Corsairs To each his own tower defense game. Corsairs To each his own Characteristics Personal skills Corsairs to each his own How to quickly upgrade your navigation

Before starting the conversation, I would like to complain about a dilemma: is this a mod for “Corsairs GPK”, or a game? The conversation about the subject should be structured accordingly to the answer to the question. Formally, this is still an independent game, sold separately, and does not require any other versions to install. There is a high probability that, in addition to the old sea wolves, fans of all Corsairs, they will also take on the passage of new recruits... Sorry, of course we mean recruits. For one or the other, the description of the game should be its own. Perhaps we will focus on the latter.
We should start with the fact that “Corsairs” is already a brand, it is one of the most domestic game series, dating back to 2000. The developers of the first, second, third (or rather addons for the third) could rightfully be proud of their product, which has no equal in “toys about pirates”. We emphasize the past form of tense, since in fact the last change in the engine and graphics dates back to 2007. And since then, any Corsairs (mods, addons) - from this point of view, these are still the same “Corsairs of the GPK”.
But since the fourth Corsairs are not visible even on the horizon, we have to be content with what we have. And there isn't that much. Most mods only add "features". But if all the quests and storylines have been followed far and wide, the “features” will no longer “save the father of Russian democracy” and indeed none at all. There are not many mods with a well-developed new plot. Therefore, everyone's exit is an event. Especially a product positioned as a game. That is, you don’t have to worry about installation or choosing the right version. If there are bugs, conscientious developers will be able to catch them.
Thus, the release in December 2012 of the game “Corsairs: To Each His Own” from the generally well-established team “Black Mark Studio” created a lively stir among fans, and at the same time brought a certain number of recruits into the team of brave fans of the corsair series. By the way, the game came out “excellent” from a technical point of view, and is distributed through Steam. Well, what it is, in our opinion, in terms of play, we will now try to explain.

First of all, completely new adventures await players, that is, a quest line. The plot is based on the fate of two French brothers, one of whom got into trouble in the Caribbean, and the second (namely you) will have to help him out. The brother went to prison with the Knights of Malta, owing them a million. Accordingly, the player will have to return this million. By the way, finally a good justification for accumulating money in the game. Otherwise you usually save them and save them, but why?
The first sequence of quests also serves as a tutorial stage. You will have to start without a ship, but strictly adhering to the line of tasks. Although already at this stage, cunning players immediately found loopholes. See for yourself. The first step upon arriving in the Caribbean is to visit the governor. However, there your character will be arrested, all his meager property (money, jewelry, sword) will be taken away and he will be put in prison. Then, of course, they will release you, but they will not return your things - there is local corruption. You literally have to start from scratch. You can get some skewer from the governor. But I still feel sorry for myself. And here it is - a loophole. Before your first visit to the governor, go outside the city, find a cave with a chest in it, put your things in the chest, and then pick them up. Not fair? Well, that's why we are pirates!
Next, you need to complete a series of quests that will give you initial capital, a ship, a crew and equipment. Tasks can (and should!) be obtained from the owners of city establishments - a store, a tavern, a moneylender's office, a shipyard, a port authority, a church, a brothel, a prison. There may be more listed than there are quests, but the list will give newbies an idea of ​​the city's establishments. Assignments are also given out by passers-by on the street. So don’t hesitate to talk to people, carefully click on the answer options - in case you come across a non-standard one.
In general, the dialogues in this game should be read carefully. And even remembering (writing down) some information. It is not written in the game magazine, but further down the line it will be needed. The developers, you see, are against “rendering”. In my opinion, they are frankly overdoing it. In the end, the main point of Corsairs is not at all memorizing passwords or the names of ships, but in saber fighting, boarding battles and sea battles, in which you can easily do without pen and paper.
An additional annoying “anti-casual” moment is that at the beginning of the game the authors block the teleport in some places - swim or run yourself. And worse than that, they tie individual quest episodes to points in time that are far apart from each other, without the ability to move instantly or in a strategic mode. You have to turn on maximum acceleration, pick up a book and read, waiting for the right time. Those who like to walk to the refrigerator may well have time to have a snack. Veterans may be delighted with this, but such realism unnecessarily irritates me.
It should also be warned that this particular version, according to reviews from many who have already played it, is noticeably more difficult to complete. Some quest battles are immediately impassable even for experienced players. Hence an important conclusion: getting involved in the main storyline with an unleveled character is highly not recommended. At the very least, you need to have the tenth level. Yes, a third class ship. And for this you will have to swim and walk for a while as a free corsair.

The second most important officer (and at some point the first) is the navigator. It raises the “Navigation” parameter, which also determines the class of ship that a character can control without penalty. Is it necessary to say that the larger the ship, the more guns it has and the space in the hold for treasure? For a very long time I didn’t come across a decent navigator in taverns. I had to board a pirate ship of a larger class. But not just to board, but to shoot the entire (I emphasize - the entire) crew with grapeshot so that when I went to board the pirate captain surrendered. I recruited him to be my navigator.
Here, by the way, I had to use one trick, otherwise I would not have been able to do anything with my fifth-class ship and its disadvantages in characteristics. The trick is to bring the enemy squadron under the guns of your fort or fleet. In “Corsairs: To Each His Own,” the enemy is cunning and does not easily get under the guns of the fort, immediately running away if you managed to get under their cover on the tactical map. You need to lure him on a strategic map. How? Very simple. As soon as the grappling hooks icon appears on the strategic map when approaching a pirate squadron, activate it. The distance is still large and the “Swim further” option is active in the selection window. Click. After this, the bad, unfinished mechanics of the game give us the opportunity to calmly go side by side with a pirate ship without a fight, but with “boarding hooks”. He runs after us like a lamb after a sheep. We bring him under the fort and go into tactical mode. That's it, voila - the fort shoots the healthiest ships. The main thing here is not to blunder, but to have time to board them. Not fair? Well, that's why we are pirates!
At the end of this part, we must say something about abilities. After gaining a certain number of points (given for upgrading any parameter), the ability to activate useful abilities opens up. They are also divided into personal and ship. Personal ones again increase the level of weapon proficiency, shooting, energy, health, stamina, and so on. Ships increase damage to the enemy from your fire, increase trading abilities, and much more. In what order to activate them (note that you can never activate everything - there won’t be enough points) is a matter of taste. In ship battles, I prefer to move from the effectiveness of artillery fire, in personal battles, from the growth of energy during battle (even neglecting defense).
Various amulets that a character can place on himself also increase the positive effect. They can be bought from merchants on the streets, from wandering Indians in the jungle, found on the corpse of a killed enemy, or received as gratitude for a completed task.

It remains to outline the background against which the pirate adventures unfold. Surprisingly, the real Caribbean Sea with real islands and the coast of Maine appeared not in one of the previous games in the series, but in the fashion for the second “Corsairs”. And since then it has been firmly included in the lineup. There was no reason to abandon tradition now. Although we must warn veterans who are accustomed to the GPK map: the political affiliation of the islands has changed slightly. Be careful, don't go to Trinidad - it's a Spanish colony. What used to be the island of Nevis with Charlestown migrated to France.
This is the map you will navigate on. However, you can’t immediately tell where you’ll have to spend more time – at sea or on land. The fact that you will have to enter ports to replenish supplies or sell the loot is obvious. But the connection with the earth’s surface is not limited to this. A noble corsair wears more than one pair of boots when running through city streets or through the jungle. For what? For many things.
Firstly, in search of generated quests. The merchant sitting at the tavern table will ask you to escort his ship to such and such a place. A girl, pursued in the jungle by a trio of bandits, will ask for help. True, they do not always turn out to be bandits, and the girl is not always so defenseless. But sometimes, as a reward, you can get... hm, however, you still can’t see anything there, only sighs and groans. The seller in the store will ask you to take the goods to another island. Governors generally have a whole bunch of tasks.
Secondly, as noted above, you need to wander around in search of adventures with your saber in order to upgrade it, or look for treasures. Thirdly, the concept of “Alchemy” was introduced into the game, which is not always actually alchemy. This is the creation of complex aggregates or objects from derivatives of simpler ingredients. The simplest version of alchemy is to create a paper cartridge from gunpowder and a bullet. Then any self-respecting navigator should acquire a chronometer and compass. The components for them must be sought.
In general, we must admit that the game has taken on new colors. Although, in general terms and principles, these are “GPC Corsairs” with a very advanced mod. The developers seem to have already squeezed everything they can out of the engine. Any breakthrough in the genre is possible only with a completely new approach.

Corsairs To each his own Characteristics Personal skills
Charisma is the ability to persuade and captivate people. Affects the outcome of game events in situations related to the character’s personal charm or reputation. Depends on Leadership and Learning (A*0.9+T*0.1)
Rapiers and swords. Ability to handle rapiers, swords and other small tools at hand. Depends on Reaction and Perception (R*0.9+1*0.1)
Sabers and cutlasses. The ability to handle sabers and similar curved cutting and piercing weapons, which require not only strength, but also a certain dexterity. Depends on Strength and Reaction (P*0.6+R*0.4)
Broadswords and axes. The ability to handle heavy broadswords, axes and rare swords requires remarkable physical strength. Depends on Strength and Endurance (P*0.9+E*0.1)
Pistols and muskets. The ability to use personal short-, long- and multi-barreled firearms requires dexterity and a certain amount of luck. Depends on Reaction and Luck (R*0.5+S*0.5)
Luck. Fortune. She's luck. Needed everywhere and by everyone! Depends on luck.(S)
Stealth. The ability to slip past enemy guards, evade pursuers in the endless ocean desert, or, like a bolt from the blue, fall upon a careless enemy. Depends on Luck and Perception (S*0.5+1*0.5)
Corsairs To each his own Characteristics Ship skills
Navigation. Ability to navigate a ship through storms and thick fog. Ability to use navigational instruments and manage squadrons. The largest and most formidable ship will fly like a bird, easily obeying the firm hand of an experienced skipper. Depends on Perception and Learning (G0.2+T*0.8). To operate a vessel of a certain class, a corresponding minimum level of Navigation is required: Class 1 requires 95 Navigation, Class 2 requires 80 Navigation, Class 3 requires 65 Navigation, Class 4 requires 45 Navigation, Class 5 requires 25 Navigation, Class 6 requires 01 Navigation. A lack of Navigation skill leads to a decrease in all the skills and characteristics of the hero (the so-called “minuses”, the appearance of negative penalty points in the characteristics). The penalty value is determined as the difference between the current and required Navigation value, in classes. For example, you have a navigation skill of 50 and a personal skill of broadswords and axes of 35, you start using a 2nd class ship, all your skills are reduced by 30 points, now the skill of broadswords and axes is 5 points.
Accuracy. One of the most necessary qualities for those sailing the sea. A real captain will not waste ammunition trying to scare away all the fish in the area. Every zapp is on target! You can’t do without Perception and Luck here (l*0.8+S*0.2)
Guns. Deftly equip the gun and, while the echoes of the shot have not yet died down among the bulkheads, fire, equip, aim again, not forgetting to douse the barrel with water in time, cool it down... nothing more - load, pickle, salvo! Depends on Learning and Strength (T*0.6+P*0.4)
Boarding. As carefully as possible, bring the ship to the enemy side, throw the grapples the first time and fall like an avalanche on the trembling enemy, sweep across the decks like a hurricane, etc. take the enemy ship with a well-deserved prize with minimal losses! All this requires considerable skill and experience, but the rich loot will easily repay all the efforts. Involves Reaction and Learning (R*0.7+T*0.3)
Protection. Day after day, the crew gets used to the ship, and now every sailor is worth a dozen newbies. Protecting your people during battle and preventing them from dying stupidly and senselessly is the task of a good captain and a clever strategist. Endurance and Leadership are equally important when mobilizing the crew to defend the ship! (E*0.5+A*0.5)
Repair. When the cannonballs fall on the ship like a merciless hail, they smash the sides into splinters and turn the sails into rags, when the tired hull trembles and groans under the blows of the merciless elements, and the wind tears the rigging like threads, Repair becomes the most important of the ship's skills. Endurance is crucial, then Perception
Trade. The ability to profitably sell tomorrow what you bought yesterday on occasion. Knowledge of profitable trade routes, business acumen, careful accounting and a strong, spacious hold are always in the hands of an enterprising person. Learning and Leadership decide everything (T*0.8+A*0.2)...
Reputation. Reputation reflects society's attitude towards a character. The reputation of ordinary characters remains unchanged throughout the game: it is believed that their character has already been established and they are rather monotonous in their behavior. The main character is distinguished from everyone else by Authority, Fame and Honor. The hero's fame fades over time, and his actions are erased from people's memory. Bad things are forgotten more quickly, good things are forgotten faster. If you do not commit any serious actions, then the hero will be perceived by others as an “unknown adventurer.” Authority, Fame and Honor distinguish the main character from all other game characters. Authority is the assessment of the hero by his entourage (primarily the crews of the ships in the protagonist’s squadron). If the captain’s Authority has fallen critically, he is presented with a Black Mark and asked to resign voluntarily or forcibly. If Authority is high, the crew united around the commander can withstand any test with faith in the future! Fame shows what the popularity, celebrity, fame of the main character is. Any doors will open for a famous person, fans seek his attention, and opponents tremble at the mere mention of his name! A true hero cannot escape his nobility of spirit, altruism and high aspirations. From God's commandments and human laws. Honor shows what your hero most often leans towards. Honor grows as he saves the world and its inhabitants. Or it falls to the ugliest depths, from broken promises, committed violence and villainy. Honor depends on the character's actions and, in turn, affects how other characters in the game perceive him. However, if the hero leads a monotonous and measured lifestyle, chooses the least risky solutions, travels alone in deserted seas, his Honor and Fame slip away like sand through his fingers, striving for a neutral and uncomplicated middle. In the game, community memory is short and on average does not exceed half of the game year.
Corsairs To each his own Guns, culverins on your ships

3 pound guns
Deck guns equipped with a turret. They have the greatest mobility and, due to their small size, the least power and range of destruction. They are often equipped with a replaceable breech, allowing for quick reloading. Range - 350, damage - x 1.0, reload - 10 sec.

6 pound guns
Small guns, very popular on courier and merchant ships due to their light weight and ease of maintenance. Range - 450, damage - x 1.5, reload - 19 sec. Weight 6 c.

12 pound guns
The main guns of a small navy, capable of firing at high elevation angles, which significantly increases the effective combat distance. They have high reliability. Range - 550, damage - x 2.0, reload - 31 sec. Weight 11 c.

16 pound guns
Modern guns of the French type. Thanks to their progressive design, they cause more damage and at a greater distance, compared to ordinary half-guns, being slightly inferior to them in loading time, reliability and slightly superior in weight. Range - 600, damage - x 2.5, reload - 40 sec. Weight 16 c.

20 pound guns
Guns of the highest caliber, allowing the use of red-hot cannonballs on the ship, which significantly increases the damage to the enemy. However, the length of the barrel leads to a noticeable increase in their weight. Range - 650, damage - x 3.0, reload - 48 sec. Weight 20 c.

24 pound guns
The most balanced guns in terms of the main technical indicators. They are deservedly popular on military and expeditionary ships. Range - 700, damage - x 4.0, reload - 56 sec. Weight 29 c. pack 1 pc.

32 pound guns
Large-caliber heavy guns, suitable for bombarding fortifications. Causes crushing damage to the body. Range - 650, damage - x 5.0, reload - 61 sec. Weight 40 c.

Long-barreled 8-pound guns on a special machine with a powerful frame and solid wood wheels... They have an increased firing range. Usually used to conduct a barrage Range - 700, damage - x 2.0, reload - 35 sec. Weight 16 c.

Medium 18-pounder guns with extended range, suitable for use on relatively small ships. Despite the amazing combat distance, they are distinguished by the incredible weight and durability of the equipment. Range - 850, damage - x 3.0, reload - 52 sec. Weight 32 c.

Ballistics diagram for all guns. To try and compare culverins and 32 pound guns in battle, you will see that range is not as important as lethality.

  • What is S.P.E.C.I.A.L? S.P.E.C.I.A.L is an RPG system that allows the player to create a unique character with the desired characteristics. The abbreviation S.P.E.C.I.A.L is made up of the first letters of the names of seven characteristics inherent in any character in the game. These are the characteristics:
    • Strength. Brute physical strength. Needed to hit hard, throw far and drag a lot. Affects the carried weight and the number of hit points. Defining characteristic for skills requiring great physical effort, especially heavy and medium weapons, weapon skills.
    • Perception. Perception. Ability to see and hear. Without a good eye, cannon balls are unlikely to fly towards the enemy. Accuracy and stealth have a particularly strong effect on skills.
    • Endurance. Endurance. It is extremely necessary for survival for people in the difficult pirate profession. Their potential clients need it just as much. Repair and protection are most dependent on this characteristic, as well as the increase in hit points and carried weight.
    • Charisma Charm. The result of a combination of a courageous, wounded face and a well-hung tongue. A charming character does not need to resort to force to take possession of the goods of a successful merchant - he will give it away himself. The best people will follow him, and the most beautiful women will wait in every port. Charm is a necessary attribute for skills such as authority and commerce. Affects the number of joining officers.
    • Intelligence. Intelligence. Knowledge, wisdom and the ability to make decisions quickly. For a smart character, it will not be difficult to quickly reload a weapon or lower prices in the store. Handling navigational instruments also requires intelligence. Affects commerce, guns, navigation.
    • Agility. Agility. Coordination of movements and manual dexterity. A clumsy person will have a saber stuck in its sheath, and a grappling hook will get caught in the pants of its owner. Required for skills such as light and medium weapons, pistols, and boarding. Affects the number of bounces in battle.
    • Luck. What can we say about luck? We are gentlemen if there is luck, but without luck there are no gentlemen. Helps where everything else is useless. The bullet will fly by, but the enemy will pass nearby and not notice. Affects the skills of pistols, luck, stealth.
    Before starting a new game, the player has the opportunity to redistribute the values ​​of characteristics at will and based on the playing style. It should be remembered that skills cannot be redistributed arbitrarily, because S.P.E.C.I.A.L. system has certain limitations. For example, you cannot set the value of any characteristic less than 3 and greater than 10. The sum of all characteristic values ​​must be equal to 40 (with the exception of a “secret agent” type GG, which has two additional points in characteristics). In addition, there are restrictions on the distribution of S.P.E.C.I.A.L. points. for different types of GG. For example, a secret agent cannot have any stat value greater than 8. Below is a list of “default” stat values ​​for different GG types and restrictions on changing them:
    • Corsair(S = 7, P = 6, E = 6, C = 3, I = 5, A = 8, L = 5). Min. Agility (A) = 7, Max. Charisma (C) = 5.
    • Dealer(S = 4, P = 9, E = 5, C = 6, I = 9, A = 3, L = 4). Min. Intelligence (I) = 5, Max. Strength (S) = 7.
    • Master(S = 8, P = 5, E = 7, C = 5, I = 7, A = 4, L = 4). Min. Strength (S) = 5, Max. Perception (P) = 8.
    • Inquisitor(S = 6, P = 4, E = 5, C = 8, I = 6, A = 6, L = 5). Min. Charisma (C) = 6, Max. Intelligence (I) = 7.
    • Adventurer(S = 5, P = 7, E = 4, C = 4, I = 6, A = 6, L = 8). Min. Luck (L) = 6, Max. Endurance (E) = 8.
    • Secret agent(S = 6, P = 6, E = 6, C = 6, I = 6, A = 6, L = 6). Max. value of any characteristic = 8.
    In addition to characteristics, the character also has 14 skills, 5 of which are personal, and the remaining 9 are ship skills. The starting values ​​of skills and the speed at which they are upgraded depend on the corresponding characteristics (see above). Maximum value for any skill = 100.
    IMPORTANT! Throughout the game, the characteristics of the GG remain unchanged, the way he was born is the way he will die. You cannot upgrade or redistribute characteristics during the game. So distribute immediately and wisely.
  • How to improve fencing? Fight, fight and fight some more! Weapons in the game are now clearly divided into 3 classes - light (daggers, rapiers), medium (sabers, checkers) and heavy (axes, broadswords). When a character participates in fights, his skill with the weapon he is currently armed with improves. Accordingly, to become a sword master who can wield any weapon with equal ease, carry several sabers with you, changing them during the game.
  • I'm trying to improve my fencing in fights, but my opponents are healing faster than I can hit them... what should I do? Hit more often! Actually, hit all the time, except for blocking an oncoming blow. Don't stand in the block! Only place a block at the moment when the opponent begins to swing. If there is not enough reaction, use time slowdown (the “-”; “+” key, respectively, accelerates back). The perks “Breastplate” (if you have the cuirass itself) and “Professional Fencer” are very helpful.
  • I had a little fight with the skeletons in the cave, and my skills dropped to -10! But this is the effect of one of the later innovations - health! If it falls below excellent, the GG begins to receive maluses in the characteristics, and these, in turn, give minuses in the skills: fencing and authority. Health restores itself, quite slowly, but still. It's fastest when the GG is doing nothing (sleeping in a tavern), twice as slow while sailing on a ship. The “medicine” perk speeds up health recovery by half. The golden background of the health indicator indicates that health has been restored to maximum. However, maximum health can also decrease if you receive serious damage (scars and injuries that, even after complete healing, make themselves felt in battle). Priests in churches can restore maximum health, but infrequently, not by much, and for a lot of money. Sometimes it takes visiting 2-3 priests for “good golden” health to become “good white” - and still after that you have to wait for health to restore itself to “excellent golden”.
  • I haven’t fought anyone for a long time, but I still have disadvantages in all my characteristics... This means that the GG owns a ship, for which he does not have enough Navigation skill to control it. For a list of Navigation requirements for ships of different classes, see below.
  • Where can you find teachers in the archipelago? Travelers in the jungle, shoppers in shops and shipyards, parishioners in a church - may turn out to be teachers (just passers-by on the streets - not). The likelihood of this is low - all sorts of advisers, beggars, traveling merchants and the like are much more common. A teacher can improve one of your skills for a substantial reward. The greatest chance of meeting a teacher is where there are a lot of people, for example, in the Church of San Juan.
  • How to download navigation in battles?
    • Shoot or sink ships with a ram.
    • Board ships.
    • Storm forts (at the same time, guns and accuracy also develop well).
  • How to download navigation in storms? There is no point in actively pumping up navigation in storms if you don’t have your own island - on a small ship it takes a very long time, on a large one it costs a pretty penny to repair the ship (especially on stormy seas and the impossible - where quick repairs don’t work). In general, the tactics are as follows: 1. We hire a skipper with at least 70 navigation, get a more or less serious ship like a pinnace, save money and rebuild the Cayman or Turks. Option - we capture a colony (for extreme sports enthusiasts and freebie players). We install our own governor - now you can fix it for free. 2. We capture a larger ship, best of all - a manovar (the speed of pumping directly depends either on the hit rate of the ship, or on the maximum team). 3. We circle around the island, look for a storm, ignore enemies (the “experienced sailor” perk helps a lot). Hanging out in a storm, trying to stay either strictly with the wind or against the wind - it gives a greater increase in navigation (the higher the difficulty level, the more difficult it is to do this). When the ship's hit points approach 10%, we sail to the port, to the governor, and get repaired. Repeat until navigation=100. Navigation for mercenary captains works in the same way (you just need to make sure they don’t drown in the process).
  • How much navigation is needed for ships of one class or another?
    • 6th grade: 1-24
    • 5th grade: 25-39
    • 4th grade: 40-64
    • 3rd grade: 65-79
    • 2nd grade: 80-94
    • 1st class: 95-100
  • How to download trading? Trade grows as large quantities of goods are sold and purchased. Also increases when buying/selling personal items. With smuggling, trade does not grow.
  • How to pump up authority? Perform any operations that require commanding people - from some quests to capturing a colony.
  • How to upgrade stealth? Stealth swings during the sale of contraband. In addition, stealth increases if you manage to impersonate someone else, for example, when meeting with an OZK or OZG on land. Likewise, if the GG was not recognized when meeting at sea, when he was sailing under a foreign flag, this also increases the Stealth skill.
  • How to download repairs?
    • We install “repair” perks and don’t forget to always carry boards and canvas with you.
    • Upon arrival at the shipyard, we repair the ships - repairs increase (only for the one who is the captain of the ship, so it makes sense, when visiting the shipyard, to change ships under the command of a Persian in order to develop his useful function). Repairs grow in proportion to the ship's hit points repaired: you can repair everything at once, or little by little - the overall increase will not change.
  • How to pump up luck? The following actions increase the player's luck:
    • Fights on land. Luck increases with every successful hit or shot.
    • Battles at sea. Luck increases with each accurate hit on an enemy.
    • And, of course, gambling. Each win of the GG will increase the Luck skill.
  • What is reputation and what does it cost? The reputation of the GG is a kind of “thermometer” that shows the degree of popularity of the GG in the archipelago, as well as what kind of fame there is about it. It can be low (negative) or high (positive). Reputation changes depending on what type of action the GG performs. If the GG does good deeds, the reputation grows, otherwise it falls. Reputation changes gradually. The entire scale of turnip values ​​is divided into 9 degrees (in ascending order): “Thunderstorm of the Seas”, “Bloody Killer”, “Scoundrel”, “Fraud”, “Common Sailor”, “Honest Captain”, “Defender of the Oppressed”, “Noble Knight” ", "Hero". It is important to understand that the meaning of reputation within one group can vary. For example, if a character has a reputation as an “Ordinary Sailor”, then it can be either positive (closer to the “Honest Captain”) or negative (closer to the “Fraud”).
  • How to improve your reputation? (not to be confused with authority!)
    • Fulfill orders from store owners for cargo transportation.
    • Convoy merchants and deliver passengers.
    • Complete quests ("Saving Toff's Daughter", "Helping the Church", "Strange Things...", ...).
    • Release captured captains without ransom (captains are in the hold: go down there with the “hold” icon and talk when the ship is in the coastal waters of the island).
    • Rescue girls in the jungle from rapists.
    • Donate money to the church and complete the priest’s tasks to put the evil spirits to rest.
    • Give alms to the poor.
    Remember that reputation rises (and falls) gradually, and the corresponding text does not change immediately. Also, the higher the reputation, the more difficult it is to raise it further.
  • How to lower your reputation?
    • Engage in smuggling.
    • Complete quests for pirates.
    • Let captured captains run across the board on the high seas or take them into slavery.
    • Refusing to help girls in the jungle.
    • Blaspheme in church.
    • Rob trade caravans.
    • Kill civilians and generally do all sorts of obscenities...
  • How to reduce the bounty on your head?
    • In case of enmity with the nation that assigned the reward, redeem it from the diplomat. The cost depends on reputation (the hero pays the least). If the reward is more than 99000, this method does not work.
    • Meeting bounty hunters (BOHs) on the ground sometimes reduces the reward, regardless of its outcome (bribery, bluff or fight).
    • Surrendering to the OZGs and paying off the prison warden significantly reduces the reward.
    • Helping mayors (especially during siege) also reduces the reward.
    • If the reward is very large, and no other methods work, you can break through the guards directly to the mayor and try to remove the reward with a bribe (approximately triple the amount). It doesn’t always work out - if you run into an incorruptible mayor, they can be taken to the fort and shot!
    Even after removing the NZG completely, you can meet the OZG at sea: the command has already been given to him, and he does not know that the reward has been removed.
  • What do the "Change Flag" perks give? They save a lot of money and time. Allows you to pretend to be a citizen of any power and enter any port without resorting to the services of a diplomat. There are five different flags in the game (4 flags of nations according to the number of powers and the flag of the Brotherhood of the Coast). In order to be able to raise a particular flag, you need to open the corresponding ship perk from the GG. For example, if the GG has the Flag of England and the Flag of Spain perks open, then you can raise any of them, but you cannot raise, for example, the French flag, unless, of course, you have a French patent. For the duration of its validity, the patent is equivalent to the perk of the flag of the corresponding nation. In order to change the flag, you need to go to "F2 -> Attitude to Nations -> Change Flag". If the flag does not change and a dull knock is heard, this means that it is too late to change: you have already been noticed by nearby enemy ships or the fort. To avoid problems of this kind, develop the habit of going out to sea near the island FAR from the fort - at a great distance you can change the flag, even if there are hostile ships at sea.
    Important! The work of the "Change Flag" perks is closely related to the "GG recognition" mod. Be prepared for the fact that if you change the flag, this military trick may be revealed when meeting other ships at sea. In this case, you will have to fight, and sometimes even with friends... The probability of recognition depends in direct proportion to the number and class of ships in the GG squadron and in inverse proportion to the Stealth skill. The only flag for which recognition will not be performed is the black flag. If the GG changed the flag to black, he will be attacked immediately.
    Important! Restriction on the use of the “Change the Flag” perks: you cannot raise the flag of the nation that has placed a price on your head of over 50,000 piastres.
  • How to enable "Musket Volley"? It works automatically - during boarding it is even written in the upper left corner “so many were killed in one gulp.” Losses from a musket volley can amount to up to 25% of the team being fired upon, but not more than the number of shooters. Therefore, if you are trying to board a manovar with a lugger, then the losses of the manovar’s crew from your musket salvo will be no more than the number of sailors with whom you are boarding. At the same time, a return musket salvo from the manovar will kill no more than a quarter of your team.
  • How does the "Sharing Experience" perk work? Do I lose experience because my officers receive it instead of me? The main character receives the same amount of experience as without the perk; but officers begin to additionally receive their percentage of the GG’s experience. The opposite is not true. The GG does not receive additional exp from the officer if he has this perk. In addition to everything said above, the “Exchange of Experience” perk allows you to exchange items with officers during boarding.
  • What is the meaning of the "Trustworthy" perk? All the same, smuggled goods can only be viewed, but cannot be sold! The point is that you can buy some smuggled goods (at a huge smuggled price, of course), if you really need them - slaves, for example, or food. Also, the point is to see the quantity of goods from the seller: the more goods, the lower the purchase prices. But you can’t hand over large quantities of contraband to a store: it’s too noticeable. The goods are accepted by “dealers” in bays (smugglers and a merchant - one shop, and, accordingly, one warehouse). In addition, if a GG has this perk open, then employers will turn a blind eye to his reputation and give tasks, and the architect will agree to build a colony for a GG with a negative reputation.
  • I heard that different perks and features are disabled at different difficulty levels - where can I see the list?
    • On Sailor difficulty, time is slowed down to 0, you can stand in the block as long as you like, and the number of GG ostcocks in battle is unlimited.
    • On Sailor difficulty there is a cheat perk “boarding by choice”.
    • On Sailor difficulty, the health mod does not work (there are no minuses in skills and characteristics).
    • On Sailor difficulty, the command is to “swim to” the hostile city.
    • On the first two difficulties, the new navigation (reducing maneuverability at low speed) does not work for the GG.
    • On the first two difficulties, the minimum team of companions, overload of the team and the hold for going to sea are not taken into account.
    • On the first two difficulties, enemies and officers do not drink medicinal drinks in battle.
    • The "Quick Repair" perk is disabled on "Impossible" difficulty.
  • The level increased, but the perk did not appear. This is fine. A new level is given for increasing skills (any) by a certain number of points in total, and a new perk is given for increasing skills from one group. If skills have increased in different groups (pistols + navigation, for example), the level of the GG increases, and the perk will be given after the missing points are collected in a specific skill group. The number of points required to increase the level/obtain a perk depends on the intelligence of the player. You can see the number of points remaining before leveling up under the character's portrait if you click on the character's name. To see the number of points remaining before receiving a perk, you need to select the icon for personal or ship perks, respectively. IMPORTANT! If the GG has low intelligence, then you will not be able to unlock all personal perks. All ship perks cannot be unlocked even with the highest (10) level of intelligence of the GG. In addition, the maximum achievable GG level in the game also depends on intelligence.

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General discussion and questions about the passage
The eldest was a smart kid. The youngest son is this way and that. In general, he was definitely a fool.

Ahoy, brave sailors and lovers of adventurous adventures! Welcome to our little tavern at the end of the world! Grab yourself a pint of select rum and make yourself comfortable. We have a long and pleasant evening ahead of us in the company of port women, gambling, as well as incredible stories about the adventures that await us, ordinary corsairs, on the way to legendary treasures! Don't mince your words! Share your experience with green cabin boys who have not yet smelled the smells of sweat and gunpowder! Those who have not yet known the joy of a fresh sea breeze after a prolonged calm! Help choose a ship for a trip around the world or suggest a couple of tricks that will help a young corsair become a sea legend. Relax, have fun, and remember: after all, the parrot is alive!

Plus, the developers went too far with the quests during which the main character loses his ship. You have to replay, change the game, leaving the main ship laid up in the port, and sail on some kind of tartan or lugger for the mission.
Compared to other parts, the player is very tied to time. He has little time left to engage in piracy, trading and completing side quests for his own pleasure. The success of completing timed tasks depends on simple luck with a tailwind, plus there is a bug when using the command “swim to...” it takes much less time than swimming to the same point on the world map.
The only thing that pleased me about this game was the trading. It really became possible to make money on it.

I recently deleted this game, although I also played for several months, then abandoned it, I didn’t like the too nerdy leveling of fencing, which, along with other Persian skills, increases very slowly, and accordingly, personal abilities are earned less often.

But with ship skills it’s more difficult. I still use the skills of navigators. Fortunately, quest officers have a high level of skills.

In general, the game is incredibly difficult. The time limits on quests are too steep, the opponents are crazy at first (only with the help of forts can you crush them), and from the very first minutes of entering the open sea at the beginning of the game you immediately encounter entire squadrons of the enemy. Natural tin. Moreover, what infuriates me is the inability at the beginning of the game (until you improve your flag-raising skill or you can’t buy a West India Company patent) to carry out missions to deliver some passengers and ships to the Spanish shores. And almost all the characters I met at first (at least in my case) ask exclusively to go to the Spanish colonies. But the story dragged on. The plot is good, compared to the old parts.

Plus, the developers went too far with the quests during which the main character loses his ship. You have to replay, change the game, leaving the main ship laid up in the port, and sail on some kind of tartan or lugger for the mission.

Yes, I don't like that either. I know that this should happen as the game progresses. In the same Kaleuch, in my opinion, everything is based on this. But I haven't met yet. I don’t know yet whether each officer will have to buy a Luger in order to preserve them. Because from the passage I saw that only one of them survives. That is, Mary or Rumba, depending on who you take. And yes, it’s a pity that you can’t take both.

I liked the game, especially the story. He is above all praise. There are so many variations of the passage, literally everything is thought out to the smallest detail. The writers really did a great job, especially when, through dialogue alone, they gave all the NPCs real, living characters. I think even Stanislavsky would not have found anything to complain about.
Bright, dynamic battles that even at the end of the game make you tense and sweat. Although for a beginner (like me, for example, who had only played the first Corsairs before) the game will seem too difficult even on an easy level. However, you can adapt, you just need to devote more time to passing.
However, there were some downsides. The Storm engine is insidious and merciless, it always starts to malfunction at the most crucial moment. Although, oddly enough, I experienced crashes less often than others.

Personal skills are upgraded quite quickly. In general, fencing can be upgraded by stupidly making your way overland to a Spanish fort (while the noble hidalgos treat the character no better than a piece of unsavory stuff) and cutting down everything and everyone on the way. A couple of hours of real time, and your skill is already at a hundred. It’s better not to approach pirates with such things.

On older versions, I remember, this was actually possible. In the latest version, such a freebie was cut off. Skills are pumped up, but extremely slowly; only on missions do you gain experience.

In fact, there is an opportunity to take both, although not forever, and even then with restrictions.

There is nothing complicated, just replay the entire Pirate Saga.


In order to take Mary back for a second visit to the OS, we must make sure that the prophecy of the gypsy woman that Helen talks about is not fulfilled. That is, you must either not return the chest with doubloons, or name Helen after her adoptive father, MacArthur, and not Sharpe. In this case, Mary agrees to board the ship and both girls will travel with the GG on the ship until the end of the Saga. Helen leaves at the end. Naturally, you won’t be able to choose between the two of them, only Mary.

For me personally, there are much more positives in this part than negatives. The work of the developers is visible in every aspect of the game, which cannot be said about many AAA projects that are driven by commerce and not by ideas. The only thing worth criticizing is the engine, which, unfortunately, is not always able to function normally on XP+ systems.

The speed of leveling up fencing depends directly on the style of play. It is logical to assume that if the player is constantly at sea, his sea skills will improve. As for me, this system is quite understandable and playable. I would like to add that skills increase faster when completing a quest, be it generator/plot/side quest.

That’s right, there is very little time for free play, except perhaps only at the stage of collecting a million pesos (if you collect these pesos not through the “Dutch Gambit” quest, but through trade and piracy).

That’s right, there is very little time for free play, except perhaps only at the stage of collecting a million pesos (if you collect these pesos not through the “Dutch Gambit” quest, but through trade and piracy).

Three months to collect one million pesos is a convention that can be broken several times. Also, after completing the Pirate Saga, you can freeplay for at least ten game years, which will not affect the plot in any way. How much more free?)
If, for example, we take the standard system from the GPK, where the GG immediately after respawn is engaged in free play, of course, there are differences, but they are not as critical as they seem at first glance.

Yeah. It's not viable at all, to be honest. Like a zombie. It seems to be moving, but who knows when something will fall off of it.

The speed of leveling up fencing depends directly on the style of play. It is logical to assume that if the player is constantly at sea, his sea skills will improve. As for me, this system is quite understandable and playable. I would like to add that skills increase faster when completing a quest, be it generator/plot/side quest.

Not only does the system have a right to life. So she's absolutely awesome! She is logical and consistent. Just by doing what you're supposed to do, you improve your skill. True, lately I have been resorting more to the help of gypsies. Because Some skills I still don’t understand how they are upgraded. For example, the same secrecy. And for some quests, this stealth is a really necessary skill.

Compared to other parts, there are story quests that require completion over time, but this does not mean that you cannot choose the right moment for free play during the break between these quests

Can. But it’s very difficult to be honest. And the plot doesn't let me go.

That’s right, fencing used to be great during boarding battles in fights with captains and the enemy team, but now to do this you need to generate quests for duels in cities using save/load and organize a hunt for local bandits, and fencing is barely growing.

Fencing improves faster than other skills. Moreover, local bandits are not so rare. And I more often try to board an enemy ship than to sink it. Well, during secret visits to the Spanish colonies, I simply cannot resist going inside the settlement and knocking out a couple of noble conquistadors. As a result, my fencing and shooting skills have been fully upgraded. But with the rest, everything is less rosy. Some haven’t even reached 50% yet.

Gentlemen. As a fan of the series with 7 years of experience (it’s scary now) I read your posts with interest.
First I’ll say a few words about how this game even appeared. There was (and still is) such a team of enthusiastic players, Black Mark Studio, which made a global modification for “City of Lost Ships” (the previous game in the series) - mod-pack 1.3.2 Adventure Tales. In parallel with the modification, they made a fan-made addition to the game - in fact, “To Each His Own.” Some addon ideas (for example, generated quests) were tested on a mod pack. The add-on was supposed to have three main characters (Charles de Maur, William Paterson, Diego Montoya) with three storylines connected to each other. When Akella, as the copyright holder of the series, saw what was coming out in the end, she decided to publish this project as a separate game. This is how “Corsairs: To Each His Own” appeared. In the first version of the game there is a plot only for Charles de Maura, since there was no time to refine the other two. Actually, the entire corsair community is waiting for the remaining two GGs and their lines to be added to the game. So far, the developers have released two relatively small DLCs ("Kaleuche" and "The Last Lesson"), and the third is coming - "Under the Black Flag".

Here's the thing. The previous game in the series, City of Lost Ships, was focused mainly on freeplay. Actually, the players had a lot of fun playing. The developers of KKS decided to shift the focus to the plot component. At the same time, freeplay as such has not gone away - between story quests you can have fun as the player wants.

Well, this game feature was known, again, back in GPK

But this surprised me. It is believed that in KKS freeplay the emphasis is on piracy and generated quests. Trading has become more difficult than in the Civil Procedure Code.

In one of the updates, leveling up of soldiers in the fort was cut down. Especially, as part of the fight against stupid people. As the developers explained, leveling up the hero is quite possible during side and generated quests - and this reveals the game more fully than endless slaughter for the sake of skill points.

In fact, the main character objectively does not need most of the ship's skills and abilities, because they are covered by hired officers (key positions are navigator, gunner and boatswain). You definitely need the ability to raise foreign flags (allows you to penetrate enemy cities), it’s worth leveling up the navigator abilities branch - its final perk allows you to ignore unnecessary skirmishes on the global map.

What’s good is that the plot of KKS is organically intertwined with the plots of, perhaps, all previous games in the series. With the second, third and GPK - exactly.

When it's pirates drowned ships? It's not profitable

It's strange why. Due to unique goods, rich capital is earned by trading simply. I'm talking specifically about free trade by the player, and not about quests from shopkeepers. We take goods where they are exported and sell them where they are considered unique. And if there is also an officer with advanced trade, then everything is great. Trade is made more difficult by the fact that there are many diplomatic obstacles in the game.
After completing one story quest, in almost all cases you are immediately given the next one. And if we take into account the fact that completing the quest is limited by a time frame, then there is simply no time left for freeplay.