Quest long road fallout 4. Where to find McCready

After serving you a little, Robert will want to open up and talk about that strange conversation with two men who immediately aroused unpleasant emotions in you. Strange as it may seem, they will turn out to be mercenaries from the Third Rail with the names Winlock and Barnes already known to us. McCready confesses why they give him so much trouble and trouble at every turn. Your task is to listen to a new friend and agree to help him in a very important matter, the destruction of pests.

To do this, you need to go to the Mass Pike station according to the coordinates that the sniper will give you. The desired outpost of the Strelkov is located on the overpass. Tired? We advise you to take a fresh look at Counter strike 1.6 (cs 1.6) here, it belongs today to the top multiplayer games, the huge popularity of which has been maintained for years. And we have in this place you need to look both ways and be aware that three mercenaries are waiting under the overpass, with whom you should quickly deal with and go upstairs. There you will be met by two turrets, an assault gun and ten Shooters, they will meet the same fate. And, most importantly, at the end of the room you can see a pleasant surprise in the form of almost in full force with a nuclear block to boot.

After taking care of the destruction of Winlock and Barnes, it is worth talking to McCready and confess everything. He will become so kind that he will immediately return to you all the money that was paid to him for his service and, in the future, will be near you, like a faithful dog, free of charge. With such actions, the first part of his personal quest will also end.

As you continue to travel together, you will learn a lot of interesting and heartbreaking things about the life of a mercenary and learn how to live like him: rob, scare, pick locks and more. Also get ready to hear the story of his dead wife and terminally ill son, whom he loves more than life, but does not know how to save, because the same symptoms were observed in McCready's deceased friend, he visited Med-Tech Research, where you should keep the path.

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Read about how to complete the Fallout 4 quest from the mercenary McCready. Use the recommendations to successfully survive the hot shooter battles in The Long Road.

Fallout 4: Long Road quest walkthrough

Released in November 2015, the next release of the super popular game Fallout significantly expanded the degree of interaction between the characters. Now the player can choose several options for conducting a conversation, depending on their vision gameplay. At the same time, it became possible to receive various missions that bypass the main plot line of the game. For example, the quest Fallout 4 The Long Road appears after completing several tasks from a mercenary named McCready, who lives in Diamond City.

In order to make friends with this character, you need to bring him more stolen items in Diamond City. At some point, he decides to talk to the main character and tell him the story of the militants Winkle and Barnes running into him. If the player agrees to help him deal with the arrows, then a quest appears in Fallout 4 from McCready The Long Road.

Mass Pike Station

It is more convenient to get here from the Poseidon reservoir. It is advisable to pump the armor, as a good firefight is expected. We are guided by the map on the pip-boy, since the highway leading to the station is destroyed, and we will have to make our way through the forest thicket next to it. It is noteworthy that McCready, who accompanies the protagonist, is a full participant in the battles and does not stand aside in danger. The road to Mass Pike is not particularly long and not full of dangers, so the first task of completing the Long Road in Fallout 4 will not cause more difficulties.

Despite the ease of finding the station itself, entering it is much more difficult. The arrows guarding the approaches to it act very skillfully, and even if it is impossible to detect the object shelling them, they cleverly hide behind shelters, of which there are a lot around the station. After cleaning the perimeter, you need to find a lift that delivers passengers to the upper platform of Mass Pike.

Fight at the station

On the site in the Fallout 4 mission The Long Road, the main characters will meet with a large detachment of shooters led by Winlock and Barnes. Without armor, it is almost impossible to defeat such a large number of trained soldiers, except for beginners, more experienced militants are firing here, aiming at targets. The main tasks are to destroy the leaders, the first of which appears on the scene Winlock, dressed in powerful armor.

After the massacre with the rest of the shooters, Barnes appears, who is easier to kill, since he is without armor and is trying to talk about something with McCready. After this leader is destroyed, it remains only to comb the area in search of useful items. For completing the quest The Long Road in Fallout 4, McCready gives out a fee of 200 caps.

Read about how to complete the Fallout 4 quest from the mercenary McCready. Use the recommendations to successfully survive the hot shooter battles in The Long Road.

Fallout 4: Long Road quest walkthrough

Released in November 2015, the next release of the super popular game Fallout significantly expanded the degree of interaction between the characters. Now the player can choose several options for conducting a conversation, depending on their vision of the gameplay. At the same time, it became possible to receive various missions that bypass the main plot line of the game. For example, the quest Fallout 4 The Long Road appears after completing several tasks from a mercenary named McCready, who lives in Diamond City.

In order to make friends with this character, you need to bring him more stolen items in Diamond City. At some point, he decides to talk to the main character and tell him the story of the militants Winkle and Barnes running into him. If the player agrees to help him deal with the arrows, then a quest appears in Fallout 4 from McCready The Long Road.

Mass Pike Station

It is more convenient to get here from the Poseidon reservoir. It is advisable to pump the armor, as a good firefight is expected. We are guided by the map on the pip-boy, since the highway leading to the station is destroyed, and we will have to make our way through the forest thicket next to it. It is noteworthy that McCready, who accompanies the protagonist, is a full participant in the battles and does not stand aside in danger. The road to Mass Pike is not particularly long and not full of dangers, so the first task of completing the Long Road in Fallout 4 will not cause more difficulties.

Despite the ease of finding the station itself, entering it is much more difficult. The arrows guarding the approaches to it act very skillfully, and even if it is impossible to detect the object shelling them, they cleverly hide behind shelters, of which there are a lot around the station. After cleaning the perimeter, you need to find a lift that delivers passengers to the upper platform of Mass Pike.

Fight at the station

On the site in the Fallout 4 mission The Long Road, the main characters will meet with a large detachment of shooters led by Winlock and Barnes. Without armor, it is almost impossible to defeat such a large number of trained soldiers, except for beginners, more experienced militants are firing here, aiming at targets. The main tasks are to destroy the leaders, the first of which appears on the scene Winlock, dressed in powerful armor.

After the massacre with the rest of the shooters, Barnes appears, who is easier to kill, since he is without armor and is trying to talk about something with McCready. After this leader is destroyed, it remains only to comb the area in search of useful items. For completing the quest The Long Road in Fallout 4, McCready gives out a fee of 200 caps.

Walkthrough Long Road in Fallout 4 will start with your partner Robert wanting to talk to you and tell you about a suspicious conversation between two men. As it turns out in the future - it will be mercenaries from the "Third Rail". Your partner will ask you to deal with these mercenaries. You can either agree or refuse.

The Long Road quest in Fallout 4 is not a very difficult and confusing task - it's just a small side quest. Its essence is to get to the right place and kill the right guys. The right place is located near the Mass Pike metro station, near the entrance to this station there is an overpass on which the arrows are seated. Shooters and are the right guys. Initially, it will not be easy to deal with all the arrows, since they have a clear numerical advantage, besides, if you do not know how to quietly sneak up, then they will start shooting at you on the way.

Robert's story

Having dealt with all the inhabitants of the outpost of the shooters on the flyover, go back to Robert, who will thank you for your help and tell a short story of his life about a family and a sick child. You can agree to help Robert find the right medicine or refuse, thereby completing the quest.

If you agree, then you will have to go with him to the Med-Tech Research building, in which, according to the assumption, Robert has the medicine his son needs. Entering the building, Robert will approach the desired terminal and open the door to the basement, where the medicine lies. After taking the medicine, he will ask you to take it to a certain merchant Daisy from Goodneighbor, who will give this medicine to his son.