the place of registration. Those departments that are equipped with equipment for issuing ID cards issue only ID cards. The old-style passport is issued only by those departments that do not have this equipment. In Kyiv, all branches have equipment for issuing ID cards.