Wot blitz windows 10 is not updated. Download, install and enjoy the gameplay

Absorption is the process of absorption of gas by a liquid absorber, in which the gas is soluble to one degree or another. The reverse process - the release of a dissolved gas from a solution - is called desorption.

In absorption processes (absorption, desorption), two phases are involved - liquid and gas, and a substance passes from the gas phase to the liquid (during absorption) or, conversely, from the liquid to the gas phase (during desorption). Thus, absorption processes are one of the types of mass transfer processes.

In practice, absorption is mostly carried out not by individual gases, but by gas mixtures, the constituent parts of which (one or more) can be absorbed by a given absorber in appreciable quantities. These constituents are referred to as absorbable constituents or simply constituents, and non-absorbable constituents are referred to as inert gas.

The liquid phase consists of an absorbent and an absorbable component. In many cases, the absorbent is a solution of the active ingredient that enters into a chemical reaction with the absorbed component; in this case, the substance in which the active component is dissolved will be called a solvent.

The inert gas and the absorber are carriers of the component in the gas and liquid phases, respectively. During physical absorption (see below), the inert gas and the absorber are not consumed and do not participate in the transition of the component from one phase to another. In chemisorption (see below), the absorber can chemically interact with the component.

The course of absorption processes is characterized by their statics and kinetics.

The statics of absorption, i.e., the balance between the liquid and gas phases, determines the state that is established with a very long contact of the phases. The equilibrium between the phases is determined by the thermodynamic properties of the component and absorber and depends on the composition of one of the phases, temperature and pressure.

The kinetics of absorption, i.e., the rate of the mass transfer process, is determined by the driving force of the process (i.e., the degree of deviation of the system from the equilibrium state), the properties of the absorber, the component, and the inert gas, as well as the method of phase contact (the design of the absorption apparatus and the hydrodynamic mode of its operation). ). In absorption devices, the driving force, as a rule, varies along their length and depends on the nature of the mutual movement of the phases (counterflow, forward flow, cross current, etc.). In this case, continuous or stepped contact is possible. In absorbers with continuous contact, the nature of the phase movement does not change along the length of the device and the change in the driving force occurs continuously. Step contact absorbers consist of several stages connected in series for gas and liquid, and when passing from stage to stage, an abrupt change in force movements occurs.

Distinguish between chemical absorption and chemisorption. In physical absorption, the dissolution of the gas is not accompanied by a chemical reaction (or at least this reaction does not have a noticeable effect on the process). In this case, a more or less significant equilibrium pressure of the component exists above the solution, and the absorption of the latter occurs only as long as its partial pressure in the gas phase is higher than the equilibrium pressure above the solution. Complete extraction of the component from the gas is only possible with counterflow and supply of a pure absorber that does not contain the component to the absorber.

In chemisorption (absorption accompanied by a chemical reaction), the absorbed component binds in the liquid phase in the form of a chemical compound. In an irreversible reaction, the equilibrium pressure of the component above the solution is negligible and its complete absorption is possible. With a reversible reaction over a solution, there is a noticeable pressure of the component, although less than with physical absorption.

Industrial absorption may or may not be combined with desorption. If desorption is not performed, the absorber is used once. At the same time, as a result of absorption, a finished product, an intermediate product or, if absorption is carried out for the purpose of sanitary gas cleaning, a waste solution is obtained, which is drained (after neutralization) into the sewer.

The combination of absorption and desorption makes it possible to reuse the absorber and isolate the absorbed component in its pure form. To do this, the solution after the absorber is sent to desorption, where the component is isolated, and the regenerated (freed from the component) solution is again returned to absorption. With such a scheme (circular process), the absorber is not consumed, except for some of its losses, and circulates all the time through the system absorber - desorber - absorber.

In some cases (in the presence of a low-value absorber), multiple use of the absorber is abandoned during desorption. At the same time, the absorber regenerated in the desorber is discharged into the sewer, and fresh absorber is fed into the absorber.

Conditions favorable for desorption are the opposite of those favorable for absorption. For desorption to occur, there must be a noticeable pressure of the component above the solution so that it can be released into the gas phase. Absorbers in which absorption is accompanied by an irreversible chemical reaction cannot be regenerated by desorption. Regeneration of such absorbers can be carried out by a chemical method.

The areas of application of absorption processes in the chemical and related industries are very extensive. Some of these areas are listed below:

Obtaining the finished product by absorption of gas by liquid. Examples are: absorption of SO 3 in the production of sulfuric acid; absorption of HCl to produce hydrochloric acid; absorption of nitrogen oxides by water (nitric acid production) or alkaline solutions (nitrate production), etc. In this case, absorption is carried out without subsequent desorption.

Separation of gas mixtures to isolate one or more valuable components of the mixture. In this case, the used absorber should have the greatest possible absorption capacity in relation to the extracted component and possibly the smallest in relation to others. constituent parts gas mixture (selective, or selective, absorption). In this case, absorption is usually combined with desorption in a circular process. Examples include the absorption of benzene from coke oven gas, the absorption of acetylene from natural gas cracking or pyrolysis gases, the absorption of butadiene from a contact gas after ethanol decomposition, and the like.

Purification of gas from impurities of harmful components. Such purification is carried out primarily in order to remove impurities that are not allowed during further processing of gases (for example, purification of petroleum and coke oven gases from H 2 S, nitrogen-hydrogen mixture for the synthesis of ammonia from CO 2 and CO, drying of sulfur dioxide in the production of contact sulfuric acid etc.). In addition, sanitary cleaning of exhaust gases released into the atmosphere is carried out (for example, purification of flue gases from SO 2; purification of off-gas from Cl 2 after condensation of liquid chlorine; purification from fluorine compounds of gases released during the production of mineral fertilizers, etc.).

In this case, the extractable component is usually used, so it is isolated by desorption or the solution is sent for appropriate processing. Sometimes, if the amount of the extracted component is very small and the absorber is of no value, the solution after absorption is discharged into the sewer.

Capturing valuable components from the gas mixture to prevent their loss, as well as for sanitary reasons, such as the recovery of volatile solvents (alcohols, ketones, ethers, etc.).

It should be noted that, along with absorption, other methods are also used to separate gas mixtures, purify gases, and capture valuable components: adsorption, deep cooling, etc. The choice of one or another method is determined by technical and economic considerations. Absorption is generally preferred in cases where a very complete recovery of the component is not required.

In absorption processes, mass transfer occurs at the phase contact surface. Therefore, absorption apparatus must have a developed surface of contact between gas and liquid. Based on the method of creating this surface, absorption devices can be divided into the following groups:

a) Surface absorbers, in which the contact surface between the phases is a liquid mirror (actually surface absorbers) or the surface of a flowing liquid film (film absorbers). This group also includes packed absorbers, in which the liquid flows over the surface of the packing loaded into the absorber from bodies of various shapes (rings, lumpy material, etc.), and mechanical film absorbers. For surface absorbers, the contact surface is to a certain extent determined by the geometric surface of the absorber elements (for example, nozzles), although in many cases it is not equal to it.

b) Bubbling absorbers, in which the contact surface is developed by gas flows distributed in the liquid in the form of bubbles and streams. Such movement of gas (bubbling) is carried out by passing it through an apparatus filled with liquid (continuous bubbling) or in column-type apparatuses with various types of plates. A similar nature of the interaction of gas and liquid is also observed in packed absorbers with a flooded nozzle.

The same group includes bubbling absorbers with liquid mixing by mechanical agitators. In bubbling absorbers, the contact surface is determined by the hydrodynamic regime (gas and liquid flow rates).

c) Atomizing absorbers, in which the contact surface is formed by atomizing a liquid in a mass of gas into small droplets. The contact surface is determined by the hydrodynamic regime (liquid flow rate). This group includes absorbers in which the liquid is sprayed by nozzles (nozzle, or hollow, absorbers), in a stream of gas moving at high speed (high-speed direct-flow spray absorbers) or rotating mechanical devices (mechanical spray absorbers).

This article will focus on the absorption coefficient, which indicates the current state of the hygroscopic insulation of electrical equipment. From the article you will learn what an absorption coefficient is, why it is measured, and what is the physical principle behind the measurement process. We will also say a few words about the instruments with which these measurements are made.

"Rules for the installation of electrical installations" in paragraphs 1.8.13 to 1.8.16 and "Rules for the technical operation of electrical installations of consumers" in Appendix 3 inform us that motor windings, as well as transformer windings, after major or current repairs, are subject to mandatory testing for the value of the absorption coefficient. This check is carried out within the terms of planned preventive work at the initiative of the head of the enterprise. The absorption coefficient is related to the moisture content of the insulation, and therefore indicates its quality at the current moment.

In the normal state of insulation, the absorption coefficient should be greater than or equal to 1.3. If the insulation is dry, the absorption coefficient will be higher than 1.4. Wet insulation has an absorption coefficient close to 1, which is a signal that the insulation should be dried. It must also be remembered that the temperature environment affects the absorption coefficient, and at the time of testing, its temperature should be in the range from + 10 ° C to + 35 ° C. With increasing temperature, the absorption coefficient will decrease, and with a decrease, it will increase.

The absorption coefficient is the coefficient of dielectric absorption, which determines the moisture content of the insulation, and allows you to decide whether the hygroscopic insulation of this or that equipment needs to be dried. The test consists of measuring the insulation resistance with a megohmmeter after 15 seconds and 60 seconds from the start of the test.

Insulation resistance after 60 seconds - R60, resistance after 15 seconds - R15. The first value is divided by the second, and the value of the absorption coefficient is obtained.

The essence of the measurement is that electrical insulation is characterized by electrical capacitance, and the megger voltage applied to the insulation gradually charges this capacitance, saturating the insulation, that is, an absorption current occurs between the megger probes. It takes time for the current to penetrate the insulation, and this time is the longer, the larger the insulation size and the higher its quality. The higher the quality, the more the insulation prevents the passage of absorption current during measurements. So, the more moistened the insulation, the lower the absorption coefficient.

For dry insulation, the absorption coefficient will be much greater than unity, since the absorption current first sharply sets, then gradually decreases, and the insulation resistance after 60 seconds, which the megger will show, will be about 30% higher than it was 15 seconds after the start of the measurement. Wet insulation will show an absorption coefficient close to 1, since the absorption current, once established, will not change its value much after another 45 seconds.

New equipment should not differ in the absorption coefficient from the factory data by more than 20% downwards, and its value in the temperature range from +10°C to +35°C should not be less than 1.3. If the condition is not met, the equipment must be dried.

If it is necessary to measure the absorption coefficient of a power transformer or a powerful motor, use a megger for a voltage of 250, 500, 1000 or 2500 V. Auxiliary circuits are measured with a megger for a voltage of 250 volts. Equipment with an operating voltage of up to 500 volts - with a 500 volt megger. For equipment with a rated voltage of 500 volts to 1000 volts, a 1000 volt megger is used. If the rated operating voltage of the equipment is greater than 1000 volts, use a 2500 volt megger.

From the moment a high voltage is applied from the probes of the measuring device, a time of 15 and 60 seconds is counted, and the resistance values ​​\u200b\u200bof R15 and R60 are recorded. During the connection of the measuring device, the equipment that is being tested must be grounded, and the voltage from its windings must be removed.

At the end of the measurements, the prepared conductor should divide the charge from the winding to the case. The discharge time for windings with an operating voltage of 3000 V and above must be at least 15 seconds for machines up to 1000 kW and at least 60 seconds for machines with a power of more than 1000 kW.

To measure the absorption coefficient of the windings of machines between themselves and between the windings and the case, the resistances R15 and R60 are alternately measured for each of the independent circuits, while the remaining circuits are connected to each other and to the machine case. The temperature of the circuit to be tested is preliminarily measured, it should preferably correspond to the temperature during the nominal operation of the machine, and should not be lower than 10 ° C, otherwise the winding should be warmed up before measurements are taken.

The value of the lowest insulation resistance R60 at the operating temperature of the equipment is calculated by the formula: R60 = Un / (1000 + Pn / 100), where Un is the rated voltage of the winding in volts; Pn - rated power in kilowatts for DC machines or in kilovolt-amperes for AC machines. Ka = R60 / R15. In general, there are tables that indicate the permissible values ​​​​of absorption coefficients for various equipment.

We hope that our short article was useful for you, and now you know how and for what purpose it is necessary to measure the absorption coefficient of transformers, electric motors, generators, and other electrical equipment with windings.

Absorption - the process of separating gas mixtures with the help of liquid absorbers - absorbents. If the absorbed gas (absorptive) does not chemically interact with the absorbent, then the absorption is called physical (the non-absorbed component of the gas mixture is called inert, or inert gas). If the absorbent forms a chemical compound with the absorbent, then the process is called chemisorption. In technology, a combination of both types of absorption is often found.

Physical absorption (or simply absorption) is usually reversible. This property of absorption processes is based on the release of absorbed gas from the solution - desorption.

The combination of absorption and desorption makes it possible to reuse the absorber and release the absorbed gas in its pure form. Often, desorption is not necessary, since the solution obtained as a result of absorption is the final product suitable for further use.

In industry, absorption is used to solve the following main problems:

1) to obtain a finished product (for example, the absorption of SO 3 in the production of sulfuric acid); while absorption is carried out without desorption;

2) for the separation of valuable components from gas mixtures (for example, the absorption of benzene from coke oven gas); while absorption is carried out in combination with desorption;

3) for cleaning gas emissions from harmful impurities (for example, cleaning flue gases from SO 2). In these cases, the components extracted from gas mixtures are usually used, so they are isolated by desorption;

4) for drying gases.

Apparatus in which absorption processes are carried out are called absorbers.

Equilibrium in the process of absorption

For ideal gases, Henry's law is valid:

Henry's Law: the partial pressure of a component of a gas mixture over a solution is proportional to the mole fraction of that component in solution when equilibrium is reached. Henry's constant ( E) increases with increasing temperature.

According to Dalton's law, the partial pressure of a component of a gas mixture is proportional to its molar fraction in the gas mixture:


where P- total pressure.

Combining Henry's and Dalton's laws, one can establish the influence of conditions on the solubility of a gas in a liquid:

Thus, as the pressure in the absorber increases and the temperature decreases, the solubility increases.

The worse the gas dissolves, the more the pressure increases.

When dissolving highly soluble gases, there is no need for a large increase in pressure, but it is necessary to remove heat, which in this case is released in large quantities.

Absorber designs are selected taking into account the solubility of gases. For example, for highly soluble (ammonia-water) absorbers-heat exchangers can be used. For poorly soluble, a developed surface of phase contact is necessary, therefore, packed, plate absorbers are used.

The plot, which has already become legendary and won millions of hearts, is now available in an updated version!

This is a game that united people of any age and position! And now you can play World of Tank Blitz on a PC, which, of course, is more convenient, more spectacular and allows you to see and appreciate all the details of the game on a large scale!

Choose your car and go to a real tank battle! You can play as one of three opponents: USSR, USA or Germany. According to your choice, there will be specific parameters for tanks corresponding to the Second World War. During the game you will be able to upgrade your devices.

The parameters of the vehicles are as close as possible to the parameters of similar vehicles of the WWII era, with the exception of some subsequent power-ups designed specifically for additional variety in game parameters and new pumping opportunities.

Gameplay: tasks, game features

Pretty simple at first glance, the strategy will force you to show sharpness of mind, think over your moves, calculate the blows and much more. After all, in order for your shot to hit the target, you must correctly calculate the speed of the projectile, the type of gun and its power. A lot also depends on the map and the tactical location of the tank.

Beginners should not be in a hurry: it is better to spend time studying the parameters of various tanks and join existing groups. This will increase the speed of development and the chances of successfully conducting a battle from the very beginning!

You can use both virtual money and real money for development.

Any change in the vehicle changes the evolution of both the tank and the crew.

Events are built as realistically as possible: if your tank is badly damaged, it will take time and money to restore it.

The battle involves up to 14 crews as real as you. So by downloading game World of Tanks Blitz for PC, you are immersed in a whole world with real opponents on the battlefield!

Thanks to the 7v7 blitz battle system, you can play at any time: you will always have worthy opponents, and bright graphics will convey all the atmosphere of what is happening!

The feeling of the reality of what is happening is complemented by the inability to drive through a mountain or too steep a hill and an authentic soundtrack for all elements of the battle. The background music does not distract, but creates a feeling of solemnity of what is happening.

Each battle is unique: from the landscape to the composition of the participants.

An auto-aim is provided, which is very convenient to use on the go and until you learn to aim on your own with sufficient accuracy.

The game provides for the exchange of messages, both text and sound.

Maps are constantly updated, forming a huge world filled with combat operations of the Second World War era.

How to install World of Tanks Blitz on a computer

The game can be installed in a standard way: Through and search by name in the list of Play Market applications.

Minimum system requirements

You will need a permanent, preferably wired, Internet connection.

To install the game and its smooth functioning, you need 900 GB of free space and at least 2 GB random access memory. The game will not start without the emulator version not lower than 2.4.44. You will also need Windows 7 or higher.

Before starting the game, you create account with a username and password, with which you can enter the game on any PC where it is installed. All data is stored for an unlimited time and is completely free.

How to control the game on PC

Playing World of Tanks Blitz on a computer is very convenient: the controls are as clear as possible. Movement is carried out with the standard WASD keys, a shot is made with the space bar, and the target is approached with the F key.

The review and rotation of the muzzle is performed with the mouse. A special sight will highlight enemy tanks in red, and special settings will help you attack as efficiently as possible in the most unprotected places of the enemy.

World of Tanks Blitz on Google Play

World of Tanks Blitz for iOS

How to update the game on iOS

This short guide will show you how to update World of Tanks Blitz to the latest version. This will help you in just three simple steps:

1. You can find out about available updates using the icon App Store. The number in the red circle in the upper right corner will tell you how many apps you can update.

2. Open the App Store and go to the Updates tab at the bottom of the screen.

3. In the window that opens, you will see a list of applications that can be updated. Find World of Tanks Blitz and click the Update button on the right. You may need to confirm the update with your password.

How to update a game on Android

This guide will show you how to update World of Tanks Blitz on Android to the latest version.

Method one. Refreshing the application on startup

1. If an update has been released in World of Tanks Blitz, then when you start the game you will be notified that the current version of the game client needs to be updated. To do this, click the button Refresh.

2. Once in the Play Store, update the game.

Wait for the installation to complete - and into battle!

Method two. Update via Play Store

1. Go to the Play Store.

2. Using the menu at the top left of the screen, go to your Play Store profile.

3. Open "My Apps".

4. In the list of applications, find World of Tanks Blitz and press the button Refresh.

5. Once on the main page dedicated to World of Tanks Blitz in the Play Store, click the button again Refresh.

Everything! It remains to wait for the installation to complete, and you can go into battle!


- If you do not see the latest updates, but the update is out, restart your device and check for updates again.
- When you enter the game, if it has not been updated, you may be prompted to update it. If you agree, the update will be installed automatically.
- If in the settings Google Play If you have auto-update applications installed, then immediately after the release of the game update, it will be installed automatically. Automatic updates can be configured in Google Play under the conditions: "Always" - applications will be updated when accessing any network connection, including through Mobile Internet; "Only via Wi-Fi" - Apps will start updating when connected to Wi-Fi.

What to do if the game is not updated

Dear players!

Due to technical issues, some devices are experiencing an error with the inability to update game client to the current version 1.8.

If your mobile device did not detect an available update for World of Tanks Blitz, you need to uninstall the game and install it again.

If, after installing the update, you notice significant FPS drawdowns, contact the User Support Center by creating a ticket in the World of Tanks Blitz category.

Wrong entry into the game

Dear players!

If, upon entering the game, you find that credits, equipment, and other game progress- you just need to re-login to the server, choosing the correct authorization method:

If you have previously played using Wargaming ID, please login using your password.

If your Game Center/Google Play account was linked to a Wargaming ID, or if you have previously played through Game Center/Google Play without using a Wargaming ID, select sign in through the corresponding service.

After logging in under your account, you will see the familiar Garage with your vehicles and will be able to continue playing.

To avoid this situation in the future, we recommend that you link your account to your Facebook, Game Center or Google Play account. This can be done in Menu > Profile.

Also note: if you have played World of Tanks Blitz before, we kindly ask you not to click the arrow in the upper left corner on the authorization method selection screen.