Outdoor games as a means of harmonious development of the child. E. Ya. Stepanenkova Methods of conducting outdoor games. Handbook for teachers of preschool institutions. Outdoor games for boys and girls




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At present, the concern for the health of children has become a priority all over the world. And this is not surprising: modern society needs creative, harmoniously developed, active and healthy personalities. Health acquired in the early and preschool period of childhood serves as the foundation for overall development and retains its significance in subsequent years.

Modern society makes high demands on the work of preschool educational institutions, designed to lay the foundations for good health and the comprehensive development of the child's personality. One cannot but agree that one of the most important tasks educational process is the physical education of preschoolers.

Outdoor games are the most accessible and effective method of influencing a child with his active help. The game is a natural companion of a child's life and therefore meets the laws laid down by nature itself in the developing child's body - its irrepressible need for cheerful movements. The advantage of outdoor games over strictly metered exercises is that the game is always associated with initiative, fantasy, creativity, flows emotionally, and stimulates motor activity.

Modern children move little, play outdoor games less than before due to attachment to TV and computer games. The number of open places for games is also decreasing. Parents and educators are becoming more and more concerned about how, where and when to give children the opportunity to actively and creatively play. And in order to maintain the interest of children in such games, they must recognize them, and the task of the teacher is to help them in this.

In the formation of a diversified personality of a child, outdoor games play an important role. They are considered as the main means and method of physical education. Being an important means of physical education, an outdoor game at the same time has a healing effect on the child's body. The game is an indispensable means of improving movements; developing them, contributes to the formation of speed, endurance, coordination of movements. A large number of movements activates breathing, blood circulation and metabolic processes. This, in turn, has a beneficial effect on mental activity.

The role of outdoor play is great and in mental education child: children learn to act in accordance with the rules, master spatial terminology, act consciously in a changed game situation and learn about the world around them. During the game, memory, ideas are activated, thinking, imagination develop. Children learn the meaning of the game, memorize the rules, learn to act in accordance with the chosen role, creatively apply the existing motor skills, learn to analyze their actions and the actions of their comrades. Outdoor games are often accompanied by songs, poems, counting rhymes, game beginnings. Such games replenish vocabulary, enrich children's speech.

Outdoor games are also of great importance for moral education. Children learn to act in a team, obey general requirements. Children perceive the rules of the game as a law, and their conscious implementation forms the will, develops self-control, endurance, the ability to control their actions, their behavior. Honesty, discipline, justice are formed in the game. An outdoor game teaches sincerity, camaraderie.

In outdoor games, the aesthetic perception of the world is improved. Children learn the beauty of movements, their imagery, they develop a sense of rhythm. They master poetic figurative speech.

Mobile play prepares the child for work: children make game attributes, arrange and remove them in a certain sequence, improve their motor skills necessary for future work.

During the game, there is not only an exercise in existing skills, their consolidation and improvement, but also the formation of new mental processes, new qualities of the child's personality.

Thus, an outdoor game is an indispensable means of replenishing a child's knowledge and ideas about the world around him, developing thinking, valuable moral-volitional and physical qualities.

Mobile game theory

Mobile game refers to those manifestations gaming activity in which the role of movements is clearly expressed.

The plot of the game determines the purpose of the actions of the players, the nature of the development of the game conflict. It is borrowed from the surrounding reality and figuratively reflects its actions (for example, hunting, labor, military, domestic) or is created specifically, based on the tasks of physical education, in the form of a confrontation scheme with various interactions of the players. The plot of the game not only enlivens the integral actions of the players, but also gives purposefulness to individual techniques and elements of tactics, making the game exciting.

Rules are mandatory requirements for the participants of the game. They determine the location and movement of the players, clarify the nature of the behavior, the rights and obligations of the players, determine the methods of playing the game, the methods and conditions for accounting for its results. At the same time, the manifestation of creative activity, as well as the initiative of the players within the framework of the rules of the game, are not excluded.

Motor actions in outdoor games are very diverse. They can be, for example, imitative, figuratively creative, rhythmic; performed in the form of motor tasks that require the manifestation of agility, speed, strength and other physical qualities. All motor actions can be performed in various combinations and combinations.

Methods of conducting outdoor games with older children preschool age.

The method of conducting an outdoor game includes unlimited possibilities for the complex use of various techniques aimed at shaping the child's personality, skillful pedagogical guidance of it. Of particular importance is the professional training of the educator, pedagogical observation and foresight.

The method of conducting an outdoor game includes: gathering children for a game, creating interest, explaining the rules of the game, assigning roles, managing the course of the game, summing up.

When conducting an outdoor game, it should be remembered that it is necessary to collect children in the place on the site from where the game actions will be started, the collection should be fast and interesting. The explanation of the game is an instruction, it should be short, understandable, interesting and emotional. Roles determine the behavior of children in the game, the choice for the main role should be perceived as encouragement, as trust.

In the outdoor games of older preschool children, more complex movements are used. Children are given the task of instantly responding to a change in the game situation, showing courage, ingenuity, endurance, dexterity, ingenuity. Outdoor games become more complicated in terms of content, rules, number of roles (up to 3–4), roles are distributed among all children; relay games are used.

Gathering children to play. Older preschoolers love and know how to play. To gather children for a game and create interest, you can agree on a place and a gathering signal long before the start of the game, collect with the help of barkers (“One, two, three, four, five - I call everyone to play); instruct individual children to gather the rest within a set limited time (for example, while a melody is playing); use sound and visual cues; use surprise tasks: for example, the one who manages to run under a rotating rope will play.

Explanation of the rules. The preliminary explanation of the rules of the game takes into account the age-related psychological capabilities of children. This teaches them to plan their actions. The sequence of explanations is fundamentally important: name the game and its idea, briefly state its content, emphasize the rules, recall movements (if necessary), distribute roles, distribute attributes, place players on the court, start game actions. If the game is familiar to children, then instead of explaining, you need to remember the rules with the children. If the game is difficult, then it is not recommended to immediately give a detailed explanation, but it is better to first explain the main thing, and then all the details as the game progresses.

Distribution of roles. Roles determine the behavior of children in the game. Children should take the choice of the main role as an encouragement. There are several ways to choose a driver: the teacher appoints, necessarily arguing his choice; with the help of a rhyme (prevent conflicts); with the help of a "magic wand"; by lottery; the driver can choose a replacement. All of these techniques are used, as a rule, at the beginning of the game. For the appointment of a new driver, the main criterion is the quality of the execution of movements and rules.

Game management. The teacher directs the game, watching it from the side. But sometimes the teacher participates in the game if, for example, the conditions of the game require an appropriate number of players. Makes comments to those who violate the rules, suggests actions to those who are confused, gives signals, helps change drivers, encourages children, monitors the actions of children and does not allow static postures (squatting, standing on one leg), regulates physical activity, which should increase gradually. Remarks about the incorrect implementation of the rules negatively affect the mood of children. Therefore, comments should be made in a friendly manner.

Summing up. When summing up the game, the teacher notes those who showed dexterity, speed, and followed the rules. Names those who break the rules. The teacher analyzes how success was achieved in the game. Summing up the game should take place in an interesting and entertaining way. All children should be involved in the discussion of the game, this teaches them to analyze their actions, causes a more conscious attitude towards the implementation of the rules of the game.

As children accumulate motor experience, games need to be complicated, but the sequence of actions and episodes remains constant. Changes must always be justified. In addition, complications make well-known games interesting for children.

By varying the game, you cannot change the idea and composition, but you can: increase the dosage (repetition and total duration of the game); complicate the motor content; change the arrangement of players on the court (put the trap not on the side, but in the middle); change the signal (instead of verbal - sound or visual); play the game in non-standard conditions (on the river bank, in a forest clearing, in a park); complicate the rules (in the older group, those caught can be rescued). Children themselves can be involved in compiling game options, especially in older groups.

The development of motor creativity in an outdoor game in preschoolers

Noting the diverse content of children's games, their properties, nature, it should be emphasized that creativity is common in all outdoor games. Creative activity is unique to man. It is always social in content and expresses the freedom of the individual.

The initial stage in the formation of creative activity in children is imitation, which is especially characteristic of children's outdoor games. younger age. They have a superbly developed imagination, they can “fly” like sparrows, “flutter” like butterflies, etc. Being a means of a natural need for activity, an outdoor game, on the one hand, gives the child the opportunity to learn and transform the surrounding reality, and on the other - develops his abilities and creative activity.

The next extremely important stage in the development of children's motor creativity is the ability to independently organize outdoor games that are familiar to the child. highest level children's creativity is the inventing of new outdoor games based on paintings, based on materials from familiar works of art.

Inventing new games is not given to all children. The reasons for this are individual characteristics, the level of motor and social experience, the organization of the pedagogical process, which does not always encourage the child to be creative enough. With the skillful management of the game, you can significantly increase the creative potential of the child. Developing and improving the creativity of children in the game, we educate a socially active, intelligent, versatile person who treats any activity thoughtfully and creatively.

Methods of conducting creative outdoor games with children of senior preschool age

The main motive of children's creativity is the desire to express their experiences, impressions, to master them in activities. An outdoor game always requires children to be creative: to find rational ways of action, to make the right decision on their own, to find a way out of the created game situation. It is one of the sources of children's creativity, gives food to children's imagination, awakens thought.

In the development of children's creative activity, an important role is played by the art of directing it by a teacher. Expands the motor experience of children, influencing the imagination, the educator stimulates and directs the creative activity of children. When conducting a game, introducing options, its educator gradually attracts children to creative searches. For example, during the subsequent game, you can invite the children to think and say from whom else the sparrows can fly away. Children say: from a cat, a dog, a boy, etc.

To middle group motor experience accumulates in children, movements become more coordinated, therefore motor tasks become more complicated in an outdoor game. In the development of the creative activity of middle-aged children, the teacher faces a difficult task: to create an atmosphere of joy and inspiration. It is important to help him, gain experience in a variety of activities, increase interest in the environment. Children clearly see the purpose of the game. All children develop imagination, but in each child it manifests itself in different ways, individually. An important place is occupied by plot mobile games. The plot form of activity contributes to the successful formation of creative activity. Children are able to enthusiastically and selflessly engage in the types of creative activities available to them. The child is able to express his attitude to the characters of the game. Having a certain stock of knowledge, skills and abilities, they make an attempt to come up with game options, come up with plot-based outdoor games, first by analogy with the already known ones, and then with new content .. Gradually guiding the development of creativity, the educator leads some of them to independently inventing games.

By the senior preschool age, motor experience is accumulated in children, movements and actions are restructured. The independent orientation of the child in the game situation, which allows him to show initiative and creativity, comes to the fore. A good mastery of speech gives him the opportunity to convey the intent of the game. Creative activity in children also requires the educator to possess the appropriate methodology. An important role in the development of creative activity is played by involving them in the compilation of game options, the complication of the rules. Children come up with not only variants of games, rules for them, but also compose counting rhymes with pleasure, weave into a game text, poems of their own composition. Thus, all children of senior preschool age can show initiative and creativity in outdoor games.

Creativity in outdoor games, especially story games, develops gradually: at first, children create combinations of movements, some by analogy with their comrades, and then on their own. Varying story games and joining in inventing new games, children first change the name of the game and introduce some character into it. Gradually they come up with games based on literary works, memorable movies, cartoons, TV shows, and, finally, compose their own. Under the influence of works of art, plot stories of the educator, as well as the performance of creative tasks by children, the interest and creative attitude of children to play activities significantly increases. However, the teacher's possession of the appropriate methodology contributes to the formation of creative activity in most children.

Creative outdoor games are games created (invented) by the children themselves on the basis of paintings, familiar literary works.

To educate children in the independence of creativity, it is necessary to arm the educator with the appropriate methodology. For meaningful and effective outdoor games with children, it is necessary to carry out a lot of preparatory work. First of all, when teaching children motor actions, their creative activity should be formed. This will ensure independence in the application of motor skills in the game. It is also important to expand children's knowledge and ideas about the environment. For this, children are introduced to the actions of various characters, read relevant literature, and look at pictures. It is necessary to conduct conversations, to clarify their understanding of game characters, to teach to highlight an episode with movements in the listened fairy tales, stories, causing an emotional experience, a desire to display this episode in the game. It is advisable to offer this episode in different options, involving children in improvisation. In search of a solution to certain tasks in outdoor games, children are invited to come up with their own action, not similar to the actions of other children, new rules, and solve a motor task in their own way. The setting of appropriate tasks, their solution contributes not only to the conscious, creative movement, but also to the development of the mental abilities of children.

It is advisable to identify the formation of creative methods of action in the following areas:

1. The attitude of children to creativity: enthusiasm, the ability to “enter” imaginary circumstances, conditional situations, sincerity of experiences.

2. The quality of methods of creative actions accessible to the child: speed of reaction, resourcefulness in solving new problems, the use of various options, combining familiar elements into new combinations, originality of methods of action.

3. Indicators of the quality of children's creativity: the selection by children of the characteristic features of life phenomena, objects, characters and their reflection in action, in the game.

Thus, in every mobile game, creativity is a mandatory component. Purposeful, methodically thought-out management of an outdoor game significantly improves, activates the creative activity of children, raising it to a higher social level. Therefore, the methodology for managing gaming activities assumes the leading role of a teacher who directs and shapes creative activity.

The development of motor creativity forms the inquisitive mind of the child, charges him with fun, joy, forms the desire to be healthy and strong, ready to solve complex problems. So, in the development of the creative activity of children, an important place is given to the emotional-figurative method of guidance of the educator. By expanding the motor experience of children, influencing the imagination with a figurative word, the educator stimulates and directs the creative and executive activity of each child.


For a child, play is a means of self-realization and self-expression. She allows him to build his own world.

The child in the game carries out the process of action. But the action in the game is special, not real. Already by the age of 3, children begin to realize the difference between play and non-play, and by the age of 4-5 this difference is real.action and playis already clearly formulated by them: “It’s for fun ...”, “Come on, as if ...”, etc.

These “pretending”, “as if”, i.e., action in an imaginary situation, make the game an excellent means of self-realization for the child. In the game, he can do whatever he wants, and he “succeeds” in everything. In the game, the child is what he wants to be. The game allows the child to stop the moment, repeat and live it many more times.

Thus, the game provides a child with emotional well-being, allows you to realize a variety of aspirations and desires, and above all, the desire to act like an adult, the desire to control things (which, in fact, are not yet very subordinate.

Children's play is extremely important for the development of the child.

Researchers have established that, first of all, the ability to imagine, imaginative thinking develops in the game (L. S. Vygotsky, D. B. Elkonin, A. N. Leontiev, J. Piaget, etc.). This happens due to the fact that in play the child seeks to recreate broad spheres of the surrounding reality that go beyond the limits of his own practical activity, and he can do this only with the help of conditional actions. At first, these are actions with toys that replace real things. Extensionthe content of the game (recreation of more and more complex actions and events from the life of adults, their relationships) and the impossibility of realizing it only through objective actions with toys entails a transition to the use of visual, speech and imaginary actions (performed internally, "in the mind") .

The ability to operate with images of reality “in the mind”, which is laid down in a preschooler in the game, creates the basis for a further transition to complex forms of creative activity. In addition, the development of the imagination is important in itself, because without it no, even the simplest, specifically human activity is possible.

The game is important not only for the mental development of the child, but also for the development of his personality as a whole.

Taking on various roles in the game, recreating the actions of people, the child is imbued with their feelings and goals, empathizes with them, and this means the development of human, “social” emotions, the principles of morality.

The game also has a great influence on the development of children's ability to interact with other people. In addition to the fact that the child, reproducing the interaction and relationships of adults in the game, masters the rules, methods of this interaction, in playing together with peers, he gains the experience of mutual understanding, learns to explain his actions and intentions, to coordinate them with other children.

In the game, the child also gains experience of voluntary behavior and learns to control himself, observing the rules of the game, restraining his immediate desires in order to maintain joint play with peers, already without adult control.All these qualities are necessary for the child in later life, and first of all at school, where he must be included in a large group of peers, focus on the teacher's explanations in the classroom, and control his actions when doing homework.

Psychological studies show that a child who "underplayed" in childhood will find it more difficult to learn and establish contacts with other people than children who have a rich gaming experience especially the experience of playing together with peers. From all that has been said, it is clear that the game is of great importance for the overall development and upbringing of the child. But it also helps to solve narrower pedagogical problems. In the game, the child can acquire certain knowledge, skills, and abilities. However, this already requires a special pedagogical organization of children's play to include in it such content that would require the child to update certain knowledge and perform certain actions. But these problems can be solved only in the joint game of children with adults.

In other words, adults should be aware that the game is not at all an empty occupation, it not only gives maximum pleasure to the child, but is also a powerful means of its development, a means of forming a full-fledged personality.

In modern Russian psychology it has been proved that the specific human abilities developed in the course of historical development are, as it were, deposited, accumulated in various types of human activity. The child develops by mastering one or another type of activity, which is given to him by the social environment. A certain type of activity requires specific abilities from the child and, as it were, is responsible for their development for each period of childhood, there is a historically established type of activity that ensures the maximum development of the child - such an activity is called leading for a given age. For an infant (up to a year old) - this is emotional communication with a close adult; for a young child (1-3 years old) - object-manipulative activity; for preschool children - play activities; for children after 6-7 years - educational activities.

Thus, play is not a mystical quality inherent in the child, but a historically established activity that he masters.

By itself, age does not at all guarantee the appearance of a particular type of activity in a child. The formation of a leading activity occurs gradually and depends on a complex system of social influences (including the influences of close adults) that set this activity to the child in one form or another.

In order for the game to become a generator of development, the child must master this activity in its entirety, become a person playing, that is, learn to play. And an adult can help him with this.

Types of gaming activities

In order for games to become a true organizer of people's lives, their activities, their interests and needs, it is necessary that there be a variety and richness of games in the practice of education. Children's life can be interesting and meaningful if children have the opportunity to play different games, constantly replenish your gaming luggage. A reasonable variety of games is also valuable because under these conditions it becomes possible to solve large educational problems - the relationship of children with each other, the assimilation of the norms of life in childhood, the formation of character, etc.

Each individual type of game has numerous options. They complicate and simplify well-known games, come up with new rules and details. They are not passive towards games. For them, this is always a creative inventive activity.

The classification of games lies in the fact that they, like any cultural phenomenon, are seriously influenced by the dynamics of the creative process, any new formation, the ideology of different social groups. Games with the same rules and information base can be very different, as they are used for different purposes: in one case - to analyze the functioning of the system, in the other - to teach students, in the third - as a training for decision-making in simulated situations, in the fourth - for entertainment, etc.

Most games have four main features:

  1. free developmental activity, undertaken only at the request of the child, for the sake of pleasure from the process itself, activity, and not just from its result (procedural pleasure).
  2. creative, significantly improvisational, very active nature of this activity (field of creativity).
  3. emotional elation of activity, rivalry, competitiveness, competition, attraction, etc. (the sensual nature of the game, emotional stress).
  4. the presence of direct or indirect rules that reflect the content of the game, the logical and temporal sequence of its development.

To classify games is to create orders of games subordinate to their purposes, compiled on the basis of taking into account the fundamental and common features and regular connections between them. The classification of games should allow one to navigate in their diversity, to give accurate information about them.

In domestic preschool pedagogy, a classification of children's games has developed, based on the degree of independence and creativity of children in the game. Initially, P.F. Lesgaft approached the classification of children's games according to this principle, later his idea was developed in the works of N.K. Krupskaya.

Krupskaya called the first group creative, emphasizing them main feature- independent character. This name has been preserved in the classification of children's games, traditional for domestic preschool pedagogy.

The second group of games in this classification are games with rules. Like any classification, this classification of children's games is conditional. It would be a mistake to imagine that in creative games there are no rules governing the relationship between the players, ways of using game material. But these rules, firstly, are determined by the children themselves, trying to streamline the game (after the game, everyone will clean up the toys; when conspiring to play, everyone who wants to play must be listened to), and secondly, some of them are hidden. So, children refuse to accept a child into the game, because he always starts quarrels, "interferes with playing," although they do not stipulate in advance the rule "We will not accept into the game the one who quarrels." Thus, in creative games, rules are necessary to streamline activities, democratize them, but they are only a condition for the successful implementation of the idea, the development of the plot, and the fulfillment of roles.

In games with fixed rules (moving, didactic), children show creativity, coming up with new options, using new game material, combining several games into one, etc.

Let's take a closer look at these two groups of games.

  1. Creative games are games in which the child
    shows his invention, initiative, independence. The creative manifestations of children in games are diverse: from inventing the plot and content of the game, finding ways to implement the idea to reincarnation in the roles given by a literary work. Depending on the nature of children's creativity, on the game material used in games, creative games are divided into directing, plot-role-playing, dramatization games, games with building materials.

It should be noted that in traditional pedagogy, director's games were not distinguished as a special type of game activity, but were considered in line with role-playing games. In recent years, there has been a tendency to isolate director's games due to the fact that studies have appeared that characterize them as an independent type of role-playing games. The main difference between director's games is that it is predominantly individual games, in them the child controls the imaginary situation as a whole, acts simultaneously for all participants.

  • Directing games are a kind of creative games. In them, as in all creative games, there is an imaginary or imaginary situation. The child shows creativity and imagination, inventing the content of the game, defining its participants (the roles that toys, objects “perform”). Objects and toys are used not only in their direct meaning, but also in a figurative one, when they perform a function that is not assigned to them by universal human experience.

The very name of the director's game indicates its similarity with the activities of the director of a play or film. The child himself creates the plot of the game, its scenario. Having taken any topic, the kid develops it depending on how he understands the displayed event, which he considers the most significant for himself.

The scenario is based on the direct experience of the child: it reflects an event in which he himself was a spectator or participant. These games in their developed form are characterized by a combination of impressions from the child's personal experience with what he has learned from books, observations, cartoons, a bizarre combination of real and fictional. The plots of director's games are chains of actions. Separate episodes (scenes) in the game the child invents, then performs, acting for the characters, speaking for everyone, or explaining everything that happens.

In a director's game, speech is the main component. It often sounds like "narration behind the screen." In these games, the child uses expressive speech means to create an image of each character.

In the director's game, many characters are often used, but they are actively acting and do not have their own desires, interests, claims. In the story game, the child learns to manage his own forces.

Directing games arise as an individual activity and remain so in the early and early preschool years.

  • Throughout preschool childhood, while the child is growing and developing, he acquires new knowledge and skills, role-playing game remains the most characteristic type of its activity. The basis of the plot-role-playing game is an imaginary or imaginary situation, which consists in the fact that the child takes on the role of an adult and performs it in a play environment created by him.

The plot-role-playing game has a social nature and is based on the ever-expanding idea of ​​the child about the life of adults. A new sphere of reality, which is mastered by a preschooler in this game, is the motives, meanings of life and activities of adults. The behavior of the child in the game is mediated by the image of another person. The preschooler takes the point of view of different people and enters into relationships with other players that reflect the real interaction of adults.

The fulfillment of the role puts the child in front of the need to act not as he wants, but as prescribed by the role, obeying social norms and rules of behavior. The preschooler takes the position of another person, and not one, but different. Within the same plot, the baby “looks” at the situation through the eyes of several people. Today the girl plays the role of mother, and tomorrow - daughter. She understands how important it is for a mother to take care of her children, and how necessary it is for her daughter to be obedient. Thus, not only the rules of behavior are revealed to the child, but also their significance for establishing and maintaining positive relationships with other people. The need to follow the rules is recognized, i.e. conscious obedience to them is formed.

The plot-role-playing game allows the child to understand the motives of the work activity of adults, reveals its social meaning. If initially in the choice of a role the main place is occupied by its external attractiveness: peakless cap, phonendoscope, shoulder straps, then in the course of the game its social benefits are revealed. Now the child understands that the teacher brings up children, the doctor treats them.

An important moment in the development of role behavior is associated with the designation of the role taken on by the word: "I am a seller, a hairdresser."

For older preschoolers, the number of roles performed expands to about 10, of which 2-3 become favorites. Role behavior is governed by rules that form the central core of the role. The child does not act as he wants, but as he should. In fulfilling the role, he restrains his immediate impulses, gives up personal desires and demonstrates a socially approved pattern of behavior, expresses moral assessments.

The observance of the rules and the conscious attitude of the child to them shows how deeply he has mastered the sphere of social reality reflected in the game. It is the role that gives the rule meaning, clearly shows the preschooler the need to follow it and creates opportunities for control over this process. Failure to follow the rules leads to the disintegration of the game. Moreover, the rules are more successfully observed in collective games ah, because peers monitor how partners perform them. A child's attitude to rules changes throughout preschool age. At first, the baby easily breaks the rules

and does not notice when others do it, because he does not realize the meaning of the rules. Then he fixes the violation of the rules by his comrades and opposes this. He explains the need to follow the rules, based on the logic of everyday connections: this does not happen. And only then the rules become conscious, open. The child consciously follows the rules, explaining that they are followed by necessity. So he learns to control his behavior.

The fulfillment of the role proceeds with the help of certain game actions. So, a girl, acting as a mother, feeds, bathes, dresses, puts her “daughter” to bed. As the child grows older, play actions become more generalized, acquire a conditional character, often being replaced by the words: “The linen has already been washed”, “You have already come from school”, “You have already recovered”. Mastering a variety of game actions allows the preschooler to most fully and accurately realize the role. Games gradually appear on an imaginary plane, when the child moves from playing with real game objects to playing with imaginary ones.

In the game, the child uses a variety of game items: toys, attributes, substitute items. Substitution occurs in a problematic situation. The main condition for substitution is that the same function can be performed with the substitute object as with the replaced one. The use of substitute objects enriches the children's game, expands the possibilities of modeling reality and contributes to the development of the sign-symbolic function of consciousness.

Thus, in the role-playing game, the child symbolizes (replaces) two types. Firstly, it transfers the action from one object to another when renaming the object, which acts as a means of modeling human actions. Secondly, he takes on the role of an adult in reproducing the meaning of human activity through generalized and abbreviated actions that acquire the character of pictorial gestures, which acts as a means of modeling social relations.

How older child, the more independence he shows in the choice and use of substitute objects, the less importance for substitution is external similarity, and the greater the functional similarity, and the wider the range of objects that he replaces. More often, non-substantive material acts as substitute objects, since its function is not fixed: pebbles, shreds, sticks, scraps of paper.

Equally important for the development of gaming activities are items-attributes. They help the child take on a role, plan and unfold the plot, create a game situation. They seem to provide external conditions for the implementation of the role, making it easier for the baby to role-play behavior. At older preschool age, the child needs less and less external attributes, because ideas about the functions of adults become such a support.

The game always involves the creation of an imaginary situation, which is its plot and content. The plot is that sphere of reality that is modeled by children in the game. And, therefore, the choice of plot is always based on certain knowledge.

Gradually, preschoolers begin to introduce plots from their favorite fairy tales and movies into their games. Especially brightly this feature becomes noticeable from 4 years. The games intertwine real and fairy-tale plots, and the recreated sphere of reality continues to expand as the child is included in more complex social relations. Professional, and then social, join everyday subjects. The richness and variety of subjects is closely related to the richness of children's imagination. At the same time, the creation of game plots stimulates the development of children's imagination and creative activity.

In a role-playing game, role-playing and real relationships are formed between children. The former determine the choice and distribution of roles, manifest themselves in a variety of remarks, remarks, and demands that regulate the course of the game. The distribution of roles is an important point in the emergence of the game. Often the leader child imposes uninteresting roles on his comrades, and he himself takes on the most attractive one, regardless of the desires of others. If the children fail to agree on the distribution of roles, then the game breaks up or one of the guys leaves it.

The second type of relationships that arise in the game are real relationships. Real relationships often contradict game ones. The older the child, the more often the conflict between role-playing and real relationships is resolved in favor of the latter. Real relationships in the game are no less important than role-playing ones. The growing need to play together with peers with age puts the baby in front of the need to choose a plot, distribute roles; to control the role behavior of the partner, which leads to the development of communication skills.

  • Fiction, and especially fairy tales, is a special form of reality for preschool children - it is the reality of human emotions, feelings in special fairy-tale conditions.

Games related to the plots of literary works appear in children under the influence of an adult and the works themselves, in which people, their relationships and their activities are clearly and clearly described.

Game-dramatization according to the plot of a work of art has its own specific features: it is a synthesis of the perception of a work and a role-playing game. The very process of assimilation, perception of a work of art is, firstly, a special internal creative activity; secondly, as a result of it, in the course of empathy and sympathy for the characters, the child develops new ideas and new emotional relationships. However, an adult must create, prepare the conditions in which such a game can appear and develop.

The dramatization game allows the child to become psychologically close to the hero of the fairy tale, to experience his victories and defeats, happiness and misfortune. This alone already pushes the boundaries of the life experience of a preschooler, enriches him. In dramatization games, children can, within certain limits, change individual moments. storyline, i.e. all the good that the guys experienced while reading a fairy tale and a puppet show, they can realize in the game, show their activity, devotion, responsiveness. These qualities find an appropriate response in children who play both positive and negative roles. As a rule, guys creatively change events, restore justice, find uncompromising options in difficult situations. The teacher imperceptibly directs the course of the game, leaving the children with a feeling of complete independence in making decisions and in performing actions, which is impossible when reading a fairy tale, when the children so wanted to actively intervene in events.

In the play-dramatization develop different kinds children's creativity: art and speech, music and games, dance.

  • A feature of games with building materials is that they are based on constructive skills and abilities, as a result of which they approach creative productive human activity. Games with building materials can be classified as milestone games, through which the child develops skills, qualities and personality traits that prepare his transition to a new type of activity. These games contribute to the development of thinking, spatial imagination, which underlie the design activity.

Building games help the child understand the world of structures and mechanisms created by human hands. The role-playing game and games with building materials are closely interconnected. The need for buildings may arise in the course of a role-playing game. But the role-playing game itself often stimulates the building one. For example, at first the children built a ship, and then they began to play sailors. It should be noted that if in the role-playing game the sphere of relationships between people is modeled, then in the construction game - the sphere of creation, the creation of architectural structures.

Any building game contains an intellectual task "How to build?", which the child solves with the help of various materials and actions. Experiencing difficulties in achieving the desired result, the preschooler realizes that he does not possess the necessary skills. Then there is a desire to learn how to build, to acquire new skills.

In the construction game, children get a real result in the form of a building. This combines building games with productive activities - designing, drawing, and at the same time distinguishes them from a role-playing game.

The expansion of children's ideas about the surrounding man-made world, the acquisition of communication skills and technical, "construction" skills leads to the emergence of collective building games. In such games, children distribute functions in advance.

Construction games, as well as role-playing games, reflect the professional activities of adults. In the process of mastering them, children have a position of creation, transformation of reality, as in labor activity.

  1. specially created (sets, constructors);
  2. natural (sand, snow, clay, stones);
  3. auxiliary (boards, boxes, boxes).
  1. A feature of games with building materials is that special training is needed to master constructive skills.

According to their external characteristics, games with rules can be divided into two subgroups: outdoor games (tag, hide and seek, classics, etc.), didactic games (lotto, dominoes, checkers, etc.). However, in essence (meaning for the player himself) it is always a confrontation - an alternate competition between all the players who play or the driver specially designated by the rules and the rest of the participants opposing him in the game. Games with rules can be very simple, including only one or two rules, but there are also complex games based on a whole system of rules, like a special set of game laws. In each game, as it unfolds, the rules can become more complex. Thus, an important condition for these games is the existence of certain strict rules.

  • Outdoor games.

The earliest and simple games- physical, mobile, the main content of which is movement. They can be divided into two large groups: games played with the help of some organs of the body, without any tools, and games played with the help of various tools. The first category includes: simple movements of the arms, legs, head, torso, at first more or less incoherent and erratic, and then combined and systematic: running, jumping, galloping, dancing, various free gymnastic exercises, not on instruments; the second group includes: throwing things on the floor, playing hide and seek, throwing at a target, etc.

In all these games, the organs of the body and the essence of the tools of the game, no other tools are available. As soon as certain tools are used in such outdoor games, the games become much more complicated, outdoor games arise, especially with balls, then with rings, hoops, sticks, etc.

The mental content of these games is not particularly great. They acquire a fairly significant influence only when they become strictly public and are performed under the observance of proper rules. Then they can contribute to the development of endurance, perseverance, character. As soon as they are solitary or not in the full sense of the word social, they contribute mainly to the development of physical strength, dexterity and agility, help children to master the organs of their body. Such outdoor games are an extremely common phenomenon, one might even say that they are almost universally human. In general, outdoor games are essentially the same everywhere, changing only in external forms. They express the general human need for pleasant, light and interesting movements, their very essence is movement, and everything else is insignificant external forms. Outdoor games directly stem from the need of the human body for muscular activity and are only slightly colored by the characteristics of nationalities, cultures, classes and the influence of other social factors.

Outdoor play is essentially determined by the health and strength of the bodily organism; imitative play is determined by completely different, spiritual, properties of children.

  • The essence of the didactic game lies in the fact that children solve mental problems offered to them in an entertaining way, find solutions themselves, while overcoming certain difficulties. The child perceives the mental task as a practical, playful one, this increases his mental activity.

In the didactic game is formed cognitive activity child, the features of this activity are manifested. At senior preschool age, intellectual interests are created on the basis of gaming interests.

The importance of didactic play for the mental education of children is very great. In games with toys, various objects, with pictures, the child accumulates sensory experience. By disassembling and folding the nesting doll, selecting paired pictures, he learns to distinguish and name the size, shape, color and other features of objects.

The sensory development of a child in a didactic game is inextricably linked with the development of his logical thinking and the ability to express his thoughts in words. To solve a game problem, it is required to compare the features of objects, establish similarities and differences, generalize, and draw conclusions. Thus, the ability to make judgments, inference, the ability to apply one's knowledge in different conditions develops. This can be only if the children have specific knowledge about the objects and phenomena that make up the content of the game.

Fascinating didactic games create interest among preschoolers in solving mental problems: a successful result of mental effort, overcoming difficulties bring them satisfaction. Passion for the game increases the ability to voluntary attention, sharpens observation, helps fast and strong memorization. All this makes the didactic game an important means of preparing children for school.

Mental education in the game is closely connected with moral. The solution of a didactic problem always serves as an exercise of the will. Fulfillment of the rules of the game requires endurance, self-control, discipline from children. Many games have "forbidden" rules that limit the actions and words of the players.

Games with didactic toys, natural material, pictures, contributing to the accumulation of sensory experience, at the same time help the aesthetic education of children. Having learned to distinguish colors and shapes, children begin to notice beauty in their combination, arrangement. In games with the word, they learn the intricacies of their native language and begin to feel its beauty.

Passion for the game mobilizes mental activity, facilitates the task.

Play as a means of education

Being an exciting activity for preschoolers, the game is at the same time the most important means of their upbringing and development. But this happens when it is included in an organized and controlled process.

Leading the game, the educator influences all aspects of the child's personality: his consciousness, feelings, will, behavior, uses it for the purposes of mental, moral, aesthetic, physical and labor education.

The development of moral qualities in gaming activities.

The game is an important means of educating moral feelings and ideas, moral feelings and a culture of behavior. Copying the life of adults, the child is imbued with their concerns and deeds, assimilates the moral norms of our society.

The value of the game is that in it the child shows the ability to self-education: he deliberately behaves as the role requires.

In order to feel like the commander of the crew of a spaceship and so that the players see him as a commander, the child tries to be an example for others, behave with dignity, smart, disciplined, give orders sensibly and clearly, think out the plot and its details during the game - in a word, be the leader of the participants games. Obeying the rules of behavior in the game, the child is able to refuse what he wants, for example, a favorite toy, be restrained, act not as he would like, but as required by the collective plan. This is the special power of the influence of the game on the volitional sphere of the child. In the game, as in no other activity, personality traits and forms of behavior are polished.

The educational value of the game is fully manifested when it is led by adults.

To lead a children's game, tact is required, the ability to determine the measure of intervention in the game, to see how children behave in game situations: are they friendly, do they quarrel, do they show camaraderie, politeness, are they able to support a common plan, how do they resolve controversial cases and etc.

Special attention should pay attention to the ideological content of the game: what it teaches, what character traits it brings up, what actions it encourages the child to do.

Young children and older preschoolers play differently, so the direction of their games is different. How less baby, the more active the role of the adult. The kid does not know how to play independently, he has little life experience, he does not always know how to handle a toy. So, he needs to be prompted what and how to play, to take part in the game.

Guiding the game of a small child begins with teaching him how to play with toys, and then playing simple stories.

An adult makes sure that the baby follows certain rules: he carefully handles toys, shares them, knows how to play next to his peers. This gives rise to a sense of sociability, the ability to establish friendly relations in a joint game.

The older the child and the more perfect his play activity, the more important it is to encourage him to unite in joint games ah with other children.

Adult guidance is aimed at ensuring that children play together, do not quarrel. If necessary, help them establish good relationships. It is useful to introduce rules that contribute to the development in children of the ability to wait, to yield. So that children's games are filled with educational content, reflect social phenomena, it is necessary to enrich children with impressions of the environment, to acquaint them with the events of our time, the way of life and the work of people. Direct observations of the environment, children's fiction, radio and television programs, adult stories help the child comprehend what he sees and create the prerequisites for the emergence of the game. An adult is required to delicately influence both the content of the game, and its development, and the relations of children, giving these relations a moral orientation. It is important to help ensure that communication in the game is for children a school of practice of moral forms of behavior, so that they can clarify and comprehend in the actions of the game what is good and what is bad, which means to act honestly, fairly, comradely.

It is important to follow the end of the game. Children should not be allowed to destroy what they so diligently built. Sometimes, under the impression of television programs on a military theme, a child begins to bomb with cubes or destroy a ship or a house with a tank. Although he acts pretend, he feels genuine feelings. Getting used to destroying what he himself did, he will also break what was done by the hands of others.

The end of the game should contain a moral grain. Let the children feel like creators, carefully preserve the results of joint activities. From this, a respectful, careful attitude to the public domain is born.

The assimilation of moral norms is facilitated by the rules that must be observed in the organization and process of gaming activities.

The culture of play activity largely depends on the conditions in which the game unfolds, so the child should have a specially allocated corner at home. In the process of individual and joint games that require consistency in interactions with partners, the child learns to be organized and disciplined.

The development of the aesthetic principle in gaming activities.

Aesthetic education is a purposeful, systematic process of influencing a person in order to develop his ability to see the beauty of the world around him, art and create it.

Aesthetic education is a very broad concept. It includes the education of an aesthetic attitude to nature, work, social life, everyday life, and art. However, the knowledge of art is so multifaceted and peculiar that it stands out from the general system of aesthetic education as a special part of it. Education of children by means of art is the subject of artistic education.

From the first years of life, a child unconsciously reaches for everything bright and attractive, enjoys shiny toys, colorful flowers and objects. All this makes him feel pleasure and interest.

Almost all types of artistic activities are available to preschoolers - writing stories, inventing poems, singing, drawing, modeling. Naturally, they have a great originality, which is expressed in a naive, direct reflection of reality, in extraordinary sincerity, in faith in the justice of what is depicted, in a lack of concern for viewers and listeners. Already at this stage, the development of artistic creative abilities of children takes place, which are manifested in the emergence of an idea, in its implementation in activities, in the ability to combine their knowledge and impressions, in greater sincerity in expressing feelings and thoughts.

The originality of children's creativity also lies in the fact that it is based on such a pronounced feature of preschoolers as imitation, is widely reflected in the play activities of children - the figurative realization of their impressions of the world around them.

It is in the game that the creativity of preschoolers is first manifested. For a game that arises at the initiative of children, the presence of a plan is characteristic. At first it is not yet stable, one plot is replaced by another; the older the children, the more complete and purposeful the idea becomes.

For a plot-role-playing creative game, not only the presence of an idea in the choice and definition of a topic, plot, but also creative imagination and their implementation is characteristic. During the game, the child learns to overcome difficulties, learns about the environment, looks for a way out of the situation.

The creative imagination of children is also manifested in the fact that for their games they often consciously combine different plots: they take material from fairy tales, stories, from life, from television and theatrical productions. In other words, they combine their knowledge, impressions of what they saw and heard, uniting them into one whole. Often in the game, preschoolers portray what is not in reality.

As well as in the game, children's creativity is manifested in other types of their artistic activities. In drawing, modeling, storytelling, song, the child satisfies his need for an effective, figurative expression of his impressions. And here, first, an idea is born, and then the means of putting it into practice; children combine their impressions received during the perception of various works of art. And in this case, the child remains as sincere as in the game: he does not just copy what he sees, but conveys his attitude towards him.

Thus, at preschool age, sprouts of creativity are observed, which are manifested in the development of the ability to create an idea and its implementation, in the ability to combine one's knowledge, ideas, in a sincere transmission of thoughts, feelings, experiences. However, for the development of artistic and creative abilities in children, their appropriate training is necessary, during which they master the ways of figurative expression and depiction of their ideas in word, singing, drawing, dance, and dramatization. Education encourages the child to conscious artistic manifestations, causes positive emotions, develops abilities.

The development of mental abilities in gaming activities.

Mental education is a purposeful influence of adults on the development of active mental activity of children. It includes the communication of available knowledge about the surrounding world, their systematization, the formation of cognitive interests, intellectual skills and abilities, the development of cognitive abilities.

The role of mental education in preparing children for school is especially great.

Mastering the stock of knowledge, developing mental activity and independence, acquiring intellectual skills and abilities are important prerequisites for successful schooling and for preparing for the upcoming work.

The main tasks of the mental education of preschoolers are: the formation of correct ideas about the environment, about the simplest phenomena of nature and social life; the development of cognitive mental processes, the development of intellectual skills and abilities, the formation of the simplest ways of mental activity.

Mental education of preschool children is carried out in the game, teaching, work, household activities. The more diverse the child's activity, the more versatile for him the ways of learning about the environment and the development of cognitive abilities. In all activities, he communicates with people around him, acquires knowledge and skills from them, acquires certain relationships, masters the language. Purposeful leadership enhances the effectiveness of pedagogical influences aimed at solving the problems of mental education.

One of the means of mental education is the game - a specific children's activity in which the child reflects the surrounding reality, highlights his knowledge, shares it with his comrades.

Certain types of games affect the mental development of children in different ways: role-playing games expand ideas about the environment and contribute to the development of verbal communication; games - dramatizations help a deeper understanding of the works fiction and activate speech; building and constructive develop constructive abilities and expand knowledge about geometric shapes and spatial relationships. The game will actively influence the mental development of the child if the teacher enriches its content and organizes it correctly.

A particularly important place in mental education is occupied by didactic games, the obligatory elements of which are cognitive content and a mental task. Repeatedly participating in the game, the child firmly acquires the knowledge with which he operates. Solving a mental problem in the game, the child exercises in arbitrary memorization and reproduction, in the classification of objects or phenomena according to common characteristics, in highlighting the properties and qualities of objects, in identifying them by individual characteristics.

Thus, didactic games contribute to the consolidation and clarification of knowledge, but also activate the mental activity of children.

The game as an activity characteristic of the child allows him to exercise in solving mental problems without much effort.

Development of labor skills in gaming activities.

The main activity of a preschool child, as we have already said, is a game, but the child must also be involved in labor activities that are feasible for him. To do this, you can use the connection between play and work.

First of all, the child can do some things for the game, first with his parents, and then on his own.

The combination of play with difficulty makes it easier for the child to master simple labor skills, he develops elementary technical design and creativity.

While the child is small, he is mainly involved in the joint repair of out-of-order toys. He observes the actions of adults more than participates in them.

The actions performed by children during the game are often aimed at depicting one or another labor process that children observe in adults: cooking, washing dishes, cleaning the room. They testify to the desire of the child to imitate adults. Children satisfy this desire in a game situation, as if they were washing dishes, preparing dinner, etc.

However, there comes a moment when this "as if" passes into the real plan of the labor process. Active actions of a child with objects arise in early childhood and are in the nature of a game. Many practically necessary movements are also formed in the process of playing with objects (grasping, throwing, rolling), but this does not give grounds to identify play and labor. The position of A.S. Makarenko that good game is similar to work, that in a good game there is always work effort fairly, but, nevertheless, play is not work.

By their nature, content, cause or motives, work and play are different.

In the process of work, a goal is always set; means are sought for its implementation, a sequence of actions is thought out, and, finally, a result is achieved. The labor process is real, there is no imaginary situation in it, since the child deals with real objects that he transforms in the course of activity or with the help of which he transforms the material.

In the game, children in specially created conditions reproduce the activities of adults and the relationship between them. These conditions are characterized by the use of a variety of toy items that replace real ones; used by adults in the labor process.

The game does not bring any visible result, but it causes joy and satisfaction in children.

In work with children of younger preschool age, labor education is carried out in a peculiar way. The main content of labor is self-service in everyday life. Mastering the skills of self-service, the child feels more independent, less dependent on an adult. But self-service for the smallest is a significant difficulty, since it requires certain efforts and concentration from children. In the process of teaching self-service skills, they rarely turn to a game situation. Sometimes a toy is used.

Let us trace what connection is established between the work and play of children of this age. At first, they are not interested in the self-service process itself, but in the game image. Through it, children master the skill, gain confidence in movements. As skills are formed, self-service activities develop. The child independently washes, dresses, eats. In the process of forming the first labor skills of children associated with everyday self-service, it is also necessary to rely on showing actions, encouraging them when trying to cope with dressing, washing themselves, emphasizing all, even minor achievements of children, and approving the manifestations of mutual assistance of children.

In the middle preschool age, the line of independent labor activity of children is also not yet so distinct, although in some cases the content of labor leads them to play activity. This can be observed especially often in everyday games. Preparing for the holiday, children put the doll house in order, wash and iron dresses for dolls. Labor processes in the play of children of this age are episodic in nature, arise on their own initiative and receive the support of an educator.

In cases where children have not yet formed the skills to work with tools, when the very nature of the labor process is not yet familiar to children, and there is no clear indication for using the tool, play activity is predominant, not labor activity.

Not knowing the practical methods of working with tools, children, having received the material, tend to act due to their activity. These actions in their content are playful, procedural in nature. This is quite natural. Not knowing the properties and quality of the material and tools for labor, children use them as toys.

The conditionality of actions in the game testifies to the ability of a child of this age to generalize phenomena, to imagine another in one subject, which is important for the development of play activity. However, the playful attitude to tools and objects of labor, which is permissible within certain limits at the initial stages of the development of the labor activity of children, later begins to slow down the formation of a correct attitude to work, interfere with the development of accuracy of actions, the development of necessary labor skills, and hinder the achievement of results. Therefore, delaying children only in play activities creates a certain brake on labor education. The teacher should clearly explain to them the nature of the upcoming task, the goal, give instructions on how to use the material and tools.

As children master the skills of working with tools and learn how to practically use the material, process-play actions are observed less and less, the relationship between play and work is changing. Children begin to establish a certain relationship between the properties of the tool and material and the result that they want to get; working with this tool, they begin to use it for its intended purpose.

Considering the relationship between work and play as a factor contributing to the development of interest in work, one should choose the items needed for play when making toys, and sometimes in the construction of the labor process itself, proceed from the interests of the child.

The game, included in the content of the labor process, gives a certain meaning to the result, it becomes even more significant than at the beginning.

Often, play moments are observed in the work of children not only of younger, middle, but also of older preschool age.

In the process of developing active labor activity in the game of children of the older group, the educator relies on the activity and amateur activity inherent in children of this age, on their desire to make something with their own hands, on the ability to hold a single line of the game plan for a long time, which is more pronounced than at the previous age level. .

If in the middle group the transition from play to the labor process distracts children from play, and they most often do not return to it at will, then at an older age, the game plan for children remains relevant. For example, children make a toy with a clear desire to make it for later play.

The connection between play and labor activity is preserved in them under the dominant position of play, which permeates the labor process.

The expansion of the concept of the game occurs under the influence of literary works, adult stories, television and radio programs.

If the idea of ​​the game is determined mainly by the impressions received by children from different sources, then the variety of game actions that make it possible to realize the idea is created by a variety of toys, handicrafts, devices, they give the game novelty.


Thus, summing up the above, it can be noted that the fundamental is the position that in preschool age the game is the type of activity in which the personality is formed, its internal content is enriched.

N. K. Krupskaya emphasized the polar influence of the game on the development of the child, depending on the content of the activity: through the game, you can bring up a beast, or you can bring up a wonderful person needed by society. In numerous psychological and pedagogical studies, it has been convincingly proved that in the mainstream of the game, the versatile development of the child takes place.

On the one hand, the game is an independent activity of the child, on the other hand, the influence of adults is necessary for the game to become his first "school", a means of education and training. To make the game a means of education means to influence its content, to teach children the way of full-fledged communication.

Numerous studies show that, with tactful, pedagogically expedient guidance, the game contributes to the enrichment of the child's horizons, the development of figurative forms of cognition, the strengthening of his interests, and the development of speech.

The importance of the game in mastering the norms of behavior, the rules of relationships is great. But this does not exhaust its significance for the moral development of the child. Freedom of play activity suggests that the child is more likely to play in it than in real life, is placed in conditions where he must make an independent choice. Games develop the child's creativity. They manifest themselves in building a plan, in playing a role.

Thus, the educational possibilities of all types of games are extremely high. It is important for adults to implement them in such a way as not to disrupt the natural course of the game, not to deprive it of its “soul” with a remark, an indication of notation, just a careless word.


Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………..3

  1. Types of gaming activities.……………………………………………………..7
  2. Game as a means of education………………………………………………......21



Application ………………………………………………………………………...15


The game for children is an important means of self-expression, a test of strength. In games, the educator can get to know his pupils better, their character, habits, organizational skills, creative abilities, which will allow him to find the most correct ways of influencing each of the children. And, which is also very important, games bring the teacher closer to the children, help to establish closer contact with them.

There are different games: mobile, plot, imitative, musical, didactic, cognitive, etc. All of them are necessary and useful in their own way for children, all should be used by the educator in their work. But mobile games occupy a special place among them. Outdoor games are the best medicine for children from motor hunger - hypodynamia.

The value of the game as a means of understanding the world and preparing new generations for life was understood quite a long time ago and was used for educational purposes. From the first steps of his life, the child acquires the necessary life skills and qualities through the game. The game develops the mind, improves perception, forms a mechanism for coordinating and controlling movements, gives an exceptional experience in operations with tools and various objects; develops mental qualities and much more. And in the future, it retains its attractive power, satisfying the natural need for each person for movement and creative activity throughout his life. This is the main reason for the popularity that games enjoy among the peoples of the whole world.

The range of their application is truly limitless. From the first years of life and throughout childhood and adolescence, a clear preference is given to the game over all other means of physical education. And this is understandable, since the true value of gaming motor activity is simply difficult to fully imagine and correctly assess.

The most important feature of outdoor games is that they represent a universal form of physical exercise. Playing games affects both the motor and mental spheres of those involved. The choice of behavior in the constantly changing conditions of the game predetermines the wide inclusion of the mechanisms of consciousness in the processes of control and regulation. As a result, the strength and mobility of nervous processes increase, the functions of regulating the activity of all body systems by the cerebral cortex and the central nervous system are improved.

At the same time, gaming activity is characterized by complexity and variety of movements. As a rule, all muscle groups can be involved in them, which contributes to the harmonious development of the musculoskeletal system.

The value of games increases due to the possibility of their wide use in natural conditions. Games on skis, in the woods, in the water, ice skating, etc. - this is an excellent means of hardening and strengthening health. The full use of the natural factors of nature is especially important during the period of growth and development of a young organism.

1. Outdoor games and their classification

A mobile game with rules is a conscious, active activity of a child, characterized by accurate and timely completion of tasks related to the rules that are mandatory for all players. According to the definition of P.F. Lesgaft, an outdoor game is an exercise through which a child prepares for life. Fascinating content, emotional richness of the game encourage the child to certain mental and physical efforts. The specificity of the outdoor game is the lightning-fast, instant response of the child to the signal "Catch!", "Run!", "Stop!" etc. An outdoor game is an indispensable means of replenishing a child's knowledge and ideas about the world around him, developing thinking, ingenuity, dexterity, dexterity, and valuable moral and volitional qualities. The preschooler implements freedom of action in outdoor games, which are the leading method of forming physical culture. In pedagogical science, outdoor games are considered as the most important means of the comprehensive development of the child. The deep meaning of outdoor games is in their full-fledged role in the physical and spiritual life that exists in the history and culture of every nation. An outdoor game can be called the most important educational institution, contributing both to the development of physical and mental abilities, and the development of moral norms, rules of conduct, and ethical values ​​of society.

Outdoor games are one of the conditions for the development of a child's culture. In them, he comprehends and cognizes the world around him, his intellect, fantasy, imagination develop in them, social qualities are formed. Outdoor games are always a creative activity, in which the child's natural need for movement, the need to find a solution to a motor problem, is manifested. Playing, the child not only learns the world around him, but also transforms it.

Mobile games are divided into elementary and complex. Elementary, in turn, are divided into plot and plotless, fun games, attractions.

Story games have a ready-made plot and firmly fixed rules. The plot reflects the phenomena of the surrounding life (the labor actions of people, the movement of vehicles, the movements and habits of animals, birds, etc.), game actions are associated with the development of the plot and with the role that the child plays. The rules determine the beginning and end of the movement, determine the behavior and relationships of the players, and clarify the course of the game. Obedience to the rules is mandatory for everyone.

Narrative outdoor games are mostly collective (in small groups and the whole group). Games of this type are used in all age groups, but they are especially popular in younger preschool age.

Plotless mobile games such as traps, dashes (“Traps”, “Runnings”) do not have a plot, images, but are similar to the plot-based presence of rules, roles, interdependence of game actions of all participants. These games are associated with the performance of a specific motor task and require great independence, speed, dexterity, orientation in space from children.

At preschool age, outdoor games with elements of competition (individual and group) are used, for example: “Which link is more likely to assemble”, “Who is the first through the hoop to the flag”, etc. Elements of the competition encourage more activity in the performance of motor tasks. In some games (“Change the subject”, “Who is faster to the flag”), each child plays for himself and tries to complete the task as best as possible. If these games are divided into teams (relay games), then the child seeks to complete the task in order to improve the result of the team.

Plotless games also include games using objects (skittles, serso, ring toss, grandmas, "School of the ball", etc.). Motor tasks in these games require certain conditions, so they are carried out with small groups of children (two, three, etc.). The rules in such games are aimed at the order of arrangement of objects, their use, the sequence of actions of the players. In these games, elements of competition are observed in order to achieve the best results.

In fun games, attractions, motor tasks are performed in unusual conditions and often include an element of competition, while several children perform motor tasks (running in bags, etc.), the rest of the children are spectators. Fun games, rides give the audience a lot of joy.

Difficult games are sport games(towns, badminton, table tennis, basketball, volleyball, football, hockey). At preschool age, elements of these games are used, and children play according to simplified rules.

Outdoor games also differ in their motor content: games with running, jumping, throwing, etc. According to the degree of physical activity that each player receives, games of high, medium and low mobility are distinguished. High mobility games include those in which the whole group of children participate at the same time and they are built mainly on such movements as running and jumping. Games of medium mobility are those in which the whole group also actively participates, but the nature of the movements of the players is relatively calm (walking, passing objects) or the movement is performed by subgroups. In games of low mobility, movements are performed at a slow pace, moreover, their intensity is insignificant.

2. Outdoor game as a means of educating a preschooler

At preschool age, the foundations are laid for the comprehensive harmonious development of the child's personality. An important role is played by timely and properly organized physical education, one of the main tasks of which is the development and improvement of movements.

The development and improvement of the movements of the child during preschool childhood are carried out in different ways.

Classes are recognized as the main form of teaching children movements. At the same time, a very significant place in the system of physical education of preschool children is occupied by outdoor games, which are widely used in all age groups.

In the formation of a diversified personality of a child, outdoor games with rules play an important role. They are considered as the main means and method of physical education. Being an important means of physical education, an outdoor game at the same time has a healing effect on the child's body. In the game, he practices a wide variety of movements: running, jumping, climbing, climbing, throwing, catching, dodging, etc. A large number of movements activates breathing, blood circulation and metabolic processes. This, in turn, has a beneficial effect on mental activity. The healing effect of outdoor games is enhanced when they are carried out on fresh air.

It is extremely important to take into account the role of growing tension, joy, strong feelings and undying interest in the results of the game that the child experiences. The child's enthusiasm for the game not only mobilizes his physiological resources, but also improves the effectiveness of movements. The game is an indispensable means of improving movements, developing them, contributing to the formation of speed, strength, endurance, and coordination of movements. In mobile play, as a creative activity, nothing fetters the child's freedom of action, in it he is relaxed and free.

At the younger preschool age, the requirement of mandatory purposeful education of motor (physical) qualities is not yet put forward. However, changing game situations and game rules force a small child to move faster in order to catch up with someone, or to hide faster in a predetermined place (house, nest) so as not to be caught, deftly overcome elementary obstacles (crawl under a rope, rail, without hitting them, run between the pins without knocking over a single one, be sure to run to a certain place, etc.).

Repeated repetition of these actions requires children's attention, strong-willed and physical efforts, coordination of movements.

Thus, already at a younger preschool age, outdoor games are a means not only for the development of movements, but also for the development of such qualities as dexterity, speed, and endurance.

Outdoor games are mostly collective, so children develop elementary skills to navigate in space, coordinate their movements with the movements of other players, find their place in a column, in a circle, without interfering with others, quickly run away or change place on a playground or in a hall, etc.

Outdoor games create an additional opportunity for communication between the teacher and the children. The teacher tells, explains to the children the content of the games, their rules. Kids memorize new words, their meaning, learn to act in accordance with instructions.

The role of outdoor games in increasing motor activity children during the day. They are of particular importance for increasing the physiological stress on the child's body. Active motor actions during emotional recovery contribute to a significant increase in the activity of the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, which improves the metabolism in the body and the corresponding training of the functions of various systems and organs.

The influence of outdoor games on the development of children's movements, as well as some of their volitional manifestations, largely depends on how long this game lasts. The longer and more actively the child acts in the game, the more he exercises in one form or another of movements, more often he enters into various relationships with other participants, that is, the more he has to show dexterity, endurance, the ability to obey the rules of the game.

The most effective outdoor games. With active physical activity of children in the fresh air, the work of the heart and lungs increases, and, consequently, the supply of oxygen to the blood increases. This has a beneficial effect on the general health of children: appetite improves, the nervous system strengthens, and the body's resistance to various diseases increases. Employees preschool institutions should, if possible, increase the time for children to walk, saturate them with games and various physical exercises.

A variety of games in terms of content and organization of children allows them to be selected taking into account the time of the day, the conditions for conducting, the age of the children, their readiness, and also in accordance with the tasks set by the teacher.

The role of outdoor play inmental educationchild: children learn to act in accordance with the rules, master spatial terminology, act consciously in a changed game situation and learn about the world around them. During the game, memory, ideas are activated, thinking, imagination develop. Children learn the meaning of the game, memorize the rules, learn to act in accordance with the chosen role, creatively apply the existing motor skills, learn to analyze their actions and the actions of their comrades. Outdoor games are often accompanied by songs, poems, counting rhymes, game beginnings. Such games replenish vocabulary, enrich children's speech.

Mobile games are of great importance formoral education.Children learn to act in a team, to obey the general requirements. Children perceive the rules of the game as a law, and their conscious implementation forms the will, develops self-control, endurance, the ability to control their actions, their behavior. Honesty, discipline, justice are formed in the game. An outdoor game teaches sincerity, camaraderie. Obeying the rules of the game, children practically practice moral deeds, learn to be friends, empathize, help each other. Skillful, thoughtful management of the game by the teacher contributes to the education of an active creative personality.

The communicative function of the mobile game.The game is impossible without communication, which is its main energy source. The game contributes to the unification of big and small, helps them find a common language. It is a prototype of collective activity, as it teaches to negotiate with each other, to yield, to hear a comrade, to continue his actions or to help out, to subordinate one's desires to existing rules. The child learns to understand and respect others, to cope with prohibitions. He is personally interested in this, since the next time he who does not follow the rules will not be called into the game. There are two kinds of relationships in games. This is a competitive type of relationship - between teams, between partners who have exactly the opposite goal (if one wins, then the other loses), and a relationship of genuine cooperation between members of the same team. Such cooperation helps the child to get out of the situation and analyze it as if from the outside. For example, children play tag. The child runs away so that they do not piss him off, but at the same time he must piss off his comrade. Sometimes it can be scary to do this: after all, a child can be pissed off himself, but if you look at the situation from the outside, it turns out that if he pissed off a comrade, then he would then be able to piss him off.

Improves in mobile gamesaesthetic perception of the world. Children learn the beauty of movements, their imagery, they develop a sense of rhythm. They master poetic figurative speech.

An outdoor game prepares a child for work: children make game attributes, arrange and put them away in a certain sequence, improve their motor skills necessary for future work.

A. S. Makarenko argued that the way a child behaves in the game, so later he will behave at work.

Thus, an outdoor game is an indispensable means of replenishing a child's knowledge and ideas about the world around him, developing thinking, ingenuity, dexterity, dexterity, and valuable moral and volitional qualities. When conducting an outdoor game, there are unlimited possibilities for the complex use of various methods aimed at shaping the child's personality. During the game, there is not only an exercise in existing skills, their consolidation and improvement, but also the formation of new mental processes, new qualities of the child's personality.


Scientists have found that the most effective activity for entering the world of other people is the game. The game of the child is the main means of becoming an autonomous independent person, freely and independently building his relationships with equals - peers. The game provides the child with self-realization and emotional comfort.

In this way, outdoor game is one of the important means of comprehensive education of preschool children. Its characteristic feature is the complexity of the impact on the body and on all aspects of the child's personality: physical, mental, moral, aesthetic and labor education is simultaneously carried out in the game.

In outdoor games, the most favorable conditions for the development of physical qualities are created. During the game, children act in accordance with the rules that are binding on all participants. The rules regulate the behavior of the players and contribute to the development of mutual assistance, collectivism, honesty, discipline. At the same time, the need to follow the rules, as well as to overcome the obstacles that are inevitable in the game, contributes to the development of strong-willed qualities - endurance, courage, determination, and the ability to cope with negative emotions.

In outdoor games, the child has to decide for himself how to act in order to achieve the goal. Rapid and sometimes unexpected change of conditions makes us look for more and more new ways to solve emerging problems. All this contributes to the development of independence, activity, initiative, creativity, ingenuity.

Outdoor games help the child to expand and deepen their understanding of the surrounding reality.


  1. Korotkov I.M. Outdoor games in the yard - Moscow: Knowledge, 1987
  2. Minskin E.M. Always fun for everyone - Moscow: "Young Guard", 1969
  3. Osokina T. I., Timofeeva E. A., Furmina L. S. Games and entertainment in the air. M., 1983
  4. Timofeeva E.A. Outdoor games with children of primary preschool age - Moscow: Education, 1986
  5. http://pedagogy.ru/books.shtml



Outdoor games for preschoolers and younger students

Fisherman and fish

A large circle is drawn on the floor or on the platform. One of the players - the fisherwoman - is in the center of the circle, he squats down. The rest of the players - fish, surrounded the circle, say in unison: "Fisherwoman, fisherwoman, catch us on a hook."

At the last word, the fisherwoman jumps up, runs out of the circle and starts chasing the fish, which scatter all over the site. The one who is caught becomes a fisherman and goes to the center of the circle.


The guys become in a circle. One of the players goes into the middle of the circle, he will portray an owl, and all the rest - Bugs, butterflies, birds. At the command of the host: "The day is coming - everything comes to life!" The kids run around in circles. The owl is “sleeping” at this time, that is, it stands in the middle of the circle, closing its eyes, bending one leg under itself. When the host commands: “The night is coming - everything freezes!”, The players stop and stand motionless, hiding, and at that moment the owl runs out to hunt. She looks out for those who move or laugh, and leads the guilty to her circle. They become owls, and when the game is repeated, they all “fly out” to hunt together.


The players run around the playground. Three hunters stand in different places, each with a small ball. At the leader's signal: "Stop!" - all the players stop, and the hunters from the spot aim the ball at one of them. "Killed" replace hunters. Players have the right to dodge the ball, but must not move. If the player after the command "Stop!" left the place, he replaces the hunter.


All players are fish, except for two fishermen. The fishermen, holding hands, run after the fish. They try to surround her, closing their arms around the fish. Gradually, a whole chain is made up of the caught fish - a “net”. Now the fish are caught with a "net". The last two players not caught are the winners, when the game is repeated they are the fishermen.


Children, squatting down, are placed in a circle. In the center of the circle is the leader - the "fox". The players roll the ball - "kolobok" to each other so that it leaves the "fox". The driver is replaced by the player who rolls the bun so that the "fox" can catch it.

Beware, Pinocchio!

One of the players has a cap on his head. He is Pinocchio. The driver tries to catch up and tarnish the one who runs with a cap. However, this is not so easy to do: the players on the run pass the cap to each other. When the driver stains Pinocchio, they switch roles.

jumping sparrows

A circle of such size is drawn on the floor or playground so that all the players can freely fit around its circumference. One of the players is a “cat”, he is placed in the center of the circle, the rest of the players - “sparrows” - stand behind the circle at the very line.

At the signal of the leader, the "sparrows" begin to jump inside the circle and jump out of it, and the "cat" tries to catch one of them at the moment when he is inside the circle. The one who is caught becomes a "cat", and the "cat" becomes a "sparrow". The game is repeated again.


The participants of the game become pairs in the back of each other's head. The driver stands in front of all the couples, he says loudly:

Burn, burn bright

To not go out.

Look at the sky

The birds are flying

The bells are ringing.

One, two, three, last pair, run!

After the last word “run”, the players of the last pair run forward (each on their own) to a conditional place, and the driver tries to hold one of the runners with a touch of his hand until the players meet. The one who was detained stands next to the driver in front of the first pair, and the second becomes the driver. The game continues.


The players (one from each team) enter a circle with a diameter of 3 meters and take the initial position for the battle, crouching on two legs or standing on one (the right hand holds the left leg, and the left hand is bent in front and pressed to the body or vice versa). Task: push the enemy out of the circle.

The smartest one is you!

Draw two circles on the ground with a diameter of up to a meter. The circles are side by side. In the center of the circle, put the puck, cube, ball, town. Two or two teams of three or four people can play. At the signal of the leader, the children should use a toy sword, saber, gymnastic stick to knock out this object (objects) from the “enemy” circle, protecting their own. The guys seem to fight with swords and sabers. The winner is the one or those who, having knocked out the object “to the opponents, did not allow (and) it to their own.

Throw in the ring

In a room or in the yard, a ring is hung at a height of about 1.5 meters. And in the hands of each participant they give a stick up to 50 centimeters long. It is necessary to run to the ring from a distance of 10-15 steps, throw the stick so that it slips through it, and catch it again.

If the player completes the task, he wins two points; if he does not have time to catch the wand and it falls to the floor - one point, but if he throws it so that he misses, the throw simply does not count. The game lasts five minutes. Who scored more points, he won.

Don't fall for the bait

To play, you need a rope 2-3 meters long with a weight tied at the end - a bag of sand.

The players form a circle, in the center of which stands the leader with a rope in his hands. He begins to spin it so that it rotates above the ground itself. The guys jump over the rope. The driver gradually raises the plane of rotation of the rope higher and higher until one of the participants "falls into the bait", that is, is able to jump over the rotating rope. The caught one drives. The game continues.


Type: general group, team.

Develops: coordination, sense of partner.

The game can be played just for fun or with multiple teams. In the first variant, the players are tightly arranged in a circle, at the back of each other's head. On command "One, two, three!" each slowly kneels to the player behind. After that, the "centipede" begins its movement.

The difficulty in the game lies in the fact that without sufficient coordination and coherence it is almost impossible to take a step, since the "centipede" moves only with the synchronous movement of all players. If someone gets out of rhythm or confuses the legs, then the "centipede" tends to crumble and it is very difficult to keep it from breaking.

In the team version of the game, the "centipede" does not close, and each of the teams must reach a certain place before the other.


Develops: reaction, observation.

Russian folk game.

The players line up a few steps in front of a wall, and the leader stands opposite them. Players hold palms folded in a "boat" in front of them. The host also folds his palms in a "boat" and hides a ring between them.

Approaching each player in turn, the presenter holds his "boat" over the player's "boat", pretending that he is giving the ring to him.

After the bypass of all the players is completed (the ring must be passed to one of them), the leader says: "Ring-ring, go out on the porch!".

The player who has the ring must run out so that he is not grabbed and touch the wall with his hand. If he succeeds, then he changes roles with the leader.


Develops: reaction.

Players line up in front of the leader. The host throws the ball to each player in turn, while pronouncing a word. If the word is "edible" ("candy", "milk", etc.), then the player must catch the ball, and if it is "inedible" ("pot", "brick", etc.), then push him away . The one who makes a mistake (for example, caught a “boot” or pushed a “watermelon”) changes places with the driver. The game causes a friendly laugh if an unlucky player catches an item that is completely unsuitable for eating, such as "underpants" or "snot". And in some cases, frustrated losers try to prove that you can eat a cat and a toadstool, although the latter only once.

Catch a bag

Inventory: a bag of sand, the weight of which is selected depending on the age of the players.

Develops: coordination, strength, reaction.

Players stand in a circle and throw a bag of sand. The one who does not catch him is out of the game and leaves the circle. The winner is the last player left in the circle.

lion and goat

Develops: dexterity, speed, mutual assistance.

All players, except for two, stand, holding hands in a circle. One of the remaining ones is a lion, the other is a goat, and the lion is outside the circle, and the goat is in the circle itself. The task of the lion is to catch the goat, while the players try in every possible way to prevent the lion from entering the circle, giving the goat a free passage in turn.

When the lion manages to catch the goat, they change places, or another pair of players is chosen for their role.


Inventory: blindfold made of dense matter, bells according to the number of players.

Develops: coordination, orientation in space (for the driver).

Another classic of backyard games. One player is blindfolded, and in this form he tries to catch the rest of the players. Usually the game takes place in a strictly defined area, which is forbidden to leave. If the territory is large enough, then the players from time to time should make some sounds (for example, clap their hands or ring a bell) so that the driver can navigate. Players may try to confuse the driver by giving signals from several directions at once. The player touched by the driver changes places with him.

Find a handkerchief

Develops: observation.

They close their eyes, and the driver at this time hides a scarf in a certain limited area. Having hidden it, the driver says: "The handkerchief is resting."

The players try to find the scarf, and the leader directs them, saying "warmly" if one of the players approaches the scarf and "cold" if they start to move away. The one who finds the handkerchief must quietly pick it up and put it on one of the players. Salted to become the new leader.

Mobile game "Lame Fox"

The number of participating children can be arbitrarily large. Having gathered in a spacious courtyard or in a large room, they choose one of the participants, who is given the nickname lame fox.

At the place chosen for the game, a rather large circle is drawn, which includes all the children, except for the lame fox. At this signal, the children rush in a circle, and at this time the lame fox jumps on one leg and tries at all costs to tarnish one of the runners, that is, to touch him with his hand.

As soon as she succeeds, she enters the circle and joins the rest of the fleeing comrades, while the victim takes on the role of a lame fox.

The children play until everyone is the lame fox; the game, however, can be stopped earlier, at the first appearance of signs of fatigue.

For the correct conduct of the game, the following conditions must be observed: the children who enter the circle must run only in it and not go beyond the outlined line, in addition, the participant chosen by the lame fox must run only on one leg. The main elements of this game are running and jumping.

Mobile game "Hawk"

Children gather, up to 16 or more, in the yard, in the garden or in a spacious room and cast lots among themselves. The one chosen by lot represents the hawk. The rest of the children join hands and become pairs, forming several rows.

A hawk is placed in front of everyone, which can only look ahead and does not dare to look back. At this signal, the pairs suddenly separate from each other and rush in a run in different directions, at this time the hawk catches up with them, trying to catch someone.

The victim, i.e., found himself in the claws of a hawk, changes roles with him.

Children while running tend to throw a handkerchief or a folded tourniquet at the hawk - if they fall into it, it is considered killed and another one is selected from among the children in its place.

Mobile game "Dragonfly"

Children gather in the yard, in the garden or in a spacious room, squat down, hands on their sides and vying with each other, overtaking each other, trying to jump to the opposite end of the place designated for the game.

Which of the children will be the first to reach the designated place in this way is considered the winner, and the one who stumbles along the road is punished by excluding him from the number of players. This simple game gives children great pleasure and develops their physical strength.

Mobile game "Zhmurki"

Children often and willingly play hide-and-seek, especially young ones, since this game is very simple. A large, spacious room or a clean courtyard is chosen as a place for her.

Children choose one from their midst, put a blindfold on his eyes, using a clean handkerchief or the like. At this signal, the participants in the game rush in different directions, and a boy with a blindfold, standing in the middle of the yard or room, tries to catch someone any of the fugitives.

The one who gets caught changes roles with him, that is, he is blindfolded and he, in turn, also tries to catch one of his comrades.

Children must, while running, still make sure that the one who is blindfolded does not stumble upon any object; at the sight of danger, they warn with a cry: “fire!”

Mobile game "Tube"

There can be any number of participants - children gather in a large room or in a clean yard. One of them gets the nickname "blind man's blind man", they throw a handkerchief over his eyes and tie him up, and give him a tube of folded paper in his hands. The blind man's blind man stands in the middle of the room, and the rest of the participants take each other's hands, forming a circle, in the center of which the blind man's blind man is placed. At this signal, the children walk 2-3 times around the blind man's blind man, after which the latter approaches one of them and asks: who are you?

The person asked should mumble something indistinctly in response, and the blind man's blind man, hitting him with a tube, should name his comrade. If successful, they switch roles. The main element that enters the game is walking, and if it is in the fresh air, then the benefits of it are obvious, since walking is the best gymnastic exercise for the body.

Mobile game "The chicken went out for a walk"

The hen went out for a walk. Pinch fresh grass

An adult portrays a mother - a chicken. He walks, raising his knees high, flapping his “wings”.

And behind her are the Yellow Chickens.

The baby follows the mother chicken and repeats the movements.

Co-co-co, co-co-co, Don't go far!

"Threatens" with a finger.

Row with your paws, look for grains!

Sit down and "row with your paws."

Ate a fat beetle

We show which beetle they ate.


Show a long worm - arms to the sides.

We drank some water

Full trough!

We bend over, we take our hands back.

Mobile game "Cats and mice"

The best place for this game is a spacious outdoor area. On rainy and cold days, the children have at their disposal one of the rooms, spacious and free, if possible, from furniture.

The participants in this game, up to 25 or more, without distinction of gender, nominate one of their peers as a mouse and the other two as cats.

The rest of the children take each other's hands and form an open circle, in one place of which two neighboring participants lower one of their hands, thus forming a kind of open "gate", and cats are allowed to enter the circle exclusively through this "gate" ”, the mouse, in addition, even through all the other gaps formed between the children.

This game is based on the fact that cats strive to catch a mouse by all means; as soon as this happens, these three most active participants join hands and adjoin the others to form the same circle, while new mice and cats are put forward to replace them, etc. until all the children are in these roles.

With this game, children are given ample opportunity to frolic and run in the open air, which is of great importance for the development and strengthening of their physical strength.

Mobile game "Fifteen"

Fifteen games take place either in a spacious room or outdoors, where children gather in any number, from 4-5 to 25 or more.

Having gathered, the children from their midst choose one, and give him the nickname Fifteen; his role is that he carefully follows the children running in different directions and tries, by all means, to catch one and stain him, that is, to touch him with his hand.

The one caught lingers in this way, and turns into a “tag”, while his name is pronounced publicly so that the comrades know who they should beware of.

As soon as he, in turn, catches one of the participants, he immediately transfers his role to him, moving himself into a group of children fleeing.

This game should be continued until the children retain a keen interest in it and do not feel tired.

Fifteen games are based primarily on movement; they can, however, be diversified by introducing various elements, such as throwing a ball and the like.

Mobile game "Beasts"

A spacious room or outdoor space is chosen as a place for the game.

At opposite ends, the place chosen for the game is limited by narrow stripes.

One of them is intended, as it were, for the merchant's house, the other for the corral of animals, the rest of the space connecting these two departments is called the field.

Participants in this game share the roles among themselves as follows.

One of them is appointed the owner of the animals, the other is the buyer, the rest of the participants in the game represent various animals: an elephant, a tiger, a lion, a fox, etc.

In this case, all the characters arrange themselves in such a way that the buyer makes his way into the fenced house, the animals go into the so-called corral, and the owner is placed near them, like a watchman.

At the beginning of the game, a buyer comes up to the owner and asks if there is at least an elephant among his animals; having received an affirmative answer, he asks about the price.

The owner of the animals indicates the price, stretching out his hand, if the buyer agrees, as if for money. Instead of money, he receives a light blow, the amount of which corresponds to the number of rubles assigned for the animal, and at the first blow, the sold animal runs away in the direction of the buyer's house and immediately, upon reaching it, returns to the pen.

While the buyer has counted the last blow, the animal must reach the pen, otherwise it will rush after it, trying with all its might to catch it.

In case of success, that is, if the buyer catches up with the beast, he considers him his prisoner and takes him to his house, after which he again goes to the owner to buy other animals that he is chasing, then in the same exact way as for the first.

In case of a miss, that is, if the buyer fails to catch the purchased animal, he changes roles with him, and the animal turns into a buyer, and the buyer appropriates the name that the animal bore. In this order, the game continues until all the animals have been sold and caught.

In the case when the number of participants is very large and it may take too long to catch all the animals, during which the children can become very tired, it is necessary to immediately stop the game, as soon as the feeling of fatigue that has gripped the children becomes noticeable, otherwise the goal will not be achieved, and children, instead of enjoying moderate play, will feel disgust for it.

The game of "animals" is also based on running, that is, physical exercises; everything else is accessories that make the game entertaining.

Mobile game "Horses"

For the game, it is most convenient to use the vast space in the yard or a spacious room. There can be any number of participants.

Children in height are placed on the same line, in one line, and are divided, starting from the last, into groups of four participants.

One of the groups bears the name of the rooters and retains the once captured place; on the left and on the right, two groups of tie-downs adjoin them. The last groups include coachmen.

After everyone has settled down, in this way, the coachmen take off their belts, thread them through the belts of the members of the root group, grabbing both ends of the belt with their right hand so that the belt buckle is between the index and thumb, and the opposite end of the belt is between the middle and index fingers; thanks to this gripping of the belt with the fingers of the right hand, it is possible to quickly remove it at any time.

For greater order in the game, one of the older participants is elected the "master of triplets." At the signal given to them, the “troikas” begin to act, at first slowly moving forward, then gradually accelerating their steps, they start running in one direction, then they gradually change this direction and scatter in all directions, at the new order of the owner.

As soon as the “owner of the triplets” shouts: “horses, in different directions!”, The coachmen immediately release the belts intertwined with the root belts, and the freed horses quickly rush in different directions.

After some time, the owner again commands “coachmen, bridle the horses!”. After this shout, the coachmen take each other's hands, forming a chain, and begin to move from one end of the room or yard, which serves as a place for playing, to the opposite, driving the horses there as well.

The main element of this game is walking and running, and if it takes place in the air, then its benefits for children are obvious.

Mobile game "Bunny"

Children, in any number, up to 30 or more, take with them an ordinary ball, medium size, and go to the courtyard or a spacious room.

The children taking part in the game, all except one, are installed in a circle, turning their faces to the center of the circle. They fold their hands behind their backs, thus passing the ball to each other, which in this case serves as a bunny.

One of the participants, located in the circle itself, seeks to capture it when passing the ball from hand to hand, and he has the right to require each participant to show him his hands.

As soon as he notices someone has a ball, or one of the children absent-mindedly drops it, he picks up the ball and takes the place of the victim, and he enters the circle, changing roles with him.

The one in the circle is called "leader"; as soon as he finds himself with his back to one of the participants who took possession of the ball, he has the right to touch the back of the “leader”, that is, to stain him, and staining is allowed only in the back, and not in any other place.

The stained one picks up the ball and rushes after the one who stained it; with great dexterity, he takes revenge, that is, he also tries to tarnish him; on success, they switch roles.

In the event that he fails to overtake the enemy, he again goes to the middle of the circle and continues to be the leader.

In this game, in addition to running, an important element is throwing the ball - both of these conditions are extremely useful for children, as they give them the opportunity to develop the maximum of their musculoskeletal energy; with prolonged running and throwing, muscles develop and become stronger, respiratory movements become frequent and deep, the chest develops, and blood circulation improves significantly.

The game should be suspended as soon as fatigue becomes noticeable.

Mobile game "Wolf and sheep"

Children gather in an open-air courtyard or in a spacious room and, by lot, designate one of the participants as a shepherd, another as a wolf, and the rest remain in the role of sheep.

At both ends of the yard or classroom, serving as a place for the game, areas are separated, having 3-4 steps in width and called paddocks.

The space between the two paddocks is called the field, and on one side it is separated by a line with a small space that serves as a lair for the wolf.

After that, the sheep are placed in one of the paddocks, and the shepherd stands in the field near the paddock.

The wolf, settled in the lair, offers the shepherd to drive a flock of sheep into the field, and at this time he tries to grab one of them and drag him to his lair. At the same time, the shepherd does his best to protect the sheep heading to the opposite pen from the wolf, but he does not always succeed if the wolf is dexterous. The captured sheep becomes the wolf's helper. After that, the wolf again turns to the shepherd with the words: "drive the flock into the field," and in fulfilling this requirement, together with his assistant, he tries to delay the sheep running to the opposite pen.

Little by little, the number of assistants to the wolf gradually increases, and each time he continues to go hunting for sheep with them.

The game may continue until the wolf has caught all the sheep; if the children get tired, especially when their number is very large, the game can be suspended even earlier.

The correct play of the game requires the observance of certain rules, which consist, among other things, in the fact that the wolf must not leave the lair until the sheep leave their pen and move towards the opposite

The wolf is not given the right to climb into the pen - he can only catch sheep in the field, that is, in the space separating both pen.

The caught sheep must submit to its fate and become the assistant of the wolf, helping him in catching new prey, and the assistants usually join hands, forming a chain and thus delaying the sheep that come across.

Mobile game "Bear"

The number of players can be arbitrarily large, and the place for playing is also a spacious classroom or a large courtyard or square adjacent to the school.

The participants in the game by lot choose one comrade from their midst, who is entrusted with the role of a bear, and supply each with bundles - the latter are easy to make by folding handkerchiefs accordingly.

On one of the sides of the space allotted for the game, a small place is arranged or, rather, limited by the line, serving as a den for the bear.

At this signal, the children rush from one end of the yard or classroom to the opposite, and the bear, not armed with a tourniquet, rushes at them, trying to touch one of them with his hand, that is, to stain him.

The tainted one also becomes a bear and is led into a lair. The game continues in this order until there are more bears than the remaining participants in the game.

As the number of the bear's helpers increases, they all go out with him to prey, are installed in a row, and only those on the edges have the right to catch the players. The main element of the game is running.

Mobile game "Wolf in a circle"

The number of participants can be arbitrarily large. Children gather in the spacious courtyard or in the large classroom.

A circle is drawn on the floor or ground and, having chosen a wolf by lot from its midst, they place it inside the outlined circle.

The children participating in the game break into the circle and try to run out of it without being spotted by the wolf, who tries his best to spot them.

The victim changes roles with the wolf and takes his place in the circle. This game is not difficult, giving children great entertainment. The main element included in it is running.

Mobile game "Fox on one leg"

Children gather in the yard or in the garden, in any number and are supplied with harnesses.

By lot, one of the participants is given the nickname of the fox. In one of the corners of the place chosen for the game, they make a so-called mink, where the fox hides.

At this signal, the children run around the yard, and the fox, equipped with a tourniquet, leaves its hole and rushes after the runners, jumping on one leg and trying to hit one of them with a tourniquet.

In the event that she succeeds, she joins the crowd, and the victim hides in a mink, pretending to be a fox.

If she made a mistake, that is, the tourniquet thrown by her did not hit any of the fleeing ones, she must quickly dive into the hole in order to avoid the blows of the tourniquet directed at her by other participants in the game.

The main elements of the game are running and jumping. Obviously, in addition to the benefits brought to children by movements in the open air, the game also develops dexterity in them, since every child who has fallen into the role of a fox tries to get rid of it as soon as possible so as not to be ridiculed by his comrades.

Mobile game "Snake"

The number of children reaches 20 or more. The game takes place in the yard or in the garden.

The participants choose a leader from their midst, join hands and run in a winding direction after the leader.

During the run, two of the players raise their joined hands high, allowing the leader to get under them - thanks to this, a recess is formed in the chain.

The one who has fallen into this recess must immediately turn around so that the chain gets its former appearance. Further, the leader makes his way through the hands of all those participating in the game, and a series of notches is formed to the chain, due to which the shape of a snake is obtained.

The main element of the game is running; if the game interests children, they play it very willingly, while developing their physical strength and maximum musculo-nervous energy.

As soon as fatigue is noticed, the game should be stopped - otherwise, instead of the expected benefit, it brings undoubted harm, as it turns into a boring, tedious duty.

Mobile game "Offensive"

All players stand in a circle, putting one foot in the center, the toes of the exposed feet of the players must touch in the center. Everyone starts saying, “One, two, three, four, five! Let's start advancing!" - on the last word, everyone jumps in different directions. The one who first shouts: “I am the first!”, He starts. The game consists in jumping on a neighbor while stepping on his foot, while the neighbor must have time to jump back and, if he has time, jump on the next player (clockwise, starting from the first). The one who gets stepped on is out of the game. And the player who stepped on has the right to an extraordinary jump and jumps to the next player in a clockwise direction. Game to the last.

Mobile game "Confusion"

The number of players is not limited. One or more leaders are selected, depending on the number of participants. The leaders either turn away or go to another room. All the rest stand in a circle, holding hands and begin to get tangled among themselves, without opening their hands. After that, everyone calls the hosts in chorus: “Confusion, confusion, unravel us !!!” The task of the presenters is to unravel everyone, returning them to their original form (in a circle) without opening the hands of the participants. If they manage to unravel, they won, if not, the “confusionists” won.

Mobile game "Third Extra"

The number of players is not limited, as many as possible. Everyone stands in a circle facing, in pairs - one person, and behind the other. One pair becomes the leader - one of the pair runs, the other catches up. Run around the outer circle. The one who runs away can escape the chase by standing third to any pair. You need to get up in front of the first player of the pair, then the player standing behind him becomes the third, the third extra and must run away from the chase. The one who catches up and touches the "blooper" himself becomes a "blooper" and now must catch up. They play until they get bored.

Mobile game "Stop, car!"

The leader, to become, as far as possible to the players, with his back. And the players line up and, at the signal of the leader, begin to move towards him. The word “start” can serve as a signal. The task of the players is to run to the leader as quickly as possible and touch his back. But during the movement of the players, at any moment, any number of times, the host can say the phrase: "Stop, car !!!". And all players must freeze in place. The leader can turn around and look, if he notices that someone is moving or smiling, that player is penalized. He must move back five steps or return to his original position (depending on the distance). After that, the leader starts the game again and can stop it again at any time. The winning player becomes the leader.


Children form a circle, facing the center.

A leader is selected, who takes a "handkerchief" and begins to run in a circle.

The driver's task is to quietly throw a handkerchief under the feet of one of those standing in a circle, run around a full circle and touch the player with the handkerchief.

If he succeeds, then the player sits in the center of the circle, and the driver continues the game.

If a player notices a handkerchief thrown up, he rushes after the driver, trying to catch up with him (but does not run towards him from the other side). The player must catch up with the driver before he takes his vacant seat.

If the driver manages to take the place of the player before he catches up with him, he becomes a player, and the player becomes a driver.

If the player catches up with the driver, the driver sits in a circle, all the players sitting in the circle return to the circle, and the player who catches up becomes the driver.


It is desirable to play Handkerchief on a flat clearing with a soft surface and without sharp thorns, roots, for which you can catch on and get hurt.

As a "handkerchief" you can use a suitable piece of paper or a rag.

The most dexterous

Develops children's motor skills, hand strength, finger tenacity, coordination and dexterity. Gives initial skills (quite intuitive) about the angles of incidence and reflection.

For this game, you only need a ball and some kind of wall (preferably without glasses).

You can play with one ball, you can play with two or more (according to the number of players) - all at the request of the players. The best number of players, in our opinion, is no more than 4, optimally - two, so that the child develops the spirit of competition, the desire to become a winner.

So, at some distance from the wall, on the ground, a line is drawn from which the game begins. You can draw a few more lines at a distance of one step (away from the wall). Players stand on the first line from the wall. The first player throws the ball against the wall and then must catch it without moving. If he succeeds, he takes a step back and throws from the second line. And so on, until he can catch the ball. After the previous player has missed the ball, the next player enters the game.

The winner is the one who first reached the last line and caught the ball on it.

Help the child with the choice of the ball, playground, you can adjust the rules, for example, allow the child to be able to take a step or two from the place where he threw, or the ball bounces off the ground. Anything to make it fun and interesting for you and your child!

Sparrows and crows

Divide into two teams. Some of you will be sparrows, others will be ravens. But one person will not be included in the number, neither one nor the other. You will entrust him with the honorable duty of being the leader.

Now we need to draw two lines on the ground - twenty steps from one another. This is how you designate nests for commands. Here they lined up in two rows at an equal distance from the nests. Facing your nest, with your back to your opponent. They are waiting for a signal.

The host exclaims: "Crows!" - and the crows headlong rush to their line. And the sparrows, turning around in an instant, set off after them, trying to touch them. The facilitator remembers (or someone notes) the number of tagged.

It is the turn of the sparrows to fly into the nest. And among them there will be losers who were overtaken by crows. And so several times. The host does not necessarily call out commands strictly in turn - it will be more interesting if he unexpectedly calls one several times in a row. It is only important that the total number of flights of sparrows and crows, in the end, come out the same. And one more thing: to create more tension in the game, the names of the teams should be pronounced in syllables. It sounds like: “Vo-ro - ...” And you are wondering: either you will have to rush forward, or backward.


They choose a bunny and surround him with a round dance. The bunny dances all the time, looking as if to jump out of the circle; and the round dance goes around, singing:

Zainka, dance,

Grey, jump

Turn around, turn sideways

Circle, turn sideways!

Zainka, clap,

Gray, in the palm of your hand,

Turn around, turn sideways

Circle, turn sideways!

There is a hare where to jump out,

There is a place for gray to jump out,

Turn around, turn sideways

Circle, turn sideways!

At the same time, some of the players loosen their hands, indicating where the bunny can break through.

The bunny falls to the ground, looks for a place to jump out from, and, breaking through where it was not expected, runs away.

Swan geese

Having chosen two or one wolf, depending on the number of children, they choose the leader, the one that starts, that is, starts the game. All others represent geese.

The leader stands at one end, the geese at the other, and the wolves hide aside.

The leader paces, glances, and, as soon as he notices the wolves, runs to his place, clapping his hands, shouting:

Leader. Geese-swans, home!

Geese. What?

Leader. Run, fly home, There are wolves behind the mountain!

Geese. What do wolves want?

Leader. Pinch gray geese Yes, gnaw bones.

Geese run, cackling: "Ha-ha-ha-ha!"

The wolves jump out from behind the mountain and rush at the geese, which they catch, they are taken over the mountain, and the game begins again.

It is best to play swan geese in the wild, in the garden.

Thread and needle

Everyone stands in a column and takes each other by the waist - this is a "thread". Ahead becomes a "needle" runs and leads a "thread". The task of the "needle" is to break or confuse the "thread".

Muscle relaxation games:


Children become in a circle. The teacher tells the children that it is usually very quiet before a thunderstorm and asks the children to freeze. Then distant quiet sounds are heard: children rub their palms against their palms. The sounds gradually increase: the children clap their hands, at first quietly, then louder. A thunderstorm is already heard: the children stamp their feet. Thunderstorm in full swing: children stamp their feet loudly and clap their hands. But now the storm begins to subside: all movements are in reverse order. Games with motor exercises, including alternating or simultaneous execution of movements.

Departing train


Children, imagine that we are in a compartment of a train that is about to start.

We look out the window and see that the parents who are seeing us off are waving to us, let's wave to them too (the children are waving). The train is moving, the wheels are spinning.

Let's depict with our feet how this happens (children move alternately on the floor with their right and then their left legs, continuing to wave their arms). Tea was brought to us, let's stir sugar in a cup with our free hand (children perform the previous movements, adding circular movements to them, imitating stirring sugar in a glass of tea).

Games with elements of mimic gymnastics.

Animals and birds


Children, let's draw geese. Here the geese stretched out their necks and shout:


Ha, ha, ha (vowels in such exercises need to be especially stretched. This strains the muscles of the face).


Now the kitty, as she arches her back and meows:


Me-a-a-a-o-o-o-o, me-a-a-a-o-o-o-o.


Let's imagine a frog croaking.


Qua-ah-ah-ah-ah, qua-ah-ah-ah-ah.


Let's roar like tigers.





Morning. The alarm woke up. He opened his eyes wide and blinked them fast, fast. I knew it was time to call. Take a deep, deep breath and chime in.

(Children depict an alarm clock and its actions).



The kettle is full of water (children puff out their cheeks). They put it on fire, the water in it gradually boils and steam comes out of the kettle spout (children sharply release air, imitating steam, lips are folded, as when pronouncing the sound “o”, cheeks are a little tense). Here the kettle is brought to the table, and the water in it sways (the children alternately inflate one or the other cheek). The water in the kettle gradually cools down (children inhale deeply and slowly exhale the air).

Day Night.

The host says "day" - the children walk, walk, jump, when the "night" comes, everyone freezes in their places and "falls asleep".


The host calls some part of the body or clothing, shows on myself, the children repeat. Then I deliberately make a mistake, and the children notice it, have fun and correct it.


I (or the child) hides an object. And this object is located at the prompts "hot" or "cold"

Golden Gate

Loved by both the little ones and older kids.

Golden Gate

Missing not always

First time - goodbye

Second time - allowed

Well, the third time we will not miss you.

First, two participants join hands and raise them up, forming a gate, the rest also join hands and walk in a chain under the gate, pronouncing the verse. When the last line sounds, the gates (hands) fall and catch the one who was passing there at that time. This member joins them. They become in a circle, raise their hands again, pronounce the verse, and the rest also walk under the gate like a snake. On the last line, the gates lower again and catch the one who remained in the circle. And so the game continues until there is one winner left, whom the gate did not catch.

On one leg along the path

Children stand on the edge of the playground. They are invited to jump to the middle of the site on their right foot (3-4 m). The children are running back. Then jump on the left leg.

Two Frosts

Two cities are marked on opposite sides of the site. The players, divided into two groups, are located in them. In the middle of the site are the Frost brothers: Frost Red Nose and Frost Blue Nose. They address the players with the words:

We are two young brothers

Two Frosts removed:

I am Frost Red Nose,

I am Frost Blue Nose.

Which one of you decides

To go on a path?

The boys respond in unison:

We are not afraid of threats

And we are not afraid of frost.

And they begin to run from one "city" to another. Frost catches them. Anyone they manage to catch is considered frozen. He remains in the place where he was caught, and must, spreading his arms, block the path of the players during the next dashes. When there are so many frozen that it becomes difficult to run, the game stops. The winners are those who have never been frozen.

Traffic light

Mugs (diameter 10 cm) are made in red, green and yellow colors, which are attached to sticks. Children stand in a line and perform exercises according to the leader’s signals: they squat on a red signal, stand on a yellow signal, and march in place on a green one.

While moving in a column, one at a time, bypassing the site, the exercises change: red - everyone stands still, yellow - they squat, green - they jump on their toes.

Penalty points are awarded for each mistake. The one with the fewest penalty points wins.

Third wheel

The players are divided into pairs and, holding hands, walk in a circle. The distance between pairs is at least four steps. Two players assigned by the teacher run in any direction (it is allowed to cross the circle). One of them, running away, can join any pair. To do this, he must run up to her on the right or left and take the last one by the hand. The player who turned out to be the third extra (on the other hand) runs away from the driver. The rules provide for a change in the driver if he taunted the evader.

senior preschool age. Basic concepts of the mobile game

Many authors, both domestic and foreign, have been involved in the development of game theory (G. Spencer, 1913; L.S. Slavina, 1948; L.S. Vygotsky, 1966; D.B. Elkonin, 1978; A.N. Leontiev, 1981; and others).

A great contribution to the study of children's games was also made by O. Listello (1959), I.M. Korotkov (1971), L.V. Byleeva (1974), P.F. Lesgaft (1987). In a number of studies, the theory of play, in foreign literature, is reduced to the expenditure of excess energy of the body (G. Spencer et al. 1913), to obtaining functional pleasure from the game, to enjoying emotions (the principle of pleasure precedes the principle of reality). Some authors consider the game as a hereditary instinct (E. Thorndike, 1930; J. Piaget, 1963;), who emphasized that the essence of the game is to train and prepare the forces necessary for the future life of the child. They draw attention to the biological expediency of the game as a means of controlling the organs and functions of the children's body, preparing them for future non-play activities.

The development of game theory in Russian literature belongs to L.S. Vygotsky (1966), D.B. Elkonin (1978), A.N. Leontiev (1981), whose ideas correspond to the theoretical provisions of foreign authors. The game for preschool children is a leading activity and is of great importance for the development of all aspects of life.

According to many authors who have studied various aspects of play activity, the beginning of the development of play is associated with the mastery of actions with objects of a special kind - toys. This suggests that the origins begin within objective activity. Then they are replaced by game situations with the reproduction of labor and social relations (A.V. Zaporozhets 1965, 1978), which indicates the transition from object-manipulative game activity to a role-playing game under the guidance of a teacher (A.N. Leontiev 1959). Gradually, the role-playing game develops into a role-playing game, which belongs to the category of "classic" children's games.

For a child, mastering the rules means mastering his behavior, controlling it, subordinating it to a specific task, evaluating his movements and actions, as well as other children. In the game it is easy for a child to obey the rules, it creates a zone of proximal development and is its source. “In play, the child is always above his average age, above his usual behavior; in the game he is, as it were, head and shoulders above himself” (L.S. Vygotsky, 1966).

Currently, in games with rules, the dominant position is given to creative play. Its structure includes a didactic game, which has a certain structural composition: 1) physical games; 2) games associated with the training of the senses; 3) mind games(F. Fröbel). This classification practically does not change and is confirmed by other authors (E.N. Tikheeva, 1980; M.A. Dzhaparidze, 1982). Didactic games consist of: 1) content, 2) game moment, 3) rules and 4) didactic task (N.V. Sedge, L.N. Semyko, 1985).

Mobile (physical) games occupy a special place in the structure of didactic games. They are aimed mainly at general development child through the improvement of his motor abilities. This favorably distinguishes outdoor games from all others, as it makes it possible to realize the biological (natural) need for movement. All motor qualities develop in them, skills and abilities of various locomotions are formed.

Being the leading activity for children of senior preschool age, the game leaves an imprint on the organization of all forms of work. Given this situation, it is necessary to approach the solution of the problems of physical education from the standpoint of introducing both the outdoor games themselves and the creation of game situations in various forms of physical education.

An outdoor game is one of the important means of comprehensive education of preschool children. Its characteristic feature is the complexity of the impact on the body and on all aspects of personality development: the child in the game is simultaneously carried out physical, mental, moral, aesthetic and labor education. (A.V. Zaporozhets, Markova).

Active motor activity of a playful nature and the positive emotions it causes intensify all physiological processes in the body, improve the functioning of all organs and systems. Unexpected situations that arise in the game teach children to use the acquired motor skills appropriately. In outdoor games, the most favorable conditions for the development of physical qualities are created. For example, in order to dodge a "trap", you need to show dexterity, and to escape from it, run as fast as possible. Fascinated by the plot of the game, children can perform with interest and, moreover, many times the same movements without noticing fatigue. And this leads to the development of endurance. (Z.S. Uvarova, R.G. Sorochek, G.P. Yurko).

During the game, children act in accordance with the rules that are binding on all participants. The rules regulate the behavior of the players and contribute to the development of mutual assistance, collectivism, honesty, discipline. At the same time, the need to follow the rules, as well as to overcome the inevitable obstacles in the game, contribute to the development of strong-willed qualities - endurance, courage, determination, and the ability to cope with negative emotions. (Yu.F. Luria).

In outdoor games, the child has to decide for himself how to act in order to achieve the goal. Rapid and sometimes unexpected change of conditions makes us look for more and more new ways to solve emerging problems. All this contributes to the development of independence, activity, initiative, creativity, ingenuity.

They manifest the natural need of the child to move, the need to find a solution to the motor problem. Playing, the child not only learns the world around him, but also transforms it. (E.Ya. Stepanenkova).

Mobile games are divided into elementary and complex. Elementary, in turn, are divided into plot and plotless, games - fun, attractions. (T.I. Osokina, E.A. Timofeeva).

Story games have a ready-made plot and firmly fixed rules. The plot reflects the phenomena of the surrounding life (labor activities of people, traffic, movements and habits of animals, birds, etc.), game actions are associated with the development of the plot and the role played by the child. The rules determine the beginning and end of the movement, determine the behavior and relationships of the players, and clarify the course of the game. Obedience to the rules is mandatory for everyone. (E. Yankevich).

Narrative outdoor games are mostly collective (in small groups and the whole group). Games of this type are used in all age groups, but they are especially popular in younger preschool age.

Plotless outdoor games such as traps, dashes (“Traps”, “Runnings”) do not have a plot, images, but are similar in plot to the presence of rules, roles, and the interdependence of game actions of all participants. These games are associated with the performance of a specific motor task and require children to have great independence, speed, dexterity, and orientation in space. (D.V. Mendzheritskaya).

At preschool age, outdoor games with elements of competition (individual and group) are used, for example: “Which link is more likely to assemble”, “Who is the first through the hoop to the flag”, and other elements of the competition encourage great activity in the performance of motor tasks. In some games (“Change the subject”, “Who is faster to the flag”), each child plays for himself and tries to complete the task as best as possible. If these games are divided into teams (games - relay races), then the child seeks to complete the task in order to improve the result of the team. (E.N. Vavilova).

Plotless games also include games using objects (skittles, serso, ring toss, grandmas, "School of the ball", etc.). Motor tasks in these games require certain conditions, so they are carried out with small groups of children (two, three, etc.). The rules in such games are on the order of arrangement of objects, their use, the order of actions of the players. In these games, elements of competition are observed in order to achieve the best results. (M.Ya. Studenkin).

In games - fun, attractions, motor tasks are performed in unusual conditions and often include an element of competition, while several children perform motor tasks (running in bags, etc.), the rest of the children are spectators. Games are fun, attractions give the audience a lot of joy.

Complex games include - sports games (towns, badminton, table tennis, basketball, volleyball, football, hockey). At preschool age, elements of these games are used and children play according to simplified rules. (T.I. Osokina, E.A. Timofeeva).

Outdoor games also differ in their motor content: games with running, jumping, throwing, etc. According to the degree of physical activity that each player receives, games of high, medium and low mobility are distinguished. High mobility games include those in which the whole group of children participate at the same time and they are built mainly on such movements as running and jumping.

Games of medium mobility are those in which the whole group also actively participates, but the nature of the movements of the players is relatively calm (walking, passing objects) or the movement is performed by subgroups. In games of low mobility, movements are performed at a slow pace, moreover, their intensity is insignificant. (P.F. Lesgaft).

Mobile play is an exercise through which a child prepares for life, and through which his personality develops through creativity.

An outdoor game is an indispensable means of replenishing a child's knowledge and ideas about the world around him, developing thinking, ingenuity, dexterity, dexterity, and valuable moral and volitional qualities.

During the game there is not only an exercise in existing skills, their consolidation, improvement, but also the formation of new personality traits. (L.D. Glazyrina, V.A. Ovsyankin).

In pedagogical science, outdoor games are considered as the most important means of the comprehensive development of the child. The deep meaning of outdoor games is in their full-fledged role in the physical and spiritual life that exists in the history and culture of every nation. An outdoor game can be called the most important educational tool that promotes both the development of physical and mental abilities and the development of moral norms, rules of conduct, and ethical values ​​of society. (E.J. Adashkyavichene).

Outdoor games of different content make it possible to trace the variety of approaches to finding ways for the harmonious development of children. However, the teaching of outdoor games and their use by the child should be such that the activities give the children pleasure, maintain a positive, emotional mood and interest due to their novelty.

Outdoor games bring up goodwill, desire for mutual assistance, conscientiousness, organization, initiative. Games help the child to expand and deepen their understanding of the surrounding reality. Performing various roles, depicting a variety of actions, children practically use their knowledge about the habits of animals, birds, insects, natural phenomena, vehicles, and modern technology. In the process of games, opportunities are created for the development of speech, exercises in counting, etc.

The game is a historically established phenomenon, an independent type of activity characteristic of a person. Playing activities are very diverse: children's games with toys, board games, dance games, outdoor games, sports games.

The game can be a means of self-knowledge, entertainment, recreation, a means of physical and general social education, a means of sports.

The game is a very emotional activity, so it is of great value in educational work with children. Among the wide variety of games, outdoor games are widespread among children and adolescents. A characteristic feature of outdoor games is the pronounced role of movements in the content of the game (running, jumping, throwing, throwing, passing and catching the ball, resistance, etc.); these motor actions are motivated by its plot (theme, idea). They are sent to overcome various difficulties, obstacles placed in the way of achieving the goal of the game.

Among outdoor games, there are actually (elementary) outdoor games and sports games. Actually (elementary) outdoor games are a consciously initiative activity aimed at achieving the conditions of the goal, voluntarily set by the players themselves. Achieving the goal requires active motor actions from the players, the implementation of which depends on the creativity and initiative of the players themselves (quickly run to the goal, quickly throw at the target, quickly and deftly catch up with the "enemy" or run away from him, etc.). Motor actions are established by the rules of the game, the implementation of which requires the players to perform appropriate sports behavior within the established rules. The rules determine the nature of the obstacles and difficulties in the game on the way to achieving the goal. The complexity of the game itself depends on the complexity and number of rules.

Actually outdoor games do not require special training from the participants. The rules in them vary by the participants and leaders, depending on the conditions in which the games are played. They do not have a fixed number of players, the exact size of the site, and the inventory also varies (mace or skittles, volleyball or simple ball, small balls or bags of peas, gymnastic or simple stick, etc.).

Outdoor games can be individual (single), which are most often organized by the children themselves (ball game, jump rope, hopscotch, hoop riding, etc.). They can be used to organize leisure activities, active recreation (during breaks, with an extended day and in other cases). Collective (group) outdoor games, in which groups of players participate: classes, sports sections, teams, have a special pedagogical impact. All collective outdoor games have a competitive element (each for himself or each for his team), as well as mutual assistance, mutual assistance in the interests of achieving the set goal.

A characteristic of collective games is the ever-changing situation in the game, which requires the players to react quickly. Therefore, in the course of the game, relationships change all the time: everyone seeks to create for himself or for his team the most advantageous position compared to the “opponent”. Each outdoor game has its own content, form (construction), methodological features. The content of an outdoor game is: a plot (a figurative or conditional idea, a game plan), rules and motor actions included in the game to achieve the goal.

The form of an outdoor game is the organization of the actions of the participants, which provides the opportunity for a wide choice of ways to achieve the goal. In some games, participants act individually or in groups, seeking their personal interests, in others collectively, defending the interests of their team, their team. The constructions of the players for the game are also different (scattered, in a circle, in a line). The form of the game is connected with the content and is conditioned by it. The methodological features of the game depend on its content and form.

The methodological features of outdoor games are characterized by:

  • - imagery;
  • - independence of actions aimed at achieving the goal, limited by the rules;
  • - creative initiative in actions in accordance with the rules;
  • - performance of individual roles in the game, according to its plot, which establishes certain relationships in the team of game participants;
  • - suddenness, variability of the situation in the game, requiring the players to react quickly, take initiative;
  • - elements of competition in the game, requiring full mobilization of forces and increasing the emotionality of the game;
  • - clash of opposing interests in resolving game "conflicts", which creates a high emotional tone.

Outdoor games are not only a means, but also a method of physical education. The concept of the game method in education reflects the methodological features of the game, that is, what distinguishes it methodically from other methods of education (the element of competition, plot, imagery, various ways to achieve the goal, the relative independence of actions). The game method is used mainly for the complex improvement of movements in conditional variable conditions.

Outdoor games as a means of physical education and a game method contribute to the education and improvement of physical qualities. In addition, outdoor games improve and consolidate natural movements and individual skills and abilities acquired in gymnastics, athletics, skiing, skating and other sports.

Thus, outdoor games are one of the conditions for the development of a child's culture. In them, he comprehends and cognizes the world around him, his intellect, fantasy, imagination develop in them, social qualities are formed.

An outdoor game with rules is a conscious motor active activity of a child, characterized by accurate and timely fulfillment of tasks related to the rules that are mandatory for all players. According to P. Lesgaft, an outdoor game is an exercise through which a child prepares for life. Fascinating content, emotional richness of the game encourage the child to certain mental and physical efforts.

Mobile game specifics consists in a lightning-fast, instant response of the child to the signals “catch!”, “Run!” "stop!" and etc.

mobile game- an indispensable means of replenishing the child's knowledge and ideas about the world around him, developing thinking, ingenuity, dexterity, dexterity, valuable moral and volitional qualities. When conducting an outdoor game, unlimited possibilities are created for the complex use of various methods aimed at shaping the child's personality. During the game there is not only an exercise in the existing motor skills, their consolidation and improvement, but also the formation of personality traits.

Many domestic scientists were engaged in the search for ways of harmonious development of children. So, in the system of physical education created by P. Lesgaft, the principle of harmonious development was fundamental, and the physical and spiritual forces of a person were considered as qualitatively different aspects of a single life process that allows forming people of an “ideally normal type”. According to P. Lesgaft, harmonious development is possible only with a scientifically based system of physical education and upbringing, in which the principle of awareness prevails.

Consciousness of movements provides the possibility of their rational and economical use, execution with the least expenditure of effort and with the greatest effect, and also contributes to the spiritual development of a person.

Numerous studies prove that the character, thoughts, feelings of a person are reflected in the form of a “muscular shell” on the body (M. Alexander, W. Reich, M. Feldenkrais, etc.), therefore, in order to implement the tasks of harmonious development, it is important to understand how our body works . The teacher should teach children to move naturally, gracefully, in accordance with the constitution of the body and individual abilities.

Harmonious development occurs with a holistic, comprehensive, balanced realization of all the potential capabilities of a person. One-sided development is detrimental to the individual and often borders on a psychological or physical illness.

The child realizes freedom of action in outdoor games, which are a factor in the formation of physical culture. In pedagogical science, outdoor games are considered as the most important means of the comprehensive development of the child. The deep meaning of outdoor games is in their full-fledged role in the physical and spiritual life, the significance in the history and culture of every nation. An outdoor game can be called the most important educational institution, contributing both to the development of physical and mental abilities, and the development of moral norms, rules of conduct, and ethical values ​​of society.

Outdoor games are one of the conditions for the development of a child's culture. In them, he comprehends and cognizes the world around him, in them his intellect, fantasy, imagination develop, social qualities are formed. Outdoor games are always a creative activity in which the natural dexterity of a child in movement, the need to find a solution to a motor problem is manifested. Playing, the child not only learns the world around him, but also transforms it.

Children of primary preschool age imitate everything they see in the game. However, in the outdoor games of kids, first of all, it is not communication with peers that is reflected, but a reflection of the life of adults or animals: they fly with pleasure like sparrows, wave their arms like a butterfly with wings, etc. The desire to spiritualize inanimate nature is explained by the desire of the child to give the image depicted in the game a living character. When he gets used to the image, the mechanisms of empathy turn on and, as a result, morally valuable personal qualities are formed: empathy, complicity, ownership. Due to the developed ability to imitate, most of the outdoor games of younger preschoolers are of a plot nature.

In the fifth year of life the nature of children's play activities is changing. They begin to be interested in the result of an outdoor game, they strive to express their feelings, desires, realize their plans, creatively reflect the accumulated motor and social experience in their imagination and behavior. However, imitation and imitation continue to play an important role in the older preschool age.

Outdoor games are characterized by the presence of moral content. They bring up goodwill, desire for mutual assistance, conscientiousness, organization, initiative. In addition, outdoor games are associated with great emotional uplift, joy, fun, and a sense of freedom. Outdoor games of different content make it possible to trace the variety of approaches to finding ways for the harmonious development of children. It is conditionally possible to distinguish several types of outdoor games that contribute in different ways to comprehensive development preschoolers and carrying a different social orientation. Catch-type games are inherently creative in nature, based on excitement, motor experience and strict adherence to the rules. Running away, chasing, dodging, children mobilize their mental and physical strength to the maximum, while they independently choose methods that ensure the effectiveness of play actions, improve psychophysical qualities.

Games that require inventing movements or instant termination of action on a game signal encourage children to individual and collective creativity (inventing combinations of movements, simulating the movements of vehicles, animals).

Such games are at the same time an exercise for the will, attention, thought, feeling and movement. Particular attention is paid to the expressiveness of actions invented by children that activate mental processes, carry out sensory corrections, role training, form psychosomatic and emotional spheres, developing empathy mechanisms. Children convey the character and images of the characters in the game, their moods, relationships. At the same time, mimic and large muscles are trained, which contributes to the release of endorphins (hormone of joy), which improve the condition and vital activity of the body.

Ball games play a particularly important role in working with children. The child, while playing, performs various manipulations with the ball: aims, hits, tosses, throws, combines movements with claps, various turns, etc. These games develop the eye, motor coordination functions, improve the activity of the cerebral cortex. According to A. Lowen, hitting the ball improves mood, relieves aggression, helps to get rid of muscle tension, and causes pleasure. Pleasure, in his opinion, is the freedom of movement from muscle tension.

Games with elements of competition require proper pedagogical management of them, which implies the observance of a number of conditions: each child participating in the game must have a good command of the motor skills (climbing, running, jumping, throwing, etc.) in which they compete in the game. This principle is also fundamental in relay races. It is also important to objectively evaluate the activities of children when summing up the results of the game: it is necessary to evaluate the achievements of the child in relation to himself, that is, his own achievements, because each child has his own characteristics, his own abilities, determined by the state of health, sensory and motor experience.

In this way, playing and implementing various forms of activity, children learn about the world around them, themselves, their body, their capabilities, invent, create, while developing harmoniously and holistically.

In the formation of a diversified personality of a child, outdoor games with rules play an important role. They are considered as the main means and method of physical education. Outdoor games have a healing effect on the child's body - he exercises in a wide variety of movements: running, jumping, climbing, climbing, throwing, catching, dodging, etc. At the same time, breathing, metabolic processes in the body are activated, which, in turn, has a fruitful effect on mental activity. The healing effect of outdoor games is enhanced when they are held outdoors.

It is extremely important to take into account the role of growing tension, joy, strong feelings and undying interest in the results of the game that the child experiences. Enthusiasm for the game not only mobilizes his physiological resources, but also improves the effectiveness of movements. The game is an indispensable means of developing and improving movements; formation of speed, strength, endurance, coordination of movements. In mobile play as a creative activity, nothing fetters the child's freedom of action, he is relaxed and free.

The role of outdoor play in mental education is great: children learn to act in accordance with the rules, act consciously in a changed game situation and learn about the world around them; master spatial terminology. During the game, memory, ideas are activated, thinking, imagination develop. Children learn the meaning of the game, memorize the rules, learn to act in accordance with the chosen role, creatively apply the existing motor skills, learn to analyze their actions and the actions of their comrades. Outdoor games are often accompanied by songs, poems, counting rhymes, game beginnings. Such games replenish vocabulary, enrich children's speech.

Outdoor games are also of great importance in the moral education of preschoolers. Children learn to act in a team, to obey the general requirements. The guys perceive the rules of the game as a law; their conscious fulfillment forms the will, develops self-control, endurance, the ability to control one's actions and behavior. Honesty, discipline, justice are formed in the game. An outdoor game teaches sincerity, camaraderie. Obeying the rules of the game, children learn to be friends, empathize, help each other.

Skillful, thoughtful management of the game by the teacher contributes to the education of an active creative personality. In outdoor games, the aesthetic perception of the world is improved. Children learn the beauty of movements, their imagery; master poetic, figurative speech; they develop a sense of rhythm.

An outdoor game prepares for work: children make game attributes, arrange and put them away in a certain sequence, improve their motor skills necessary for future work.

Thus, an outdoor game is an indispensable means of replenishing a child's knowledge and ideas about the world around him; development of thinking, ingenuity, dexterity, skill, valuable moral and volitional qualities. When conducting an outdoor game, there are unlimited possibilities for the complex use of various methods aimed at shaping the child's personality. During the game, there is not only an exercise in existing skills, but also the formation of new mental processes, new personality traits.

Success in life largely depends on the ability to properly build your relationships with the people around you. The right style of behavior allows you to realize your own desires. Everything starts from childhood.

Preschool age is the foundation for the formation of a personality, the formation of health, the development of basic behavioral skills, the formation of moral, physical, spiritual and other qualities.

Work in kindergarten No. 72 in Ulyanovsk is aimed at the formation of moral health.

Children of older preschool age tend to unite in groups that arise regardless of the influence of an adult. At the initiative of children, children's associations arise and relationships develop when communicating in games, in everyday life, when performing work assignments, but it does not always go smoothly, they often quarrel among themselves, and show indifference.

The main task is to teach children how to interact correctly with each other, therefore, the topic of forming friendly relationships is relevant.

On the present stage psychological and pedagogical work in kindergarten should be based on the integration of educational areas. A special role in the formation of the integrative qualities of the individual belongs to the integration of the tasks of such educational areas as " Physical Culture”, “Health” and “Socialization”.

Under the guidance of the supervisor I.A. Anokhina, a perspective-thematic planning was developed on the topic "An integrated approach to the formation of friendly relations among older preschoolers in problem situations", which included different types activities between children: games, educational activities, work with literature, conversations, etc., where the connection between motor and moral tasks is closely traced and contribute to the formation of friendly relationships and positive moral qualities of the individual.

Particular attention is paid to outdoor games of a competitive nature, where friendly relations are formed andchildren learn the social experience of communication.

The relationship of children in the outdoor games we proposed developed as follows:

    between partners in a couple

    between members of the link

    between each participant in team relay games

Game with a problem situation "Don't get your feet wet".

Target: determine the level of formation of the manifestation of sympathy and responsiveness.

1 option:

Invite the children to pair up. Give each child two boards with which the couple had to cross to the other side without getting their feet wet. By the terms of the game, a comrade in trouble cannot be abandoned. On a signal, the children began to perform tasks. When the children approached about the middle of the “swamp”, a game situation was created, as if one of them had a broken plank. Thus, one of the couple could continue to move forward, and the other, if his comrade did not help him out of trouble, should remain alone in the swamp. Children were given the opportunity to make decisions and act independently, to find a rational way to move.

Option 2:

Children are given one board at a time and they themselves must agree among themselves how to distribute them so that everyone gets to the shore. (In turn: first one pair, then the boards are transferred to another pair)

Game-exercise "Bridge" - a task with a problem situation.

Target: to reveal sympathy, responsiveness, understanding of the need to help another, to develop the ability to master the ways of providing assistance.

A narrow board (20 cm) is thrown from one bank to another bank at a height30 cm. The task is to ensure that each of the 2 participants in the game, located on opposite banks, go to the other side. Children must move simultaneously towards each other, find a rational way to move.

blind dance

Target: learn to coordinate their actions with a partner in activities, to trust their friend.

Pair dance. One partner will be "blind", he is blindfolded. The other one remains "sighted" and will be able to drive the "blind". The partners join hands and dance with each other to the music (2 - 3 minutes), after which they change roles. After completing the exercise, a discussion is required:

Did you feel confident with your partner when you were blindfolded?

Pyramid Builders.

Target: develop cohesion, the ability to coordinate their actions with a partner in activities.

They play in pairs. The couple holds hands and does not separate them throughout the game. On a signal, each pair must build a pyramid of homogeneous objects, different in size. Building kits are prepared by the host in advance. One pair can be given two boxes of the same size so that it can refer to another pair that has a box of a different size.

"Get to the subject"

Target: Develop trusting relationships

Equipment: 6 pins staggered one meter apart

One participant in the game has their eyes closed. The other participant directs up to the subject. Says direction. How many steps, where to go.

Option 2:

The participant himself considers how many steps you need to go to the subject. His eyes are closed. He goes to the subject.

"Don't drop the hoop."

Target: to teach children to act in concert, to agree on joint actions, to strengthen the muscles of the fingers.

Equipment: hoops

1 option: children in pairs or four people hold on to the hoop and, turning it over with both hands, try not to drop it.

Option 2: All children stand in a large circle. Each child has a hoop.

At the signal "Step" - you need to quickly take a step to the right, releasing your hoop and quickly taking your neighbor's hoop without dropping it. Whoever drops the hoop is out of the game.

Mobile game "Cat and Mice".

Target : to be able to subordinate their interests to a common goal and the ability to act in the interests of their team, to show mutual assistance, to treat the rules of the game as a law.

Invite the children to choose houses. (Children choose arc houses depending on their height and the number of children, who is friends with whom).

First option - set a task for the children:that link will win, in whose house there will be more “uncaught mice”.

Second option : propose a task: "Which link will bring more cheese into their minks." According to the condition of the game, the children had to find a rational way to complete this task. Put "Cheese" in a bucket, which is located in the depths of the house. Take only one "cheese".

Third option. While the children collect the cheese, during the game, the adult takes the cheese from the bucket. After counting the cheese, the children come to the conclusion that it is necessary to leave a watchman who will guard the prey.

The fourth version of the game . Offer to collect cheese, and the cat is not sleeping at this time - catching up with mice.


Target: develop a sense of unity.

The adult reminds that cute animals live in the coldest place on earth: clumsy waterfowl penguins. In the worst frosts, they huddle together, closely clinging to each other to keep warm. And those who remain on the edge may freeze.

The host calls any action: "Turtles, tall, fox, etc." Children perform different types of walking. On the words "Penguins" - the children are closely pressed against each other.

"Potato Planting"

Target: to consolidate the ability of children to navigate in space, to change activities depending on the number in the team. To develop interest in games of a competitive nature, to develop the skills of cooperation, organization.

Equipment: 3 bags, pins for each team.

Opposite the teams, three crosses are marked with chalk - at a distance of 2, 4, 6 meters from the start - and a pin is placed at a distance of 8 meters from the start line. The first numbers have three sandbags in their hands - “potatoes”. At the command "March!" the first numbers lay out the bags on crosses, run around the skittle, return to their team, touch the hand of the second player with their hand and stand at the end of the team. The second numbers collect "potatoes" - they take the bags from the crosses, run around the skittle, return to their team and pass the bags ("potatoes") to the third number, and they themselves stand at the end of their team. The third number repeats the actions of the first, and so on, until the first number returns to its place.

Relay race Whose team will complete the task faster and correctly?

Target: identify the level of manifestation of the subordination of their interests to a common goal, the ability to negotiate and act in concert, the ability of children to give an objective assessment of their actions and the actions of their peers, the ability to perceive comments made by other children.

Offer children tasks that they must complete sequentially. According to the terms of the game, each member of the team had to choose only one type of movement: pulling up on the gymnastic bench; crawling under arcs 40 and 50 cm high; hitting a horizontal target (throwing a bag into a hoop); task "Who will jump further"; climbing the gymnastic ladder "Reach for the bell"; run 10m.

Offer to split into teams. The method of dividing into teams is up to you. The team needs to distribute the stages on the obstacle course, choose the movement that they would like to perform. Remember the motto in the team - victory depends on each member of the team. Each member of the team could make an equal contribution to the victory.

Integrated activity "Friendly guys"

Target: To form in children ideas about the moral norms of relations with others;

To consolidate the concepts in children: friendship, friendly relations, responsiveness, sensitivity, sympathy. Cultivate a sense of unity, responsiveness, be able to understand the need to help others.

To develop the ability to find a rational way when crawling under arcs of different heights.

To be able to analyze the actions of characters, to activate the speech of children.

Previous work : looking at pictures with problem situations about relationships. Selection of fiction about friendship. A conversation about friendships. Team building games.

Material: character of the cat Leopold, "House of Friendship", pictures with the characters of fairy tales, arcs for crawling, buckets, "cheese", music of the cat Leopold

Stroke: Sounds music from m / f. The cat enters.

Hello guys. Did you recognize me? Who am I?

Yes, I am Leopold the Cat. Have you watched a cartoon with my participation? What am I: kind or evil, friendly or angry, helpful or bully? Or maybe I'm indifferent to everything?

What does it mean to be responsive? - willingness to help, easily respond to other people's needs.

What does empathy mean? - responsive, sympathetic attitude to the experiences, misfortune of others.

Well, well, from your answers, I see that you recognized me. I'm glad to meet you. You correctly defined the words.

Guys, I live in this house. (showing the house). I feel very sad in it alone. Please help me find good friends-neighbors.

Look how many different fairy-tale characters are here. (I show pictures of fairy-tale characters lying on the table: Bunny, Cockerel, Puss in Boots, Thumbelina, Leopold the Cat, Piglet, Fox, Wolf, Geese - swans, Baba Yaga, Koschey, etc.)

Let's think about who we can settle in this house. (Children sort pictures with characters and discuss each character. We fill the house with characters.)

Thank you friends. What a great help you have been to me. Find me real friends. We have a real "HOUSE OF FRIENDSHIP" with you.

Are you guys real friends? Do you help each other? Where do you show friendship? Are you attentive and responsive? Can I put you in this house?

(Examples of children: in a group they help to clean up toys, get dressed, give gifts to a sick friend, call a friend, visit a sick friend, clean up the site together, make a slide, play games, etc.)

Do you know proverbs and sayings about friendship?

And now we will check whether you are really real friends, friendly guys? Do you like to play mobile games? Which? Do you know games where friendship is shown? (Tea - tea, help out, Mother hen and kite, Needle and thread, One, two, three - take the house, Crossing, We are funny guys, etc.) Do you need to show friendship in these games? How?

Offer children games.

1. "Cat and mice" - with the options above.

On a bench at the gate, a ginger cat slumbers sweetly,

The cat opens its eyes and catches up with all the mice.

2. the game "Needle and thread" for the rallying of children. (No one got unhooked)

3. game "Penguins" - elements of health walking, rallying children. (Closely pressed against each other, did not let their comrade freeze)

How else can we show concern for our comrade? (make a massage)

Can you do a back massage yourself? Why do you need a massage? (muscle tone so that your back does not hurt, etc.)

4. Self-massage of the back "Rain"

Rain dripping on the roof - bom, bom

On a cheerful, sonorous roof - bom, bom

Stay at home, stay at home - bom, bom.

Don't go anywhere - bom, bom.

Read, play - bom, bom.

And I'll leave, then walk - bom, bom.

Well done guys you are true friends. They showed concern for their friends.

Don't leave your comrade in trouble. You, too, can be accommodated in my house. I liked you very much. And I did not come to you empty-handed.

I have a present for you! He is unusual. Look - this is a BOOK OF GOOD DEED. (Show the book)

Here I remind you of good rules. What other rules do you know? (Children list)


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