Tyrande's main abilities in Heroes of the Storm. Heroic: Hunter's Mark

An interesting spell that always heals allies more than Tyrande herself. This applies to cases where the moon priestess is healing allies or herself. In any case, she receives less HP.


An excellent ability that not only scouts the fog of war, but also deals good damage to the selected enemy.

Lunar flare

The spell can damage multiple enemies and additionally stun them for a short time. It is worth considering that the skill works a few moments after its use, so enemies can simply leave the affected area.

Hunter's Mark

A good debuff for the enemy, which increases any damage to him by 25% for 4 seconds. In this case, the target cannot go invisible.

Tyrande's Heroic Abilities in HotS

Hiding in the shadows

If the enemy team does not have Tassadar, then this ability can change the outcome of the entire match. The spell allows Tyrande and all her allies to become invisible for 8 seconds. This arrangement will expose the enemies, allowing for a surprise attack.


Tyrande causes a shower of stars, which will not only deal minor damage to all enemies in the area of ​​effect of the ability, but also slow them down.

Build for Tyrande in HotS

1st level


Allows you to speed up the recharge of all your character's abilities. To do this, you just need to hit at least one enemy hero with an owl.

4th level


Turns the sentry into a mass weapon. The owl no longer explodes when it first hits an enemy. Damage will be dealt to all enemies in the flight path.

Level 7

The Thrill of Battle

Each basic attack from Tyrande will reduce the cooldown of all abilities by 0.5 seconds. In combination with the talent at the first level, it makes it possible to reset the cooldown of most skills within a few seconds.

Level 10


A less useful skill than Shadow Cover, but the result is much more effective. After all, you cannot be sure that your team will immediately rush into battle when receiving invisibility. Therefore, it is better to take Starfall and deal damage yourself.

Level 13

Stream of light

Increases the healing effect of the Light of Elune ability by 35%, but only if Tyrande has more than 50% health.

Level 16

True Shot Aura

At this level, it is better to sacrifice the improvement of the sentry and take a buff that allows you to increase the attacks of nearby allies by 15%.

Level 20

Heaven's Wrath

Don't worry if you can't get to the fight in time to use Starfall. Now it can be directed to any point on the map. In this case, the damage from the ability will be 30% higher.

Tactics for playing Tyrande in Heroes of the Storm

Tyrande is a support hero, so don't be lazy and always try to help your allies. If they go to capture control points, then you also head there. Try to heal your teammates at the first opportunity. Remember that Tyrande is not a pusher, so in the lane just stand and help your tank or assassin. Your stuns and buffs will be very useful.

Don't forget that the Sentry can fly all over the map, so sometimes send him to other lanes. This way you can scout out everything in his path and slightly stress out the opponents on the other end of the map.

With certain build-ups, Tyrande can become a good damage dealer, but even in this case, you should not compete with assassins in terms of damage. Low health will not allow you to win a 1v1 fight.

Many players forget about the Hunter's Mark, which will help kill the enemy much faster.


  • Illidan
  • Nazibo
  • Zeratul


  • Stitch
  • Diablo

Conclusion of the guide about Tyrande in HotS

Tyrande's simplest spell is Light of Elune, for which you just need to choose a target. All other abilities require a certain skill, which makes the gameplay more difficult for beginners. It is worth noting that the full potential of this hero is revealed only with well-coordinated team play. Of course, newcomers are more interested in an ordinary fan, so they deliberately do not take this hero.

Light of Elune

Restores 255 (+4% each level) HP to an allied hero. health. Maximum charges - 2. All charges are restored simultaneously. Passive: Each basic attack reduces the cooldown of Light of Elune by 1.5 sec. Passive: When Tyrande damages heroes with abilities, the cooldown of Light of Elune is reduced by 1.5 sec. health.

Our main team support is up to level 16, it is important to remember that the cooldown is 12 seconds. However, the reload time is reduced by 2 seconds for each basic attack, and it does not matter what we are attacking - a mob, a mercenary, a hero, a building or even a wall. We must always remember this.

Depending on the talents you take, you can speed up the recovery of abilities from basic attacks, remove stun effects, give the target energy armor, speed up movement and increase the amount of restored health.

Releases an owl that flies over the battlefield, opening vision, and also inflicts 120 (+4% per level) damage on the first hero on its way. damage and reveals its location for 5 sec.

A remarkable ability with a built-in task. The ability is used mainly for reconnaissance, and also allows us to finish off retreating heroes, and, when taking the necessary talents, successfully kill Abathur directly from our base. Also, in the process of completing the task, it begins to cause damage to several heroes on the same line and the mana cost of the ability is reduced.

Depending on the talents you take, you can increase the damage from the ability, reduce the recovery time when hitting heroes, as well as slow down enemy heroes and reduce the damage they cause.

Lunar flare

After a pause of 0.75 seconds. deals 150 (+4% per level) damage. damages enemies in the specified area and stuns them for 0.75 sec.

Our control, the range is short, and the stun time is just under a second, is used for self-preservation and sometimes for finishing - when you act solo in the lane, or for additional control and damage to the enemy team - when you are working in a team.

Depending on the talents you take, you can increase the damage for each enemy hit, remove the mana consumption and increase the range. And also, when you take the “Shooting Star” talent at level 20, use it automatically for every 10 basic attack.

Hiding in the shadows

Masks allied heroes for 10 sec. and replenishes them with 395 (+4% for each level) units. health for 10 seconds. If allies remain motionless while cloaked for 1.5 seconds, they become invisible.

Our save and map control, when taking this talent, Tyrande turns into a hero similar in gameplay to Nova, only we have more movement speed and catastrophically little damage, however, when taking the appropriate talents, we are quite capable of delivering dagger strikes to weak heroes, and if If you're lucky, you'll finish them off. It is important to remember that the cooldown of "Shadow in the Shadows" begins after you leave the invisibility. And you can stay in visa indefinitely.

The second feature is the increased attack speed after leaving the invisibility, which means that we have a faster cooldown of “Light of Elune” and we can better support our allies.

At level 20, it allows you to reveal the location of all enemies for 2 seconds; it can be useful for additional control of the map, as well as for targeting the “Sentry” at weak heroes.

Tyrande is considered a support hero, but I think she also has a lot of potential to steal games thanks to some of her talents (more on that in a moment). There are several options for using Tyrande as an assassin (the most common are through basic attacks and through an owl). Previously, a guide was already posted on the site, where they talked about assembly through an owl. I'll tell you about my version of assembling using auto-attacks. I will not print the story, you can if you wish. I’ll go straight to describing the hero’s skills and talents, what’s useful about them and how they can be used in battle.

Tyrande's skills

Heroic Ability: Hunter's Mark.

Places "Hunter's Mark" on the specified enemy, thereby increasing the damage they receive by 25% and revealing their location for 4 seconds.

The most useful skill for our build. Significantly increases damage to one target and prevents it from hiding in bushes or behind textures.

[Q] Skill: “Light of Elune.”

Tyrande restores the hero's health to 55 (+10). When applied to an ally, also restores 110 (+20) health.

A skill for a support hero. In our case, it will help to stay on the line longer.

[W] Skill: "Sentry".

Tyrande releases an owl, which moves around the map and opens up visibility. Deals 76 (+16) damage to the first enemy hero attacked, revealing his location for 5 seconds.

The main spell if you collect Tyrande through an owl. In our case, just additional damage to the enemy. We also use it for reconnaissance.

[E] Skill: Lunar Flare.

Deals 108 (+18) damage to enemies in the specified area and stuns them for 1 second.

Useful skill for gangways. It's easy to stun the enemy, especially if there are other routes/stuns on the team (for example, you can easily put your stun on top of Malfurion's roots). Also helps you escape if enemy heroes are chasing you.

Skill: Hiding in the Shadows.

Tyrande and all friendly heroes enter a cloaked state for 8 seconds. The ability also reveals the location of all enemy heroes on the map for the duration.

Best heroic ability if you are playing in a team. With the help of the “Hunter’s Mark” skill, you can kill almost any of the enemy heroes with your entire team, turning the battle into 5x4. If you are playing solo, take it when you are confident that you can kill the enemy alone. Be prepared for the fact that no one will support you.

Skill: "Starfall".

Tyrande deals 26 (+6) damage per second to enemies in the target area and slows them by 20%.

I advise you to take it in the initial stages. If you doubt that you can kill 100% of one target, take Starfall.

Tyrande's talents.

Level 1

Skilled Marksman is the talent that makes Tyrande an assassin; without it, we will be significantly outperformed by standard assassins (for example, Valle).

Level 4

Searing Arrows - we definitely take this talent at level 4, since the rest are not suitable for building our hero.

Level 7

Trueshot aura - our goal in the late game is to kill one target with the whole team from invisibility as quickly as possible, so the aura is much more useful than reducing the cooldown, especially since we do not depend on spells as much as on attack power.

Level 10- The choice of ultimate depends on who you are playing with, how the game is going, who is playing against you, etc.

Cover in the shadows - in most cases I advise you to take it, especially if you have already mastered the hero and know the approximate damage that you can inflict at any stage of the game.

Starfall - I don’t think Starfall is a suitable ultimate for our build, but it is possible in certain conditions.

Level 13

Moonlight is a possible option, but I prefer to take the sprint.

Mark of Purification is a good talent if you play fast pushing, but what is fast pushing at level 13:D. Definitely a practically useless talent at this stage of the game. I think it would be logical to move him to earlier talent levels, then there will be more opportunities for teams who are trying to quickly demolish the opponent's main building.

Sprint is the best talent offered in my opinion, although other options are possible. It will help you catch up with a fleeing target or escape from your pursuer. Provides maneuverability in team battles.

Level 16

Huntress's Fury - the higher the attack speed, the higher the DPS, a clear choice at level 16.

Level 20

Great Hunt - choose to enhance our heroic ability. It will help you quickly reach and kill the desired target.

Storm Charge is a situational choice and can be good, but in most cases I prefer the ultimate buff.

Heaven's Wrath - choose if you took this heroic ability at level 10 and you don't think you need Storm Charge.

This is what my talents usually look like:

Pros and cons of the assembly.


The longer the game goes on, the more damage we deal.

The ability to quickly kill a target from invisibility.

Ranged hero.

Good performance boost.

Good synergy with the team.


At first he loses to other killer heroes (can be corrected if the team sets traps and kills a lot).

Requires high game mechanics from the player.

There are no innate skills to quickly get out of battle.

Difficult to implement if you are not playing with a team.

Tips for playing as Tyrande.

1) Push and run along the lines as much as possible. The more monsters/heroes that die near you, the more attack power you will receive.

2) Do not come out of invisibility before the start of a team fight if you are not sure that you can kill the target.

3) First of all, eliminate enemy healers or assassins.

5) Don’t forget, you are not a tank, don’t rush ahead of everyone towards thin enemies. Your main task is to inflict as much damage as possible on the enemies; if you fail to approach the enemy from behind, stand behind your tanks and shoot the enemy ones.

6)Use the owl to find enemy heroes and avoid checking the bushes with your face.

7) Don’t try to win your line at any cost. Get as much attack power as possible and carry on in team fights. It’s good if there’s some kind of pusher next to you in the lane, so that you can have time to run to the next lane and get “Skilled Shooter” charges there.

This is where I want to end my guide. Hope you enjoyed it. Leave your comments and suggestions for what you want to see in the next guides. Good luck everyone, I hope to see you soon in the Nexus!

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Tyrande is a ranged support hero with exceptionally useful abilities. It can expand the team's line of sight, heal wounded allies, and stun and slow enemies. Tyrande is a very flexible hero who can adapt to any team. Her strong crowd control and tracking abilities make up for the lack of healing that Tyrande suffers from up until level 13.

1. Advantages and disadvantages

Main advantages:

  • Sentry - a useful ability for reconnaissance
  • Lunar Flare is especially effective when combined with control from other heroes.
  • Mark of the Huntress greatly increases single-target damage from Tyrande's team
  • Has access to Protective Field and Healing Idol
  • Many different builds
  • Deals high damage compared to other supports

Main disadvantages:

  • Can't retreat quickly
  • Unable to support a team alone
  • Doesn't clean the waves well
  • Relatively difficult to use
  • Requires awareness of card status

2. Role in the current meta

Tyrande's defensive and offensive potential makes her one of the most flexible heroes in the game. She can fit into almost any team, even one that already has a healer. While it can be difficult for Tyrande to support her team on her own, Light of Elune has a short cooldown and can be used to assist the main healer, and Lunar Flare is an excellent stun ability that can be combined with other abilities for crowd control.

In the current meta, Tyrande is very strong - she fills the niche of a semi-support hero, i.e. deals more damage than other support heroes. As a result, the composition of a team with Tyrande can change significantly, unlike teams with two support heroes. In addition, the Sentinel's ability significantly expands the team's range of vision and is useful on any map, allowing you to timely determine the intentions of opponents and react to their actions. Tyrande's strength also lies in the fact that her Mark of the Hunter increases the damage the target receives by 25% for 4 sec. Thanks to the Mark, Tyrande's allies can quickly kill priority targets, especially if they have the ability to communicate with each other.

3. Tyrande's abilities

Mana: 45. Cooldown: 8 sec.

Replenishes the hero with 340 (74 + 14 per level) units. health. When applied to an ally, it also restores 680 (148 + 28 per level) health. health.

Light of Elune slightly heals Tyrande. When applied to an ally, they receive double healing.

Light of Elune is Tyrande's only healing ability, which restores health instantly and allows you to save the lives of not only yourself, but also other team members. The mechanics of Light of Elune mean that Tyrande should not stand alone in the lane. Use Light of Elune wisely, especially early in the game. Otherwise, you will quickly run out of mana.

It should be remembered that the Light of Elune always heals Tyrande, even when applied to warriors or mercenaries. This is why we recommend using it on others and not on yourself.

Directed spell. Mana: 65. Cooldown: 18 sec.

Allows you to release an owl, which moves around the map, opening up your view. Deals 380 (76 + 16 per level) damage to the first enemy hero that gets in the way. damage, revealing its location for 5 sec.

The Sentinel allows Tyrande to release an owl, which flies in a straight line and expands its line of sight. The owl moves across the entire map and deals minor damage when colliding with an enemy hero, revealing their location for 5 seconds. After the collision, the owl disappears.

Tyrande has the rare ability to open up large areas of the map by releasing an owl in a specific direction. The Sentinel becomes especially important when choosing offensive talents such as Empower, Breach, and Pathfinder.

Use a sentry to scout the area if you don't see any enemies on the minimap or intend to go through the bushes. However, it should be remembered that in some cases the use of Sentry is not advisable. If your allies are trying to take over a mercenary camp or subdue a golem boss, the Sentry can give away your team's intentions, and your opponents can catch you off guard.

Target: Specified area. Mana: 60. Cooldown: 12 sec.

After a short delay, deals 450 (108 + 18 per level) damage. damage in the specified area and stuns targets for 1 sec.

Lunar Flare allows Tyrande to fire a magical bolt that, after a short delay, stuns enemies in the target area for 1 second. Targets hit by the flash also take moderate damage.

Lunar Flare is a great control ability. Unlike other support heroes, Tyrande can launch surprise attacks when paired with other allies. Below are the partners that suit Tyrande due to the synergy of their damage and control abilities:

  • Anub"arak
  • Arthas
  • Jaina
  • Kerrigan
  • Muradin
  • Stitch
  • Butcher
  • Thrall

Lunar Flare allows Tyrande to attack enemies from a safe distance, however the spell is targeted and requires some experience to use effectively. When using Lunar Flare, try to predict the enemy's trajectory. The importance of this skill cannot be overstated, so before playing Team League or Hero League, we advise you to practice playing games with artificial intelligence.

Heroic ability. Mana: 100. Cooldown: 100 sec.

Deals 140 (26 + 6 per level) damage. area damage and slows enemies by 20% for 2 sec. Duration of action - 8 seconds.

Starfall allows Tyrande to create a large circle of light in the target area for 8 seconds. Each enemy caught in this circle receives small damage once per second. Enemies hit by Starfall are also slowed by 20%. The effect lasts until the target leaves the affected area.

Starfall damages all enemies in a certain area and slows them down. Thus, this heroic ability comes in handy both in team fights and when pushing lines. At the beginning of a team fight, Starfall should be used as quickly as possible to deal as much damage as possible. Starfall is a very flexible ability. It can be used for both attack and defense. When attacked, Starfall slows down fleeing enemies, allowing Tyrande's allies to reach them. When defending, Starfall helps to break away from pursuit (in particular, to run away from opponents with dashes).

It should be noted that Starfall significantly reduces the effectiveness of some (mostly Heroic) abilities that require enemy team members to stand closer to each other. Use Starfall with caution if your team includes:

  • Arthas with Sindragosa's Summon
  • with Electric Breathing
  • with mosh pit
  • with Grav-o-bomb 3000
  • with Blessed Shield
  • Kael'tas with Phoenix
  • with Primordial Grip
  • with Entangling Roots
  • with Wailing Arrow
  • Butcher with Crucible Burst
  • Uther with the Divine Shield
  • with Rain of Vengeance
  • with Devouring Maw

Hunter's Mark (D)

Feature Cooldown: 20 sec.

Marks the target enemy, increasing damage taken by 25% and revealing their location for 4 sec. Cannot be applied to buildings.

Hunter's Mark allows Tyrande to place a mark on an enemy that reveals their location and increases damage taken by 25% for 4 seconds. The hunter's mark cannot be placed on buildings.

The Hunter's Mark is one of the strongest features in the game because... it allows you to quickly kill a single target. The Mark interacts well with the abilities of Tyrande and her allies. Hunter's Mark weakens even enemy tanks, making them think twice about joining a team fight.

Remember that the Mark greatly increases the damage of Lunar Flare and Sentinel. Since the Mark and Flash have equal ranges, we recommend using them together to maximize damage.

4. Tyrande Builds

Level 1

  • Heavenly Harmony. Reduces the mana cost of using Light of Elune by 15.
  • Mark of the shooter. Reduces the cooldown of Hunter's Mark by 8 sec.
  • Experienced shooter. For every 6 enemy mercenaries or warriors killed, the damage from basic attacks increases by 1 unit. Killing one hero is equivalent to 2 killings of warriors. For the talent to trigger, Tyrande must be close enough to the target (a warrior, mercenary or hero), but it is not necessary to personally participate in the kill.
  • Gain. When an enemy hero is hit by the Sentinel, Tyrande's ability cooldown is reduced by 2 sec.

Marksman's Mark reduces the cooldown of Hunter's Mark by almost half, allowing Tyrande to weaken enemy heroes more often. The main advantage of Marksman's Mark is that it provides benefits at all stages of the game.


The Empower talent is part of an owl build, in which Tyrande deals damage to Sentinels instead of supporting her team. Each time the Sentry hits an enemy Hero, Empower reduces Tyrande's cooldowns by 2 sec. This is a very useful talent, especially when combined with Breakthrough (level 4) and Pathfinder (level 16).

Other talents

An experienced hunter is not suitable for support heroes like Tyrande. While she does have talents that provide a bonus to basic attacks (such as Searing Arrows or Nexus Fury), Tyrande should support allies in most cases, and we recommend that you forego the basic attack upgrade.

Celestial Harmony allows Tyrande to use Light of Elune more freely, reducing mana costs, but this talent does not help organize surprise attacks and has less impact on the outcome of team fights than Marksman.

Level 4

  • Breakthrough. The Sentry no longer stops moving when it hits a hero, but instead deals damage to all heroes in its path.
  • Accurate strike. Increases the damage of your next basic attack by 75%. Cooldown 10 sec., with each subsequent basic attack reduced by 1 sec.
  • Protective field. When activated, covers a friendly target (or the hero himself) with a shield that absorbs a certain amount of damage in the amount of 15% of the target's maximum health for 5 sec. Cooldown 60 sec.
  • Healing idol. Allows you to place a Healing Idol at a specified point, replenishing 2% of the maximum health of allies once per second for 10 sec. Opponents can destroy the idol with AoE abilities and basic attacks.
  • Burning arrows. When used, increases basic attack damage by 40% for 5 sec. Each attack costs 10 units. mana.

Shield Field gives Tyrande the ability to shield her allies, making up for her lack of direct healing early in the game. This talent is especially useful for melee assassins (for example, Illidan or Thrall), as well as fighters (for example, Anub'arak or Muradin), since they are always on the front line and need additional protection.

Healing Idol is currently one of the strongest talents in the game because... it restores a significant amount of health and attracts the attention of enemies. If you hide the idol in the bushes or behind a wall, enemies will not be able to detect it. However, it should be remembered that the effects of two Healing Idols do not stack. Thus, we recommend that you negotiate with your allies in advance if there are other heroes on your team with access to the Healing Idol.


Breakthrough is an integral part of the "owl" build, in which Tyrande deals damage with the help of Sentinel. Breakthrough allows the Sentinel to damage multiple enemy heroes and provides additional visibility as When colliding with a target, the owl no longer disappears.

Other talents

Precise Attack is a talent for assassins with high base attack power, not for supports like Tyrande whose base attacks are weak. The purpose of healers is to support allies, not to deal damage with basic attacks.

The talent Searing Arrows increases damage from basic attacks and increases mana costs. This is contrary to Tyrande's usual role, because... she should heal allies and stun enemies with Lunar Flare, not deal damage with basic attacks. Like Precise Attack, this talent is better suited to assassins rather than supports like Tyrande.

Level 7

  • Hastening Blessing. If Light of Elune is targeted by an ally, the target's movement speed is also increased by 25% for 3 sec.
  • Lunar shine. Increases the range of Lunar Flare by 50%.
  • The excitement of battle. Reduces the cooldown of abilities when using basic attacks by 0.5 sec.
  • Request: MULE. When used, summons a mule, which for 40 sec. takes turns repairing buildings near the specified point. Replenishes 1 unit. ammunition in 3 sec. Opponents can destroy the MULE with basic attacks and abilities.

Lunar Shine greatly increases the range of Lunar Flare, allowing Tyrande to stun enemies from a greater distance. For the fragile and inactive Tyrande, this talent is very important, because... it allows you to avoid attention from opponents.

The thrill of battle only suits Tyrande if her team is marginally dependent on the correct and timely use of Lunar Flare. The Thrill of Battle reduces all of Tyrande's cooldowns at once, allowing her to heal allies more frequently, grant them additional vision, and stun enemies.


Request: MULE can serve as a worthy alternative to Moonshine or Thrill of Battle in Haunted Mines, Blackheart Bay, or Sky Temple due to its special objective mechanics. However, in this case, Tyrande's utility is significantly reduced, so she suffers more than other heroes with MULE (for example, Nazeebo or Abathur). However, on said maps, the MUL will provide a lot of utility by restoring buildings that were damaged in the process of achieving objectives.

Other talents

Hastening Blessing is a good talent, once every 8 sec. increasing the target's movement speed by 25%. Unfortunately, all the other level 7 talents are too good to ignore.

Level 10

  • At 10th level, Tyrande gains access to heroic abilities. A detailed description can be found in the "Abilities" section.
  • Hiding in the shadows. Tyrande and all friendly heroes become cloaked for 8 seconds. The ability also reveals the location of all enemy heroes on the map for 3 seconds.

Starfall is one of the strongest heroic abilities in the game, giving Tyrande the ability to push back opponents. Hitting multiple enemies and slowing them for 8 seconds, Tyrande is useful in battles over static targets (such as temples or gifts). Thus, we recommend using Starfall on narrow paths and in confined spaces so that enemy heroes do not have the opportunity to escape.

When choosing Starfall, try to use it with maximum efficiency. As a rule, this ability is best combined with the AoE abilities of other heroes - for example, Mosh Pit E.T.S. or the Phoenix of Qel'thas. However, in some cases, Tyrande cannot wait too long, because over time, Starfall loses its value. Like other AoE abilities, Starfall removes disguise as soon as the cloaked hero enters the affected area .

Other talents

Shadow Shelter is significantly inferior to Starfall for several reasons. First of all, Cover only reveals the location of opponents to Tyrande's team. This ability isn't particularly useful on smaller maps like Haunted Mines or Tomb of the Spider Queen, where it's easy to guess where enemies are going. In addition, Cover does not deal damage or disrupt enemy formations, so it does not affect the outcome of a team fight as much as Starfall.

Finally, to take advantage of Cover, you need to actively communicate with your allies, which rarely happens in Hero League or Quick Play. If one or more allies do not follow Tyrande in disguise, the heroic ability will be wasted. As such, we consider Shadow Cover to be a situational and unreliable talent that should not be used when playing in random teams.

Level 13

  • Flow of light. When Tyrande's health is above 50%, she heals allies 35% more effectively.
  • Huntress's Fury. After using Hunter's Mark, the hero's attack speed increases by 40% for 4 sec.
  • Sprint. When activated, increases movement speed by 75% for 3 sec.
  • Shrink ray. When activated, reduces the damage dealt by an enemy hero by 50% and their movement speed by 50%. Duration of action - 4 seconds.

Flux of Light increases the effectiveness of Light of Elune, eliminating Tyrande's main drawback of not having strong single-target healing spells. By choosing Stream of Light, Tyrande will be able to heal her allies more effectively, saving even those who have received heavy damage. Stream of Light is an indispensable talent if your team does not have a full-fledged healer, or opponents can deal heavy damage in a short period of time.


Sprint is a powerful talent for heroes with low mobility who cannot retreat quickly. Sprinting allows Tyrande to catch up with fleeing opponents, stunning them with Lunar Flare, or to avoid dangerous situations. However, experienced players who can easily choose the right location may choose Light Stream or Shrink Beam instead of Sprint.

Shrink Ray is a great talent if used correctly. The shrink ray can weaken the aggressive attack of divers - for example, Illidan, Tyrael or Zeratul. To use the beam effectively, you will need the support of allies who will pursue your target. If you have the ability to communicate with allies (for example, queued in a team of five), the Shrink Ray will benefit you the most. If you are not sure that your allies will support you on demand, take Flow of Light or Sprint.

Other talents

Huntress's Fury is a talent similar to Master Hunter and Precision Strike. It's great for assassins, but Tyrande doesn't need to attack the target faster while Mark of the Huntress is active. Instead, she must help her team by healing allies, controlling enemies, and scouting the area.

Level 16

  • True Shot Aura. Passively increases basic attack damage of nearby allies by 15%. The True Shot Aura also increases the damage of allied warriors and mercenaries by 15%.
  • Mark of Healing. Basic attacks against marked targets heal attackers for 2.5% of their maximum health.
  • Pathfinder. Increases the width of the Sentinel's area of ​​effect by 100%. Increases damage depending on the distance the owl has traveled, but not more than 200%.
  • Falling star . Lunar Flare deals 50% more damage and restores mana when hitting enemy heroes.

Trueshot Aura is a great talent if Tyrande's team includes multiple assassins who rely on basic attacks (like Valla or Illidan). Trueshot Aura is a talent with no downside that is only useful to teams with strong magic damage.

Shooting Star is a decent alternative to Trueshot Aura for experienced players who don't have trouble aiming when using Lunar Flare. This talent interacts well with Hunter's Mark, because... it increases damage to the marked target.


Pathfinder complements the so-called. Tyrande's "owl" build. The Sentinel's expanded area of ​​effect allows it to hit more enemies, which is very convenient if you have the Breakthrough talent. By choosing the Pathfinder talent, Tyrande gains extraordinary power and can inflict enormous damage on her opponents. Often the damage from Tyrande with the owl build exceeds the damage from some assassins.

Other talents

Mark of Healing is a frankly weak talent, because... the amount of health restored does not live up to expectations. Unlike other level 16 talents, Mark of Healing has virtually no effect on the outcome of late-game team fights.

Level 20

  • Heaven's Wrath. Starfall can be used at any distance, and its damage is increased by 30%.
  • Big hunt. When using Shadow Cover, the movement speed of the hero and his allies is increased by 25% for 8 sec, and the damage of Tyrande's next basic attack is increased by 100%.
  • Rage of the Nexus. Increases the speed and range of basic attacks by 20%.
  • Storm Shield. An active ability that surrounds the hero and his allies with a shield that absorbs damage equal to 20% of their maximum health for 3 sec.
  • Rewind. When used, instantly resets the cooldown time of the hero's basic abilities.

Storm Shield is one of the most powerful defensive talents in the game. However, Tyrande must carefully monitor her location in order to heal wounded allies in time, because She has no abilities that increase movement speed. The Storm Shield allows you to organize a long siege and put pressure on the enemy, stopping the AoE attacks of killers who actively use spells (for example, Jaina or Kael'thas).

Rewind is a very effective talent for heroes who rely on abilities for control and scouting. These abilities include Lunar Flare and Sentry, which is why Rewind is so good for Tyrande. Ideally, Rewind should be used immediately after your basic abilities, but Lunar Flare's cooldown reset has the highest priority. Try to use Rewind immediately after the Lunar Flare effect ends. This way you can stun enemies twice in a row, preventing him from escaping.

Other talents

Holy Wrath is a good talent for small maps like Haunted Mines or Tomb of the Spider Queen, because... it allows you to deal more damage when pushing through lines. However, in most cases Storm Shield or Rewind will be more useful.

The Great Hunt is only used in conjunction with Shadow Hide, and this heroic ability is not recommended for use.

Nexus Fury is one of the best talents for melee assassins like Raynor or Sergeant Hammer, who deal most of their damage with basic attacks. However, Tyrande's basic attacks are very weak and Nexus Fury doesn't do her much good.

5. General tactics for playing Tyrande

The fact that Tyrande is a very flexible hero allows her to fulfill multiple roles at once. Whatever you're doing (opening the map with the Sentinel, healing wounded allies with the Light of Elune, or slowing down enemies with Starfall), you'll have to keep an eye on the game situation throughout the game. Tyrande, more than anyone else, needs the help of allies, because... she does not know how to clear waves alone and moves slowly. If her opponents manage to catch Tyrande by surprise, she will have nothing to oppose them.

In the middle of a match, Tyrande's tasks depend on the game situation. As a rule, she:

  • supports allies with the Light of Elune in team fights or when pushing lines;
  • uses Lunar Flare, preventing enemy heroes from reading heroic abilities (for example, Li Li's Thousand Cup Jug or Nazeebo's Hungry Spirit);
  • scouts the area or knocks out fleeing opponents with the help of the Sentry;
  • places the Hunter's Mark on priority targets, ensuring quick kills.

Like other heroes, Tyrande must have information about the state of the card. If your allies have occupied all the lines, move around the map, helping them if necessary. Organize surprise attacks (mainly on those who cannot escape - for example, Jaina or Kael'thas). If you have to stand in a lane, damage the hero on the opposite side with the help of the Hunter's Mark and Lunar Flare. The Talent Mark of the Marksman will help you with this (level 1).

Once both teams reach level 10, the lanes take a backseat and Tyrande must focus on capturing objectives. Like other support heroes, Tyrande relies on proper positioning to avoid death early in the fight. However, if you manage to maintain a reasonable distance, you can stun them with Lunar Flare and slow them down with Starfall with impunity.

6. What to do outside of team battles

Team fights happen a lot in Heroes of the Storm, but each hero needs to know what they should be doing the rest of the time. Many players underestimate Tyrande's ability to scout the area from a safe distance with the help of the Sentry. The ability to track enemy movements allows you to catch them off guard and gain an advantage in team combat. This is why we recommend using the Sentry on cooldown, opening up important strategic points (for example, target spawn locations or mercenary camps). If there are no targets at the moment, or other allies are able to capture it without your help, go to the lane to gain experience, especially if your team has not yet reached level 10.

In addition, we would like to consider the issue of proper positioning of Tyrande in relation to her allies. When entering enemy territory, always follow the fighter and do not leave the range of the main healer. If you do not know exactly where the opponents are, do not go into the bushes under any circumstances. If you need to get through them, use the Sentry. Let us note once again that correct positioning is very important for Tyrande, because She lacks defensive abilities, as well as the ability to dash or teleport.

7. Team battles

In team battles, Tyrande plays a very difficult but interesting role. Successfully casting Hunter's Mark and the Lunar Flare stun will allow your allies to take full advantage of their enemies' helplessness. When talking about team battles, we prefer to divide them into three types, which makes it easier to understand, especially for new and inexperienced players.

Team battle initiated by your allies

Lunar Flare is the only reliable basic entry ability available to Tyrande. Before getting closer to the target, stun it. If your allies lack CC abilities, using Lunar Flare correctly becomes especially important. Before starting a team fight, provide your allies with an expanded area of ​​vision with the help of the Sentry.

When playing Tyrande, be sure to check where your allies are before attacking (especially tanky fighters who can use CC and deal heavy damage). Unlike support heroes with high mobility (like Rehgar or Brightwing), Tyrande doesn't have to worry about her allies being too far away. However, we recommend always checking the minimap before using Huntress's Mark or Starfall. In addition, when initiating, you need to take into account the behavior of your opponents. If they want to defend, use Lunar Flare and Starfall to deal as much damage as possible. If they try to escape, stay calm and don't use abilities with long cooldowns like Ward Field or Storm Shield. If you find a seriously wounded enemy, you can knock him out of the saddle or finish him off with a Sentry.

Team battle initiated by your opponents

Even though Tyrande usually plays an aggressive support role, she can effectively protect her allies. If opponents catch your team member by surprise, cover him with a Shield Field to neutralize the starting damage. After this, you can heal him with the Light of Elune, which will allow the ally to take a more advantageous position. If your healer can't heal the team alone, use the Torrent of Light talent (level 13) to increase the healing efficiency.

You can also shield your allies from attacks from enemy Assassins and Specialists with Starfall, but keep in mind that you won't be able to completely stop them. If you need an extra tool to counter enemy fighters and melee assassins, use the Shrink Beam.


Skirmishes are situational battles in which neither side planned to attack. In most cases, skirmishes occur when completing map objectives and capturing mercenary camps. Unlike regular fights, skirmishes require you to wait a bit while using your abilities to assess the situation. Hold off on the basic abilities and talents (Lunar Flare and Shield Field) until you are confident the fight will last long enough. Save Starfall for a real team fight. As a rule, any skirmish will sooner or later develop into a team fight if neither side decides to retreat.

  • Use Hunter's Mark just before Lunar Flare to deal more damage.
  • Use the Sentry as often as possible. Expanded scope allows you to make more effective decisions.
  • Use the Sentry to dislodge fleeing enemies.
  • Starfall brings maximum benefits in confined spaces and on narrow paths.
  • Do not use the Light of Elune to heal yourself. Use it on allied heroes, warriors, or mercenaries. Remember that you will receive your portion of healing in any of these cases.
  • If your team doesn't need additional protection, use the owl build.
  • Always be aware of your location. Tyrande is one of the most defenseless characters, so don't let your opponents take you by surprise.

9. Best allies

In this section, we'll look at heroes that give Tyrande additional benefits.


Able to control opponents with Howling Wind and Ice Storm. These effects synergize well with Tyrande's Lunar Flare, making Arthas an ideal partner for early-game surprise attacks. In the final stages of the game, Arthas is able to slow down opponents and root them in place so that Tyrande can take better aim with Lunar Flare and Sentinels. In addition, she can support Arthas with the Light of Elune.


Phoenix's area of ​​effect is approximately equal to that of Starfall. This combination allows two heroes to deal strong AoE damage. Moreover, Kael'thas is a fragile ranged assassin, and Tyrande can support him with the Light of Elune and Protective Field.


The Butcher and Tyrande are one of the deadliest duos in the game. To mount a successful surprise attack, Tyrande needs to use Huntress's Mark and Lunar Flare immediately after the Butcher has successfully dashed and stunned her opponents. Like any melee assassin, the Butcher is a high-priority target for the enemy team, so he benefits from the support Tyrande gives him.


Conviction is one of the best abilities to force an opponent into battle. The stun from Condemn allows Tyrande to better target her Lunar Flare and place her Mark of the Huntress on an important target. Thanks to the Sentinel, before starting a team fight he can adequately assess the situation and choose a target for Condemnation.

10. Worst Enemies

In this section, we will look at heroes who can effectively counter Tyrande.


This is a strong melee assassin that is a priority target for all fighters. Otherwise, it can greatly harm fragile heroes. The best way to neutralize Illidan is to stun or silence him. Tyrande is unable to control this enemy because... Lunar Flare is ineffective against mobile heroes.

How to resist Illidan?

Can easily dodge Lunar Flare, so before using this ability you must wait until your allies have stunned a dangerous enemy. If you can't handle Illidan's onslaught, you can use the Sprint talent. Hunter's Mark increases the target's damage taken by 25%, allowing allies to kill Illidan faster. Use the Mark exclusively on him.


Nova poses a serious threat to fragile heroes like Tyrande, because... they are ideal targets for sniping. At the same time, healing from the Light of Elune is not effective enough and cannot neutralize the strong damage coming from Nova.

How to counter Nova?

Although the Shadow Hide heroic ability can remove disguise, we do not recommend using it because AoE damage and slowdown from Starfall are valuable for team fights. Try to predict Nova's trajectory and hide behind other heroes, warriors or mercenaries to avoid damage. Remember that friendly buildings (walls, forts and fortresses) protect against Nova's heroic ability Triple Strike.


The Purify talent and the heroic ability Divine Shield neutralize Tyrande's main advantage, which is to weaken opponents with Hunter's Mark and stun them with Lunar Flare. Thus, Uther is able to greatly reduce Tyrande's effectiveness.

How to resist Uther?

When playing against Uther, Tyrande must use her abilities at the right time. Do not place Hunter's Mark on targets covered by Divine Shield. Use Starfall as early as possible to deal as much damage as possible. Uther cannot support multiple targets at once.

11. Tactics of the game on various battlefields

11.1. Eternal battle

Heaven and Hell collide (literally) on a battlefield that represents their eternal rivalry. Immortals, two ancient warriors doomed to fight each other forever, need your help in deciding the outcome of their endless battle. Destroy the Immortal of the enemy team, and then nothing can stop you from sweeping through enemy territory like a devastating whirlwind.

Join the battle of the Immortals

Two Immortals are fighting in the center of the battlefield. Help your Immortal win and destroy enemy fortifications.

Make tactical decisions

Protect your Immortal by eliminating the entire enemy team. Or strike down an enemy Immortal in a single burst of fury.

Recruit unique mercenaries

Strengthen your team by recruiting fallen shamans and agile spearmen. Their help will be useful to you in battle!

Eternal battle is a battlefield with two lines instead of three. You will have to control important targets (Immortals and mercenaries) to get rid of enemy buildings as quickly as possible. For this you will need the talent Request: MULE (level 7).

Victory in the Eternal Battle almost always belongs to the team that controls the central part of the map and is able to weaken the enemy Immortal. Tyrande's Starfall is an excellent spell that allows you to push back your opponents and deal significant damage to them, forcing them into a disadvantageous position. Try not to move away from your allies, because... Tyrande's low mobility makes her a suitable target for surprise attacks.

11.2. Blackheart Bay

The Ghost Pirate declared himself the ruler of Misty Harbor. Members of his dissolute crew, consisting entirely of undead, infiltrated the streets, turning the once prosperous center of trade into an abode of vice and robbery.

Collect doubloons

Break chests and kill mercenaries and skeletons to earn doubloons.

Give doubloons to Blackheart

Give the doubloons you earn to Blackheart as soon as possible, otherwise you will lose them if you die at the hands of your enemy!

Shoot your enemies

Having received enough doubloons from your team, Blackheart will begin shelling enemy forts!

In Blackheart Bay, Tyrande is great for chest fights in the mid lane thanks to her ability to increase damage taken by allies and stun enemies from a safe distance.

Since the strategic objective of the map is in the very center, Tyrande can use the Sentry to track the movement of opponents and prevent them from turning in doubloons to Blackheart. As a rule, targeting Sentinels is easier in Blackheart Bay than on other maps. That is why the “owl” build with the Breakthrough and Pathfinder talents is often used here.

11.3. Damn Hollow

Raven's Court is one of the most ancient worlds absorbed into the Nexus. Over the millennia, it has grown and achieved prosperity. A province of gothic landscapes, villages and farmland, Cursed Hollow is the perfect battleground for Heroes of the Storm heroes.

Collect and present gifts

From time to time, the Raven Lord will leave gifts. Collect them for the team!

Place a curse on your opponents

Having received three gifts, the Raven Lord will curse your enemies!

Damned forts and warriors

Cursed forts stop attacking, and the health of cursed warriors is reduced to 1 unit.

If your team has a warrior or melee fighter who can control opponents (for example, Arthas or the Butcher), team up with him to organize surprise attacks. Additionally, you can support one of your lane allies with healing and crowd control abilities. Unfortunately, Tyrande cannot capture mercenary camps alone, so she must constantly be close to her allies.

Make sure to gain experience from all lanes, especially if your team has decided not to fight for boons. Don't stray too far from your allies, especially after both teams reach level 10. When moving through enemy territory, choose your location carefully.

11.4. Dragon's Land

Blooming, serene, at first glance, gardens of the Dragon Land grew up in the expanses of the hot desert, once called the Dragon Spire. The ancient power of dragons was sealed in the depths of this paradise... and their descendants did not forget or forgive their long-time offenders.

Capture sanctuaries

To activate the Dragon Knight Statue, your team must control two shrines!

Unleash the Dragon Knight

When the shrines are captured, the hero can approach the statue and free the dragon from its shackles!

Destroy enemy forts

Use the dragon's monstrous power to destroy enemy forts!

This is a very beneficial card for Tyrande. Here she can effectively use her capabilities - support her allies in the fight for sanctuaries and expand her field of view with the help of the Sentry. The symmetry of the map and short routes allow Tyrande to easily predict the trajectory of her opponents and release the owl in the right direction. In the Land of Dragons, the Sentry is especially effective because... it can prevent opponents from capturing the Dragon Knight.

It should be remembered that Tyrande is not suitable to control the Dragon Knight. This rule applies to all support heroes, because... no team will be able to push through lines without the help of a healer.

11.5. Garden of Horrors

Once upon a time, the royal flower beds were a stunning sight, but then they were swallowed up by Darkness... Many servants had already disappeared into the night among the writhing living sprouts. Queen Shadow claims that she has nothing to do with the disappearances, but some have already suspected that she has gone mad.

Fight the Shamblers

At night, the Garden of Horrors is filled with shufflers.

Collect seeds!

Destroy the Shamblers and collect seeds for your team!

Control the Horror of the Gardens!

Once you collect 100 seeds, you can summon the Garden Horror to destroy your opponents!

Tyrande's role is to help her allies collect as many seeds as possible. Explore nearby bushes to prevent possible ambushes as your team fights the boss.

As in Dragon's End, Tyrande should not control Garden Terror on her own. Thanks to this, you can successfully use the “owl” build if you have another healer on your team. Remember that the Huntress' Mark will allow your team to quickly deal with the Garden Terror.

11.6. Phantom Mines

Away from the very edge of Raven's Court lies the Haunted Mines. The undead, trapped in the tunnels under a mysterious cemetery, tirelessly try to break free from their afterlife prison.

Get down underground

Sometimes the entrance to the Cursed Mines opens, and whole hordes of the undead await there!

Collect skulls

Kill the undead and collect skulls to make your golem stronger!

Create powerful golems

When the hordes of undead are defeated, the golems of both teams will rise from their graves! The more skulls you manage to collect, the stronger your golem will be!

In Haunted Mines, Tyrande can play very aggressively, going into one of the lanes with four allies. In the early stages of the game, use Hunter's Mark and Lunar Flare to help your allies kill enemies. In team fights in the early stages of the game, you will need damage talents (for example, Marksman or Lunar Flare). By killing one or more enemies, you will gain an advantage when descending into the mines.

Once the teams have collected the skulls and the golems appear, follow your allies. If the allies decide to defend their buildings, you should not insist on your own and push through the lines alone. Instead, you should adapt to the situation. However, if your golem is stronger than the enemy's, it would be wiser to support him and organize an attack.

11.7. Heavenly Temple

The celestial temple, which soars high above the endless sands of Luxoria, serves as the center of worship of the serpent god Ka. Great power is concentrated in the temples of this sacred place, but it is vigilantly guarded by guards. To encroach on this divine power, you need to be a real madman... or a hero.

Capture temples

Temples awaken periodically. To use the power of the temple, you need to be on its territory at this time.

Hold the temples

Stay within the temple grounds to unleash its might on enemy forts!

Defend the temples

The guards will try to take the temple from you. Repel their attacks so that the temple serves your team!

The key to early success in Sky Temple is pushing and controlling the lanes. Temples spawn primarily in the top and mid lanes, so you'll need enough mana to get into early skirmishes and map objective battles. About 4 minutes into the battle, try to capture the first mercenary camp located on your half of the map, enlisting the help of one or more allies. A timely capture will help your team put maximum pressure on the enemy by the time the next temple appears.

When fighting for the temples, don't forget to use the Sentinel to explore the area while staying safe. If you have another healer on your team, you can use the owl build.

11.8. Tomb of the Spider Queen

Deep beneath the crumbling arches of the forgotten tombs of Luxoria, the spider queen Neitis awoke from her sleep. Bring her power crystals, and perhaps she will spare you.

Collect crystals

When enemy spider warriors and heroes die, magic crystals remain. Collect as many of them as possible!

Donate crystals

Hand over your crystals at one of the Spider Queen's altars so you don't lose them after death!

Summon the Weavers

The first team to hand over a sufficient number of crystals will release the weavers, who will attack enemy fortifications.

Currently, Tomb of the Spider Queen is the smallest map in the game, so skirmishes on it begin from the very first levels. This map often features aggressive builds that include talents like Marksman's Mark and Lunar Gleam. Since Tyrande is not capable of clearing waves alone, we recommend going to the lane with a partner. When playing Tyrande, you should remember that the camps must be captured shortly before the Weavers appear in order to increase the effectiveness of the siege.

Mercenary camps appear in the game after level 10, and until then all the heroes will be busy collecting crystals and trying to prevent their opponents from handing them over. If your opponents are ahead of you in experience and are pressuring you in lanes, allow enemy warriors to move closer to your towers. This will allow you to collect crystals from a safe distance.

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