Board games in English. Board games in learning English Make a board game in English

What do you associate with learning something? Many people often look at English lessons in this way: books, written assignments, grades, class... But who said you can't make your lessons effective and fun at the same time by adding an element of play?

Sometimes it is enough to look at the process of studying from a different angle, and it turns out that there are many ways to learn a language without getting bored.

In the following articles we will discuss which games can help language learning, make the learning process easier and support motivation.

And today, board game lovers, this article is for you!

Why play board games in English?

  • Context. You won't be able to remember the material simply by cramming. And it’s not always possible to find practice. But when playing board games, you will immediately use new words in the context of the game. Of course, if you don’t just memorize random words or do grammar exercises, but actively complete the proposed tasks. For example, answer questions within a minute or describe something about a certain topic.
  • Inspiration. Motivation to learn a language requires constant support and reminders. It is easy to lose it if goals are set incorrectly, or fatigue sets in after a period of intense activity. These are popular reasons for quitting. There will be no such problem with games - they ideally fill a pause in lessons. It turns out that this is an ideal tool to take a break from your usual activities and not lose your acquired skills.
  • Time management. Knowing that an interesting game awaits you, you will start studying more often. And even look forward to them. Therefore: the language will be practiced more often. In addition, there is no need to build games into your schedule; you will return to them regularly. After all, we will not forget to do what we like.
  • Communication. The right attitude and positive attitude is one of the key points in successfully learning a language. Since the games are mostly played in the company of friends or family, you will at least have fun and laugh in the process. The language is learned unobtrusively, and learning in a team of like-minded people is always effective.
  • Where can I find board games in English?


    Another worthwhile game for developing spoken language and overcoming the language barrier. Suitable for everyone from 13 years old and from Pre-Intermediate level. You can play together or split into two teams of several participants.

    The essence of the game: you receive a card with a random word or concept written on it. Your task is to explain its meaning to other players on your team in a minute. The difficulty is that each card comes with a list of taboo words. Among them are those that first come to mind when describing these words, but the trick is that you cannot use them!
    You can change the rules of the game and, on the contrary, allow participants to use words from the list to practice memorization in different ways.

    If the players manage to guess the word in a minute, they take more cards, and so on until the time runs out. You need to be the host once and collect the most cards. The game is a great alternative to speaking classes in class or with a tutor.

    Grammar games Mix of English Tenses

    A game that an English teacher can easily use in class and that students can continue to play independently at home. You can take part from 8 years old, at least at the Elementary level, and in a company of 2 or more people.
    During the game, the 5 main grammatical tenses in English are practiced: Future Simple, Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect and Past Simple. In the process of moving along the playing field, participants are given tasks to compose literate sentences in the listed tenses: affirmation, denial or question.

    Options for verbs that need to be put in the correct tense and subjects are also provided. There are time indicator words as clues. The more a participant makes mistakes, the slower he moves across the field and vice versa.

    Man Bites Dog

    You will forget that you are practicing grammar while you play this game. Your level is not important here, and the age of participants starts from 10 years.

    During the game you receive cards with words of different parts of speech. Your task is to use the suggested words to create a funny and interesting headline for the newspaper. Moreover, the cards indicate how many points you will receive for this.

    It is important that the title is not only captivating, but also grammatically correct. Participants must pay attention: it is important not to miss the moment if the proposal is composed incorrectly. The one who scores more points wins.

    Vocabulary development games Pass The Bomb Junior

    A very fun vocabulary development game that can be played at any stage of learning and at any age: from young to old! The game offers cards with pictures, and the players’ task is to come up with association words for them. At the same time, a special “toy bomb” is passed from player to player. The one whose turn it is to take the card sets off a bomb that starts ticking.

    Next, the participants take turns taking a card and a bomb, naming the association to the picture, then pass them to the next player in line. And so on in a circle until “on someone” the bomb says “boom”. The most interesting thing is that in each round it “explodes” at a different time and no one knows when. The one from whom this happens takes the card. Whoever has the fewest cards wins.
    The value of the game is that you learn to translate words from passive to active. After all, this is often a stumbling block when we communicate in language. We teach, but we don’t remember at the right moment. The presence of a toy “bomb” activates your vocabulary, you begin to think faster in order to have time to pass it on to a new player. Well, laughter and a good mood are a bonus.

    Memory Games

    A set of games on topics to develop concentration and improve memory. But these things are necessary to master the language well.
    The games on the list are dedicated to topics such as: city, nature, home, supermarket, clothes, animals. During the game, participants gain points, look for pictures, and at the same time easily and imperceptibly expand their vocabulary.

    Games for children I Can Do That

    The game is great for children aged 3 years and older with a basic level of English.

    The essence of the game is to collect a task on cards (only part of it is written on each card), and then complete it. If the player understands that he can perform an action planned in the game, he must say “I can do that!” and make it.
    You need to collect the most stars indicated on the cards. The game is active, so you don't have to sit. Adults can easily help children during the game.

    Alphabet Acorns Set

    A game for kids in which they can learn the English alphabet and simple words (for example, colors, objects) in an unobtrusive way.
    The game contains many variations: you can study the letters, they are indicated on the acorns, or find a surprise inside, which also begins with a certain letter.

    Discover The Town

    In the game, participants must create their own city. For this purpose, special figures are used that move across the playing field.

    After the city is built, we move on to a new stage of the game - we look for places hidden around the city and complete interesting tasks.

    Why you should buy educational game sets from Sun English:

    • the game can be selected for a specific stage of learning: both beginners and advanced students will find something that will be relevant to their level of knowledge
    • a range of games for different ages, from 3 years old to adults
    • the games are not just translated into English - all the tasks are thought out and directly teach the language (of course, if you are at an advanced level, you can just buy the same monopoly in English and play with friends)
    • affordable price, as well as free delivery for purchases over 4,000 rubles
    • training of all language aspects: most games develop several skills at once: conversation and understanding, reading and grammar, and most importantly they teach you to apply knowledge in practice

    To purchase games from the list in this article, click on the button after the selected game. If you'd like to check out the rest of the play sets, click here . Be sure to mention the promotional code ELENARUVEL when purchasing to receive a nice surprise gift!

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    Board games in English are an ideal way to improve your language level and maintain regularity in your studies, making the learning process interactive, engaging and more interesting.

    Do you like board games? Have you played in other languages?

    Hello, dear teachers, tutors and everyone who wants to learn English in a fun and useful way!

    This is just a small part of the games that are used in Margarita’s courses.

    Today I will introduce you to one interesting English teacher, Margarita Bulanova, who is the organizer of her own Sun English courses and an online store with the same sunny name.

    I warn you that fans of games in English may lose their temper and want to have all the games at once. This happened to me too, but more on that later...

    -Margarita, hello! Thank you for not refusing me to interview you. I'm always glad to meet new people. Tell us a little about yourself, what university did you study at?

    Hello Leah. I graduated from Penza Pedagogical University named after V.G. Belinsky. Specialty: French, English.

    Participated in three exchange programs. She worked for one year at the Madjestic Hotel (Harrogate) in England and was in America twice, working in a hotel and a children's camp.

    I can say that I am very lucky, and thanks to such extensive language practice, I am familiar with the peculiarities of the British and American varieties of English.

    I am often asked the question, what did I like more: England or America? I liked everything, these countries are very different, I think they shouldn’t even be compared.

    I also worked as a translator, and sometimes I still work part-time. I have an agreement with one construction company, when they need it, they call me and I translate.

    -What about work at school?

    Already from the first year, I worked as an English tutor; at first it was only for elementary school students. Many of them have already grown up and now work at our Sun English school.

    -So you have your own school?

    I decided to immediately organize my own English courses; I didn’t work at school. The name Sun English also somehow appeared immediately. I really wanted the students to associate learning with something bright, warm, kind...

    Children really like to play

    When teaching, we always try to focus on speaking practice, to teach children and adults to use what they learned in class. Implement this in real life. Our town is small, and also closed, there are no native speakers.

    -I know that you also have your own online store, which is what helped me get to know you. I saw so many interesting games that I immediately wanted to try everything. How did you get the idea to use board games in your lessons?

    When I lived in England, I worked in a hotel and in the evenings, many of the hotel workers and I often gathered in the common room and played board games. Particularly popular with us were Monopoly, Game of Life, Malarky and others.

    Online store of games for learning English

    I always really liked playing these games, even then I thought that this would be a good help in learning English. In addition, these games always feature lively spoken language.

    But what impressed me most was that board games encourage communication, and communication is the most important thing for which we learn a foreign language.

    I don’t think all foreign language teachers need to be told that speaking is one of the most difficult skills we have to teach. English-language board games provide significant benefits to spoken English.

    Games encourage talking and relieve inhibitions

    Finding himself under stress, the participant in the game quickly finds the right words, shows creativity and eloquence. Thus, the game makes learning much more effective, the language barrier disappears, and a large percentage of vocabulary moves from passive to active.

    A properly selected board game in English will help even the most timid and silent student to speak, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s an adult or a child. Absolutely everyone likes games.

    -What games do you like best?

    To be honest, I like all the games presented in our store. We select products very carefully. Let me tell you today about the five most favorite games of my teenage students.

    1) is a very useful and exciting game, it is suitable for both group and individual English lessons. The game consists of 60 double-sided cards, with pictures on each side.

    Some examples of pictures: boxing gloves, a fortune teller, a heart, an ambulance, skyscrapers, a man at a computer and much more.

    Using your imagination, you need to make sentences, and from the sentences a whole connected story based on these pictures.

    Tell Tale greatly develops imagination, and children love to make things up!

    This game can also be used in English writing lessons, since the compiled stories can not only be told, but also written down. In our English courses we even organize competitions for the best stories.

    2) is a fun, fast, fun game for learning English. This game is especially useful for learning. Already two people can play this game, but the more players there are, the more intense and interesting it becomes.

    The goal of the game is to guess a word in English by describing it with a set of tablets with definitions. You can't talk or show, you can only find words among 120 tablets with definitions, while everyone shouts out possible answers.

    All adjectives are divided into semantic groups, each group is presented in its own color, and each adjective is written in a special font that helps you remember the meaning of the word.

    For example, the adjective ‘’round’’ has all round letters, the word ‘’creepy’’ is written in a font with streaks imitating blood. You can devote an entire lesson to this game, or start a lesson with it, using it as a warm-up.

    3) You've Been Sentenced is an exciting and very educational game where you not only need to compose a phrase in English, but also prove that it makes sense! The game consists of 540 pentagonal cards.

    Each card contains five English words in different grammatical forms or parts of speech. You need to make a sentence from cards with words. Sentences must be grammatically correct. In this game you still have to talk a lot, because, having composed phrases, you still need to defend it, come up with a plausible story and tell it in English.

    You've Been Sentenced will be especially useful for students who are preparing to take final exams in English in the State Exam and Unified State Exam format. When making sentences from words, players have to think about which form of the word should be used, and why.

    4) is a very dynamic game for reviewing vocabulary learning. Pass the bomb comes in several versions. This article will focus on the junior option. The players' task is to come up with an association word for the picture on the card.

    At the same time, a ticking “toy bomb” is passed around in a circle. He was gaping and the bomb exploded! The game helps to activate the vocabulary used in communication. In addition, under stressful conditions, words will be remembered much better. Pass the bomb is very popular among teenagers; they are ready to play this game for hours.

    5) is a very simple game for learning English, but the process is exciting, challenging and allows all players to express themselves.

    The game consists of questions that are interesting to answer, which require not knowing the answer, but your opinion or assumption, the manifestation of originality or humor. The Loaded questions (junior) set includes questions that teenagers are sure to enjoy.

    Learn to answer questions by expressing your opinion...

    This game will help you develop communication skills, expand your vocabulary, and learn how to take short notes in English.

    Learning English is a fun, exciting process, which, unfortunately, many teachers turn into a boring and tedious activity, thereby discouraging teenagers from any desire to learn it. Make your lesson interesting!

    Make your lessons interesting!

    Use board games when learning English. Remember that the game is a teaching tool that activates the mental activity of students, makes the learning process more attractive and interesting, makes you worry and worry, which forms a powerful incentive to master the language.

    P.S. I have already ordered two games and am looking forward to them! I will definitely tell you about them and how I will apply them in my work. So, if you are interested in learning about this, subscribe to my blog updates.

    In this section you can find board games for learning English presented in our online store.

    Learning English with the help of board games. As has been proven by many scientists, the game form of teaching English is perhaps the most effective method. This technique is interesting for children of all ages, preschool and older. The use of board games in foreign language lessons allows students to express themselves and helps them easily and deeply absorb the taught material.
    The game takes the student into a situation aimed at learning social experience, in which independent behavior management develops and improves.
    Board games are games that are played, as the name suggests, at a table. Such games contain a relatively small set of items. All items from the set are laid out on the table in front of the players or distributed directly into their hands.
    Typically, board games are designed for multiple players, although there are exceptions where there is only one player.
    In the modern educational process, games are given great importance. The use of board games in English lessons pursues such goals as the development and formation of individual skills and improvement of existing skills, gaining communicative experience, and consolidating linguistic knowledge.
    Gaming tasks vary in nature, purpose, methods of implementation, and number of players. Thanks to games, it is possible to solve both one question and a whole series of problems, such as developing oral speech skills, increasing children's attentiveness and observation, improving creative abilities, and so on. Functions of board games in learning English: 1) developmental, which is aimed at developing the child’s intelligence, verbal and logical thinking, memory and reaction speed, as well as independence;
    2) socializing, promoting rapid team unification and mutual assistance;
    3) educational, expressed in the fact that board games can be used as an additional aid in the study of various disciplines.
    From the above we can conclude that board games are not only an entertaining and fun form of teaching, but their use pursues specific educational goals, such as gaining knowledge, consolidating and developing experience in communicating in a foreign language.

    Explanatory note

    Educational English board game

    "Domino (Clothes)"

    The topic “Clothing” is studied in English lessons from grades 2 to 11. Students need to know a large amount of vocabulary on this topic. Before you start studying this topic again, I suggest you play a simple game of Dominoes with the guys. Such an interesting task will allow schoolchildren to remember the words they have already learned, and the teacher will be able to identify “gaps” in the children’s knowledge for further correction. Below you will find recommendations for playing the game, as well as additional tasks for developing speaking skills.

    Educational purpose of the game:

    Development of reading and speaking skills on the topic “Clothing”.

    1) Educational:

    Intensifying the use of vocabulary on the topic “Clothing”;

    2) Educational:

    Developing interest in learning a foreign language;

    Increasing motivation to study;

    3) Developmental:

    Creating conditions for the development of communication skills;

    Creating conditions for the development of attention.

    Subject: English.

    Audience: 4-6 grades (10-13 years old)

    Rules of the game .

    The rules of the game of dominoes have been familiar to us since childhood. In this game you need to put together a picture and the corresponding word in English.

    1. Divide the class into groups of 4-6 people.

    2. Each participant receives 3-7 cards (the same number depending on the number of players). The remaining cards are placed white side up in random order.

    3. The game starts with the player who has a card with the word START. On the same card there is a picture of a blouse. The participant who sees the word BLOUSE on one of his cards must put his card next to it (the word to the picture) and name the word in English. The same card shows a SKIRT. The participant who has a card with the word SKIRT continues the game, etc. After the student lays out one of the cards, he takes a new one from the deck. Or you can distribute all the cards to the participants at once.

    4. Those who get rid of all the cards win.

    In the file you will find “Main cards” and “Additional cards”. If you want to quickly review vocabulary, then the basic set will be enough. However, the game flow is quite predictable as there is only one match for each picture. If you want to make the game dynamic, then use an additional set of cards. Students will have to quickly react to each new card in order to have time to lay out theirs and get ahead of their opponents. During each game, the card combinations will change.

    To develop speaking skills, you can make the task a little more difficult. When a student places a card, he must make a sentence with that word. This can be an arbitrary statement (The blouse is blue.) or those structures that you need to work out. For example.

    Every parent asks all these questions.

    One of the most effective ways is English in games for children. After all, what could be more effective for a child than learning in this way? Therefore, today I want to tell you about the most interesting games that you can try today.

    You certainly know that you can find hundreds of games online. Probably the easiest way is to go to the website of one of the largest British publishing houses - the British Council - where there is a section in which you will find a wide variety of games for learning English. In addition, this option is suitable for any skill level: both beginners and intermediate levels.

    In addition, you can easily download them to your computer for free so that you can access the training even without an Internet connection.

    But what I - and all my little students - love most are outdoor games where you can learn in an interesting way. After all, they bring complete benefits: no harm to health, vision, and in general it’s a lot of fun. That's why I have for you the best educational games for your kids.

    This is one of the rare board games for developing not only language, but also attention. You lay out 10 picture cards, the names of which the baby should already know, and while he closes his eyes, you remove one. The kid will have to guess what is missing. You can diversify the process and ask him to write a sentence or describe the picture he guessed.

    Blindfold your child, give him an object and ask him to describe and guess what it is. Let him use simple expressions. This way he will not only try to construct sentences in English, but also develop hand motor skills. Of course, this option is not suitable for the little ones, because the baby should already have some kind of vocabulary for such an activity.

    Such educational games have always been among my favorites, because a child in such a situation remembers what he only knows. And sometimes he can come up with new ones on the waves of adrenaline.

    This is a group training option. The point is for the children to learn. The leader stands at a distance from the guys. They ask him " What time is it, Mister Wolf?“When the presenter calls a number, the children take the same number of steps towards the leader. Then they ask the same question again, to which the presenter replies “ Dinner time” and starts chasing the kids. The one he catches becomes the leader.

    If your child loves to spend time outside, take advantage of it. Draw the alphabet or . When you name a letter, let him run or, for example, jump on one leg towards it.

    All girls in childhood love their daughters and mothers, and all boys love cars. “Steal” this idea from them and do little scenes with them. For example, play out a trip between a mother doll and her daughter to the store. They need to make a shopping list, get into a car or bus, arrive at the place, and even talk about life! In addition to going to the store, you can go to a cafe, go to the doctor and much, much more. So in a couple of months you can learn all the English vocabulary.))

    Here is the “My First English” set. With it you will learn basic words very quickly and fun. The set includes bright cards and a poster. An indispensable option for developing a child’s English speech skills!

    And this set for learning English for the little ones “My First English Words” will delight your child, and of course will serve as a basis for learning the language. Intriguing mini-books will arouse curiosity among the most stubborn and will be able to make the most reticent talkative))

    Here, my dears, you now have everything at your disposal to turn English, if not into your child’s native language, then at least into one of the most beloved. And I am always ready to help you along this path.

    Already now I am ready to share with you the best materials that I have, talk about the best teaching methods for adults and children. Subscribe to my blog newsletter and be sure: learning will be much easier and more productive.

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