Minecraft wiki golden carrot. Where to find carrots in minecraft. Drop from zombies

Carrot ID : 391 .

NID: carrot.

Carrot is the English name for carrots in Minecraft. It can also be called - carrot.

Saturation (saturationLevel) - 4.8.

Satisfying hunger (foodLevel) - 3 ().

AT real life Carrots are a biennial plant used in both cooking and medicine. But in Minecraft - it's a special case. Why do we need carrots in the game? As a standalone meal and for crafting golden carrots, rabbit stew, carrot rod. And also useful for luring and breeding pigs and rabbits. Since Minecraft 1.8, carrots only replenish 3 () instead of 4 (). It can be grown in the garden, but the very first cultivation on your farm can be quite a challenge. You need to grow something from something ... Such is " sweet carrots, yes in the neighboring garden", as the proverb says.

In the picture you will count five pieces of carrots.

How to grow carrots in Minecraft

Onions and carrots, although from the same garden, are not equally sweet (proverb).

Carrots, and it appeared in Minecraft 1.4.2, can be found in NPC villages. And not as often as we would like, it will fall out after defeating the zombies. Therefore, this is the only way to solve the problem where to get carrot seeds in Minecraft. And after that, you can engage in the cultivation of this crop.

Carrots can be planted by clicking right click mice in the garden. Therefore, a block of earth, grass or a grassy path should be processed with a hoe. Carrots require at least 8 light to grow. Torches and other light sources can be used. Underground, glowing stone will be enough light. Dimmer light will cause the carrots to fall out after a while.

In addition, you need to make sure that there is water nearby (in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bfour cubes). It can be natural or artificial, but always on the same level with the garden. It would be nice to protect the beds, because when you jump on it, you can forget about the harvest. For fast collection harvest, you can use water, which, falling on ripe carrots, "takes" it with it.

There are several stages of growth. And only at the last stage, carrots should be harvested. If the plant is destroyed prematurely, then only one carrot will fall out. What can be accelerated using bone meal. A mature plant will produce 1-4 root crops, which can then be transplanted or used for food or crafting. Using tools with the Luck enchantment increases the amount of carrots that drop.

Growing carrots in Minecraft.

Carrots: Crafting Recipes

Carrots do not have tops, but solid lace (proverb).

Using carrots as a crafting ingredient, you can make:

In order to make a stewed rabbit in Minecraft, there are two ways, differing only in the type of mushrooms.

Braised rabbit meat

Rabbit stew in Minecraft is "rabbit stew", "rabbit stew", "rabbit stew". The second way is almost the same:

Braised rabbit

In order to make a golden carrot, you need pieces of gold, and the crafting recipe itself is as follows:

golden carrot

Another crafting recipe is a carrot rod. In this scheme, you can not use a damaged fishing rod.

Rod with carrot

You need to make a fishing rod with carrots from:

Rod with carrot

What are they: fruits and vegetables in Minecraft

Eat a carrot if there is no apple (proverb).

In view of the fact that different foods affect the player in different ways, it makes sense to compare at least this vegetarian food in Minecraft (not all). According to two parameters.

Food properties in Minecraft
Food Saturates Satisfies hunger
Watermelon (slice) 1,2 2 ()
Beet soup (borscht) 7,2 6 ()
Enchanted golden apple 9,6 4 ()
golden carrot 14,4 6 ()
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Carrots in Minecraft is a fairly satisfying vegetable that can be grown in the garden.

Of course, carrots are not a particularly necessary item, but it is thanks to them that some processes are created, thanks to which it will be more interesting to play.

But, unfortunately, few beginners know, and therefore this article will be devoted to this issue.

NPC villages

Mostly carrots can be found in villages, which are rarely found in the ordinary world.

Finding villages is quite easy, although it takes a long time.

Villages are generated on the plain, taiga, desert and savannah. There are no secrets in finding villages as such, just go in one direction, occasionally looking around.

The villages consist of several houses (about five) and have an appropriate climate and architecture.

For example, in the desert, the village is made of yellow houses, and on the plain of stone ones.

After finding the village, find small beds planted with greenery and separated by a small stream.

Some of the beds are planted with wheat, others with potatoes, beets and carrots, which everyone wants. The beds with carrots are easy to identify, as orange carrots are slightly highlighted from under the ground, and green tops are visible a little higher.

Carrots are dug up with the help of hands or some other tool, thus two carrots fall out from one square.

By the way, if your instrument is endowed with the effect "Luck" carrots will fall out much more.

If you want to to make carrots grow again on these beds and thus brought more crops, then do the following:

  1. Use a hoe to dig up the ground if it has lost its dark color compared to other squares.
  2. Take a carrot in your hands, point the mouse cursor at the dug-up ground and press RMB. For accelerated cultivation of carrots, you can use bone meal made from the bones of skeletons.
  3. After a few days, the carrots will grow and can be harvested. Thus, you can provide yourself with food for quite a long time.

Drop from zombies

When killing zombies, any items fall out of it, one of which is a carrot. Sure chance carrot drop quite small, but for those who have villages disabled, this option is one of the only options.

creative mode

If you're completely desperate to try find carrots, you can go insidious by turning on the creative mode.

To do this, click on the button «/» and enter the code "/gamemode 1".

As a result, you can easily find a carrot, put it in your inventory and return to the previous mode by entering the same code, but only instead of 1 by putting 0.

How to use carrots in minecraft

Now you know, where to find carrots in minecraft. Thus, from carrots you can make "Golden Carrot" which is used for breeding horses.

By connecting carrots with a fishing rod, you can catch and subsequently saddle a pig.

Well, if you want your hero to eat delicious food, then you can cook a stewed rabbit from carrots by adding the following ingredients:

Golden Carrot is the most satisfying food and potion ingredient. When eaten, golden carrots restore 6 satiety. It is an ingredient in the Potion of Night Vision, and you can also breed horses, donkeys, and mules with the help of golden carrots. Crafting a golden carrot requires a carrot and 6 gold nuggets.

Today we will learn how to make a golden carrot. Carrots are a type of edible product. You can get this carrot with the help of crafting, otherwise there is no way. In order to create a potion of night vision, you will definitely need a golden carrot, otherwise nothing. Without this carrot, you will not succeed.

I hope that from this article you have learned how to make golden carrots.

golden carrot in Minecraft game

In very popular game Minecraft Golden Carrot is a food and an essential ingredient for Night Vision Potion.

You can learn how to get golden carrots here, and at the same time learn how to brew a potion with it.

To craft a golden carrot, you need two ingredients - a carrot and a golden nugget. It can also drop as a drop from zombies.

Carrots for crafting can be grown in the garden. A gold nugget is crafted from a gold ingot. It also drops from the Zombie Pigman.

Eat carrots. Raw carrots that are in your inventory can be eaten. Each carrot eaten will allow you to restore the level of satiety by three bars.

Deliver carrots to farmers (village residents). They buy 15-19 carrots for one emerald.

Raise pigs and rabbits. Carrots will allow you to raise pigs and rabbits, which provide the best food. To breed animals, bring the pair close together and feed each animal a carrot.

  • to learn how to breed animals in Minecraft.
  • If you have golden carrots (read next step), they can be used to breed horses and donkeys.
  • Craft different items with carrots (on PC and console only). There are several items that can be crafted from carrots and other materials. Currently crafting items from carrots in Minecraft Pocket Edition it is forbidden.

    • Carrots on a stick- add an intact fishing rod to the middle left slot of the workbench, and then add a carrot to the middle bottom slot.
    • golden carrot- add carrots to the central slot of the workbench, and add a piece of gold to the remaining slots. To get nine pieces of gold, put one gold ingot into any workbench slot (or inventory crafting grid).
    • Braised Rabbit Meat (PC only)- in the central slot add a baked potato, in the upper middle slot - boiled rabbit meat, in the left middle slot - carrots, in the right middle slot - mushroom, in the lower middle slot - a bowl.
  • Use Golden Carrots to make Night Vision Potion (PC and Console only). One of the main uses of the golden carrot is to create a potion of night vision (as well as breeding horses and donkeys).

    • Make a brewing stand out of three cobblestones and a fire rod.
    • Use a bottle of water and an infernal excrescence (found in Nether fortresses) to prepare a crude potion.
    • Add golden carrots to a coarse potion to brew a potion of night vision.
  • Use golden carrots to make an invisibility potion (PC and console only). Use the Brewing Stand to add the Cooked Spider Eye to the Potion of Night Vision.

  • Upgrade the potion. If on hob add one of the three substances to any potion, the potion will be improved.

    • Red stone- Increases the duration of the potion.
    • Glowstone- increases the strength of the potion.
    • Powder- makes the potion explosive. This means that if a potion is thrown, it will have an effect on everyone around it. Each player will receive a smaller or larger portion of the potion, depending on how close the character was to the place where the potion fell and exploded.
  • Type - food, potion ingredient

    Where to look - do it yourself

    Stackable - yes, 64 per stack

    Description and characteristics

    In this article, we will analyze how to make a golden carrot in minecraft and why it is needed there at all.

    So, how to make a golden carrot in minecraft? It's as easy as shelling pears - you will need the carrot itself, as well as 8 nuggets. And then, in the workbench, you can get a golden carrot in minecraft, for this, put the carrot itself in the center, and place 8 golden nuggets around:

    Craft golden carrot

    Gold nuggets are just as easy to make - for this it is also put in, and on the right, at the exit, you will get gold nuggets. In addition, gold nuggets can drop as drops from cobalts in .

    Craft gold nuggets


    Why do you need golden carrots in minecraft at all? You won't believe it, very much so.

    First, it replenishes three units of hunger. It should be noted that this is a rather expensive lunch, because it will cost as much as 8 gold nuggets!

    But! The most important nuance of use is in potions. From golden carrots to minecraft, by evaporating with in, you get a pretty decent night vision potion. And this is a huge plus in the fight against hostile mobs at night.

    We're making a potion!

    So, this is how you can craft a golden carrot in minecraft, and apply it right there. Good luck with your game!