Literary game based on the novel - fairy tale by N. Nosov "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends." N. Nosov “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends” (Literary game) Games and competitions with Dunno

AUDIENCE: children from 6 to 14 years old.


Participants are divided into two teams and come up with names for them. Teams receive points for winning games. At the end of the event, the points are counted and the winning team is determined.

During the event, the presenter reads excerpts from the book N.Nosova « Dunno in the Sunny City.

Leading: Guys, we continue to get acquainted with the book N.Nosova « Dunno in the Sunny City" and today we will go on a trip to a clothing factory. At this factory, the shorties of the Sunny City produce a wide variety of clothes. But before we go to the factory, I offer you this game. I will name the things that a certain fashionista wears, and you should clap your hands if the things called can be worn, and if they cannot be worn, then you should stomp loudly. So let's begin!

Game "Fashionista"

So, I saw a skirt on a fashionista ( clap)

Not one, but two at once ( stomp)

On the shoulders there is a fur coat made of fish ( stomp)

And a pot on my head (stomp)

There are boots on her feet (clap)

High heels (clap)

And there are earrings hanging in my ears (clap)

And tights on my hand (stomp)

The scarf hangs around your neck (clap)

On the nose there are glasses like a shadow (clap)

Fan tangled in hair (stomp)

And on the waist there is a belt (clap)

She's also wearing a blouse (clap)

Umbrella - cane in hand (clap)

A jellyfish weighs on your shoulder (stomp)

And a briefcase on a leash (stomp)

There is a ring on my finger (clap)

And on his neck is a bowler hat (stomp)

And also a pendant - a heart (clap)

And a cambric scarf (clap)

If you meet that girl,

Remember this fable.

I want to wish you

You won't meet such fashionistas!

Leading: Well, we've warmed up! Now you can go on a trip! Tell me guys, what kind of transport? Dunno and his friends Klyopa, Kubik, Knopochka and Pestrenky came to the clothing factory? (children's answers) That's right, by car. Imagine that you and I get into a car and quickly drive to the factory. (children imitate the sound of a motor) And so we stop "near a round ten-story building, painted with very beautiful flesh-colored paint." Let's go inside. We are with you “We found ourselves in a large round room with a shiny white tiled floor and the same white walls and ceiling. From all sides came the muffled hum of machinery and the soft rustling of fabrics being made. … On the ground floor of the factory there is a large textile boiler of the engineer Cylinder, in which various fabrics are created from threads.”

I have threads from this cauldron in my hands, let's wind them up.

Game "Wind the thread"

Players compete in pairs. At the leader’s signal, the participants begin to wind the thread; the one who completes the task first wins.

Leading: Our journey through the factory continues, and I invite you to go to the second floor. “...Various jackets, jackets, coats and jackets are made here. But here the threads, before entering the loom, undergo a dyeing process, that is, they are continuously pulled through vessels with dyeing solutions.”

Guys, I invite you to participate in the process of dyeing fabrics.

Game "Dyers"

Pieces of white fabric are hung at a distance from the team. Each team receives a brush and paints. At the leader’s signal, the first players of each team dip a brush into the paint, run to the fabric, make a brush stroke, return back to the team and pass the baton to the next player. The team that paints the fabric the fastest wins.

Leading: And I invite you to the third floor. As you can see here “Pants are made in different styles and sizes.” Let's check how comfortable the trousers produced here are.

Game "Pantswalkers"

Each team receives large trousers. All participants are divided into pairs. One player puts on one pant leg, the other another. Each pair must run to the pin and back, passing the trousers to the next players. The team whose members complete the task faster wins.

Leading: And our journey continues. “The fourth, fifth and sixth floors are occupied by the production of various dresses, skirts, blouses and blouses.” And short people sew a lot of beautiful buttons on their blouses. I suggest you fasten all the buttons on these blouses.

Game “One button, two buttons”

One player from each team puts on a blouse/shirt and stands a few meters from his team. At the leader’s signal, the first players of the teams put on gloves, run to their player, fasten one button on their blouse, come back and pass the gloves to the next participant. The first team to fasten all the buttons on the blouse wins.

Leading: And you and I are going up to the seventh floor of the factory. Here “gaiters, stockings, socks, ties, bows, ribbons, laces, belts and similar small items and handkerchiefs are made.” Guys, I have in my hands a sock made on this floor, and in it are riddles about clothes. Try to guess them.

Game "Clothing riddles"

Teams take turns pulling one riddle out of a sock. The team that solves the most riddles wins.

Leading: Guys, look at what beautiful ribbons the shorties produce at their clothing factory. And now I suggest you make bows from these ribbons.

Game “Bow one, bow two”

At some distance from the teams, a rope is stretched. Each player receives a ribbon. At the leader’s signal, the first players run to the rope, tie a ribbon on it with a bow, return to the team and pass the baton to the next participants. The team that completes the task first wins.

Leading: And we are going up to the eighth floor of the factory where they produce “all kinds of hats.” For example, these are the hats (the presenter shows his hat). You can play an interesting game with this hat.

Game "Musical Hat"

All participants stand in a circle, and while the music is playing, they pass the hat to each other. When the music stops, the player holding the hat must complete some task: sing a song, recite a poem, dance, jump, etc. Having completed the task, the player drops out and becomes a spectator. The last participant remaining in the circle brings the winning point to his team.

Leading: Our journey continues, and we rise to the ninth floor of a clothing factory, where short people produce shoes. “Thick, multi-layered and pressed fabrics were in use here, from which they loved to make shoes in the Sunny City.” Guys, what shoes do you like to wear the most? (children's answers) Now I’ll test how quickly you can put on your shoes!

Game "Shoe Trouble"

All participants take off their shoes and put them in a large box or mixed on a piece of cloth. At the leader’s signal, the players of both teams run up to the shoes, find theirs, put on their shoes and line up in teams. The team that lines up first wins.

Leading: Guys, we went through nine floors of a clothing factory, but “We haven’t met a single short person, since all processes, right down to the packaging of finished products, are carried out by machines. But on the tenth floor it’s the other way around, that is, there are no cars at all, but there are a lot of babies and toddlers. Some of them stand at easels and draw something, others sit at tables and draw something, and still others sew something from various materials. There are a lot of mannequins around, that is, large, really short dolls, on which ready-made dresses were tried on.” On the tenth floor of the factory, guys, there is an art department, where short artists come up with designs for fabric, and also invent new styles of clothing. The most famous artist Nitochka works here. “She is currently working on creating a design for a new fabric called “Morning in a Pine Forest.” And recently, Thread created a fabric sample called “Ladybug”. Another time, Thread came up with an even more interesting story called “The Four Seasons.” It was printed in eight colors, for which eight new printing rollers were made. The whole city dressed up in these dresses with pictures.”

Guys, I suggest you become artists and create your own design for fabric.

Game "Artists"

Each team receives a sheet of whatman paper and paint. Their task is to create a drawing in 10 minutes. The team that makes the most interesting, unusual drawing wins.

Leading: Guys, our journey through the clothing factory has come to an end. You and I have gone through all ten floors, and now let's go down to the first floor. On the ground floor of the factory, finished products are packaged and put into boxes to be distributed to shops in the Sunny City. And now I suggest you try yourself as a packer.

Game "Packers"

Each team is given 10 things and newspapers. At the leader’s signal, the players pack each item in a newspaper, put them in a box, and when the box is full, bring it to the leader. The team that completes the task first wins.

Leading: Well done boys! Our journey through the clothing factory is over, you have completed all the game tasks brilliantly. Let's now count the points and determine the winning team. (the presenter counts the points) The team wins (Name)! Let's congratulate them and loudly applaud the winners.


  1. Nosov N. All about Dunno and his friends: Stories. – St. Petersburg: Azbuka, Azbuka-Atticus, 2013. – P.293-302.
  2. Turygina S.V. Handbook for entertainers: adult and children's concert programs. – Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2009. – P.172-173.

Quest game “The Adventure of Dunno and His Friends”

The event is a set of competitions united by a common theme. It combines intellectual, active and creative competitions. The presented development is universal. With certain adaptations—complicating or simplifying tasks—it can be used to work with children of any age. Children should become familiar with Nikolai Nosov’s work “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends” in advance, since the course of the game is based on the work.

Target: organizing exciting, useful leisure time for children
Tasks: repetition and generalization of children’s knowledge from the work “The Adventure of Dunno”; attracting children to read books, the opportunity to feel like the heroes of the book, to feel the excitement of the game; development of children's intellectual and creative potential
The target audience: primary and secondary schoolchildren
The event can be used for summer recreation in children's libraries, school camps and in extracurricular activities to introduce and consolidate the material learned on the work of N. Nosov “The Adventure of Dunno and His Friends.”

Progress of the event

2 teams play. Children travel with a waybill, which indicates the stations and their locations. At each station there is a character from N. Nosov’s book “The Adventure of Dunno”. Children complete tasks and receive a letter. If the task is not completed, then they can get a hint from the station curator or use a hint - N. Nosov’s book “The Adventure of Dunno” (each team receives the book at the start. The fee for the hint and use of the book is a penalty task and a “minus” in points. On on the waybill, a note is made about the completion of this stage, the completed task is assessed on a 10-point scale, only then can the children move on. After completing all the stages, the children gather in front of the library. From the letters received, they must all form a word (N. Nosov Dunno).

1 station

Here is a device with which you can make many identical ones from one object, called a stencil. Name the innovator in the portrait business who very actively used this device. (Answer: Tube)
Tube really likes to draw flowers. There are a lot of flowers growing in Flower City. Your task is to draw as many different colors as possible.
Penalty task: ---

2 station

On the table are a red nose, green ears, blue lips, blue hair, orange eyes, a purple mustache. You need to collect a portrait and guess who Dunno drew. (Answer: Gunku)
Penalty task: recite a poem/sing a song

3 station

In front of the children are pictures depicting characters from Dunno and other works. Task: select all the characters from Dunno and name them.
Penalty task: each team member must depict either an animal or a bird

4 station

There are objects on the table; you need to answer what relation they have to the characters from the work “The Adventure of Dunno and His Friends.”
Flowers – Flower City,
cucumber – Cucumber River,
daisies – alley of daisies, chamomile,
bells - Kolokolchikov street,
cornflowers – Vasilkov Boulevard,
tablets – Pilyulkin,
paints and brushes – Tube,
sugar - Sugar Sakharinich Siropchik,
dog - hunter Pulka,
glass, microscope - Steklyashkin,
food – Donut

Penalty task: team members must make a “mummy” of their captain - wrap him in toilet paper in 1 minute.

5 station

Compose a text from the given sentences (Answer: the song “A grasshopper sat in the grass”). One word is missing, you need to guess this word (Answer: frog) and sing a song.

Penalty task: climb through hoops

You need to secure 5 hoops between the trees. The kids' task is to take turns climbing through the suspended hoops without hitting them.

After completing all the tasks, the participants gather together. Each team has a set of cards with letters. Each team tries to form a word. After futile attempts, the host gives a hint that friendship helps in any difficult matter. Rival teams must unite and formulate “N. Nosov Dunno”.

P.S: At the end of the quest game we had a “Dunno Fair”. The event took place as part of summer readings based on N. Nosov’s work “The Adventure of Dunno.” The guys received "Santa" every day. At the Dunno Fair, the guys exchanged their “santas” for prizes, stationery and books.

The day ended with tea.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 4" in Kaluga

Extracurricular activity scenario

primary school teacher Natalia Nikolaevna Makarova

Literary game “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends. N. Nosov."

(2nd grade)

2014 – 2015 academic year

“A day lived without a book is a day lost.”

Target: development of emotional responsiveness when reading works of fiction, artistic, creative and cognitive abilities.

Tasks: develop interest in the work of N. Nosov; develop communication skills, instill in students a sense of collectivism, cohesion, and the ability to work in a team.

Equipment: computer; projector; presentation; exhibition of books by N. Nosov; paraphernalia from N. Nosov’s fairy tale “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends”; team emblems; diplomas.

Progress of the event:

Slides 2-5

Wearing a round-brimmed hat

And in knee-length pants,

Busy with different things

He's just too lazy to study.

He is a famous artist,

He is a well-known poet

Wonderfully brought up

He is dressed very fashionably.

Who is he, quickly guess!

What's his name?..

Presenter (Dunno): Hello, guys! Can you guess my name? That's right, Dunno. What fairy tale am I from? Why do they call me that? No, I know a lot, you know nothing, and I will prove this to you. I will ask many questions from my fairy tale, where I am the main character, and you will answer. I think you don't really like to read.

Teacher: Guys, shall we agree to play with Dunno? But before Dunno starts asking his tricky questions, listen to an interesting story about the author of the fairy tale “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends”

Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov was born in Kyiv. In 1932 he graduated from the directing department of the State Institute of Cinematography. Since 1932 he worked as a film director and animator. N. Nosov's literary debut took place in 1938.

The children's writer became famous thanks to the story “Vitya Maleev at School and at Home,” published in 1951 and awarded the USSR State Prize in 1952. In 1955, the film “Two Friends” was made based on the story. And to this day, the trilogy about Dunno - “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends”, “Dunno in the Sunny City”, “Dunno on the Moon” - enjoys great success among young readers. The first book was published in 1954, and the last in 1964. Several animated films have been made based on these fairy tales. In addition to his literary activities - and Nikolai Nosov wrote “The Tale of My Friend Igor”, plays, and many short stories - the writer took part in the creation of film scripts, on which, in particular, the films “The Adventures of Tolya Klyukvin” and “Fantasers” were staged.

Slides 6

Teacher: We got acquainted with a short biography of N. Nosov, now Dunno is your turn. Ask your questions, and the guys will try to answer.

Dunno: In order to find out who knows all the characters in the book “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends” better, I suggest playing a literary game. To do this, we will divide into 3 teams (in preparation for the literary game, the children split into teams in advance, made emblems for their team, gave it a name, prepared drawings and questions for the opposing teams). For each correct answer you will receive points. Whichever team scores more points will win.

Task 1. “How was Dunno dressed?” (slide 7)

Bright blue hat, canary yellow pants, orange shirt, green tie.

Task 2. “In what city did Dunno and his friends live?”(Slide 8)

In Flower City.

Task 3. "The house of Dunno and his friends was located...». (Slide 9)

a) on Gladiolus Avenue

b) on Kolokolchikov Street

c) on the Alley of Daisies

d) on Vasilkov Boulevard

Task 4. “Poetic riddles.”(Slide 10-16)

We all love books since childhood
About funny shorties
Guslya, Donut, Dunno...
Who's who - you're the guesser!

1.This one is a master of drawing
Paints and brush.
Can he draw
And the portrait and the leaves. Tube

2. This one is very, very important.
He bravely with castor oil
rushes to illness
He tries to treat everyone. Pilyulkin

3. This boy is always gloomy,
He mumbles and gets angry.
Give him some sweet medicine,
Let your smile shine! Grumpy

4. This is Dunno’s faithful friend.
He's probably very modest
He is an excellent musician
He has great talent. Ghusla

5. We decided to go for a ride
With the breeze in the car
The truth in the fairy tale was told to you
We created it ourselves.
After all, this does not exist anywhere:
He drives on gas and water. Vintik and Shpuntik

6. Pretty baby
Blue eyes.
She loves books very much -
And poems and fairy tales. (Sineglazka)

Task 5. “Find out who these things belong to.” (Slide 17)

A lot of things came into the lost and found room. We need to find their owners. All of them are your old friends. So let's begin:

    Leather jacket (Vintik, Shpuntik)

    First aid kit (Pilyulkin)

    Suit without a single button (Toropyzhka)

    Klyaksa (Dunno)

    Checkered suit (Syrup)

    Sugar lump (Donut)

    Bormotograph (Shurupchik)

    Magnifying glass (Steklyashkin)

    Feather (Flower)

    Jar of honey (Lungwort)

Task 6. “Recognize the hero by description.”(Slide 18-25)

He came up with a special overall for himself that didn’t have a single button. It fastened at the top with one button. Toropyzhka

His suits mostly had pockets. The more pockets there were, the better the suit was considered. His best suit had seventeen pockets. Donut

He had a small dog, Bulka, and also had a gun that shot corks. Bulka

He always dressed in a black suit, and when he sat down at the table, put his glasses on his nose and started reading some book, he completely looked like a professor. Znayka

He always wore checkered suits. And his trousers were checkered, and his jacket was checkered, and his cap was checkered. The short ones said: “Look, look, there’s a chessboard.” Syrup

They looked alike, only one was a little taller and the other a little shorter. Both wore leather jackets. Wrenches, pliers, files and other iron tools were always sticking out of their jacket pockets. Tongue and Screw

He always wore a white robe and wore a white cap with a tassel on his head.


Task 7. “Crossword”.(Slide 26)


    What is the name of the city where the shorties lived?

    What was the baby doctor's name?

    What were the residents of Flower City called because of their short stature?

    Say the name of your friend Dunno


    The name of a little girl who loved to plant plants and breed new varieties.

    What was the name of the city where the travelers ended up?

    The name of the baby, a jack of all trades: repair, saw, plan, rivet, solder

    The kids got several barrels of syrup from it

    What was the name of the hunter Pulka's dog?

Dunno: I know guys that you picked up questions based on N. Nosov’s fairy tale “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends” and drew pictures. Now you

Exercise. “Question for the opposing team.” "Guess the fairy tale from the pictures."

(children prepared drawings and questions about the fairy tale for their opponents in advance)


Dunno: Well done, now I can safely call you Know-nothings.

Did you like the literary game based on the fairy tale by N. Nosov “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends”? (Children's answers)

What did you like best? (Children's answers)

I say goodbye to you until the new literary game “Dunno in the Sunny City”.


Form of conduct: intellectual game.


Promote the establishment of a favorable psychological climate in the team;

Develop teamwork skills;

Form cognitive motivation;

To promote the development of creative imagination, resourcefulness, and ingenuity of students.

Methods: game, competition.

Equipment: map of the Land of Knowledge, drawings of Dunno and Pochemuchka, handouts, pens, “Passport of the Land of Knowledge.”


  1. Sukhin I.G. Dunno, Hottabych, Carlson and all, all, all./A collection of literary quizzes, crosswords and teawords for children. –M., 1994.
  2. How to arrange a holiday. - M., 2002.

Progress of the event:

  1. Greetings.
  2. "Warming up on forest paths."
  3. "Valley of Numbers"
  4. "Top of Records".
  5. "The Village of Confusion."
  6. "Capital Pyaterochka".
  7. "Everything for repeaters."
  8. Summarizing.

Dear Guys! Today is our day of Dunno and Why! And today we will travel around the Land of Knowledge (on the board there is a map of the Land of Knowledge). This country has ripened a rich harvest of interesting and complex issues. So we will go to harvest this harvest. Correct answers to questions are paid in USD. – mental units., this is the currency of the country of knowledge.

The team that collects the most units will become a citizen of the country of knowledge.

Each team, and there will be 4 of them, must choose a team name, a motto related to the theme of our class hour, and a team captain. Then we'll hit the road! (give the guys 3 minutes to think)

Guys! Announce team names and mottos loudly and unanimously! (each team announces). Who are your team captains? (the guys represent the captains).

Now we are ready to go on a journey through the Land of Knowledge!

1 competition : “Warm-up on forest paths.”

We're in for a rather unusual warm-up. You will be offered unique joke tasks. The first team to raise their hand and give the correct answer earns 1.00. (see Appendix 1).

Well, let's sum up the results of the first competition.

2 competition : “Valley of Numbers.”

From the forest paths we head straight to the Valley of Numbers. In this valley, questions are growing that need to be answered with some number. The price for answering a question is also 1 USD. Is the task clear? Go! (see Appendix 2)

3 competition : “Top of Records.”

And now we will climb to the Top of Records. Here we are waiting for questions about records in nature. Each answer costs 2 USD. (see Appendix 3)

4 competition : "The Village of Confusion."

You have conquered the Top of Records. Now it's time to head to the Village of Confusion. Everything in this village has been mixed up for a long time. Your task is to unravel the words. For each unraveled word you will receive 1 USD. (see Appendix 4)

5 competition : “Capital Pyaterochka.”

And finally, we arrived in the Capital Pyaterochka! There are questions here that require not just one, but many answers. How many answers, so much. So, let's listen to the questions. (see Appendix 5)

6 competition : “Everything for repeaters” store.

Our last station is the repeat store. Your task is to come up with at least 5 types of goods that could be sold there, and explain why. Team captains will present the products. You have 3 minutes! Time has passed!

Well, our journey has come to an end. Let's sum up the day of Dunno and Why! Let's calculate the c.u. in every team.

Team * Receives a passport as a citizen of the Land of Knowledge! Our congratulations!

Guys, thank you very much for your participation!

Annex 1

There are two Ivans in our class,

Two Tatyanas, two Stepans,

Three Katyushas, ​​three Galinas.

Five Andreevs, three Polinas,

Eight Leos, four Sashas,

Five Irins and two Natashas

And only one Vitaly.

How many did you count?(40.)

Here are the test marks:

All Sashas got high fives,

Ira, Katya and Natasha.

The four are Tanya, Gali, Leva, Poli and Vitaly.

The rest are all Ivans,

All Andreys and Stepans

We only received C's.

And who got the “twos”?

(No one. In total there are 40 people in the class, 14 students received “5”, 17 received “4”, 9 received “3”, and “2” - no one.)

The jackdaws have arrived

They sat on sticks.

If on each stick

One jackdaw will sit down,

That's for one daw

Not enough stick.

If on each stick

Two jackdaws will sit down,

That's one of the sticks

There will be no daws.

How many sticks were there?

(4 jackdaws and 3 sticks.)

One early morning

Birds swam in the pond.

Snow white swans

Three times more than geese

There were eight pairs of ducks -

Twice as many as loons.

How many birds were there in total?

If we are still given

What about all the ducks and geese

As many as swans?

(Total birds - 56, loons - 8, ducks -16, swans - 24.)

- I am 2 years older than the lion, -

Said the wise owl.

And I’m 2 times younger than you, -

The porcupine answered the owl.

Leo looked at him and proudly

He said, slightly wrinkling his nose:

"I'm 4 years older

What are you, venerable needle-carrier.”

How old are they all together?

Double check your answer.

(Lion - 10 years old, owl - 12, porcupine - 6. Total- 28 years.)

They are usually for sewing,

And I saw them on the hedgehog.

Happens on a pine tree, on a Christmas tree,

And they are called... (needles).

I in the trees, I'm in the castle,

I'm in the musical line too,

I'll unscrew the nut too

And I can, if I want,

Send a telegram

And solve the riddle.(Key.)

I'm in the notebook

Oblique and straight.

In a completely different meaning

I am a drawing plank.

And finally, sometimes

I'll line you up.(Ruler.)

I am the antonym of the word "heat"

I'm in the river, in the thick shade

And in bottles of lemonade,

And my name is... (cool).

I antonym for the word "laughter".

Not from the joy of pleasure

I happen, but I have to.

From misfortune and from pain,

From resentment, failures.

Guessed it...(cry)

  1. Passenger without a ticket(Hare)
  2. Her patronymic is Patrikeevna.(Fox)
  3. Friend of human. (Dog)
  4. He is always looking into the forest.(Wolf)
  5. “And Vaska listens and eats.”(Cat)
  6. “God sent her a piece of cheese.”(Crow)
  7. She “in blindness scolds science and learning.”(Pig)

Appendix 2

  1. How many rings are on the Olympic flag?(5)
  2. How many stars are on the shoulder straps of an army captain?(4)
  3. How many musicians are in the sextet?(6)
  4. How many wonders of the world?(7)
  5. How many flowers are on the St. George's Ribbon?(2)

Appendix 3

  1. Name the largest planet in the solar system.(Jupiter)
  2. Name the deepest place on Earth.(Mariana Trench in Pacific Ocean)
  3. Name the largest ocean.(Quiet)
  4. Name the saltiest seas on earth.(Red Sea, Dead Sea)
  5. Name the largest sea animal.(Whale)

Appendix 4

lesson (reproach) roach (collapse)

slope (pendant) hair (word)

cleaver (clown) entrance (inhalation)

see you (we'll be surprised) call (take out)

cleaning (holster) weight (sev)

fumes (stew) enemies (mane)

blow (ore) waterfall (underwater)

ulan (moon) luchok (stocking)

tub (carcass) net (hour)

actor (grater) accordion (bath)

shirt-front (typewriter)

bank (boar)

Appendix 5

  1. What types of ships are there?(Yacht, motor ship, boat, submarine, cruiser, aircraft carrier, etc.)
  2. What types of aircraft are there?(Rocket, airplane, helicopter, hang glider, hot air balloon, satellite, etc.)
  3. What types of folk dances are there?(Polka, Lezginka, samba, rumba, salsa, etc.)
  4. Name the writers and storytellers.(Grimm, Andersen, Perrault, Lindgren, Gauff, etc.)
  5. Name the birds of prey. (Eagle, hawk, golden eagle, kite, vulture, etc.)
  6. Name the songbirds.(Nightingale, oriole, thrush, lark, canary, etc.)
  7. Name the capitals of European countries.(Paris, Rome, Berlin, London, Madrid, etc.)
  8. What Russian folk crafts do you know?(Khokhloma, Gzhel, Palekh, Zhostovo, Gorodets, Dymkovo, etc.)

Olesya Igorevna Baranova
Entertainment “Travel with Dunno to the Land of Games.” Logical games for the development of mental functions of preschool children

Progress of entertainment.

As soon as parents enter the hall, they receive an icon of a certain color (yellow, red, blue or green circles), then they unite into microgroups according to the color of the icon and sit down at the tables.

Children enter the hall to the music...

Dunno comes to visit children: Hello guys! I think you recognize me, who am I? That's right, I Dunno! I'm in such trouble!

Presenter: What's happened, Dunno?

Presenter: Well, Dunno, it’s not a problem, it’s a joy, you’ve grown older and now you’re going to study!

Dunno: That's the trouble! I have nothing for school. I don't have a briefcase! There is nothing in the flower city and there is nothing on the moon either. So I went to journey to find it all. Where did I end up, guys?

(Children's answers)

Presenter: You are in trouble, Dunno, to a kindergarten. Guys, tell me Dunno What is the name of our kindergarten, what is its address?

(Children say the address and name of the kindergarten)

Dunno: That's what I need! Are you friendly? Do you know how to play? And in smart games you play? In the flower city they told me that I need to stay the course land of games. Guys, maybe you can help me collect everything that I will take with me to school? Then we all go together to land of games.

Fairytale moment. (music)

Parachute game: One, two, three, in come to the land of games!

Dunno: Guys, do you know how to get there?

Children: No.

Dunno: I know (Dunno takes a glowing star out of his pocket). Guiding the star will show us the way.

Sounds like cartoon music . The children are coming for Dunno

Presenter: Guys, but together with us the star moved to country games and your parents, they will also play and help today Dunno.

Look, what is this?

Flat box with two geocontacts and a letter "By the land of games can be traveled according to plan» . Draw an outline as in a letter.

(Children and parents perform, then compare with the model)

Dunno: Well done guys, thanks to my parents for their help, otherwise we would have gotten lost in land of games.... Well, let's move on already.

Presenter: And here is our destination - "City of Colorful Blocks".

Dunno opens a large box, takes out sets of Dienesh blocks and surprised: There are so many different boxes, what will I do with it? Guys, we found ourselves in the city of multi-colored blocks.

(Dunno takes a large envelope out of the box and gives it to the presenter.)

The presenter opens the envelope: Residents of the city of colorful blocks want to meet you. Each of them lives in their own unusual house, look at this house and find the tenant.

Leading: Let's turn over the hourglass, the testing time has begun.

(Funny music sounds. Children and parents complete the task)

Presenter: Residents of the city thank us, they are very glad to meet us and give you, Dunno, primer.

Dunno: Oh, thank you, I thought they would give me a briefcase! (sad)

Presenter: Not get upset, Dunno, maybe they will give you a briefcase in another city.

The lights turn off, music plays, and the touch ball turns on.

Presenter: We walk for a long, long time through the purple forest towards the high mountains (scenery on the screen). On the way there is a lake in front of us, the keeper of the lake -

The main Invisible of the purple forest, under the red cry of an orange animal, under the green whistle of a yellow bird and under the blue whisper of a blue fish, found magical non-melting ice floes on the lake. The wise Raven unraveled their secret.

Crow: I’m glad, I’m glad to see the guests, did you come for some ice? Okay, let's play.

Can you solve my riddles? Will you beat me? The ice cubes are yours and the gift is yours. If you don't beat me, the pieces of ice are mine. (Each team: children and parents are given a set of ice cubes)

Presenter: Collect the squares so that there is nothing left. (30 pieces of ice make 10 squares)

Funny music.

Crow: Kar-kar! The ice cubes are yours and the gift is yours. (Gives Dunno from the beak notebook.) Take care of it, thank your friends for their help, and luck will always be with you.

Sounds like cartoon music "The Wizard of Oz". The children are coming for Dunno, holding hands along the correction track.

Dunno: I'm tired, I probably won't make it, what about you guys? Oh, look, a grasshopper is jumping next to us. Let's dance with him!

Musical dynamic pause "In the grass Grasshopper sat" (logorhythmic game).

Dunno: Guys, you know and can do so many things. You have reliable assistants. Who is helping you?

(Children's answers).

Dunno: To us in our travel We also need a little helper, we will make it ourselves.

(Takes Voskobovich squares out of the bag that hangs behind his back and distributes them to children and parents.)

Dunno: Let's make a bird. The bird will help us along the way.

Funny music.

They put the birds under a tree and found a pencil case in the chest.

Dunno: Hurray, I found a gift myself! What is this?

(The children look into the chest under the tree and They say: "This is a pencil case")

Dunno: Not a briefcase?

Presenter: No, you need to look for the briefcase.

Dunno: Well, where can I find him?

Presenter: Not get upset, Dunno, and you children don’t be sad. The land of games is big, we will definitely find the briefcase.

To the music, children walk along a tactile path, go and find an envelope with a letter from a fairy Countries games and a box of Cuisinaire sticks.

Presenter: To get to the main city countries of games, you need to build a path. Children are from 1 to 5, and adults from 1 to 10.

(Children and adults complete the task to cheerful music).

Dunno walks and looks how parents and children perform the task and speaks: It turned out to be some kind of staircase, but there should be a path.

Presenter: Add sticks to make a square.

(Dunno I went to check on my parents.)

Presenter: Guys, let's get over it Let's play a joke with Dunno. Let's hide the pencils.

Dunno: Oh, the tracks turned out well, but where is the gift? Maybe this is a briefcase?

Child: No, Dunno, we hid your gift, and you will find it now, we will guide you.

(Dunno finds pencils.)

Children: Forgive us, Dunno that we were playing a joke on you. In return, we will make patterns for you for the cover of your primer.

The light turns off and the star turns on.

Dunno: Guys, we have finally arrived in the capital, where to look for the task?

Presenter: Dunno, we are in the capital. We must solve the magic codes countries of games.

Tablets are being distributed Logic baby, game time has started. (The task is completed individually).

Presenter: Check yourself.

Dunno: Oh, how many gifts I have! But there is no briefcase (with sadness).

Presenter: Dunno, look who's coming to us!

A fairy appears countries of games.

Fairy: Hello guys! I'm a fairy countries of games. I've been watching you very carefully. Here, Dunno, your briefcase, now you can go to study, and you guys are great, you didn’t leave your friend in trouble. And parents of future first-graders need to learn to play smart educational games. Guys, help your parents at home, play our favorite games games.

Dunno: Thank you, children, parents! I am very grateful to you for your kindness and responsiveness.

Music is playing. Fairy and Dunno reward children, parents and say goodbye to them.

Publications on the topic:

"A Journey with Dunno to the Land of Fairy Tales." Video report on entertainment for older preschool children Goal: to develop cognitive activity and interests during the game. Objectives: Educational: to consolidate children’s knowledge about fairy tales: how.

Comprehensive examination of speech and non-speech mental functions Comprehensive examination of speech and non-speech mental functions I. Study of sound pronunciation. Determine the nature of the sound disturbance.

GCD “Diagnostics of non-speech mental functions and phonetic aspects of a child’s speech” Diagnostic lesson Teacher-defectologist Dudkina M.V. Target group: children 3-4 years old Time: 20 min. Topic: Diagnostics of non-speech disorders.

"Travel to the Land of Imagination." Games for developing the creative imagination of preschoolers...In my Imagination, In my Imagination - Fantasy reigns there In all its omnipotence; There all dreams come true, And our sorrows are now.

The work of a teacher in a senior correctional group with children with disabilities on the formation of higher mental functions. The work of a teacher in a senior correctional group with children with disabilities on the formation of higher mental functions. Some analyzer is defective.

Development of non-speech mental functions as a factor in the prevention of written and oral speech disorders Unfortunately, among primary school students, oral and written speech disorders are becoming increasingly widespread. Slow absorption.

Entertainment “Travel with Dunno” Entertainment “Travel with Dunno” For a group of different ages Goal: - creating a favorable emotional state in children; - development.

The influence of the developmental environment of preschool educational institutions on the development of mental functions in preschool children The founders of Russian psychology A. N. Leontiev, A. R. Luria, A. V. Zaporozhets in their works said that activity is in its own.

Essay “My understanding of W. James’ expression “Consciousness is the master of mental functions”: pros and cons” The problem of consciousness has been an important aspect in the work of many psychologists. So, one of the first who began to study this issue was an outstanding one.

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