Role-playing game Dr. Aibolit. Role-playing game "Good Doctor Aibolit Role-playing game Kind Doctor Aibolit

Plot- role-playing game
"Doctor Aibolit" (hospital).

Enrich children's knowledge of the environment. Introduce children to the profession of a veterinarian. To consolidate the previously acquired skills of children in the game "Hospital". To teach how to distribute roles, depict the features inherent in a given hero of the game (animal, doctor). Learn to play with the plot, using imagination and acquired knowledge. Expand and improve children's vocabulary. Instill love and compassion for animals. Play together.
Acquaintance with the game "Polyclinic", "Hospital", with medical equipment (substitute toys), the correct use of medical equipment. Acquaintance with fiction K. I. Chukovsky "Doctor Aibolit". Examination of illustrations, a conversation about the profession of a doctor. Game "Lotto", "Professions".
Game material for the game "Hospital", a doctor's gown, animal mask caps.

The teacher sits the children in a semicircle. Prepares mask caps depicting animals. The teacher reads out an excerpt from the fairy tale by K. I. Chukovsky “Doctor Aibolit”.
V-l .: guys, what is the name of the fairy tale by K. I. Chukovsky?
Children's responses...
V-l .: the tale is called "Doctor Aibolit".
Whom does Dr. Aibolit treat?
Children's responses...
Vl .: Dr. Aibolit treats animals and such a doctor is called a veterinarian.
Today we will play the game "Veterinary hospital", animal hospital. The veterinarian will be called the same as in the fairy tale - Aibolit. Vl. With the help of a rhyme, he chooses the role of a veterinarian. then he invites the children to choose which animal they will depict and puts on hats for them - masks with the image of these animals.
The teacher organizes the game, helps the children to correctly depict the animal they have chosen.
At the end of the game, the teacher reads the quatrain:
Invites everyone to have fun and play the game:
"Happy goat".
Rule: children stand in a circle, holding hands and perform movements according to the text.
A goat walked through the forest, through the forest, through the forest / walk in a circle holding hands
The goat found a princess, princess, princess / springs standing still
Let's goat jump, jump, jump / jump in place
And we jerk our legs, we jerk, we jerk / raise our legs in turn
Shake your head, shake your head, shake your head / nod your head.
* And we quickly run away, run away, run away / the children run in all directions, and clapping their hands pretends to want to catch
(or the last words: “and we continue again”).
The game is played 2-3 times.

Story - role-playing game

"Doctor Aibolit treats forest animals."

Program content:

  • to clarify with children the idea of ​​​​the work of a doctor, a nurse.
  • Emphasize the moral qualities inherent in people of this profession: responsiveness, attentiveness, kindness.
  • Exercise children in the transfer of movements associated with actions related to the work of a nurse or doctor, in imitation of a sad mood, depicting emotions close to this state of mind of the characters, encourage them to take on a role and play it to the end.
  • Learn to empathize and empathize.
  • Expand the active vocabulary of children with special terms necessary for the game.

Preliminary work:

  • excursion to the medical office (consider the equipment of the office: scales, a glass cabinet for medicines, a couch, a cabinet with children's cards, a height meter, doctor's and nurse's tools);
  • monitoring the work of medical staff;
  • conversation; games: “Who needs what for work”, “Third is superfluous”, “Put it in order”, “Collect a first-aid kit”, “Continue the sentence”, “Tell me a word”, “Name what you learned”;
  • reading K.I. Chukovsky “Doctor Aibolit”, A. Kardashov “Our Doctor”, S. Mikhalkov “Miraculous Pills”, A. Krylov “How the Rooster Was Treated”; drawing "Prescription drug", "Everything for the pharmacy", "Forest dwellers".
  • Outdoor game: "The gray bunny washes."
  • Song: We went to the woods.

Equipment: forest scenery, doctor Aibolit costumes, nurses, squirrel, hedgehog, hare, fox costumes, mushroom models, first aid kit, constructor, telegram.
Leading- 4 children (Vasilisa R., Maxim S., Kira B., Lenya B.. Dr. Aibolit - educator. Squirrel - Polina B. Fox - Arina S. Yozh - Serezha S. Hare - Bogdan P. Nurse - Diana Shch.
Decoration: forest clearing (trees, bushes, stumps, models of mushrooms, leaves) little animals sit under the trees.
Sun:- Guys, a telegram came to us from the forest, from a bear (reads): “The animals got sick: hares, squirrels, hedgehogs. Dear children, Help the animals! - We must go to the forest and help the sick little animals. What do we need to take for this? D / and "Collect a first aid kit"

Children: thermometers, syringes, bandage, cotton wool, hydrogen peroxide, iodine, spatula, tablets, ointment, fanendoscope, medicine, etc.
Nurse: We'll all go to the forest now. There lies the trouble. All the animals got sick. We hurry there.

Reb.1:- Who will treat them?

Reb.2:- Doctor Aibolit is needed.

Reb.Z:- How to find it?

Reb.4:- Maybe we'll call him, We'll invite him to the forest.

Sun:- Do not call, I have a magic wand (gives it to the nurse), take it and say these words: "One, two, three Doctor Aibolit come!".
Dr. Aibolit appears.

YES.:- Who is sick? What hurts?

Reb.1: We are going to the forest now. Sick animals are waiting for us there.

YES.:- Well, guys, let's go. (We came to the clearing, a fox is crying under a bush)

YES.:- What happened to you, fox?

Fox:- My stomach hurts. I ate fly agarics. I don't know edible mushrooms - That's why I suffer (crying).
The nurse puts the fox down, puts a thermometer, gives an injection, gives a potion, asks about the well-being of the fox. Thank you fox.

YES.:- Children, help the chanterelle to collect edible mushrooms (they collect mushrooms, the chanterelle takes a basket and leaves to cook mushroom soup for the cubs).
(A hedgehog snorts under a bush).

YES.: - Hedgehog, what happened to you?

Hedgehog:- I wanted to go to sleep. Disturbed the ant. Bit me on the nose. How to be treated? - that's the question. (The nurse smears her nose with ointment, the hedgehog goes to bed, the children “cover” it with dry leaves).
YES.:- A bunny is coming towards us, A sick paw, he carries.
Bunny:- Oh, how sweetie hurts. Is it a disabled person? Help, help! Quickly heal your paw!
Dr. Aibolit examines: - Poor Bunny - a fracture. We will help you now - We'll quickly put a tire on. (Bunny thanks).

The game "Grey Bunny washes". Children become in a circle. Bunny takes a place in the middle of the circle. The children forming a circle say together with Dr. Aibolit: - The gray bunny washes, apparently going to visit. I washed my nose, washed my tail, washed my ear, wiped it dry! The bunny makes all the movements corresponding to the text - it washes its nose, tail, ear and wipes everything.
Bunny:- The toe doesn't hurt. Thanks Dr. Aibolit! (nurse removes splint). Then he jumps forward on two legs, rejoicing.
Reb.2.: - Who sits on a tree And squeaks so plaintively? Squirrel: - I collected nutcrackers and met the Evil Wolf. He took nuts. He severely tore my ear (crying).
Nurse:- It's not a problem at all! Shchi, squirrel, here! (Heals the ear: rinses with hydrogen peroxide, smears with ointment, bandages ...).
YES.:- We have cured all the animals, And now we will build a house. For animals to live in it.
Children: the boys (leaders), the hedgehog and the bunny are building a house, the girls (leaders), the fox and the squirrel are dancing. 1. We went to the woods, And treated the animals. Like this, like this. We treated the animals.
2. And now all together, We will sing songs. Like this, like this. We will sing songs.
Invite the children to switch roles, the game continues.

Tasks of the role-playing game: consolidate previously received ideas about the profession of a doctor; stimulate the creative activity of children; enrich the vocabulary of children with words (pharmacy, thermometer, doctor, pharmacist, medicine); develop dialogical speech, visual-effective thinking; cultivate a friendly relationship with a partner in the game.

Preliminary work: excursion with the children of the second younger group to the medical office, a story from the experience of visiting a doctor, reading K. Chukovsky's fairy tale "Aibolit", introducing a new toy "Doctor's Suitcase", didactic game What does a doctor need to work?

Vocabulary work: pharmacy, thermometer, doctor, pharmacist, medicine.

Subject-game environment. Equipment and attributes: animal toys: elephant, tiger, hippopotamus, lion, leopard, monkey; a doctor's costume, equipment for the role-playing game "Hospital", "Pharmacy", a pharmacist's costume, costumes of a sailor and sailors.

Playing roles:

Dr. Aibolit (educator)- treats animals: measures the temperature, writes out a prescription, examines the sick.

Apothecary- accepts a prescription, dispenses medicine, accepts money for medicine.

Captain- supervises the construction of the ship, controls the helm, repairs the ship.

Sailors- build and repair the ship, follow the route on the map, ensure order on the ship.

Motivation. Problem situation: A monkey comes from Africa and brings a letter in which the animals ask Doctor Aibolit to come and cure them.

Game progress

A monkey (soft toy) appears in the group, which brings a letter.

The teacher reads the letter: “Doctor, come to Africa, hurry up! And help our kids!”

Educator (V.). Oh, guys, the letter says that animals got sick in Africa! Tell me, guys, is it good to get sick?

Children. Not!

AT. Yes guys! Sick very badly. And the letter says that animals are sick in Africa. And how can we help them? (Answers of children).

The teacher invites the children to go to Africa to cure the animals. Asks how you can get to Africa. After listening to the answers of the children, they come to the conclusion that they need to build a ship.

Construction of a ship from a large wooden constructor.

AT. So our wonderful ship is ready, but we cannot set off without the captain and his assistant sailors (the distribution of the role of the captain and sailors at the initiative of the children).

AT. On the seas, on the waves, we go to Africa to treat animals.

Children, where are we going? - (To Africa). What will we do there? (treat animals)

Children come to Africa.

AT. Something during our trip our ship shook strongly.

I think it's worth fixing it. Children are given tools. The captain and assistants remain to repair the ship, and the rest go on.

AT. Guys, how are we going to treat animals if we don't have medical instruments? We urgently need a pharmacy. But first we will choose a pharmacist. (A child is chosen for the role of a pharmacist at the initiative of the children).

AT. Children, what is the name of the person who works in the pharmacy? (Pharmacist.).

Children buy tools at the pharmacy and go further to look for sick animals.

Children come to the play area, where the poster "Hot countries" is hung, palm trees are located. Animals sit under a palm tree: a hippopotamus, a leopard, a lion, an elephant (toys).

AT. Guys, look, and here are our sick animals. Choose who will take care of whom. And I will be Dr. Aibolit (puts on a doctor's coat).

Dr. Aibolit (educator). Please sit down and wait your turn.

Dr. Aibolit is receiving animals.

Dr. Aibolit. Hello. What happened to you? (Answers of children.). We are taking his temperature now. Can you tell me how to measure the temperature? (Answers of children). I write a prescription for you, you now go to the pharmacy, buy medicine and come back to me.

Children from Dr. Aibolit go to the pharmacy, buy the medicine they need.

Dr. Aibolit heals all animals.

Dr. Aibolit. Our animals are healthy and happy. They are beautiful and sweet and even want to dance with you.

Children perform the Chunga-Changa dance (lyrics by Y. Entin, music by V. Shainsky).

AT. Guys, our animals are healthy and it's time for us to go back to kindergarten.

Children get on the ship and go back.

AT. So guys, we went back to the garden. Tell me, did you enjoy playing today? (Answers of children).

The game is the main activity for the development of the child and familiarize him with the environment. For our children with developmental disabilities, this is the most necessary activity that cannot be replaced by anything.Of course, children's creativity in the game is still imperfect, this is only the initial form of the activity through which the child is socialized.

The manifestation of creativity in the game allows the child to better understand the world around him, gives him life experience, causes the need to express it in his activities. The game transforms children, filling them with the joy of learning about the world around them.

Playing the role-playing game "Hospital", taking on one or another role (patient or doctor), children learn to talk about their health problems, on the one hand, and on the other hand, helping to solve these problems.

During cognitive activity children think better, play more actively, feel at ease, laugh, fool around, become more liberated, which allows them to absorb maximum cognitive information.

The photo shows a fragment of the role-playing game "Hospital". We can say with confidence that the patient is treated by a “highly qualified doctor”.

And what a sly look! This doctor knows how to cure the patient, he is confident, satisfied that he can help his patients, provide medical care .

Photo 1. "Now let's treat your throat!"

Photo 2. "At the pediatrician's appointment"

Photo 3. Visit to the treatment room

In the fourth year of life, children move from a display game to a plot-role-playing game, from single to joint play. Preparation for the game begins with the preparation of thematic plans by the educator. In the group of children of the fourth year of life, the development of role-playing games continues, which have already been determined in children by the end of the third year of life. These are games of "family", "builders", "kindergarten", "driver", "doctor". Playing with animal toys, children can develop the plots "forest hospital", "Aibolit".

Goals of the role-playing game Aibolit:

Educational - to tell children about the animals that live in the zoo, why they live there, who cares about them (to visit the zoo for this purpose); to give an idea that animals are also sick, what kind of medical care is provided to them, who provides this help and how; to acquaint with the works of S.Ya.Marshak “Children in a cage” (“Zoo”, “Where the sparrow dined”), K.I. Chukovsky “Aibolit”; acquaint with the illustrated book by Alexander Usenko "Zoo", listen to the songs "Pink Elephant", "Ryzhekhostenka's Song"; learn poems about animals; replenish the vocabulary of kids with new words (will, captivity, captivity, veterinarian, caretaker, zoo and others), generalize knowledge about professions.

Developing - the development of the ability to listen, understand the speech of an adult, the ability to participate in creative game, to form the correct speech, the ability to convey the mood of animals with intonation, to develop phonemic hearing, memory, thinking, attention.

Educational - to cultivate a humane attitude towards animals, to form a desire to take care of smaller brothers, to strive to evoke positive moral qualities: kindness, empathy; to cultivate a sense of collectivism, mutual assistance, the ability to sympathize and empathize, the desire to help those who are in trouble.

Materials and equipment:

Doctor Aibolit's office

White coat, cap, tools for "examination" of sick animals

- a first aid kit with medicines

Animals (soft toys) that came to the "reception" to Aibolit - Fox with a swollen nose, Bunny with a hare, Squirrel, Wolf, Hippo, Elephant, Monkey, Bird (we have a Toucan), Crocodile with bad teeth, Barbos

Illustrations with images of various animals, in particular - the inhabitants of the zoo

Listening songs (see above)

Literature used:

5. Encyclopedia "Animal World"

6. Alexander Usenko "Zoo"


Preparatory work

Story about the inhabitants of the zoo. Listening to the work of S.Ya.Marshak "Where the sparrow dined." We consider illustrations of animals that live in the zoo.

Purpose: to give the concept of "zoo", who lives there and why, to tell who cares for animals, to explain to children why animals live behind bars, to acquaint them with S. Marshak's book "Children in a Cage".

Lesson progress

1. Updating of basic knowledge. Conversation. Story.

2. literary material


Early, early we rise

Loudly call the watchman

Watchman, watchman, hurry up

Come out and feed the animals!

The watchman came out of the gatehouse,

He sweeps the paths

Smoking a pipe at the gate

He won't let us have lunch.

Long, long at the grate

We stand with our throats open

We know, we know without hours,

That dinner is ready for us.

At dinner, at dinner

We do not chat with a neighbor,

Forget about everything

And chew, chew, chew.

3. Learning the last quatrain by heart, followed by the application of this rule in kindergarten mode.

4. We listen to S.Ya. Marshak's poem "Children's Home". Children learn that babies are born in the zoo - animals:

Spring this year
In the zoological garden
Deer and lion, badger and lynx
And the cubs were born.

To give the concept that animals in the zoo live in captivity and they do not like it.

5. We listen to the song "Pink Elephant". With the help of a clue, children understand why the elephant in the wild was pink, and in captivity turned gray.
6. We listen to the work “Where did the sparrow dine?”

Where did you dine, sparrow?

At the zoo with animals.

I ate first

Behind the bars at the lion.

Fed up with the fox
I drank some water from the walrus.

Eating a carrot from an elephant

I ate millet with a crane.

Stayed with a rhinoceros

Bran ate a little.

I went to a feast
Tailed kangaroos.
Was at a dinner party
At the furry bear.
A toothy crocodile
Nearly swallowed me!

Lead the children to the conclusion that animals in the zoo can be dangerous, because they are wild animals. Give the children the installation that in the next lesson they will learn about the rules of behavior at the zoo.


Purpose: to teach children how to behave in a zoo, explain what not to do during an excursion, tell that wild animals live in the zoo, “jokes” with which can be dangerous, when studying poems about animals, clarify the habits, manners and characteristics of animals.

Poems for learning by heart (each child 1-2 poems)


We have strong hooves, and teeth at least where,

Let the beaten enemy remember that the zebra is not food.


I've been reaching for heights since childhood,

Therefore, very actively growing,

My legs are growing, my neck is growing,

And all of me is growing, day by day good.


I carry a kangaroo in my bag,

It's more fun for us to jump and jump together.

My bag will protect him from troubles,

Until he learns to jump like me.


I don't swim anywhere

I lie in the water all day

For someone to get in

Right into my big mouth.


Meet me, I'm a raccoon

Hello guys!

Looks like a notebook for notes

My tail is striped.


We are macaques and monkeys,

Not a day without gymnastics

You girls and boys

Our close family.


Foresters her kittens

They don't want to take it home

You won’t tell her “Kitty, scat!”

Because it is a lynx.


Picking flowers is easy and simple
Children of small stature
But to one who is so high
It's not easy to pick a flower!

They gave shoes to an elephant.

He took one shoe
And he said: “We need more,
And not two, but all four!”

tiger cub

Hey, don't get too close -
I'm a tiger cub, not a pussycat!


I am a young ostrich
Arrogant and proud.
When I'm angry, I kick
Callused and hard.
When I'm scared, I run
Stretching my neck.
But I can't fly
And I can't sing.

Here, enjoy the game
Two Australian kangaroos.
They play leapfrog
In the zoological garden.

eskimo dog

On the twig - a note:
"Don't come close!"
You do not believe the note -
I am the kindest animal.
Why am I sitting in a cage
I don't know myself, kids.


1. Who click and click with his teeth,
It is prowling gray ... (wolf)

2. What kind of red beauty?
This is cunning ... (fox)

3. He loves to roar in the forest,
Sleep in a den. Who? - …(bear)

You will envy the lion - it is immediately clear:
The king of beasts - it's dangerous to joke.
A menacing look and a menacing roar,
Didn't even trim the mane.

Elephants have big ears
Like a mountain, an elephant is huge.
He has no equal on land,
Elephant by weight is a champion.

The hippo conceived to sing,
And opened a huge mouth
But you can't hear the words in the song
Only a terrible roar is heard.

Zebra loves on the lawn
In a striped T-shirt to run,
Zebra even for candy
Don't wear a plaid shirt.

Of course we were surprised
african gorilla,
Everything from toes to brows
Gorillas are like humans.


Both girls and boys
The monkey makes faces,
At the zoo without children
She would be sad to live.

It does not happen that the nose
It would not grow down, but would grow up,
Only the animal rhinoceros
It grows upwards in the form of a horn.

From far south
A toucan has entered the zoo.
He is happy to report “knock-knock”:
"I'm a woodpecker brother!"

Purpose: to tell the children that animals also get sick, and the veterinarian treats them, and in the fairy tale - Aibolit; to interest children in the subsequent game, to form creative activity, to tell how the game will go.

Children choose the “roles” of animals that they will play, with the help of the teacher, they will find out what their animal will “sick” and how Dr. Aibolit will treat it (the role of the doctor is given to a responsible child who wants to “treat all animals”).

SESSION 5 (final)

Role-playing game"Dr. Aibolit"

Purpose: to teach children to take an active part in the game, to take a responsible role, to expand knowledge about the profession of an animal doctor, to teach artistry (how to convey the state of mind of an animal that hurts with a voice), to prepare kids for adulthood.
Oops, I got bitten by a wasp!

(Examination of the bite by the Doctor, appointment).

And Barbos came to Aibolit.

The chicken pecked me in the nose!

(Examination and prescriptions of the Doctor).

And the hare came running, And screamed ...

“Ai, ai!
My bunny got hit by a tram!
My bunny, my boy
Got hit by a tram!
He ran down the path
And his legs were cut
And now he's sick and lame
My little hare!”

And Aibolit said...

"No problem!
Give it here!
I'll sew him new legs,
He'll run down the path again."

And they brought him a bunny,
Such a sick, lame,
And the doctor sewed on his legs.
And the hare jumps again.
And with him the hare-mother
I also went to dance.
And she laughs and screams:

“Well, thank you, Aibolit!”
(hare dancing with bunny)

After the hare, more and more animal patients come to the doctor and talk about what happened to them. The doctor helps everyone, calms and heals. At the end of the game, all baby animals and "adult animals" helped by Dr. Aibolit stand next to each other and say in unison: "Thank you, Dr. Aibolit!"

All will heal, heal, good Doctor Aibolit!