The description of character for role. Rules and Questionnaire for role-playing. The relationship of the character to others

A verbal role-playing game is a kind of role-playing games with a complete absence of a material component: the game takes place solely through the verbal interaction of the players describing the actions of their characters, and the master describing the realities of the surrounding world and the reactions of master characters. In the network, a verbal role-playing game is also called a game in which players describe the actions of their characters in virtuality. They report what he did, where he went, and so on. The verbal role-playing game is one of the most popular intellectual entertainments in the whole world. The process of the game itself is a simulation by a group of people of a particular situation. Each of them behaves as he wants, playing for his character. It is best to expand your vocabulary, because the repetition of words in any post is not very nice to see, and it's a little unpleasant to read.

So. What you need to learn to do:

1. Describe your character.2. Describe the actions, emotions and thoughts of the character / Or, in other words, learn to write posts /

Let's start with the first point.

Character description. This is perhaps the most difficult of all points. And the longest. And all because this section includes several more subtopics: AppearanceCharacterBiographyAbilities /Physical, natural/Appearance... Everyone wants to be as beautiful as possible, or vice versa, secretly describe their player, but not everyone knows how to do it. The first thing we start the description with is the appearance. Top down. That is, from head to toe.

Hair: It is best to indicate what color it is, long or short / Even better, if you indicate where the length of the hair reaches, for example, to the shoulder blades /. Curly or straight. Well-groomed, or similar to straw. It will also be good if you insert text and actions carried out with hair, as well as emotions.

Example: Lisey has rather long, straight hair and peach-colored iridescent in the light. Well-groomed, as the girl values ​​them very much. Always loose, the ends of the hair are a little curly, but this only adds to their elegance. Lisey has no bangs, her forehead always remains open to the sun. And they are waist-length, which she is very proud of, although she wants to grow her hair even longer.

Person: Perhaps, there will be more trouble with this item than with the first one. Everything must be taken into account here. Face shape, skin color, lips, nose, eyes, forehead, chin, etc... Although it is not necessary to describe every cell of the face. You can miss a few details, such as the chin. But you should not cram a lot and according to the principle "If only there is more." You can insert some emotions, or actions.

Example: Lisey is distinguished by her pretty face of the correct oval shape. Although due to the sour cream color of the skin, it can be mistaken for a porcelain doll. Her eyes are bluish with green tints. Pretty good and even gleam in the light. Eyelashes are short and barely visible. Her nose is small, with an upturned sharp tip. This indicates her extreme curiosity. Cheekbones do not stand out, but this is only with her stone face. When her sweet smile blooms, small dimples appear on her pinkish cheeks, and cheekbones also become noticeable. And her lips are thin, slightly pale. The chin is slightly pulled forward. The neck is thin and long. Because of this, the girl is a little complex, because she considers her long neck not beautiful, and even ugly. Therefore, she always closes the one behind the big collars.

Ruki: So we moved on to the upper limbs of our body. In principle, this item can be skipped, but I still decided to add it. Only skin color and thickness are important here, although you can add a description of the brush.

Example: Her hands are thin, pale. Even a little bony. The fingers are long and thin, one might say, designed for playing musical instruments. In other matters, she does not deny herself this pleasure. Her nails are always trimmed. Because they break, and she just likes it better.

Physique: The second and not unimportant point. It shouldn't be missed anymore. It is important here: Skin color, structure / Slim character, or full /, muscles, chest size / Optional /. Height Weight. You can add a little character and demeanor, but not too much! So are actions and emotions. Although the description of the physique will not take up much space.

Example: Lisey is a girl with a rather fragile physique. The muscles that are not highlighted are not highlighted by anything. Thin and fragile. It seems that just touch it, and it will immediately break like porcelain. She also does not differ in stature, all 165 cm. And she weighs 43 kg. At first glance, it may seem that a child is standing in front of you, but this is far from the case, because this child is no matter how 16 years old. The girl is a little shy about her appearance, so she dresses as discreetly as possible. These are dark sweaters, turtlenecks, jackets.

Legs: Lower limbs are next. Everything is just as simple here. The description is from top to bottom. That is, from the hips to the feet / You can also include the buttocks /.

Example: This girl can be compared to an animal like a heron. And it's not about growth. And because of their thin legs. The hips are narrow, barely pronounced. The feet are not big enough. Wears size 36 shoes. Yes, it's a pretty small foot. She hides her thin legs behind baggy jeans. He will not wear a skirt even under the pretext of death.

Clothing style: Finally, when the description of the appearance is over, it's time for the clothing style. This time you will not say that everything is simple here. At this point, on the contrary, the more - the better. So. First of all, we describe what you can most often see the character in. Then comes the preferred clothing, and then the one that the character does not like to see on himself, or on other people. Here, in addition to the description, the opinion of the character himself about his style and the style of others is added. He follows fashion or dresses as he pleases. It is better to also describe whether he carries any things with him / Bag, or something like that /. If there is no such item, then this item can be safely skipped.

Example: Lisey dresses in a peculiar way, more like a bully's style. Although she knows perfectly well that this categorically does not suit her, she also has complexes about her thin physique. Therefore, he chooses to hide his figure under baggy things. He most often appears in his black tracksuit jacket. Although this is the only thing that she likes from the whole set. Jeans of a bluish color, slightly worn, with large pockets in front and behind, as well as on the knees. The jeans themselves are long, the edges always reach the ground, so they are always dirty at the bottom. An indispensable attribute are white sneakers, also a little dirty. High sole, like running shoes. She does not tie her laces, I just shoves them into sneakers. There will always be a T-shirt under the jacket white color. Hands always stick in pockets, in other matters, like money with mobile phone. In fact, Lisey loves bright things. Be it regular T-shirts or pants. But he dresses like everyone else, because he doesn’t really like to attract attention to himself. But what she categorically refuses to wear is skirts with short shorts. She herself is embarrassed by such open things, and besides, the girls around her are not very happy to see this. She thinks that only "Night butterflies" dress like that. If you go to some kind of event / birthday, going on a date, etc. / then, of course, she tries to dress more beautifully, but not too much. She will never wear a short dress, for her there are only long, completely covering legs. And besides, too open top will not tolerate. He wears no jewelry, except for a pair of small earrings. Does not use cosmetics.

It turned out quite a lot, didn't it? But that's not all. After all, the character description will go further, and this is much more complicated.

Well, some spiritual guidance. It is worth deciding in advance how the character will look, so as not to create problems with the description. It will be easier if there is a picture. And most importantly, don't be afraid to practice. After all, everything comes with experience. From myself I will add that I studied verbal role play half a year. But that's because I'm self-taught. It will take you much less time. Good luck...

Here we come, perhaps, to the two most significant parts of the description. The inner world of a hero. What is not noticeable at first glance and must be fished out bit by bit from the text in order to put together a complete picture from these pieces. Yes. This is hard. Yes, it's long. But it is necessary. For there is no hero without character and emotion.


Where to start talking about character description? Most likely from the fact that, as I said a little higher, there are no heroes without character. And please do not confuse with spineless heroes. These are completely different things. But we will return to such heroes later.
So where to start the description and how to end it? To describe the character, the ideal option is to weave into the narrative. Descriptions like this are common:
My father entered the room. This is a tall, stately man in the prime of his life with an imperious character bordering on cruelty.

It would seem that there is such a thing, a description as a description ... But do not rush. With growth, article and age, everything is clear. This is the appearance that was discussed in the first part. But the rest is domineering character, cruelty...
To better understand what in question, imagine the situation: you came to visit a friend for the first time. He introduces you to his parents. You see two people in front of you - a man and a woman. They don't say anything and don't move. You have considered their appearance, clothing. But what can you say about their characters? Are they good or not? Smart or stupid? Powerful or soft? Were you able to determine? Hardly. Do you know why? Because you lacked words and actions.
Others judge a person's character by their behavior. That's why, what he did and how did. And only in this way the reader can learn about the character of the hero. Just to say that "he had a domineering nature" is to say nothing. How can the reader see that the hero has authority in his character? Where is "justify"? Unfortunately, without "justifying" nowhere. It is necessary to "reveal" this authority. And not only her. Any character trait. You can't say that it just exists. Need confirmation. The use of those same author's remarks helps here. Everything that speaks about the nature of the actions, because it is a reflection of the character of the hero.
So, the hero is powerful, and we need to show it.
My father entered the room, a tall, stately man in his prime. He looked at me disapprovingly and pursed his lips. I saw this expression often, and it meant that my father was dissatisfied with me. And he was constantly dissatisfied. Such is his character - everything should be as he said, and nothing else. I tried to fight it, defend my opinion - all to no avail. He needs to feel his power. That's the only way he can keep everything under control. And this desire to dominate everything and everyone sometimes borders on cruelty.

In this way, using the expressions "looked disapprovingly", "pursed his lips", "desire to dominate", the author slightly opened the veil that hides the character of the hero. Well, the narrator added from himself memories of behavior in the past and drew a parallel with the present - "he was often dissatisfied", "tried to fight", "everything is useless". In addition, the narrator's attitude towards his father is clearly traced - he is afraid of him, perhaps he hates him, and even more he is simply tired of his father.

Describing character is difficult. Sometimes a complete picture of the character of the hero develops only towards the middle, and even towards the end of the work.

But how to weave into the text certain signs by which the reader will determine the features of the hero? Very simple: describe any situations or actions / words that hint at character.

Cyril's passion for "charity" sometimes bordered on the absurd: he made bird feeders, fed homeless cats and dogs, and even when one of these mutts bit him on the leg, and he had to lie at home for a week until the stitches were removed, he did not stop his "charitable work". He behaved this way towards everyone: he felt sorry for homeless animals, abandoned children, even the homeless... He was always on the side of the weak, defended and often received for it.

There were legends about the head of this criminal gang. It was rumored that he had hundreds or even thousands of lives on his account. In his youth, he personally carried out "executions", participated in all the skirmishes and brawls, and rarely did anyone leave alive, falling into his hands. It cost him nothing to kill a man: drown, stab, shoot. But most of all he liked torturing the victims, torturing them. He received some inexplicable pleasure from screams, groans and the sight of blood. Even those close to him were afraid of him, like fire.

Well, what's incomprehensible here? - once again Mishka asked Ira. - It's easier than ever.
“Well, explain again, please,” Ira asked, making an offended face and sticking out her lips.
- Oh, and why do I need this? Look, dumbass. We need to find fifteen percent of thirty, right?
Ira frowned, looking at the task.
“I guess so,” she said uncertainly.
- And how to find these fifteen percent? - Mishka looked inquisitively at the girl: she clearly did not understand, although he had already explained ten times. Er, why are you like this...
- Dumb? I know. But I'm not good at math.
- I see...

As soon as he opened the door, a waterfall immediately fell on him. "How did this restless girl manage to drag a bucket of water to the top?" - he wondered, removing wet strands from his forehead. Water ran from his hair onto his white shirt, leaving streaks. "Well, wait a minute, I'll still remember this," the guy thought angrily and, sharply turning around on his heels, quickly walked along the corridor.

What character traits are described here? Kindness, cruelty, stupidity, vindictiveness (respectively). And in not a single example can it do without "justifying", everywhere there is a decoding why it is so, and not otherwise. Kind, because ... Cruel, because ... Moreover, the character traits themselves are not directly indicated. The reader must draw his own conclusion.

And finally, back to the spineless heroes I mentioned. As it may seem, these are heroes who have no character. Yes, indeed, it is. But the word "character" is used here in a different sense. This refers to the absence of a strong will, a "steel rod". They say about such people "rag".

- What are you, Vanka, henpecked. My Klava this, my Klava this. Don't you have an opinion? Are you a man or are you not a man? - Mikhalych became more and more inflamed, scolding the puny peasant sitting next to him. - Bang your fist on the table and ask - well, who is the boss in the house?
- So after all, Klava ... - the little man began uncertainly, lowering his eyes.
- Ugh, the abyss. Well, what should I do with you, miserable?

Most often, the character is manifested in the manifestation of strong emotions. They will be discussed in the fourth and final part.

Good day, Viraya is with you and now we will talk about how to correctly compose / draw up a questionnaire for a role-playing one.


Basic Rules


These rules are the same for profiles in any role-playing ones.

:heavy_check_mark: The character profile is created in article format, after which it is checked for various errors.

:heavy_check_mark: The created character must match the world of the roleplay.

:heavy_check_mark: It is desirable that the profile was written by the participant himself, and the character was original. If you have a fandom role-playing game, then everything in the profile must match the selected character.

:heavy_check_mark: The presence of images in the article is mandatory, at least - a profile photo, but it is better that there are several arts for a complete picture of the character.

:heavy_check_mark: In role-playing, you can pre-compile a list of possible races, in this case, participants will have to create characters with a race from the list, others are not allowed in this case. Or you can let the roleplayers choose their race on their own, without restrictions, but then in the case of the development of the plot and quests, it will be difficult to control the correspondence of the questionnaire to how the participant roles.

:heavy_check_mark: It is advisable to make not only a detailed questionnaire, but also a sample of the character, which will be guided by when compiling.

:heavy_check_mark: Name. It is better that it be written in Russian in order to avoid discrepancies. Or a transcription must be written in the questionnaire.

:heavy_check_mark: For more convenient role-playing, the character should have one race, based on which certain restrictions / bonuses are imposed on him. If he has several races (half-breed, quarter-breed, etc.), then the dominant race is indicated in a separate line. If in the role-playing game all the characters are of the same race, this item is not needed at all.

:heavy_check_mark: The contestant may not suddenly change characters without giving a reason. The change should have at least one post explaining in the form of a story what happened to the old character and where the new character came from.

:heavy_check_mark: All questionnaires must be checked by the administration members and sent to the wiki after correction of defects.

:heavy_check_mark: Don't allow members without a profile to roll.


Questionnaire structure


Items in the questionnaire are divided into short ones (name, age, race, and the like), which are indicated in the "Information" and detailed ones (appearance, character, history / biography, additional ones depend on the direction of the role), written in the "About Profile". Their quantity and quality depend on the direction, mass character, elaboration of the role. I will give the main points that are mandatory for any role-playing.


:small_orange_diamond: Name

:small_orange_diamond: Nickname

:small_orange_diamond: Age

:small_blue_diamond: Date of birth

:small_orange_diamond: Gender

:small_orange_diamond: Race

:small_orange_diamond: Belonging

:small_blue_diamond: Occupation/Position

:small_blue_diamond: Relatives

"About profile"

:small_orange_diamond: Appearance

:small_orange_diamond: Character

:small_blue_diamond: Hobby

:small_orange_diamond: History/Biography

:small_orange_diamond: Abilities

:small_blue_diamond: Weapon

:small_blue_diamond: Familiar/Pet

:white_small_square: Yellow indicates points common to all roles; pink are those that depend on its direction and features.

:white_small_square: The order of the items may change, but the number does not.


Analysis of all points


:small_orange_diamond: Name:small_orange_diamond:

:black_small_square: The name in the profile can only contain letters of the Russian and Latin alphabets.

:black_small_square: If the name is written in Latin letters, then the transcription must be written in the questionnaire.

:small_orange_diamond: Nickname:small_orange_diamond:

:black_small_square: Nicknames are variations of the character's name and/or just an abbreviation of the name.

:small_blue_diamond: Date of birth:small_blue_diamond:

:black_small_square: Indicated in the case of maintaining a role-playing calendar.

:black_small_square: Usually only the day and month of birth are written.

:small_orange_diamond: Race:small_orange_diamond:

:black_small_square: Specifies the name of the race in the nominative case, singular.

:black_small_square: If there are several races, then all of them are written in this paragraph through "+".

:small_orange_diamond: Belonging to:small_orange_diamond:

:black_small_square: Records the main race if there is more than one.

:black_small_square: If there is only one race, then this item is not needed.

:small_blue_diamond: Occupation/Position:small_blue_diamond:

:black_small_square: What the character does. In most of the role-playing is not a mandatory item.

:black_small_square: In specialized role-playing games that have a direction and plot, the type of activity / position is required.

:small_blue_diamond: Relatives:small_blue_diamond:

:black_small_square: Relatives who have completed profiles (players, NPCs) are indicated.

:black_small_square: All relatives represented in the character's history are indicated, but not just mom, dad, grandmother, sister, but with names.

:small_orange_diamond: Appearance:small_orange_diamond:

:black_small_square: The option "as in art" and other similar formulations will not work.

:black_small_square: Appearance should be described with words. It is desirable that the sentences be detailed, and not short and monosyllabic.

:black_small_square: If desired, you can optionally specify what the character usually wears. In this case, the clothing is indicated in the next paragraph.

:small_orange_diamond: Character:small_orange_diamond:

:black_small_square: The character should be written in such a way that it is understandable to everyone, the options: "Sweet, sometimes funny", "Kind, but if you get angry, it won't seem enough", do not fit - the character should be painted in more detail.

:black_small_square: The character is written based on the character's biography. It will be strange and illogical if, according to history, the character grew up in poverty and survived all his life due to theft, and the character indicates that he is kind and honest, adheres to all moral standards.

:small_blue_diamond: Hobby:small_blue_diamond:

:black_small_square: A hobby is something a Sim does in their spare time for enjoyment.

:black_small_square: It is desirable that the hobby be described in whole sentences.

:small_orange_diamond: History/Biography:small_orange_diamond:

:black_small_square: This paragraph describes the history of the character. It should be divided into paragraphs and with a minimum of errors.

:black_small_square: It should be written neatly and legibly, the biography should be coherent and logical, and not just a set of sentences.

:black_small_square: The story should be connected with the role-playing world, how much depends on the decision of the creator of the role-play: from the obligatory condition of birth in the world to just a description of how the character ended up in the role-playing world.


The minimum size of the character's story depends on the writing abilities, first of all, the administration - you cannot demand from the participants what they themselves are unable to do. Therefore, you must determine its length yourself, but, in any case, it should not be shorter than 5-7 extended sentences; ideal option 15+ offers.


:small_orange_diamond: Abilities:small_orange_diamond:

:black_small_square: Mary (Marty) Sue are undesirable characters in any role - invincible can not be.

:black_small_square: To paint abilities or be content with only their name - the creator of the role decides on his own, but they must all be indicated. The participant cannot use what he does not have written.

:black_small_square: You can specify the abilities twice - in the "Information" only the name, and in the "About profile" already in detail.

:small_blue_diamond: Weapon:small_blue_diamond:

:black_small_square: Initially, a character cannot have a super-strong weapon that makes him invincible.

:black_small_square: You are only allowed to have a few non-magical/weak items, the rest may appear during the game, as a result of completing quests and in coordination with the administration providing the specific weapon/artifact.

:small_blue_diamond: Familiar/Pet:small_blue_diamond:

:black_small_square: A familiar is a summoned or attached creature.

:black_small_square: If your familiar is a player or creature with consciousness, then here you should write under what circumstances you got it, as well as its brief description.

:black_small_square: A pet is just your animal, it can't have consciousness, magical abilities, etc.

:black_small_square: If desired, you can create a separate questionnaire for the familiar / pet, in this case it is compiled in the same way as the character.

:small_blue_diamond: Interesting Facts:small_blue_diamond:

:black_small_square: Everything that was not written in the previous paragraphs is written. You can write almost anything.

This concludes the analysis of the character profile, but you can ask questions if you have any.

1. What are the values ​​for the character? Money, friendship, power, faith, something else? How important are they to him?

2. What is outwardly beautiful for a character, and what is ugly? "Outwardly" implies all five senses, some music may be beautiful to him, and some smell - disgusting. A certain style in general can also be beautiful - for example, some people are crazy about gothic.
A) Does the character have an ideal of beauty, someone or something that he sees as perfection, absolutely beautiful?
b) Is there anything that disgusts him?
Q) How important is beauty to a character?

3. Does the character have strong moral principles?
a) How strict are they?
b) Can he give them up? If yes, under what circumstances?
Q) Is there a concept of taboo, Sin, for the character, that is, it is impossible simply because it is impossible?

TEST 1: How would the character respond to the question "What would you not do for anything?"
TEST 2: How does the character feel about the expression "If you can't, but really want to, then you can"?

4. Is the character honest?
A) Under what circumstances is a character able to lie? Is it easy for him, or will he be honest to the last?
b) How does the character feel about lying?

5. Does the character profess any religion/philosophy?
A) Why does he profess this particular religion/philosophy?
B) Has he previously professed any other religion/philosophy? If so, why did he change it?
Q) How seriously does he take his religion/philosophy?

6. What does the character want from life - fame, prosperity, love? How does he want to live - quietly and well, wandering in search of adventure, luxuriously and richly, alone in the wilderness?
7. Is there something the character lives for?
A) Does he think that he has some goal in life that he must achieve or a mission that he must fulfill?
B) What is the meaning of his life, something without which he cannot imagine himself? In free wanderings, communication with friends, battles?
Q) Does the character have a secret dream, the most important desire?
QUIZ: How would the character himself answer the question "What do you live for"?
8. How does the character feel about death?
a) What does the character think death is? Does the "official" opinion of the religion/philosophy he professes agree with his own idea?
b) Is he afraid of dying?
C) What feelings does the sight of a dead body evoke in him?
9. Is it easy to scare a character? What is he afraid of? Does he have irrational fears, phobias, nightmares?

10. Under what circumstances will the character run for his life?

11. Is the character romantic or more cynical?

A) Does the character tend to embellish the situation, "to look at the world through rose-colored glasses"?
B) If not, is the character inclined to "tear rose-colored glasses" from others, to deromanticize the situation?

12. Is the character optimistic, realistic or pessimistic?
a) Does he tend to whine?
b) Does he tend to cheer others up?

TEST 1: Fast! Is the character's glass half full or half empty? Does cognac smell like bed bugs, or does bed bugs smell like cognac? Does he have a lower salary, or does his neighbor have more?
TEST 2: The party is in a cave filled with rocks. The blockage is serious, it is hardly realistic to cope on our own. They do not know if anyone knows where they are or what is happening to them. They are equally likely to be rescued in an hour or never. How will the character behave in such a situation?


1. Does the opinion of others about him matter to the character?
A) Is the character prone to showing off, "playing for the public"?
b) Does the character strive to be liked by others?
c) What would he like to be thought of? Who does he want to look like in the eyes of others?
2. Is the character outgoing?
A) Is it easy for him to meet new acquaintances?
B) Does he like to be in the company, or prefer solitude?

TEST 1: Does your character like parties?
TEST 2: How would the character feel about the prospect of spending two days at home all alone?

3. Is the character tolerant of others?
A) Can he tolerate when others behave, in his opinion, wrong?
b) Is he moralistic?

4. Does the character divide people into "us" and "them"?
A) How strict is the line drawn between "us" and "them" for the character?
B) How does his behavior differ from "us" and "strangers"?
Q) Under what circumstances will an "alien" become "ours" for a character? Is it easy?
D) How does the character feel about outsiders and strangers?
E) Is there such a thing as "enemies" for the character?

5. Is the character prone to any kind of chauvinism?
A) How does it affect the attitude of a character to another character:
a. Floor?
b. Age?
c. Race?
d. Appearance?
e. Clothing?
f. Social status?
B) Does the character have any special relationship with members of their own race?
Q) How does the character feel about non-humanoid (Greenskins, Martians, centaurs, etc.) races?
D) How does the character relate to manifestations of foreign chauvinism?

TEST: Tavern. A drunken company sits at the table next to the character and poisons jokes about his race ("Do you know how many hobbits it takes to change a light bulb?..."). His reaction?

6. Is the character prone to forgiveness, or is he more of a vindictive one? Are there things he doesn't forgive?
7. Is the character vindictive?
A) What is the character likely to retaliate for?
B) How important is revenge to him?
Q) If the character will take revenge, then according to the principle "an eye for an eye" or according to the principle "rewarded a hundredfold"?
D) How far can the character go in his revenge?
e) How far is he willing to go for revenge?
F) If it turns out that revenge requires too much time, effort and money, will the character give up or go to the end?

8. Is the character prone to self-sacrifice?
A) Under what circumstances can he risk his health or life?
B) Under what circumstances will he go to INEVITABLE death?
C) Under what circumstances is the character willing to sacrifice...
1) Soul?
2) Mind?
3) Freedom?
4) Welfare?
5) The main power (For a magician, this is an opportunity to conjure, for a priest - God's blessing, for a cyberpunk hacker - a neuroshunt)?
6) Close ones?

D) Is there anything the character will not sacrifice under any circumstances?
TEST: Compare two situations.
First: Fight. The character sees a crossbow being aimed at his comrade. He may have time to cover it with his body, but there is no time for anything else.
Second: The character's comrade is about to be hanged. There is no chance to release, but there is an opportunity to change places with him. There is time to think things through.
Will the character's behavior be different in these situations?

9. How freedom-loving is the character?
A) Does he tend to obey, or, on the contrary, does the fact that he is ordered make him want to do the opposite? If the latter is more likely, then is there someone to whom he is still ready to obey ("Besides the Lord, I did not know kings ...")?
B) How does he treat senior officials and authorities?
C) How does he feel about the power of the law over him?
D) Is he inclined to punctually follow the instructions given to him, or is he more likely to do it first, and then he will figure it out?
E) Can the character come to terms with slavery?
E) Can a character endure slavery for a while?
G) Would the character be able to wait (for example, at the table)?
H) Would the character easily submit to the force, or would he stand to the last?
i) Is there anything that would cause the character to humiliate himself?
K) Does he have the concepts of "Debt of Service", "Debt of Honor", etc.?
L) Is there a difference for a character between submitting to someone who has legal authority over them and submitting to someone who is simply stronger?
10. How powerful is the character?
A) Does the character enjoy giving orders to others?
b) How does he feel about juniors in rank?
Q) How does the character behave with subordinates?
D) Could the character become a slave owner?
E) Could the character be the boss?
F) How does the character treat people with a slave mentality who are ready to obey?
G) How does he treat the recalcitrant, who do not recognize authority over themselves?
11. Is the character cruel?
A) How does he feel about other people's death and suffering? Are they terrible for him, does he look at them coolly, or rejoices in them?
b) Can he kill? If yes, under what circumstances? What will he feel about it? Will it be a shock, a pleasure for him, or will he treat it with indifference?
c) Has he killed before? If yes, under what circumstances? How did this affect him?
D) Is the character capable of torture? How cruel? If so, how will he feel about it?
E) In combat, does the character only try to defend, disarm, immobilize, maim, or kill opponents?

TEST 1: An unfamiliar person armed with a sword runs towards the character. In the hands of the character is a loaded pistol. He is guaranteed to hit anywhere on the body of the runner, shoot into the air or run away. His actions? And in a situation where there is no way to escape?
TEST 2: Before the eyes of the character, a person familiar to the character (for example, a member of his team) is going to finish off a defeated enemy who is not able to resist. His reaction?
TEST 3: An acquaintance of the character is about to torture a prisoner. Character reaction? Will he try to stop him, turn away, participate, observe, or remain indifferent?
TEST 4: An acquaintance of the character did use torture. Will it change your character's attitude towards him? How?


1. How does the character feel about himself?
A) Does he treat himself pathetically or with a share of self-irony?
b) How much does he love himself?
Q) Does it happen that the character hates or despises himself?
D) How does the character feel about being insulted?
e) How does the character feel about laughing at himself?
E) Does the character tend to feel sorry for himself?

TEST: In a conversation with friends, the character accidentally makes a funny and stupid slip of the tongue. Friends laugh happily. His reaction? Will he be offended, angry, laugh with them? How will his reaction change if those with whom he speaks are not friends, but unfamiliar people?
2. How satisfied is the character with himself? Is there anything in his character that he would like to change?
3. How confident is the character? Does he believe that he will succeed?

TEST: The character stands on the edge of a wide and wide gorge, across which a ghostly bridge is thrown. He knows that "The bridge will only bear the one who believes in himself." His actions?
4. Is it easy to influence him, to convince him of anything? How does he react to attempts to influence him?
TEST: A preacher on the street stops the character and begins to expound his faith to him, urging him to join it. His reaction?
5. How controlled is the character?
A) Is it easy to provoke the character to do something?
B) Is it easy to bring him into a state of passion?
Q) Is it easy for the character, being in a state of passion, to pull himself together?
D) Does the character have a pet peeve, anything that makes them lose their temper easily?
E) Does it happen that in a state of passion he performs actions that he later regrets?
E) Is there anything that the character finds difficult to resist?
6. How does the character have fun and relieve stress?
a) Does the character have any hobbies or hobbies?
b) What does he like to do?
c) What does he not like to do?
D) Does he have bad (or harmless) habits? How much does he depend on them?
E) What is more important for the character - "I have to" or "I want"?
E) Can he satisfy his desires to the detriment of duties?
G) Can he suppress desires for the sake of duties?