Find extra for preschoolers. What is superfluous. Scale for assessing the level of development of the generalization operation

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Didactic game "What is superfluous?"
Author: Khalikova Elena Valerievna, teacher of the 1st category
Place of work: MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 31 of Leninogorsk"
Presented didactic game in the form of cards with images of animals and birds. The game can be used by educators, speech therapists, as well as parents. In individual and work and subgroups with children from 3 to 7 years.
To consolidate knowledge about animals and birds. To arouse interest in the living world.
Develop abstract figurative thinking, visual memory.
Develop mental abilities, the ability to classify.
Expand children's horizons.
Cultivate love for animals and birds, the desire to take care of them.

Game progress:

The teacher invites the children to look at pictures with images and determine what is superfluous. Explain your choice.
Cards "Find the extra?"
1. Pets. (crocodile)
2. Wild animals. (horse)
3. Who was born from an egg? (frog)
4. Mammals. (tit)
5. Birds that don't fly. (pigeon)

Crocodile looks green
He will not let himself be offended.
Crocodile is a dangerous predator
Be careful with him, mate.

- But! we said to the horse
And they rushed off without looking back.
The mane curls in the wind.
Here is the house. Horse, whoa!

She grew up - she grew a tail,
She wore a dark dress.
She grew up - became green,
Tail changed to oars.

Flying with a yellow breast
What is this bird?
How beautiful is her look!
Call her - a tit!

gray, furry,
wild, domestic
Spotted and white
The symbol of the world in general is everything!


Source: Zabramnaya SD "From diagnostics to development". - /Materials for the psychological and pedagogical study of children in preschool institutions Moscow: New School, 1998 - 144 p.

Research objectives
Analytic-synthetic activity in visually perceived objects (first and second options) and on the basis of mental representation (third option) is investigated. Ability to make generalizations. Logical validity and purposefulness. Clarity of representations. Use of help.

Three drawings of different complexity.
There are three squares in the figure (APPENDIX 1), each with four figures, one of which does not fit on one basis (size, color, shape). Offered to children from 5 years old.
In the figure (APPENDIX 2) there are three squares, each with four objects: three of one generic group, and the fourth of another generic group. Offered to children from 6 years old.
In the figure (APPENDIX 3) there are three squares, each with four words-concepts, one of which does not fit. Offered to children from 7 years old.

APPENDICES 1, 2, 3 are offered alternately.

When working with APPENDIX 1, the instruction: "Tell me what does not fit here?".
When working with APPENDIX 2, they are first asked to name what is drawn, and then they ask: "What does not fit here?". Help: "There are three objects (pictures) here that are somehow the same, but one does not fit. Which one?".
When working with APPENDIX 3, the researcher reads the words himself, and then asks the child to name a word that does not fit the rest. If the answer is correct, they are asked to explain the choice.

Analysis of results

Children with normal mental development understand the purpose of the task and independently identify a feature that distinguishes the figure from the rest. They give a speech justification for the principle of highlighting a figure. In working with pictures, they are also able to make an independent generalization and justify the selection of an inappropriate picture. When highlighting words-concepts, re-reading is sometimes required. Leading questions are sufficient for correct execution. It must be borne in mind that the level of development of generalization at this age in children is different. Some immediately highlight the essential features, while others pay attention to side features. This indicates a lack of development higher levels generalizations. Nevertheless, in children with normal mental development, there are no cases of inadequate performance of this task.

Children are mentally retarded They do not understand instructions and do not complete tasks on their own. By the age of 6-7, they visually highlight the size, color, but find it difficult to give a speech generalization even with leading questions. The task (APPENDIX 3) is not available to them at this age.

Delayed children mental development understand the instructions, perform tasks (APPENDIX 1). The task (APPENDIX 2) to establish generic groups and their justification causes difficulties. Organizing assistance is effective. Work with the selection of words-concepts (APPENDIX 3) is carried out with leading questions, repeated readings, explanations. Children find it difficult to explain the principle of selection. They have the greatest difficulty in verbal substantiation.





Source: Nemov R.S. "Psychology in 3 volumes". - M.: VLADOS, 1995. - Volume 3, page 148.

This technique is intended for children from 4 to 5 years old and duplicates the previous one for children of this age. It is designed to explore the processes of figurative-logical thinking, mental operations of analysis and generalization in a child. In the methodology, children are offered a series of pictures (APPENDIX 4), which show different objects, accompanied by the following instructions:
“In each of these pictures, one of the four objects depicted in it is superfluous. Look carefully at the pictures and determine which item and why is superfluous.
You have 3 minutes to solve the problem.

Evaluation of results

10 points- the child solved the task assigned to him in less than 1 minute, naming the extra objects in all the pictures and correctly explaining why they are superfluous.
8 -9 points- the child correctly solved the problem in time from 1 min to 1.5 min.
6 -7 points- the child coped with the task in 1.5 to 2.0 minutes.
4 -5 points- the child solved the problem in 2.0 to 2.5 minutes.
2 -3 points- the child solved the problem in 2.5 minutes to 3 minutes.
0—1 score- the child did not cope with the task in 3 minutes.

Conclusions about the level of development

10 points- very tall
8 -9 points- high
4 -7 points- average
-3 points- short
0 - 1 point - very low


APPENDIX 4 B. Additional materials to the methodology "What is superfluous?"


Source: Almanac of psychological tests - M.: KSP, 1996 - 400 p.

To conduct the study, forms of the “Exclusion of the superfluous” methodology will be required, which allow assessing the ability of the subject to generalize and highlight essential features. The technique consists of series, in each series - 4 words. (2 options are offered). The experimenter must have a stopwatch and a protocol for recording responses.

Material: Form with printed series of four to five words.

Instruction and progress: I present the form to the subject and say: “Here, in each line, five (four) words are written, of which four (three) can be combined into one group and give it a name, and one word does not belong to this group. It needs to be found and eliminated (deleted).

Form for verbal option

1. Table, chair, bed, floor, wardrobe.
2. Milk, cream, lard, sour cream, cheese.
3. Boots, boots, laces, felt boots, slippers.
4. Hammer, pincers, saw, nail, ax.
5. Sweet, hot, sour, bitter, salty.
6. Birch, pine, tree, oak, spruce.
7. Plane, cart, man, ship, bicycle.
8. Vasily, Fedor, Semyon, Ivanov, Peter.
9. Centimeter, meter, kilogram, kilometer, millimeter.
10. Turner, teacher, doctor, book, astronaut.
11. Deep, high, light, low, shallow.
12. House, dream, car, cow, tree.
13. Soon, quickly, gradually, hastily, hastily.
14. Failure, excitement, defeat, failure, collapse.
15. Hate, despise, resent, resent, understand.
16. Success, failure, luck, gain, peace.
17. Bold, brave, resolute, angry, courageous.
18. Football, volleyball, hockey, swimming, basketball.
19. Robbery, theft, earthquake, arson, assault
20. Pencil, pen, drawing pen, felt-tip pen, ink .;

1) book, briefcase, suitcase, wallet;
2) stove, kerosene stove, candle, electric stove;
3) watches, glasses, scales, thermometer;
4) boat, wheelbarrow, motorcycle, bicycle;
5) plane, nail, bee, fan;
6) butterfly, caliper, scales, scissors;
7) wood, whatnot, broom, fork;
8) grandfather, teacher, father, mother;
9) frost, dust, rain, dew;
10) water, wind, coal, grass;
11) apple, book, fur coat, rose;
12) milk, cream, cheese, bread;
13) birch, pine, berry, oak;
14) minute, second, hour, evening;
15) Vasily, Fedor, Semyon, Ivanov.



Number of points

Characteristics of problem solving

The subject correctly and independently names a generic concept to denote:


First, he names the generic concept incorrectly, then he corrects the mistake himself:

1) to designate objects (words) united in one group;
2) to designate an "extra" object (word).

Independently gives a descriptive description of the generic concept to designate:

1) United in one group of objects (words);
2) an "extra" object (word).

The same, but using explorer to denote:


2) an "extra" object (word).

Can't define a generic concept and can't use help to designate

1) objects (words) combined into one group;
2) an "extra" object (word).

If the subject copes with the first three to four tasks and makes mistakes as they become more difficult, or he solves the task correctly, but cannot explain his decision, choose a name for a group of objects, then we can conclude that his intellectual
If the subject explains the reason for combining objects into one group not according to their generic or categorical characteristics, but according to situational criteria (that is, he comes up with a situation in which all objects somehow participate), then this is an indicator of concrete thinking, inability to build generalizations according to essential features.