Mafia role-playing game. Mafia game rules. Classic mafia tactics and strategy

Professional rules for playing Mafia

Ten people participate in the game. The presenter monitors the progress of the game and regulates its stages.

To determine the roles, the presenter distributes cards face down: one to each player. There are 10 cards in a deck: 7 red cards and 3 black.

“Reds” are civilians, and “Blacks” are mafiosi.

One of the 7 red cards is different from the rest - this is the card of the Sheriff - the leader of the “Reds”. “Blacks” also have their leader - the Don card.

The game is divided into alternating stages of two types: day and night.

Purpose of the game: “Blacks” must eliminate “Reds” and vice versa.


Ten players sit at the gaming table. The host announces “night” and all players put on masks. After which, in turn, each player takes off the mask, selects a card, remembers it, the presenter removes the card and the player puts on the mask.

Participants wearing blindfolds tilt their heads down so that the movements of their neighbors or the play of shadows do not become a source of additional information for them.

The presenter announces: “The mafia is waking up.” Participants who received black cards, including the Mafia Don, take off their bandages and get to know each other and the Leader. This is the first and only night when the mafiosi open their eyes all together. It was given to them in order to agree with gestures on the procedure for eliminating the “Reds”. The “agreement” should be carried out quietly so that the “Red” players sitting next to them do not feel the movements. The presenter announces: “The mafia is falling asleep.” After these words, “Black” players put on headbands.

The presenter announces: “Don is waking up.” Don opens his eyes and the Presenter meets Don. In subsequent nights, Don will wake up with the goal of finding the Sheriff of the game. Presenter: “Don is falling asleep.” Don puts on the bandage.

Host: “The Sheriff is waking up.” The Sheriff wakes up and meets the Leader. On subsequent nights, the Sheriff will be able to wake up and look for "Blacks". Presenter: “The Sheriff is falling asleep.”

Presenter: “It’s a cheerful morning! Everyone wakes up."

First day. Everyone takes off the bandages. During the day there is a discussion. According to the professional rules of the Mafia game, each player is given one minute to express his ideas, thoughts and suspicions.

The discussion starts with player number one and continues around the circle. During the day's discussion, players can nominate players (no more than one per player) with the goal of removing them from the game. At the end of the discussion, the candidates are voted on. The candidate who receives the most votes is eliminated from the game.

If only one candidate is nominated for the first round (Day), it is not voted on. During the following rounds (Days), any number of candidates are voted on. The one who drops out of the game has the right to the last word (duration - 1 minute).

There is a term in the game called "Car Crash". This is a situation in which two or more players receive the same number of votes. In this case, the voters are given the right to justify themselves within 30 seconds, convince the players of their “redness” and remain in the game. A re-vote takes place. If someone gets more votes, they are eliminated. If the players again gain an equal number of votes, then the question is put to a vote: “Who is in favor of all those voting leaving the game?” If the majority votes for elimination, the players leave the game, if against, they remain; if the votes are divided equally, the players remain in the game.

After the first circle, night falls again. During this and subsequent nights, the mafia has the opportunity to “shoot” (a gesture agreed upon at the beginning of the game). The “shooting” occurs as follows: the mafiosi who agreed on the first night on the procedure for eliminating the “Red” mafiosi “shoot” on the following nights (with their eyes closed!).

The presenter, after the words “the mafia is going hunting,” announces the numbers of the players in turn, and if all the mafiosi shoot at a given number at the same time, then the object is hit. According to the rules of the Mafia game, if one of the mafia members “shoots” at another number, or does not “shoot” at all, the Host records the miss. “Shooting” occurs by simulating a shot with your fingers. The presenter announces: “The mafia is falling asleep.”

Then the Presenter announces: “Don is waking up.” Don wakes up and tries to find the Game Sheriff. He shows the Leader a number on his fingers, behind which, in his opinion, the Sheriff is hiding. The presenter, with a nod of his head, either confirms his version or denies it. Don falls asleep.

The Sheriff wakes up. He is also entitled to night checks. He is looking for "Black" players. After the Leader's answer, the Sheriff falls asleep, and the Leader announces the beginning of the second day.

If the mafia eliminated a player at night, the Host announces this and gives the last word to the victim. If the mafia misses, the Leader announces that the morning is indeed good, and no one was hurt during the night.

The discussion of the second day begins with the next player after the player who spoke first in the previous circle.

During this and the next circles, everything happens in the same way as on the first day. Nights and days alternate until one team or another wins.

The game ends with the victory of the “Reds” when all the “Black” players are eliminated. “Blacks” win if there are an equal number of “Reds” and “Blacks” left.

Subtleties of the mafia game rules:

1. The player must draw his game number.

2. The player has no right to swear, make a bet, or appeal to any religion, swear, or insult players. For this, the Host removes the offending player from the game.

3. The player has no right to utter the word “Honestly” or “I swear” in any form. For this violation the player receives a warning.

4. The player does not have the right to deliberately peep at night. If this violation is detected, the player is removed from the game and is usually deprived of the opportunity to visit the Club for a long period. In case of involuntary peeping, the player is removed from the game.

5. The player has the right to nominate only one candidate.

6. The player has the right to withdraw his nomination as part of his speech.

8.When voting, the player must touch the table with his hand and keep it on the table until the end of voting. The end of voting coincides with the Leader’s word “Thank you.” A vote placed after the word “Thank you” or together with the word “Thank you” is not accepted. The presenter counts the vote only if the hand touches the table.

11.The “black” player has the right to “shoot” only once. The “shot” is considered effective only in this case. In all other cases (the player does not “shoot”, “shoots” twice), the Leader registers a miss. A miss is also recorded if the player “shoots” between the called Lead numbers.

12. The “red” player at night does not have the right to indicate to the Sheriff who to check. For this violation the player is removed from the game.

13. The “black” player at night does not have the right to show signs to Don who to check. For this violation the player is removed from the game.

14. The player does not have the right to sing, dance, hit the table, speak or perform other actions that are not within the scope of the players’ “nightly” behavior. For this violation, the player receives a warning from the Leader.

15.Don and Sheriff are not able to check on the first night.

16.Don and Sheriff have the right to check no more than one player each at night.

17.The player has no right to speak out of turn. For this violation he receives a warning from the Leader.

18.The player has the right to speak during the day's discussion for no more than 1 minute. For failure to comply with the regulations, the player receives a warning.

19.During the “Car Crash”, the player has the right to speak for 30 seconds. For failure to comply with the regulations, the player receives a warning.

20.After the Leader’s phrase “Night is coming,” the player must immediately put on the headband. In case of delay, the player receives a warning.

21. The Presenter has the right to give warnings for: a) unethical behavior, b) excessive gestures that interfere with the game or distract players, c) other violations, the extent of which is determined by the Presenter.

22. In the case of a player using profanity, “inhumane” and “obscene” behavior of a player at the gaming table (including due to the player’s excessively “alcoholic and cheerful” state!) or insulting another player, the player may be removed from the game by decision of the Leader.

23.According to the professional rules of the Mafia game, a player who has received three warnings is deprived of his word for one round. If a player receives a third warning after his performance in a circle, he is deprived of the floor for the next circle.

24. The player who receives the fourth warning is removed from the game.

25. A player who files a protest before the end of the game is removed from the game.

26.The rules of the mafia game provide that a protest can be accepted for consideration by the Host only after the end of the game.

27. The game is canceled, its result is changed or replayed if the protesting team (entirely) + one player from among the opponents votes for the protest.

28. A player who is eliminated from the game immediately leaves the gaming table.

29.In case of any removal from the game, the player does not have the right to the last word.

Mafia. Card game.
Mafia is a team-based psychological turn-based role-playing game with a detective plot.
Plot: Residents of the city, exhausted from the rampant mafia, decide to put every single mafioso in prison. In response, the mafia declares war until the complete destruction of all decent citizens.

Rules of the game

To play you will need special cards. You can also play with a regular deck if you agree in advance which pictures mean what. In a simplified (classic) game you will need mafia cards and civilians - townspeople. In more expanded versions of the game, there may be other characters, such as a commissioner, a doctor, a fallen woman (mistress), a sheriff, a maniac, a lawyer...

  • Before the start of the game, players are dealt cards face down. It is then that it is determined who will play for whom. There are exactly as many cards in the deck as there are participants in the game. The leader of the game is determined either using a card, or the person who wants to is chosen in advance.

You can print these maps for free on our website.

  • When opening your card, it is advisable not to show emotions. Very often, novice players are overjoyed when they see that they are the mafia - they become very easy to identify. It’s more correct to look at the card and immediately put it in your pocket or on the table, face down, so that no one can see.


Civilians (citizens)- they play only during the day; they can execute one of the players at this time of day. Until the end of the game they do not know which player is playing for whom.
Mafia- during the day they pretend to be civilians, at night they kill the smartest citizen. All Mafiosi know each other.
Lover (Fallen Woman, Girl)- plays for civilians, at night he can save one of the players by spending the night with him.
Doctor (Doctor)- plays for civilians, heals the sick at night, does not know for sure which player is playing for whom, so he can save the mafia from death.
Commissioner (Detective, Sheriff)- Plays for civilians, at night he tries to kill the mafia on his own. If he hits a citizen, the leader informs everyone that the commissioner missed. If he shoots at night and hits the mafia, the presenter declares one of the mafia killed.

Game plan

The host announces the first day of the game.

The first day.

The players get to know each other. You can invent fictitious names and professions for yourself. On the first day, some conclusions can already be drawn from the behavior of the players.
Poorly hidden joy, displeasure, ostentatious calm - all this can be the key to solving who the mafia really is. But no discussions are allowed on this day.

First night.

The presenter says: “Night has come.”
After the host announces the night, the players close their eyes or put on special masks.
The presenter says: “The mafia has woken up.”
After these words, the players who received the “mafia” cards open their eyes and greet each other. This should be done extremely carefully, since any movement can give away the players.
The presenter announces: “The mafia has fallen asleep.”
"Mafia" closes its eyes.

Second day.

The presenter announces: “The day has come. All residents of the city woke up"
Civilians wake up and decide which of them is the mafia. Mafiosi also take part in the discussion, posing as peaceful townspeople and trying to transfer suspicion to innocent players. Several suspects are selected, one of whom is eventually executed, and the player is eliminated from the game by showing his card before dying.

Night two.

Sample plan for the night: Lover, Mafia, Doctor, Commissioner - everyone wakes up and falls asleep in turn, doing their nightly business.

It looks something like this:
The presenter announces: “Night has come. all the residents fall asleep"
If you are playing with the “Fallen Woman” card, the leader announces it first.
Host: “The mistress wakes up.” The mistress must choose a player with whom she will spend the night, and therefore, whom the mafia cannot kill.
Host: “The mafia is waking up.” The mafia opens its eyes. This night they must get rid of the most intelligent and dangerous civilian. Maintaining complete silence, the mafiosi, after consulting, choose the first victim and gesture to the leader.
Presenter: “The mafia killed a man. The mafia is falling asleep."
Presenter: “The doctor is waking up.” The player with the doctor card wakes up and points to the leader the player he wants to cure - save from death.
Presenter: “The doctor is falling asleep.”
Presenter: “The Commissioner is waking up.” The player with the commissioner card opens his eyes and points to the supposed player, who he assumes is the real mafia.
Presenter: “The commissioner shoots and misses because he is aiming at a civilian.” (If the commissioner had pointed to the Mafia, the presenter would have announced the death of the mafioso.)
Presenter: “Everyone is falling asleep.”

Day three.

Presenter: “The third day has come. Everyone wakes up. The mafia killed Vasya Pupkin. The doctor cured Petya Sidorov, who was already healthy” or “The mafia tried to kill a civilian, but the doctor cured him.”
The players again continue to find out and discuss who turned down the dark path and is the mafia. At the end of the day, a verdict is reached and one player is executed.

This continues day after day until one of the camps wins.

The intellectual game mafia has many different forms and variations. Most people played “homegrown” mafia, where there are no special regulations. In this article we will shed light on how to play mafia according to the so-called “classic” rules.

What are the features of the “classic” rules of the Mafia game?

In short, the point is to keep the rules simple. Everything is simplified and regulated. In more detail, here are the key features:

1) Exactly 10 people participate in the game: no more no less.

2) There are only two teams in the game: black (mafia) and red (civilians).

There are only 3 mafias, including the mafia boss, who is usually called the Don. There are only 7 civilians, including the Sheriff.

3) No other roles in the spirit of a maniac, doctor, prostitute and the like are not in the game. Only those roles listed above.

4) The roles of killed players are not revealed. That is, the presenter announces all the roles of the players only when the game is completed.

5) During the day, each player has one minute for a monologue. That is, the players speak one after another, one by one. Everyone is not allowed to speak together. If anyone says even one word out of turn, they receive a warning.

6) There are warnings in the game. For 3 warnings, the player is informed that he will not have the opportunity to give a speech at the next opportunity. Simply put, the player will lose his word in the next circle. For the fourth warning, the player will be disqualified from the game.

7) The mafia shoots at civilians with their eyes closed at night.

How does this happen? It's simple: at the very beginning of the game, on zero night, the mafia wakes up in full force and agrees on a strategy for the game. Usually the Mafia Don is just gestures shows in what order the blacks will kill civilians. For example, on the 1st night the mafia will take out player 5, on the second - 6, on the third - 9. After zero night, the first introductory day of the game takes place, on which, usually, no one is excluded from the game. When the first night of the game arrives, the host loudly and clearly begins counting players from 1 to 10. The entire mafia team, sitting with their eyes closed, must simultaneously make a special gesture on player number 5 (after all, it was player five in our example who was ordered as a victim for the first night). In this case, player 5 will be considered killed. If during the leader's countdown, one of the blacks makes a special gesture on a different number of the player than the other mafiosi did, then the player will not be considered killed. That is, the mafia will miss, and no one will be killed.

8.) After shooting the mafia, Don and Sheriff take turns looking for their opponents.

Please note that neither the Don nor the Sheriff kills anyone. The presenter simply states: “The Mafia Don wakes up and shows the number of the player he considers to be the Sheriff.” Don, of course, obediently fulfills the presenter's request. If he finds it, then the presenter makes it clear with a nod that, “yes, this player is the Sheriff.” Then the Sheriff wakes up and is looking for the blacks (that is, the mafia). Note that the sheriff is looking for the ENTIRE mafia, not just Don. That is, the Sheriff does the same as Don, showing the number of a player. And the presenter, in the same way, nods to let the Sheriff know whether that player is a mafia or not.

9) When morning comes, the killed player is given the floor.

That is, even if the mafia shot player 1 at night, he will still talk when morning comes. Think of it as the "voiceover" of a suicide note, or the testimony of a dying witness - whatever. But all players have their final say before leaving the table.

10) If a player is eliminated from the game, then you need to get up from the table and step aside.

This is also a pretty important feature. The person who is taken out of the game must step aside and become a mute spectator with a poker face. If the player remains sitting at the table, then he is left with the impression that he is still playing. Because of this, the player will participate in the game with facial expressions and gestures and may unwittingly harm the enemy team.

The presenter announces: “Who is against player number 9 – we vote!” And players have 2 seconds (no more) to place their hand with the “OK” gesture (fist with thumb up) on the table. After 2 seconds, the host says “Thank you,” which means the end of voting against this player. If someone puts a vote after the word “Thank you,” then the vote will not be counted. However, players whose votes were not counted are eligible to participate in further voting.

For many people, at the beginning, for some reason, these rules do not seem interesting enough. Often, newcomers, coming to play mafia in English at the English Mafia Club, say something like: “Why is it so difficult for the mafia to shoot when you can just wake up every night?” or “Why don’t they announce the roles of players when they are eliminated from the game?” or “Why isn’t there a maniac and a doctor?”. Usually, all these are questions from players with little experience in the intellectual game Mafia.

Only the “classics” contribute to the greatest number of different strategies. No other rules of the Mafia game can guarantee such a strong development of logical thinking. Therefore, if you want to not only have a good time playing mafia, but also improve your ability to think logically and strategically, calculating the actions of people and groups several steps ahead, then play the “classics”!

. .
    Age category: 14 +
    Game duration: 15-60 minutes
    Rule complexity: minimum
    Strategy level: high
    IN influence of chance: low
    Trains and develops memory, logic, intelligence, teamwork, strategic thinking, acting skills.
      Required accessories: deck of cards and masks.
      Role relationships:
      3-5 players: one mafia, the rest - civilians.
      6-8 players: two mafias, civilians.
      9-11 players: three mafias, civilians.
      12-18 players: three mafias, a boss, a doctor, a mistress, a commissioner, a maniac, the rest are civilians.
        Purpose of the game: for honest people - to identify and “kill” the mafia, for the mafia - to shoot all the honest ones.
          Beginning of the game: each player draws one card and, without showing anyone, gets acquainted with his role, except for the leader, who shows his card. After each player has familiarized himself with his card, the leader is given the floor.
          A game: The host announces the onset of night: everyone must close their eyes. Next, the presenter announces the characters’ moves in the order indicated below. The named character opens his eyes and performs actions corresponding to his role, after which he “falls asleep” again.

          Distribution of statuses

      Option 1: The presenter carefully shuffles the cards and goes around everyone else, handing them out to choose from, fanned out, face down. When receiving a card, you need to look at it without your neighbors noticing and place it in front of you.
Option 2: After shuffling, the deck remains on the table and everyone takes out one card. Next, the participants place the card on the table in front of them.

First night

    The host asks if everyone has looked at their cards. Then he commands: “Everyone closed their eyes, night fell.” All players close their eyes. The presenter says: “The mafia has opened its eyes and is getting acquainted.” Players with "mafia" cards open their eyes and begin to look around for awake players (other mafia members). Anyone who has not woken up is breaking the rules of the game - further, during discussions during the day, members of the mafia will rely on incorrect data. It is necessary to get acquainted as carefully and silently as possible.
    The presenter at this time can say: “I’m counting to 5. One, two, three, four, five. All. The mafia met and fell asleep. Morning has come. Everyone woke up."
    First day
    The presenter announces the onset of morning, and the players, at his command, begin the discussion. The players begin to exchange information: what was heard at night, how the mood of the players changed during the night, and any other facts that justify or blame other players. The conversation can proceed in any way: to convince others that you are right, honest and dishonest arguments, both true and false information, are used. During the day, everyone speaks in turn, but other players are not forbidden to ask questions to the speaker.
    The presenter announces the start of voting:
When everyone has expressed their opinion, the preliminary voting can begin. After the preliminary vote, the accused try to justify themselves and by all means to divert suspicion from themselves. When the players have no more arguments left, they can proceed to the final vote. It is not necessary to vote against the same players in the final vote. You cannot change your vote based on the final vote. The one for whom the majority voted in the final vote is considered killed and reveals his card, thereby determining his status. If several players have the same number of suspicions, then an additional vote is taken among these two candidates. The killed player has the right to express his opinion or suspicion.
    Subsequent events
    Night. The presenter announces: “Everyone has fallen asleep. The mafia has woken up and is choosing a victim.” At this time, the mafia players consult with their eyes and show, for example, with a finger, who they are going to eliminate. Or the presenter points one by one at the sleeping people, and the mafia nods his head in the affirmative. The player is considered killed during the night if all mafia members agree. At night, the mafia is obliged to agree on who they are actually taking out of the game with their shot.
    Morning. The presenter announces: “The mafia has chosen its victim. The mafia fell asleep. The commissioner woke up." The commissioner wakes up and chooses who to check. Only one player can be checked. The Commissioner points to someone. The presenter silently nods: “Yes. Mafia,” or waves his head: “No. Honest". If the commissioner is killed that night, even before checking him, the presenter shows crossed arms - this means that the commissioner is killed, but the commissioner still has the right to check one player. If the commissioner points at a player, and he has just been killed, then the presenter also shows crossed arms - the “corpse” cannot be honest or mafia. The commissioner checks the players who cause him the most suspicion, or who are absolutely honest, so that it is clear who to rely on during the discussion. If the game is played with a non-team maniac who plays for himself, then in response to the commissioner’s question the presenter twirls his finger at his temple, indicating that the player being tested is a “maniac”.
    Day. The presenter says: “The commissioner checked. I found out everything. Asleep. Everyone woke up. And only Petya did not wake up. And Petya was an honest resident...” The murdered man’s card is revealed. If the commissioner is killed during the day, then the presenter then skips the morning of the commissioner.
    Order of moves at night:
    1. Mafia: commits one murder every night.
    2. The boss (aka godfather) is the head of the mafia clan, leads the mafia and makes the final decision on who to kill at night. May deprive players of voting rights
    3. Doctor: at random he can save one of the city residents from death, but the resident he saved spends the next day in a coma - he can only speak. During the day, the doctor tries to figure out which player the mafia wants to kill at night. During the day it is not announced who exactly the doctor cured.
    4. Mistress: spends the night with one of the residents of the town, preventing him from fulfilling his role function. Treats honest residents.
    5. Commissioner: if his check was successful (that is, the verified resident is not an honest one), kills him.
    6. Maniac: acts for himself, killing one of the city's residents every night. He can only win if there is only one left.
    The game cycle is repeated until the last eliminated mafioso says that there is no more mafia in the game, and then civilians win, or until only mafiosi remain in the game.
    If two civilians and one mafioso remain, if a civilian is killed during the day, the mafia wins.


    1. Explicit disclosure of one’s role is prohibited. You can only try to convince people that you are this or that character, although completely open games are not interesting, moreover, you risk being quickly killed.
    2. Eliminated players must silently observe the game process and not betray the players with their emotions.
    3. The presenter should not obviously address the acting characters at night, thereby giving them away. You should always speak in one direction, or, on the contrary, randomly change the direction of your head.
    4. Create comfortable conditions for all players to operate unhindered at night.
    5. The point of the game is not in winning, but in the process: by spying at night, you spoil the game, first of all, for yourself.
    6. It is welcomed when the presenter does not dryly announce the characters’ moves, but verbally plays out what is happening, setting the mood of the game.

MODIFICATIONS OF THE MAFIA There are a large number of varieties of the game and additional characters, so it makes no sense to describe all the nuances in these rules, each company can find for itself something that will be convenient and interesting for it, be it the TV version of the game or the version that is played in the cabin. We will only touch on some of the varieties that we think may be useful.


You can play together, dealing three cards, one of which is face down. Players either decide which of them is the mafia, or the mafia is a hole card. Then, if they vote for a hole card, and if it is fair, then the mafia wins, and if it is a mafia, the mafia loses. Either one of the players convinces the other that he himself is honest, and the other is a mafia and reveals a hole card. If it is mafia, the mafia wins.

Without a leader.

This modification is useful if there are not many people with you, but you still want to play. A game in which the presenter, like everyone else, gets a role, falls asleep at night and votes during the day. At the same time, the presenter still announces the order of moves at night and controls the voting process. Pointers are required to play. Anything can serve as pointers (toothpicks, forks, matches, etc.), but it is important that everyone has the same pointers. Before the night, all players place one hand so that any other player can easily reach it. At night, the characters touch their targets with a pointer, and the target, in turn, remembers who interacted with it. When morning comes, everyone says whether he is alive or dead, without giving any details. After the first player leaves the game, he can become the leader.

For an extra hand.

At the preparation stage, it is necessary to take one more role than the number of players, distribute it, and put the remaining role aside so that no one sees it. The modification creates additional intrigue in the game. There must be at least two mafiosi in such a game.

Game with a drug addict.

A game in which there may not be a mafia. Be sure to play with the modification “without a leader” and “with an extra hand” (but with one mafioso). At night everything happens as usual. If none of the players in the morning says that he died, then the player who was not shot by the mafia, but was treated by the doctor, understands that there is no mafia in the game (otherwise there would be victims) and becomes a drug addict. No one except him knows whether there is a mafia in the game or a drug addict has appeared. You can become a drug addict only on the first morning; all subsequent single treatments by the doctor do not turn people into drug addicts. The drug addict ceases to fulfill his former role, and from now on will wake up instead of the mafia and act in its turn. All the victims of the drug addict die, just like the victims of the mafia. The doctor continues to treat according to all the rules, regardless of whether the killer is a drug addict or the mafia. The goal of the drug addict is to kill the doctor, who, in turn, must carefully hide. The addict will lose if he or the doctor is sent to prison. The goal of civilians is to guess as quickly as possible whether there is a mafia in the game or a drug addict has appeared and imprison the killer. In this modification, the drug addict and the doctor are required to reveal their card after being eliminated from the game.

Name in blood.

After declaring the player dead, he names the alleged killer. This vote counts towards the final vote.

Mayor of the city.

On the first morning, players choose the mayor of the city. The mayor's vote is equal to two votes. If the mayor is killed or imprisoned, a new mayor is elected. If the votes are divided when electing a mayor, the elections are postponed to the next morning.

Blind mafia.

Mafiosi agree on who to kill exclusively during the day using secret signs and gestures. You cannot play with the “without a leader” modification. The mafia only wakes up on the first night. The facilitator gives them time to get to know each other and agree on plans. On all subsequent nights on their turn, the mafia does not open its eyes, the presenter calls all the players in order and the mafia raises its hand whether to kill or not (you can only raise your hand once). The one for whom the mafia raised more hands is considered killed by the mafia. If the mafia votes are evenly divided, then the murder does not occur.

Unacquainted mafia.

There is no “first night”: the mafia meets after the first imprisonment has occurred.

Voice on yourself. Secret ballot.

Players write on pieces of paper who they are going to send to prison and give them to the presenter.

Game with the deputy.

During the day, residents elect a deputy who will personally decide who goes to prison.

Game "in the dark".

After the move, the cards of killed and imprisoned residents are not revealed.

Democracy. Three-way game with a renegade.

When one of the mafias is destroyed, the renegade "picks up the weapon" and becomes the last member of the mafia.

Extra card.

The presenter distributes cards not only to the players, but also to himself. This card is not revealed until the very end of the game, creating additional intrigue.

Simultaneous shot.

The presenter lists all the players. On whose name the mafia shoot at the same time - make a movement with the index finger, reminiscent of pressing the trigger of a weapon - he is killed. If the Mafia disagrees on a shot and no civilian scores a majority of the "shots", then the Mafia is considered to have missed.

This article briefly and clearly describes the professional rules of playing “Mafia” - a popular game for large companies. To start a full-fledged game, ten participants are required. The presenter monitors the progress of the game and regulates its stages.

In order to distribute roles, the presenter deals the cards face down: each player receives one card. The deck consists of 10 cards: three black and seven red. "Reds" are civilians, and "Blacks" are the mafia.

One of the red cards is different from the rest - this is the Sheriff - the leader of the “Red” team. “Blacks”, in turn, also have their own leader - Don.

The game is divided into changing stages of two types: night and day. Objective of the game: “Black” must eliminate “Red” and vice versa.

Rules of the game "Mafia" more details...

Ten players are invited to the table. At the very beginning of the game, the host announces that “night” has come and all players, without exception, must cover their eyes with masks. Then each player, in turn, takes off the mask, draws a card, studies and remembers it, the leader hides the card, and the player puts the mask back on.

Players wearing headbands must tilt their heads down so that the animation of their neighbors or rustling noises do not become a source of any additional information for them.

After the host’s words “The Mafia wakes up,” the players with black cards and the Mafia Don take off their armbands and introduce themselves to each other. This is an exceptional night when the entire mafia opens its eyes. It was provided to them in order to, without the help of words, agree on the procedure for eliminating the “Reds”. The “agreement” should be carried out very, very quietly, since the “red” participants sitting in close proximity can sense any movement. When the presenter says that “the mafia is falling asleep,” the “black” participants put back their armbands.

The presenter announces: “Don is waking up.” The presenter meets Don. In the following nights, Don will open his eyes with the goal of finding the Sheriff of the game. When the announcer announces that “Don is falling asleep,” Don puts on a blindfold.

After the introduction of the Leader and the Sheriff, morning comes when all players take off their armbands.

So, the first day comes. During the day there is a discussion. Mafia games dictate that each player has a minute to express their thoughts, ideas and suspicions.

The Reds need to identify the Black players and eliminate them through voting. And the “Blacks,” in turn, must provide themselves with an iron-clad alibi and eliminate a sufficient number of “red” participants. “Blacks” know “who is who”, so they are in a more advantageous position.

The first player starts the discussion and continues around the circle. During the day's discussion, participants can nominate players (each player - no more than one) with the aim of removing them from the game. At the end of the discussion, a vote is taken. The candidate who receives the most votes leaves the game.

The game uses the term "Car Crash". This is the name for a situation in which several players received the same number of votes. In this case, voters are given the right to remain in the game for thirty seconds. They must justify themselves, convince the players that they have nothing to do with the mafia. A re-vote takes place. Since the game is very popular and there are many varieties of the Mafia game, the rules of the game may not provide for such situations.

Then night comes back. The presenter, after the words “The Mafia is starting the hunt,” calls the players’ numbers one by one, and when the whole mafia fires at the same time on a certain number, the player is hit. The rules of the “Mafia” game are such that if one of the mafiosi “shoots” at another number, or does not make a “shot” at all, the Host determines a miss. “Shooting” occurs by simulating a shot. The presenter announces again: “The Mafia is falling asleep.” The players wear masks.

The Presenter then “wakes up” Don, who opens his eyes and tries to identify the Sheriff. He shows a number on his fingers to the Leader, under which, according to his assumptions, the Sheriff is hiding. With a nod of the head, the Presenter either confirms his version or refutes it. Don falls asleep and it’s the Sheriff’s turn to wake up.

The Sheriff wakes up, who also has every right to carry out night checks. He is trying to find "Black" players. After the Leader’s answer, the Sheriff player falls asleep, and then the Leader announces the start of the second day.

This and all subsequent circles are repeated as on the first day. Days and nights will alternate until one team or another wins. It is the victory of one of the teams that ends the game “Mafia”, the rules of which are very simple if you follow them.